blitzkrieg across ukraine. what is the most likely scenario is that the russians will use some kind of hybrid warfare, foment a crisis in eastern ukraine where, remember, they have a lot of russian irregulars, russian troops in -- in plane-clothes uniform -- you know, not uniformed. force the ukrainian government to have to try to assert control, and then the russians will come in, in some kind of manner to support. so it's a fairly complex reality and i think he was trying to convey that, look, there is going to be some kind of incursion but it doesn't mean it's an outright invasion. and all of them are bad. you know, so it's a -- it's -- it's a very delicate game he has to play because you don't want to draw such a definitive line saying we will respond in this way because, you know, that is, itself, you're then in danger of being called on.