Transcripts For CNBC Squawk On The Street 20160504 : compare

Transcripts For CNBC Squawk On The Street 20160504

we read the tea leaves on the data that's driving down the market this morning. >> cbs and time warner are on the move both after reporting earnings. we're going to dig into those quarters. we'll also talk to cbs's chief executive. tim cook calling the u.s. government dysfunctional on "mad money" with jim. we'll hear from the apple ceo and dig in on what last night's primary results may mean. stocks are poised to open lower a day after falling to their lowest levels in three weeks amid concerns about slowing economic growth. speaking of the economy, data from adp shows the private sector added 156,000 jobs in april, that is below consensus and marks the smallest increase in three years. 156, we were looking for 196. and everybody wants to know, jim, what this might mean for friday. >> yeah. i think that we're back into a mode which says this roving bull market that we've had in cyclicals maybe give that a break. go back into the clorox market. remember, it is just bull, bear, bull, bear, we rotated out of all these companies that were just kind of the soft goods companies and went very hard into if you have to use an analogy freeport and suddenly we find out that was wrong that only works when things are better and when the dollar's weaker and when oil's going higher. so we have a mixed picture now of -- i want to pull back and say, you don't want the fed to tight -- if you're a bull, you don't want the fed tight. and these numbers say, hey, fed, you should wait and brexit. i know i find it really boring. >> it's going to get less boring. >> yes. exactly. it's going to happen right after the fed meeting. and i think everybody's going to be saying are you crazy? if you don't know the results of brexit you can't do anything. when i see our election and see everyone's kind of pulling back from being one world, maybe there's a brexit ground swell. >> there may be. i wonder on that note though given we now have a likely nominee of the republican party in mr. trump, do you think people have been focused on it? or when will they start to really focus on the uncertainty that any election brings regardless of whether it's the republican or democratic candidate. does that not happen until the fall, really, in terms of people really looking at what the implications may be? >> yeah, i think that there's a lull. i mean, there will be conventions and speeches, but i think there was a little bit more of a foregone conclusion than the media wanted to admit throughout this period. but i would say that this is a moment where we go back to earnings. the companies that reported good numbers yesterday despite the fact that we had big futures pull down. you saw cvs report a very good number and the stock went up. that's cvs charlie victor, not the one we're going to talk to today. and you saw clorox up. that was a terrific quarter. i'm saying gravitational pull on soft good stocks, gravity really did work yesterday and that's part and parcel of the new rotation. >> we're going to see companies that beat on the top line today, twx. >> yeah. >> cbs. priceline. and then zoetas comes out another company saying guidance is better because of the lightning dollar headwind. >> that's what pfizer did yesterday. a spin-off of pfizer, maybe great minds think alike there. i just think that we're -- these are all companies, pfizers, these don't need a strong economy. think about it i know it seems ridiculous we could go looking for biden in freeport and chesapeake last week and then today say what we really want are these consumer product companies and we like media. so it is just one after another after another. when i look at what time warner and cbs are saying, they're saying, hey, listen, we got oversold. and we're good. that's true. time warner is very good. >> let's move onto that actually. better than expected quarterly numbers, always adjusted operating income grew to a record $2 billion. cbs also well ahead of street estimates ad sales driven by political spending, super bowl helped boost quarterly revenue. 10%, double-digit top line growth at cbs. i mean, i know they have the super bowl, that's a big number. >> that's awesome. >> by the way, to put in contrast it's 3% at time warner. so we'll have i'm sure a lot to talk to leslie moonves about. >> phenomenal was used twice in the call. >> yes, he's very excited about the up fronts. this is cbs, that they are very well positioned and they will sell more inventory than they did last year when he claims that they pulled back and waited for the scatter. so leslleslie is probably looki back a bit. of course all of this mr. redstone, the national -- his competent and whether and when that trust will take over. but the numbers themselves at cbs of which by the way mr. moonves is also chairman. >> right. >> were really quite strong. quite strong. >> talking about even if you back out the super bowl was really terrific. shift in dollars, one of the most interesting things was how about the kind of subtle shift saying digital, you think digital's great, of course digital is a little miscounted, but you need digital in order to augment us. but it's really the return of broadcast. >> although their digital product is going to have "star trek". >> in production today. >> wow. there's a big -- >> all cbs all access is what they call it. >> i read the corner and went winning team, i want to join in. it's great. having worked there already it's like a winning team when i worked there. radio being spun out like outdoor. it was a perfect quarter. they bought back a lot of stock now. >> $500 million worth of stock. that's a lot. >> you see the way they shrunk over the last few years. >> never getting a high eps number. >> no revenue growth. >> they have it. that 10% number is something. even with the addition of the super bowl. >> we ought to just have them on the show. >> okay, let's do that. let's do that. time warner numbers also were not bad. they're pretty good. call's going on right now. there are a couple of things i can share with you. best quarter revenue growth for turner in almost three years. domestic sub revenue growth on track to be in the low teens for the rest of the year. advertising up a solid 5% saying again the conference call for time warner going on right now despite fx head winds, of course those not quite as strong. scatter pricing continues to be up well into double digits and they expect total revenue growth to be in the mid to high single digits. that also from time warner, so we'll see advertising. political of course adds to that as we know. >> that's a very good point. that's a little one-time. but i do say these guys both say content is king. "game of thrones" figures in time warner, "game of thrones" is loved in hbo. >> and showtime with cbs and our colleague. of course it cost them some money too because it was very expensive to ramp up for it. >> cbs they're talking about winning the whole demographic. they do like the thursday night football games. the reason why i'm spending more time is just if you take a couple months ago these were the disasters. >> this was all taking place on a week where the new fronts are taking place in the hulus of the world are making their pitch, the latest buzz word is not cord cutter but cord never. have you heard this? >> oh, yeah. >> 18-year-olds who have never had a cable box in their house. >> well, talk to some of the younger people in our office or anybody you may run into who's let's call it 25 and below they to carl's point have never had a cable connection. and many will say, well, when you start a family, when you have more people in the household, the economic value that will be presented to you by the bundle will be such that you will choose to do so. i'm not as sure. once you have that habit of never having that video connection, it's not clear to me that you're going to somehow one day decide you need it. plus the proliferation of all of these different bundles over the top give people that opportunity. so this overhangs -- we can sit here and talk about 10% revenue growth and it's great and 3% at time warner and they can tell us going to be on every platform. the world is changing very quickly. >> you don't think that les made a very strong case that you have to have the number one network? that you have to be watching the number one network? i thought he made a strong case. >> but what's the demographic of that network? do you feel you need to watch "the good wife"? >> when i'm in it. >> i think we'll ask les when we see here but my takeaway was all access, showtime, streaming will beginning to make a significant contribution. >> i agree. >> when do we not think of them as a television network? >> right. >> i also feel it's kind of a throwback. look, they've made a comeback. people are starting to come back more. nfl does figure in over and over. >> of course it does. without a doubt sports programming figures importantly for cbs and then of course the ncaa and the nba on tnt. yeah, those are important components of their programming. i still wonder though in this world that we are headed into, slowly but with great certainty where younger people as they get older are not going to have the bundle anymore in the way that we do, what's going to be part of it. and whether or not that economic value that goes to the content companies will be the same it is right now. >> what happens if espn adds a viewer. >> adds who? >> adds a viewer. >> are you suggesting that's going to happen? >> i'm just suggesting this seems to be the rebirth of time warner, which didn't we pronounce them -- wasn't time warner dead? i mean, i went by a cemetery i always hold my breath there's the time warner tombstone. honestly, i remember when jeff was saying -- great america. forgot. thank you. it was stuck at 60 and he was saying this is ridiculous. it was, it was ridiculous. >> the market is telling you it was. >> the stock up 14% this year. >> i'll take that. >> yeah, i bet you will. >> you look at time warner, look at cbs and say people are going back to watching tv and these cord-never people, good luck. >> and you don't think the political cycle is masking any of this? >> cnn. >> local is pretty good for cbs too. >> who was good? >> local. >> i thought you said merkel. i was going to say urkel. >> whatever happened to urkel? where is that guy? >> i don't know. >> i never watched that show, i have no idea what show it was but i remember -- nothing gets past him. >> when we come back tim cook using one word to describe the government. stick around to hear what he told jim. take another look at the premarket. nasdaq now within 1% of correction. that level is 47.08. we'll watch that when we return. real is touching a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there is only one place where real and amazing live. seaworld. real. amazing they found out who's been who? cking into our network. guess. i don't know, some kids in a basement? you watch too many movies. who? a small business in china. a business? they work nine to five. they take lunch hours. like a job? like a job. we tracked them. how did we do that? we have some new guys defending our network. new guys? well, they're not that new. they've been defending things for a long time. [ digital typewriting ] it's not just security. it's defense. bae systems. i think government in general has gotten quite dysfunctional in the u.s. and some other countries as well. and so what that does, i believe, is put more responsibility on the everyday citizen and companies to help promote change and improving things. and i don't mean to play a government role, but it's not just government who can change things. >> that's tim cook sounding off on the government last night on "mad money" with jim. a day after the journal did a page one story about benioff. >> i'm so glad you mentioned that. that piece was fantastic. what you're hearing when you see in ceos it's like, geez, maybe i have to be more like benioff or what tim cook just said. benioff is people don't know mark he started by tweeting to try to stop an indiana law. the heat when you even mention which side he is on just distracts the point of view of what tim cook and benioff are trying to do, which is influence change and just saying it's no longer the government because the government is abdicated. when he says dysfunctional is abdicated from anything. >> howard schultz has also been quite outspoken in certain areas. >> yes, he has. >> i do wonder with some of these ceos all of whom either control their company or have significant say or incredible long string of success, but what is -- what are a board's thoughts when the ceo's out there on something? and what's the communication like? >> raises the ante. you've got to deliver the quarter so big or else why are you spending any time on that issue? >> that's what -- >> it's very interesting. remember when doug mcmillan came out i think some degree at walmart against an indiana law that i'm not going to give the specifics of because i don't want to make this about the law itself, but he joined mark benioff, maybe through tweeting, maybe through a -- the business guys overrun and then say you may not act at the super bowl and the reason is remember who's an advertiser. they're about money and we control the money and who's going to go where. >> it's happened in georgia, north carolina and other states. on apple itself people said his appearance on "mad money" was desperate. what'd you think of that? >> you know, i saw that i was like desperate? then he goes to the 1,400 desperate ceos have come on "mad money" over a period of 11 years. i mean honestly, okay, look -- the stock -- first of all, do you know apple has had 47 declines of the same magnitude? 47 declines. >> of what of 12% decline? >> as opposed to just thinking about the days. i think tim cook -- he's changed many ways about how he deals. i think he just felt like it's not a bad time to tell people that the future's bad and not as bad as people think, the value's there and inexpensive stock. i think the idea that he's desperate just has to do with the idea that you think that people don't change. you just think he only talks when he's really just trying to talk his stock up. cramer bounce, no. and i'm saying that said this morning watch the morning show and i love that show, i'm just saying i think he felt like, look, let me be more control of the narrative. and i think a lot of it has to do with the conference call than what happened. because if you read the conference call there's two conference calls. there's the what tim cook has to say and then there's the questions from the analysts. and the questions from the analysts are almost entire like now that you're a value stock, now that you've run out of gas, now that trees -- you want that conference call to control then all you say is, you know what, we are done. and i think he's trying to get beyond the analysts. he does care about wall street, because the conference call was a great call because they made the quarter and then some stuff about hong kong and china and slow down. and then analysts who they may have buys on it, they should have sells on it given those questions. they should just own it. i don't know what they're afraid of, but just own your negativity. say, listen, i'm really negative. these are apple cord cutters. they want to cut the cord. >> yeah. >> are they cord nevers or cord cutters? you don't like the cord nevers, do you? >> the cord nevers, no. reading his quote in the "new york times." >> who's given him the hardest time on iphones. >> happens to be the most rigorous and i make that point because tony's been around for so long. you don't want to go against tony. that's how good he is. but he gave a quote to the "new york times" which basically said, listen, glory days are over. tim cook is talking about a service revenue stream that i completely agree with. at one point i feel like i was ahead of these guys, hey, listen, man, the service revenue stream i keep seeing how much i'm paying you and i don't know i'm paying you and i don't even care. i don't care how big it is because i have to have it. you ever lose your pictures? >> yes. >> yeah. >> not a good feeling. >> if i lost my pictures, i have tremendous pictures of me and my father, it would just be a disaster. >> of course it would. >> so i pay whatever. fine, right? the music. i'm a member of the family. i like the music plan. >> the revamping it as we speak. >> yeah, they didn't need to but i like the watch. one day we're all going to wear the watch. >> okay. >> we're going to wear it. fitbit reports tomorrow. i think they want to take back the health and fitness. they are really about health. tim cook talked about that. and he also ran the autism commercial last night that was amazing, you know, for those who have that terrible disease. apple's trying to solve that. >> we're going to talk more about their music revamp a little later on. >> but desperate? come on. >> we'll get the opening bell in a few moments. we'll count down to that with cramer's mad dash. one more look at this premarket. futures down an implied 80 points. we're back in a minute. ♪ (music plays throughout) ♪ uh oh. what's up? ♪ ♪ ♪ does nobody use a turn signal anymore? ♪ what's going on here? i'm val, the orange money retirement squirrel from voya. we're putting away acorns. you know, to show the importance of saving for the future. so you're sort of like a spokes person? more of a spokes metaphor. get organized at ♪ the mad dash. it's hump day. we got about six minutes before the opening bell. we're going to talk a little zillow. >> call me spencer. >> yes, spencer. >> i'll be spencer for a moment. so this was a remarkable quarter. and it put to rest a lot of issues. i now look at the arc of what happened, david, they bought trul ya. and it was trulia at the time bad action. the government delays some of these acquisitions. during the delay trulia had a lot of problems. by the time it finally closed, ras -- had a lot of problems. a few transactions currently use them and yet this is my favorite line, according to google trends more americans now search for the word zillow than for the words real estate. so zillow, kleenex, google, spencer should be very proud. >> he should be. i'm not sure where he is. >> i don't know where he is either. >> a victory lap around the set. >> geez, this would be his moment. >> and you think this is sustainable? >> yes, di do. i actually think the numbers are quite good. i think trulia was a real issue, but now i think they did -- one buys number two. and you immediately expect there to be this great move. but trulia needed revamping. had to spend a lot of time on it. trulia was down 20% in traffic and now it's back up 3.9% of all tractions in real estate done by these. going to be much more. mark benioff is the guy who has threatened various boyboycotts,e other activists are trying to be active. i was pointing out it was benio benioff, that was the piece we were moving around. >> we go way too quick sometimes and people cannot hear -- >> yeah, but spence, i thought he'd call in frankly. >> i'll call you spencer as you asked. don't call my shirley. >> don't call mie -- opening bell a few minutes away. [woodworker] i live in the fine details. that's why i run on quickbooks. i use the payments app to accept credit cards... ...and everything autosyncs. those sales prove my sustainable designs are better for the environment and my bottom line. that's how i own it. (ee-e-e-oh-mum-oh-weh) (hush my darling...) (don't fear my darling...) (the lion sleeps tonight.) (hush my darling...) man snoring (don't fear my darling...) (the lion sleeps tonight.) woman snoring take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. you're watching cnbc "squawk on the street" live from the financial capital of the world. we'll get the opening bell in just over a minute's time. a lot happening today. obviously people paying a lot of attention to politics in the wake of the indiana primary. donald trump with a pretty clear path now to that nomination. and sanders over clinton makes that race a little more complicated. sohn conference begins at new. >> very easy to craft a difficult scenario. none of those people is associated with buy, buy, buy. >> no. none of them are associated with particularly good performance numbers of late either. >> awe, david, why do you get the facts in the way of a good story? that irritates me. >> every so often they get things right. maybe they will again. >> well, david makes a great point. we have spent -- just like we had mr. hancock here from aig, a lot of these guys who talk have been so wrong people at home saying why don't we cover. and the answer is -- >> they got things to say and every so often -- >> they're interested. >> right. >> they're interested. >> part of the debate. >> not everybody's nfl, i don't know, they're interesting. >> they're interesting. >> they have a conference and you listen because they're thoughtful. doesn't mean they make you money, but they're thought provoking. >> yeah. jeff smith will be there. every now and then there's a darden that comes along, right? >> that's true. i had jeff smith on my panel at milken the other day and he spoke positively about his new relationship with his new friends on the yahoo board which he is now a part of. >> don't forget i think marvell technology might be interesting. >> why? >> because there's a new chairman, rick hill, going to fix that s.e.c. issue. i don't like that business per se, but anything can come back in tech. tech has been very weak, by the way. >> once again very weak. down here at the big board chase for business and gregory's coffee celebrating national small business week. over at the nasdaq it's celebrating ahead of mother's day this sunday. >> doing anything for mother's day or skip it like i'm thinking of doing? it's a hallmark holiday. >> yeah, my mother expects us to -- >> lisa doesn't watch the show so i figure i got a pass. i figured i'd ask out loud. i got cards in the bag going to mail them, what do you think? >> i think you should draw her a card. >> like the smiley faces? >> yeah. >> okay. good. one day she's going to watch the show and destroy me. right now it's free passville. >> she's never going to watch the show. >> no. like she has time. you think she doesn't do anything, don't you? you think she just sits there at home. that's what you think all day, don't you? >> last few weeks you've been positive on etsy. people kind of chuckled behind your back. >> but i'm like carrie now in the gymnasium scene. they're going to laugh at me. let me tell you what you got coming. delivered both on the expense side and top line. they actually made money, david gap made money. not just like the nongap of adjusted ebitda. >> you mean gaap as opposed to g.a.p. >> no. i thought the quarter was magnificent. the number of merchants, number of people going. this is the kraft/amazon, it's happening right here, right now. thank you for brooklyn. >> that's right, it is. >> publicly traded company in brooklyn. >> and there aren't too many that have come out of new york, certainly the tech scene here. >> we'll see after sin co -- >> using vacant chipotles. i think chipotle is doing quite well with the buy one, get one. >> you've been tenacious on chipotle. >> i think 4:30. >> first public profit marketing growth coming down -- costs coming down. >> look, these guys were the poster boy for overenthusiasm. i think if you look back, david, they were less happy to do with the enthusiasm. chad dickerson -- >> what did it go public at? >> it opened at 30. >> and never saw an up day -- >> yeah. etsy was a -- >> it was a little early. >> now it's back and i think we recognize that in many ways etsy's got a long-term business now. >> under armour -- >> i did want to hit on one of my favorites of course, which is that ongoing struggle between energy transfer and williams to -- well, really to kill each other is what it is, actually. >> i'm laughing it's like the biggest pipeline company in the world. >> right. we're talking one of the largest infrastructure deals of all time. but what's really happened is the two partners are just at each other constantly. this morning we got an ak from energy transfer saying williams we're count claiming we think you're in breach of our merger of course you've already sued us for breach of the merger agreement but perhaps more importantly here et also told williams it doesn't believe after consulting with legal advisors that the merger agreement requires ete to structure the existing transaction as williams has proposed. it's also told them that it's not required to do so under the merger agreement and any alternative structures that might have been considered after consulting with its tax advisors at latham watkins, the law firm, concluded there will remain substantial risk to material taxation and therefore no chance of restructuring, both suing each other counterclaiming for breach, williams also suing for interference and attacks personally against the man who controls ete. they hate each other. >> they just hate -- but remember, you don't need in a pipeline merger it's like you can close it and everybody goes. >> everybody goes away. >> there's no reason to keep everybody around other than those guys who like do the -- >> but the question is really where does this thing end up? it's uninvestable at this point. that's what most people say. just stay away. but as sagas go it's one of the more interesting ones i've encountered in some time. and we'll see if et's able to get what seems to be really somehow to get out of this thing and pay them something to do so. or they going to be forced to do the merger. or will they be forced? >> speaking of getting out of this while you were away, this quintiles. >> what in the world? >> been on "mad money" repeatedly, mr. pike, it was a great story. down again. >> did they not prepare their shareholder base for the idea of merger of equals or some sort of a deal? this thing has really not been well received. >> there's a lightning bolt. it was kind of like we all thought quintiles was the best way for companies to be able to get drugs approved. >> why wouldn't it still be when it's merged? >> it is. i don't think it's that bad a deal. but i'm now on the wrong side of short-term history. >> well, short-term is a keyword though. >> meanwhile time warner -- so great that they kept -- you know, those clowns who wanted to break out hbo, they're revealed as crusty and bozo. mo, larry, curly, all those people wanted to get hbo -- >> intraday the highest level of the year for twx. >> wow. >> under armour is basically lowest close since february. this would be the lowest closing level. cmo is leaving, briang they add sports authority liquidates all that inventory, there's going to be some promotions this spring. >> it's interesting i had columbia sportswear on, colm, that's a good company. and they admitted they got hurt on the liquidation. remember, sports authority was kind of like you took the merchandise in but you didn't get paid for the most part because they closed. >> that's true. >> some people are -- >> it is no longer with us. >> no. nor is dave's outdoor. >> dave's outdoor no longer with us either. >> remember dave's outdoor when tony soprano got involved -- >> of course. >> of course this is not criminal, it's not like that. but what happened is you sent the merchandise, and then they filed. >> right. >> that's kind of it. i remember my father shipment bags and we said he sent 10,000 bags to clothing company, this is when i was in fourth grade. and they locked the doors and my dad was stuck with 10,000 bags. i carried a lunch bag all the way from fourth grade to twelfth grade. my father said what are we going to do with them? stacked them in the laundry room. >> that's what happens when some of your customers go out of business. >> that's what happens. and plus people concerned about these high level -- but when kevin plank comes on i think he'll explain it. >> priceline the biggest loser. >> did you see the guidance? >> they beat guidance is 11.60 to 12.50. >> you got to be kidding me. we're looking at 15. >> street's at 14.96 as they launch this new brand campaign. >> i think they are underpromising and i think they can overdeliver. but, wow, that guidance was like, wow. >> yeah, especially after the loss of the ceo last week. >> yeah. that was a raised eyebrows. >> that was suboptimal. >> suboptimal situation. he made some ill advised decisions apparently. >> apparently he didn't choose wisely. >> chose poorly. >> right. >> i did want to mention medivation, said the bid is inadequate. you can't act by written consent to replace the entire board of directors, it's a very powerful weapon. so there has been certainly in my reporting as well some questions to whether they will be forced at some point to put the company up for auction. reuters saying, you know, there's interest from pfizer. i can't really confirm that. they have not gone to an auction at this point. in fact, let's focus on tomorrow. reporting its earnings, this oncology company with a key prostate drug they're looking for broader indications for later this year. and that will be at least perhaps help to them to articulate why the value's a lot more than what they think sanifi offered. >> have a drug and people get very excited about it. this is one where i think obviously people know the results must be pretty terrific or else they wouldn't be able to go crazy for it. >> we'll see. tomorrow's earnings for medivation will be a good tell. >> this is part of what's rotating into. biotech is down today in general, the nasdaq, like i said the nasdaq is in some sort of bizarre bear phase. it's really kind of ugly. just really ugly. >> yeah. so once again looking at a triple digit loss to start the session on the dow. banks are leading us lower, jpm and morgan. let's get to bob on the floor. >> good morning, carl. we have moderately positive start to energy. you're right, financials are leading us down. look at the sectors, also weakness in consumer discretionary. also weakness in materials as well you see that small increase in energy. but financials been a problem after a pretty good start to the earnings season. they've generally been down in the last few days. also weak are some of the metal stocks. overnight we had news from bhp and vale. brazilian government is suing them around the catastrophic dam failure in brazil suing for $43 million them and vale. you see those stocks trading down here 4% each essentially. also there's been a lot of discussion about the overall market tone and the political season with donald trump now the presumptive nominee of the republican party, hillary clinton the presumptive nominee of the republican party, a lot of people asking what trump versus clinton will be for the markets. i don't see impacts. i don't see trading on that right now. these are the themes related to the market right now and not to the election. we've had choppy data hard to figure out, recent dollar weakness but some are debating whether that will continue or not. and we've had oil well off of the lows but production is high and we're not going to go much further past $40. these are the three issues affecting the markets even today. so the pain trade right now look what we've been doing here. the s&p was 18.30 in february. we're at 20.50, we're 120 points higher in the s&p and only 2% off the recent highs. the pain trade seems a little lower right now. on some earnings front, ice they had a nice baetd on their earnings but not up because of that. they're up because they have declined to make an offer for the london stock exchange. now, remember, london stock exchange and negotiations with deutsche, ice implied they were going to go in and perhaps make a bid, but they have said this morning they are not going to do that. this is a bit of a surprise. they said they have received insufficient engagement from the london stock exchange about details of a potential combination. and that's primarily why the stock is moving to the upside. finally, in a somewhat similar space, a bit of a surprise there commodities and foreign fx below expectations. trading income a bit on the light side. right now the dow down 126 points. carl, back to you. thank you very much, bob pisani. let's get to the bond pits. rick santelli is in chicago at the cme. hey, rick. >> hi, carl. well, there's no doubt the 8:15 eastern data was weak on adp and kicked off what was mostly a round of weak data. outlier being smaller than expected trade deficit. look at intraday of 10 at 8:15 eastern, you see the drop. we have managed to come back and we were over 180 before this happened. now let's look at some one-week charts. popular things on this floor you always see traders holding their charts up to the light because there are some counterintuitive and not relegated to foreign exchange though many are, look at a one welco-week of tens pre much synonymous with one-week of bund with same downward drift similar to the crb index with the same one-week downward drift. you would think the dollar index would give more kick to the upside, but i think the extra volatility and foreign exchange period has made many traders a bit gun shy. and the last chart dollar index is in a zone we haven't seen since the beginning of 2015, and i think that's something to pay close attention to for the macrotechnicians out there. we still have some important data in the form of nonmanufacturing ism. i will be bringing that out at the top of the hour. carl, back to you. >> thank you very much, rick. we are getting a bounce in crude ahead of inventories in about an hour and a half. jackie's at the nymex. >> hi, good morning to you, carl. that's right. crude prices are heading back towards that $45 mark. the api was out last night with its inventory build 1.3 million barrels. it was a small build but at the same time distherereats and gasoline grew. part of this is seasonality and expect eed increase in demand coming from summer driving, winter maintenance, switching to summer gas, a lot of people caution me. look at the charts from last year, similar season runup and in june prices went down again. the reason that happened was because of the oversupply. bob was talking about people being a little skeptical about the rebalance happening. and he's probably right. a lot of people are impatient that the u.s. is still producing just under 9 million barrels a day, that opec is producing at record levels and that these numbers aren't coming down fast enough to get that rebalance that we're expecting in the second half. barclays actually issues a note today saying in the second half it's looking for crude prices to be about where they are now. so they could drop a little bit and then come back. back to you, carl. >> jackie, thank you very much. let's get to dominic chu for a quick market flash. >> good morning, carl. we're watching movers coming out of today's sohn investor conference here. first of all what's happening with trip advisor shares still down on the day so far, but it's one of the best ideas coming out specifically coming here from nick danher who says that tripadvisor is what he calls the disrupter of the travel market and it's grown into one of the largest and most influential travel sites in the world with a highly engaged audience. they also believe it's relatively undervalued and on its way to closing the monetary gap here. it says it could be as valuable as possibly a priceline or expedia in the long run. as a result those shares you can see off of their at least early lows so far but still down so far on the day along with the rest of the overall market. also want to call attention to here as welcoming out of that conference is one coming from david rosen at rubric capital management saying that kraton performance partners, poll mers rather, a specialty chemical company has about a $700 million market cap but says it's a high quality chemical company under valued by the market, small cap company of all. he will be on "fast money" at 12:30 p.m. eastern. again, those two shares early movers to sohn, guys. back to you, carl. >> thank you very much, dominic chu. when we come back, shares of cbs have soared more than 1700 percent since the market bottom of '09. the man who's been at the helm during that entire runup, les moonves, meantime dow down 23, worst two-day loss for the s&p in about two months. back in a minute. the call just came in. she's about to arrive. and with her, a flood of potential patients. a deluge of digital records. x-rays, mris. all on account...of penelope. but with the help of at&t, and a network that scales up and down on-demand, this hospital can be ready. giving them the agility to be flexible & reliable. because no one knows & like at&t. apple music reportedly set to make changes to music streaming service and give it a new interface at the company's upcoming developers conference. according to bloom beberg the revamp first was met with tepid reviews and advisors brought in. trent rez nor of nin inch nails charged with making this more interesting i guess. >> again, i think this is the dynamic of an apple that says, okay, we're delivering a product, maybe this isn't exactly what the customer wants so we're going to adjust. that was one of the themes, let's make it better, let's make it better. i think the idea of executives being dynamic about the recovery of the business is one we've seen throughout this earnings peri period. we know you're not happy with our product and we're going to make it better. >> i think when apple does something it is going to be the best of whatever it does. between the watch and music -- >> maps. >> and maps of course. >> maps they're trying to improve. look, do they do things that are not perfect? sadly, yes. >> well, it's a high bar to which they have to try to adhere expectations. >> but did i ever like this thing that they make me use? this hewlett packard, did i ever like it? am i like, wow, this is so great, have you seen how cool this is? my kid's like, dad, get rid of the typewriter already, will you? it's like an olympian. this is a doorstop to my kids. it's a doorstop this hewlett packard. just saying. >> i hear ya. >> doorstop. >> understood. stops the door. >> we will get stop trading with jim in just a moment. later on this morning short seller jim chanos is going to join the "fast money" halftime ahead of his presentation at noon at the sohn conference. that begins at noon eastern. ♪ it's time for cramer and stop trading. >> one that had really a bad quarter is anheuser-busch. and that was because volume is down 1.7%. a lot of that is brazil weakness. anybody that has too much business in brazil is not doing well. i would point out global brands are doing better. and corona on the eve of cinco de mayo, plus 22%. extrapolate that to constellation brands because corona in this country is not inbev. boston is doing -- sam adams is doing terrible. >> it's doing terribly really. >> yeah, so there really is a lot more -- >> they're trying to revitalize bud light here in the states. it's still the biggest seller. >> that's what my wife likes. i'm a coors guy. >> really? >> yeah. >> people i know used to call it girls light. >> just saying, jim. >> sorry. what's on "mad money" tonight? >> i can't -- don't know. >> here it is. it's a first, breaking news -- >> oh, we've got irwin simon -- girls light. wow. irwin simon looks at a better than expected quarter. frank slootman strongest quarter in all of technology, watches the show wants to come on. okay. silver bullet. you know, the we are who -- >> i'm from denver. i know. >> girls light. >> yep. jim, we'll see you tonight. >> i'm not drinking anymore coors. i'm drinking guinness. >> there you go. >> as of tonight. even on cinco de mayo -- when we come back, breaking news, cbs services les moonves. ♪ flip your way through your last 9 shows with the tap of a button. change the way you experience tv. xfinity x1. going to go straight -- good wednesday morning. welcome back to "squawk on the street." i'm carl quintanilla with simon hobbs and sarah eisen. markets cutting their early losses about in half. dow's down 52. s&p back to 2056. and oil getting a little action ahead of inventories. let's get to rick santelli. ism services, rick. >> absolutely. april read on ism comes out at 55.7. definitely better than we were looking for. sequentially higher following a 54.5. when was the last time we had a number 55.7 or higher? well, that will take us to the last read of last year when it was 55.8. it definitely is a high water mark of this year thus far. and considering everything going on with the weak adp, what was the component for employment 53.0 up from 50.3, new orders 59.9 versus 56.7. so this is a pretty good number. now of course we have others. let's look at factory orders for the month of march. factory orders were expected to be up six tenths, they are up 1.1 following a slight revision to down 1.9 last month. if we look at durable goods orders this is the final read for march expecting up 0.8, it was and follows up 0.8. maybe the most important aspect here is that proxy for business, capital spending, capital goods orders, nondefense, up a measly one tenth but better than unchanged last month. back to you. >> we'll take it, rick. thank you very much. rick santelli there as the data breaks. meantime, you saw the charts there. we are off our lows though the market arguably is still continuing to selloff with the dow hovering around three welcome lows. and of course investors remaining cautious ahead of the friday jobs report. let's bring in global head of equity strategy at j.p. morgan private bank. steven, the data we just got was actually quite good. >> sure. >> at least the headline services ism. we'll come back to that in a moment. do you feel the market is vulnerable here? >> i think it's a bit vulnerable. while the data today was a bit better on the manufacturing side, the employment data was a bit weaker and i think we just went through we're finishing up an earnings season where expectations are very, very low. and, yes, they were a bit better, but we're still looking earnings growth rate running about 6% year over year. i think it's healthy to see the market take a bit of a breather. we're still constructive longer term but have a price target right now in the s&p 500 of 2025 which is slightly below where we are today. >> 2025, well, it's 30 points below. you think we're going to decline 30 points by the end of the year? is that what you're saying to the end of the year? >> at this point we don't see the upside to the earnings adjustment. as you look out into 2017 there is scope for an earnings recovery as a lot of headwinds this year of very low oil price as well as stronger u.s. dollar start to become tailwinds. but i think it's a bit premature to focus on next year when we're just at may this point. >> speaking of earnings you say you're selectively adding to technology. how do you navigate what was a mixed disappointing bag of tech earnings? >> yeah, we saw an exciting tech seasons where you had a lot of winners and losers. i think areas like cloud computing, like mobility, big data are very much intact and we'd look at the price action we've seen across the space and add selectively to parts technology, and also health care. there's a lot of uncertainty around the election and some concerns around pricing at certain companies. in reality if you look at the earnings growth rate in the health care sector, we're seeing a 5% year over year increase. if the market is posting a 6% decline, i think that would look attractive. preferably higher quality companies with dividend yield. >> you know, i don't remember you as being particularly bearish ever, steven. for you to say -- i'm just thinking about it. it's still in my mind, the s&p is going to decline by 30 points to the end of the year. but actually next year could be better, but it's too early to be focusing on that? >> i wouldn't necessarily say we're bearish, it's more balanced. focusing on rotating exposure away from broad market in the u.s. to some of our sector calls. we still very much like the dividend growth theme. and actually right now we're a lot more constructive on european equities. you look at the performance year-to-date, europe has lagged the u.s. >> well, yes. >> a lot of that can be explained -- >> they've been terrible. european equities have really not performed at all well, ruling out the bullishness. >> yeah, 7% year to date but i think scope for improved performance, we think the underlying earnings growth still has a lot to recover versus the u.s. and valuations are attractive. >> the burning question that i'm assuming you're increasingly getting from clients is how do you factor in a trump presidency or whatever probability you assign to that now that we assume he's going to be the nominated by the gop? what are you telling clients about that now? what does it mean for the market? >> it's still too early and i'm not going to talk about politics. we have a lot to fe foe cucus o. i think that could be another point of volatility throughout the summer into the fall, and another factor that we're looking at right in terms of not raising our price target through year end. >> all right. steven, good to see you. steven reese joining us there from j.p. morgan. >> thanks, simon. when we come back with ted cruz dropping out of the race, what trade may mean for china, taxes and the economy. later on this hour les moonves of cbs first on cnbc. more "squawk on the street" after a break. we need to be ready for whatever weather may come our way. my name's scott strenfel and i'm a meteorologist at pg&e. we make sure that our crews as well as our customers are prepared to how weather may impact their energy. so every single day we're monitoring the weather, and when storm events arise our forecast get crews out ahead of the storm to minimize any outages. during storm season we want our customers to be ready and stay safe. learn how you can be prepared at together, we're building a better california. trump winning indiana, cruz stepping aside, the general election picture got a lot clearer last night. our chief washington correspondent john harwood now joins us with the breakdown and where we go from here, john. >> well, you know, it seemed improbable given the unbelievably vitrealic rhetoric the day before, but last night after indiana gave an overwhelming victory to donald trump, his most effective political opposition, ted cruz, melted away. and trump came down in his victory speech and had this to say about the opponent he just beat. >> just so you understand ted cruz, i don't know if he likes me or if he doesn't like me, but he is one hell of a competitor. he is a tough, smart guy. [ applause ] and he has got an amazing future. he's got an amazing future. so i want to congratulate ted. i know how tough it is. it's tough. it's tough. i've had some moments where it was not looking so good, and it's not a great feeling. and so i understand how ted feels. and heidi, and their whole beautiful family. and i want to just say though that one tough competitor. >> now, of course the problem is that trump needs to unify the republican party behind him. and that question that he identified, i don't know if ted cruz likes me or doesn't like me, listen to this from cruz last night. he did not say he was endorsing donald trump though he is suspending his campaign. >> i am not suspending our fight for liberty. i am not suspending our fight to defend the constitution. to defend the judeo christian values that built america. [ applause ] our movement will continue. and i give you my word that i will continue this fight with all of my strength and all of my ability. >> now, what form does that fight for liberty take? there's talk within the republican party of a third party effort by conservatives. ted cruz is a leader of the conservative movement. it's not clear that that's going to be well funded enough to compete in a general election, but whether or not donald trump can fore close that possibility and unite the party as much as possible is going to be key to his attempt to overcome the lead that hillary clinton has in the polls so far, carl. >> all right, john, thank you very much for that. john harwood. of course global fear sending stocks lower today although off the lows of the day as the race pivots to a general now. likely between clinton and trump. is wall street ready for what's to come? joining us at post nine former white house aide, good to see both of you guys. welcome. >> good to be here. >> is trump need to worry about a third party? >> absolutely not. i think he needs to focus on unifying and the general election against hillary clinton. whoever thought when we woke up this morning that the republicans would have a candidate before the democrats? 17 all the way down to pretty much one. and now you have hillary still having to deal with the pebble in her shoe, which is bernie sanders. >> keith, how big is that pebble? >> not a very big pebble at all actually. bernie sanders has no chance of winning the nomination. he won last night, but it really means nothing. he got five delegates out of it in terms of a net gain. but the reality is scottie's right, it will be a race between donald trump and hillary clinton. and the republican party is more divided than i've ever seen in my entire lifetime. that's troubling for a republican activist and many others who are saying they will not support trump in the general election. >> but it's interesting, last night exit polls out of indiana 70% of independents went for bernie sanders. those independents, those are the millennial looking for jobs. and they trust mr. trump to have a better jobs plan probably than actually hillary clinton right now. 70%, that is very, very high right now of independents going for a candidate. and that's bernie sanders. and those folks said the majority of them would probably look at donald trump over hillary clinton. >> you're half right. the first part is right there was 74% of independents i think supported bernie sanders, but that's been typical everywhere he goes in every state. and the majority of democrats still support hillary clinton. the other thing is those independents did not say they would vote for donald trump in the general election. they said they would clearly vote for hillary clinton. the reality is though barack obama lost independents in 2012 and still won the general election. it's not a requirement that hillary clinton win independents. she has a structural advantage that the republican candidates don't have. even if she just wins the states that obama won in 2012, she could actually lose florida, ohio and virginia and still win the general election. >> but you're looking at those unfavorables. let's go and call out the person mr. trump has high unfavorables, who had second? hillary clinton. and she has high unfavorables with women, this great female card that we keep talking about. she has a very high one and she's a democrat, the party for women. so it's one thing to have high unfavorables with women within the republican party, but that means that's a very ripe, very opportunity for republicans to go after that vote and bring them over. >> let me ask you this, scottie, everyone is arguing today about whether trump needs to pivot. right? on the one hand that's generally what candidates do in a general, but he's iced the field by giving some straight talk and those argued it's served him well and why change? >> he's going to pivot where he doesn't have to deal with 17 others and always having to steal all the air in the room competing with 17 others. i think we're about to see and we're seeing this with neutralizing the gender card, policy versus policy, productivity versus productivity, and who has a better plan for the future? we want to eliminate all of the emotion, all of the smoke screens and mirrors that we have seen the other side, other candidates use in the past. that's why i think you're seeing this gender card be such an issue the past few weeks. >> you just mentioned jobs plan. it's not clear to me really what trump or clinton's plan is for creating jobs. what have we heard from him besides the fact we're going to take them back from overseas? >> that's a very big part. you're seeing where he's going to incentivize american companies to stay here and hire american workers. >> but he has insulted mark zuckerberg, jeff bezos, called for a boycott of apple and nabisco. >> all liberal companies that probably would not support him anyway. but when you're sitting there -- >> the companies? >> but conservative -- >> but conservative look at carrier number one reason probably why he won indiana which is a shelve ri manufacturing state which in 2008 went for barack obama. so they were looking for real hope and change. the reason why he overwhelmingly won that state was because he did offer them from very beginning that he was going to incentivize companies like carrier not to close their doors and stay here. >> it's not like hillary clinton has been talking a lot about her specific job prescriptions. >> well, i think both candidates have been focusing on what the primary issues have been during those campaigns. clinton's campaign is focused on increasing the minimum wage, which is something bernie sanders has said too, although not as much. she's talked about rebuilding jobs in terms of infrastructure, which is something actually donald trump wants to do too. i think the problem the republican party is facing is that they have a nominee now who has been saying things that completely contradict what the republican party's been saying for the past three decades, how they plan to reconcile that will be the great rubik's cube of the election. >> example? >> look at the issue of trade, infrastructure, spending. >> trump has called for infrastructure spending. >> but the republican party's been against infrastructure spending for the past ten years, especially since barack obama's been in office. >> not necessarily. no, you go back and look at the reason why we got into 2008 was irresponsible spending by the republican party. >> hang on. i would never describe trump's spending plan as irresponsible, but they're fairly limitless, aren't they? the deficit is going to balloon hugely. >> that depends on what economist you're talking to about what's actually going to be at the bottom line. >> so top -- >> he's already saying he's going to eliminate departments. he's going to scale down the department of education, he's going to sit there and look at obamacare. >> minuscule part of the federal budget. last night he said he was going to increase spending on military. >> needed. >> infrastructure and said he was going to reduce the national debt. you can't do those three things consistently. >> you absolutely can -- >> unless you raise taxes. >> one last question on coal. he's making some big promises to some of these coal and steel states, any explanation how he's going to bring that market back? >> that's for him to announce when you read his plan on that. that's one thing he will be announcing in the near future. something hillary's not done either at this point. she got blindsided by it yesterday. >> she will win pennsylvania which is a state trump has no chance in winning. >> you don't know that. the game has changed. nothing is traditional this campaign season. >> since '92 has won -- >> an important state for sure. thank you both. >> thank you. coming up on the program, priceline out with the results a week after the ceo departed under unusual circumstances. well, he left because he had an extramarital affair. we'll have the very latest from that particular conference call. the stock is sharply lower as they essentially guide down for the second quarter in the opposite direction cbs out with a beat. the cbs les moonves will join us in a few minutes. the thing is, most businesses aren't getting the most out of it. the ibm cloud is uniquely designed for all kinds of data. like data from the weather company for 2.2 billion locations. or billions of health-related data points. even social sentiment in real time from hundreds of millions of people. it's all in the ibm cloud. if you combine that with the data your business already has- then things get interesting. so right now we're working with a retailer to blend social and inventory data to help predict demand. we can help a hotel chain match weather and local event data so they can adjust room prices from minute to minute. and another company we work with can apply analytics to sensor data to save millions in energy cost. today, every business runs on data. that's exactly why we built the ibm cloud. today, every business runs on data. but it's actually a triumph of predictive analytics. because of optum. through population health data, they provide insights so doctors and hospitals can identify high-risk patients. like me... asthma... potential hospital visit. so now thanks to optum, this asthma thing's under control. gravity not so much. this is healthier, powered by optum. from health plans to providers to employers. we connect all parts of health care. healthier is here. e.t. phone home. [ soft music ] when you find something you love, you can never get enough of it. change the way you experience tv with xfinity x1. priceline online travel giant beating expectations in the first quarter as growth in hotel night bookings accelerated to up 31% on last year. guiding for a slowdown this quarter to just 15% or 22%. this of course is the first set of results since ceo darren huston resigned abruptly last tuesday due to an extramarital affair with an employee. he will receive no severance and has agreed to forfeit more than $30 million in equity awards. on the conference call this morning it was left to priceline's cfo to handle the detail. dan fin gan saying it would always have been difficult to keep the first quarter growth going. the bookings in the middle east and asia are being affected by ramadan falling ten days earlier and soccer fans in europe are probably more focused on the start of the european championships june 10th. >> the last two weeks of june, the first two weeks of july, so at the outset with all the teams still playing, people are paying attention to the tournament and not necessarily booking travel. and their teams get knocked out and the tournament wraps up, typically people will then book their summer vacation. they're not going to forgo their vacation. >> chairman jeff boyd avoiding mentioning darren huston by name on the car describing instead the circumstances in which he's had to step back in as acting ceo as unfortunate. asked how long it would take for the board to find a replacement, jeff boyd told analysts to use their common sense. >> we need to have a person who has broad experience and demonstrate a track record of success in managing large global organizations where technology is a very important part of the business and where they demonstrated their ability to deal with changing market conditions successfully. >> you know, just one last note, priceline is renowned for being conservative in its guidance, has guided down before notably in the past. and the most conservative of the conservative is jeffrey boyd in many senses. so whether he's decided to just ease down those expectations slightly in order to clear some concern out of the way is an open question. of course they look for a replacement now, sarah, to darren huston. with that busy day for economic data. let's get to the cme group. rick santelli at the exchange. >> good morning, sarah. thank you. i'd like to welcome my special guest tim and the reason i really like tim he's my productivity guy. we had productivity today, tim. i'm going to give you my assessment. i like patterns. we had back-to-back quarters of negative productivity this year, q1, q4. >> yep. >> last year same thing prior to that you have to go back to 1983 and 1996 to find the only forward examples in my database which goes back to 1965. any comment on that? >> hi, rick, good to see you. the comment would be why? we want to get to the root of why these things are occurring. of course economists like to talk in terms of total factor productivity growth and solo residual and nobody understands what they're saying. ultimately -- >> you could be on the federal reserve, tim. you could be on the fed. you sound just like they do. i'm sorry, continue. >> right, well, ultimately for the simple way to think about productivity is doing more with less. so how come we have to keep doing more with less and how come it's eroding returns? well, the answer is very simple. if you boil productivity down to input, labor and capital, we're commoditizing capital, money, that means we're depreciating it. if it's worth less, you have to put more of it in to produce the same return, so therefore unless you commoditize labor as well, which we do, by shifting jobs offshore so that we can preserve some productivity, well, ultimately your money doesn't go as far as it used to. that applies whether you're a producer or a consumer. that's the root cause. >> all right. now, many talk about how we are becoming japan. now, when i look at japan i do see a productivity issue because like compound interest all the hundreds of billions of dollars your economy doesn't generate in growth because of low productivity start to stack up. are we turning into that japanese model, tim? >> well, it's a great question. your colleague, becky quick, had bill gates on "squawk box" monday who observed that it appears that we're all becoming japan except we don't know how japan became japan. and i'm oversimplifying. but if productivity is the difference between labor and capital, what is happening is that large governments like japan's all over the world are stealing from their citizens by creating money to purchase debt and rising prices, rising debts are the enemies of prosperity and the net effect of that, again, is that your money doesn't go as far as it used to. so then producers can't produce as efficiently, consumers can't consume at the same pace and the whole global economy flags. >> well, i tell you, tim, it really gets you thinking. and i'm not sure how we can fix this, but based on indiana last night there's going to be a whole new group of people dealing with the issues in about six, seven months. thank you for your time, carl, back to you. >> thank you very much, rick santelli. when we come back cbs ceo les moonves on the other side of this break with the dow now down only 35. i'm sharon epperson, here's your news update. the navy fighter killed overseas has been identified at charlie keating iv. he was a grandson of charles keating jr. the u.s. highway traffic safety administration says it will make a major safety announcement at 1:00 p.m. eastern today. the "new york times" reporting announcing at least 35 million more takata airbags will be recalled, more than double what is already the largest auto recall in u.s. history. officials say a fire that forced the evacuation of the canadian oil san city of fort mcmurry could worsen today. more than 80,000 residents were forced to flee as flames moved into the city destroying whole neighborhoods. no injuries were reported. unicef good will ambassador orlando bloom traveling to war-torn eastern ukraine to raise awareness of a global education crisis. the actor visited school children in classrooms near the front lines. and that's our cnbc news update for this hour. back to you. even orlando bloom ages. thank you very much for that. oil is catching a break this morning. let's get to jackie at the nymex. >> good morning to you, simon. department of energy out with weekly crude inventory report a building crude of 2.8 million barrels larger than expected. the surprise was on gasoline. we got a build of 536,000 barrels looking for a draw, some of the support and bump up we got this morning was from that expectations and you can see prices are coming off a little bit but still over $44 a barrel. expect this to be a range bound trade between 40 and 45, that's what a lot of folks are saying. back to you. >> thank you very much, jackie. last night cnbc reported a beat on the top and bottom line with advertising spending in connection with the super bowl and the presidential campaign helping to second quarterly revenues up. leslsli leslie, always good to have you with us. >> great to be here. >> on the conference call you talked about a stronger hand to play in the up front season and the expectation will be you will sell more than you did a year ago. and looking for as much as double-digit price increases. why are you so confident? >> well, there are a number of factors that are going into it. number one, we're finishing the year very strong as the number one watched network for 13 out of 14 years. secondarily the scatter marketplace is extremely strong. that's the pricing that's sold after the up front. so as we head into this day, or this period of the up front, we see a lot more money coming into broadcast. so it's the perfect time for us with our ratings, with the marketplace being extremely strong, we can't wait to get into next year's selling. >> and last year of course as you said on the call you made a decision not to sell as much inventory, which worked out well given strength and scatter. but this year you do expect to sell more. >> that's exactly right. last year the pricing wasn't what we wanted, so we decided to pull back and we only sold about 74% of our advertising. this year because pricing is going to be stronger we anticipate that number to be in the high 70s, maybe even 80% if we get the numbers that we want. and we expect the advertisers will want to buy more here being that they had to pay more during the year in scatter. so we're very excited. >> of course as part of any conference call with analysts involves a media company these days, leslie, the focus seems to be largely on digital even though you're a broadcast company and that's the bulk of your revenues. >> right. >> and of course the emergence of these over the top platforms that are out there, the latest hulu starting to tell us about some of its plans in terms of a broader platform. every ceo i speak to runs a big media company tells me we'll be included on it, we don't have to worry. you say the same. what gives you the confidence that the cbs channels will always be on whatever ott platform emerges? >> well, we've said this before and we really believe it, we don't think any successful over the top operation can exist, any skinny bundle can exist, without cbs. we have the number one schedule, as i said in primetime. we have an extraordinary array of sports, the nfl, the ncaa tournament, late-night, 60 minutes, news, et cetera. any bundle out there that expects to be successful with the public has to include cbs, so we feel like we are going to be included. and we're going to be paid appropriately for our channels. so we feel like we're in very good shape there as well. >> when you think about this emerging world that we've been talking about for a long time that finally seems to be here, perhaps still in itsin fan in f how do you see it playing out? are things coming more quickly now in terms of proliferation we're talking about and how it's going to change your business? >> david, there's no question there's been more change over the last 18 months, two years than i've ever seen before in the media industry. the significant thing is that people are getting their content, and you've heard the cliche, they're getting it where they want it, when they want it. the reason we're so bullish about cbs and our future is we sell our content through the normal directvs and comcast and time warner as well as part of the skinny bundles. and after that we have over the top services where you can buy cbs product a la carte through cbs all access or showtime o.t.t. so there is so much change going on in how the content is distributed. at the end of the day though it still comes back to providing that great content, which is something that we do at showtime, at cbs, at the cw and its syndications. so as i said earlier, you have to have cbs. and we'll give it to you any way you'd like it. >> right. of course when it came to cbs all access, your digital subscription service, you say i'll give you two words and those two words are, "star trek". >> exactly. >> why "star trek"? >> why "star trek"? well, the family jewels. there hasn't been an original "star trek" series in 11 years and our all access service right now offers stacking rights to everything on cbs and obviously the live feed of our shows. but what we're starting right now is original programming. and what better show to launch that in january than "star trek"? so we're really excited. we have alex kurtsman and brian fuller, two well-known trekkis producing the show. the audience is craving it. it's going to be a good way to accelerate the success of cbs all access. >> of course you talk about all the programming and the money spent on developing new shows and of course existing shows. you did say something on the call i want to come back to, i guarantee the money we spend on programming next year will be less than this year. why st that going to be the case? >> well, there are a few factors. number one, stephen colbert costs less than david letterman. we have five primetime football games instead of eight. in addition generally speaking some of our more expensive shows may be coming off the air, replaced by newer shows which don't cost as much. we had an awful lot of original programming on last year and we'll continue to do that, but in looking at our budgets and what is likely to be on this fall, we're looking at spending less money. >> you mentioned colbert, you know, there was some recent -- i think in the times story about you having met with him recently. chris licht has gone over there to help out. what's wrong with colbert? and what did you tell him and his hopes the time he's spent on the air where it perhaps hasn't met original expectations? >> number one, there's nothing wrong with colbert, still number two to fallon, beating jimmy kimm kimmel. the show's been on the air seven months. look at the history of late-night these are generational things. we're looking at stephen colbert for the next 20 years. we had a talent who ran cbs this morning and stephen needed a show runner and we put him in there and all is good. we couldn't be happier. the profitability of that show is higher than it was with david letterman. there's nothing wrong with colbert and looking forward to many more years with him. >> you commit to it, but at the same time these things evolve. i assume you do think there are things that could be better? >> by the way there are things could be better with every single show in the cbs schedule. and may i add on other networks schedules i would say there's less wrong with our schedule than other peoples. >> that's true. >> there's always room for improvement even on your show, david. >> occasionally, yes, it does happen. i allow a little possibility for that. you know, you mention also showtime of course. our colleague -- i appeared in the premiere as you well know. >> i do. >> setting the momentum for it, leslie, but you're doing 12 shows a year there at showtime. >> correct. >> do you see that staying where it is? or would you like to increase the slate? >> well, showtime has done a phenomenal job. we think the programming is like we call it murdereres row, we would like to do more original programming. as you know it's offered over the top as well. so we're looking down the future and what we can add and they're doing a phenomenal job. i think their programming is as good as anything on premium television right now. we're really proud of it. >> les, some viewers say you look pretty good at that anchor desk right now. you're changing the way you package some news, changing weekends for instance. >> right. >> where do you see news fitting in? as you say you're spending less money. i assume that translates to news content as well. >> yeah, when i sat down in this chair and i looked at the camera, i said scott pelley should be worried. i think i could take over his job. you know, one of the things we've been doing obviously is the formation of a digital news network called cbs n which is doing extraordinarily well and it's on our 24-hour online news service. and we decided to put it on on our weekend newscasts instead of the cbs evening news we're doing cbsn. obviously digital news is becoming more and more important. what's especially appealing is the audience watching cbsn streaming news is 20 years younger than the average age of people who watch broadcast news. so it's a great part of our future. and we're glad it's now being integrated greatly into cbs news and with cbs interactive. >> you're a controlling shareholder with sumner redstone. there has been a good amount of coverage of controversy in terms of his competency. i wonder, leslie, to the extent that you watch that, you obviously recently became chairman when mr. redstone stepped down, what if anything do you do to prepare for the day where either he's no long -- he's deemed incompetent and trust takes over or the day when he's no longer with us? >> david, with all due respect as you know there's litigation going on right now regarding this subject. so i'd rather not comment on that right now. >> all right. well, we know at some point we know it's going to be something important for us to comment on. political spending i would think would be important this year, do you think a trump candidacy helps or hurts? he doesn't seem to spend a lot on ads. >> well, he hasn't spent a lot up to now. i think in the general election he will spend a lot more. he will have to. in addition, with donald trump leading the ticket there's going to be a lot more attention on local races. so we think in the senatorial and congressional races there will be a lot more being spent. and we estimate that this will be the largest spend in the history of a presidential election news cycle. so we're very excited about it. we're looking forward to it. it's going to be a very, very interesting campaign. as you know there are a lot of fireworks already. and fireworks generally mean a lot of money spent on television ads. and we like that. >> yes, you do. and we expect there will be a lot more to come. leslie moonves, appreciate you joining us, thank you. >> david, thank you. >> chairman and ceo of cbs. sarah. when we come back adidas out with results, north america itself up 20%, the stock up 50% in the last six months. the president of adidas north america mark king will be joining us next. this just got interesting. why pause to take a pill? 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this was once a crown jewel for adidas. >> well, i think it's still a great brand. and i think the decision to sell the brand and the company was just based on being able to focus more on the momentum that we have and the primary market for golf is north america. and right now we want to focus on all the momentum we have. as you started with q1 results for adidas brand north america is up 31%. so we're really focused on what's going to drive the business the most. and we're really excited about what's happening and where we're going. >> are you hoping to get back to the number two spot and take it from under armour in the u.s.? you fell behind, of course nike with the number one position in the u.s. >> well, sarah, we think that's a forgone conclusion. of course we think we're going to go back to number two. no, we do absolutely. i think a couple years ago when i took over the north american business for adidas we really looked at what we were doing and how we could do things differently. and we've been on this journey now for two years. and q1 results really points to the fact that our products are better, they're resonating, we've signed a tremendous number of great athletes in north america, aaron rodgers, carlos kaerer ra, james hardin, these aren't just athletes, these are the best athletes. we've had this big campaign now in '15 and '16 telling our story why consumers really should be with us and buy our products. i think we have this unique ability to kind of fuse sport and culture through kanye west and pharrell. and we're doing some things. and the brand has really become the cool sports brand in north america in a very, very short period of time. and we're really excited about this momentum. >> i'm glad you brought up kanye, that's where i was going to go. just wondering how much of the resurgence in the u.s. is kanye and his line which continues to adapt. what's it like working with kanye west? because he used to be with nike and there were reports that he wasn't that easy to deal with, which is why he left and came to you. >> yeah, well, he and i hang out almost every weekend, so -- not really. i'm kidding, sarah. he's been wonderful for us. he's been great to work with. he loves the relationship. and i would say this, the amount of revenue generated from his products are very small, however, the amount of interest that we get in kind of the cool factor that he brings to the brand and the rest of our products has made a big impact. but when you look at really what's moving the needle here in the u.s., it's products like ultraboost, which is probably the best running shoe ever launched with this new technology called boost. we launched a product just a few weeks ago, and sold out all the quantities we shipped in the marketplace in literally a couple of hours. so we have this brand halo effect that's really starting to effect all of our products. but i think it's everything we're doing from the investment in sport, really great new products, the look and feel of our products, our retail support. dick's sporting goods, foot locker, finish line, academy, modelle's all these customers giving us much more floor space. we added 670 branded spaces last year, and this year we're going to add over 1,100 at retail. so the presentation of our products and brands is much more vibrant and alive, and lot of m are from a lot of different areas. >> mark, you know better than they you have a new ceo back in germany who is going to start, and i think it is the beginning of august, but you are having conversations with him, and he is moving are from the fast-moving consumer products company hinkle, and we have introduced him on this show casper rothstead, and very success successful in selling those products in realtime to china, and when he says to me, mark king, what do you need from me for the most important market, and from germany, and what are you going to tell me, and what is the support that will reinvigorate the support that you have not been able the get so far? >> well, david, it is a continuation of what we have done two years ago, and really, what we started two years ago is that we need to be north america centric, and understand the consu consumer better, and his or her preference on the design and technology. we need to have american football as part of the portfolio which we started two years ago and signed # 5 nfl pl players in the last 12 months, so it is a continuation of the lenses that looks at the u.s. consumer in what is relevant here in north america. prior to that, it was more of the global look. so i think that the continuation of that, and the investment in the marketplace. this is a very competitive marketplace, as you all know, and we have to invest whether it is ath elites, campaign, point of sale, retail stores, employee, and the continuation of what we have started here in the past two years. >> speaking of the investment, and wondering how much you are go ing to ramp up the marketing spend ahead of the rio olympics and the soccer championship this summer. >> well, for us, the olympics is a big statement, and we have a big campaign to celebrate the athletes that we have and the game, and the european championships is the core of who we are, and in our dna, and we have a wonderful relationship with the mls and soccer here in the united states, and we will have it together, and exciting s summer around the olympics, the european championships, and also then into the fall into our football, and we are looking forward to the momentum that we have in our own football, baseball and basketball and the sports that we play here in america. >> mark king, thank you for joining us today, to talk about the results from san diego. mark king is the head of north america for adidas. >> coming up on the program, more on the apple stock. i thought that it was breaking the eight-day losing streak, but it is looking to be in eight-day negative territory again, despite the details of the music service, and of course, tim cook with on the record for cnbc. how's it going watson? welcome to the bank. hello tom mccabe. executive from dbs bank. i am keeping busy assisting your relationship managers. how so? i can read over a thousand research reports every day, to help you keep abreast of market movements and to help your relationship managers give better advice. that's great. today's fast moving markets make it hard to keep up. but together we can stay one step ahead. we make a great team, watson. check out shares of the under armour at the bottom of the s&p 500, and class e shares trading at the all-time low, and they began trading in march of this year. the company announced last night the departure of the chief marketing officer as well as the chief digital officer coming after the departure of the longtime cse brad dickerson in february with and not great for the optics of underar pour, and raising questions of hiring and attra attracting the talent and rotating door, but it is growing double digits and can defying the skeptic, and the 30% sales growth for each of the past three years, and simon, locking up bryce harper for another 10 years report are cedly in mlb's biggest sponsorship deal in history. now, over to jon fortt with what is coming up on "squawk alley ". >> well, thank you, sarah. apple music with some changes after the stock is under pressure after the losing streak yesterday, and we will talk about the cbs, and a late super bowl celebration for investors, and let's dig in for what les mo moonves told us, and we will have all of that and more coming up on "squawk alley." ♪ okay, so you launched your bank's app. now what? 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