>> miner: most of us just go get the beer, and head back on top of the ridge and drink it. >> anthony: wow. >> miner 2: in the name of the father, we'd like to gather here to thank you for this opportunity to support our families. please watch after us, keep us safe while we're underground working. amen. >> group: amen. >> patrick: what do you got? >> man 3: bear meat and chicken. >> anthony: oh, damn. >> patrick: i may just put my sandwich back here if you got bear meat. >> anthony: that's delicious. do you think the country as a whole, do you think they understand the coal business at all? what coal mining is about? >> richard: no. >> anthony: they don't understand at all. >> patrick: when you travel from new york to here, whether you're on a boat, plane, train, or in the sky or driving on a car, it's because of a mine. >> anthony: mining causes damage to the environment. of this, there is no doubt. but what cannot be grown, must be mined. there ain't no cellphones, for instance, without mines somewhere. >> anthony: does anybody think it's going to come back, big