the president has his own new year's resolutions. he's going to be back here tomorrow afternoon. and collision course is right. we expect a lot of battles to take place in washington. the white house, that's going to impact a lot of folks. what are we talking about here? the economy. we're going to hear that in the state of the union address towards the end of the month. but he's going to be talking about creating jobs, innovating, investing in the types of jobs and education that people will be able to obtain. he's talking about reforming the tax code as well as perhaps cutting wasteful spending and programs that are either redundant or not working, potentially even some sort of spending freeze. those are the kinds of things he's going to be focusing on the economic side. now, when it comes to health care reform, kiran, this is what you mentioned. this is the battle royale, because the republicans put the president on notice saying, look, we're not only going to try to de-fund health care reform, we're going to try to repeal this thing before the state of the union. so the white house very much aware it has to defend his signature legislation. and finally, what we're going to see here and pretty much in short order, i'm talking about a couple days, weeks here, are some significant staff changes. not talking about on the cabinet, but larry summers, the president's top economic adviser heading out the door. obviously, the president has to name a replacement. that's going to happen fairly soon. we're also talking about political advisers, david axelrod, top adviser to the president's going back to chicago, set up a reelection campaign, headquarters there. we expect david pluff to come down here to washington to help with the day in and day out. and also, maybe some changes in the press office. perhaps robert gibbs the spokesperson taking an advisory role, more political role, and somebody else taking his place, perhaps the deputy bill burton or the spokesman from the vice president's office jay carney. you know there's going to be a lot taking place the next couple of days and weeks. this will be a fascinating year to watch here at the white house. >> absolutely suzanne. and the guessing game has already begun as to who might replace robert gibbs and whether he will go. but i wanted to ask you about republicans promising to launch dozens of investigations against the white house who is one of the chief republicans behind that effort. he's going to be taking control of that house oversight committee here in the coming days. how much will this likely slow the president's agenda? and how nasty and partisan is this going to get? he was on the state of the union yesterday and he said that he thinks that the obama administration is one of the most corrupt ever. >> yeah. i mean, this is obviously going to take a lot of time and attention away from the white house in terms of what they want to do. we don't necessarily expect that some of these things are going to be successful. but certainly, you had the congressman bring up the fact he feels his committee is one shedding light on a lot of things. what are they talking about? investigations in the white house, dealing with things like regulations by the epa, feel they've overstepped their bounds. the justice department, how it handles terror suspects, whether or not they try them as criminals or as terrorists. these are the kinds of things that have a lot of republicans very angry, very upset with this administration, and questioning how it does its business. we expect that the white house is really going to be inundated with a lot of those investigations. as a matter of fact, jim, they're hiring a lot more white house lawyers to make sure that they can defend their policies on the other side. so this is going to be a big battle ahead. >> something tells me this will be good for the lawyers in washington this year. happy 2011, suzanne, great to see you. >> thanks again. it's going to be a busy one. >> yes, it is. >> doesn't mean it's good for the american people if you say it's good for the washington lawyers. >> that's what she's saying. they're gearing up for battle. it'll be interesting to watch. one battle was won by many who were fighting for. the women who rushed and men wd to the site on 9/11 will be covered. rescue workers and others there day after day and the weeks and months after 9/11 sifting through the rubble. a white house staffer flew with a copy of the bill from washington to hawaii so the president could sign it while on vacation. out with the old, in with the not so new. jerry brown will take the oath of office today as california's governor replacing governor arnold schwarzenegger. brown already served as governor from 1975 to 1993. three more states will swear in new governors today. democrat mark dayton in minnesota, republican scott walker of wisconsin, and brian sandoval in nevada. also this morning, the u.s. navy trying to explain lewd and crude conduct aboard an aircraft carrier in the war zone. >> investigating a series of raunchy videos produced at sea and shown to the crew of the u is ss enterprise. barbara starr has more. >> jim, kiran, focusing on owen honors, the second in command of the aircraft carrier enterprise back in 2006 and 2007 when he made and showed the crew a series of explicit raunchy videos supposedly for training. now, the navy at first said the videos were not meant to offend, but now is calling them inappropriate. and the investigation's trying to figure out how captain honors got promoted recently to command that very ship "the enterprise." some of the material -- they are using curse words such as the "f" word. but other parts of the material, there is also anti-gay slurs, simulated sex acts, simulated medical examins. there's also a scene with two women believed to be sailors in a shower. captain honors says on the tape that the carrier boss doesn't even know about the videos. but the investigation is going to look at all of this. because now the question, of course, is how could other senior officers have not known? and what was the environment onboard "the enterprise" to make anybody think this was okay? jim, kiran? >> barbara starr for us this morning. it was interesting. we had a lot of calls yesterday. not a lot of people in the military eager to talk about this. certainly an embarrassment for a large majority of people doing the right thing. >> this happened three or four years ago, the military is saying. so their posture to this is, well, you know, obviously we don't think any better of it than we did three or four years ago. obviously an investigation will be launched and heads might roll on this. we'll have to wait and see on that. facebook, you've heard about this. there's a movie about facebook. did you hear this? it could be worth $50 billion? can you believe this? goldman sachs and a russian investor just bought a $500 million stake in the company. according to the "new york times," the deal values facebook at $50 billion. making it worth more than companies like ebay, yahoo, and time warner, which is our parent company. as for -- >> you stumbled over that one. >> yeah, as for facebook ceo mark zuckerburg, they estimate his personal worth may have doubled to nearly $14 billion. >> everywhere it's changing. there's nowhere you can look that facebook isn't somewhere, you know. >> yeah. >> whether it's advertising, or reaching out to people. >> i still can't believe they can generate that much revenue off those little ads. but i guess people click on them. officials in arkansas this morning, not sure why some 5,000 birds just fell from the sky just before midnight on new year's eve. most of them red-winged blackbirds and starlings. they were found dead over a one-mile area near little rock. among the theorys a lightning strike or perhaps new year's fireworks may have caused severe stress. the big apple more like a rotten apple with garbage piling up on city streets. they will finally resume trash collection today. and we mean finally. the transportation department stopped pickups after the blizzard dumped 20 inches of snow on the city. the city officials have been criticized for the slow response to the massive snowstorm. in the meantime, city investigators are looking into a report that four sanitation supervisors that were assigned to clean up after the blizzard -- instead according to witnesses -- bought beer and sat in their cars instead of working. witnesses say they ignored a bus and three snowplows stuck in the snow nearby. one witness says the four then later placed a call to their bosses saying that they'd run out of gas and so they were unable to do any work. sanitation workers have also been accused of deliberately slowing down clean-up efforts to protest city budget cuts. >> you won't catch that kind of activity down in the cnn weather center. that doesn't go on down there. the work ethic is solid. >> it's a tight ship. >> plus, no bodegas open at this hour. good morning, guys. yeah, listen, you know, christmas over now. trash on the streets, those christmas trees that people are throwing out. maybe they give a little bit more of a pleasant scent than what's happening now. hopefully things get back to normal. the weather, i can tell you this, is beginning to look a lot more calm, which we can't say that for the last week of 2010, huh? 33 right now in the boston area, 29 degrees in new york city, and 27 currently in d.c. so we had a little cool front came in yesterday, clearing out the fog. lake-effect snows happening across upstate new york in the usual spots and flurries across new york city. that's about it. central part of the country looks quiet, but we continue to see stormy weather across the southwest, including california. southern california, the wettest december on record. and here it comes, the beginning of january in 2011, more rain and higher elevation snows for los angeles and the surrounding areas there. if you are traveling through l.a. or san francisco, you'll probably see a few delays there. seasonably cool elsewhere with a high of 51 degrees in atlanta. that won't close any bodegas, i can tell you that. >> i didn't know you guys were a 24 operation as well, you know? >> the city never sleeps. that lot of people don't know that. but we run a tight ship down here and there's -- all two of us are working very hard. >> i hear you, rob. thanks. it is my iphone's fault. coming up, the new year's glitch that made a lot of people late this weekend. >> i can't believe that. and are you ready for some playoff football? we will look at who made it and who could make it all the way to dallas in super bowl xlv. that's ahead. also, the stunt man is on the mend. we have an update on the condition of the actor hurt when he flew off of that grid and down into the orchestra pit during a performance of "spider-man." also what he plans to do when he's fully recovered. she felt lost... until the combination of three good probiotics in phillips' colon health defended against the bad gas, diarrhea and constipation. ...and? it helped balance her colon. oh, now that's the best part. i love your work. [ female announcer ] phillips' colon health. (announcer) new icy hot spray. relief that's icy to dull pain, hot to relax it away. and no mess. new icy hot spray. don't mess around with pain. ♪ 15 minutes past the hour right now. we're analyzing the rolling stones. love them or hate them. no one hates them. a lot of iphone users getting a late start to the new year's thanks to a new glitch. remember the daylight savings glitch? >> wasn't there a reception glitch too? whered y you needed a metal ban? >> yeah, they fixed that one. >> the alarms that were set to go off failed. they were the single-use alarms not reoccurring alarms. many claiming they overslept and missed their appointments over the weekend. apple is promising all iphone alarms should start working properly today. >> you could always say your dog ate your iphone after this glitch. >> the good thing about this happening is there's proof. no one will think you're lying because apple is saying, yes, it did, and hotmail too. they thought maybe hotmail deleted all the mail. >> it's the gremlins of technology. and after we fix these, there'll be other ones down the road, you know? >> it's true. >> let me tell you about airline listings. there's not a gremlin there. if you're looking on expedia this morning trying to find an american airlines fare listing, you won't find it. expedia has booted american airlines off of this very popular, very big travel price comparing website. this after american pulled its own fare listings off of orbitz earlier this month. this is a question of, you know, the airline against these two big travel companies as they try to each of them control these fares. this is what expedia says. american airlines is attempting to introduce a new direct connect model that will result in higher costs and reduce transparency for consumers making it difficult to compare. american airlines ticket prices and options with offerings by other airlines. those of you who use these travel airline websites, you can see a lot of different -- a lot of different fares and figure out what it is you want to get. >> some of the discount carriers used to be the case, right? years back that you couldn't find southwest or jetblue on some of them. >> but now most of them are -- there's smaller ones too, ones called kayak,, there's a lot of these. but looks as though american airlines is trying to control a little bit more of how the fares are shown. part of the dispute with orbitz was american didn't like how orbitz was shuffling the fares and putting american fares lower on the list than it needed to be based on fares or prices. watch this space. maybe a lot of small businesses use these fair compare sites because you know you're going to get the cheapest thing when you're trying to count your pennies next year. a lot of people use these. >> you're saying they pulled themselves off another website. >> american pulled itself off of orbitz and now expedia is saying we're kicking you off of ours. this is american versus these two very big -- american on its own website has a statement about this encouraging people to go to priceline, kayak, or other websites. it's not as if they're giving up on these compare websites, it's a dispute, it looks like with orbitz and expedia. this could affect a lot of people. >> thanks so much. that other house you own, you know the other house you own, right? well, it is not immune from the financial crisis either. that's the house i'm talking about. the public's house, the white house. wait until you hear how much value the white house has lost since the nation's economy took a turn for the worst. also, it's roger federer and rafael nadal like you've never seen them before. what brought them together on a water court. 18 1/2 minutes past the hour. l a where the best potatoes come from. the best potatoes? idaho. idaho! idaho. [ male announcer ] and how do you know you're getting idaho potatoes? well, uh... um... [ male announcer ] not all potatoes come from idaho. so if you want the best, you have to do one important thing. always look for the grown in idaho seal. i knew that. i knew that. [ male announcer ] look for the grown in idaho seal. [ female announcer ] in a perfect world, we wouldn't need to filter our water. the same water that flows freely, untouched, the way nature intended, would flow into our homes. that's why there's brita, to make the water we drink, taste a little more, perfect. reduce lead and other impurities with the advanced filtration system of brita. okay. morning talker time now. it is a symbol of america and america's struggle right now. the white house losing nearly a quarter of its value during the housing crisis. can you believe that? the real estate website zillo says it is depreciated to $253 million even though the obamas added a vegetable garden and fancy swing set to the 132-room house. >> and they kept the bowling alley. i can't believe it. >> that's got to be worth something. >> this is an interesting indicator of prices. but it's not for sale any time soon. what were the most annoying words for 2010? any guesses? >> i can think of a few. >> well, lake superior university does this every year. number one viral. they say get rid of viral. runners-up included epic and fail. they're often used together on the internet to describe a fail of epic proportions that goes viral. >> that story's going to go viral. >> sure is. and as great as they are, roger federer and rafael nadal cannot walk on water, or can they? look at this. oh, my goodness. check out the two best tennis players competing on a special water court this weekend. the floating court was constructed in dohah bay. nadal and federer are top seeds which begins today. >> are we going to see them? >> there was a little bit. they were standing by what appeared to be a net and -- >> i haven't seen a serve yet. >> yeah. >> to be continued. >> in tennis, love means nothing. >> exactly. we love each other. the falcons are one of 12 teams left standing after the nfl's regular season. the dirty bird returned for super bowl xlv. jamal anderson will break off the playoff picture when he joins us live after the break. we'll be right back. my name is rachel robinson. i am a banker with quicken loans. this is kathy, who i helped do her first home loan, and this is her sister tina, who i also helped do her first home loan. it was unbelievable how well it all fell together. kathy said, "well, let me give you rachel's number." easy. easy. easy. the whole loan process was simple and convenient! that's why i love quicken loans! [ male announcer ] and you'll be glad to know j.d. power and associates ranks quicken loans "highest in customer satisfaction." to learn more call 800-quicken or visit us at at the walmart in marinette, wisconsin. that first job launched my career. since i've been with the company, i've been promoted ten times over the span of 11 years. today, i'm a divisional learning and development manager. we can actually help people develop in their own careers. my job allows me to make a difference in the lives of almost 100,000 associates in the northeast. if you think about it, that's almost 8 times the size of my hometown. my name is nick and i work at walmart. ♪ here come the playoffs. we were so fired up over the playoffs we were fighting about it over the commercial segment. >> i think they already have a show like that. >> that's true. >> yeah, it's like every show. the nfl postseason picture looks like this. in the afc, the new england patriots and pittsburgh steelers are the two top seeds. there are picks in the studio that the steelers will go all the way. >> the philadelphia eagles, seattle seahawks, that's an odd one there, losing season, but going to the playoffs. defending champs new orleans saints and the green bay packers. and joining us from atlanta this morning with playoff insight. former falcons runningback jamal anderson. i'm going to throw you a softball first of all. i know how happy you are about the atlanta falcons and cnn hails from atlanta. are they going to give you something to cheer about? >> we definitely have something to cheer about. last week the saints came in here on a monday night and beat the falcons and delayed what they inevitably did yesterday. destroyed the carolina panthers and handled business. and that's exactly what you want is home field advantage in the playoffs. >> i've got to get to this nfc west game last night. the seahawks beat the rams, go to the playoffs with a 7-9 record. everybody's screaming about this. you have two teams, the giants finishing 10-6 and the bucks finishing 10-6, they don't go to the playoffs but seahawks go at 7-9. do you like this system? does it need to be changed? >> it's very, very tough, especially when you have a losing team. just like you said, two teams with winning records. let me tell you, a couple of years ago, the arizona cardinals to me were an awful team but they won the division. the falcons had to go to arizona, they beat the falcons, ended up beating philadelphia and ended up nearly winning the super bowl so, you know, different circumstances. kurt warner and the seahawks haven't had the best year. it's a tough, tough system when you win a division, there should be award for it. but when you're looking at teams who have winning records versus teams who don't, especially in seattle's case, i would be really, really furious if i was one of those 10-6 teams sitting at home. >> i know. and especially the poor giants yesterday because they won. trying not to look at the score board, they see the green bay packers win and it's over for them. >> they were flashing it during the game yesterday. >> their coach told them not to look, but what are you going to do? >> it's tough. that's the thing. and that's why you should -- you've got to handle business when you get an opportunity on the football field. you can't look at anybody else but yourself. the new york giants, the team in particular who are in a great situation a couple of weeks ago. kiran, you know, your philadelphia eagles came in and that whole thing turned around quickly for new york. they did not play the same up until yesterday. but now it's too late, you know? >> i also think -- is it weird they're playing the pro bowl first and then the super bowl? >> that's something -- i'll tell you right now, what happens is there's so many guys in the playoffs, they're depending on how far you go into the playoffs. i remember in my pro bowl, we went to the super bowl. by the time the pro bowl came, i didn't even want to practice. it seems to be working for fans. >> you don't want to get injured either. >> no, you don't. and really like i said, the teams in the super bowl, clearly those guys aren't going to play. so most of the time those are some of the top players in football. that part of it is tough because you don't get an opportunity to see those guys. but it seems to be something that the fans like. i'm not a big -- i'm not a huge fan of it. but it also makes more sense doing it the week before because there's still excitement about the super bowl coming up. >> gives us something to watch between the conference championship games and the super bowl. i always hated that two-week delay where you've got to wait and don't have anything to watch that weekend before the super bowl. let's get into some picks, jamal. i know you're going to pick atlanta to go all the way to the super bowl and winning the super bowl, or are you? >> i mean -- listen, it's all about dirty bird. i can't tell you. the falcons have home field advantage. what this team had to do was get home field advantage. we saw what happened again, a week ago with the saints. you've got to watch out for michael vick and the philadelphia eagles. clearly the chicago bears, the saints are going to be a dangerous team. the packers are another team you've got to look out for. >> is anybody going to stop the pats in the nfc? >> you know what? right now pittsburgh steelers look pretty good. those are going to be two teams you've got to look out for in the afc. but clearly, the new england patriots have been playing better than anybody else in football. a lot of people favorites right now because of the consistency in the season is the patriots and the falcons. >> that would be one heck of a super bowl. >> that would be one heck of a super bowl. and both of these teams control their own destiny. and there's so many comparisons to what we did years ago. but this team is different. we had to go up to minnesota. and that's one thing, you know, look at the saints. seattle hosts the game now. the saints are going to have to go there. but they're the type of football team dangerous on the road. it doesn't matter where they play, they're going to come to play. >> they have lost more games than they've won, but they have home field advantage. it'll all come out in the wash. we'll see. >> something's going to get changed with those rules. everybody's going to be talking about it. especially when you have a team with a losing record. >> that's a little odd. jamal anderson, great to talk to you this morning. we know who he's rooting for, thanks. >> thanks, guys. top stories. president obama promising to do everything he can to create new jobs and growth in the middle class in 2011. he's set to return to washington from his hawaii vacation with a new republican house, of course, looking to unravel some of his key victories. actress zsa zsa gabor has been rushed to the hospital and had part of her leg amputated in an attempt to save her life. she is 93 years old. i hate to hear that. a controversy making waves in the u.s. navy. sailors on camera in raunchy scenes with sexual content, anti-gay slurs aboard an aircraft carrier at war. now the man behind them is the officer in charge. this is a tape from a few years back. well, there are few sites more majestic than watching wild horses, wild mustangs roaming in the midwest. but the mustang population is growing out of control and draining the nation's resources. >> the bureau of land management is using helicopters to round up the horses by the thousands. animal rights groups call it cruel. john zarrella is in miami this morning with more. and john, everybody loves to see those horses running wild. i -- you know, we've read about this controversy over the last several years. you've got to wonder what's the solution here? >> yeah, you know, jim, kiran, the american horses of the west are simply as you put it a majestic sight. but the activists are saying that they are systematically being eliminated. the federal government says it is simply trying to control the population. america's wild mustangs are at the center of a fight that stretches now from the courtrooms to the wild west. there is no secretariat, no sea biscuit, no black beauty. here they have no names, none needed. in their eyes, you see who they are. rugged, powerful, independent. they are the wild mustangs of the american west. >> out here, you hear it all the time. a cowboy will say, you know, the outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man. >> woven generations ago into the fabric of this land, they've become the focus of lawsuits. even protests as far away as new york. >> help save america's wild horses. >> reporter: the horses are at the center of a tug-of-war between the u.s. government chasing them down with helicopters and animal rights groups who want it stopped. >> the round-ups at the wild horses and boroughs of the united states is a true holocaust of the world. >> we can't let one impact everyone else by taking all the feed, do all the damage to the habitat. >> reporter: the bureau of land management blm is charged with caring for and managing nearly 40,000 horses and burrows roaming on 26 million acres of the west. while this federal land, your land, was set aside for the horses they don't have free reign. the land is considered multi-use. >> wildlife, life stock, recreationists, mining interests, whatever. >> reporter: the blm insists it must reduce herd sizes because the land can't support the numbers. >> this ain't kentucky bluegrass. >> reporter: so it holds round-ups. this year, the goal, remove 12,000 horses. that's right. 12,000. and take them to holding pens. >> this is our land. we want the horses on here, most of us. >> reporter: armed with cameras and recorders, the activists document what they see as brutal round-ups. here, a helicopters chases one single borrow, eventually knocking it over. it staggers off. here you're looking at steam rising from the backs of chased down, exhausted horses. the blm says less than 1% of the animal die in these round-ups. activists say that's 1% too many. >> reporter: now, the bureau of land management tells us it has absolutely nothing to hide at these round-ups. well, tomorrow, we're going to take you on one of these round-ups and let you be the judge. kiran, jim? >> john zarrella with beautiful pictures. >> they're hard to see. it's -- it really is a sad situation. john, thanks. >> thank you, john. and we will have more on this story tomorrow. we're going to show you as john mentioned exactly how the bureau rounds up these wild horses as well as the efforts to protect them, which is very important. we have to keep parts of this country wild, you know? >> absolutely. >> this is one of those issues. well, we're determined to start 2010 with a fresh new outlook on life. what about you? coming up, practical advice. >> absolutely. >> how to put the happy in happy new year. being happy is not just a state of being. you have to work at it. and we have some tips. >> all right. >> are you happy? >> i am happy. and glad. >> what did i say? 2010, it is 2011 i've been told. >> you're not happy about that. an update on the condition on the actor who ended up in the hospital after falling off stage during a performance of "spider-man." coming up. ♪ ♪ came in last night at half past 10:00 ♪ ♪ that baby of mine wouldn't let me in ♪ ♪ so move it on over ♪ move it on over ♪ move it on over ♪ move it on over ♪ move over, little dog, 'cause the big dog's movin' in ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] a dog & a chevy, what else do you need? ♪ all right. happy new year. how many times did you say that or hear that this weekend? hopefully a lot. it sounds great. everyone wants to be happy, but not all of us know how. >> and joining us this morning is henry cloud. he is a clinical psychologist and radio host who has studied the subject of happiness for more than two decades. he has a book out entitled "the law of happiness." thanks for being with us. >> happy new year. >> happy new year to you too. if you want to put more happy into the new year, how do you first of all define happiness? >> well, happiness is really an overall sense of well being. it's not the quick kind of manic high. but when we study people who are happy for a long time, they -- they have this general sense that life is good. >> and you have a happiness formula, correct? let's take a look at this. because i think this is important. >> this is an ipad, a new pair of shoes. >> exactly. >> that's how a lot of us define happiness. but you say it really comes from within. and many cases 50% you say is constitutional. >> right. >> and 10% is circumstantial. >> well, it's interesting. >> and 40% you say is controlled. >> if you look at the research, and they've done a ton of research on this in the last decade. all this stuff that we pursue. if i had that job, house, car, that relationship -- all of that only contributes about 10% to our happiness. and then the interesting thing is, it's a bump and it goes back to your basic sense of whatever your set point is. then there's all the genetics up. but here's the good news, there's this big other half that are actually life practices that we have control over. and they find when they look at tons and tons of happy people, happy people do a very specific set of things. >> this is interesting. so if you're lucky enough to be one of the people who already has a 50% leg up because your baseline is just content, great, if our you're not, as you put it, there's some things you can do. >> just because you were born with good genes does not ensure it, you've got to look at some things. >> right. number one, you talk about one of the most important things is who you surround yourself with. the support system. >> and not only who you surround yourself with, but what you do as you're surrounded. what they know about happy people is this -- there's a circle of significant relationships, both in the home and outside. in the workplace, in your community, that you are nurturing. and they really know what's going on with you. you process life with them. and when people have that kind of close circle, their immune systems are different, they're happier, they have less disorders, on and on and on. >> all right. number two is the setting specific goals. this is happiness, something active that you're working toward. >> well, you don't want to be driven and annuaal, right? but people who set goals, specific goals, long-term and short-term are happier people. it does something to the brain. our brains get -- get organized and active around deadlines and time-oriented structures and it helps. >> and some of the other things on the list, volunteer, adjust your attitude, don't dwell on things you can't control. >> right. >> if only we could, you know, fix that last one. talk about some of these. >> well, you know, the volunteer part, the giving, happy people are givers. remember i was writing the book, my 4-year-old at the time, we were talking about sharing. and so i said just go to preschool and share a cookie with somebody and we'll talk about. when she comes back and says, daddy, what is it? i said, what? she said what is it here? when i gave her the cookie, i felt something here. what is it? well, actually, that was her brain secreting the same chemicals that are secreted when we have good food or sex. same pleasure centers are activated when people are giving or volunteering or sharing. it's a good formula. >> and you also are religious. how much does having spirituality, believing in a higher power play into happiness? >> well, what the data show, what the research shows is that people that have an active spiritual life, they are longer -- longevity rates, they have stronger immune system functioning. a lot of good things by focusing on the spiritual development of our lives. >> and i hear there's another edition coming out for people who have to get up in the middle night and go to work. i think we can pass that out with some of the staff here. it's a little extra challenge when you have challenging jobs. people who are stressed out and maxed out with their lives. what's your best advice? >> well, in our economy at the time and the last few years, it's been hard. but in doing a lot of projects with a lot of companies, what we find is that -- that first of all, you've got to divide things up into things you can control and things you can't. if you give somebody exercise right in a column all the stuff in the economy like your crazy boss and all of it and worry about it for ten minutes and then put it in your drawer and then focus on the things you can control. you can make these calls, you can do all the things that are in -- directly under your control, you will feel better. and the other thing is, in the workplace and outside of the workplace, structure getting together with the people that are supportive. >> good advice. >> absolutely. great to talk to you this morning. the book's called "the law of happiness." thank you. >> and rob will have this morning's travel forecast right after the break. [ male announcer ] how can rice production in india affect wheat output in the u.s., the shipping industry in norway, and the rubber industry in south america? at t. rowe price, we understand the connections of a complex global economy. it's just one reason os beat their10-year lipp. t. rowe price.invest . request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment objectives, risks, fees, expenses, and other information to read and consider carefully before investing. so he chose a university where the faculty average over 14 years of experience in their fields to help him turn a thesis into a business plan and accelerate the path between ideas... and actions. my name is myron sullivan, i'm developing a robotic system to clean oil spills, and i am a phoenix. [ male announcer ] learn more about the school of business at 47 minutes past the hour. time to get a check of the weather headlines in the extreme weather center. we getting more snow at the end of this week? >> maybe. that's possible. let's not get ahead of ourselves. >> i'm unhappy already. >> even if we were to get a little bit of snow, a dusting even. >> you can't control your circumstances. >> you can't control that. and you know, look at what's hanging around the streets right now. it's kind of dirty, you know, maybe a little fresh coating wouldn't be too bad. >> that's true. >> but between now and then, we've got a lot of time to figure out that forecast and a lot of time to enjoy some quiet weather, at least for the time being. on the east coast, a storm system rolling into the western great lakes and another storm that's continuing to batter parts of southern california. this just doesn't want to end after the wettest december on record, 2011 certainly starting off with gang busters. and it is cold enough. there's a cold core system to where we're getting snow not really in the mountains, just a little bit above the city. check it out, stevenson ranch north of l.a. on the way to the grapevine there, about 2,000 feet in elevation. that gets everybody in a christmassy mood. but enough's enough now that we're in january, right? snow above the 2,000-foot mark here in the mountains around los angeles. there will be some delays because of the rain at the -- at l.a.x. and san francisco, some delays, as well. new york and metros, maybe some delays because of some of the wind. you had the fog yesterday. and the cool front came through and kind of blew that out. now it's back to seasonable temperatures. 36 degrees expected for high temperature in new york city, 51 in atlanta, 34 degrees expected in chicago, and 59 degrees expected in los angeles with on and off rain showers. we'll talk more about the potential for snow at the end of the week for the northeast. throughout the week because you know what? we don't have any monster storm systems to speak of over the next couple of days. and that's going to be nice for everybody to catch their breath a little bit. >> yeah, city managers are breathing a sigh of relief. they already blew their budget just on this last one. all right, rob, thanks. >> all right, guys. this morning's top stories a couple minutes away, including new year. time to get a new job. a lot of people starting the year like they did last year, looking for work. christine romans will show you how to stand out in 2011 among 15 million job seekers. >> hoping for a better forecast there, or you could win the megamillions. 15 straight drawings without a winner. more on a jackpot that could change your 2011 and the rest of your life. how can expedia save me even more on my hotel? by giving me ginormous discounts with these: unpublished rates. which means i get an even more rockin' hotel, for less. where you book matters. expedia. you know, we've been following this story nonstop. the spider-man stunt double who fell from the stage last month. he'll be out of rehab later this week. 31-year-old actor christopher tierny suffered three cracked ribs during the fall. several performances of "spider-man: turn off the dark" were canceled after the accident. he can't wait to return to the show. hopefully he can. >> hopefully things will be safer this time. he is one of four cast members hurt during this $65 million broadway production. the accidents are raising concerns about the overall safety of performers and whether or not more should be done to make sure they don't get hurt in the future. >> susan candiotti talks with a group of dancers about the risks they take on every day. >> reporter: their flowing moves and dancing artistry are stunningly beautiful and just frightening to watch. >> when you're performing a trick and it's something that's a little bit sudden or quick or swift and you get that -- huh -- from the crowd, it's exciting. >> reporter: will the knots hold? will the rigging bear an acrobat's weight? >> it's one thing if you're -- >> if you fall. >> if you fall, game over. >> and switch sides. beautiful. >> reporter: an actor in "spider-man" who plunged more than 20 feet in the recent stunt is the fourth injured in the $65 million play still in previews. >> how dangerous is this profession? >> okay. well, danger is -- is kind of part of the game. >> reporter: more than a game. it is serious work. >> ten, nine -- >> reporter: she is an aerial acrobat who runs her own small troop performing throughout new york. >> rotating more so the knot faces you. >> reporter: spider-man's accidents are the talk of the aerial community. >> one person getting hurt, then it's not necessarily the show's fault. but four people -- >> if i was in that show, i mean, it's hard. that's a big machine to be a little tiny cog in. so i don't envy those performers. >> reach your right arm out to the side. >> reporter: barely dangling off the floor, they gave me a small taste of their techniques. >> there you go. so even just sitting is a little bit difficult. >> it is to keep your upper body straight. >> uh-huh. >> reporter: these aerialists are self-regulated. they watch out for their own safety. >> and each time you perform, how do you deal with the risk? >> i never perform anything i haven't done in practice at least 100 times. i'm always sure that my rigging is secure. >> reporter: there are no shortcuts. a close friend fell to his death two years ago working for another company. since then, for her, safety is paramount. >> i felt like this was a really good way to, you know, keep his memory alive and, you know, inspire -- >> reporter: inspire others? >> yes. >> reporter: to make her art safe or at least as safe as it can be. susan candiotti, cnn, new york. >> the dangerous side, they're clearly trained. >> under get up there. >> getting your body to move like that, that's unbelievable. the flexibility. could you swing from a sash? >> i would never do that. i don't like watching it. that's how scary it is. >> we're going to take a break. your top stories coming up. f duy in iraq. when i was transitioning from active duty, i went to a military officer hiring conference. it was kind of like speed dating. there were 12 companies that i was pre-matched with, but walmart turned out to be the best for me. sam walton was in the military, and he understood the importance of developing your people. it's an honor to be in a position of leadership at walmart. i'm captain tracey lloyd, and i work at walmart. ♪ it's really different. it's got this start screen that lets me do stuff faster and easier. see? it even has bing right here. so...the second my flight gets canceled, i can quickly find the nearest... airport hotel. i'm in, i'm out, and i'm done. so now i can actually look up and make sure i get off this thing. vo: now for a limited time get a samsung focus for $99.99 at at&t. good morning. thanks so much for being with us on this monday. it's january 3rd. 7:00 a.m. here in new york, i'm kiran chetry. >> and it's 2011, not 2011. we're changing it from this point. >> you were saying 2010? >> i was saying that. >> i was. an embarrassing controversy for the u.s. navy this morning. a full investigation into a series of explicit videos produced aboard the uss enterprise in the name of training and shown to thousands of sailors in the war zone. and get this, the man behind them got promoted. he is now the officer in charge. more on that. an unsolved mystery in arkansas. pretty disturbing, actually. up to 5,000 birds simply fell from the sky just before midnight on new year's eve. most of them were found dead over the same one-mile area a bit northeast of little rock. some are blaming perhaps new year's fireworks that stressed the birds to death. and this could be a really good year for someone. no big winner in the big new year's eve megamillions drawing. it has now soared to $290 million. you have until tomorrow night to get your ticket. >> all right. good luck there. but first of all, a developing story this morning. the u.s. navy now investigating a series of explicit videos produced aboard an aircraft carrier and shown to its crew in the name of training. one scene features two women thought to be sailors together in a shower. and that's not all. pentagon correspondent barbara starr is live in washington right now. so apparently these videos were made some years back. how are they just surfacing now? and what's been the fallout, barbara? >> well, they first surfaced on a website of a local newspaper. under the heading, kiran, of what were they thinking? the navy is now looking at all of this. and this is the man at the focus of the investigation. captain owen honors. he is now the commanding officer of the enterprise. he was the xo, number two in command back in 2007 when the videos were made supposedly in the name of training. but now the "enterprise" is scheduled to deploy to the war zone in less than two weeks under this man's command. the videos -- they show cursing, simulated sex scenes. we're not going to show you any of that, of course. but we are going to show you a bit of it so you can see what we're talking about. watch. >> this evening, all of you bleeding hearts and you [ bleep ] boy, why don't you go ahead and hug yourselves for the next 20 minutes or so. because there's a really good chance you're going to be offended tonight. >> i just [ bleep ] can't get that. finally, my favorite topic and something foreign to the gay kid over there, chicks in the shower. this is certainly the most popular video of any of the xo movie videos, also the one that's landed me with the most complaints. >> there you are, captain owen honors and his idea of what appeared to have been training videos. it's hard to really see. the investigation, though, is now going to determine not his actions but more senior officers onboard the carrier at the time. his commanding officer. two admirals who were on the ship at various points. when this was shown to the ship's crew, how could these senior officers have not known what was going on? what was the command climate, if you will? the command environment onboard the enterprise that made anybody think this was a good idea? and of course, most importantly, were any junior sailors coerced into participating in this? kiran? >> yeah, bad stuff to see, obviously. you know, the fallout's going to be known in the next few days. is the navy talking about this? anyone responding? >> yeah. the navy first responded to that virginia pilot newspaper with this comment saying the videos were not created with the intent to offend anyone. the videos were intended to be humorous skits. but a navy spokesman told us, when they issued the statement they hadn't seen the video themselves at that point. so they came back with another statement announcing the investigation saying "production of videos like the ones produced four to five years ago on uss enterprise were not acceptable then and are not acceptable in today's navy. the navy does not endorse or condone these kinds of actions." kiran, i think it's really important to point out to people when a navy aircraft carrier goes to sea with a crew of 5,000 or more, the commanding officer's word is law. and so the question on the table now is do they have the right commander to go to the war zone on the uss enterprise? kiran? >> we'll have to see where this goes. barbara starr this morning, thanks so much. >> sure. switching gears to social media. first, facebook had a movie, now the company may be worth $50 billion. goldman sachs and a russian investor. get this, bought a $500 million stake in the company. according to the "new york times," the deal values facebook at $50 billion. making it worth a lot of money to click on who your friends are. making it worth more than companies like ebay, yahoo, and time warner,which is cnn's parent company. as for mark zuckerburg, analysts estimate his personal worth may have just doubled to nearly $40 billion. not bad for an idea he came up with at harvard. well, health care reform is moving forward this morning, even as a new republican-controlled house will try to repeal it when they reconvene wednesday. in the meantime, here's what goes into effect today. medicare patients will receive free wellness visits and half price name-brand drugs. there's also a requirement for health insurance companies to spend more on their premiums on actual health care as opposed to overhead and profit. coming back to a collision course, president obama set to return home from his vacation in hawaii. a new republican house will be aiming to unravel key victories of his first two years. first among them, health care reform. suzanne malveaux live at the white house this morning. good morning, suzanne. >> hey, happy new year. the president has his own resolutions, it was over the weekend he announced those in his video address. and obviously he'll be back here tomorrow afternoon. you mentioned a collision course, make no mistake, there will be a collision course here at the white house, but the administration really pushing for its policies, trying to defend its policies. one as you mentioned very important is health care reform. but first and foremost, the president is going to address the state of the economy. his state of the union address is at the end of the month he'll outline that. but some of the things he's talking about is jobs, jobs, jobs, creating those jobs. also, reforming the tax code. investing in innovation and projects and education in the kinds of jobs that do exist. cutting back on wasteful spending. a big thing that republicans are talking about. possibly freezing some spending costs, as well. these are all of the things that the president will be talking about in the days and the weeks to come. the second big thing, you mentioned it and that is really this collision course when it comes to health care reform. republicans we heard congressman yesterday saying he believed they could de-fund or repeal health care reform before the state of the union address. this could be very important for the president to hold fast, make sure congress is able to fund these very important changes that you were mentioning and talking about. some of the things that will impact directly folks' lives. >> and suzanne, there's also a lot of talk this morning about what he plans to do as chairman of that house oversight committee. because it can essentially be a blank check for endless administrations for the republicans, at least that's what democrats fear. and in plymouolitico this mornit has come out some of the topics he wants to pursue in that oversight committee. he's talking about looking at fannie mae and freddie mac and their role in the financial crisis. investigations over at the fda. but we also know democrats are also saying that they think there's going to be a lot of partisan witch hunts. and they're pointing to this comment they made on state of the union. let's take a listen to that. >> in saying that this is one of the most corrupt administrations, which is what i meant to say there. when you hand out $1 trillion in t.a.r.p. just before this president came in, most of it unspent, $1 trillion nearly in stimulus that this president asked for, plus this huge expansion in health care and government, it has a corrupting effect. when i look at waste, fraud, and abuse in the bureaucracy and the government, this is like steroids to pump up the muscles of waste. >> so he was on rush limbaugh's show as you know, suzanne, and he was asked whether or not he thought president obama was one of the most corrupt presidents ever. and he agreed with that and sort of walked it back a little bit and said, well, i meant the obama administration. he said that yesterday on state of the union. but clearly, this has got the attention of the white house. >> absolutely, jim. and when you think about it, when you're speaking to senior administration officials, we're gearing up for a big fight here, we're ready for it, we're going to be hiring more white house lawyers to address all of those investigations that are going to happen. and they know what they're going after. the regulations by the epa, the justice department, attorney general ericho holder, how he h handled terrorism suspects and trying them as criminals. all of these things will come to light. even the congressman said that this committee he's in charge of is really going to shed light on things. we don't know how much they're going to be able to get accomplished. but they are going to bring the administration forward and ask a lot of questions. that's going to take a lot of time. in some ways it's going to be a distraction to this white house that feels they need to move forward when it comes to very important policy when it comes to the economy. but the white house is gearing up for this big battle. make no mistake about it. >> suzanne malveaux live at the white house. thanks, suzanne. we get a check of the weather headlines. rob marciano in atlanta. looks like we have a bit of a break, right? between some storm systems. >> yeah, we could use it. 2010 went out with a bang last week between the blizzard and the severe weather, guys. it was just a week that we certainly want to put in our rearview mirror. but severe weather across the south and a blizzard and snow across parts of the upper midwest. here's what it looked like in parts of minnesota. i-reports coming in. show you the winter wonderland. this is new year's eve. there's your i-reports out of hibing, minnesota. and with the drifts in spots, 24 inches tall, this lady said she couldn't let her dog out because the snow was banked up against her house. that could be a problem. you've got your own garbage and stink problems in new york with the sanitation workers, but you can't let the dog out, that could be a problem, as well. a little storm rolling across the midwest today. no winter storm warnings out for that. but the storm that's rolling in to the southwestern part of the u.s., including socal, which had the wettest december on record continues to rain there above 2,000 feet. you could see several more inches, winter storm warnings posted. lake effect snow warnings up for syracuse and the tughill plateau. some flurries getting into the new york city area up through boston. the fog is gone. all the mild weather that we had across the eastern u.s. for new year's eve, new year's day, and the day after new year's, that's gone now. the front has pushed through and we're into more seasonable temperatures. these are the spots that you will see some delays if you're getting to where you need to be either away from family or to work or both. 30 to 60 minute delays at new york and cleveland metros there. and minneapolis, more snow, although i think it'll be light. socal including los angeles andization will see an hour delay. 44 in st. louis, 34 in chicago, and 36 degrees up in new york city. so the melting has slowed significantly after getting rid of quite a bit of that snow that you guys got last week. >> a whole different city driving in today. >> yeah, it really did. the iphone glitch. we heard about it during daylight saving time, now there's a new one thanks to the new year. alarms set to go off in the first days of 2011 failed. single alarms affected. plenty of people complained they overslept, missed appointments. apple saying yes, indeed, this did happen and promise all iphone alarms should be working properly today. >> finally the y2k glitch we all worried about ten years ago. >> nothing went wrong. >> we're talking about iphone glitches. >> ten years later the alarm didn't work. >> you were telling us the last hour about the cost-comparison airlines are missing one popular airline. >> if you go on expedia today, for example, you're not going to find american airlines. not on orbitz either. and these are big fare compare websites. big dispute brewing. it has to do with american airlines wanting to keep more control over its fares. it doesn't sell a point "a" to point "b" ticket anymore. and these two companies expedia and american airlines coming to blows here. expedia booting american airlines off of its site saying -- >> you would think it would be the other way. >> saying american is anti-consumer and anti-choice because american had taken itself off orbitz a few weeks ago and american trying to control more of its own image and how -- >> you think they would be happy, though, because they'd have less competition. >> they think that a consumer -- their whole idea here is you can, for example, go on expedia, and you can split up a ticket. you can fly out on united and fly back on american and you can save money on that. and expedia says that's what their whole game is about. if american wants to keep you together and send you to their own website or use their own direct connect consumer model, they can keep you together, sell you other things around it and this is just, i guess, some would say a modernization of the way you sell air tickets. because you don't just -- i haven't taken a flight where i've just paid for the airfare for a long time. there's other stuff, as well. this is going to affect everyone who is a small business owner using some of these websites to try to get some place cheaper for your employees and alike. american says it still is on a lot of other sites. they say go to kayak,, others. this is a big fight all about money and -- and at the end of the day, you're going to notice some changes here. >> it's amazing to see the airlines put under the thumb of these websites, you know. it sort of reminds me of your cable subscriber dumping a tv channel. it's like who's in charge here? >> they're all making money again. they're starting to make money again they want to control more of their -- and delta to a lesser degree has been involved with this in orbitz, as well. but watch, i think we're going to see changes how the relationship between these airlines and websites. >> and most consumers will side with the websites because they want the cheapest fare. >> they want to see instantly what the cheapest fare is out there, yeah. still to come, many people are starting the year the way they started last year, unfortunately looking for work. we're going to show you how to stand out in 2011 amongst 15 million job seekers. and a wildlife mystery. what caused thousands of birds to fall dead from the sky all at once? the phenomenon that has wildlife experts stumped. ♪ [ male announcer ] we asked people all over america where the best potatoes come from. the best potatoes? idaho. idaho! idaho. [ male announcer ] and how do you know you're getting idaho potatoes? well, uh... um... [ male announcer ] not all potatoes come from idaho. so if you want the best, you have to do one important thing. always look for the grown in idaho seal. i knew that. i knew that. [ male announcer ] look for the grown in idaho seal. i knehas the biggest hotel deals we're offering the big deal guarantee. book a hotel with name your own price and if you can find a lower published price anywhere else we'll match it and pay you $25. book now and save up to 60% on hotels. only at priceline. welcome back. and we have a wildlife mystery this morning. thousands of dead birds that just fell from the sky before midnight on new year's eve. >> yeah, this happened across a one-mile stretch of arkansas, northeast of little rock. the spokesman for the arkansas game and fish commission he is joining us via skype. thanks for being with us this morning. >> no problem. >> we're hearing some 4,000 to 5,000 birds, all of them dropping from the sky. any idea what happened here? >> well, at this point, we're leaning towards a stress event. obviously there was some revelers out for new year's eve. and possibly shooting some fireworks while the birds were roosting. it could have been a weather event. so we're not really sure at this point. >> and we're looking at the video now, and they're all over this one neighborhood. how wide an area are we talking about? are they all concentrated in one area? >> it was in a subdivision in the small town of northeast arkansas. pretty concentrated. we did take a helicopter and look up around the area to see if there was any more birds, but they were mostly contained to this area. >> one of the theorys is fireworks strike. you'd think on the fourth of july in every neighborhood you'd have birds falling out of the sky. do we know what may have been different about this situation? >> well, this is a rural area. these blackbirds tend to congress gait in ar together. you don't typically see these in urban areas. these are more rural areas and they're more concentrated. so if somebody was to shoot a firework in that area that they were roosting while they were asleep then that could have been what caused their death. >> you think thad have to be a pretty big firework going off in that area. i just have to ask you, is this unusual in your mind? have you ever seen anything like this before? >> no. not in my career with the game and fish. we have had another instance where some ducks were hit by lightning about ten years ago. and they didn't fall out of the sky. but nothing like this -- and we really won't know until we do the testing on it today. >> and when you do that testing, will you be able to determine whether it was, indeed, fireworks or a lightning strike or something different? how based on just the birds will you be able to determine what exactly killed them? >> i think that we're real confident we'll be able to find out. once we open them up, we'll be able to find out. >> you also had a situation with 100,000 dead fish in the arkansas river. did you ever determine what that was? >> no, we're going to take those fish, we're going to send them off to a couple of labs to do cultures on them. we think it's a disease -- we're not 100% sure at this time what the disease is. but we'll get them tested and we'll find out what's wrong with those. >> well, you've certainly been dealing with unusual circumstances, keith. >> you're right. >> thanks so much for joining us and we'll give people an update tomorrow. >> thanks to your friend for letting us barge into his house this morning so you can come to us via skype. >> you bet. well, switching to some social media news, internet news, they logged in for hotmail, they ended up with no mail. coming up microsoft works to fix a major new year's glitch. >> i'm afraid to look. i haven't looked yet. >> i'm a afraid to look too. uh [ male announcer ] breathe, socket. just breathe. we know it's intimidating. instant torque. top speed of 100 miles an hour. that's one serious machine. but you can do this. any socket can. the volt only needs about a buck fifty worth of charge a day. and for longer trips, it can use gas. so get psyched. this is a big step up from the leafblower. the 2011 chevrolet volt. it's more car than electric. ♪ time now for talkers. some of the stories that got us talking in the newsroom this morning. one of the more compelling match-ups of the college bowl season. stanford versus virginia tech tonight in the orange bowl. a showdown between two of the country's best quarterbacks. andrew luck and taylor. he is expected to be a top five draft pick should he decide to leave school early and enter the nfl draft and hopefully come to the redskins. >> hopefully. that's why a lot of seattle seahawks fans were upset, as well. they said we got to the playoffs, we should've just ended the season and got good draft picks. we'll see. good luck to both of them. as good as they are, roger federer and rafael nadal can't walk on water, or can they? they're competing on this special water court this weekend. who could make this happen? only qatar, there you go. they make it look so easy. nadal and federer are top seeds in the qatar open. it starts today. he is so adorable, even though he's hating on everything, who are we talking about here? cue the first cute kid video of the year. i'm not saying it's going viral because that's been scrubbed from our vocabulary, but watch this. >> did you have a good christmas? >> yeah. >> do you love your mommy? >> yeah. >> do you love your daddy? >> yeah. >> do you love your uncle -- >> very good. and you had a cute story about this, kiran. you were saying -- >> you know the age when the kids do this. my son did it too. he used to say no to everything except for, do you want a million dollars? >> my daughter, it was disney world then she'd stop. >> i feel bad for the daddy. he got a triple no. >> i know. well, try not to take it personally. we are talking about a baby. >> adorable. still to come, many people starting the new year the way they started last year. christine romans will show you how to stand out in 2011 from 15 million other job seekers. >> yes, she offered good advice. also, tracking spider-man recovery. the actor badly hurt after falling from a broadway stunt. >> we've got to get him on the show. we've been talking about him a lot. back in the 80's, it was really tough for me and my family. i was living on welfare and supporting a family of four. after i got the job at walmart, things started changing immediately. then i wrote a letter to the food stamp office. "thank you very much, i don't need your help any more." you know now, i can actually say i bought my home. i knew that the more i dedicated... the harder i worked, the more it was going to benefit my family. this my son, mario and he now works at walmart. i believe mario is following in my footsteps. my name is noemi, and i work at walmart. ♪ it's really different. it's got this start screen that lets me do stuff faster and easier. see? it even has bing right here. so...the second my flight gets canceled, i can quickly find the nearest... airport hotel. i'm in, i'm out, and i'm done. so now i can actually look up and make sure i get off this thing. vo: now for a limited time get a samsung focus for $99.99 at at&t. by giving me ginormous discounts with these: how can expedia save me even more on my hotel? unpublished rates. which means i get an even more rockin' hotel, for less. where you book matters. expedia. we are crossing the half hour right now. time to get you updated on the top stories this morning. a bit of a problem for the navy today. commander of a u.s. aircraft carrier at the center of a navy investigation into a series of raunchy videos with sexual content and gay slurs. captain honors reportedly showed these videos to the crews of the "uss enterprise" three years ago. another story they're watching closely in washington this morning. michael steele faces off today against five people who want his job. today's debate at the national press club in washingtproceeds annual meeting in a week and a half when the chairmanship will be voted on by party officials from each state. and given michael steele's propensity for the occasional gaffe, i think folks will be dvring that debate. >> he does say some things he doesn't mean. >> and people don't like that. developing out of hollywood. zsa zsa gabor rushed to a hospital, she'll have to have part of her leg amputated to save her life. a spokesman said the cancerous lesions appeared on one of her legs. she is 93 years old. >> so sad. and there are more sites -- few sites, more majestic. and we were talking about this earlier this morning. than the wild mustangs who roam the midwest. the pictures are just stunning. and it's wonderful to see that our country still has places like this. but these days the federal government says the mustang population is growing out of control in some parts of the west and draining the region's resources. >> so what does the bureau of land management doing? well, they're using helicopters to round up these horses by the thousands. it's making animal rights groups very upset. they call the practice cruel and they're out to stop it. john zarrella in miami this morning with a story you'll see only on cnn. you know, as we said, you just juxtapose those pictures of these running free versus them in the pens, it is sad. >> and if you think about it, one of america's great muscle cars the mustang named after these horses. and what you end up having here are some people saying they're a nuisance, hooved grazers. others seem them symbolic of america. they're at the center of a controversy between the federal government and activists. >> reporter: there is no secretariat, no sea biscuit, no black beauty. here they have no names. none needed. in their eyes, you see who they are. rugged, powerful, independent. they are the wild mustangs of the american west. >> out here, you hear it all the time. a cowboy will say, you know, the outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man. >> reporter: woven generations ago into the fabric of this land, they've become the focus of lawsuits. even protests as far away as new york. >> help save america's wild horses. >> the horses are at the center of a tug of war between the u.s. government chasing them down with helicopters and animal rights groups who want it stopped. >> the round-ups of the wild horses and borrows in the united states is a true holocaust of the animal world. >> we can't let one -- say the horse -- impact everybody else by taking all the feed, all the water, all the -- do damage to that habitat. >> the disagreement is clear cut. the bureau of land management, blm is charged with caring for and managing nearly 40,000 horses and borrows roaming on 26 million acres of the west. but while this federal land, your land, was set aside for the ors, they don't have free reign. the land is considered multi-use. >> wildlife, livestock, mining interest, whatever. >> reporter: the blm insists it must reduce herd sizes because the land can't support the numbers. >> this ain't kentucky bluegrass. >> reporter: so it holds round-ups. this year, the goal, remove 12,000 horses. that's right. 12,000. and take them to holding pens. >> this is our land. we want the horses on here, most of us. >> reporter: armed with cameras and recorders, the activists document what they see as brutal round-ups. here, a helicopters chases one single borrow, eventually knocking it over. it staggers off. here you're looking at steam rising from the backs of chased down, exhausted horses. the blm says less than 1% of the animals die in these round-ups. activists say that's 1% too many. now, the federal government, the bureau of land management insists it has nothing to hide at these round-ups. and we'll take you to one of those round-ups tomorrow. and you may be amazed at how far away they kept us from what was going on. the one shot of that animal being chased down, we could only show a little portion of that. but that went on for quite a while. that chase down. >> we all want to know and i know you're doing two more compelling stories on this. but does this have a happy ending in some case? do they get to go some place where they're able to be left alone? >> yeah, they do. at the end of the day, some of them that are not adopted out will go to long-term facilities out in oklahoma and texas to live out their lives. but the fact of the matter is and we'll get into this later on, it costs you and me and the taxpayers $60 million to $70 million a year for the round-ups and the long-term holding of these animals. >> john zarrella in miami. thanks so much, john. we appreciate it and we'll have more on john's series of the wild mustangs tomorrow morning. we'll show you exactly how those horses are rounded up by the blm as well as more on efforts to protect them. well, here's what's happening on monday morning. a water ride at the universal studios resort in orlando, florida, is closed indefinitely after a fire. investigators are still trying to determine what caused that fire. people in the south and midwest are still recovering from deadly tornadoes that touched down in several states on new year's eve. four people were killed in missouri and three died in arkansas. state officials in missouri say at least 50 homes were destroyed, nearly 300 others damaged. three separate tornadoes also ripped through central mississippi causing heavy damage. and new york sanitation crews are resuming garbage pick-up today. this is the first time since the blizzard last week dumped all of that snow nearly 2 feet of snow in the big apple. and city officials focused on snow removal, uncollected garbage lining the street. islands of adventure is a universals studio theme park. i thought i remembered that back in the back of my head. we can't blame disney. >> glad we cleared that up. and still to come. back to broadway. the actor hurt during a spiderman stunt is recovering and he'd like to get back to broadway. we'll tell you what he said about a possible return to the star cross show. and a lot that goes into these kind of stunts. it's interesting to watch. >> yeah. scary to watch sometimes, right? >> scary to watch too. what happened to your hotmail? e-mail vanishing in a new year's glitch. some of them say these were my pictures, my only pictures -- >> wow. >> what hotmail and microsoft are saying about it this morning. [ male announcer ] let's throw down some style. style that lasts a lifetime. what do you say we get the look we want, the softness we need, and an unbeatable lifetime stain warranty for whatever life throws at it. then let's save big on the installation. ♪ we're lowering the cost of going barefoot. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. get exclusive martha stewart living and platinum plus installed in your whole house for only 37 bucks. ♪ ♪ [ crowd groans ] ♪ [ crowd cheering ] [ male announcer ] at&t, the nation's fastest mobile broadband network. period. welcome back to "american morning." the spider-man stunt double will be out of rehab finally later this week in case you've been keeping tabs on this. he suffered broken ribs, a skull fracture, and three cracked vertebrae from the fall. several performances of "spider-man: turn off the dark" were canceled after the accident. >> wow, well, he was not the only actor hurt during the $65 million broadway production. three other cast members are also recovering from injuries. >> the accidents are raising concerns about the overall safety of the performers and whether more should be done to make sure no one else gets hurt. susan candiotti talks with a group of acrobatic dancers about the risk they take on the job every day. >> reporter: flowing moves and dazzling artistry are both stunningly beautiful and a bit frightening to watch. >> when you're performing a trick and it's something a little bit sudden or quick or swift and you get that -- huh -- from the crowd, it's exciting. >> reporter: will the knots hold? will the rigging bear an acrobat's weight? >> if you forget a line or step, it's one thing, but if you're -- >> if you fall. >> if you fall, game over. >> and switch sides. beautiful. >> reporter: an actor in spider-man who plunged more than 20 feet during the recent stunt is the fourth performer injured in the $65 million play still in previews. >> how dangerous is this profession? >> okay. well, danger is kind of part of the game. >> reporter: more than a game. it is serious work. >> ten, nine -- >> reporter: she is an aerial acrobat who runs her own small troop performing throughout new york. >> rotate a little bit more so the knot faces you. >> reporter: spider-man's accidents are the talk of the aerial community. >> one person getting hurt, then it's not necessarily the show's fault. but four people. >> if i was in that show, that's hard. that's a big machine to be a little tiny cog in. so i don't envy those performers. >> reach your right arm out to the side. >> reporter: barely dangling off the floor, they gave me a small taste of their techniques. >> there you go. even just sitting is a little bit difficult. >> it is, it is to keep your upper body straight without falling. >> uh-huh. >> reporter: these aerialists are self-regulated. they watch out for their own safety. >> and each time you perform, how do you deal with the risk? >> i never perform anything i haven't done in practice at least 100 times. i'm always sure that my rigging is secure. >> reporter: there are no shortcuts. a close friend fell to his death two years ago working for another company. since then, for her, safety is paramount. >> i felt like this was a really good way to, you know, keep his memory alive and, you know, inspire -- >> inspire others? >> yes. >> reporter: to make her art safe or at least as safe as it can be. susan candiotti, cnn, new york. >> that's amazing. >> i just wanted to see susan fly through the air. that would have been incredible. >> just sitting on there was hard enough. not only for her, for any of us. still to come this hour, how do you get noticed when you're trying to battle millions of others for a job? we have tips on how to make 2011 the year when things can turn around for you. and rob will have the rest of this morning's travel forecast. not as much as last week. i want to warn you there. but rob will have more in a minute. 43 minutes after the hour. 45 minutes past the hour right now. welcome back to "american morning." we have a look at our top stories now. president obama is promising to do everything he can to create jobs and grow the middle class in 2011. he returns to washington tomorrow with a new republican house. a house looking to unravel some of the administration's key victories over the past two years. and the president will be coming home to a white house that has reportedly lost a quarter of its property value. not that it's for sale -- in the u.s. housing crisis. zillo says it's depreciated from $253 million to $232 million. hotmail users found many of their e-mails disappeared. some logged in to find empty inboxes and folders sending off panic in some cases. microsoft has been working to resolve the problem since sunday. but the the company will not say exactly how widespread it is. and get out your lottery tickets, folks, or go get them. >> are you buying one? >> absolutely. >> the megamillions jackpot is now $290 million. nobody had the winning ticket in the big new year's eve megamillions drawing. i thought for sure someone would win that on new year's eve. you have until tomorrow night to get in on this one. >> good luck. >> yes. and it is 47 minutes after the hour. let's get a quick check of this morning's weather headlines. rob marciano in the extreme weather center. you got your tickets? >> i'm more of a scratch-off guy. mom always buys us scratch-offs for christmas and we cover the cost -- >> instant gratification. it's fun to find one in your stocking. >> it makes a bit of a mess and that's what christmas morning is all about. >> it is. >> a little bit of an earthquake in southwest utah. 4.9 mag any attitumagnitude. 200 miles southwest of salt lake city. no damage being reported to cnn at this hour. we'll continue to monitor that. if there is any, it wouldn't be bad. this is part of the wasatch fault which creates the wasatch front which has about 11,000 feet and probably more in the way of fresh powder there. in places like park city, driven by this snow system, which is not going to hang around long. they've had their wettest december on record. any more rain they get can trigger some bad stuff. and this will move out tonight. so just hold your breath for another 24 hours or so. meanwhile, snow at the upper elevations, over 2,000 feet. we're going to see maybe 14 inches more snow. the grapevine, i-5, just north of l.a. is shut down until further notice. serious situation happening out there again in southern california. not so bad across parts of the northeast. talking about temperatures in the 20s to start. seasonably cool after the fog and mild temperatures yesterday. lake effect snow showers, maybe some significant accumulation north of syracuse across the plateau up towards watertown. in between is a weaker system that will bring some light snow across parts of the upper midwest and the western great lakes. this isn't a terrible one. and we're finally getting relatively quiet weather after a very turbulent end to the year last week with severe weather and snow. 58 for the high in dallas, will be 51 degrees in atlanta, and 36 degrees with a high temperature in new york city. and yes, at the end of this week, a chance for more snow. we don't look for it to be the blockbuster of snow we saw last week but still a few days away. back up to you. >> rob, kiran, do you think pandas are cute? >> yes. >> how about cows? >> yes. >> check this out, a panda cow named ben was born on new year's eve. panda cows are a rare miniature breed of cattle, especially bred to look like a panda and said to be only about 25 of them in the world. >> so cute. >> very cute. and i've often said about this show is what it needs is more panda cow bell. >> he's so cute. so they cows but it's hard to get the coloring right. look at the perfect little black over the eyes. everything is cute. yes. so if you have 30 k take it home. >> absolutely. >> going to buy it? >> my kids want one for christmas. they want one. right under the tree, i think. >> they will probably fit because they are only -- they get to be four feet tall and 1,000 pounds. you can handle that. >> put it in the backyard. bring it a little hay. fine. get a cow bell. >> and you're golden. the start to the new year. no time like now to try to start finding a new job. it may be easier than it was last year even though you are competing with millions of people. christine romans joins us to show us how to stand out in a tight job market. hey, guys. printer's out of ink. just shake it. [ rattling ] [ male announcer ] need ink? this week at staples, buy any hp ink and get a second one at 40% off. that was easy. has the biggest hotel deals we're offering the big deal guarantee. book a hotel with name your own price and if you can find a lower published price anywhere else we'll match it and pay you $25. book now and save up to 60% on hotels. only at priceline. one month, five years after you do retire? ♪ client comes in and they have a box. and inside that box is their financial life. people wake up and realize i better start doing something. we open up that box. we organize it. and we make decisions. we really are here to help you. they look back and think, "wow. i never thought i could do this." but we've actually done it. [ male announcer ] visit and put a confident retirement more within reach. >> it's 53 past the hour. the holidays are over as we know but you'll keep getting reminders in the form of your visa, mastercard. yeah, the bills are here. >> well, if your new year's resolution is find a job or better job you are not alone. christine romans joins us. you were saying that this is the year. >> this is the year. >> she was schooling you with her book. >> i know. so sorry. yes, in chapter 3 i go -- no. look, we could see 2 1/2 to 3 million jobs created this year. think about that. 2 1/2 to 3 million, a growing number of economists think we could return to creating jobs. no, it won't make a dent in the huge hole of jobs lost in the recession and i'm not saying it will be easy. this year you could have a better chance of getting hired. crowds may be great when you're ringing in the new year. not when you're looking for a job. with 15 million americans out of work, job seekers have a lot of company this january. no question, it's harder to get a job today, it's very hard to get a job. you have to be incredibly strategic and use your connections. >> not only those 15 million actively searching. you got another 9 million who are working part-time. they want to work full time. another 2 to 3 million americans who are not captured in the number who are out of the labor force but if offered a job they would take it. >> sounds like the boss has the upper hand. maybe not. those who have a job are ready to jump ship as soon as the economy improves. a survey by the job placement firm manpower found 84% of employees plan to look for a influence job despite having one. that's up from 60% last year. bosses have to work hard to keep good people. >> no doubt that is a little bit of a reaction to the amount of work that's being done by each individual in every company. >> good if you want to ask for a raise. not for the long term unemployed. >> you'll see trading of jobs and you're going to be seeing those that have been long term unemployed still struggling in getting the attention of potential employers to hire them. >> measurable deliverables. >> at this boot camp for job seekers ellen says don't worry about the numbers. it's about the number one, you, being the one employee a company needs. >> the biggest mistake people make when looking for a job is thinking it's all about them. it's not about what is a great job for you, what's a great fit, what works for you. it's about what you can do for the employer. >> there is no one size fits all advice how to be one. in general look for the person, not the job. ellen gordon reeves coaches people on this says this all the time, you are looking for a person, you are most likely going to be hired by someone who knows you, or someone who knows someone who knows you. those are the kinds of connections that are helping people get jobs. it's not just from ran dismiss -- >> they can't take the chance. >> no one is taking a risk. not taking a risk. they just have a resume forget it. if you have a job this could be your year. especially if you are a top performer, you think you're above average, this is your year. go ahead and ask for more responsibility, ask for a step up. a bosses don't want to take a chance and hire someone they don't know. they would rather promote from within. >> i lerd there is a book. >> it's called "smart is the new rich" and you are one smart guy. >> i like to think i am. there's a lot of great stuff in there. 2 1/2 million to 3 million, that will be good, won't help everyone but moving in the right direction. >> fingers crossed and for the long term unemployed hopefully this will change. e to control your blood sugar. you exercise and eat right, but your blood sugar may still be high, and you need extra help. ask your doctor about onglyza, a once daily medicine used with diet and exercise to control high blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. adding onglyza to your current oral medicine may help reduce after meal blood sugar spikes and may help reduce high morning blood sugar. [ male announcer ] onglyza should not be used to treat type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. tell your doctor if you have a history or risk of diabetic ketoacidosis. onglyza has not been studied with insulin. using onglyza with medicines such as sulfonylureas may cause low blood sugar. some symptoms of low blood sugar are shaking, sweating and rapid heartbeat. call your doctor if you have an allergic reaction like rash, hives or swelling of the face, mouth or throat. ask your doctor if you also take a tzd as swelling in the hands, feet or ankles may worsen. blood tests will check for kidney problems. you may need a lower dose of onglyza if your kidneys are not working well or if you take certain medicines. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor about adding onglyza. extra help. extra control. you may be eligible to pay $10 a month with the onglyza value card program. -- captions by vitac -- to pay $10 a month with >> good morning. happy 2011. welcome to "american morning." the first of this new year. it's monday, january 3rd. i'm jim acosta. >> we have a lot to talk about so let's get to. first a developing story out of the pentagon, we're waiting to get reaction this morning after a u.s. navy -- the u.s. navy has a series of videos that are out, now looking into it. it shows some behavior that is questionable aboard the "uss enterprise." on these tapes it features sailors on camera in raunchy scenes with sexual content in some cases gay slurs. top officers allegedly knew about it but one of them as you can see was behind it. >> frigid winter weather storming into southern california. heavy snow forcing the shutdown of a major interstate. more snow is on the way. >> also president obama is returning to a new reality in washington this week. he's entering 2011 with a republican house of representatives. congress people promising to pick apart the health care law. we're live in washington with a look at the battles that could shape up this year. >> as kiran mentioned a developing story, the u.s. navy trying to explain lewd and crude conduct aboard an aircraft carrier in the war zone. >> navy brass looking into the raunchy videos produced at sea and shown to the crew. the man behind them is now the commanding officer. pentagon correspondent barbara starr joins us with more. >> reporter: good morning to both of you. think of it this way. what if this was your workplace and this man was your boss and you were out to sea for six months, isolated from home. when a carrier goes to sea, the commanding officer, his word is law. that man is now under investigation, the man captain owen honors, under investigation for these activities back in 2006 and 2007 when he was number two in command of the enterprise and they deployed to the war zone. a number of videos made and shown to the ship's crew of 5,000. honors appears in them repeatedly, said to be behind them, the videos show cursing, anti-gay slurs, simulated medical exams, simulated sex activity. we're not going to show you that but we did clean up some so you can see what we're talking about. >> this evening all of you bleeding hearts and you [ bleep ] why don't you go ahead and hug yourselves for the next 20 minutes or so because there's a really good chance you're going to be offended tonight. >> what's he talking about. >> i just can't get that. let's get to my favorite topic and something foreign to the gay kid over there. chicks in the shower. this is certainly the most popular video of any of the movie videos. it's also the one that landed me with the most complaints. >> after all the scandals of recent years in the u.s. military, how could somebody do this. how could this still happen. that's what the navy is now investigating. but it goes further than that. there were other senior officers on board who must have known it's believed that these videos were shown over the ship's closed circuit tv system, what did they know, what did they say, what was the command environment on board the enterprise that made anybody think this was a good idea. were any of the ship's crew coerced into participating. this is all now under investigation by the navy. kiran, jim. >> and barbara, it's starting to think that somebody thought this was a good idea not to excuse the behavior but to put it on tape where it could be preserved and used against them at a later date. i mean that to me is the stunning part or one of the stunning parts. what is the navy having to say about this now? >> reporter: i think almost everyone is just shaking their head in disbelief to use the most polite expression. originally when the navy was queried by the virginia pilot newspaper which had the videos, the navy had not viewed them so issued a statement saying quote, that the videos were not created with the intent to offend any one. the videos were intended to be humorous skits. but a navy official tells us then top commander saw the videos, saw what they were dealing with, ordered an investigation, and issued a new statement saying, quote, production of videos like the ones produced four to five years ago on "uss enterprise" were not acceptable then and are still not acceptable in today's navy. the navy does not endorse or condone any of these kinds of actions. worth remembering, when the enterprise was on deployment when all of this happened there were soldiers, marines, tens of thousands of troops in the war zone, fighting, dying, getting wounded while some of these people on board this aircraft carrier were doing this. jim. >> barbara starr, thanks. >> thanks so much. snow on new york city streets replaced by piles and piles of garbage waist high. >> a blizzard of trash. >> and there's a picture. that's what it looks like in many areas of new york because crews were busy trying to shovel out the snow. they are resuming garbage collection today. while the city focused on snow removal the trash piled up. there is a silver lining. a man, he was disturbed, jumped nine stories out of his building in an apparent suicide attempt and he survived because he landed on soft piles of trash. >> flooding at a factory in billings, montana causing a wet mess in the streets. crews are working to clean up the waste water that poured out from a sugar cooperative. the water is mixed with calcium carbonate and sugar beat pulp. it's not hazardous. >> sunny california, southern california at least is anything but these days. they got another blast of winter weather creating a traffic nightmare sunday. snow and high winds forcing a major highway, interstate 5, the area known as the grapevine, to shut down. more than 100 vehicles ended up stranded. >> the weather's not always great in southern california, i guess. rob marciano in the extreme weather center, that is a mess over there. >> last week dealing with that flooding, the aftermath of the mudslides. what a mess. >> it's been a couple of weeks of not so nice southern california weather. we continue that today. here is more video out of that area north of l.a. on the i-5, heading over the mountains there. santa clarita, 1500 and 2,000 feet, enough to you know, get snow on the palms there. get the kids out there, make snowmen and pop a couple of golf balls in there for the accessories. more rain and snow expected today. then we're going to move this out. it continues to drench some of the hillsides. drying trend beginning tonight with snow at the higher elevations. snow and lake-effect snow warnings are out for upstate new york, because of lake-effect snows. places north of syracuse expected to get it today. maybe flurries across the big apple. more seasonable temperatures as compared to what you saw new year's eve and new year's day and yesterday. and the snow that was on the ground creating a bit of a fog issue yesterday morning, that's not the case today because it is cooler. a storm system rolling across the midwest and upper great lakes, western great lakes, this isn't going to be too big of an issue. we don't have warnings or watcheses with this but it will dump a fresh coat of snow across places like minneapolis, maybe chicago. a welcome break for folks east of the mississippi, mostly sunny skies in places like new orleans, atlanta which had their snow scare and white christmas. and now things are getting back to normal. at least for now. stormy pattern kind of reinstates itself to get toward the end of the week. enjoy this couple of days break. >> rob marciano for us. thanks so much. coming back to a different congress. p president barack obama returns home after vacation in hawaii. the republican congress will aim to unravel key victories including health care. >> the president is starting off 2011 a lot like 2010, tackling stubbornly high unemployment. dana bash is in washington and jobs may be issue number one. but there's going to be gridlock in the way come a few days from now. the president may wish that he had gotten more golf in in hawaii earlier this week. hi, dana. >> reporter: he's going to be up against the new -- the person the new speaker of the house, that is going to happen on wednesday, of course talking about john boehner. and after jim and kiran, the house republicans vote for him as the speaker. they are going to approve a new set of rules. most of these are direct response to the anger and frustration with washington that republicans say helped put them in the majority. here are examples. no tax hikes can be used to pay for increases in mandatory spending. legislation must be public on line for three days. every bill must include proof that it has constitutional authority. that's the tea party activists who say they don't focus on the constitution. on that note for the first time in history the first time in history on the house floor the constitution will be read aloud on thursday. the second day in session. >> dana, i think one of the goals we're going to see for the republicans i think, you heard predictions i'm sure as we heard predictions, is that they are going to try -- the republicans are going to try to go after health care reform and pass a repeal bill before his state of the union address. there is serious talk about this. >> reporter: there is. it is an early priority to try. and emphasize try. listen to what fred upton said, the incoming republican chairman of the energy and commerce committee that has jurisdiction over health care. >> early on, in fact, prior to the president's state of the union address you're going to see a vote to repeal lincoln in the house. and i'm convinced not only will you have all of the 242 republican vote for it, you'll have a significant number of democrats as well. >> reporter: now here's the reality check. even if he is right, that there are enough votes to override a veto in the house there surely will not be in the senate. that's why ultimately republican soufrss say their strategy is death by 1,000 cuts. that means that their best bet is to try to defund key parts of the law and make it hard for the administration to implement. >> all right. >> tough job ahead. we always talk about this when gridlock happens. are they doing the best job for the american people. we'll have to wait and see. thanks, dana. >> the men and women who rush to the world trade center on 9/11 are now eligible for federal health benefits. president obama signed the bill. it provides coverage for those sickened by pollution at ground zero. a white house staffer flew with a copy of the bill from washington to hawaii so the president could sign it over there while he was on vacation. >> symbolic move. it's gone through so much. now it's finally a done deal. >> an unsolved mystery in arkansas this morning. officials say they don't know why 5,000 birds just fell from the sky before midnight on new year's eve. most of the red-winged black birds and starlings found dead northeast of little rock. some of the theories they look at, a lightning strike, they say perhaps the birds were roosting and a new year's fireworks display may have disrupted them and caused stress. earlier we talked to somebody from fish and game. they are going to do testing on these birds. they say they should know what caused them all to die sometime today. >> the social networking site that keeps on growing, facebook, could be worth $50 billion. have you heard about this. goldman sachs and a russian investor bought a stake in the company. i thought it was connecting with high school friends. according to "the new york times" the deal values facebook at $50 billion making it worth more than companies like ebay, yahoo! and time warner which is our parent company. as for facebook ceo analysts estimate his personal worth may have doubled to nearly $14 billion. not bad for a college experiment. >> a way to collect with college friends. the youngest billionaire. >> paying the price for rewards. you have a credit card that gives you cash back when you spend? watch out. they could dig you deeper into debt. >> and are you ready for playoff football? yes. who got in, who got robbed. and who can go all the way to super bowl xlv in dallas. >> number within new year's resolution people want to lose weight but be able to eat. if you love food but you want to lose unwanted pounds, we have good news for you. good eats that are good for you too. it's a food cleanse coming up. ♪ ooh, ah la, la, la ♪ ♪ ooh, ah la, la, la ♪ ♪ ooh, ah la, la, la ♪ ♪ ooh, ah la, la, la ♪ ♪ ooh, ah la, la, la ♪ ♪ [ dance beat ] ♪ ooh, ah la, la, la ♪ ♪ ooh, ah la, la, la ♪ ♪ ooh, ah la, la, la ♪ [ male announcer ] join we don't just post the $100k+ jobs. we give you the tools and guidance you need to be irresistible. ♪ ooh, ah ♪ >> christine romans is here "minding your business." these credit cards that pay you cash back, sounds like a great deal. >> hey, i want money back. i wonder why the banks do that. wondy why they pay you back. maybe because they somehow make moan off of this. they do. they do. you don't get them for nothing. the chicago fed doing a study about why do banks reward customers to use their cards? found that for the $25 cash back you get from using a 1%, they said 1% cash back cards for $25 reward you actually spent 68 more dollars. by the end of the quarter you spent $115 extra than people who weren't being enticed to spend by 1% cash back. the rewards cards in this case according to this chicago fed study that's going to be presented at an economic conference this week, these entice you to spend more money and to get in more debt. >> all consumers. look, you can buy two tee shirts for 15. >> we have to be smarter. that's the point. you don't get something for nothing. right. there is no such thing as a free lunch. >> a bird in the hand worth seven in the bush. >> there is a reason why they do it. they want to give you something back so you use their card, but also you are spending more. be disciplined. always with your credit cards. be disciplined. can you pay it off? don't put it on there unless you can pay it off right away. there is a big debate. some say if you can't pay something off in three months don't put it on. i say if you can't pay it off when you get the bill don't put it on there because it means you can't afford it. >> more months of interest. >> right. now they didn't -- this did not study the ones for credit card miles, for the airline miles and -- >> don't get me started. >> a lot of -- >> does that work for you? >> it works but they send these free companion tickets with the one i use. i ends up not using the companion tickets. i'm thinking there goes 150 bucks. >> i have to spend $25,000 to get a free ticket. suddenly it's 40,000 miles to use the ticket. by the way there are all of these blackouts so you can never use it. all of these -- just be smart. be smart about the cards. i love the chicago fed studying it and going to present to the this conference this week. >> give cash back? >> it doesn't. >> if you are smart it does. >> valuable tips that will save you money for the rest of your life. >> beautiful. >> plenty of people said this to the boss. i'm late. but it wasn't my fault. it was my iphone's fault. >> what's next, the dog ate my iphone? >> the new year's glitch. >> 21 past the hour. a symbol of america and american struggles now the white house, the white house itself, losing a quarter of its value during the housing crisis. the website real estate says it was 332 million, going for 253. good news, it's not for sale. >> as long as it's not foreclosed on. apple promises a glitch with iphone alarms should be fixed. alarms on the smart phones set to go off in the first days of 2011, failed. single use alarms were not affected. were affected, excuse me but not recurring alarms. plenty of people complained they overslept and missed appointments over the weekend and blamed it on the iphone. >> set a backup alarm if you have to be there. i learned that the hard way. he is so adorable even though he's on everything. the first cute kid of the year. this is a baby who has a new favorite word. >> no. >> did you have a good christmas? >> no. >> do you love your mommy? >> no. >> you love your daddy? >> no. no. >> do you love your uncle? >> no. >> poor guy. he's saying no to everything. >> so cute. >> ask if he wants to go to disney world. eat your heart out, jerry jones. falcons player showing the owner, a gatorade shower. >> this is brave. >> i hope they all have a job. this happened after sunday's final regular season game. the celebration coming after the falcons beat the panthers, 31-10. sewing up the number one seed and home field advantage. >> he's a good sport. he's happy they did get in and did as well as they did. >> and i think he probably wouldn't be too upset with another if they win the super bowl. >> the falcons are one of 12 teams still standing after the regular season. will the dirty bird make it back to the super bowl? we'll talk to jamaal anderson. >> and using helicopters to round up wild mustangs. animal rights groups don't like it. why the government says it has to be done. style that lasts a lifetime. what do you say we get the look we want, the softness we need, and an unbeatable lifetime stain warranty for whatever life throws at it. then let's save big on the installation. ♪ we're lowering the cost of going barefoot. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. get exclusive martha stewart living and platinum plus installed in your whole house for only 37 bucks. [ male announcer ] breathe, socket. just breathe. we know it's intimidating. instant torque. top speed of 100 miles an hour. that's one serious machine. but you can do this. any socket can. the volt only needs about a buck fifty worth of charge a day. and for longer trips, it can use gas. so get psyched. this is a big step up from the leafblower. the 2011 chevrolet volt. it's more car than electric. the nfl regular season is a wrap and the playoffs are now upon us. >> it was an exciting football sunday yesterday, wasn't it. >> unless you're a redskins fan. >> sorry about that. the wild card weekend begins saturday, the samts play the see hawks and on sunday the ravens meet the chiefs and the packers take on the eagles. a lot of excitement. joining us to talk about the super bowl xlv. you know how they complain and say change things. now you have a team that got in, seattle, with a record -- a losing record, bottom line, because the nfc worst as people like to call the division. what's going on? >> a lot of people are upset. obviously it's in the rules, seattle seahawks beat the st. louis rams last night, won the division in the nfc west, the worst division in football this year. they are in the playoffs. teams, the bucks that are 10-6, there are a lot of angry people. there is a losing team. listen, they won the division. these are part of the rules i think probably there's going to be conversations about the rules. like we said earlier, a couple years ago the arizona cardinals they were 9-7. they did have a winning record but they went on and had an amazing run in the playoffs and nearly won the super bowl. so anything's possible. although i think the saints are going to be able to handle business in seattle this weekend. >> i'm going to propose a new rule. if a team wins a division but has less than a .500 season i think that playoff spot should go to whoever i guess -- >> another wild card. >> a wild card caliber team hooxt finished with a better record than that division winner. you think roger goodell is going to take me up on that. >> there are going to be conversations. this was setting up this whole season, jim. we watched this division with the st. louis rams, the 49ers supposed to be the break out team and the seattle seahawks up and down all year long. that game, that game was the nfc west championship game last night between the rams and the seahawks. and they are in and they are a team -- you have a 10-win season in the nfl, that is a successful year. you are expecting to go to the playoffs and there are a couple teams sitting home watching this seattle team in the playoffs. hosting a playoff game. >> that's insane. >> i did feel bad for the giants because they tried. they had a great game, sorry, they did. >> you feel bad for the giants and you're like -- i know you're riding with the eagles. >> i felt bad because i mean, as you said earlier they should have gotten it done before. they didn't. and -- >> everybody likes eli manning. >> he is a good guy. he's hard to hate. >> eli is one of those guys he has a bad game it hurts you because of his expressions. like help the guy out a little bit. >> quarterbacks, brett favre, i think we almost saw him tear up at the press conference yesterday in minnesota. he threw a shout out to the green bay packers fans basically saying i'm not coming back. you believe him? >> you got to. at this point, jim. look what happened to him this season. obviously you know, the off season with the minnesota vikings, he went through the soap opera with brett favre. i do not begrudge favre for coming back. the vikings looked like a team capable of a successful season, all of the pieces were in place and it didn't work out. you know, at the end of his career almost like we're watching favre get pulled out. he's getting knocked out, bleeding, got concussions. >> who do you feel worse for, him or donovan mcnabb? poor guy, you know. the eagles go to the super bowl with vick, you know, and you got mcnabb benched with the redskins. that's depressing for him. >> it is very depressing for him. i got to remind you, the team in the nfc with home field advantage is the atlanta falcons. they are going to have to come through atlanta to do it. it's going to be -- that's kind of the game that -- that is setting up for everybody right now. if these teams handle business. listen. no disrespect to the defending super bowl champs because the saints will go on the road and they are going to be a very tough team in the playoffs. and the packers are going to be tough. and the afc side, we talked about with it earlier, tom brady and the patriots outstanding. >> jamal, we won't ask you to do the dirty bird this morning. win some games first. then we'll come back. >> i'm telling you. the falcons, home field advantage for the falcons, for the patriots, the two best teams. may be a collision course. >> jamaal anderson, great to talk to you. thanks. >> thank you. always a pleasure. >> it's half past the hour. time for us to look at the top stories. there is a controversy making waves in the u.s. navy. sailors caught on video in raunchy skits with sexual content, gay slurs, aboard an aircraft carrier at war. the man libehind is in charge. >> in australia monsoon rains chased thousands from homes. water levels are expected to crest at 31 feet. forecasters say it could be days before conditions improve. >> developing out of hollywood, actress zsa zsa gabor rushed to the hospital. will have to have part of a leg amputated in attempt to save her life. a spokesman says that cancerous leashtions started appearing. they were worried so they had to do the amputation. she is 93. >> we've been talking about this all morning long. out west the wild mustangs that roam the country. they are an iconic symbol of the region. the federal government says the mustang population is growing out of control and draining the resources. >> so the bureau of land management is using helicopters and they hold these roundups where they chase the horses into pens by the thousands, animal rights groups say it's cruel and they are out to stop it. john is in miami this morning with more on this. hi, john. >> reporter: hi there, kiran, jim. if you have one of those state quarter, the nevada quarter, you look on that, you know what's on there? a mustang. and there are more wild horses in nevada than any other state. but as you mentioned, they are activists say, being systematically removed by the federal government. the federal government says look, it has to remove a number of horses in order to control the population. the very least it's a controversy that pits the government against the activists. there is no secretariat, no seabiscuit, no black beauty. here, they have no names. none needed. in their eyes you see who they are, rugged, powerful, independent. they are the wild mustangs of the american west. >> out here you hear it all the time. the cowboy will say you know, the outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man. >> reporter: woven generations into the fabric of the land they have become the focus of lawsuits. even protests as far away as new york. >> help save america's wild horses. >> reporter: the horses are at the center of a tug of war between the u.s. government chasing them down with helicopters, and animal rights groups who want it stopped. >> the roundups of the wild horses and borrows is a true holocaust of the animal world. >> we can't let one horse impact everybody else by taking all of the feed, the water, do damage to the habitat. >> reporter: the disagreement is clear cut. the bureau of land management is charged with caring for and managing nearly 40,000 horses and burros roaming on 26 million acres of the west. while this federal land, your land, was set aside for the horses they don't have free rein. the land is considered multiuse. >> wildlife, livestock, recreationist, mining interests, whatever. >> reporter: the bhm insists it must reduce herd size because the land can't sport the numbers. >> this ain't kentucky blue grass. >> reporter: it holds roundups. last year the goal remove 12,000 horses. that's right. 12,000. and take them to holding pens. >> this is our land. we want the horses on here most of us. >> reporter: armed with cameras and recorders the activists document what they see as brutal roundups. here a helicopter chases one single burro. eventually knocking it over. it staggered off. here you are looking at steam rising from the backs of chased down exhausted horses. the blm says less than 1% of the animals die in these roundups. activists say that's 1% too many. now, the bureau of land management insists that at these roundups that it holds it has absolutely nothing to hide. we went along on one of those roundups, and it was surprising to us just how close to the roundups they wouldn't let us get. we're going to show that tomorrow. and you can be the judge whether you think the blm has anything to hide. >> eye opening story. john zarrella, thanks. >> don't call it a diet. we're talking about good food that can help you kick start your weight loss for the new year. we'll see what's on the menu and how easy some of this is to prepare. hi, may i help you? yes, i hear progressive has lots of discounts on car insurance. can i get in on that? are you a safe driver? yes. discount! do you own a home? yes. discount! are you going to buy online? yes! discount! isn't getting discounts great? yes! there's no discount for agreeing with me. yeah, i got carried away. happens to me all the time. helping you save money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today. so he chose a university where the faculty average over 14 years of experience in their fields to help him turn a thesis into a business plan and accelerate the path between ideas... and actions. my name is myron sullivan, i'm developing a robotic system to clean oil spills, and i am a phoenix. [ male announcer ] learn more about the school of business at welcome back. a perfect segment for starting the new year if you want to start the new year eating right, losing weight and not feeling deprived here is your chance. >> bon has a food lover's cleanse. it's not one of those detox starvation feeling diets. it's for people who love food but want to eat healthier. so, thanks for being with us. everything here looks delicious. i noticed there's not a lot of pastas or potatoes. but you're not talking about with just sipping a little bit of pepper and honey and hoping for the best. >> this is not your deprivation diet. a lot of seasonal ingredients, feeling satisfying foods. we wanted to focus on fresh ingredients that fill you up. so we're able to just get our digestive system a break. we came off of a month-long binge. the alcohol and the sweets and heavy holiday meals. we want to clean it up. so we brought in wonderful satisfying indulgent recipes. we're relishing seasonal fresh ingredients, fruits and vegetables, beans, whole grains, some dark chocolate in there. >> this is not -- is this only about about losing weight? >> it's not even -- >> some of this looks really good. >> we're going to lose weight on the back end. it's really about kicking things up a notch, filling up with satisfying food. losing weight at the same time. >> you waited. it was styled so beautifully. we want to let people know this is on our website by the way, but tell me about this grain that is -- i'm hearing it. it has protein. >> it's amazing. it's full source of non-animal source of protein. it's a complete protein which is pretty rare. powerful anti-oxidants, great fiber, very nutty. this is a warm kinua. great for breakfast. this is a nice swap. and again it's high in fiber so it gives us a lot of long lasting energy. >> you can make it the night before. >> you can. make multiple servings for the week. supereasy. >> is that good to go? i want to take a taste. i never had it. i love blackberries. >> what about this is a beautiful looking lentil soup. >> we have curry. all of that flavor from spice without any of the calories or fat. and lentils are fantastic. you want to work in whole grains and lentils and beans. very satisfying. it's freezing out. we're back to cold weather. this is a lovely winter couscous. we swapped out the couscous with a bulger, a cracked wheat. high in fiber. so fiber is great. it fills us up. we eat less. the weight starts coming off. look at these butternut squash, chick peas, tons of vegetables. >> you've got some expensive looking items. this looks sort of expensive, the grain-fed beef. what do you suggest for folks on a tighter budget? >> you can do -- we wanted to work red meat in here. we did choose a grass-fed beef because it's lower in cholesterol. we've got sweet potatoes, so great in terms of antioxidants. and look again, all of the lovely spinach. or arugula, tons of vegetables on the plate. >> what is your best way to cook the sweet potatoes? >> i love roasting them. >> what is the oven on? >> 400 or so. a little olive oil, salt, pepper, maybe a little cayenne. >> this is how my table looks every day. a pile of chocolate. we pile that up. >> now, cleansing? >> food lovers cleanse. being the name of the game. so of course we have to get some indulgence in there. dark chocolate is one of those so satisfying because it's so rich. so you need a bite or two. >> i had my main course. >> a little caffeine added on to the five coffees. >> we wanted to work dark chocolate in. the point is not to feel deprived. this is a great quick snack or dessert. a little yogurt which we did keep in some dairy. and tangerines and -- >> i want to ask you about what is not here. because sometimes it's easier if people know what i should try to avoid. white potatoes and white rice you're not a huge fan. >> we wanted to highlight some of the other great types of healthy carbs that are satisfying and filling, energy boosting, long lasting. we end up filling up faster so we eat less. so that's why we ended up focusing on the sweet potatoes, butternut squashes, the bulger, really very -- more so satisfying. we also dumbed down the alcohol which is a no-brainer i think after new year's we can take a break. and we bumped up the fruits and vegetables, citrus fruit. we wanted to -- so refreshing. there is no better way to get a nice boost of a natural sugar in that sweetness. and we're giving our digestive systems a break. >> all the vitamins. >> if you're bloated that's a great way. >> for a guy like jim, 6 feet or so, roughly like 180, what should -- what calorie count should he be in? >> if you're trying to maintain, and you're active, around 2200 to 2400. >> what about girls like us? >> if we're not trying to lose stay in the 1500 to 1800 calorie range. >> sounds good. this all looks beautiful. can't wait till i can try more. go for it. marisa, thanks for joining us. happy new year to you. this is with bon appetite magazine. thanks so much. >> i'm going to stay here the rest of the show. >> head to some of these cool recipes. i like that better than oatmeal. give it a try. it's got protein. ♪ ♪ you are my sunshine ♪ my only sunshine ♪ you makes me happy ♪ when skies are grey ♪ you'll never know, dear ♪ how much i love you ♪ please don't take my sunshine away ♪ [ male announcer ] as long as there are babies, they'll be chevy's to bring them home. ♪ [ male announcer ] when sean was looking at mba programs, he wanted a curriculum designed to meet market needs, with faculty who brought real-world perspective on where the business world was headed and the practical experience to help him make an impact. my name is sean blankenship, i'm making the electric car more accessible, and i am a phoenix. [ male announcer ] learn more about the school of business at >> 47 past the hour. now that we're eating healthy. that was good stuff. >> i feel better already. i could do three more hours. >> you were eating the chocolate bar. you got to add greens in there. >> i know. >> the top stories we're following. president obama signing the 9/11 health bill into law. the $4.2 billion measure will provide coverage for those sickened at ground zero. a white house staffer flew with a copy of the bill to hawaii. so the president could sign it and get it done while on vacation. >> an unsolved mystery in arkansas. the 5,000 birds fell from the sky before midnight on new year's eve. most of them were found dead over the same one-mile area northeast of little rock. a theory that fireworks may have stressed them to death. officials are investigating. >> hot mail users that logged in some found to their shock e-mail had disappeared. some logged in to empty folders gone. microsoft has been working to resolve the problem since saturday. the company will not say how widespread that is. >> and i feel bad, it's sort of like did you bring enough for the rest of the class? i mean all of this food up here, our rob marciano in the extreme weather center. he needs a little. >> if it's not bad enough that on christmas day i was stuck at the kiddie table in the kitchen. >> did you get sick of the kiddie table? >> i'm used to it. case in point, jim. you're making us hungry. i love the fact we're starting to do cooking segments. good morning. i want to start with this. what's going on, what has happened in utah. a 4.9 quake earlier that's revised to 4.5. rarldless that's enough to shake you out of your shoes. no reports of major damage. it's 200 miles southwest of salt lake city. this is part of the wasatch fault which recrates the wasatch mountains. and get yourself world class powder. snow is coming into southwest utah that will get in the wasatch. it's driven by this, another storm across southern california anthis is driving rain and snow into some of the higher elevations. there is winter storm warnings up for parts of the hills around los angeles, and the grapevine, i-5 north of or the 5 freeway, north of l.a., is shut down until further notice because of the snow. certainly continues to be interesting. but they dry it out tonight. interesting, it was interesting to end our new year, new year's eve in minnesota brought in quite a bit of snow. this is some of the snow footage that our eye reporter funda ray sent in. about two feet tall in spots because of the drifting of the snow. and that did not allow her to let her pooch out to go out and do whatever pooches do. that could be an issue. speaking about your garbage men not doing everything they need to do as far as cleaning up the streets of new york, snow and garbage. 33 now in boston. we are back to seasonable temperatures across the northeast. lake-effect snows expected across syracuse northward. could see a foot or two as the lake-effect snow machines begin to crank. other than that it's pretty quiet east of the mississippi river. a little storm system, clipping across parts of northern tier and the western great lakes. that will drop maybe a couple inches of snow. that's about it. that is good news for folks dealing with treacherous weather so a couple of days break here, maybe some slight delays across new york city today but the more intense delays out in los angeles, high temperature in the big apple in the mid-30s. send me some of that food. >> it's on its way. >> either that or when you come up we'll make it. >> thank you. >> from the heart. with love. i think something we can agree on pandas are awfully cute. what about cows? put the two together, and boy, do we have a treat for you. check this out. i love this story. the panda cow named ben was born on new year's eve on a farm in colorado, panda cows are a rare mennia tour breed of cattle bred to look like a panda. there are said to be only 25 in the world. for good reason, they are so darn adorable. i always said about the show we need more panda cow. >> we need a mascot. if anyone has 30 k laying around this guy is great. he's only going to grow to 4 feet and weigh 1,000 pounds. >> i'd like to see the panda cow explore the space. >> we'll take a quick break. diae me even more on my hotel? well, hotels know they can't fill every room every day. like this one. and this one. and oops, my bad. so, they give expedia ginormous discounts with these: unpublished rates. which means i get an even more rockin' hotel, for less. my brain didn't even break a sweat. where you book matters. expedia. welcome back. the spider man stunt double who fell to the stage during a performance last month will be out of rehab later this week. christopher tierney suffered broken rib, and three cracked vertebrae. several performances were canceled after the accident and his dad says his son can't wait to return to the show which sets up our next story. >> in some sort of sash. well, tierny is one of four that got hurt in that spectacular. a lot of accidents. some of them raising concern about the overall safety of people doing stunt work. and whether or not more should be done to make sure no one else gets hurt. >> our susan candiotti talks about the risk they take on the job. >> reporter: their flowing moves and artistry are stunningly beautiful and a bit frightening to watch. >> when you're performing a trick and you know, something that's a little bit sudden or quick or swift and you get that ah, from the crowd it's exciting. >> reporter: there are risks. will the knots hold, will the rigging bear weight. >> you forget a line or if you forget a step it's one thing. if you're -- if you fall, game over. >> beautiful. >> reporter: an actor in spider man who plunged more than 20 feet in a stunt is the fourth performer injured in the broadway play still in previews. >> how dangerous is this profession? >> danger is kind of part of the game. >> reporter: more than a game. it is serious work. >> 10, 9. >> reporter: this is an aerial acrobat who runs her own small troupe performing throughout new york. sfiderman's accidents are the talk of the community. >> one person getting hurt, then it's not necessarily the show's fault. but four people. >> if i was in that show, i mean it's hard. that's a big machine to be a little tiny cog in. i don't envy those performers. >> reporter: dangling off the floor they gave me a small taste of the techniques. >> there you go. even sitting is difficult. >> it is to keep your upper body straight. without falling. >> reporter: these aerialists are self regulated. they watch out for their own safety. >> each time you perform how do you deal with the risk? >> i never perform anything i haven't done in practice at least 100 times. i'm sure that my rigging is secure. >> reporter: there are no short cuts. a close friend fell to his death two years ago working for another company. since then for her, safety paramount. >> i felt this was a good way to keep his memory alive and you know, inspire others. yes. >> reporter: to make her art safe or at least as safe as it can be. susan candiotti, cnn, new york. ♪ ooh, ah la, la, la ♪ ♪ ooh, ah la, la, la ♪ ♪ [ dance beat ] [ male announcer ] join we don't just post the $100k+ jobs. we give you the tools and guidance you need to be irresistible. has the biggest hotel deals we're offering the big deal guarantee. book a hotel with name your own price and if you can find a lower published price anywhere else we'll match it and pay you $25. book now and save up to 60% on hotels. only at priceline. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ look at that car, well, it goes fast ♪ ♪ givin' my dad a heart attack ♪ [ friend ] that is so awesome. ♪ i love my car [ engine revving ] [ male announcer ] that first chevy, yea, it gets under your skin. ♪

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