1-800-523-9101 if you have questions, if you have a loved one on the train or someone you were waiting for, for interested in trying to figure out exactly what happened. but don't flood the lines if you have no connecion to this train. but if you have a connection to this train, please call amtrak. they're asking you to call 1-800-523-9101. we got word shortly before the top of the hour that the mayor of philadelphia michael nutter would give a press conference to update these numbers. and we're still awaiting that press conference. but we also are getting official word from amtrak 238 passengers were on board this train, five crew members, and there were injuries there are injuries and those people are being transported and now being treated at the hospital. this is just moments ago from the scene. look. >> we were in the front seat and this huge red suitcase just came flying at me. the car train was actually on its side so sit pushed me on to