embryos from a cryopreservation tank and places them on a petri dish with the name "savage" on it. nine months later, knowing she was having someone else's baby, caroline gives birth to little logan and then gives him up to his real parents. >> can you say hello to everybody? say hi? hi? >> to think that a woman carried someone else's baby, albeit by accident, to term and then had to hand that child over to that couple, not achieving her own pregnancy, first of all, she's an amazing woman. and secondly, it's a tragedy. >> happily, sean and caroline recently had twins, isabella and reagan, with the help of a surrogate. mistakes like this are exceedingly rare, but they do happen. nine months in the wrong mom is no way to have a baby. so if you're getting fertility treatment, make sure the clinic is accredited by the college of american pathologists. at number 6, operating on the wrong body part.