by the twenties "the company", as it was referred to, was one of the largest corporations in america, generating staggering wealth by today's or any days standards. >> anthony: people came from all over the world to make their fortunes here or simply for steady work; a better life. cornish, welsh, a lot of eastern europeans -- >> aaron: croatians, serbs. very ethnically diverse. >> anthony: by montana standards? or by any standards? aaron: i would say by any standards. it's kind of a micro version of new york city. >> anthony: meaderville was an italian neighborhood and developed a tradition of supper clubs. lydia's was opened in 1946 by lydia micheletti in the fourmile, the valley below butte. so what is a supper club? i've heard about this tradition but i don't really understand what distinguishes a supper club from a restaurant. >> aaron: at least in montana the supper clubs are a variation on meaderville-style. involves this antipasto beginning. >> anthony: sliced beets, sweet potato salad, salami and cheese, side salad, pickled peppers, and breadsticks.