Transcripts For CNBC Closing Bell 20140205 :

Transcripts For CNBC Closing Bell 20140205

slightly positive territory for some of the averages right now. the dow though is down ten points. >> about five off the s&p 500. 1750 is the level. the nasdaq sitting just above the 4,000 mark off 20. speaking of #moment of truth, twitter with its first quarterly results since going public due to hit within the hour. investors will get their first real look at the numbers. we'll see if they justify a stock price that's now up more than 150% since that initial public offering here that we remember so well. we will get you those full results right after the bell. >> and we're not finished with earnings either. disney also reports. a big bellwether for the economy and bob iger will be joining us here on "the closing bell" as soon as the numbers are released. twitter and disney, two very important companies reporting in this jittery market right now. >> and let's remind people where we sit. after a series of losses to start out the year and after the worst start to a february in some time, we look a little bit better as we move through the week now. the market at this point you have the s&p off only about 5 points, the nasdaq 10, the dow jones industrial average as well off about 5. the question becomes whether that turns back into a rally as we head towards the close. >> let's talk about that in the exchange today. we have barbara, keith fitzgerald from money map press back with us. joe bell from schaefer's investment research. peter anderson from congress asset management and our own rick santelli at the cme in chicago. keith, you have done the math here. you point out this is the 19th time the markets have broken down by 5% or more since 2009. significant? are you expecting more? what do you think is happening right now? >> this is a classic correction. it's not time to bailing out. it's time to wait and see. the bulls and bears are duking it out. this 1750ish level is the dividing line. if we can hold it through the rest of the week, i'm very encouraged. i like the buying. if we go south of here and fail, i think the next stop is down considerably. >> would you want to see a 10% correction? there are those who feel we need something like this? >> i think fundamentally, philosophically, we're long overdue for that. i don't like losing trillions of dollars off the top like anybody else does. i want to see this thing come back. i want to see the buying continue, and i'd love to have it. >> and, peter, in a market that's still so heavily influenced by the fed, we have a couple competing narratives out there. we have plosser talking about potentially ending quantitative easing by the end of the year while lockhart is saying a sear yuz adverse change so prompt a change in the taper. what do you make of it? >> well, i think it's going to be a year of competing opinions absolutely. i mean, we saw in the economic data today, for instance, competing opinions between manufacturing and the services. so it doesn't surprise me we're going to have conflicting opinions all along this way, and on top of it, you know, talking up stocks right now is a bit like trying to inflate a lead balloon. still, if you look at individual holdings, and that's what i do all day, i hate to get began lar -- granular right now -- >> please get granular. >> she loves granular. >> fine. >> we just bought a stock called super value. it's in the boring supermarket industry but it's trading at half the pe of the industry right now, and, of course, it has some story. it has some hair on it. but it's deleveraging. a private equity firm has come in and taken some major positions there. so it's things like that, kelly, that while all this noise is going on in the background and i can almost hear mick jagger singing "here comes your 19th nervous breakdown," but even with all that happening, you can still find some individual names, and when you look at it at that level of grahn lairity, i think the economy is still strong and there are stocks out there to buy and you will get a nice return throughout the rest of the year. >> only on "the closing bell" do you get elizabeth barrett browning and the rolling stones in one ten-minute segment. barbara morrison, you and the rest of the group are classic stock pickers. do you like this comeback in the market? does it make it easier to pick a stock, or do you want to stand back and let this market settle out before you start buying some more? >> well, i think there are always things that are of value in the market. you know, the overall market is not -- does not have a lot of value right now. it may be under 17 times earnings, and i think as we exited last year, we thought we were starting in on a period of stronger growth rather than this last couple of years of just 2%. and i think there was optimism over that. now i think what we have seen with the ism reports and employment, i think it still looks a little mixed. i think you always want to choose your spots and buy something you think can have higher cash and higher earnings maybe a year or two years from now and get a higher multiple on that. >> but you're being selective in that regard then i guess. >> yes. yes. i think we always are. that's right. we're always looking -- i think we think you make money at the price at which you buy. so we're always looking to buy something at a good price. >> got that list out. rick santelli, if people want to be encouraged, there are a couple factors. you can point to huge volume in the etf that goes against the vix. in other words, expecting volatility to decrease in the coming period. you could look at the ten-year and the fact that yields have risen a little bit there. >> you know, i think volatility is interesting, and there's, oh, so many forms of volatility. we have price volatility, option volatility, implied, historic, but in the end the volatility that i think people are most worried about, investors in particular, is the type of volatility associated with the downside of equities like the vix. so that doesn't scare me. i think downside volatility is here to stay. you know, if you buy life insurance and you don't die, you don't call up your life insurance carrier and complain. i think traders when they see the markets trade to the downside are going to reach for vols. i think today's report, both ism nonmanufacturing and adp, give us valuable information, and that is there isn't a linear move in the data that measures the u.s. economy that's looking straight up. it still looks like it could be fits and starts and we will need a couple more numbers on the employment side to get through the weather issues as big or small as they may be to convince analysts what direction the market is going. the problem is we continue to look at 2014 like it's 2013. by the time we get through another two months when we know some more on the economy in a concrete fashion, if it continues the way it is, there's going to be many that are going to have their average price a lot higher than it is today. >> and, joe bell, you know, as we do look back at 2013, we were talking so much about the amount of cash sitting on the sidelines and we saw it as a potential bullish sign. that was money waiting to get in the market. we're not talking about that right now with this 5.5% pullback but you still feel that is a bullish indicator we need to keep an eye on, yes? >> bigger picture i definitely do. you talk about the fact that it's been actually since the beginning of october since we've had a meaningful pullback, so it might have made sense for the markets to take a bit of a breather here. i think a lot of people are getting scared by this 6% pullback. in the short term i'm encouraged by the fact that the 1740 area which coincides with the november lows is holding but after a lot of volatility to the downside, it seems the bulls and bears right here, we would like to see this area hold. one thing that's interesting to us as well is we don't think there's a lot of high expectations for this market right now, especially in the short term. it seems like a lot of people are perhaps saying how large is this correction going to be rather than talking about jumping right back into that market. we think that low expectation and really that fear, that's sort of what will sort of come off the sidelines at some point if we can get some strength here and some confirmation off the support area. >> barbara, i'm just curious when you're looking name by name if anyone in the social media space appeals. we have a bunch of earnings, twitter, yelp, pandora, linkedin tomorrow, all of which people wave their hands and say they're overvalued -- >> that's right. >> how do you view these names? >> i think you really want to have something that you think will be of good value a year, two years fro now, so there have been a lot of stocks that have been darlings and had a lot of momentum, but you want to buy something that you think really has value in it. >> something like a microsoft fit the bill? >> microsoft is -- i think microsoft really does not have a culture of innovation. i think that's tough for a technology company. i don't know how they can all of a sudden be all about the cloud and reinvent themselves. i think the competition is very high. i think they should buy another company to try to get their culture and almost reverse merge into it but i find it difficult to find value there. >> any other names -- >> certainly apple. apple is a tremendous buy here. apple is trading at 11 times this year's earnings, 10 times next year's earnings. a tremendous amount of cash on the balance sheet. >> who is going to win, carl icahn or cal percent. >> i think they both have it a little bit right. the company has done a good job of staying true to itself but i think the cash should go to the shareholders who own it. >> thank you all for joining us today. appreciate it very much. we have a lot to get to here over this next hour as we get ready for some very big earnings as you mentioned kelly. as we head to the close, 50 minutes left in the trading session here. a lot of volatility on the morning session. not a lot this afternoon. the dow now up 7 points. it's been flirting with that unchanged level for a couple hours now. >> we'll watch it closely. we have standard & poor's downgrading puerto rico's debt to junk status. now worry that is it could have negative repercussions throughout your portfolio. >> as you have heard, twitter set to deliver its first quarter results as a publicly traded company, but should you buy or sell this stock ahead of those numbers? a good old-fashioned stock brawl on twitter coming up. and dow component disney also on the earnings calendar after the bell and chairman and ceo bob iger will break down the results in a first on cnbc interview moments after they're released. that's all coming up. you're watching cnbc, first in business worldwide. and it feels like your lifeate revolves around your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira adalimumab. humira has been proven to work for adults who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief, and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your gastroenterologist about humira today. remission is possible. sleep train'sor presidents' day presidents' day sale is on now. save up to $500 on beautyrest and posturepedic. get a sealy queen set for just $399. even get 3 years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. plus, free delivery, set-up, and removal of your old set. keep more presidents in your wallet. sleep train's presidents' day sale is on now. superior service, best selection, lowest price, guaranteed. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ welcome back. breaking news right now. some fed speak, steve liesman. who is talking? >> atlanta fed president dennis lockhart saying that the $10 billion fed taper, speaking by the way at the rotary club of birmingham, alabama, the $10 million taper is the default mode for the federal reserve. other fed guys have sort ever suggested this. he may be the first one to come right out and say it. it's been really what the market that is thought. he said the stock market may have gotten ahead of itself and he's not surprised by the sell-off but he doubts, however, it was in a bubble. he's one of several people out there the past several days, fed speakers, who have defended the schedule for the tapering given some of the weaker economic news and what's been happening in emerging markets kind of suggesting despite these things, the fed is on track and it being the default mode and earlier in the day he had said it would take an awful lot to get the fed off of reducing that track of regr reducing the quantitative easing by $10 billion. >> it was plosser who said he wanted the fed to be done with quantitative easing by the time the unemployment rate has 6% -- i saw a headline of him saying a serious adverse change could prompt a change to the taper. i don't want to interpret his comments as opening the door to something if the bulk of his speech -- >> he is not opening the door. he's saying it is the default mode. >> okay. >> that's what the headline is from these comments which came later to the press after his published remarks or his printed remarks out there. he's basically saying -- it's the term default mode that we found most interesting on the news desk. this has been what's suggested, what's believed by the market but i don't think any fed guy came out and said default mode. >> but they will keep an eye on the economic data. >> no doubt. they're still data dependent but it's how much data does it take to get them off that track. >> thanks, steve. in the meantime a bailout for puerto rico is not in the cards we're told after the s&p downgrading puerto rican bonds to junk status. the white house considering it's not considering financial aid if the u.s. territory cannot immediate it's obligation. you don't have to own puerto rican debt to be exposed to the fallout if they default. >> joining us to explain lauren sco scott, also sean o'leary, senior research analyst. sean, it may be people who don't realize they have exposure to some of the puerto rican bonds in some of the funds they own, right? sean? >> go ahead. i'm sorry. >> it's possible. there are certain punds that do own puerto rico paper, state specific funds particularly. >> but is this calamitous for those bondholders? is this something we should keep an eye on? we keep hearing the hue muni bo market may be ripe for more defaul defaults. is this the beginning of that? >> i don't think so. it's easy to delineate puerto rico from mainland credit. most cities, states, counties, they sell debt for capital project. if there's some dislocation in the marketing they can sit it out and delay the capital projects until the pricing normalizes. puerto rico is an entirely different animal because for more than ten years they have deficit financed, and they need the bond market to cover those operating deficits. to the extent puerto rico has problems, it's not something that links back directly to the credit of the other cities back in the u.s. mainland. >> okay. >> i think that's an important distinction that should be made. >> lawrence, here is what i want to know. people have been talking about how bad the situation in puerto rico is for months now. municipal bonds were whacked last year. they have had a great run so far this year. what is the right thing for investors to do right now with regard to puerto rico? >> well, you know, our investors at fundamental certainly ask us to manage money on behalf of their accounts in both hedge funds and private equity vehicles that are focused on these markets and actually anticipate this volatility and anticipate these -- >> they like it. >> -- these choppy circumstances. we see both securities that are interesting for investors as well as assets and services that municipalities, you know, look to monetize or look for assistance and we stand ready to invest along those themes. >> and it sounds like the yield pickup you can get in some cases is extraordinary. so what's interesting though, whewe were talking to alexander lavev that will, you almost have to sprite it into savvy investors and the guys who don't want exposure to pruerto rican debt. >> there has been a shift as to who owns puerto rico risk at this point. remember, puerto rico is a $70 billion issue or third largest issuer of municipal risk in the marketplace behind new york and california. you wouldn't expect that -- >> third largest? >> commonwealth has 4 million people on it, and this is on account of the triple tax exemption. you heard the white house today say you have to interpret what they said, no bailout. that's a flash point, that word bailout but if you look at their behavior as it relates to tweaking excise tax -- >> it is a soft bailout. >> you will say that, i won't. a large percentage of them work for the federal government or receive stipends and other backstops from the government. this is not a completely disjointed set of circumstances. >> right. >> shawn, when you get an event like this as we're now hearing, the third largest issuer of municipal debt out there is downgraded to junk status, you will often get a response in other parts of the muni market. have you seen that and do you think that presents opportunities right now? >> well, i'm glad you mentioned the third largest issuer. it is the third largest issuer, but at $70 billion on a $3.7 trillion market, it's an infinitesimal spes of tpiece of market. it's held wide will you bly butf the broad scale of the market, it's small. in terms of what it's done to the market as a whole, it's been unchanged today. unchanged for puerto rico. and the reason being s&p is not leading the market here. s&p is lagging the market. >> it's just confirming what was expected. >> exactly. if there had been a robust market for puerto rico paper, you would have seen a capitalizecapitalize ed gdp. we wouldn't be worried about their liquidity and s&p wouldn't have had the conviction to act the way they did. this is solely because the market has clearly said for a long time this is no longer an investment grade credit. >> if moody's and fitch follows suit, what happens then? what is the end game here? >> well, i think it's in stages. i think it builds to hopefully a terrific result. i do tend to agree. the market, you're looking at 10% yields on general obligation bonds. 300, 400 basis points through other comparable issuers or other states, if you will, so, sure, the market anticipated weakness both in liquidity and ultimately solvency of the commonwealth but what's the end game? the end game is at least two stages. one, solve the liquidity certain the island has. we are hearing talk of at least two different competing structure that is will bring $1 billion or $2 billion into the island's coffers to deal with short term liquidity terms and then you need a case for growth. you need to attract businesses to the island, reduce energy costs. energy costs on the double are rate of many payers in other municipalities. you need to connect with the dominican republic, access the european union for trade. the medical and life sciences community is vibrant there, and you need to build up that ecosystem to bring taxpayers and revenue growth to the island. so it's a staged plan. >> wow. and many -- >> just -- >> yeah, go ahead real quick. >> just -- the idea that they can get $2 billion is contingent upon they're being credibility to the idea they will have a balanced budget in two years and that's a big problem for puerto rico. so that's a trick. it's difficult to see how they get the 20 $2 billi -- the $2 b. >> i think investors will be watching. >> and being opportunistic where they can be. thank you. we've got about 40 minutes, bill, to go to the close. the dow is holding up about 8 points. the s&p is off 2 or 3. and the nasdaq is still negative on the day. >> as we have documented again and again, twitter shares skyrocketing more than 150% since going public and that was just in november. but can this stock keep heading higher after it reports quarterly reports for the first time since the ipo? we have both sides of the debate coming up. twitter is not the only big name set to report. we have disney, pandora, yelp all joining the earnings parade. we'll break down the numbers as soon as they hit. keep it right here. ♪ ♪ humans -- even when we cross our "t's" and dot our "i's," we still run into problems. that's why liberty mutual insurance offers accident forgiveness with our auto policies. if you qualify, your rates won't go up due to your first accident. because making mistakes is only human, and so are we. we also offer new car replacement, so if you total your new car, we give you the money for a new one. call liberty mutual insurance at... and ask us all about our auto features, like guaranteed repairs, where if you get into an accident and use one of our certified repair shops, your repairs are guaranteed for life. so call... to talk with an insurance expert about everything that comes standard with our base auto policy. and if you switch, you could save up to $423. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? 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>> there is no other session network today that drives more immediate, effective ad revenue for my clients. it's about generating ad revenue. >> larry, is it just -- is it too expensive? is that why you don't like it here? >> it's way, way, way overvalued. overpriced. if you talk about twitter, there's only 250 million users but most of their business is outside the u.s. with 200-plus million in revenue. they're unprofitable. they're not making any money. this thing is going to stand still. we'll see a reality check i believe in a hatlf an hour. >> absolutely not. when the leukemia and lymphona society comes to us and we can generate $81,000 in one day via twitter, there is no other platform that's the go-to platfo platform. they're making certain individual can aggregate e-mails via the twitter platform. it's a much more dynamic platform. if you were a true marketer you would understand that. if you're in it day to day like silverback social is on behalf of our clients, you understand twitter is the number one platform right now. >> that number one -- but they're not making money. it's unprofitable. everyone likes the post office but the post office doesn't make money either. >> larry -- >> it's a small number of clients compared to worldwide. >> i made this point yesterday. let me hit you with it as well. take us back ten years after google came public. there was a hue and cry about how expensive that stock was. how were they ever going to monetize this one-trick pony and grow it and find new revenue streams and look what happened. couldn't twitter do the same thing? >> i don't believe so. the whole issue with google is they were profitable. when facebook came out, they were profitable also. you're talking about $3 billion of revenue, $1 billion in profits. there's no profit here and it's a bland model. you might have some clients who like it, but if you don't make money on the product, who cares. we're in the stock market to make money. so to like something, there's a difference between liking a company and a stock, and i think this thing is going to start to go down. the problem is you need r & d money to continue to grow. it's a bland model. you have to go mainstream, you have to go e-commerce. they don't have that. >> a bland model? when delete blood cancer comes us to and says starts a conversation with 18 to 25-year-old doanors and there are 5.3 people and week go into during the super bowl -- >> i'm glad you mentioned the super bowl. it's a terrible engagement. >> ridiculous engagement. fantastic engagement. >> 3%. >> that 5.6 million are more highly engaged. it's a second screen phenomenon. there is nothing more immediate -- >> the bottom line is they're not making money and growth is slowing. >> you're making money for your clients, chris, but i guess what he's looking at -- >> the difference between that and a stock. >> the company to make money that will please shareholders. >> exactly. >> are we talking apples and oranges? >> they're doing everything in their power to make silverback social's job easy so we can engage with those individuals quicker. they're pandering to less sophisticated advertisers. they're making it very easy for mom and pop stores all the way up to the enterprise advertisers we work with to make it super simple for them to spend ad dollars on the twitter platform. it works. it's effective, it's powerful. >> it's not effective because they're not making money doing it and they have to grow and continue to do it and i don't see them being able to do it. >> we're going to find out. apparently options pricing point showed a 15% swing one way or the other. thank you both. >> heated argument. don't miss instant analysis right after the bell. >> the dow is continuing higher. we were down triple digits on the open right now. a lot of volatility in that services sector came in from the ism stronger than expected and we're drifting higher right now. >> natural gas prices have been spiking. more than 20% this year after a strong rally already in dwi2013. has a lot to do with the winter storms across the country. up next we'll get the outlook from the ceo of spectra energy. >> do you go out and go shopping on snow days? your best tweets on the impact the weather has had on your shopping trips out there. that's coming up later on "the closing bell." search reports, customizable charts, powerful screening tools, and guaranteed one-second trades. and at the center of it all is a surprisingly low price -- just $7.95. in fact, fidelity gives you lower trade commissions than schwab, td ameritrade, and e-trade. i'm monica santiago of fidelity investments, and low fees and commissions are another reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. call or click to open your fidelity account today. afghanistan, in 2009. orbiting the moon in 1971. 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is it that we've got higher gas prices because of the cold weather? does it have to do with just transporting more fuel products? >> all those things. the base of our business is really about transporting, so if you think of us as the fed ex of natural gas, so we like to pick up people's product, move it and deliver it to the burner tip of your home or at your stove, so that's really key. wh is important. obviously with the cold winter, there's more need for natural gas and a small amount of our business, we don't produce gas, with you we make some margin on the price of gas. with $5 gas, that's a good thing for us. >> you're moving a pipeline into florida, the third one. is that reflective of the demand there or tell us where demand is picking up and where you're focusing on right now. >> natural gas demand across the country is actually doing well in all places, but in florida what you're seeing is a move off of oil fired generation. as you know, some challenges with the nuclear reactors down there, and so folk like florida power and light moving to bring new gas supplies into florida, which is one of the fastest growing demand markets in the united states. throughout the southeast i think you will see that happen and that's a great opportunity to build pipeline. that's a $3.2 billion pipeline that we'll have in service by 2017. >> as much as gas prices have risen over the last year or so, there's still -- it's so much cheaper here in the u.s. than in most global markets. should we push policies that would allow us to export more of that natural gas or should we keep the subsidy here for our consumers and our producers at home? >> the great thing about supply in the united states, we can do both. so we've got relatively low natural gas prices. you see a spike up here right now but that's largely weather driven, and so we can continue to have industrial users here and power users and consumers benefit from those low prices while at the same time ship natural gas via l & g offshore. >> so you see more shipping and more facilities. it takes tremendous energy, tremendous cap ex and no one wants these things in their backyard. >> the price goes up so much more when you export it away. there goes our supply. >> before the great shale plays typically people would think 10, 15 years of supply. now we're talking about in excess of 100 years of supply even with demand going up. so i don't think price is going to be a worry from an l & g perspective. you have seen that trend change from a policy perspective. the new energy secretary has approved several new l & g export facilities. places around the gulf coast where we're located in houston, our head office, people are used to those type of facilities being built, and then offshore of west coast of canada you're seeing l & g opportunities there of which we expect to be part of building a $10 billion pipeline there before the end of the pipeline. >> what about keystone? we know what you do for a living. we know your perspective on this, but the politics aside, the -- its effect on the world otherwise, the environment, that's the word i'm trying to think of, what would it do for business in this country? >> well, obviously -- the price of western canadian oil runs around 20 bucks, $25 cheaper than what you get on the gulf coast or here in new york. so what that means for consumers and businesses is obviously a lower input cost for energy, and that's obviously going to make our products here in the united states more competitive as well as the jobs that are produced. if you look at the average pipeline worker in america, they make about $65,000 a year. those jobs never go overseas. they stay here, they're good jobs. they're not all in manhattan but they're in places like missouri or they're in places like maine and across the gulf coast. great opportunities for job. that leads for more need for demand and revenue from a tax perspective. i'm in the industry and we have oil pipe looilines as well but s the board it's a win. i think as the state department report says, this product is going to get harvested out of canada and whether it comes here to the united states or shipped somewhere else and then they ship us back products they use with that oil, i'd rather keep it here in north america. >> greg, it's great to see you. >> great to see you. >> a quarter that tells us so much about changing trends in this country. really appreciate it. >> thanks very much. about 20 minutes to go to the close, bill. the dow is up about 9 points. seeing a small decline across the s&p and the nasdaq at this hour. >> definitely this market has just been marking time today. so much for the barbell strategy which is buying small caps and big caps and buying both big and small caps nearing correction territory. is there any place left to hide right now? we'll look at that coming up here. also, how would the blockbuster film "frozen" impact disney's earnings and what's the latest news on the "star wars" movie due to shoot this year? bob iger coming up. to manage your money. that's not much, you think except it's 2 percent every year. does that make a difference? search "cost of financial advisors" ouch! over time it really adds up. then go to e*trade and find out how much our advice costs. spoiler alert. it's low. really? yes, really. e*trade offers investment advice and guidance from dedicated professional financial consultants. it's guidance on your terms not ours that's how our system works. e*trade. less for us, more for you. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. yeah. everybody knows that. did you know there is an oldest trick in the book? what? trick number one. look-est over there. ha ha. made-est thou look. so end-eth the trick. hey.... yes.... geico. fifteen minutes could save you... well, you know. so ally bank really has no hthat's right, no hidden fees.s? 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[ male announcer ] get a 4 week trial plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. go to and never go to the post office again. stocks stantizing a bit today since monday's bloodletting but the dow is not far from that correction territory of a 10% decline and things are even worse when it comes to the small cap stocks. >> dominic chu answering the question every investor has right now, where do i hide in this market? >> kelly, bill, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. that's the reason why we're taking a look at large and small cap stocks because between the dow jones industrial 30 and the russell 2000, they are among two of the worst performing indices in the united states. large caps and small caps both taking a hit. let's take a look at the dow first because it's down about 7% so far year-to-date. among the biggest losers here are big names that we all know because we talk about them every day. first of all, take a look at some of the oil companies like chevron and exxon. chevron is down about 12%, 13% just so far this year. so not a good year for them. also aerospace and defense giant boeing, they're down 11% as well. and then there's ge, one of the original blue chip companies, down 12%, 13%. if you look at the russell 2000 index, down about 6% so far year-to-date, and there's two 2000 stocks. a lot of them you probably haven't heard of. we picked out three of the worst performers that you probably have. check out supervalu, down 25%. another big one to watch is arctic cat. down about 26%. and finally walter energy. it's a coal company, and it's down about 37%, 38%. if you look at the overall picture for large and small company companies, it's very tough right now for investors although we should note it is a stock pickers market. there are still pockets of strength no matter where you look. back over to you, bill, kelly. >> heading towards the close with 14 minutes left in the trading session. here with the dow holding on to a gain. we're strengthening into the close, up 25, 26 points. >> after the start we've had to the year, we'll take it. there can only be one first time coming up. we'll have twitter's first ever quarterly results as a public company. you'll want to get the crucial information first on the network that is first in business worldwide. we'll be back after this. [ male announcer ] this is george. the day building a play set begins with a surprise twinge of back pain... and a choice. take up to 4 advil in a day or 2 aleve for all day relief. [ male announcer ] that's handy. ♪ ten minutes left in the trading session here. market kind of holding steady. if this were thursday, kelly, i'd say we're waiting for the jobs report but that's not until friday. two more days to go. >> we're already waiting. >> we have larry mcdonald's waiting with new edge usa and matt cheslock. matt, you have been waiting for this pull back in the market. have you had enough yet? is there more to come? >> well, you know, i think we're not done yet. i think we're starting to see some movement in the market. we're seeing the transports are down pretty big today. they've been a leader as we've gone forward. i'm not seeing the buy side we'd hoped for. it's still sell that rally mentality and not buy the dip. >> larry, what about you? >> i think short term you could get a little bit of a valley. yesterday vix call -- call versus put volume was close to 3 to 1 which is one of the highest levels in a long time. i think you go the other way. when i see that, i want to go the other way. it's a good contrarian short-term indicator. >> i was going to say so this is it then. is that what you're saying, larry? >> no, i think we could get a 20, 30 handle bounce in the next week and a half, two weeks, and then over the next month retest these lows that we're at right now and maybe go through them. >> what about that sentiment indicator, though, matt? the volatility index did get to 20. it got to 21. the last time we were there marked a short-term bottom for this market in october. >> well, you know, there's plenty of time for people to put their money in. we've heard all along that the market is going to be strong, the market is going to be strong. they were expecting to buy this dip. so if they're going to buy it, this is a good time. if they don't and we see a 10% correction, god forbid, it might be a really healthy time for people to get in. there are a lot of values here that people have been waiting to buy. you know, twitter is an example. earnings coming out. are we going to buy this at near highs that we're seeing right now? i'm not sure we're going to see that. it's going to be really interesting to watch that one. >> you said god forbid on a 10% correction. would it be that bad? >> not for me. you reminded me of that again this morning. i think if you're an investor, i think you have plenty of money on the sidelines. that's what we've heard all along. you have been waiting for a move like this. it's happening at a perfect time, the beginning of the year. >> i always ask arcy if he's getting back in the market, he got out in time but has been waiting to get back in. he's not enticed by these levels. while stocks have moved lower, they don't seem cheap to a lot of people yet. >> kelly, the best buy in the world right now over the next month is in the emerging markets in the sense of this, so the emerging markets are slowing down the u.s. growth. global growth is extremely exposed to emerging markets. across wall street about -- in terms of gdp, they're looking for 5% growth this year. in the emerging markets they're probably going to get closer to 2% or 3%. that will slow down the developed markets. the eem has underperformed the s&p by almost 60% since 2011. so since 2011 the s&p is up 32%, eem, down 26%. that's an absolutely unsustainable path. at some point the eem has to catch up with the s&p and i think those two converge over the next year. >> we hope it's not the other way around. >> yeah. thanks, guys. we're going to come back with a closing countdown in just a moment. >> and disney, twitter, pandora, yelp, all just moments away from quarterly results. we'll get you full team coverage of these important numbers. you're watching cnbc, first in business worldwide. or "woof"? 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>> i think it's terrific. yesterday we talked about the fact that what we've got here is you're playing poker and you have two twos. what are you going to do with that? you're not going to fold, not going to increase, just sit there and wait for another card. the other card we needed was theithe ism services report. that came in a little better than expected. the market shot up and then sort of moved down and largely sideways throughout the rest of the day. so the other card we need is what's going to happen with the nonfarm payrolls report. that's why i think tomorrow will also likely be relatively quiet. >> we haven't mentioned the adp jobs number, the private sector jobs number was anemic, not very good at all. >> i think a lot of traders don't -- the number wasn't very good. the correlation wasn't very good last time on that relationship. i think everybody is hoping we'll get a decent upgrade to the december report, 74,000, at least maybe to 125,000. look, what's going on the last few days is the emerging market crisis gave a lot of traders an excuse to lighten up, and obviously you can see the volume is much lighter in the last two days than it was earlier in the week. people who needed to sell have sold and the rest of the people are sitting there with their two twos waiting for additional cards to come in. it makes a lot of people. the people who needed to sell are selling now and we sort of calmed down a little bit. i saw some interesting announcements today. the 3m announcement of the buyback, they said they were essentially going to buy back 14% of the stock that's outstanding. of course, we need to have a clearer time frame over which they're going to do it and they have to go ahead and do that, but that's an extraordinary number. that's larger than many buybacks i have seen for years and years. i was trying to get some stats on whether it was the biggest one i have seen as a percentage of the amount of stock that's outstanding but it's definitely up there with the all-time top ten. that's a significant announ announcement. earnings were a little disappointing and that's affecting different sectors. >> it will be interesting to see how twitter's numbers are received. a lot of high expectations for that company. they are not expecting a profit but they do want to watch very carefully to see if there's revenue growth here. >> i saw your debate, and i thought that was an excellent debate because really when you talk to twitter, you're on one side or another. there are very people who are indifferent about twitter. i mean as an investment not for its utility. there are a lot of people who feel it's silly, not ever going to make any money and overpriced and many people who feel there's tremendous economic value that will be realized over time just like facebook. >> we'll know momentarily when we get those numbers on twitter, also from pandora and yelp, and don't forget bob iger on disney's numbers. i'll see you tonight on nightly business report on pbs. here is kelly evans. i'll see you tomorrow, kelly. thank you, bill. welcome to "the closing bell." i'm kelly evans. it's going to be a bigusy sessi as we're moments away from twitter's first quarterly report. an up and down day. stocks were searching for a direction. it was econ data. the dow will just avoid a gain for the session giving up about a point here at the bell. 15,443 is the level. the nasdaq down as well managing to stay above 4,000 for what that's worth as it sheds a half a percent and we wait on big social media name and the s&p 500 down three or four points to 1751. what does it all mean? let's bring in david sourby from loomis sales, stephanie link is here and john steinberg and our very own jon fortt. also with us is "fast money" contributor guy adami. david, first to you, what do you make of the market action today? >> just more weakness. we're going to get this town 10%. i think when you get a down 10% move in the market you grind through it. when you grind through it you look at what's better price than what was more expensive at the beginning of the year. and i view this as a long term buying opportunity. when it's down 20%, then the defense comes on the field but i don't think we have the fundamentals in place for a down 20% market. just this down 10% that we've been overdue. >> stephanie, do any of the earnings do you think move the needle on that bigger question today? >> you know what's interesting to me? a lot of the stock, maybe the stocks i own unfortunately, are down already 10%, right? so i already have been feeling that this market correction is even worse than it actually appeared. >> what are some of those examples? >> a johnson controls, that stock is down 13% and they beat the number. now expectations were high, that sort of thing. but i'm listening to companies, what they have to say, kelly, and they're saying things are not gloom and doom. even johnson controls down as much as it is still is expecting to see an up double digit earnings year over year for the year. look at google, 31% paid click growth. hartford financial, boring insurance company -- >> we had the ceo on. >> it was a fabulous interview and he increased his buyback program. i'm looking at various company specifics and i'm not getting too thrown off. i'm upset my stocks are down but it's an opportunity to be picking carefully on the weakness. >> the narrative is there. it's all still intact. they're doing the right things but the market is moving lower. >> you know the market doesn't like uncertainty. so we have plenty of that. there's a lot of mixed economic data. we don't know how much of it is weather. we don't know how much of it is demand. china is on their holiday. japan seems to be people taking profits because that was one of the best markets to own last year. there's a lot of reasons to get concerned, but go back, listen to what the companies have to say. look for good balance sheets and management teams and market share gains. i think you will probably be okay for the long run. tough take a little longer perspective. >> an interesting way to think about it. is it concern or confusion? when people are trying to figure out how much the weather might be a factor, for example, well, it's hard to look at the ten-year and think that's really pushed around by the weather but it's probably the case the longer this unusual pattern persists, the longer it will be before it's really clear how strong the economy is or not. >> the long run for me, kelly, is like dinner tonight. i'm not in the same camp as everybody else, but i'm not doom and gloom, but you just got to look around and look at things. first of all, i think we do people a disservice because i think we've conditioned the audience to believe a good day is when the market is higher and a bad day is when the market is lower. i don't believe we should use those adjectives, number one, but that's neither here nor there. to me i think the unintended consequences of our fed actions have been to empower other central banks to do like. look at japan. steph just mentioned it. i think they've completely lost control of their markets. i don't think anybody wants to say that, but the moves you're seeing in the japanese bond market, currency market, equity market, that's not healthy whether they go up or down. so, yeah, i think there are definitely some headwinds, definitely some concerns. my line in the sand in the s&p is sort of 1725. we talked about that weeks ago when i was on with you and i still think we're headed there. >> david, is that overstating it, japan losing control here? >> i think it's still -- em is still the big question mark. it's probably not a time to be a buyer of em, but when i look at the asset classes that lagged last year, that's on my radar because i think there's fiscal austerity. if you have embraced economic reform and you're a free market economy, those are the em countries i want to be a buyer of more than i would want to be a buyer of japan. >> it will be interesting tomorrow what draghi says. that's going to be -- we'll see what he says. he we know they have room to do more. there's speculation he might do more. there's room there and the important thing which they just said is there are these countries that are still providing stimulus. we're starting to pull away. some of the other areas are still really pedal to the medal and it could make for an interesting buying opportunities. >> there are countries ever interest to me, south korea, mexico, even india is i think -- has a lot of doubters but those are the countries that are moving in the right direction and represent value for the -- the markets that lagged in 2013, that's where you want to look for opportunity this year. >> all right. we are keeping an eye on twitter which is moving around after hours up about 6% as its earnings estimates hit -- as the earnings numbers hit we'll get you the full numbers as soon as we are ready, but it's clear the market likes what it sees here. john steinberg, what's the most important thing to watch here as twitter and many other social media names are reporting? >> twitter is a little different. we want to look at the user number. there were 230 active users at the end of the last quarter. 250 is the consensus. on revenue, $218 million is the consensus. these are the only things the market cares about. >> great point. as twitter hits with its first earnings report on wall street, let's get straight out to julia boorstin with the detail. >> that's right. twitter reporting revenue of $243 million. that's up 116% over the year ago quarter. showing accelerated revenue growth from the prior two quarters. now, the nongap eps number is a positive of 2 cents. so we're just trying to figure out exactly the comparisons. wall street had been looking for a loss of 2 cents per share. we're getting that the nongap eps number is positive 2 cents per share. we're going to continue to dig through the numbers and just look especially at the growth rate here because obviously there's been a lot of focus on user growth and i'm trying to figure out the comparison. i don't know if anyone from our breaking news desk can help us with that. but the active monthly user numbers was 241 million. that's an increase of 30% year-over-year. mobile monthly active user numbers is 184 million, increase of 37% year-over-year. time line views, that reached 184 million in the fourth quarter, an increase of 37% year-over-year. that represents 76% of total monthly active users. so advertising -- their metric of measuring how valuable their advertising is and how well their advertising is working, the advertising revenue per thousand time line views reached $1.49. that's up 76% year-over-year. there's an indication that the ads are working and advertisers are coming back and consumers are engaging with the advertisers. so just trying to figure out whether that 2 cent eps number compares but the fact that advertising revenue is up 121% and mobile advertising now comprises more than 75% of total advertising revenue shows significant improvement for twitter in this quarter. kelly? >> julia, thanks very much. we'll let you look through the numbers. we have john fort n fortt with t as well. any idea why the stock was swung 10 percentage points? >> one thing i would mention, from what i read the options market was looking for a swing of up or down 15% by the end of the week. so some volatility expected here. i'm zeroing in on monthly active users. that number, 241 million, people were looking for as john mentioned a higher number on monthly active users. twitter is a young company. yes, it's nice to see that revenue number higher than expected but you really want to see those fundamentals, the number of users, the engagement of the users strongly higher because that's what they're going to be able to bank their and base their future growth on. so we're going to want to pull out some more of that. mobile monthly active users at 184 million in the fourth quarter, increase of 37% as i believe julia might have mentioned. i think the reaction has to do with those fundamental numbers and the potential for future growth based on those. >> david? >> fundamentals matter. 67 times sales. so now we can calculate a pe ratio on twitter because they went to the positive but, boy, 67 times sales, anytime you look at the history of tech, you can calculate that the forward expectation on revenues but 67 times sales, that's priced for sainthood. >> users time line, the mobile, even the mobile usage to me all came in a little less than what people were thinking. not horrible by any means. the growth looks phenomenal but relative to expectations, relative to the valuation to david's point, a little disappointing at least initially. >> if we're only looking at 8 million incremental new users, 232 to 240 million monthly active users, that's really on the low side of the monthly of ak at thises. >> that would only be an 8 million add for the quarter. that's interesting. julia has a bit more detail. the stock is now down almost 10% after hours. >> yeah. i think that's absolutely right. this is an expectations game and a lot of analysts were expecting 250 million active users. there was hope there would be a user bump around the ipo. when it went active it had 232 million users. the company has, as just mentioned, has only added 9 million monthly ak at this users in that time period and there was a lot of hope there would be the kind of growth closer of the scale of a facebook. one other thing is twitter did give guidance for the full year of 2014 projecting revenue in the change of $1.15 billion to $1.2 billion. so there's perhaps that could be part of it. the company is also projecting adjusted ebitda in the range of $150 million to $180 million. they expect profitability but still has a ways to go. >> we have to move on. thank you. i want to test this out, jon fortt. is it fair to say if people are wondering what's happening with the stock, we've gone to a yeah, twitter beat estimates, to a wait, a minute, they only added 8 million actives and that stuff fundamentally still matters quickly. >> there is some of that, also the guidance for the march quarter looks to be for revenue of $230 million to $240 million. granted, the street had expected 215 but given the am of the beat in q4, they might have been hoping for better after that. >> thanks very much. to joule. >> twitter shares on the move big time. it is now down in the range of 13%. we'll get more perspective from a twitter investor coming up. plus, disney earnings are due out any moment. we will bring you the entertainment giant's numbers and break them down with bob iger. stick around. ew new york is ope. open to innovation. open to ambition. open to bold ideas. that's why new york has a new plan -- dozens of tax free zones all across the state. move here, expand here, or start a new business here and pay no taxes for ten years... we're new york. if there's something that creates more jobs, and grows more businesses... we're open to it. start a tax-free business at and break them down with bob and break them down with bob okay. let's train like it's race day. what's up ted? 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>> well, it starts obviously with the studio with their movies, and "thor" was a big hit, our marvel release in the quarter. we had a good solid release in "saving mr. banks" and, of course, "frozen" is just a gigantic hit that keeps on giving. it was second in u.s. box office just this past weekend. just opened in china in the last 24 hours. it's already over $870 million in global box office. japan opens in a month and it's driving value not just at the studio but across the company. the music is doing very well, consumer products. >> this is a disney animation movie but it indicates the acquisition of pixar is really influencing the whole studio and company. >> when we bought pixar, we had a few goals in mind. we wanted to protect and allow pixar to continue to prosper with the great movies they're making and we wanted to use the pixar leadership, namely john lasitter and ed to come in and run disney animation and turn disney animation around. they've clearly succeeded in doing that. "frozen" is not the first example, "tangled" came before and "wreck it ralph" but this is the biggest. i should also say that you cited the studio, but every one of our reporting operating units reported double digit growth from a year ago in operating income. so that is an across-the-board success story as far as we're concerned, a very, very solid quarter for the company. >> kelly, do you want to jump in here? >> you mentioned the growth, but the revenue line for the media networks in particular a little bit soft. it's up 4% on the year. this as the nfl thursday is going to cbs. why haven't they made more of a push to capture national football league. >> we own espn. that's our primary sports brand. they have a long and very valuable and very important relationship with the nfl that results in some great games on monday night but also hundreds of hours of other nfl programming across not only the season but across the year. so as a company, werther r are thoroughly invested in the nfl, what has delivered so far and the future. we made an offer for thursday night football to put it on abc. we treat our sports brand of the company as one brand, espn. the sports programming on abc is delivered by espn. we made a bid to the nfl, and obviously it wasn't accepted. but we're very invested as i said in the nfl and feel good about that investment. >> now, your cable networks driven by espn continue to be the strongest part of your media networks business which is the biggest part of the company. as cable networks operating income is up 34% but broadcasting operating income is down 32%, so tale of two very different businesses there. what's your outlook for advertising and also for subscription revenue in these two very different parts of the media network's business? >> it's hard to compare the two because you have obviously on espn quite a success story both on the advertising front and on the subscription fee front. the subscriptions for espn obviously are significant and anything in broadcasting on subscription front can't be compared with that. the disney channel and our other cable assets, abc family being another one, are great success stories for us. what we had in broadcasting in the quarter is an increase in program costs and we had some softness in ratings and, thus, the impact on advertising, and that was true on the local level, too, where you had actually difficult comparisons from a year ago because of political spending. so there's some apples to oranges there, but it wasn't a great quarter for broadcasting. it was a huge quarter for cable and thus a tremendous quarter for our media networks. >> i want to hear what's happening at the parks. 6% growth in revenue at the parks and 16% operating income. how are you achieving that kind of operating income growth when revenue is less strong? >> well, the parks is a great success story. we had record attendance at three of our parks at disney world in orlando which is our biggest, at tokyo disneyland and hong kong disneyland in the quarter. so we're obviously delivering to the public product that they love. that's primarily how we're continuing to grow it. that takes investment. we're making the right investments, and they're paying off. the expansion in hong kong would be a great example. what we've done in california with california adventure, disneyland also had a great quarter. we're getting strong attendance. we've been able to increase pricing. we've seen increase in spending, per cap spending on hotels and food and merchandise. it's just a very solid business for us, continues to be. we've got great investment going forward meaning projects that we're truly excited about and i think with an economy that is where it is today, which we know it doesn't feel overly robust but it is better than it has been, we're very, very well positioned to continue to grow that business. >> speaking of which, what is your sense of the economy and the consumers based on the parks and everything else? >> well, i think with these results clearly the disney consumer seems to be in pretty good shape. we're offering products to consumers that they feel not only that they want but that is well priced. i'd say as we look at the economy, we don't really -- we see a relatively decent economy for us today. we don't really have much visibility into the future. it's hard to look ahead and feel overly confident. we just feel that we're very, very well positioned in the marketplace. >> great. kelly? >> bob, just want to ask you speaking of fans, a lot of people excited about the "star wars" next round of movies and are concerned zac efron might be involved. what can you tell us about his involvement and who else you see here cast in this important film for your franchise? >> there's probably a lot that i know about that franchise going forward and virtually all of it is information that i can't share with anybody right now. we know from now owning that franchise just how much excitement there is about it, how much interest there is. in fact, i don't think that there's anything going on at the company, and we have a lot of big things going on that have a lot of fans, anything going on at the company that is attracting as much aattention. the movie is not coming out until december of 2015. >> it's a long time to wait. people just want one piece of information they didn't have before, bob. >> good things come to those who wait. if you have a second question, i wouldn't ask it because it's unlikely you're going to get anything more out of me. >> bob, thank you so much for your time this afternoon. julia, thanks very much as well. really appreciate it. those shares are moving to the upside by about 2% after hours. we've got some breaking news now on security concerns at the olympics. eamon javers joining us now with the details. eamon? >> well, nbc news' pete williams is reporting the u.s. government has sent an advisory to airlines that fly to russia warning them that terrorists might try to smuggle explosives on board some of the flights originating outside the united states and flying to russia. they might try to smuggle these explosives in toothpaste tubes according to the reporting here. i have just been in contact with the white house national security council. they give me a little additional color on this saying that this is part of their regular communications with international partners, and also saying here in terms of the sochi olympics and safety thereof, saying if we should receive information in the coming days and weeks that changes our assessment of whether people should travel to soc sochi, we will make that information pub like through the state department's usual channels. pete williams also saying the intelligence that backs up this warning here is, quote, very new. so clearly u.s. intelligence picking up on something here, kelly, and warning our international partners about it. back to you. >> all right. eamon, thanks very much. twitter has been taking on the heels of its first ever earnings report. we'll break down the results and tell you what else you need to know. we've been digging through the numbers. don't go anywhere. let me talk to you about retirement. a 401(k) is the most sound way to go. let's talk asset allocation. sure. you seem knowledgeable, professional. would you trust me as your financial advisor? i would. i would indeed. well, let's be clear here. i'm actually a dj. [ dance music plays ] [laughs] no way! i have no financial experience at all. that really is you? if they're not a cfp pro, you just don't know. find a certified financial planner professional who's thoroughly vetted at cfp -- work with the highest standard. welcome back. we've got some more earnings alerts for you. pandora in particular. josh lipton joins us with the numbers on that one. josh? >> kelly, so pandora reports, remember what the street was looking for here was 8 cents on $199.9 million. pandora reports 11 cents on 201 million. a beat on the bottom. in terms of ad revenue, that represents about 80% of the company's total. 162 million. that's up 39%. listener hours up 16% to $4.5 billion. the problem here was guidance. the q1 guidance is worse than expected. the street thought you'd see a loss of around 12 cents. pandora is saying it's going to go more like 14 to 16 cents. back to you. >> we're seeing the response there. shares moving down about 8% after hours. and what about yelp? dominic chu joins us to look at those numbers. any better news? >> we're talking about a relative outperformer if you will. twitter and pandora shares are getting kremd. with yelp you're seeing at least a little bit of perhaps -- there was a little upside to begin with. now it's down about a percent. they come wutout with a loss of cents. sales coming in better than the $67 million estimate. they did also say they've expanded now to 24 countries, international growth was a concern for some investors. also that their cumulative reviews grew 47% year-over-year and the number of average monthly unique visitors grew 39%. active local business accounts grew 69% so some strength. they also provided some guidance for first quarter as well as the full year. they say first quarter net revenues are expected to be between 73.5 and $74.5 million with full yet expected to be 353 to $358 million. back over to you. >> dominick, thanks. we want to get back, of course, to twitter, whose shares are tumbling after releasing the first quarterly results since the ipo. they're down about 10% at this juncture. we'll get more reaction from josh at freestyle capital and brian hamilton from sageworks. welcome to you both. take a look at the shares and looking through the numbers, josh, what do you make of it? >> well, i think twitter has been very focused on revenue for the last couple years and i think it's paying off. we'd be having a very different conversation if the revenue numbers hadn't beaten expectations. >> guys, hold that thought right now if you would. we are getting some breaks news in the meantime on green mountain as i understand it. let's get straight back to headquarters with dominic chu. >> again, some breaking news just crossing the wires right now with regard to green mountain. we were expecting their earnings but here is the headline. coca-cola is going to partner with green mountain coffee to develop cold water products. again, the release basically saying that they are going to purchase coca-cola purchase a 10% minority equity stake in green mountain coffee that will cost them $1.25 billion. they've also signed a ten-year agreement to collaborate on the development and introduction of the coca-cola company's global brand portfolio for use in the keurig cold at home beverage system. keurig, the next iteration is going to involve cold beverages. coca-cola will be a huge part of that effort and now they're going to pay $1.25 billion for a 10% stake in green mountain coffee. big news. one of the biggest consumer brands in the world, coca-cola, taking a 10% stake in green mountain coffee for $1.3 billion. we'll get you more details but that's the big news with green mountain coffee this afternoon. >> the immediate verdict from the market here seems to be they like it better for coke than for green mountain, dom, but thanks very much. a lot of fast moving pieces this hour. let's first bring in the panel for a second who is with me and, guys, so much to digest. it's interesting the social media names seem to be moving lower. is the theme this isn't just a twitter story, that perhaps this is a story about lackluster growth in some of the strongest fast growing parts of the market? >> i think that's exactly it, kelly. i don't think anybody has been able to combine user growth and revenue growth in the explosive way that we saw facebook achieve it. twitter, nice on revenue, but the user growth. then we see pandora come out a little bit weaker than we were looking for in the guidance. yelp about in line but certainly not blowing the doors off there. i think we were expecting more from the social media cohort, especially given how much they've run up in the past few mo months. >> brian, you know, to you, your thoughts here as you look through twitter specifically and see, you know, is this a story about execution there or more broadly just about the extent to which all of these names can compete for some of the name population? >> right, kelly. there's only one story here to me. it's still valuation. these guys are 56 times trailing revenue. it's a huge valuation. look at google, 15 times, microsoft, 5 times. look at facebook, 23 times. these guys are way out of bounds on value. now, i will say this to josh's point, i like positive cash flow from operations. that's a good thing. the gap versus nongap earnings i'm a little confused by that, but the story is not just revenue, it's value. >> i think you can have an enormous valuation if the sky is absolutely the limit. the minute you start having growth of only 9 million new users in an active quarter, that's just not enough. if we look at yelp which is the only one doing okay right now, the number i teased out that's interesting is 67,000 active business advertisers. i think most wall street analysts were looking for around 62,000. that's a case where the picture is so much bigger than people thought it might be, allows it to sustain that oversized valuati valuation, but the minute you show any signs of slowing, things come down to the ground. >> right on. right on, exactly. how many companies in the history of american commerce have grown -- have doubled profits for ten years? nobody. so this company is a young company, and once you get a dip down, they're going to be punished in the market which maybe they should be. although i do like that their net margins are getting a little better so that's good news. >> david? >> we learned intimately 14 years ago that valuation matters. probably more than any other fundamental metric -- >> you're talking about the dotcom -- >> absolutely. and yelp, 23 times sales. that's priced for perfection, but google at six times sales i think represents value. i'm overweight tech. when i look at the free cash flow yield in technology where the average tech stock is trading at 5% free cash flow yield, that's above the overall market. i want to be overweight a tech in names like google or qualcomm, perhaps even a name like facebook. >> should people be worried these are the disruptors or is it fine to bet on some of the -- it's fine to bet on the disruptors as long as that's what they're doing, right? >> certainly. i think a lot of this is because google surprised positively, facebook blew it out of the water, and these guys, unfortunately, were the ones that reported after those guys. so let's look at the numbers. the growth is still very substantial. there's a place for all three of these companies. it's just that the expectations got ahead of themselves and, yes, the valuation, i totally agree with everybody on the panel that the expectations of the value got ahead. so let's wait for these stocks so settle. if google falls on this thus, that's the one you want to pick up. it's trading at 20 times earn, not sales. >> josh? >> well, i think when i look at -- we have a different perspective because not only am i an investor but we have fort folio companies that work with twitter. over the last year if you weren't offering a revenue feature that twitter valued, then your partnership was likely going to be pushed kind of aside. i think i'm seeing that change now. you're going to see twitter refocus on audience growth and not just revenue. i think that will make a big difference in the company's future prospects. >> just to keep everything in perspective, this is sort of a nonevent. it's $56 a share. it went public in the 20s. this is just a very modest correction. let's see what happens on the call. the call will be very interesting. if they say anything on the call that hints at slowing growth, expectations not hitting where they wanted it to be, we're going to have a problem. if they talk about new initiatives, growth in knew areare -- new areas we could see a correction back up. >> thanks very much for your thoughts as we keep an eye on that name. >> cvs is snuffing out sales of tobacco by october but if people who smoke aren't getting their cigarettes from cvs, where will they go? that's coming up next. that's not much, you think except it's 2 percent every year. go to e*trade and find out how much our advice and guidance costs. spoiler alert. it's low. it's guidance on your terms not ours. e*trade. less for us, more for you. welcome back. there's been a ton of after hours action here on wall street. let's get to dominic chu. >> it's got your heart racing. we begin with twitter reporting better than expected fourth quarter earnings an revenues. the company earning 2 cents on sales of $243 million. it also issued a stronger than expected qq1 revenue. disney posted first quarter earnings of $10.04 -- $1.04 on sales. pandora reporting better than expected fourth quarter profit. sales matched forecast but it gave guidance below what wall street was expecting. coca-cola and green mountain. coke is going to buy a 10% minority stake in green mountain coffee. green mountain is still halted on this news. it is anticipated, kelly, to anticipate at 5:00 p.m. eastern time. so da stream, however, you want to watch those shares. they're moving lower on this news. if there's a competing beverage at home system, that's bad for soda stream, and we end with cbs caremark. it will ban tobacco in all its stores by october. >> we will see what happens when green mountain reopens. take a look at what's happen been happening with the cvs story. saying they will stop carrying tobacco products by october. who will profit from cvs not carrying these products. stacy from sw retail advisers joins me. great to see you. >> hey, kelly. >> difficult truth is people will still buy cigarettes. >> they absolutely will. 18% of americans still smoke, unfortunately, and i guess the good news for them is that the dollar store, family dollar, and dollar general just started selling tobacco products. family dollar started selling them in 2012 and dollar general just in 2013. this is a win for those two companies because not only, you know, will they maybe get some share, but the more people that come in, they will buy extras potentially when they go in to get their cigarettes. >> i'm curious about two things. how much do tobacco sales drive foot traffic and how much of a halo effect is there where people buy other things when they go for cigarettes? >> it's interesting. dollar general last quarter, they have only had tobacco in their stores for a few quarters and they said originally about a third of the business of people coming in and buying tobacco was just that, but then the following quarter those people coming and buying cigarettes started increasing their basket and buying a smoke and a coke or other items. so it actually does make a difference and it drives the actual total basket. so it's very important for same-store sales. >> we know that a lot of the times people go to kind of mom and pop convenience stores, of course, for tobacco products as well. other than the dollar guys, is there anyone else who might move into this space or is it now seen as sort of a toxic thing to do at least from a pr point of view? >> yeah. i think from a pr point of view you will see the other drugstores pull out. but, you know, the drugstore space only represents about 4% of tobacco sales. supermarkets only represent about 4%. the bulk of it is actually from gas stations and convenience stores. so those are the winners. >> absolutely. i'm curious by the way, seem to be curious about a lot this afternoon, but going back to cvs, if they're try to move in a more health services direction, does it imply they will look to be more of a services than a goods business over time? >> absolutely. i think that's something they're focusing on is trying to get the consumer in their store and do consultations. so there are a lot of unfilled prescriptions that people come in, so they're going to try to give them a consultation and say you really need to fill that. you really need to fill it here while we're helping you with your overall health. services is the direction for these drugstores, absolutely. >> all right. stacy, great to see you. interesting story. we'll be following this one closely as well. i want to add in dominick's report a few minutes ago on the green mountain/coke deal when he mentioned soda stream. take a look, this is the after hours move. it's actually down about 8%. taking a big hit on the deal that it's competitor has made. a lot happening this hour. what's getting the most clicks on the website? the cnbc "hot list" is coming up next. we want to know if you go out to eat or shop on snowy days? how much do you change your buying behavior? do you think it helps or hurts the economy? 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>> i have one positive thing to add to it, which is that goldman sachs had $1.17 per thousand time view. they came in at $1.49. it's a significant beat on the financials but as we said before, this is a top line massive growth story. we needed to see a lot more users growing than 9 million. but ultimately we're seeing a relatively small correction in the stock given how much it's run up. >> is it fair to start asking the question about whether twit s erring is listening too much to wall street? >> it's always a give and take when you're growing so fast. what exactly to you want to show wall street or where do you want to focus your engineering efforts? i think the question is how many ancillary products do they have? do they have a facebook paper or another vine up their sleeves that can grow the size of their user base? one of the criticisms has been it's really great for content creators, for the justin biebers out, there the taylor swifts. if you're not one of those people, maybe you just dip in once in a while. >> despite the fact tv has been a big driver -- do we even call it second screen? it feels like it's the firtion one? >> how can you say that? >> you're interested because of twitter and that's a good thing for everyone so i'm surprised that's not catching -- >> i'll be interested to see what they talk about on the call, research studies showing the effectiveness of the second screen behavior, what happened during the super bowl. it will be interesting to see how the management team is tuned into wall street. it took facebook a bunch of calls before they started knowing what people were looking for. they could pull the stock up a little bit if they address some of that second of that second stream and stuff like that. >> that's true. a lot of people like to point out, i don't know if this is fair, that a lot of tech companies have these declines. the air pockets when they first go public. then, they start to gain traction. >> it could be. and i would also say that the first quarter out of the gate, you need to blow it away, no matter what. and i wasn't saying this wasn't a great quarter. you need to surpass expectations because the stock had run because of the valuation. but also because to show the people that, yes, we deserve to be public. and we have growing and have visibility going forward. this is not the end of the world by any stretch of the imaginati imagination. >> they tried to take down expectations. that was easy to do. but they couldn't get the numbers they needed on the users. >> and down 12% as a result. san francisco real estate is apparently hotter than ever. up next, our wealth editor, robert frank, giving us a rare look inside one of the priciest homes for sale in the bay area. we still run into problems. that's why liberty mutual insurance offers accident forgiveness if you qualify, and new car replacement, standard with our auto policies. so call liberty mutual at... today. and if you switch, you could save up to $423. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? welcome back. robert frank has taken us into some serious megamansions. but this san francisco home was actually remodeled for a queen. robert frank does join us now with more on it. robert? >> we're going to take you inside, tonight, one of the most expensive homes for sale in san francisco. it's 16,000 square feet, overlooking the bay, right in pacific heights, which is now called billionaires' row. let's take a look. the home has some superrich history. it was built in 1905, as a private home for southern aristocrats. in the 1950s, it was pink and nicknamed the pink palace. >> this thing was 30, 40 bedrooms. and it was a high-class boarding house. >> they didn't just sleep here. they partied here, too. big-time. throwing lavish cocktail parties every friday night for 15 years. the pink palace is no longer pink. but it's still party central. listen to this. >> what would you use that for, overlooking here? >> it's the ideal place for the orchestra. i mean, orchestra, you know, 11 pieces. >> just a -- >> i mean, this is not -- >> guys, it's $24.8 million in case you're interested. you'll get the full tour tonight on "secret lives." kelly, back to you. >> looking forward to it. thank you very much. we've been asking, you tweeted. do winter storms really hurt the economy? 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joe is tweeting, of course i go out on days like this. how else do you get a table at starbucks? >> i just went to chipotle and i was the only one that was there. we've been trying to figure this out since the jobs report. friday, we have payroll. but it may be a tough tell. we have earnings to look at in the meantime. it's tough to tell what's going on there, as well. what have you learned in the after-hours report? >> it speaks to the kind of investor i am. i'm more excited about coke than i am at twitter at this point. i think they're finally looking to grow, right? this is a company that had been buying back stock and increasing the dividend and investing in china. it's nice to see they're parter thing up with a growth company. and i think it's a good announcement. >> what about them buying a stake in green mountain, instead of soda stream? >> i want them to find growth. i want them to expand beyond the carbonated soft drink market, which has really been a problem for the company. they get into -- we don't know the strategy behind this. but they further diversify into growth. >> and they open for trade at 5:00. want to get a final thought from you, as well. >> before we got on the set, 1 s&p companies had reported earnings. ten had beaten. that's embodies what we've seen in this earnings season. i'd give it a solid "b" or b-plus. and they create long-term shareholder value. and they're doing it in the back of the store, versus the front of the store. ten years of return. 210% price return for cvs. 55% for the s&p. i think it's creating more value. >> thank you for being here. really appreciate it so much to dig through. make heads and tails of. as we hand it over to "fast money" coming up in a few seconds, melissa lee, i imagine you will be breaking that news on how green mountain behaves once it reopens. >> thanks, kelly. a lot of breaking news to deal with. green mountain coffee scheduled to open for trading right now. green mountain announcing that coca-cola is taking a 10% stake in the company. shares are up 33%. you see that spike in the after-hours session. we're watching soda stream, getting hammered on the back of this news. also breaking here, twitter's first-ever conference call, starting right now. shares are sinking after its first-ever quarterly report. our traders, tonight, tim

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