>> bondi: i can go to the desert, but i am not going to get there by accident. but that's part of the whole experience of the desert is that you know, it ain't friendly, it ain't nice, it ain't good, you know? you're, you're out here, you know, a half a mile. it doesn't matter if you're a half a mile out or you're 20 miles out. you know, there's no reason to walk a mile further, because you're already in infinite desolation. sin city was true, it was real. part of moving out here was you were never going to see the family again. i mean, that was it. i'm moving to vegas and you ain't coming to see me and i ain't coming to see you, and i mean, that's the character of the city. but it was really was the, you know the pit of the -- of america. it wasn't that somebody came out here because, "i want to make a million bucks." it was, "i'm going to come out