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Your mad money couriers from the swift completions of our pointed rounds. Especially now that the dow gained. What can i say . It really is pretty much how i feel about tonights election. Oh, it is manageable. Like Everything Else thats been thrown at us as a country. Hey, were going to help you manage it tonight when our special coverage begins at 7 00 p. M. Eastern. Why do i say manageable . First, allow me to give you a couple of reasons intrinsic to the stock and bond markets during this 61yearolds lifetime of love for finance. And then we will talk about politics. And the standard republic to explain the u. S. Postal services hallowed motto. Lets start with 1979 when i bought my first stock at a time when the federal fund race was at 15 . Yeah, the one thats currently at half percent. Interest rates were high back then because we had ruinous inflation. We had nothing like that now. In 1979 it was easy to throw your hands up and say, nothing can work. Nothing remember, that was the jimmy carter era. You could have bought bonds but i found stocks, all stocks, taken over left and right. They were a great hedge against inflation. We killed it. A bunch of them. For the asking. A tocn of mergers going on. At goldman sachs, yielding at 31 , a bought a ton for clients. Since the Federal Reserve decided to crush inflation and was winning, those bonds recently came due. Investments of a lifetime made right when many people thought we were dancing on the edge of the buy more republic and we all need to go to sears to get wheel wheel wheel barrels. I brought back the market hand over fist doesnt feel to me it is going to happen now though, too much corporate profit. To many rates. To much versus the pe that time, 29 right before the crash. Great recession, nothing like today. We had Systemic Risk then. Don knows, fanny, freddy, washington mutual, citigroup. Usual cast of characters. Dow got cut in half. Right before the crash in 08, i told you to get into cash. Saying if you needed your money for anything in the next five years, just take it out of the market. Gutsy move. I told to you buy it all back. When the late break mark hanes who i respected more than anybody else, why not equip from the best . We do not have Systemic Risks this election. I dont see it under either candidate bp but if we do, then we will deal with that. So exhibit a, we can handle anything this market throws at us. It doesnt mean we will definitely get it all right. No, that never happens. But of course, we figured out where the bull market was both in stocks and bonds. Because we believe there is always a bull market somewhere. And our job is to find it just for you. Whatever happens tonight we will do so again. We will find things to buy and sell at the house and senate go democratic. We will find things to buy and sell if donald trump wins the white house or if hillary wins or if trump tries to contest the election. We will find things then too. We will do that because its what we do here. Its what ive done since 1979. Im still around. Believe me, if i were an idiot who hadnt made money for people since i was 24, i wouldnt be here. Who would listen to me . And you dont have to listen to me. I made a lot more money when i was buying and selling stocks for myself in a hedge fund. Dont do that any more. Im here because i want to teach. Like i say every night. And possibly because i didnt get enough affection as a child. Now if for whatever reason a lot of you will say oh, cramer, shut up. Were going to talk about for a moment about the world being oest republic here. The republic. Lets review the republic. Lets talk about what we thought when the center might not hold. Lets start with the great depression. All right, sound of music seems like a great place to start. September 29 dow stood at a fair and broke down to 39 july 32 and bands with frustration in ways we can only have nightmares about these days. Then quadruple in the dow while waiting for mere anarchy. Speaking threats to the republic. What about world war ii . On the eve of when germany invaded france and the french would fall immediately the dow at 147. April 42, recognizing the u. S. Would suffer its worst military defeat in history, the loss of the philippines. Nazis again rallying russians in great spring offensive. Yes, threatening to beat the only other opponents left besides us and the brits. That was a tremendous buying opportunity. Once we realized we were going to win the war a year before it ended. Dow back at 145. Off to the rateses. How about water gate . Worst president ial crisis in the history. The dow fell from a heist 989 in june 1973 when we first figured out that president nixon was probably gone. Down to when he fell in disgrace in 1974. And down in the first seven months of president fords reign. Then a uturn. Took out 773 a year later in july of 75. Eight months after that rallied above 1,000 when the Long National nightmare was indeed behind us. Buying opportunity. Why go into all these . Simple. They are reminders that when the nation faces systemic collapse, instability at the white house and military defeat at the hand of the axis powers, these turned out to be opportunities. Not time to run, not time to fear. Time to think. I dont see anything, anything dire like that happening now. Oh, yeah, its mean, spiteful, angry. But not dire. None of it. No matter who wins. No matter if the results are contested. No matter how much anger there is. Take it down enough, then it sure is. But the would the om libottom l postal service, our pointed rounds await. And we will deal with them swiftly because no election is going to stop us, including the nasty one thats now concluding. Dave in illinois. Dave . Dr. Cramer. You mentioned an action alert plus that cash represent your largest investment. Nearly four times the size of your single largest equity position in your charitable trust. As we are investors not traders our focus should be on outcome preparation and not on outcome prediction. So jim, can you help us understand this important distinction . Yes, twofold. One is that the market itself is not that great. Be honest and we will do something later in the show when this shows you that there hasnt been a lot of things working. The second is that there is a level of uncertainty that is such that there might be a better opportunity. Now could we miss the opportunity . Could we come in a little bit higher . I have to tell you, dave, there are stocks right now that went down yesterday that i like very much. Theres ample opportunity to make decisions. All right. So we know this is an important night. Thats why cnbc correctly and fabulously frachkly fabulously frankly is pulling out all the stops with 2016 election coverage. Who better than to lead the ship than carl . Carl, i know getting ready for this historic night. How are things shaping up . Jim, we are onset. You can feel the buzz around us, on the newsroom. We are fixing cameras, getting ready to go. You and i talk all the time about how media evolved over the years. We will bring you the political equivalent of that tonight. We are calling it the decision zone where we are able to bring you highlights of multiple feeds around the country, around the world, as they happen. So for example, here we have a live shot, this is i believe, clintons Victory Party in mid town manhattan. Here is democracy plaza. Couple other rems show mad money going on. Whether it is a concession speech, victory speech, interview with the local affiliate, all those things we can just pluck in and out of as they happen. Its never been tried at scale, jim. Itll be very fun to bauch. Obviously our own reporters, a dozen of them scattered around the country and then back here onset, larry, sarah, keith, trying to help us understand the race returns as they come in. We are less than an hour away from the close in georgia, indian, kentucky, South Carolina, vermont, virginia. We will watch the senate, watch the house. All those initiatives in california and maine and colorado and jim you know we will be the only network to keep you honest on the peso, on the futures, on the front month vicks we cannot wait to start in just under an hour. Wow, i got to tell you, carl, you are just the im so im so proud of you. I sit next to you every morning at 9 00 and so proud of what you do and everybody has to watch you. Thank you so much for coming on our show. We will see you at 7 00. See you in the morning, jim. All right. We got plenty more mad money ahead. Including what history tells us about the market after president ial elections. How will it pan out this time . We will turn the technicals. Plus both candidates talk big over the feds. Which stock stands for our next commander this chief . And im talking you inside an allimportant swing state with major manufacturing base. You got to stay with cramer were drowning in information. Where, in all of this, is the stuff that matters . The stakes are so high, your finances, your future. How do you solve this . You dont. You partner with a firm that advises governments and the fortune 500, and, can deliver insight person to person, on what matters to you. Morgan stanley. Later tonight the contentious i have the ree al of the election will finally be over. But the stock market has been driven by the political horse race of late. Its so hard to get a sense of how it will behave after the election regardless of who wins. Thats why we got to get a little devoid of emotion. What you do when you do that, you good off the charts and go with the help of bob lang. One of our experts, founder of explosive options. Net. One of the threeman team behind the tech stocks news let per. Er pp letter. We have to find out what things will look like after the confusion, worry, uncertainty over who the next president will be. When we know who won not much will have changed and there are a much of seasonal patterns that suggest we shoot rally post election. However that doesnt mean that everything is copacetic. While it looks like this market is driven by fluctuations in the president ial race, stocks tachk when we learned about how the new fbi investigation in hillarys emails, you know, just plummeted. Then yesterday, rocket higher, when that investigation came to an end. Lang thinks itll be a mistake to think all of the recent action has been about the election. He notes that Fund Managers have been pulling money out of the market for weeks now. And its possible that selling was caused by something other than election fears. What else are investors afraid of . Despite a relatively strong earning season the price of oil has been sinking and the Federal Reserve is on track it raise Interest Rates next month, another reason why there is a high cap position. Remember the last time the fed hiked rates in december of last year, the s p got clobbered. Fell 8 in a matter of weeks. Lang thinks Money Managers would rather play it safe rather than risking precious capital. Not just the election scaring people. We have two counter veiling forces here. On the one hand bullish seasonal patterns. On the other hand, lets just face it, charts are not very encouraging as you will see with them in a moment. First, let me give you patterns. Which lang picked up from de detreich. Rally be from the end of the year 75 of the time, giving you average game of 2. 5 . Now that is enough to make me think bullish. And the medium return between the election and years send 3. 2 . Overall average is dragged down by the financial crisis. You got take that one. Typically as long as economy is on firm footing and not recession like 2008 or recession like in 2000, most of the time s p gives you excellent post election gains considering the recent gdp and employment numbers like the one on friday, this pattern suggests we should be in pretty good shape. The second pattern is november and december tend to be very good months historically. Not just in Election Years. Going back to 1950 s p has only closed out the month of november beneath the lows five times and december tends to be even better. S p and only ended december beneath its november lows once. Once since 1950. Thats why lang thinks the odds favor the bulls. However, the charts themselves have been pretty darn ugly lately. So i want to start out by checking out this daily chart of the s p 500. Can you see, not a lot to like here. Lets call it a mixed picture. On the one end, s p tested its support of 200day moving average on friday. That floor held. Thats important. Then the index snapped back dramatically yesterday of 2. 2 . Problem is with the volume. Volume is higher when the s p and the declining. And lower when it rallied yesterday. That worrisome. That suggests big institutions are eager to unload positions particularly if strength. Look at money indicator we like so much. Measures the level of buying and selling. It has moved since late october. How worrisome is that . This is the First Time Since january, since january, that the check and money flow is going sharply negative. Even during the epic selloff this past june, staying positive. This is important. In other words, the big boys are selling. And we just cant assume its all about the electionrelated uncertainty. May not just vanish after the election. Now lets get to some real trouble. Most troubling chart for lang. The daily chart of oil. West texas intermeetdiate crudeo be specific. Recently tested in support at 200day moving average, thats the red, okay. That is for the First Time Since august. And given that we just saw the biggest weekly buildup in oil in history last week, lang thinks that oil could be headed back down towards its august lows of 39. Ouch finally one more. Lets look at the volatility index. The vix also known as the fear gauge. Over the last two weeks the vix has exploded higher. Thanks to the electionrelated uncertainty mp now according to lang whenever we have a big spike in recent years averages sold off. We have gotten terrific buying opportunity. He thinks it is possible this could be another buying opportunity ahead. So here is the bottom line. Chart interpreted by bob lang, lets say theyve been pretty rough of late. But based on the established historical post election patterns, he believes that things are likely to improve from now through the end of the year. At the very least after today, we will have one less thing to worry about but dont be complacent. Because the big boys dont like this market for a host of reasons. Not just the election. While they might come back from the side lines after today, the rest of the indicators say beware of any november rally. Because it might not have the staying power to hang on until the end of the year. Plenty more of this special election edition of mad money ahead. We talk live with two of cnbcs finest in the field. Phil and brian will give us updates from the industrial midwest. Plus, three years you need to focus on no matter who take the white house. And the lightning round. So stay with cramer. These goofy glasses. Yeah. Well, we gotta hand it to fedex. Theyve helped make our ecommerce so easy, and now were getting all kinds of new customers. I know. Can you believe were getting orders from canada, ireland. This ones going to new zealand. New zealand . Psst. Ah, false alarm. Hey you guys are gonna scare away the deer idiots. Providing Global Access for small business. Fedex. Now it doesnt seem like the election is nearly over. Time to start the healing and bring kra americans back it strength all over. And i mean that. That means helping you figure out how to make some money. Welcome to my post election play book that starts right now. There are two areas where donald trump and Hillary Clinton agree with each other. And they are both gamable. First area is defense. But if you want it hear about the second one, stick around. I am of course a veteran tease. In the debates it might sound like they disagree emphatically when it comes to national defense. However the truth is when you listen to their speeches and look at their plat forms, they are almost on the exact same page. Every election defense is always the one thing that democrats and republicans agree on. No politician wants to be accused of being weak on defense. Thats a sure fire way to lose an election certainly four years both sides give us plans to beef up defense spend aeng tries to keep those promises because borders will never punish you for spending too much money to protect america. Its no wonder that every Election Year since 19 t92 the aerospace and defense index outperformed in the fourth quarter. This cycle should be no different. Trump wants it repeal something to restore 500 billion in defenserelated spending over ten years and increase the army by 90,000 soldiers kwb expand the marine corps more than 55 . 42 new ships to the navy and a hundred more modern fighter jets for the air force. While strengthening our nuclear, Missile Defense and cyber warfare capabilities. Thats a lot of new hardware. What about clinton . She wants it end the sequester for defense too. She is not as sure on a what to spend. And when she says she wants to and im quoting invest in innovation kip balts that will allow us to fight more 21st se t century threat. A couple weeks ago there was a bullish outlook for 2017. Here is an aerospace and Defense Company that makes all kinds of things for the pentagon p. M. Lockheed has been benefiting they make the joint Strike Fighter ship. Companies see their aeronautics generating 5 billion next yart quarter. Meanwhile lockheed is traps forming itself. Last year bought is a core ski, the helicopter maker for 9 billion. Seems like a smart deal now. A few months ago they spun off their Information Technology sector. And they are expected to unlock a great deal of value. Lockheed martin pays to you wait with nearly 3 yield. How about Northrop Grumman . Also an excellent knock two weeks ago. Companies specializes in aerospace plat forms, Electronics Like radar and censor systems and any Missile Systems to. Northrop grumman has expertise and unrivalled when it comes to making drone aircraft. And the company has been a veracious buyer of its own stock. Here is the bottom line. Hillary clinton and donald trump may not agree on much, but they are both committed to shoring up our Nations Defense capabilities and at end of the day that means more business for defense contractors and the two im focused on, Lockheed Martin and north republicrop grumman, s of who wins the election. There is one here with face and cnbcs phil lebeau, phil is in terre haute, indian. What are you seeing out there . A lot of people who frankly are feeling lost in terms of this election. They are not necessarily voting for donald trump or for Hillary Clinton. They are basically saying it is the lesser of two evils so i picked this person. Not necessarily supporting a particular candidate. The reason we came here jim is because this is the crossroads of america. Almost physically as well as metaphorically. In terms of how this county has voted, you go back for the last 15 president ial elections as vego county has gone and terre haute is in vego county. And last time the person doesnt win the race was in 1952. I think Hillary Clinton can lead us in the right path or im going with donald trump because im fed up with where the country is at. Ill be interested to see where vego county goes at the end of the night. You are certainly in the place to watch. Thank you so much for being on the show. All right, plenty more mad money to go. Including Brian Sullivan from the Battle Ground state of ohio. And i hope you made your voice clear in the polls today. I know di. But tonight we will hear you loud and clear in the lightning round. So stay with cramer. Your Insurance Company wont replace the full value of your totaled new car. The guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. No, i picked the wrong Insurance Company. With Liberty Mutual new car replacementâ„¢, you wont have to worry about replacing your car because youll get the full value back including depreciation. And if you have more than one Liberty Mutual policy, you qualify for a multipolicy discount, saving you money on your car and home coverage. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. No matter who wins this hard fought election, tonight will be an historic night. Now that votes are cast we need to deal with what comes next. How can we do that without knowing results in its simple. While clinton and trump may seem to disagree on just about everything there are areas of Common Ground at least on issues. That means we can find groups of stocks regardless of who win he the white house. Earlier i told that you defense stocks have bipartisan support in president ial Election Years. But whats the second place with clinton and trump actually agree on something in one word, infrastructure. Usually in modern president ial elections the democrats want to invest heavily and republicans want to hold back on spending in order to reign in on the deficit. But donald trump is not your typic typical republican. Both have a major infrastructure buildout. When you see how acrimonious this has been it is amazing they agree on anything. It is there on the plat forms. Trump said he want to invest in transportation, clean water, modern electrical grid, tell muncations and infrastructure. A bold visionary plan for Cost Effective system of roads, bridges, tunnels, airports, railroads, ports, waterways and pipe lines in the proud tradition of president dwriight. Eisenhower, end quote. Lets compare to Hillary Clinton. She want to build world class airports, modernize airspace system. More Internet Access and Better Energy infrastructure. An lot of daylight between the two of them. Clinton wants it invest 500 billion in infrastructure over the next five years. Government spending and government loans to company that want to undertake the process. Trump wants a trillion over a decade. Mostly with a tax credit. Whoever wins there is likely going to be a major surge in Infrastructure Spending . How do we play this sni think go with bulk in materials or Martin Marietta materials. Countryes a first and second maker of aggregates. They crush stone, sand, gravel. When we see a big increase in spending those are the biggest beneficiaries. Vulcan makes aggregates, concrete, asphalt, animal feed, plastics and water treatment. There are two sides to this business. Private demand for these Building Materials driven by population growth, house hold formation and employment. Thats pretty strong the last few years. But theres also the public side of the business for federal, state and local government spends money on infrastructure. Something put on the back burner for ages after the great recession. However things started changing late last year when Congress Passed a longterm fullyfunded highway bill which got Infrastructure Spending going again. That plus the general expectation that next president will be pro infrastructure has helped vulcan stock rally 26 year to date and Martin Marietta is up 48 . Both are commodity producers but the thing about aggregates are they are a heavy bulk commodity. Which means transportation costs tend to be very high and that prevent outside competitors from coming in and taking share. Typically each region is dominated by two or three local players which means they have more Pricing Power than you would expect. When it comes to Vulcan Materials theyre shipments have been on the rise since 2013. Look even though vulcan reported a top and bottom line and stock tumbled to 112. Rallying back up to 119 and change because the future looks so bright. How about Martin Marietta materials. Second largest aggregate benefiting from the same trends as Vulcan Materials. One additional kicker. More than two years ago, they shrewdly acquired Texas Industries for 3 billion. That business operates in the ideal areas to profit from big new National Infrastructure overall. Just like vulcan, Martin Marietta missed the numbers though the stock barely missed a beat and they are down right unstoppable in recent weeks. Martin mariettas whip smart ceo who came on the show six months ago says the companys end market should grow through the end of 2016 and for the next five years. I like that kind of vision. Let me give you the bottom line. Regardless of who wins the white house we are likely to see a major surge over the next administration. That means the rock place like Vulcan Materials and Martin Marietta keep moving higher no matter what happens with the election tonight. When we go infrastructure it is hard not to think about the manufacturing swing state like ohio. That just so happens to be where my buddy cnbcs own Brian Sullivan is right now. Brian, tell me what youre seeing there. You know, i kind of think, we are here at trump pence election Head Quarters in columbus, ohio, jim. You can see it hasnt gotten started yet. But in listening to you, this room is a metaphor, a pothole in one of the states. If t is empty now but it things go well it will soon be filled. Ive got a number for you jim, 125,000 has nothing do with votes. You know what that is . The miles of highway and roads in ohio that the American Society of Civil Engineers gave a d minus to. To your point about vulcan and all these Companies Providing crushed gravel, stone, asphalt, whatever, there are a lot of roads. They are overutilized. Underserved and a lot of potholes to fill. You talk about infrastructure, ohio just passed a transportation bill last year but 28 cent a gallon gas tax not necessarily paying for all that. A lot of work to be done here. If youre an asphalt guy pl bullish on asphalt or gravel or crushed stone, come to ohio. They have plenty of roads for you to repave. You know what else im bullish on . The outica shale which is not far from where you are. What is your thinking out thereabout oil and gas . Ive got another number for you, jim. 41. You know what that is . 41 is the growth in ohio natural gas extraction. Only five states have seen it jump up, right . We know that with the price declines and a lot of people have pulled back. Not here. Ohio has actually dramatically increased natural gas and theres no company we can talk about if you talk about the out ka shale and natural gas and one name, you know who that is, chesapeake. Late Audrey Mclendon said natural gas will be the latest thing to hit ohio since the plow. Talk about the utica shale which runs from ohio into pennsylvania, West Virginia and upstate new york. Chesapeake energy is the one that despite financial woes dramatically increasing natural gas production. 41 jump in extraction which is pretty dramatic given the pricing environment. Up a little bit stronger. We were with the late aubrey when we went out to ohio. I think you captured the mood with a shot there you took with your cell phone. Can i take a look at it . So yeah. As we were pulling into the hotel in columbus, i thought this is one of those signs, i think its the Media Parking lot across from the state capital. If youre on the radio listening to mad money it just says, one of those signs you can program in. It doesnt park here. It says blah blah blah blah blah blah. As i put out on social media, jim, ive been waiting for that sign my entire life. Lead hope tomorrow it says go buckeyes. Thank you, brian. Next up, the voice of the people, special ballot box edition of the lightning round. At 7 00 p. M. , your money your vote. Stick with cramer. Stick with cnbc. 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Ask your doctor about cialis for daily use. Many men arent aware their Health Insurance may cover cialis. Contact your health plan for the latest information. But they demand the best shopping experiences. They may want the latest products and services, theyre your customers. And by blending physical with digital, cognizant is helping 8 of the 10 largest u. S. Retailers meet their demands with more responsive retail models. Ones that transcend channels and locations, anticipate expectations. Creating new ways to engage at every imaginable touchpoint. Its a new day in retail, and together, were building the store of the future. Digital works for retail. Lets talk about how digital works for your business. Whats Critical Thinking like . A basketball costs 14. Whats team spirit worth . cheers whats it worth to talk to your mom . Whats the value of a walk in the woods . The value of capital is to create, not just wealth, but things that matter. Morgan stanley it is time. Lightning round, are you ready . Time for lightning round. Randy in florida. Randy . Booyah, jim. Just checking in on ali for you. 500 shares, buy or sell . You know, thank you for asking first of all. This has been the best retailer out there. You got a winner. Lets go to john in florida. John . Caller hey, jim. Whats shakin . Caller im calling about ty pharma. I bought it before the selloff. Wow, i got to tell you, if you get a big sweep you get the house in the senate going democrat with hillary that will be no go. Be careful there. To george, george . Caller the question i have for you is walmart. Listen to me, Doug Mcmillan made a major change there. I think this is one of the retailers to own coming out of the election. Kevin in illinois, kevin . Caller hi, jim cramer. How are you . Good. How about you . Caller pretty good. How about a stock . Caller yes, jim, im interested in buying a stock Six Flags Entertainment corporation. Ticker symbol is six. We like six. Now i am a little bit bigger fan, just so you know, sticking with that same regime of cedar fair, symbol fun, because yielding 5. 7 . I like a little extra bling. Jop, home state of new jersey, john . Caller cramer . Yeah. Caller just driving by, tough love, pal. And buy or sell . You told me you like it, i would say sell sell sell. Just kidding. Amberell, stay away. Think about something more like, you know, vago. I think thats a better bet. To jennifer in ohio. A lot of sweet staters tonight. Jennifer . Caller greetings, jim. Whats shakin . Caller i want it talk about fedex. I own a small position. Hold on to it. In this environment, save something. Little pull back. Double up. Ups acted to well. I like fedex more. To michael in new york. Michael . Caller mr. Cramer, thanks for having me on the show. Of course. Whats shakin . Caller down 20 , hold it or yes. Hold it. I have a feeling they will make some sort of deal or something to bring up value. I cant sell it down here. 10 point, 20 point, i care where the stock is going not where it comes from. I think youre okay. Rick in missouri. Show me rick. Caller jim, semi conductors, lot of heavy call buying today. I know and it should be look, so Many Companies gaining bids here that i would have to tell you you would be nuts to sell cyprus but so far its a brides made, an bride. How about sammy in North Carolina . Sammy . Caller booyah to you jim. Go pack. Caller i have a question with you regarding my major food supplier, u. S. Foods, usfd. No, no, no. Listen to me. Thats a tar heel. You want a wolf pack, go with cisco. Dynami dynamite quarter. And bob in florida. Bob . Caller booyah. Hit me. Caller listen, man, first of all, thank you so much for everything you do. I really appreciate it. Of course. A caller my interest tonight is symbol rdwc. No, ill take halliburton but no deep water. C. No, ill take halliburton but no deep water. That is the end of the lightning round. Lightning round sponsored by td ameritrade. Oh. Whats with the dogsized horse . Im crazy stressed trying to figure out this complex trade so i brought in my comfort pony, warren, to help me deal. Isnt that right warren . Well, you could get support from thinkorswims inapp chat. It lets you chat and share your screen directly with a live person right from the app, so you dont need a comfort pony. Oh, so what about my motivational meerkat . Inapp chat on thinkorswim. Only at td ameritrade. No, ill take halliburton but just when you start thinking of the extreme stay at home thesis was too anecdote yap, too glib, last night the cisco, largest food service in the country, here is what you hear. Im quoting wp Restaurant Industry representing 60 of the food market is not o currently experienci experiencing level of growth we have seen in recent quarters. We even got wage growth. We have lot of people and lots of place answers like i got to tell you that arent that expensive to go out to, all right, amazon, cant amazon dinner. Cant serve it to you. And restaurant dinner decelerated. No, i have never seen this combination before. I cannot recall it. Numbers are just terrible for pretty much everyone in that Restaurant Industry. Simply dont get this kind of decline unless there is an event keeping people indoors and sure isnt football with those declining ratings. I think this is all about what is happening today. I think it is about the election. You know my stay at home thesis. You order dominos, which is doubledigit growth. Play video games, probably m mba k2. Craft beer can with doubledigit growth. Watch netflix, look at facebook, doubledigit grower. Or you cook which makes mccormick or tyson foods a close second. When i heard on the cisco call, what they are talking about isnt evolutionary. You dont get a decline from some kind of momentary. This ends today. This is contested which i think is maybe the case. We see reversal quickly postal action or bet the people still want it own something in the restaurant space that is actually witty. So i say find yourself a restaurant worth betting on. The one you like and the one that could have numbers compressed by the election commentary and maybe call options that encompass the month of november. You can find darden with a good yield. I thought panera was convoluted and find out more. Cheesecake factory with the biggest upside surprise. That may be the best one to buy. Oh, and of course you can keep buying, yes, indeed, amazon. At least until it comes all the way back to where it was before it reported. Because in this world, new habits, meaning ordering online die hard. Last time we heard from brad jacobs, ceo, the company that dominates last mile deliveries for everything large in this country to your house, including shipments from amazon, he business is very strong. Thats good enough for me. Could i be wrong . Could there be another reason for the sudden cooling off of the restaurant space . Geez, what else could it be . A whole nations behavior doesnt change in a single quarter. Unless something happened that quarter. Something thats the equivalent of a message that says, stay home. Dont go out. Focus on the election. Something like a quarantine. Now i didnt get that quarantine memo, did you . Anyway, today that stay at home distraction maybe it ends. Or at least if youre in the restaurant business, you got to hope it ends. Thats what makes this trade vie al. I think it is worth it. Sure we have too many restaurant but too many restaurant when we have left job growth and wages and they are doing just fine. To me it says go for it. Pick one you like. Pick one you like to go to. Buy it. For heavens sake hope the election day really isnt ground hog day and its finally, yes, indeed, over and done with. And speaking of wrapping this election up, lets talk to cnbcs own kelly evans at decision zone. Kelly, are you ready . Not only isnt it over yet with be this hasnt started. We will find out about six key states at the top of the hour and every half hour after that. We will see you again. Some of them looking like they are leaning one way or the other. How much can we rely on polls. Going back to your point, when h is over people will go back to dunkin and starbucks and watching nfl again. Is that really the case . What happens with the market if theres not a clear outcome tonight. Will there be a concession speech for example . So tonight cnbc, we are keeping tabs on the senate and Ballot Initiatives talk about the minimum wage, legalization of marijuana, gun control and things are happening in many many states including governorships up for grabs that we will cover with over 100 different sources of information to poll on. We are talking about our affiliates, a dozen or so reporters scattered in key swing states across the country. Nbc, msnbc will keep an eye on that way. As soon as something is happening whether a concession speech, whether something is happening in terms of the voting fraud everyone is so focused on, we will be able to take you there. Turn the channel for you. Jim, we want to be where the action is and it all gets under way in a couple of minutes. I cant wait. Im watching proposition 61 in california which turned the v. A. Pricing system for california really hurt the drug stocks. Big Battle Ground. You know what as ls, i kaalso, doing contested work and there was waun in 2000 and we had literally pause. But the market didnt skip a beat. So i know people who worried about a contested election. I would like to hear what youre hearing about the idea this if goes on too long what a curse. What plays out . The way the street is positioning for it is we say all we take is more more volatility. What does this mean for the stock market . Not good. It means a harder period for stocks and were supposed to be in one of the best periods of the year. The more this stretches on, the more you expect people to put on that kind of trade in terms of the outcome period ive heard people say Trump Victory means 6 to 15 drop in the market that should be bought. But that Hillary Clinton victory means a rally that should be sold. Funny you say that, ive been sitting here thinking theres no real edge and when you have no real edge, people take their money out but that actual fundamentals away from the bank away from defense and maybe internationals. We have result of pretty good earnings. And they dont add up. It is just an great time typically with the drug stocks. I hear you kelly. I dont feel conviction that i would normally like after big bad event occurs. And you know more than anybody, there needs real overhaul that needs to be done with some of companies. Corporate tax overhaul, a number of things that affected the Way Companies in this country are doing business. You think we get any of that if gridlock is the outcome . No. I will say that if we just get nothing we will have a fed rake hike after that employment number and you buy the banks. And we didnt spend enough time if only because i fear if there is a hillary sweep we have to deal with a lot of rhetoric out of senate that is bad for the banks. I figure wait a day then make pronouncement. These banks never run away no matter what happens. Got watch it all tonight. Thank you so much, kelly. Carl. You guys are go tock great. I cannot wait. But also of course, stick with cramer. Is it a force of nature . Or a sales event . The season of audi sales event is here. Audi will cover your first months lease payment on select models during the season of audi sales event. bing weighing on the market in way thats been incredly down beat. You and i both know that. It is not what is Common Ground and in the president ial race in American History but thats what we do on mad money. Hunt those bull markets down no matter how hard it gets, no matter how dark it is. What we need to focus on is my post election play book. You heard about the two secretariors ysectors you can be bullish on no matter what, whether it is a trump or clinton presidency. I like infrastructure. The winners there, aggregate and stone makers, Martin Marietta. Weve had them onair, they are terrific. Vulcan materials. If we get our old friend gridlock we should get a rate hike which means we can buy the banks and ones that i like, we heard from we like key bank. Okay. We think citi is in a major disadvantage where the book value is. Jpmorgan would be just fine. Bank of america too. You know what would really help, Business Leaders get together. And actually try to unite the country. Maybe this is the time for Business Leaders to speak. Theyve been way too quiet. They havent said anything. They are a force of good if they try to unite us. Guys, and ladies, im asking you to do that for us for our country. I would like to say there is a bull market some. And i will find it for you here on mad money. Im jim cramer, the 2016 special election coverage starts right now. As we come on the air tonight, polls are closing in georgia, indiana, kentucky, South Carolina, vermont and virginia. Nbc news projects donald trump is the winner in indiana. Of course, thats the home state of trumps running mate mike pence. Nbc also projecting trump is winner in kentucky. Right now projecting Hillary Clinton winner in vermont. Georgia too close to call according to nbc news. Democrats have not won since 1992. Virginia too early to call at this time though clinton is leading. Home state of democratic Vice President ial nominee tim kaine. Nbc says South Carolina too early to call though trump is leading. Right now trump has

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