we'll let it fly over canada, we'll let it fly into idaho, montana, then into the rest of the united states all the way out to the carolinas. and see what it really can do. and once we do that, then we'll have a better chance of assessing the next systems. and that -- i don't think we expected it to happen that quickly, but that's the kind of thing that we're seeing right now is that assessment being put to work. now they're saying, okay c, we' done enough assessing, it's time to get rid of these or find a way to prevent him from collecting data on us. >> and sending a message to whichever country is sending them. you can send them, we're going to shoot them down, use them as target practice. >> exactly. exactly. it shows off our skills, as well. >> absolutely. colonel leighton, thank you so much. thanks for letting us haul you back in for this expanded coverage of "cnn newsroom." as we continue our coverage of the order to shoot down this unidentified object that was taken down over the skies of canada earlier today, we'll have more on this after a quick break. stay with us, we'll be right