176,000 for a month ago. Just ahead of todays allimportant jobs report, the ecb will be making its decision on Interest Rates. The bank is expected to maintain its key lending rate at 0. 5 . Ecb president mario draghi will deliver comments from a different venue. Todays meeting will be held in paris around 8 30 a. M. Eastern time. Lets send it over to andrew with another big event today. We have a lot of big events today, becky. The nations top bankers are meeting today. Among the big names headed to the white are jamie dimon and Brian Moynihan. The original theme was, of course, fence mending between the administration and the financial sector. Now thats all the aif. The Government Shutdown, debt ceiling there expected to be the major topics of discussion. Also today, treasury secretary jack lew pressing congress to act immediately to raise the nations debt ceiling. Right now, the department is using extraordinary bookkeeping measures i dont know what that could possibly mean but anyway, to give the treasury more borrow b room. Reminding lawmakers that they need to act by october 17th. And new York Attorney general Eric Snyderman is expected to announce a loss over mortgage settlement violations. That suit could be filed as early as today. Snyderman warned back in may that both wells and banks of america violated terms of the settlement. Bank of america has already reached an agreement with the ag. Joe, what do you think extraordinary counting measures means . Enron employees scrucci kept hiring cfos that were familiar with extraordinary its not his fault. Mohammed is up. What time is it out there . 3 00 a. M. The baseball season is over for both of us. And hes already working the email. Hes just saying you look okay despite the im not disappointed with the reds. The pirates won four out of five. Thats like a sevengame series. Even though they lost last nights onegame wild card they just lost. They dont deserve to go. You cant score more than two runs every game. I saw one home run that would have been a home run that was foul bid a foot. You stayed up late to watch it . I was going in and out. And then i saw guys on first and second and then they scored one run and then a home run what looked like a home run was fouled by less than a foot. And it would have been 43, but they probably would have lost. Im over it because the pirates deserve it. And i will say that unequivocally because the kicked the reds yeah, earned success. They won four out of five. Im fine. Im more disappointed about the friday jobs report. And you may and. And then this cover. What have you got . I just think the daylightda is i know theyre partisan, but now theyre saying what did you do for our country. And i love the vets. Apparently some guys wanted to go into a memorial that was closed down. These are actually people who served in world war ii. But to tie that all the way back to you know, i dont know. Its stupid. Just fund the government. You cant go through and pick piecemeal what youre going to fund and what youre not. Accept it, rich lawrys piece, if the way that huge social changes, when you do it along party lines, it breeds this contempt. And ive been saying that all along. This is not going away. I like the way the huff post talked about the obama care stuff yesterday. Millions, i think millions tried to sign up. I think thats what it said. Millioned tried to sign. Every other paper has shutdown, day one. New york times opening rush hit snags. Washington post, obama care, they tried to be on board. Much interest, some glitches. And the wall street journal had it that beset by tech woes. You knew that was happening. The president said it was so popular, more popular than we had anticipated. And look what happened with apples io7 that came out last week. Within days, they discovered a glitch. But when i think of apple innovations, u. S. Government innovations, theyre the same kind of i dont know if you saw the video report on msnbc. You saw this probably because its linked to drudge where she is on the air trying to and how did you see it . Trying to get on he was watching on cnn. Did hough post link a drudge thing . No. I was on drudge as you were on drudge . Know thy enemy. You have to know what im thinking and i looked at huff post this morning. I dont read huff post as much as you would think. So its not on your screen right now . No. Right here. Actually, nothing is on the screen. I think you read huff post more than any of us. I do. I do. You know how i read the email we get. I love you and i dont are want to read that. You overstayed your welcome. What are you those are the ones i like. Anyway, Empire State Realty trust. Does that count . Not really. No. The company that owns new york database well, it owns the empire state building. Priced 75 million shares at 13, the low end of the expecteded range. You dont think of realty trust as a stock, but they are. 13 to 15 was the range. Its going to trade on the New York Stock Exchange under esrt, Empire State Realty trust. I get that. Oh, another one, Real Estate Broker re max priced 10 million shares at 22, above the 19 to 21 range. Those begin trading today under the symbol rmax. Sdpaens of ams ipad mini may be disappointed this holiday season. According to a reuters report, the company may not be able to roll out a retina display version of the mini in time for the holidays. Because of delays in the supply chain, that is currently available on the fullside size ipad. So thats a different way of not needing a password . No, no, thats how Crystal Clear it is. On your phone, which you have the iphone 5 i want it to be able to read my retina like in Mission Impossible or Something Like that. No, no. Thats not what it is . No, the samsung galaxy, supposedly if you look down the page, the page start moving down. No yes, apparently. Im told its a little glitchy, though. How do they say they get these artificial limbs to move using your brain. How does that work . I think they follow the electric but theyre not electric. Its zero transmitters. It has to get hooked up to your brain. I know. I just dont know how it works. Flae, i was more of a why are you asking us . Because it was more of a zen question. It was like, what is the sound of one hand clapping . Because now we that was on last night. On jon stewart. We had another zen moment . Nope. Because the one we were talking about yesterday was from the night before. Thats the only time i can see it. Me, too. But it still surprised me because i didnt realize i was watching a repeat and then oreiley was on. Yeah. Lets talk washington for a little bit. The cost of the first Government Shutdown in 17 years has been starting to stack up, everybody. According to the Economic Consulting firm ihs global insight, the cost in the government is unable to perform is 12. 5 million an hour. Can you believe that . 3 4u7b million a day. If it goes a week, thats about 1. 6 billion. This could be one of the topics that john harwood takes up with the president when he speaks with him later today. Mr. Harwood, what is your first question . Just to repair him for the president today. My first question for you, andrew, is did you just say a few minutes ago, that something was glitchy . Glitchy. Is that not a word . Is that inappropriate . No, no, i think its interesting because you remember how on American Idol it became kind of a joke that the judges would say that somebodys singing was pitchy . Yes, dog, i remember that. Im wondering whether in the context of obama care and the rollout of these exchanges that glitchy is going to be a new a little glitchy. Could you bring a laptop to the interview and try to have the president sign up for the exchange on the air . Thats a good idea. I thought that would be an interesting that would be a great stunt. I dont think its going to do that one, though. I thought it was worth a try. What do you think were going to hear from him today . We hit the debt schedule. That is something that would cost every american money, raise Mortgage Rates, raise credit card rates. It could plunge the country back into recession. And having come out of the crisis a few years ago, and its been a very, you know, slow and tepid recovery and job growth has been there, but its been weak. The last thing this economy needs is a big, big punch in the gut like a debt crisis. And i think the president , at his meeting with big bankers jamie dimon, lloyd blankfein, Brian Moynihan is going to try to enlist them to make that case to people in congress that they need to get and do that. And its been very difficult getting through for him to get through to republicans in congress, but hes got to keep hammering away. John, i know that the debt ceiling is the real issue. I know that october on 17th is just around the corner. And with that in mind, how come the two sides arent talking right now . You have 15 days to resolve this and as best as i can tell, there arent any communications between these two sides. Well, i would say the fundamental reason is that so far what the tea Party Faction that has been driving republican strategy in the house wants to talk about is something that the president cant talk about. The idea that he is going to engage in a discussion about nullifying his signature achievement, which was passed by both houses, signed into law, upheld by the supreme court. It is just so far beyond the bounds of what is normal and reasonable in politics. John, wait a minute. We delayed the corporate mandate, john. And delaying the individual mandate and you repeated to like five things that thats on like a talking point thing, the five reasons why it is now law. True, true. Thats what i mean. But it might have been better for everybody to dlat a year so we didnt have all these glitches. It could have been hard for them to do, it obviously, but there are fix thats need to go in. It wouldnt have been the end of the world if you delayed it for a year. No, but republicans are not hold on, let me finish my answer. Youre bad. You like the end of my answer better than the beginning of my answer. But no, the republicans dont want to fix the law. I know. If it were about fixing the law, he would have the conversation. They want to kill the law. But here is what i find more potentially promising in an answer to beckys question could lead us to some actual talks. I talked to a Top Republican leadership aide yesterday afternoon. He had bad news and good news. He earlier said a couple days ago that if we have a shutdown, a few hours, day, a couple days, and then well resolve on it. And the idea was that there would be enough pressure on those rebel republicans and the caucus in general that they would get to a solution. Now he is of the view it will last at least a week, perhaps more than that. But i asked him, you know, so you go over a week, you roll it into the whole debt limit discussion, how does that get resolved . Whats the zone of potential agreement . And the answer was interesting. It was something we had not been talking about even though this was essentially a budget dispute. The answer was, well, a budget deal. Something that replaces some of the sequester cuts with entitlement cuts. That is the real issue and if they can get to the real issue, get to a conversation, that is where the president could engage with them. Not on erasing the health care law, but if youre talking about a budget deal, he will have that conversation, i believe. That is the Silver Lining. But i think its interesting ta they decided to talk to cnbc, swraun. If you compare our audience, although its not measured properly, to other outlets, it might be small, but you see how influential it is, especially with economic matters and the Business Matters and the jobs number coming on friday. And he wants to speak to the people that watch cnbc. I think thats great. Youre exactly right. And i think this is the moment that of all the levers of Public Opinion and political influence that you can try to pull, one that is potentially most useful at this moment for the white house in this fight, less on the shutdown, but more so on the debt is the financial community, is the people who would feel the shocks of a the futures again today. I mean, you know exactly. And the Market Reaction has been a little muted so far. So i think there is some notion that theres complacency in the markets. And i think the administration wants to try to break through that. But the president wants it, actually. He needs it actually to get a little worse so he can make it better. Everybody needs it to get a little worse to be honest, andrew. John, thank you very much for that. You can see johns entry with president obama coming up at 4 00 p. M. Tt on closing bell 37. Going to wish you could say save some for squawk box tomorrow. I guess you cant. Well get to see highlights in case you miss it tomorrow. So nice. Anyway, times for the globe markets report, Ross Westgate is standing by in london. I know its a big world, but its what happens here that really matters, ross. I mean, you can i know its hard a lot of times and youre resentful of that being, you know, the former British Empire and all that stuff. But youve got some things to talk come back any time, joe. Look at the red. Look at the red again. Yeah. Its not disht looks more dramatic potentially than it is. We had some moves higher and the ftse was flat. Right now, about 7 to 2 decliners outpacing advancers. Were off the session lows, which we hit about an hour into trade. It does follow the declines in the United States u. S. Markets yesterday, as well. The ftse fairly flat. Take a look at where we stand right now. You see those losses, about 0. 75 for the ftse, 0. 5 for the xetra dax. The cac 40 down 0. 75 . Here is a neat feat the u. S. Politicians have achieved. Theyve managed to make the italian politicians look like statesmen. We have having a confidence vote into the coalition government. Sylvia berlusconi at the weekend told his ministers to resign and not support the governments confidence vote. Plenty of pdl members have come out and said they will support letta. Earlier on, there was a report and were sthe sticking the knife into mr. Berlusconi. Others came out and said, no, we are going to support the government. Bit looks like letta will indeed get the support he needs. And the yields have come down 4. 37 is where we stand at the moment. Remember, they were yielding 4. 7 two days or so ago. Gilt yields, 2. 7 . A little bit of data today out of the uk, construction pmi still hot suggesting weve got a fairly robust economy. That is where we stand right now in europe. Back to you. All right. Ross, thank you very much. When we come back on squawk box, he is an icon of technology. But some microsoft shareholders wants bill gates to back it in. We have that story, it leads our executive edge right after this. Plus, we are counting down to the 8 15 a. M. Release of the adp employment report on this jobs on wednesday. Squawk box will be right back. Welcome back, everybody. Time for the executive edge. Well start out with a story buzzing around microsoft today. Three of the soft wire giants top 20 investors reportedly want bill gates to step down as chairman. The shareholders who hold about 5 of the companys stock requested their identity remain anonymous because the discussions were private. If theyre private, im not sure why theyre taking them public. But investors are concerned that gates role effectively blocks the adoption of new strategies and would limit the power of a new chief executive to make substantial changes. In particular, they point to his role on the special Committee Searching for a successor to steve balmer. Theres no indication that the board would move to replace gates. Microsoft is not commenting on this. This is a kicker of a story. These guys own on collectively about 5 . I think gates owns just over 5 . And he owns it personally. And these guys dont want to be named because these are private discussions. But they want to make the discussions public without their names coming out. This is a loser argument for bill gates. Bill hes one of the greats. And just hearing theyre carping about dont tell him its us. Look, in fairness, there are things that microsoft could have and should have done. That ill give him. Sure. But i dont know, hes first of all, hes no long ter ceo. Hes the chairman. Unless you think hes the de facto ceo. But i dont think thats even the case. Focusing on so many other things. And you still look at year in and year out the revenue number that microsoft is just there are a lot of a lot of stuff still running on i just dont think you do that as a shareholder, period. And at 5 , too. Which is you know, its some stock, but do the market the problem is, these days, value gets on the board. They only have 1 of the company. Whats 5 of 285 million is like 15 million, isnt it . We could compliment together. We could if you participate. We could possible that together. Probably. And quintanilla, we could raise that much. Well fight back for bill, then. Lets talk about kkr. Its make a large investment in china ma. The firm taking a 10 stake higher. It is kkrs biggest investment in china to date and its third asian deal in a week. Kkr is starting to put money to work in its asian fund. Chinas market is expected to grow just 5dz 00 billion in the next two years. Its like that geico ad with the guy on the motorcycle. Theres just money flying. Kkr goes put 500 million there. They have to put it somewhere. They do, but first of all, this is actually a good deal. Theres been a lot of talk about this transition. What . You heard about this transition already. Did i say the name right . I dont know about the first heart. I know the haier is right. Haier youve heard of. They make washing machines. Haier. Okay. Its two names, king dow haier. But the ream question is, this is a company thats looked to make acquisitions in the u. S. To me, it will be whether kkr uses this as a platform to make additional acquisitions. Our bacon i dont know. This is the opposite. Oh, a shell within a shell. It may not like summer in the new york city area today, but winter is coming. The Weather Channel