peeled off and paralyzed my husband on the way. >> reporter: he is in the music business. they set up this facebook page for him. the couple has two children, ages 15 and 9. yolanda santiago is his mother. >> i'm devastated. all his ribs fractured. his lungs are so badly bruised that he's still on the ventilator. >> reporter: the suv driver hasn't been charged with anything, but police have charged 28-year-old christopher cruz with reckless endangerment, reckless menacing and endangering the welfare of a child. police believe cruz was struck by the vehicle, then assaulted it along with two other bikers. one of those men also turned himself in to police late tuesday afternoon. police are looking at video footage to try to determine if any other charges will be filed in this case. randi kaye, cnn, new york. >> scary stuff. coming up, a rock slide in