Transcripts For CNBC Fast Money 20170518 :

Transcripts For CNBC Fast Money 20170518

later, they are celebrating the big five the social giant is up nearly 300% since 2012. it is showing no signs of slowing down. we have a special report. first we start off with a busy day if d.c. president trump responds to the controversy surrounding his administration. eamon javers. >> reporter: the president finished up a highly anticipated press conference in the east room of the white house. he was asked several questions by american reporters, colombian reporters had a chance to ask questions of the colombian president t. president, though, continues to be critical of the decision to appoint a special counsel to investigate the russia matter. here's what he said. >> i respect, but the entire thing has been a witch hunt. there is no collusion between simply myself and my campaign, but i can always speak for myself and the russians. zero. i think it divides the country. i think we have a very divided country because of that and many other things. so i can tell you that we want to bring this great country of ours together. >> reporter: one of the flash point in recent days is whether or not the president may have obstructed justice in terms of his asking the fbi director james comey to see his way to letting go the michael flynn investigation in a private conversation between the two that was apparently memorialized in a memo by the fbi director james comey. the president today was asked about that and gave a very strong response. here it is. >> did you at any time urge former fbi director james comey in anyway shape or form to close or back down the investigation into michael flynn? and also -- >> no no next question. >> reporter: the president there adamant that he did not do. that alsoed a mamt he wanted to move onto the next question, turn the page here, move on to a different topic. one of the topics the white house has been talking today is the selection of a new fbi director t. front runner we are told is former senator joe lieberman, that's the name out there. the president today saying simply that he wanted to move very soon on making that announcement? i would expect we might get that now at some point between now and when the president leaves for his foreign trip. tomorrow he's going to saudi arabia, israel, italy and belgium on a multi-nation day trip much anticipated as well, mellissa. >> i know that reporter asked president trump whether or not he asked in anyway, shape or form director comey to back down, was he asked whether the contents of that memo were accurate or reflective of what happened in the oval office? >> reporter: no that's the format. ewas not asked and pinned down on that point. what the white house has said is they don't believe the account presented in the comey memo is an act rat account of that conversation. what they haven't said is what exactly the president said to the fbi director and what he meant by it. so much will be his intent in terms of conveying those words to the fbi director. was he trying to shut down this investigation or do something else all towing. >> thank you. the market's bouncing back after yesterday's sell-off, which was the worst day of the year for stocks. the dow up 150 points the highs of the day the market is is seeming to get its foot back. it's a late-day jumper, losses that helped move stocks mid-day. as the markets proved order and over again, extreme le resilient. should be buying the trump dips? >> i think fundamentals are sort of overtaking everything else. we talked about it. i know the desks. >> earningis season, in general was pretty strong t. market seems reasonable. we're talking about buying the dip. we are less than 2% off the all time high in the s&p we made two days ago. wrap your head around that in context. what troubles me the transports have been weak. the 160 level i have been watching. russell now is the next one you have to continue to watch. iwm at 130. but in terms of the broader market, you have grade trades setting up to me, which is target, we talked about 54, 54 .5. >> i think this is a buying opportunity. i think yesterday when you we heard impeachment. i'm serious when i say this i don't think most people in the country know the process for impeachment. i think you basically sell first and ask questions later. >> i asked what the market did. today, by the way, there is no victory with the market today. we still finished below the 50-day average. i do believe you are going to see a couple more days of follow through. for me i look back and look at a june sell-off. i look at a november sell-off. 5%. 3.5%. i think we probably have another 5 percent to the down side. wait, wait for that 200-day test which is 22, 50ish in the s&p. >> you sound more krublthive than you might have last night. >> i still feel like you should -- i have been waiting to buy this dip that never comes. it's frustrating to me we don't get the sell-off. any time the market has zelt with anything -- >> so everything is okay? >> i think that earnings are the reason why the marks take that last leg umm. so i think that earnings are still. >> i think trump is the reason for the markets going higher. >> yes, trump was off the november low. you said it was hillary. if hillary was elected, it would have been the same thing. >> i feel like we're at a white house press briefing. >> off the november low, what was snit. >> up one. >> i put it to you. off the november low, what was it? trump's election or you think that regardless of wheo was elected we rof rallied. >> i'm not going to take the bait and say it was either. ultimately the market going into the period, we started to see a number of factors, getting inflation around the world. i think there is no question -- let me finish. >> not in the election, you are telling me it was industrial production? >> i'm telling you the market didn't know who they wanted but once the market got a chance -- >> one day? 700 points overnight the market opened up. he started it. >> let me speak, if you ned to finish, you can i'll let you. >> you'll let me. >> the bottom line a clean sweechlt that was a part of the reason why the markets started to get excited. part of the turn around it appeared the house was going to be a clean sweep, this is the reason the market is scared. like it or not, people the market wants this buy the to succeed. the market wants him to win. this is -- >> it was a further rally when the republicans swept. right. so that wouldn't have happened if hillary was elected. >> can i jump in here, what makes the difference at this point about what -- >> he started it. >> let's just move in another direction. >> i do think the last leg. >> i want to know right now is what you do right now. >> the lost beg -- the last leg was earnings. i stayed long. i am ultralong in home builders. because there is a housing recovery. i'm long monsanto, deal place, with an established to find price to the upside. >> you look at the banks and listening to mnuchin and his commentary, he basically defined the fact that the big banks aren't getting broken up, a lot of the things to feel comfortable about the fact that whatever the processes or the regulation that gets lifted off the banks is enough to get the sentiment sort of back? >> do you feel better today tan yesterday? >> i didn't feel back yesterday, to be honest, that was a sell-off. >> it's the biggest sell-off since the election. >> right. >> i get that. i get the spike. the panic in the air. did i see panic, no did i see a washout, no? >> i was on the deck with you last night. i said, buy housing stocks, buy with you think you know. >> it's an opportunity -- >> i don't think it matters whether i feel differently or not. this trump trade for me is about knowing the stock. >> but the show is not about being emotional. it's about being consistent what you say not suddenly changing. i'm not saying. >> hold on, hold on. i think the question really is, is after today's action, do you feel any different? do you feel like the worries have dragged the markets down yesterday are gone today? is there anything fundamentally different? so why would you be more -- is there price action that's make it more constructive about the market versus yesterday night? >> i said technically we close below 50 today. which means i think we go lower. i do think we go 5% lower than we are right now. i think 100 handles in the s&p. i am lodge in the market. i will be boy tag dip if we trade down 5%. >> guy. >> i think the resilience of the market is a theme for a long tile. i have been a fawn believer, for whatever reason. i thought it was fed-induced. i think if hillary clinton was elected president, we would be right here right now. it's hard to prove u. can't do it. with that said, i think the fine areas we talk about all the time t. transports is something you have to watch t. dax to seems to me back to that 12,500 level, it's extremely important in my opinion and the russell needs to hold 130. so stocks rebounding from yesterday's sell-off. is this more proof they are selling on the dip? nick, you say, yeah, buy the dips? every dip is a dip too buy? really? >> yes. no, not every dip. it's important to see how price action shapes up in the next couple of days. yesterday was a warning shot from wall street to d.c. basically, saying, get your house in order. investors are treating washington like they treat individual companies. they used the cockroach theory, there is never just one. i think yesterday investors said there's too many. we'd like to see washington clean up. today's rebound was a modest one. it doesn't really tell me yet that investors are competent that washington can clean up and push policy in the right direction. >> you know when i look at the price action today, particularly in the sectors, you look at the financials. they got really beat up in yesterday's session. they didn't bounce too much in today's session. >> that is probably a poster child for the trump trade. are there certain things within the markets, certain sector move. s or asset classs that tell you maybe you do have as to wait for the next couple days to see how things shake out? >> yeah, the financials is a good point. with a 210 below 1%. it's a telling move. they are down with the energy sector. i look at the consumer names to see if they are confident to consumer spending. that's really the biggest tale to me. they did pretty well after holding up reasonably well yesterday. that's the biggest tell to me the market hasn't lost all confidence. they want to see washington get back on track. >> and you like health care? >> yeah, health care is won of the big trades, it's performed well, this year. it did very well yesterday. it beat the market. >> that to me is one area that makes sense, a cheap 60or that's growing that should have policy tail winds if they can get the house in order. >> nick, thanks, so much for your time. i appreciate it. i do agree you got to look at consumer discretionary as a sort of a barometer whether or not to buy the dip. >> it's not what i would be looking at. i do think it's telling where the strength of the market has been. consumer discretionary has done very well. i think the banks are an important place to be looking. i think people that invest in banks are not necessarily fired up of some of the things they're seeing outside of what the banks told us because of what's going on with interest rates. it comes down to right now if you think washington is not just frozen but there's got to be a change in washington that breaks the status quo we had last week. even though the s&p is down from where it is, you can't tell me we're in a different place. we're not in a different place. i think that's very important. like it or not, this market wants the guy to proceed. maybe they do. most importantly, mr. market wants trump in the white house and right now that's all you should know. >> the reason the banks are buy, the carry, no question about it. you listen to what the comments draghi talked specifically about european, the economies the recovery is drastic. all that stuff is leading up to a recovery. u.s. european recovery. we are seeing it happen. banks are going to rally. it's a perfect time to jump in on this pull back here and i think the carry is the ploois place to be in the regional banks. >> what's on your list? >> i have concentrated that story. i own lennar, k.b. holmes and pulte. i think there is a housing recovery, they will get pulled in. monsanto has an established takeout price of 1 twaeth tradeth at 160, 170. i think you have upside there. >> david defended it in the "fast money," what was that, "mad money"? >> madness. >> i said a lot of things on this desk. >> i get old, i forget. nvidiaiot downgraded in the '90s, steve hess has been talking about it. >> that stock is up now 38% in the last three or four weeks. now you have analysts not down grading, up grading the stock. they are figuring it out. it's crazy the run, nvidia to seems to me going up from here. shares on after hours, the earnings report, jim cramer spoke, we'll hear what he said right after this break. plus brazil sending emerging market runners running. mark yusko says it could be the best trade, mark zuckerberg celebrating five years t. stock up a whopping 300%. should you buy facebook for the next five years? we got a special report. much more "fast money" still ahead. stay with me, mr. parker. when a critical patient is far from the hospital, the hospital must come to the patient. stay with me, mr. parker. the at&t network is helping first responders connect with medical teams in near real time... stay with me, mr. parker. ...saving time when it matters most. stay with me, mrs. parker. that's the power of and. it's what busch is known for. what are you known for? 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[ laughing ] xfinity x1 gives you exclusive access to the best of the billboard music awards just by using your voice. the billboard music awards. sunday, may 21st eight seven central only on abc. >> welcome back to "fast money". we have an earnings report on salesforce. >> reporter: mellissa, the ceo on this conference call coined amazing first quarter results. no company has grown this fast, achieved this kind of scale, our own jim cramer just interviewed him. they talked a btd the competition, inten iobenioff. >> they say we are doing this great stuff. take a look at those numbers. look at our market share line, jim, against sap and oracle. they're flat to down. we're up exponentially. there is no comparison. >> benioff went on to say his company's competitive position has never been stronger. no other company he says has a focus like ours. for that full interview jim had with marc benioff tine into "mad money" tonight. billions of cash flow in cisco is above expectations. >> it's crazy, it's a great quarter. the only knock on this company and that has been consistent is valuation. yet if you want the best cloud play all along has been salesforce t. only thing that sold it off is they bandied about outside of twitter. if you want to look at one thing that stuck out to me, operating margins much better than expected. >> they breezed through i. difficult komps, by the way, why is it this stock has done nothing relative to the guys around them? >> salesforce is up. market, anything cloud-related has gone through the roof. >> it's cheap compared to its peers. you are 100% right the only reason they didn't pull back, they signaled they needed to bolt on some other former growth. this shows they have plenty o growth t. runway is there. >> what do you mean it's cheap versus the peers, the peers being whom? the ratio is very high. >> non-p.e.. you are looking at sales. okay. >> that would be roughly five times versus -- >> soft sfwler six-and-a-half times roughly yeah. it's relatively cheap. >> one of the cool kids on the block, i feel they have run out of steam. they are up year-to-date 28%. s&p trending higher, up 20% year-to-date. much tougher to do. i would rather put money there. >> yeah. how could you not do that? >> tonight i got the chart. >> microsoft or salesforce? >> salesforce. we talked about microsoft a couple days ago. it's cheap and the pivot they've made it shows you how lousy ibm is. but if you look at beta, stocks can perform the next six months, it's >> i don't know where you are at. >> i think far and away on valuation. i don't agree with dave. i think it's expensive on every method. >> still ahead, retail stores gap and ross stores, boosting those stocks. you are watching "fast money" on cnbc. here's what else is coming up on "fast. >> one of the hottest trade in the world is in a total freefall. but the top hedge fund manager is going all in. he'll be here to explain why. plus, facebook is up nearly 300% since going public five years ago. and it just did something that can mean even bigger gains for the next five years. we got a special report. much more "fast money" still ahead. my business was built with passion... but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line. what's in your wallet? >> welcome back to "fast money". the worst sell-off of the year, the dow ending up 56 points. the s&p up by a quarter of a percent. the nasdaq index is up nearly 1%. here's what's coming up in the second half of the show. gap and ross stores rallying. is this a sign they are in better shape than we thought? five years of facebook, surging 300% since going public five years ago today. so what's changed since then and are the best times ahead? we got a special report. first, washington, d.c. isn't the only source of political drama. brazilian markets emerging from a scandal involving their own country's president, crushing one of the hottest trades of the year. >> reporter: hi, that's right. another political scandal hitting where is. the supreme court approved an investigation into the president accused of paying off a former speaker, a chief architect. this has sparked a violent sell-off in brazilian stocks. brazilian etf seeing the worst day since the financial crisis in 2008. a similar story for the brazilian stockmarket under tremendous pressure. research looked back at history and found it has paid to buy brazilian stocks. in the past, we'll see if that happens this time around. lastly, take a look atsome of the u.s. companies, these multinationals that have significant exposure to brazil, colgate, monsanto, whirlpool. some names to keep an eye on as they assess they will survive this political scandal. >> thank you very much. so should you boo i this brazilian breakdown ambassador? what do you think? >> remember, brazil, seema pointed out the markets is up from 2016 to that high, it was up 11% in may going into last night or the night before, it sold off on the trump deem as well. to say that colgate gets 10% of the revenues from brazil, i would make an argument that that trade has gotten a lot better. it will continue to turn. when i look at brazil right now, i would say people got very excited about reform, michael temer is a guy that has a track record that indicates he can get things done. when you talk about draining the swamp, there is a lot of irony, brazil, if you ask me. >> you know what i'm doing. the bottom line is we got scandals on both sides in both places people high in legislative reform and good things happen, put a lot into that market. here we are i think the market is overdone. having saying that the currency was off 7%. i think a lot of people question just how austere the central bank can be in this environment. >> brazil is what 7.6% of eem. >> no you don't? >> i think, first of all i think the eem is dragged down by brazil more than it should be. i would you also also say, everyone got fired up, jeffrey dunlop, owning the eem, what i'm worried about is we had crossover people emerging just at the time they get it, it's crossover investors. we just got back to the pre-election level on that ratio. >> it's interesting, there are lots of parallels, we saw brazil over a political issue that basically the entire market is hingeing on political change there, not political change. you look at our market, you see things displaced a bit. i don't think we will. we're not hinged on political change. we actually have earnings. so i think it's an important point to outline that. >> tim brought up jeffrey dunlop talking long eem. as a hedge. >> he's obviously a little worried. i don't think he is playing for a week or two. seema mentioned three tooerms names, pete najerian mentioned it the other day, go, col game. good job by you, mel. >> whirlpool. >> there's a lot after chatter about acheovtakeover speculatio colgate i think actually said they've put themselves up for seam for $100 per share. they sold off today. i think if you want data play colgate will do. >> azul just went public recently. it was down 20%. is that justified if you think that -- there it is down 19%? >> i think first of all they're going after weaker hands. this is not a terribly weaker name. located, the mcdonald's franchise of brazil, it has been a star, a pulp and paper company. >> besides brazil, break down the next step you should still stick with emerging markets, the ceo of morgan creek capital managements joins us now. why, why shouldn't we believe that there are other shoes to drop in brazil and could drag this trade in even emerging markets overall lower? >> well, i think there is definitely going to be other shoes to drop in brazil. this is not, this story is not over by a long measure. i mean, there is a number of things that could happen, the markets step down, he could be forced to step down. they could move for impea impeachmentment there is a lot of story to go on. i think this is a tremendous opportunity for local companies, where their revenues are in the ei getting smashed today. we like when things sell off or go on sale. one thing i talk about all the time when things go on seam, people run out of the store, stay out of the store and buy them. >> you rushed into the store today, what happen'd you buy? >> we nibbled on petro graph. i think this will play out over a couple weeks. i don't think we have to be in any hurry. the interesting thing about emerging markets, we spend all the time talking about the united states, the u.s. markets. the emerging markets are up three times the u.s. this year. it's not even close. so why we're talking so much about the u.s. and what's going to has been tick by tick when the opportunity, set in syndrome. where is all the growth in the world? it's in the emerging market. >> a question, i understand your nibbleing away there. petra buy is well, i get that. i questioned, they were in the scandal. they were the headline in the scandal the past one. how are investors going to look at that now? i mean, would this be something people shy away from versus jump head first into and start picking away here? >> that is a really good point. i do think that people are going to differentiate between the temer scandal and the previous scandal the previous scandal is clearly the board, petrogras. there is always risk in any of these trades we look at petro bras down azul down 18, 19%. those get very interesting megacap, a small cap, very different. >> tim seymour, you have been doing this a long time. one of the reasons is also there is a different frark macropicture. some of us a china call as in things are not what people think, you are seeing consumption, i'd like to hear from you. >> that's an important point on china. few look at the data out of china, it's all much better than anticipated. there is a great index some people in the u.s. put together to show the china data was overstated. it actually showed it might be understated based on electricity usage, imports, exports. you throw in the fact that growth, just gdp growth is much, much better in emerging markets than developed markets. the killer ds will hurt the developed world over the next decade, that's debt, bad demographics and deflation. you got the exact opposite in emerging markets. you have very low debt. have you very good strong demographics. lots of young people to buy stuff. on top of it, you don't have the deflation problem. you have inflation. one of the best opportunities in brazil, they can cut interest rates. everyone else is talking about a tightening cycle. brazil can cut interest rates over the next six-to-12 months. >> that should be a got a tail wind. >> all right, mark, thank you for joining us. morgan creek capital management. >> i have been long eem since november. i'm staying long. if it was, you'd call it if it's 7% as exposure in brazil. i think they could have a little more downside it to. i'd rather play with eem with that smaller exposure in brazil. facebook has gone public five years ago today, they suggest there may be room to run. we'll explain. gap and ross stores are rallying, we will bring you the headlines from those quarters when "fast money" returns. ♪ >> mark zuckerberg and his friends are celebrating facebook ipo, with good reason, the shares have risen nearly 2 flint% in the five years since that historic day. more on what to expect in the next five years. julia boorstin joins us. >> reporter: over the last five years, facebook has been a transformed mobile company. over the next five years the rise of video may have a similarly big impact as facebook chases valuable ad dollars. today the company gave us insight into what will drive it's growth over the next five years. facebook moving further into live sports and the video lineup, it announced a partnership today with major league baseball, 20 live national season games to facebook, they're air on friday nights on the facebook page. they will be accessible to everyone on facebook and the u.s. starting tomorrow and they will be broadcasting a local feed. there is no comment from either side on the financial terms of the deal. it shows increasing focus on video, in particular. also on premium content that doesn't pose risks to advertisers, the same risks that users generate videos can. like the murder posted on the facebook platform. it also follows amazon to buy the streaming rights to ten nfl games for about $15 million a. deal which facebook can hit on. mark zuckerberg said his opening comments in last quarter's earnings calls, photos and videos are becoming more common than techs. he goes on to say we will keep putting video at the center of all of our services. plus if the company does that and how to work to make money from that coming up in the next couple years. >> we think about the competitors that emerged since that ipo, specifically snap, it's hard to believe that facebook started out as a publicly traded company. there are glitches on that day and the first quarter earnings report wasn't exactly a slam dunk either. we are saying it's up since then. >> that first year for facebook was a rocky one. the questions that investors and analysts were asking, it was all that, can facebook become a possibly company? can they transition the ad business to be all about that mobile experience? it definitely has a sign of how mobile facebook is now. they no longer report what percentage is mobile. so much of it is now. >> thank you. facebook are buying and hold for the next five years. what do you say? >> 100%. there is no question about it. advertisers are looking at you know a facebook versus a twitter versus any other platform t.roi investing on or sort of advertising on facebook is like night and day. so they've got incredible momentum with users, almost 2 billion users. you've got just an opportunity for them to continue this machine, if you will, of engagement. of user growth and sort of that traction. so they're so far ahead of the game, i think it's lights out for other vendors. >> it seems they're ahead of the game. instagram, you have snap you feel they roll them over. once they feel they have an inferior product. on mlb. this is almost the same thing they were doing. they don't want to buy anybody. all tow, i think if you rule it out, maybe they look at twitter. i don't know if it's too expensive. >> what's interesting for me. we talk about the next five years. >> that itself the context of the question. of all the big cap tech names, am "s amazon, google, facebook, netflix. they will not have a ton of money to spend, they will go about 40% at a 30 multiple. they will not have to spend a ton of capex to maintain that growth for a couple years. i think about google. they're in a lot of different place, they have to do something aggressive. >> the sproigs up, which is the beauty. >> it's about higher ad dollars. >> tesla, ceo elon musk sounding modest, telling the "guardian" newspaper that the market cap is quote higher than we have any right to deserve. we we heard from him before. the stock keeps going higher. it's probably one of the few ceos that comment on his own stock price let along market cap. >> guys, i mentioned. didn't he say the market cap for this company will surpass. >> he is pivoting. >> he may not agree with it. >> i love the guy, i think he's great. you know the way i feel about the stock. i think it bounced significantly. i think the path of least resistance is hiring a name. one quick thing, few get married or have a sweet 16 or do something over the next couple weeks, you play celebration, you might want to rethink your entire existence. that's one of the worst songs. >> i mean, you think he got fresh? >> i think the song's demographics. >> you will probably be getting married and won't have a teen playing this song. your generation may be playing it. >> few look at the shortage, is it still 26, 27%? it's obviously when you look at it as a car company, it out performs ever other car company. you can't bet against the stock. it has too many levers it can pull. it comes crashing in, i don't like to touch it at these levels. >> i will tell you. i will tell you, we're 26% short interest. there is not a whole heck of a lots to go higher. >> sticking with nasdaq, some traders are betting the rally could come to an end. mike ko comes to us with "options action". hey there, meek. >> reporter: despite the fact that obviously the market was higher. we did see options prime, we see two times on the double the average volume and where a lot of that opening activity was on the may 26th. that's a week from now t. weekly 146 puts, over 18,000 of them traded. so that's obviously a bet that today's drink could reverse by the end of next week? >> thanks for that, we'll see you tomorrow, "options action". still ahead, two retail stocks reporting better-than-expected earnings after the bell. gap and ross stores, they are moving higher. we'll tell you what the results are for the overall retail space. plus, banc of america ceo brian moynihan sitting down with kelly evans on the economy and the consumer. you are watching fa"fast money"n cnbc. doing? oh hey john, i'm connecting our brains so we can share our amazing trading knowledge. that's a great idea, but why don't you just go to thinkorswim's chat rooms where you can share strategies, ideas, even actual trades with market professionals and thousands of other traders? i know. your brain told my brain before you told my face. mmm, blueberry? tap into the knowledge of other traders on thinkorswim. only at td ameritrade. welcome to holiday inn! ♪ ♪ whether for big meetings or little getaways, there are always smiles ahead at holiday inn. a used car, the shlike a bald penguin. how do i look? truck, s [ laughing ] show me the billboard music awards. show me top artist. show me the top hot 100 artist. they give awards for being hot and 100 years old? we'll take 2! [ laughing ] xfinity x1 gives you exclusive access to the best of the billboard music awards just by using your voice. the billboard music awards. sunday, may 21st eight seven central only on abc. the first week of may for the fear, consumers are spending about 5% more money than last year for the first four-and-a-half months of the year, so the consumer is healthy. >> that was banc of america brian moynihan talking about the overall economy in an exclusive earlier today. >> that should scare the heck out of you. any of these retail names, in general, the solicits in spending habits by millennial versus dominated a theme here. clothing companies are gettingle anilated. will they come back? i don't know they will. the shift versus occurred. you see travel becoming much more of dollars are headed in that direction. i like companies like visa, they're transaction based, they will continue to win. >> i would bring that right to the banks the loan growth the money center banks, they are hinged to the consumer. the housing market has structural issues, but it doesn't have themematic issues, that's a tail wind. banc of america is a name that has the most operational. 2003 was the level it had to hold. it did not. i'd love to see you get above there. >> just because the consumer is spending, doesn't mean it's healthy. >> c'mon, you sound like me. i said that for years, don't confuse, whether or not they should be spending. they have proven they'll spend regardless. market goes higher. they didn't feel good. >> irregardless? >> i didn't say irregardless. >> trade school. >> don't go there. >> irregardless is not a word. >> i think that consumers, credit card debt is north of a trillion dollars for the first time. >> what's your point? >> oh, you know. my point is, don't confuse the health of the consumer with thater want to spend. >> retailers gap and ross stores out with earnings. for more, let's go to morgan brennan at headquarters. >> hey, morgan. let's start with gap. old navy, continuing to do the standout brand there. same store sales 8% last quarter. trouncing estimates. banana republic, struggling with comparable sales falling 4% t. gap reaffirmed full-year guidance. it did raise the forecast the first half of the year. shares right now up about 2.5 hmm 3% in after hours. ross stores, also higher, the current quarter for your eps forecast come income late for the retailer. same store sales growth, that was better than expected as well. >> that is helping send ross stores up 3% as well. back over to you. >> thank you very much. t.j. maxx is doing poorly, ross is doing well. what does that tell us? >> retail traded off the border attacks adjustment. it got spooked. everyone said buy on the dip. it rallied. now we see when they have results, they're moving on to online shopping. to me j.c. penney is down 45% year-to-date. you i don't your down side is four-and-a-half hours. this is the leverage. >> how do you know that's your down side? i'm curious how you make that point. >> you buy a stock at 4.5 dollars. >> or you can lose 100% of your money is my point. to me the department stores are ultimately in a place i think there is way too much supply. i'm not going after j.c. penney. be i the way, i want to pat my friend dan nathan, he made a good call. >> no way! >> but the xrt clearly failed at the 43 level. the question is when does the xrt find bottom? you have to go do january 2016 when retail got destroyed. >> i won't go. >> i think dan nathan -- did not dan call the xrt the worst chart ever? >> he told me to go chart myself. >> quick, retail trade, i'm surprised it has not bounced urban outfitters, which was a lousy quarter. you look at valuation, their inventories are back in line. hence this 19-and-a-half $20 level for trade. >> ross is interesting. >> that got beat up after t.j. maxx. they were hoping they would misguide as well. wal-mart, like i got to tell you, it scares me. i listen to the call the way their numbers. >> it scares you? 69%. they don't put numbers out there e-commerce compared to exxon, it's 10x that. it will take them a lot more than anybody is on ali baba. >> i this i the stock went up. it's a little, people are comfortable with the way they are investing. >> massive runway for them to gro grow? >> maybe they should collect the market share. >> we know what's happening with brick and mortar. so you give. >> you don't like kohl's? >>, no, i don't. back up. an wal-mart. >> that stock is priced a little bit to them taking on a lot of market share, i look at it, in general, the trends aren't aiming towards a positive trends for wal-mart in my opinion. i think the stock is priced way too high at these levels. >> grasso, he'll give you the name, when we come right back. when this bell rings... starts a chain reaction... ...that's heard throughout the connected business world. at&t network security helps protect business, from the largest financial markets to the smallest transactions, by sensing cyber-attacks in near real time and automatically deploying countermeasures. keeping the world of business connected and protected. that's the power of and. dearthere's no other way to say this. it's over. i've found a permanent escape from monotony. together, we are perfectly balanced, our senses awake, our hearts racing as one. i know this is sudden, but they say: if you love something... set it free. see you around, giulia ♪ we cut the price of trades to give investors even more value. and at $4.95, you can trade with a clear advantage. fidelity, where smarter investors will always be. looking from a fresh perspective can make all the difference. it can provide what we call an unlock: a realization that often reveals a better path forward. at wells fargo, it's our expertise in finding this kind of insight that has lead us to become one of the largest investment and wealth management firms in the country. discover how we can help find your unlock. time for the final trade, tim. >> stock trading with strength. pulp and paper, stay in that name fbr. >> the brazil team here vale, i'm a buyer on the weakness. >> olin corps up 20%. i think it has 20% room to the upside. >> we will play celebration. target will get you coming. >> i'm mellissa lee, thank you so much my mission is simple, to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere. i'm here to help you find it. "mad money" starts now! >> hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money." welcome to cray america. other people want to make friends, i'm here to educate and teach you. call me or tweet me @jimcramer. on day two, they go for growth. that's what this market found to its liking today. dow gained 56

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