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To give nearly 60 million to his charity, and it all began with one simple story. Its a beautiful story, and its a lie. We wanted to talk to mortenson about that and some other things, but he didnt want to talk to 60 minutes. Steve kroft. Nice to meet you. How you doing . Thanks. Got five minutes for us today . Um. [ticking] we wondered how the man who could whistle up a Corporate Jet on a whim. Lets rock. Or throw a 2 Million Birthday Party was doing in his reduced circumstances. Whats it like to go from king of the world to prisoner number 05a4820 serving 8 to 25 years behind bars . In my wildest imagination, when i would project myself into my late 50s and early 60s, where i would be or what i would be doing, if i make a list of 100 different places or 100 different things, here would never make that list. Welcome to 60 minutes on cnbc. Im morley safer. In this edition, we look at stories of crime, punishment, and what money can buy. First, the highstakes world of japanese organized crime, where big dollars saved the life of an infamous gangster. Then we investigate how bestselling author and philanthropist Greg Mortenson used some of the assets of his multimilliondollar charity. And finally, we talk to Dennis Kozlowski, the former ceo who once made headlines for illegal corporate excess. We begin with the yakuza, japans notsosecret version of the mafia. American Law Enforcement keeps a close eye on the yakuza, and that includes keeping tabs on a ruthless gang leader named Tadamasa Goto. As lara logan reported in the fall of 2009, goto not only got into the country; he was first in line for a lifesaving liver transplant. [haunting wooden flute music] this is the godfather, Tadamasa Goto, at a rarely seen ritual of the yakuza. Filmed by the mobsters for their own private viewing, the top bosses are gathered to pay homage at an ancient succession ceremony. The events steeped in tradition. What does it mean in japan to be a yakuza . [speaking japanese] to be a yakuza in japan is to live an unalterable way of life. Its not an occupation. Its to follow and explore the lives of the samurai, the code of the samurai. This man is a yakuza boss, a rival of gotos, who only agreed to an interview if we masked his identity. How do you recognize a yakuza . How do you know if someone is a yakuza . Its the smell. Its the smell . Yes. What kind of smell . The smell of another beast. When you join the yakuza, they become your family. No american knows more about the inner workings of the yakuza than Jake Adelstein. He spent years in tokyo, investigating and writing about the mob. Generally speaking, yakuza get rid of bodies by dumping them in the foundations of buildings. They own lots of construction companies. So, you know, youre pouring a new building, you throw the body in the cement, and nobody ever finds it. So when you look around at all these Tall Buildings in tokyo. You could be looking at a graveyard. Its impossible to miss the mark of a yakuza severed fingers. Tradition demands when a mistake is made, they chop off their own finger to atone and present the severed part to their boss. Many have ornate tattoos that often cover the entire body, marking them for life. [traditional japanese music] but unlike the mafia in america, yakuza dont hide their membership in the mob because its not illegal in japan to be a member of organized crime. And they are so much a part of japanese culture, they parade openly. Right now, we dont hide the fact that were yakuza. This yakuza boss was introduced to us by Jake Adelstein in downtown tokyo. Beneath his expensive suit, he later showed us, his body is a canvas, like many yakuza, covered with intricate tattoos. Physically, the tattoos take their toll on your body. The tattoos are so so dense that its very hard to sweat, which means when you cant get rid of the toxins in your body, thats also very hard on liver. Whats also hard on the liver is the hedonistic lifestyle of the yakuza. This is traditional yakuza turf. They run everything here, from the girls to the sex to the drugs, but the modern yakuza is a different animal, adding corporate takeovers, financial fraud, and Insider Trading to their criminal portfolio. Thats how Tadamasa Goto made most of his money according to Japanese Police files, an estimated billiondollar fortune amassed through nearly 100 Front Companies. Hes one of the richest and most violent godfathers, known to u. S. Law enforcement as the john gotti of japan. But there was one thing gotos power and money couldnt buy him in his homeland. He had Liver Disease and desperately needed a transplant. Culturally, the japanese dont believe in organ donation, so to get a new liver, he needed to come to the u. S. For a yakuza, that should have been a problem, says mike cox. He was the chief of immigration and customs at the u. S. Embassy in tokyo. We want to be a welcoming country in the United States, but certainly, we dont want the yakuza coming to the United States. Because theyre criminals . They have extensive criminal histories here in japan. They are members of criminal organizations. For both of those reasons, they would be ineligible to enter the United States. How did he get around that . According to Jake Adelsteins reporting, which we confirmed, Tadamasa Goto made a deal with the fbi. He offered to become a rat and inform on his yakuza brothers. Goto said, heres the deal. I need to get in the United States to get my liver transplant, or im gonna die. I will give you the names of all our Front Companies in the United States. So in terms of not only criminal intelligence but sort of, you know, pure, i dont know, covert intelligence, goto represented a real find for the fbi. So the fbi made this deal . And they gave him a special visa to come into the United States. Getting into the u. S. Was one thing, but getting a liver transplant at a leading American Medical Center like ucla was Something Else altogether. Whats the average waiting time for someone in california waiting for a liver transplant . Its probably realistically three years, and it could be much longer. Not for Tadamasa Goto, who got a liver in just six weeks. California attorney Larry Eisenberg finds that surprising, especially since goto was number 80 on the waiting list. It should not be possible that an unsavory character from out of the country with ties to organized crime comes into the United States and gets a priority and obtains a transplant. These two families, eisenbergs clients, both lost loved ones waiting for livers at another transplant center in the same area. Salvador ceja was number two on the waiting list. John rader was number five. Do you think, for one second, that this was legitimate, that they stood in line and waited just like your husband did . Absolutely not. No . Absolutely not. No, because nobody gets a liver that quickly. I think they were playing god. Now i think they were picking and choosing whoever they wanted to give a liver to. So in your minds, what was this about . Money. Money spoke loud and clear. [ticking] coming up, the cost of a liver for a japanese gangster. According to police documents and sources, a Million Dollars for goto. A Million Dollars. Thats ahead when 60 minutes on cnbc returns. [ticking] two years ago, the people of bp made a commitment to the gulf. Bp has paid over twentythree billion dollars to help those affected and to cover cleanup costs. Today, the beaches and gulf are open, and many areas are reporting their best tourism seasons in years. And bps also committed to america. We support nearly 250,000 jobs and invest more here than anywhere else. Were working to fuel america for generations to come. Our commitment has never been stronger. If youre a man with low testosterone, you should know that axiron is here. The only underarm treatment for low t. Thats right, the one you apply to the underarm. Axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18. Axiron can transfer to others through direct contact. Women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur. Report these signs and symptoms to your doctor if they occur. Tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medications. Do not use if you have prostate or Breast Cancer. Serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer; worsening prostate symptoms; decreased sperm count; problems breathing while sleeping; and blood clots in the legs. Common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. See your doctor, and for a 30day free trial, go to axiron. Com. [ticking] american journalist Jake Adelstein uncovered a dangerous secret when he learned that Tadamasa Goto had cut a deal with the fbi. According to adelstein, the japanese crime boss had promised to disclose yakuza activities in the u. S. In exchange for entry into the country to get a liver transplant. And as lara logan reports, his case was not unique. Three of gotos yakuza cronies also got liver transplants at ucla. For them, money was no object. Ucla says each of their transplants cost about 400,000. The yakuza all paid cash. The hospital also acknowledged goto and another yakuza each made 100,000 donations to the transplant center. Jake adelstein says goto paid even more. How much money are we talking about . According to police documents and sources, 1 million for goto. 1 million. 1 million for one liver . 1 million for one liver. Did ucla know who these people were . When you see guys with lots of tattoos, missing fingers wouldnt it occur to you, like, oh, this guy is a gangster. I cant believe they didnt know. Attorney eisenberg says transplant rules require extensive background checks on every patient, yet ucla insisted to federal investigators they had no knowledge that goto or his cronies had ties to japanese organized crime. Ucla declined all our requests for interviews. The only thing the Medical Center will say on the record is that their program has been reviewed and found to be in total compliance with liver transplant rules. The hospital told us in my opinion, the Medical Center has a moral and ethical obligation to determine the source of those funds. A moral and ethical obligation, but apparently, no legal obligation . Well, its not addressed in the rules specifically. Because the quality of livers and the eligibility of patients vary widely, any wrongdoing in the cases of the yakuza would be very difficult to prove. The fbi also declined our requests to talk about the Tadamasa Goto case, which, for them, adelstein says, did not turn out as planned. As soon as he got his liver and was better, hes back to japan, and he only gave the fbi a fraction of what he promised. Maybe 1 10. Maybe 1 20. Not a complete failure, but certainly not what the fbi wanted. Tadamasa goto returned to his life of crime as a yakuza godfather, and it all stayed hidden until adelstein was tipped off. It took him years to piece together the details for a newspaper story. Then, when word got out that adelstein knew, the yakuza tried to buy his silence, offering him 1 2 million. Were you tempted . Of course im tempted, you know . When someone offers you 1 2 million not to write something . But then again, you know, i dont want to be owned by organized crime the rest of my life. Adelstein wrote the story for the washington post, and it eventually made its way back to japan. The news infuriated the yakuza bosses. For goto, it was a humiliating blow from which he would never recover. I heard from someone very close to him that as he was leaving and getting in his car, he said, that you know, that goddamn american jew reporter. I want to kill him. Japanese and u. S. Law enforcement agents took gotos threat seriously. Adelstein now lives under tokyo police protection. Are you concerned that there is an american citizen here whose life is at risk . Very much so. We think the Japanese Police are doing what they can to make sure that no harm comes to mr. Adelstein. I mean, we certainly dont want to see anything happen to him. What do you have to do in your daily life to stay alive . You have to keep your rooms shuttered because you dont want a sniper to pick you off across from somebodys house. So do you live in darkness . When im up in my room typing, yes. All the rooms are shuttered. I try to avoid open windows. You got to be very careful on rainy days, because when yakuza take people out, they like to do it on rainy days, because fewer people are on the streets, and the rain washes away the trace evidence. Even in disgrace, Tadamasa Goto still has a small army of loyal soldiers and a hit out on Jake Adelstein. The yakuza say he will never be safe. So if jake had done that to you, you would get rid of him . Absolutely. According to Jake Adelsteins police sources, Tadamasa Goto has resurfaced as boss of a new gang and is currently under investigation by the tokyo police in connection with two murders. And theres a sad twist. While goto remains healthy years after his liver transplant, Jake Adelstein was diagnosed with early stage liver cancer. Hes responded to treatment and continues his work exposing yakuza activities. [ticking] coming up, the memoirs of Greg Mortenson fact or fiction . The story as mr. Mortenson tells it is that he was held for eight days and won you over by asking for a koran and promising to build schools in the area. Is that true . This is totally false, and he is lying. He was not kidnapped. Thats ahead, when 60 minutes on cnbc returns. [ticking] can i help you . I heard you guys can ship ground for less than the ups store. Thats right. Ive learned the only way to get a holiday deal is to camp out. You know weve been open all night. Is this a trick to get my spot . [ male announcer ] break from the holiday stress. Save on ground shipping at fedex office. [ male announcer ] break from the holiday stress. Try running four. Ning a restaurant is hard, fortunately weve got ink. It gives us 5x the rewards on our internet, phone charges and cable, plus at Office Supply stores. Rewards we put right back into our business. This is the only thing weve ever wanted to do and ink helps us do it. Make your mark with ink from chase. [ male announcer ] everyone deserves the gift of all day pain relief. This season, discover aleve. All day pain relief with just two pills. Mom . Dad . Guys . [ engine turns over ] [ engine revs ] hell be fine. [ male announcer ] more people are leaving bmw, mercedes and lexus for audi than ever before. Take advantage of exceptional values during the season of audi event. [ticking] in 2011, steve kroft reported this story that caused quite a stir about bestselling author and philanthropist Greg Mortenson. It was the result of a sevenmonth investigation into the way mortenson ran his nonprofit organization, the Central Asia Institute. Our investigation also questioned whether some of the most inspiring and dramatic stories in his books like three cups of tea were even true. Though Greg Mortenson would soon be engulfed in controversy, when the story first aired, he was at the height of his popularity. Greg mortensons books have made him a publishing phenomenon and a soughtafter speaker on the lecture circuit, where he has attained a cultlike status. [applause] he regularly draws crowds of several thousand people and 30,000 per engagement, and everywhere mortenson goes, he brings an inspirational message built around a story that forms the cornerstone of three cups of tea and his various ventures how, in 1993, he tried and failed to reach the summit of k2, the worlds second tallest mountain, to honor his dead sister; how he got lost and separated from his party on the descent and stumbled into a tiny village called korphe. My pants were ripped in half, and i hadnt taken a bath in 84 days. And i stumbled into a Little Village called korphe, where i was befriended by the people and. They gave me everything they had their yak butter, their tea. They put warm blankets over me, and they helped nurse me back to health. Mortenson tells how he discovered 84 children in the back of the village writing their School Lessons with sticks in the dust. When a young girl named cho cho came up to me and said. Could you help us build a school . I made a rash promise that day, and i said, i promise ill help you build a school. And little did i know that it would change my life forever. Its a powerful and heartwarming tale thats motivated millions of people to buy his books and, by 2011, to contribute nearly 60 million to his charity. Its a beautiful story, and its a lie. Jon krakauer is also a bestselling author and mountaineer who wrote into thin air and into the wild. He was one of mortensons earliest backers, donating 75,000 to his nonprofit organization, but after a few years, krakauer says he withdrew his support over concerns that the charity was being mismanaged, and he later learned that the korphe tale that launched mortenson into prominence was simply not true. Did he stumble into this village in a weakened state . Absolutely not. So nobody helped him out and nursed him back to health . Absolutely not. I have spoken to one of his companions, a close friend, who hiked out from k2 with him. This companion said greg never heard of korphe till a year later. Strangely enough, krakauers version of events is backed up by Greg Mortensen himself in his earliest telling of the story. In an article he wrote for the newsletter of the American Himalayan Foundation after his descent from k2, mortenson makes no mention of his experience in korphe, although he did write that he hoped to build a school in another village called khane. We managed to track down the two porters who accompanied mortenson and spoke to them in pakistans remote hushe valley. They also told us that mortenson didnt stumble into korphe lost and alone and that he didnt go to korphe at all until nearly a year later on another visit. He did build a school in korphe. He did, and its a good thing. But if you go back and read the first few chapters of that book, you realize, im being taken for a ride here. One of the most compelling experiences i had was in july of 96. Its not a solitary example. Upon close examination, some of the most touching and harrowing tales in mortensons books appear to have been either greatly exaggerated or made up out of whole cloth. I went to the area to find a place to build a school, and what happened is, i got kidnapped by the taliban for eight days. The kidnapping story was featured in three cups of tea and referred to in his followup best seller, stones into schools, with this 1996 photograph of his alleged captors. We managed to locate four men who were there when the photo was taken. Two of them actually appear in the picture. All of them insist theyre not taliban and that Greg Mortenson was not kidnapped. They also gave us another photo of the group with mortenson holding the ak47. One of the men, mansur khan mahsud, is the Research Director of a respected think tank in islamabad and has produced scholarly articles published in the u. S. Until recently, he had no idea that he had been shown as a kidnapper in a bestselling book. Thats me. We spoke with mahsud via skype. He told us that he and the other people in the photograph were mortensons protectors in waziristan, not his abductors. The story, as mr. Mortenson tells it, is that he was held for eight days and won you over by asking for a koran and promising to build schools in the area. Is that true . This is totally false, and he is lying. He was not kidnapped. Who are these people that are also in the picture . Some are my cousin. Some are our friends from our village. Well, why do you think mr. Mortenson would write this . To sell his book. [ticking] coming up, Greg Mortenson under fire from his former board treasurer. He said, in so many words, that greg uses Central Asia Institute as his private atm machine, that theres no accounting. Thats ahead, when 60 minutes on cnbc returns. [ticking] if you are one of the millions of men who have used androgel 1 , theres big news. Presenting androgel 1. 62 . Both are used to treat men with low testosterone. Androgel 1. 62 is from the makers of the number one prescribed testosterone replacement therapy. It raises your testosterone levels, and. Is concentrated, so you could use less gel. And with androgel 1. 62 , you can save on your monthly prescription. [ male announcer ] dosing and application sites between these products differ. Women and children should avoid contact with application sites. Discontinue androgel and call your doctor if you see unexpected signs of early puberty in a child, or, signs in a woman which may include changes in body hair or a large increase in acne, possibly due to accidental exposure. Men with Breast Cancer or who have or might have prostate cancer, and women who are, or may become pregnant or are Breast Feeding should not use androgel. Serious side effects include worsening of an enlarged prostate, possible increased risk of prostate cancer, lower sperm count, swelling of ankles, feet, or body, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing during sleep, and blood clots in the legs. Tell your doctor about your medical conditions and medications, especially insulin, corticosteroids, or medicines to decrease blood clotting. Talk to your doctor today about androgel 1. 62 so you can use less gel. Log on now to androgeloffer. Com and you could pay as little as ten dollars a month for androgel 1. 62 . What are you waiting for . This is big news. As part of our investigation into Greg Mortensons activities, we checked the financial records of his nonprofit organization, the Central Asia Institute, which builds and funds the schools in pakistan and afghanistan and is located in bozeman, montana, where mortenson lives. He says the charity took in 23 million in contributions in 2010, some it from thousands of School Children who emptied their piggy banks to help its pennies for peace program, and some of it from large fundraisers like this one in santa clara, california. One last thing. We got 1,500 bid here. We got to get to that School Getting built, ladies and gentlemen, tonight. This organizations been around for 14 years. How many audited Financial Statements has it issued . One. One. Its amazing that they could get away with that. Daniel borochoff is president of the American Institute of philanthropy, which has been examining and rating charitable organizations for the last two decades. He says the Central Asia Institutes Financial Statements show a lack of transparency and a troublesome intermingling of mortensons personal business interests with the charitys public purpose. According to the documents, the nonprofit spends more money domestically, promoting the importance of building schools in afghanistan and pakistan, than it does actually constructing and funding them overseas. Whats surprising is that most of the programs spending is not to help kids in pakistan and afghanistan. Its actually their, what they call, domestic outreach, where he goes around the country speaking. [applause] and the cost incurred for that things like travel is a major component of that. You know, just advertising. What does that mean . Sounds like a book tour to me. His point is that when Greg Mortenson travels all over the country at the charitys expense, he is promoting and selling his books and collecting speaking fees that the charity does not appear to be sharing in. According to the financial statement, the charity receives no income from the bestsellers, and little if any income from mortensons paid speaking engagements, while listing 1. 7 million in bookrelated expenses. The 1. 7 million that they spent for bookrelated expenses is more than they spent on all of their schools in pakistan last year. Correct. What do you thinki mean its disappointing. You would hope that they would be spending a lot more on the schools in pakistan than they would on bookrelated costs. Why doesnt mr. Mortenson spend his own money on the bookrelated costs . Hes the one getting the revenues. In fiscal year 2009, the charity spent 1. 5 million on advertising to promote mortensons books in national publications, like this fullpage ad in the new yorker. And there are 1. 3 million in Domestic Travel expenses, some of it for private jets. We received a statement from the board of directors of the Central Asia Institute acknowledging that it receives no royalties or income from Greg Mortensons book sales or speaking engagements, but the board says the books and the speeches are an integral part of its mission, by raising Public Awareness and generating contributions, and it claims that mortenson has personally contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to the organization, but the American Institute of philanthropy is not persuaded. I dont think the charitys getting a fair share here, based on the Financial Reports that ive reviewed. Do you think the contributors are being misled . I think so. And so does jon krakauer, who says its been going on for a long time. In 2002, his board treasurer quit, resigned, along with the board president and two other Board Members and said, you should stop giving money to greg. Did he say why . He said, in so many words, that greg uses Central Asia Institute as his private atm machine, that theres no accounting; he has no receipts. Over the years, a half a dozen staffers and Board Members have resigned over similar concerns, especially about money mortenson has sent overseas to build schools. You know, nobody is overseeing what goes on. He doesnt know how many schools hes built. Nobody knows how much these schools cost. The irs tax return for Central Asia Institute filed in 2010 included a list of 140 schools that it claimed to have built or supported in pakistan and afghanistan. Over a six month period, we visited or looked into nearly 30 of them. Some were performing well, but roughly half were empty, built by somebody else, or not receiving support at all. Some were being used to store spinach or hay for livestock. Others had not received any money from mortensons charity in years. The principal of this school told us that the institute had built six classrooms poorly several years ago and since then, not a single rupee. In afghanistan, we could find no evidence that six of the schools even existed, most of them in wartorn kunar province. In kunar province, its really violent. He built three schools there in 2009. So he goes on charlie rose. He says he built 11 schools in kunar province. Today we have 11 schools also in that district. Why cant he just say he built three . I mean, thats impressive. You say you built 11, i go, why are you lying about this . One of the schools we looked into in afghanistan is this one in bozai gumbaz, a remote outpost in the wakhan corridor, on the roof of the world. Mortensons second book, stones into schools, begins with Abdul Rashid Khan, the leader of a seminomadic people, sending horsemen to summon mortenson to his camp. The book ends with khan on his deathbed, ordering every available yak in the high pamir to haul supplies for a school that will serve 200 children. But ted callahan, an anthropologist who spent nearly a year in the area, says the story doesnt ring true. The number of children that this one schools going to educate thats just nonsense. The words that Abdul Rashid Khan says in this book this is a man who probably came to my tent every day for an hour or two, and the man that i knew is not the man whos portrayed in this book. You seem to be saying that most of it is b. S. The most generous thing i could say is that its grossly exaggerated, and probably the harshest thing i could say is a lot of it just sounds like outright frication. In april 2011, the school sat empty, and we were told by a tribal leader that it had never been used. No ones there at all. You know, i think, at best, it might end up being used as a storage shed for stuff. We obviously wanted to talk to Greg Mortenson, who has appeared on just about every news and talk show on television, but he didnt want to talk to 60 minutes. He dismissed our initial request for an interview, and our followup messages and emails have gone unanswered. We finally decided to seek him out at a speaking engagement and booksigning in atlanta. Steve kroft. Nice to meet you. How you doing . Thanks. You got five minutes for us today . Um. I need to sign these books right now, so. Yeah, i know. You know, we havent heard fromits been almost a week. We havent heard from you or the board, and were just trying to i need to sign books right now. I dont want to disrupt this. Well, youre already disrupting it, so okay. Thanks. Can we come back . Well wait for you. Thanks. Hey, how are you . Mortensons staff immediately contacted hotel security, which asked us to leave. They told us, if we retired to the lobby, one his Staff Members would stop by or call us to discuss a possible interview. They never did. Mortenson canceled his afternoon appearance and left the hotel through a back entrance. Hes not bernie madoff. I mean, lets be clear. He has done a lot of good. He has helped thousands of schoolkids in pakistan and afghanistan. [speaking foreign language] he has become perhaps the worlds most effective spokesperson for Girls Education in developing countries, and he deserves credit for that. Nevertheless, he is now threatening to bring it all down, to destroy all of it by this fraud and by these lies. After our story first aired, the montana attorney general investigated mortensons charity, c. A. I. , and issued a report in april of 2012. It confirmed our report that mortenson mismanaged the charitys money and used some of its funds for personal expenses. Mortenson has resigned as executive director, and hell reimburse c. A. I. For more than 1 million. As for the school at bozai gumbaz, it opened in 2011 for a summer session. [ticking] coming up, former tyco chief Dennis Kozlowski on making over 100 million a year. Whats it like to earn that kind of money . Its a way of keeping score, i guess. Thats ahead, when 60 minutes on cnbc returns. [ticking] [ male announcer ] if you suffer from heartburn 2 or more days a week, why use temporary treatments when you can prevent the acid thats causing it with prevacid24hr. With one pill prevacid24hr works at the source to prevent the acid that causes frequent heartburn all day and all night. And with new prevacid24hr perks, you can earn rewards from dinner deals to music downloads for purchasing prevacid24hr. Prevent acid all day and all night for 24 hours with prevacid24hr. Bp has paid overthe people of bp twentythreeitment to the gulf. Billion dollars to help those affected and to cover cleanup costs. Today, the beaches and gulf are open, and many areas are reporting their best tourism seasons in years. And bps also committed to america. We support nearly 250,000 jobs and invest more here than anywhere else. Were working to fuel america for generations to come. Our commitment has never been stronger. Thor gets great rewards for his Small Business your boa [ garth ] thors Small Business earns double miles on every purchase, every day ahh, the new fabrics. Put it on my spark card. Ow. [ garth ] why settle for less . The spiked heels are working. Wait [ garth ] great businesses deserve great rewards. [ male announcer ] the spark Business Card from capital one. Choose unlimited rewards with double miles or 2 cash back on every purchase, every day whats in your wallet . [ cheers and applause ] whats in your wallet . Ive been a superintendent for 30 some years at many different park Service Units across the United States. The only time ive ever had a break is when i was on maternity leave. I have retired from doing this one thing that i loved. Now, im going to be able to have the time to explore something different. Its like another chapter. In 2005, Dennis Kozlowski, ceo of tyco, was found guilty of, in effect, using tycos immense Financial Resources for what the prosecution described as his personal piggy bank. Kozlowski was accused of stealing over 100 million from tyco. By february of 2012, hed served nearly seven years of his sentence when he was moved to minimum security as part of a work release program. But when we spoke to him in 2007, kozlowski still faced a long stretch behind bars. We caught up with Dennis Kozlowski at midstate correctional facility in upstate new york. How you doing . Im doing okay. Guests include murderers, drug dealers, and pedophiles, and the odd multimillionaire. In my wildest imagination, when i would project myself into my late 50s and early 60s, where i would be or what i would be doing, if i make a list of 100 different places or 100 different things, here would never make that list. He earns a dollar a day mopping floors and slinging hash to his fellow inmates. In january 2007, kozlowski spent a week in the hospital with a heart ailment and got to thinking. Youve not talked publicly up till now. Whyd you decide to do it . When i was in the hospital in january, i was outside the emergency room, feeling really uncomfortable, frightened, and thats when i really made the Firm Decision that i wanted to go through and talk to you at this time. You became aware of your own mortality. Very much so. Hell not discuss the details of his case, but he will say i believe in the judicial system. I think all that works, but in this case, the jury got it wrong. That jury convicted him of 22 counts of grand larceny, conspiracy, and securities fraud. His trials occurred in the wake of a whitecollar crime wave enron, worldcom, and martha stewart. Watch out. Watch out. The newshounds smelled blood. Accused of looting his company of hundreds of millions of dollars and living the life of a pasha at stockholders expense, he was the living, breathing version of wall streets gordon gekko. Greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Up to a point. Whats puzzling is, why does a man who struggled so hard, so effectively to make it become so careless or stupid or arrogant . Born in a tenement on the wrong side of the tracks in newark, new jersey, kozlowski worked his way through school. I played guitar in a band. I worked in a pharmacy. I worked in a carwash. I had two or three jobs going at any given time. Where you came from, there werent that many options. No, no, growing up in newark, new jersey, at the time, you know, you never thought of yourself growing up to become a ceo. He started at tyco, then a small New Hampshire manufacturing company, as an accountant making 28,000 a year and worked his way up to ceo. He became known as dealaday dennis, constantly acquiring new companies and building tyco from a 40 Million Company into a 40 billion conglomerate. I would like to become, all things equal, a 100 billion company. Wall street could not get enough of the young, aggressive ceo. He also began making staggering amounts of money, among the topearning ceos in the country. We had a payforperformance culture at tyco, so most of the money i earned was in the appreciation of tyco stock. One year, you made, i think, 170 million. Im not sure 170 million, but i made over 100 million, yeah. Whats it like to earn that kind of money . Its a way of keeping score, i guess. Keeping score meant keeping up with the masters of the universe. 30 million to build a mansion in boca raton, acquiring homes in nantucket and colorado, and just loose change, 16 million, for endeavour, a vintage yacht. Wealth meant one thing, social acceptance another. He and his second wife, karen mayo, spent millions on paintings. He joined the board of the whitney museum. For a piedaterre in new york, he had tyco buy a 19 million apartment and decorated it with 11 million worth of stuff. The poor kid from newark was stepping out on fifth avenue. Would Dennis Kozlowski, a few years ago, even contemplated going to europe to buy old master paintings . No, absolutely not. You know, it came with earning the amount of money i was earning at the time. Was it your idea, or were you invited to join the board of the whitney . Oh, it was not my idea at all. I was invited to join the board, and i never made a board meeting. But you were invited because they like having really rich guys on the board. I assume it wasnt for my knowledge of art. [laughter] [ticking] coming up, Dennis Kozlowski and his extravagant lifestyle. Donald trump called your behavior tacky. Tacky. Tacky from donald trump . Thats ahead, when 60 minutes on cnbc returns. [ticking] when you take a closer look. At the best schools in the world. You see they all have something very interesting in common. They have teachers. With a deeper knowledge of their subjects. As a result, their students achieve at a higher level. Lets develop more stars in education. Lets invest in our teachers. So they can inspire our students. Lets solve this. Hes going to apply testosterone to his underarm. Axiron, the only underarm treatment for low t, can restore testosterone levels back to normal in most men. Axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18. Axiron can transfer to others through direct contact. 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[ female announcer ] today, its not just about who lives in the white house, its about who lives in the yellow house, the green, and the apartment house, too. Today we not only honor the oval office, but we honor the cubicle, and the home office as well. Because today its about all of us. And no matter who you are, youre the commanderinchief of your own life. You can stay in and like something. Or you can get out there and actually like something. The lexus december to remember sales event is on. This is the pursuit of perfection. Its healthier, and the only one clinically proven. With aloe, vitamins, and no ammonia. My hair looks healthier than before i colored. I switched. You can too, to natural instincts. [ticking] it was Dennis Kozlowskis Art Collection that would lead to his undoing. The Manhattan District Attorneys Office was investigating galleries that were helping customers avoid sales taxes. Kozlowski had purchased 13millionworth of paintings, including a renoir and monet, for the tyco apartment, but prosecutors said he had some of them shipped to tycos offices in New Hampshire, a state without sales tax. They were then trucked back to new york. In 2002, the Manhattan District Attorneys Office indicted kozlowski for evading over 1 million in sales tax, and he resigned as ceo, but that was only the beginning. The tyco board investigated its ceos behavior and made public a report that was devastating. Kozlowskis excesses were revealed in excruciating detail. Decorations for the new york apartment became classic tabloid headlines, mocking the ceos taste and his greed. The 15,000 doggy Umbrella Stand and the ultimate symbol of his downfall, that 6,000 shower curtain. The first time i heard about that shower curtain the first time was after i was out of the company and i read about it in a newspaper, and i was calling around asking, wheres this shower curtain . But to this day, i wouldnt know it if it fell on me, so. And there was the 40th Birthday Party for kozlowskis thenwife karen in sardinia. It was togas galore, a fourday festival of flesh. Lets rock. Hey, where did we go . Jimmy buffett was flown in for the music, and guests were treated to a special cake an anatomically correct woman with exploding breasts. The cost was over 2 million. Since kozlowski claimed it was, in part, a work retreat, tyco footed half the bill. Was it embarrassing for you, though, when they played that tape . Oh, it was horrible. This kind of roman orgy going on. Horrible. It was over the top. Oh, look at that. I was taken aback by it, but i smiled and worked my way through it. Wanted the night to end as fast as i could. Donald trump called your behavior tacky. Tacky. Tacky from donald trump . From donald trump. Wow. Well, he would know. Those excesses may have been tacky, but tacky doesnt send you to jail. Far more serious was the allegation that kozlowski literally stole money from tyco. He and his secondincommand, mark swartz, were charged with stealing 170 million and pocketing an additional 430 million through the sale of Company Stock while lying about tycos financial condition. The prosecution accused kozlowski of granting himself unauthorized bonuses and running hundreds of millions of dollars worth of personal expenses through interestfree tyco loan programs. No expense was too great or too small to run through tyco. None of this, claims the prosecution, was authorized by the tyco board, and the jury agreed. Guilty. I am absolutely not guilty of the charges that were brought upon me. There was no criminal intent here. Nothing was hidden. There were no shredded documents. Nobody was told not to say anything. All the information the prosecutors got was directly off the books and records of the company. In the trial, kozlowski took the stand and testified that everything he did was authorized. Hed already repaid many of the loans and claimed he was simply an overworked executive who left the details for underlings to handle. I was pusng the company and growing the company and pushing all aspects of it to continue to grow. I just dont think we put enough infrastructure in place to support some of that growth. Yeah, but some of the some of the lines got blurred. Uh. Some of the lines between what was your money, what was tycos money became very fuzzy. I think i did everything accordingly to, you know, the way the programs were outlined and the way it was done by my predecessors. The tyco board had given kozlowski virtual carte blanche, and the one person kozlowski said could clear it all up, the head of compensation, was dead. Whatever kozlowski did, it was clear that the tyco board was not exactly meticulous in carrying out its oversight. Even so, kozlowski believes he was a dead duck from the start. I was a guy sitting in a courtroom who made 100 million a year, and i think a juror sitting there just would have to say, all that money, he must have done something wrong. I think its, you know its as simple as that. Kozlowski saw it as a major pay dispute, but the jury disagreed. He was sentenced to 8 to 25 years and ordered to pay restitution and fines of almost 200 million. Its unclear if hell have any money left when he is released and says he has few friends left. In the final analysis, most of the people were close to you because of your power and your wealth. Thats correct. And they wanted to share in that. That was probably 90 of the people in my life. And they didnt give a damn about Dennis Kozlowski, the man. Thats a hard thing to reconcile yourself to, but it did happen. He says he tries to stay positive, but the harsh reality of his predicament was inescapable. When youre sleeping in jail, you wake up all the time because theres a light on all night, so you kind of wake up every hour, wishing and praying and hoping it was just a dream. You know, but its not. Its reality, and its, you know, where you are. Oftentimes, guys get religion inside. Has that happened with you . Theres a spiritual side that, you know, i think about and reflect on from time to time. As of january 2012, Dennis Kozlowski was living in the lincoln correctional facility in new york. In april of 2012, he lost his first parole bid, and his next possible parole Board Hearing wont be until the late summer of 2013

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