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Pausing phase. I do believe it does. I mrs. Think 2300 in the s p p is important. Those are the targets for a lot of those on the street. Getting to 23 will be good. It is nice and diversified, the rally today. I know financials are leading. It is clearly from a technical standpoint, something that is sustainable for the market. You are 6. 5 points away from 20 on the s p. Do you think this is sustainable . Sure, why not. We got the election, the trump rally and you kick off earning season. You have jpmorgan and bank of america knocked it out of the park. 52week highs on virtually almost every single stock. We had a little bit of a pullback and rotation. We are seeing m e goia going on. I think they are going to get more kicked up as we get closer to the middle part of the year. We are just at the beginning of a rally that could last. Do you think that retail is coming in . Do you think we have started to see anywhere near the full extent of a rotation from bonds into stocks and f noif not, whe will we and why . I dont think we have seen the full extent. I think it is going to happen. It is going to take a while for them to break that 30, 35year bull market. They are going to give up the ghost. Thats going to happen over time. It will be very positive. In terms of the retail investor, we have been waiting for them for 15 years. They are going to continue to play etfs. The churn underneath that will create the volatility and the opportunity below the major indices p reta indices. Retail is a funny thing. We are positively set up. It is not just u. S. Economy as we referenced yesterday. It is the Global Economy that is picking up. It is global inflation picking up largely commodity driven. It feels good. I still think that some things are expensive. I added up the financials today and bought a couple other things. I added to citi and to arcadia. I think thats a great group. They have been sold down about 10 . Aaron, do you need some of the sectors that havent performed as well from the election . It has been a broadbased rally. It is not like there are two handfuls of things you need to worry about. Do you need to see some of the lag ards pick up . You have had financials underperform. They are down. They are up about 1 . Some have underperformed pretty significantly. You have have the tech based and material based up over 500 . We are going to see some underperforming sectors like the fi financials and some of the Consumer Retail space and some of the energy space, which i really like. I think those sectors are going to start to outperform. We are coming to a point where we are going to see a leadership transition. Tech up 5 . Financials up 1 , industrial, up 3 . Real estate up 1, health care up 1. Staples up 2. Are they going to Start Playing ball . I think they will. I dont think 1 up is such a bad number. I think the rally will continue. It will continue to be broadbased. Here is why. You look back to yesterday. Things really picked up steam when trump executed the executive orders about the pipeline. That was a way of saying, whether congress will approve his agenda. He doesnt care. Those pipelines were the heart of what the greens were protesting about. I am not being political. I am being observational. He is going to do things by fiat. That is good for the market. Does the fact that the stock market continues to go up and now we have crossed 20,000 take a little bit of the worry away and all the focus on bha what h says and what he tweets . Some of you have been worried about the reaction. He says he is going to focus on the Manufacturing Sector and corporate. I think what scott is referring to are the tweets that dont have anything to do with policy. I am not talking about some of the noise thats out there. Dow goes up 150 points off the bat. They dont care about that. Are we aness cita sized to thatt this point is this. Yes. The country is not used to that progress. Guantanamo is still open eight years after he said he would close it. Here, we have a president thats coming out. It is action, action, action. The market is overlooking that. I think that will continue. Ultimately, i think he finds that reasonably he shouldnt be tweeting about that stuff. Lets let his presidency be decided by action. I also bought ssl and laid out the short on ak steel, steel e dynamics reported. A. K. Steel reported a great quarter. We have been down since they reported it. You have been holding a little more cash. So you are looking to get more invested. I am pretty happy there are shorts that are working, like steals. Are you seeing more opportunistic shorts . It is such a tough game because of atfs. I think one of the reasons why it is so tough to short. There is no way we are getting out of the top of shot without me asking pete. When is the last time the vix was below ten. Are we going to make volatility great again . Thats a concern from a lot of Portfolio Managers. Joe and i were talking about this. Two weeks ago, i was talking to him. I was saying, actually, the volatility index is too high based upon the movement we are getting and the s p 500, it shouldnt be where it was trading. That doesnt mean it is still not cheap, though, scott. The opportunity to protect your portfolio at these levels still makes sense. When you consider the amount of movement of the s p. What i mean by that, you have to understand, as we go higher on the s p, these moves, take a look at the percentage moves we have gotten in any single day over the last two months. When you look at that, you are going to say even on some of these big down shot or upshot days, it is not significant enough to put the vix where it has been trading. Why wouldnt you buy the vix . You should. Thats what i am saying chlth pvmt. You are a smart man. To your point, if you could buy the protection so cheaply, doesnt that mean the environment is conducive to staying long. It doesnt suggest the major shakeout and correction that the sellout crowd has wanted. This policy isnt going to be growth oriented. It hasnt gone down. It is when the negative crowd, the bears, suddenly find themselves bulls. Thats the time. Ky ju can i just point out that single stock volatility is a lot higher across the. We have clients that call in and say, give me a little bit more income. We are getting good money from that. Why . Because individual stocks are moving 4 , 5 even though the market is having less than 1 moves. There is a lot of volatility. Thats a great opportunity for stock pickers to buy things on the cheap. Thats why you cant confuse the vix, which is measuring the s p 500 versus actual trades. I made a lot of money for vol. I got lazy. I finally got out of them. Sold the rest of it on monday and, of course, now is the time to buy. Whats really interesting is if you look at the move index, which is the index that measures volatility for the bond market, versus the s p. The volatility has been huge. The move index has remained elevated and equity volatility ha collapsed. That is suggesting a disconnect. Lets welcome in two stock market veterans. Art cashin and michael far is as well. He is the president of farr p miller and washington. Arthur, you have the hat. You go first. Does this, in your mind, have staying power . I believe it does. I like the broadness of the move in the sense that the diverse participants, boeing is a big help, travelers, triple m. It is not a sector. It is not the financials to the text that are slowly leading the way. It has staying power. Your previous conversation on set, the one thing that does disturb me about the vix, we are making record high was a reasonably low vix. That always worries an oldtimer about signs of complacency. I dont feel it in my gut yet. You have made the argument that you think this trump rally has gone too far too fast. What do you think today . I think it is going farther. May west said too much of a good thing can be wonderful. Let the pind juns loose. Market prices are out stripping the fundamental evaluations. Whats so lacking in fundamentals . Okay. So the banks look really good. I like the banks. I own the banks. Im going to continue to own the banks. The roes on the banks are below 10 00 . Stuff has moved up in anticipation of great earnings from the banks. We saw some good numbers. Thats got to continue. Rates have to continue. A lot of stuff has to continue. The pipeline stuff is going to be great for some of the energy and basic materials. This all has to continue. Prices have surged in an miss pags anticipation of it all happening. This market could go up another couple thousand points on this momentum. Yeah. It could. It is going to go up a lot faster than the fundamental earnings and gross sales are going to increase. As they do, it makes it more expensive and makes me more cautious. Arthur, are we becoming immune to some of the things the trump critics are bringing up on almost a dalily basis, the comments that have nothing to do with the agenda or random tweets and we are focusing on the policy that can be good for growth, investors and the stock market. I think you hit the nail on the head. When he moved into the executive directive toss directives to do the pipeline, it underscored that it looks like he is sddedicated to in looking into those things he mentioned during the campaign. He is going to be committed to tax reform and deregulation. What he did yesterday substantially underscored the idea he will be dedicated to bringing those things before congress. No guarantee they will all be done. It is guaranteed he will go through each and every one and address them. That gave the market a big boost yesterday and today. Good feeling got you from the wee hours of the morning of november 9th to the end of the first day on the rally. Now, you are starting to pause. Lets think about this. Joe, you had mentioned earlier the financials. Steve, you did too. One of the thee cease for the financials, President Trump has shown he will unilaterally take action. He is a real estate investor. He is going to attack dodd frank. I dont care if he attacks dodd frank. Are you sure . Not with the stocks i own. I have citi and b of a. It doesnt matter . It is great. It will be a help but thats not part of my investment case. Of course, i care. Thats not why i own it. Thats a bonus. Quit arguing. I just tried to show you the Promised Land and you fight me. I own them. They are all discounts to book. If dodd frank happens, great, it will increase my portfolio that much more. Arent the financials going up more because of the prospects of reflating the economy, inflation going up, Interest Rates . Thats part of it. More a part than rolling back dodd frank. There are three main things, exactly what you just said. And what steve said about book values. I was saying that yesterday. Absolutely. If you roll back any part of dodd frank, thats going to make it easier for banks to lend. Thats where they make their money. I think thats the up side. Since the election, the entire move has been driven by the yield curve. There is incremental up side to the positive. Thats where you can get a big boost. Arthur, the notion of sort of good feeling versus actual fundamentals wharks fundamentals, what do you think is the chief driver of dow getting over 20,000 . I think it is the anticipation that you are going to be visiting all these key important issues, deregulation, some form of stimulus and tax reform, most importantly, tax reform. Yesterday, you had speaker ryan say he was working on an agenda to get through the first 200 days, not 100, 200. That told the market we would probably see some move towards tax reform within the next six months. Thats faster than people thought. You are talking about a good feeling in the marketplace. Anthony scar amuchy tweeted out, this is the biggest rally of any election since 1900. It is more than just a good feeling. In addition to that, what steven just said, which we did not talk about. That suggests it is more than that. It is more than that. I see the Portfolio Managers and hedge funds saying, hey, we dont have enough exposure to european. Urine is having a recovery. Thats what happens when the euro goes from 135 to 107 pmis explode. This is now becoming a global recovery. It is bigger that what we are witnessing here. What did we learn . You look at the year over year numbers. Pretty incredible. We havent seen anything happen from the president yet and yet look at the numbers they have produced. When you guys talk about some of these things that are valuable. Thats why jamie dimon told squawk, the gains werent in the financials. By the way, yesterday, you guys had a big financial discussion. You werent here. You guys talked about a lot of these executives are taking off their position. Jamie dimon hasnt. I think were seeing two other kind of important things. With the pipelines, that takes everybody. You have to show me. He is talking about it. Is he really going to do it . This has been a week. Not only is he doing. He is doing everything he said he is doing. It is hard to keep up with everything that the president is now doing. Were moving beyond the showme stage to were seeing the whites of their eyes and i think markets are very encouraged about that. If he goes ahead now, if he reduces Capital Requirements for those banks, we are going a lot higher. Appreciate your time very much, michael farr, arthur, be well, art cash Shin U Cashin Jo well. Ed, good to talk to you today. Thank you very much. You said you thought we were entering the final stages of the bull market. If that was many months ago, where do you think we are today . Look at where the valuation multiple is. What changed . Everything changed on november 8th. We had a radical regime change in washington, d. C. Now, i think we can actually look forward to the fundamentals of earnings validating these euphoric p. E. Multiples. Yeah, we were in the final stage until november 8th. Now, there is more room. So now we are not closer to the end. In fact, we are at a new beginning in your mind . In some ways, thats true. Not only that but forget about the election that just happened, the economy was basically coming out of an energyled recession that started in the middle of 2014 and ended at the beginning of 2016. You can almost view the current environment as a Recovery Period in some ways. I dont want to exaggerate that point. It is important for earnings. There was much talk about an earnings recession. Back in august, my colleague and i, joab bot and i, said that the earnings receptionist over. Earnings are going to be up 6 in the fourth quarter, earnings fees. They will be a lot higher if we get the tax cuts. You soend like you are painting a picture in which you think the dow can continue to move higher. Im wondering how high. I will give you another 10 . I do things with the s p 500. Perhaps i should have asked it that way. After the elections, joe and i raised our s p from 2300 to 2400 this year to 2500. Let me make one other point, i think somebody said we are just getting deluged with all these amazing changes that are going on, on Economic Policy. If any one of them happens, it will be bullish. Imagine 2 trillion coming back to the united states. Thats all you need to drive this market higher. Appreciate the time. Thanks for coming to the phone. Well talk to you soon. Ed yardeni. Here is whats coming up. Earnings helping drive the market higher. We are drilling down on two of the biggest names reported today, boeing and United Technologies and what those reports mean for the rest of the blue chips. Our partners run the numbers on the top stocks when Economic Conditions p matmatch what we a seeing today. The stock that is do best. More halftime with scott wapner coming up. The Investment Managers at pgim take a long term view, teaming specialized active investing with riskmanagement rigor, to seek out global opportunities. We manage over a trillion dollars this way, attracting many of the worlds leading investors. Partner with pgim. The Global Investment management businesses of prudential hey nicole. Hey i just wanted to thank your support team for walking me through my First Options trade. We only do it for everyone gary. Well, i feel pretty smart. Well, were all about educating people on options strategies. Well, dont worry, i wont let this accomplishment go to my head. Im still the same old gary. Wait, you forgot your french dictionary. Oh, mucho gracias. Get help on options trading with thinkorswim, only at Td Ameritrade. As for the top stocks, with gdp, infra inflation and tenyear, all around 2 , cisco and boeing are the top two performers. Microsoft, United Health and nike, all above 20 . We are going to get to boeing in a minute in more detail. Im wondering what you mean of what ed yardeni said about another 10 upside but what the kensho report showed us as well if you take the atmosphere thats in the economy, you could be poised to move a good deal higher. It is not a nobrainer but easy to get another 5 out of this rally. You nor the at euphoric highs. Are some things a Little Pricey . Sure. You are not in this bubble type of territory. 17 times earnings on the s p 500. It aint cheap but by no means is that bubble territory. You could easily get another 5 . Inflation between 2 3 is the market multiple. It trades at the highest multiple when we. Narrator that 2 3 inflation bucket. We have been in 1. 5 to 2. 5 for the last seven years. This is the first year we have the potential to break above that for a sustained basis. You cwe can get significantl higher than where we have been. Domestic demand can finally start to move higher. Behind all that, you have got the fed who has danger of running behind as they have the last couple of years as it has been fine, behind the curve. If they ramp up, i have been looking for three hikes. If they ramp that up or run it tight together, you get a nervous bond market. I dont think 3 kills the market like others do. It depends on the rate of change. You are looking at a 14 increase to s p earns this year. That will give you a lot more up side. Two big dow stocks reporting. Boeing, as we just mentioned, a company beat on the top and bottom line. United technology matched. Who wants to take boeing. You made the comment you think it is expensive. I am going to talk on both sides of my mouth. All the headlines are about the 787 and the order book. Thats great. Look under the hood. Look at the Defense Sector for boeing. That was down year over year. Thats where they have been r k racking up orders nobody pays attention to. Thats going to be a secret driver in the next couple of years. Pay attention to that. Up 4. 5 today. This is at heart a very big cyclical, it is going to benefit from trumps policies. I am not going to buy it today. I own it in client accounts. Give me 2 off of todays price and i put that money to work. Uftx, boeing, who else . Fundamentally, i think beau w boeing was a fantastic report. 10 million to be returned to share holders. What the commentary was last year, i disagree. Do you think i should buy it today . Im seriously curious. I never tell a man what to do with his money. Ill tell you what to do. Give it to me. That will be a cold day in you know where. Can President Donald Trump claim credit for the dow getting past the 20,000 mark. The stocks added to the dow since we hit 10,000, apple, United Health, nike, visa, goldman sax, halftime is back in two minutes. Whats Critical Thinking like . A basketball costs 14. Whats team spirit worth . cheers whats it worth to talk to your mom . Whats the value of a walk in the woods . The value of capital is to create, not just wealth, but things that matter. Morgan stanley this is my retirement. Retiring retired tires. And i never get tired of it. Are you entirely prepared to retire . Plan your never tiring retiring retired tires retirement with e trade. Im in vests and as a vested investor in vests i invest with e trade, where investors can investigate and invest in vests. Or not in vests. Sign up at etrade. Com and get up to six hundred dollars. Hi, im sue herera. A car bomb exploded in central baghdad at rushhour. Two hours after the explosion, police inspected the vehicle. Buses carrying republican members of Congress Left capitol hill for a retreat in philadelphia. They plan to map a strategy for President Trump agenda. President trump and vicepresident pence will join them tomorrow. Utah Officials Say they are investigating the cause of this heart stopping collision in which a passenger train smashed right through a fedex car go truck during a snowstorm on saturday. Amazingly, no one was seriously injured. Miracle. For the first time, mcdonalds plans to give away 10,000 bottles of the special sauce that made the big mac famous in celebration of the two big new sizes, the big mac jr. And the grand mac. Thats p the news for now. Lets go down to dom chew. We are 60 points above that mark. It put us above that key level at the opening bell. Take a look at some of the stocks that have done the best between the last time we saw 10,000 in the dow and where we are today. The biggest gainers, United Health care, 545, home depot, 400 , visa, apple, current members of the dow. As for the laggards, walmart, cisco, goldman and pex zexxon, up. Keep it right here on cnbc. Weve done well in life, with help from our advisor, we made it through many market swings. Sure we could travel, take it easy. But weve never been the type to just sit back. Not when weve got so much more to give when you have the right financial advisor, life can be brilliant. Ameriprise and theyre absolutely right. They say that its hot. When really, its scorching. And while some may say the desert is desolate. We prefer secluded. What is the desert . Its absolutely what you need right now. Absolutely scottsdale. The dow hitting 20,000. We are going to talk about stocks that could fake us higher from here. Earnings are a big part of the rally, tech on deck, microsoft, intel. We are going to get you set up for all the numbers coming out. This is a perfect day for Tyler Mathisen to be at the huge morning star conference in chicago, speaking with the best of the best, top rated fund managers. What to do with your monty right now . I love it. Back to you. We have a behrens top ten adviser. A perfect day for that conversation. In the meantime, Morgan Brennan has a market clash for you. Check out shares of valeant. The assets could be attracting buyout interest. They are said to potentially draw 1 billion. They have not started a formal sales or process. The hardhit name has been offloading assets striking deals to sell skin care brands to lawy loreal. Take a look at shares, they are up 4 today. Thi they are down 85 . Donald trump tweeting out, great, dow 20 k. Can the new president take the dow to the next level . Reporter as you know, there is no dial in the white house that turns the market up and down and same for the economy. For this Trump Administration, it is mostly about delivering on the business friendly aspects of their campaign promises. They have started to do some of that this week. We expect to see more through the rest of the week and the rest of the 100 days. We put together a handy list of some of the things they can do and political quagmires they are going to want to do. Start with clearing a path forward for tax reform this year. It is very difficult and requires a big piece of congressional involvement. They are going to want to signal that is possible to do this year. Also, a budget process that doesnt show enormous deficits. They are talking about big tax cuts. How do due that and make sure you dont show huge deficits. They are going to want to keep this Obamacare Repeal from becoming a political distraction. It has been a quagmire for previous administrations. It cost the Obama Administration and the Clinton Administration dearly. Lets see if the Trump Administration can avoid that political pitfall. The wish lists that all the industry gifts are putting together. Strike the right balance on trade and avoid punitive trades and avoid starking a trade war but still delivering on the trade promises they made to Middle America and American Workers and then the jobs report. We are right back to where we are with the Obama Administration. The jobs report is going to be a monthly Progress Report on where this administration if is doing. They are going to watch that closely. Thanks, amen, on the north lawn for us. Our next guest is richard sap p saperstein, ceo. There were times you were growing more negative on the mark kit. This is not one of them . With the mark kit selling out the s p, 17. 5 times our 2017 estimate, the market is not excessively valued right now. Everybody seems to be growing more positive. Is that something in and of itself to worry about. If you look at the vix, it is at 10 and change. If the animal spirits are ignited and the market moves to acce access i have evaluations, those are an Economic Policy air pocket or and economic and a policy air pocket so both could lead to disappointments in the market. Are you inclined to put new money to work, though, at these levels even though you think stocks can go higher . Yes. Because we have to ask ourselves, will the environment for growing eps be improved over the next four years. We believe so. So for that reason, we believe the market will continue to sell at stretch valuations. The landscape will be improved. What part of the market would you increase your exposure to, sector or otherwise . At this time, you have to look at the mlps. We are going to be producing and transporting more oil and gas. Thats one sector that we should be looking at. Secondly, technology is going to be needed in all kinds of infrastructure projects. I would be adding to technology also. The small caps, while they had a tremendous move, they are still right for additional appreciation. Are we ignoring any of the risks, rich . Maybe a fed that has to be more aggressive because the economy is going to be better than people think at their most optimistic. The legislative process messier than people are expecting, et cetera. That would be the policy, air pocket. There are four reasons why markets have big declines. Commodity spikes, fed tightening, excessive valuations. What we believe is that none of those conditions are ripe to occur right now. We think the fed could tighten aggressively if we get a bout of inflation but at this point in time, we are not looking for any major upheaval to drive the market much lower. Thanks for going to the nasdaq today. Well see you back on the set soon sgchlt will o soon. Our pleasure. I dont expect to see the fed. I think conditions look good now. I am looking for buy ups. Nothing goes up. Some have come on here in the last week. Even the last week, a handful of days and said, we could get a 46 , 57 correction. There is not a person here that doesnt love talking about it. I love talking about it. I love people saying it. It is going to happen. It is a question of when. I dont think it is going to happen this week. The crescendo you saw yesterday, as soon as he signed the executive orders about the pipeline, today going above dow 20,000. It is going o hit the newspapers tomorrow. More retailers are going to come in. This crescendo is for a few more days. Maybe a minute last evening when the president p tweeted about the wall announcement, that maybe you could see a little unsettling in the futures. Jim cramer pointed out right away they didnt move a blip. I am not all in. I am probably sitting on more cash than anybody you have. Im about 40 cash. Im 40 cash as well. We have more trades ahead from our panel of experts as the dow hits 20,000 for the first time ever. Take a look at the road. Oil, gas, gold, the tenyear and the vix p. We are back after this. The Halftime Report with scott wapner. If i gave you five singles for a 5 bill. 20,000 is just a number. Equities this year should be up at least 10 . The most profitable hour of the trading day. Treasuries have become a hedge asset over the last five or ten years. We are back on the Halftime Report. Gold is selling off today as the dow breaks through 20,000. Now, traders for a look at this. Jacque . Hey, scott, thanks. Gold falling more than 1 today. Lowest level in over a week. This is where equities are rallying. Do you think there is more down side for gold . I do. This is an interesting day to me. The normal culprits for pushing gold lower is a stronger dollar. The only way you can explain this break in gold is the risk on trade. It has everything to do with the risk on stock market. I think this continues down. It is called 1170 gold. You said gold could struggle to move higher if volatility continues to fall. How are you playing gold at this point . Jacque, you look at the vix. If it closes here, it will hit eight monthly low not seen in over a decade. Volatility, fair, uncertainty. Thats out of the market. Volatility, typically a reason to buy gold. I think gold is probably headed lower. 1200 is a nice round number to trade around. I like to buy below the 1200 mark and sell above. 1222 is serious resistance and headwinds for gold. Unless we get some uncertainty, gold probably is headed lower. For more futures now, head to the website. Futur futures now. Back to you. Pete is tracking unusual activity. Take a look at the dow. 30 heat map today. Dow crossing 20,000 for the first time ever. Boeing is leading the way. Halftime back after this. Hey gary, whatd you got here . This bad boy is a mobile trading desk so that i can take my Trading Platform wherever i go. You know that thinkorswim seamlessly syncs across all your devices, right . Oh, so my custom studies will go with me . Anywhere you want to go the markets hot sync your platform on any device with thinkorswim. Only at Td Ameritrade and theyre absolutely right. They say that its hot. When really, its scorching. And while some may say the desert is desolate. We prefer secluded. What is the desert . Its absolutely what you need right now. Absolutely scottsdale. We are back. Pete has made his way to the telestrator with some unique activity. To the upside, its been absolutely on fire to the upside like a lot of these commodities have. Whats interesting today, were seeing huge call activity in here. March 37. 5 calls, 58 of those were purchased, 1. 20 was about the level everybody was getting into these positionings for the future. Im in here as well. You saw the stock, that chart, dramatic move to the upside. Any kind of a pullback and youre going to have a real problem on your hands. Other hand you have these options, 1. 20 at risk. Youve reduced the risk. Youre still in the trade. Any elevation up from here, these could pay off. Youve got a couple of weeks. Ill be here a couple of weeks at least. We have three hours to the can close. It is an historic day on wall street. The dow remains above 20,000. 20,056. Its a gain of. 75 of 1 . Final trades coming up next. Is happening before our eyes. Shift in Human History sixty to seventy Million People are moving to cities every year. At pgim we help investors see the implications of long term megatrends like the prime time of urban expansion, pinpointing opportunities to capture alpha in real estate, infrastructure and emerging markets. Partner with pgim the Global Investment management businesses of prudential. Mobility is very important to me. Thats why i use e trade mobile. Its on all my mobile devices, so it suits my mobile lifestyle. And it keeps my investments fully mobile. Even when im on the move. Sign up at etrade. Com and get up to six hundred dollars. To err is human. To anticipate. Is lexus. The lexus rx with advanced safety standard. Welcome back to half time. Inf infrastructure stocks are leading the way. Martin marietta and vulcan materials, benefiting from the Mexican Border wall President Trump is looking to build. Other construction and engineering names like jacobs and fluor which could benefit from executive orders green lighting pipelines. Rockwell automation is up about 7 . The maker of industrial audit medication equipme automation stands to benefit from companies doing more manufacturing in the u. S. Scott . Morgan, thanks so much. Tomorrow is the single busiest day of earnings season thus far. Caterpillar. After the bell, qualcomm, western digs. Who wants what . Alphabet tomorrow nothing but upside potential for this stock. Tremendous growth opportunities. Thats one to watch. The guidance is very important for all of these Companies Reporting tomorrow. Jimmy, a couple of downgrades this week for qualcomm. They had a disaster of a day monday, down 12 on this news that apple is suing it. To historians of the stock, its going to look a little reminiscent of the broadcom litigation from 1 years ago. Guess what, they navigated through that. There is the ftc issue as well, similar to what theyve been through in china, what theyre going through in korea. Long story short, theyve made it through these issues before. What youll see from the earnings tonight is improvements from china, going on for a year now, and pickup in royalties from korea, where they had some holdback this is time a year ago, that will make the comps very favorable. The valuation here is so forgiving. Wrap it up. Whats the downside . Qualcomm is easy to own here. Im only kidding. Sort of. Talk about these chip stocks all the time. Can klc. And weve got qualcomm conversation, technology and some of the moves. This is trading at a 52week high. If the chips are as high as i think they are right now obviously we heard from sky works earlier this week. These numbers could be huge. That excites me. Im looking for these numbers to make sure that that verifies everything were seeing in the chip industry. What about microsoft . Tomorrow after the bell . That guy is the king. He took over microsoft. Look what transpired and the direction he has taken microsoft. As long as the focus is back on where the growth is, and thats on the cloud. Hes going to knock it out of the park. Erin, nasdaq hitting new highs on a daily basis. I dont know if you want to hit any individual names or tech in general. Like i said in the beginning, tech has been up 6 , you know, year to date. Its been a really significant move. My prevention right now is to start selling down some of the tech positions and start layering to some of those positions that have underperformed. And i think financials in the Energy Sector are the two sectors you want to be buying aggressively right now. Interesting take. More earnings tomorrow. Intel, starbucks, juniper. All those have implications elsewhere. Xilinx, intel has slowly but surely creeping up. Theyve crept back to that level before that quarter release. I think theyll go higher. When you look at, i think you mentioned juniper, right . I did. Very strong implications for cisco. Theyll probably do very well. Is it because theyre beating cisco or the sector overall is doing so well . I think its overall the sector is doing well. Where is starbucks . Slow and steady. Nothing to worry about with starbucks. Lets turn to cat, underlying economy. Coa when they report, that stock had a major jump. Caterpillar, new ceos coming in. These companies have all rolled over. Steel stocks, alcoa is rolling over. Want to see what caterpillar is ready to say, not that weve been ready to believe them over the last two years. Environment were in, etfs, black rock above 400. Jimmy . Blackrock, blackstone as well. 5 dividend year. Twice. Citi. Buy more. Thanks for being here. Buy xli. Whoa, there you go. Power lunch starts right now. Im michelle carusocabrera. The dow finally, finally cracks above that 20,000 milestone. Since the election day, Dow Jones Industrial average up 9. 3 , 1,709point gain. Of course, the question is whats next for your money . More than 1 trillion worth of market advice. That is straight ahead. Melissa . With 20k now in the books its all about the earnings. Quco

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