hunting trip? >> it is allege that the dentist from minnesota was on the border reasons of the park. and that him and the guides lured or baited this iconic lion from the national park, out of the park. and then shot him with a cross bow. but that cross bow didn't kill the lion outright. they tracked it for 40 hours and then killed with it a weapon of some kind. and then they severed the head as a trophy. the officials say they're looking for this individual from the u.s. who allegedly killed this lion. they say it was illegal and horribly tragic because it was a huge tourist draw for the country and certainly unethical to bring a lion outside of a reserve like the and to kill it. >> what else do we know about this hunter? could he face charges in zimbabwe? >> he could face charges. they say they are searching for him. it is unclear where he is. walt palmer is in his 50s. he is a dentist. a well known hunter in those circles and posted several pictures of himself with big