Transcripts For BLOOMBERG With All Due Respect 20160913 : co

Transcripts For BLOOMBERG With All Due Respect 20160913

in our afternoon meeting, we debated which one of these two stories is a bigger deal and thus lead our program, so you -- so we couldn't decide. >> flip the coin. we have decided to weave in some baskets, but first, democrats today are dealing with the fallout from a medical incidents that forced hillary clinton to leave a 9/11 commemoration ceremony at ground zero in gotham city. hours after video surfaced on social media, appeared to show her stumbling as she was helped into a black van. her campaign released a statement saying she was diagnosed with pneumonia on friday, and she got dehydrated at the event and a little bit overheated. her campaign aides were explaining and insisting, saying clinton has no other illnesses this -- illnesses that we know of other than pneumonia, but they acknowledged that the campaign should not have kept the media in the dark. >> i think that in retrospect, we could have handled it better in terms of providing more information more quickly. it is our tension -- our intention that in the next couple of days, we will be releasing more medical information about hillary clinton. there is no other undisclosed condition. this is the hillary clinton, as secretary of state, representing us miles abroad, this is someone who's in an instinct was to press forward. that was her instinct on friday even after she was told she had pneumonia. that is the type of person she will be. she is always looking to do more and to push ahead. that is who she is. that is how she is wired. mark: several prominent members of clinton's team refuse to answer in live interviews and press conferences when they were pressed on whether they were in the loop about her pneumonia diagnosis. mr. trump: it is interesting, because they were saying pneumonia on friday, but she was coughing very badly a week ago, and even before that, if you remember. this is not the first time. it is interesting to see what is going on. like you, i see what i see. the coughing fit with more than a week of go. i assume that was the pneumonia also. i assume something was going on, but i just hope she gets well and gets back on the trail. we have to see what is wrong. but whatever it is, i am ready. whatever it is. >> so health is an issue now? mr. trump: i think it is an issue in fact, this week, i took a physical, and i will be releasing when the numbers come in, hopefully, they will be good. i hope they will be good. i feel great. mark: that was an uncharacteristically subdued trump. we will get to him in a minute, we rolled the wrong tape. here is the right tape. here is talking about what they knew and when they knew it. >> did you know that she had the diagnosis of pneumonia, and if so, what did you advise her to do? rob: she got the diagnosis of pneumonia, and in consultation with her doctor, she decided to power through that. >> did you know about it? rob: i cannot going to get into details about who knew her medical information. >> the first time i talked to hillary about this was sunday, so i would just say that. i do not want to get into the character of communications, but i reached out to her as soon as the incident happened on sunday, and we had a good dialogue there, but other than that, that was the first time we talked about this. mark: so trump, as we heard in previously, played was a lot more restrained in that circumstance. clinton is expected to release additional medical records later this week. and to get back on the trail. so, john, what are the implications of this clinton health story and the way the clinton campaign has handled it? john: well, i want to make a few obvious points. the first is that, how important this situation is, and we have an account of what it is. i have had pneumonia. a similar thing happened to me. if that is all this is, this story will subside and not be of any real consequence, but that is the question. the second thing is that it seems to me that the one thing that comes out of this is that the pressure builds for both of them to be more transparent about their health. that is a good thing because the country deserves to know more about people of this age as they might be president of the united states. johnmark: we are now on track tt both campaigns release information. the clinton campaign has once itself with the press as the watch guards with the public's interest, in terms of their reading transparent. the trump campaign is not transparent about many things either. has i do believe that this put her and exposed her to be somewhat isolated from her team. not a surprise either though. her campaign leader seems to be telling folks she did not know she had pneumonia. i worry if she is elected president, she will once again ,ut her own desire for privacy not on a human level, but on a personal level, if you want to run for president, unfortunately, you have to give up some privacy. john: we interviewed kellyanne conway, and she did not know who his doctor was. she didn't know the answer to that either. they are sort of similar and that regard. both in terms of how to deal with the press and how they deal with their senior teams. she is missing two of the last 60 days of the campaign. if she continues to get sick, sometimes it is hard to shake this. all the trail, not good. john: and for anyone who says this is not an issue, the former dnc chair is now calling for an hrc contingency plan. there are some democrats who are spooked about this. democrats are spooked. that is not all obviously. the clinton campaign is still trying to clean up her comments that she made on friday night when she declared and a fundraiser that half of donald trump supporters were "a basket of deplorables." and they were putting $2 million behind this new ad in ohio, pennsylvania and florida. announcer: speaking to wealthy donors, hillary clinton calls tens of millions of americans deplorable. mrs. clinton: you can put half of trump's supporters into a basket of deplorables. the racist, sexist, homophobic, islamophobic, you name it. announcer: people like you, you, and you. you know what is deplorable? hillary clinton demonizing hard-working people like you. mark: trump continued that line of attack in baltimore this afternoon. donald trump: our support comes from every part of america and every walk of life. these are the people hillary clinton so viciously demonized. she called these patriotic men and women every vile name in the book. she called them racist, sexist, xenophobic, islamophobic. she called half of our supporters a basket of deplorable. john: so, mark, what do you think are the long-term political ramifications of this basket story? mark: this will go all of the way to election day. democrats need to be pressed on what they think of it, just as republicans were pressed about what mitt romney said about 47%. i think that is a double standard right now that should not exist. she did apologize. that helped a lot. i think she reflected, to a large extent that she actually believes. i think the big controversy of her using the word "half" will stick with her, and you will see a lot of trump supporters energized by what she said, and the press will side with trump on this. which is rare. john: i want to be clear. it is clear that donald trump has traded in racist, bigoted, nativist things in his campaign. it is also clear that the alt right makes up some of his support. i think she was 100% right to call out that speech about the alt right and nailed that right on top of the head. i do not think it is a wise thing to have done, politically or otherwise, to cast a blanket aspersion on what could end up being something like 30 million american voters if he gets the number of votes, roughly that mitt romney got in 2012, so i think she has given swap a talking point. it is going to round up the republican base and maybe on the republican side, but i think if she had to do it over again, she would not say what she said that night. her apology is indicative of the fact that she thinks she went off her skis on this. mark: it is pretty clear that you -- they realized it was a mistake. you do not attack the voters. of course, she said half of them were economically disadvantaged. john: calling out bigotry is good. instances of bigotry, racism, all of that good. blanket aspersions, not good. two: so we agree that these storylines will continue, at least into the week. long-term though, i have artie said that this may present a digger threat to her than the health story. do you agree with that? john: i will go back to my very first answer. assuming this was a garden variety, more or less, case of walking pneumonia, and other than that, she is in fine health. yes, this is, longer political legs. if, for some reason it turns out she has got other health complications or health issues, those could be much more significant than this gaffe. mark: i watched bill clinton campaign in 1992 terribly sick, what some might say sick as a dog, and it was hard. it rendered him a less effective candidate. she, i think you have seen over the last week, i have coughed so hard with allergies that i have got in -- gotten pneumonia, so that can happen. she had better hope she does not get sick again. it will keep her off the trail. -- trail, but more likely to make mistakes. john: when i had walking pneumonia and went down with it, i was on vacation, and i spent the better part of a week really depleted, and i am 20 years younger than hillary clinton is. a couple of days off the trail will help her, but i do not think she will be back to full strength by thursday, and there are not many days until the election. yesterday, when clinton left the ground zero ceremony, there was mass confusion among campaign reporters who were covering the event after they failed to get the media timely information about their candidate and her whereabouts and what is going on. campaigns haveon said that neither have followed transparency and the notion of the protective pool. is relatedive pool to the fact that reporters are supposed to be able to observe, some reporters, observe the candidates. let's be frank. it's something trending happens to any of the candidates, and there is a reason why another name for the protective pool is the body watch. so, mark, we agree that presidential nominees should have protective pools, just as the president of the united states does. in the wake of what happened over the weekend, there will be more pressure on these campaigns to adhere to the norms. they both succumb to that pressure? mark: i do not the sense that they will. they have got into the conventions and past labor day. neither of them needs for the coverage. i just do not see what leverage we have. we have to be clear. this is not about the media. this is about the public interest. these are people who might be present in january. it is a horrible development. our colleagues have worked hard to cover the campaign full-time to try to turn this around. it would be much, much better for everyone, including the candidates, to get used to the notion that if you want to be a major party nominee, it -- nominee, you have to let the press with you. i do not think it is going to happen, but i may be wrong. john: talking about when we want press conferences, it is not because we want to strut and be on camera. this is not about the reporters comfort or convenience. stuff can happen and reporters are trying to do their jobs. it is in the interest of the public, to allow them to do their jobs so that they can be with the candidate all the time. i agree with you. the leverage, especially with these two, seems to be less. mark: there are a lot of hypotheticals. what if that video did not exist? a lot of hypotheticals. the numbers behind donald trump's most likely path to victory, narrow as they are, when we come back. ♪ ♪ john: welcome back. there has been a lot of focus lately on donald trump's narrow path to winning the white house this november. based on conversations we have had, they perceive that trump's most likely state-by-state victory scenario runs through the four. if the republican nominee keeps the traditional red states in his column, he will have to win ohio, florida, north carolina, and pennsylvania to cross the 270 electoral college threshold. these four states would give him 470 three and make him the next presidents of the united states. -- president of the united states. mark: ok, but if you play the other after that, pennsylvania, the state democrats have won for nearly three decades consistently at the presidential level is by far the biggest obstacle, and if he loses the keystone state, his next simple path is not that simple. in addition to winning three of the big florida, trump would have to win two additional tossup states, iowa and nevada. then he would also have to win new hampshire, which the associated press has in the democratic column, and even if he did all of that, it would be 269, and it would be thrown to the house, or maybe he would win or it would be complicated. to me, the big four, there is a reason why they are focusing on those four states so much. iowa, a lot of polls show him ahead. winning new hampshire, or what i called the silver state as i can never remember if it's nevada. it is not impossible. these two scenarios are the most likely. when has no margin of error and the other one has got high. john: new hampshire has basically been a blue state for a while. a number of hispanic votes. that is why you are looking at pennsylvania, which is much more in line with the kind of voter that trump is trying to get at. though he is not a working-class voter. i understand why they are trying to do it. and about what the number is in pennsylvania, the advantage the democrats have. why democrats have won pennsylvania these last few cycles, there are strong reasons to think they will again. mark: can you put the second scenario back up? how does not get over 269? with that additional map. one of the things they talk -- map. one of the things they talk about is maine. they think he may get one electoral vote. that would be one way to do it. you look at the other states. wisconsin, virginia, michigan, colorado. those might be the only ones where you have a chance, but trump has to do a lot in the blue states, where he is not currently that strong. on the other hand, if he can win three of the big four, a big if, if he can win this, all states are somewhat competitive right now. he has got a chance, but it is tough. john: this is why i do not think this strategy will work. the only way he can win is if there becomes such a wave on his side towards the end that places like virginia, which is normally a very, very tight swing state, suddenly virginia becomes a place to contest, or colorado. all right, when we come back, we will ask our good friend from nbc what pepe the frog has to do with things. ♪ ♪ correspondentl r who covers the trump campaign. there is a word out to be the most transparent or at least attempt to be most transparent. what do we expect on medical records? katy: i was trying to find out when he saw his doctor last, but specifically which day, which city, which doctor. what he plans on releasing, is it going to be more than just my cholesterol level is this one might let pressure is this? will we get his personal history? has he ever had an operation? mark: what's the sense of why they are doing it. katy: they are doing it because they want to make it seem like donald trump is healthier than hillary clinton is. we will see. so far, the only thing we have gotten from the campaign in regards to this is a letter saying he will be the healthiest guy ever to hold the white house. john: do we even know who the doctor was who conducted this physical? katy: no, we do not. john: he has been mocked, given his appearance and some other issues, right? katy: maybe someone else who would not suffer the same mocking that he did. mark: donald trump did not completely layoff and say we wish for the best, but obviously this is not a reaction we would see a month ago. katy: we saw giuliani talk about how she is frail and very sick, and we have heard donald trump say repeatedly on the campaign trail that she does not have the strength or stamina. mark: so some have said that there is no trump 2.0. you have seen to cover it more than us. and this is about as much restraint as he has shown. katy: i wouldn't go as far to call it trump 2.0. if you look at the positives and negatives of it, the risks and rewards of this, donald trump going on defensive, saying she is very sick, saying, look, she cannot be president, the cut she is not going to make it through the presidency, what reward does he get out of that? who is he convincing? on the other hand, if he has respect on 9/11, does not go on the attack, continues it for the day, and wishes her well, a lot of folks will that, i expected him to go on the attack. i expected him to be more negative. maybe this is a more mature donald trump. so the rewards outweigh the risks in this matter. to talk about this frog matter. explain what this means and how it relates to current events. katy: the daily beast has a brilliant, deep dive into who pepe the frog is, but it started out as a white nationalist symbol, and katy perry tweeted an image of it once, and now, the white nationalist movement is trying to bring it back and make it their own again, and they have done that successfully during this campaign season. and i'm sure you guys get this on your twitter feed like i do, where people will be trolling you about donald trump and will be attacking you about donald trump, will have that face at their avatar. it has become a face as a dog whistle for the white nationalist movement. john: so donald trump junior and roger stone have both retweeted it? katy: roger stone did it, but he called it the deplorable, and it is donald trump space and donald trump junior, and there is also alex jones, the noted conspiracy theorist and novelist from the alt right, the figurehead. donald trump junior posted on instagram, and a flood of comments came out that donald trump junior is posting a white nationalist symbol on his own instagram page, and the campaign said that donald trump junior, just like his father, denounces any sort of white supremacy, but it is still on his instagram page. this is not the first time they have been connected to white supremacist. donald trump has retweeted white supremacist things, and breitbart. trying to expand on their message. why get into it? john: they are trying to capitalize on this deplorables narrative, and they are getting into it. mark: go to the soundproof booths and we have you back in a little bit. up next, a little bit more of a look at the hillary clinton health issues, right after this. ♪ john: the new york post is reporting that when hillary clinton left ground zero, her van was directed by secret service protocol to an emergency room before he changed course. the stories just that a campaign operative decided to go to chelsea clinton's apartment instead, ditching a police escort. that story is right on the front of the new york post website. we are interested to see whether others will corroborate that story. we wanted to convey that to you. joining us now to discuss the medical side of the story, dr. john torres, and emergency care physician and msnbc contributor. dr. torres, give us a sense of -- give us a sense of, if you a patient who is alert contains age who had an incident like this, would it be your inclination to send that patient to the hospital? dr. john: having worked in the emergency room, we freak really get ambulance calls. the amulets drivers and paramedics will say, here is the situation. 68-year-old female who collapsed due to a heat environment, has pneumonia. mike price would be, bring them to the emergency room. we need to find out why they collapsed, we need to rehydrate them. basically go from there to make sure nothing dangerous happened. i am surprised that she got redirected from the emergency room, because that would be the step that would be logical in a situation like this. mark: if we asked 100 of your colleagues, do you think they would agree? think 100i do not doctors are going to agree on anything, but i think at least 98 would agree. especially given the circumstances she has had, looking at the video and having 2020 hindsight, she collapsed in that video. a 68-year-old female, you would want to find out why she collapsed and forgot -- and correct whatever is wrong. john: if she had been your patient on friday and you diagnosed her with pneumonia, lots of people who are involved in demanding professions, they work through illness. i think all three of us have probably worked when others might not have. what would you have told her on friday, if she said i'm bout to go on a cross-country trip? dr. john: anybody, i would say the same thing, here is the deal -- your body needs time to recuperate. three to four days, you need good rest. not to bed rest, but away from exhaustion and stress. if you do not get that, it is probably going to take a lot longer to recover. instead of 10 days to two weeks, three or four weeks. mighther thing that happen is, your body is going to get so exhausted and worn down, it is going to tell you it is over, i am going to make you relax. i think that is what we saw, her body got to the point that it said, i'm going to make your relax. i think that is what happened. mark: let me ask you about the contagious this question -- contagious question. the campaign says that she is not contagious. but we have reports that multiple staffers are also sick with a similar thing. chuck schumer saying he has pneumonia. oflain the contagiousness pneumonia. dr. john: it is the chicken and the egg thing, who gave what to whom. she is doing a lot of handshaking, baby kissing, where germs spread. this happens often, and we all are encompassed by germs during out of 10 -- germs. i have 10 people who touch the germs, one might get pneumonia. givere not trying to someone else pneumonia, but you might pass on the bacteria or virus that causes it, and it is up to their body to fight it off. ,ou can imagine her crew there her campaign staff, they are in a closed environment, free on trains or buses or planes, where they are passing germs among each other. this stress exhausts them and brings their immune systems down, so they are open to more illnesses. it does not surprise me that they got more sick over time, and that sickness seems to be spreading around the staff. pneumonia is not contagious in and of itself, but the bacteria that causes it can float around. has: hillary clinton released more medical data, but neither have released as much as past candidates. what are the absolute bottom line things that must be released in order to give the public confidence that this is a complete sense of that person's current medical history? dr. john: the first thing i asked my patience for is their past medical history. what illnesses, what surgeries, what accidents, that could be contributing to right now. i would also want to know, what a screening test have you gone under. colonoscopies, mammograms, any of these tests, what have they shown, and are you still being followed because of that? just basically a more thorough history of what medicines are you on, what have you been on in the past, why did you come off of them. we have got some information, but not nearly enough. given their ages, how many colonoscopies should they have had? dr. john: what the recommendations are, to get one when you are 50 unless you have risk factors. if that is a clean colonoscopy, they usually say to get one when you are 60. if you have had issues in the first one, they might say every two or three years after that. we do not know, because we have not gotten the information. at a minimum, will lead, but possibly more. we understand hillary clinton is running for president, eager to get back on the campaign trail. patient who was not running for president and what happened to them is what happened to her yesterday, how long would you give them, would you compel them to be on bed rest? dr. john: what i tell my patience is, you do not need to be on bed rest, just rest. house, dound the crossword puzzles, sit on the couch. about three to four days of that kind of rest, and then two weeks of low intensity work, not very strenuous, not very exhausting. she is on a campaign, so she has to do what she has to do. i have other patients working and need to put food on the table, so they have to get back to work. i tell them the same thing -- if you do not rest, chances are you're going to extend this and we'll get to the point where your body makes your rest. john: she is back at full steam in just two or three days, you are saying there is a risk that this recurs and gives her problems further down the road? definitely, because she has not recovered from this pneumonia in two or three days. is on antibiotics, which is great. she has got a great medical staff, but her body needs that time to recover, and if she does not give that, it is going to fight back. things are going to happen, it is going to take longer to recover, or we might see what happened again. mark: do plane flights retired recovery?- retard dr. john: you might get some jet lag. on these tripsn where, by the time you get to where you're going, you are just tired. givee same time, it does her the opportunity to rest and get away from the crowds and the public and the things she has to do where she has to bring her a game every time. it gives her the opportunity to rest, which should help her recover. hopefully she can do that, but more hopefully she can get time periods where she can rest and get away from it all. john: thank you so much for coming on the show. aming up, we will talk to couple of democratic strategists about the state of hillary clinton's campaign. if you are watching in washington dc, you can also listen to us on the radio. we will be right back. ♪ john: with us now from washington, d.c., cornell belcher, joining us here in studio, lis smith tom a former deputy campaign manager from martin o'malley's presidential campaign. she was also the director of rapid response for president obama's 2012 campaign, and katy tur from nbc news is back with us. theell belcher, which of two things currently going on with the clinton campaign -- her health or the remarks she made about all caps of orders -- do you think represent a bigger threat to her candidacy? issue,: her health is an but i am not a doctor. i do not think the remarks that she made about donald trump's voters actually offend the largest loss -- the large swathe of voters that she actually needs to win over. those people offended by those remarks, they were never going to vote for hillary clinton in the first place. i am worried more about those young voters who were part of the barack obama coalition who are less than enthusiastic. liz, -- lis, what do you think about this health thing? how do you think they handled the day yesterday? lis: i think they have admitted, not 12. they faced a pretty tough choice from the beginning. to be the options was transparent, and if they were, and set up front that she had pneumonia, they would have been not haveeople who do mds, who are saying irresponsible things on tv. but the way they chose to handle it was not to be transparent. it was worst-case scenario, i do not think you could have scripted it worse. the problem is not necessarily her health, but it underscores her biggest weakness. that people think she is untrustworthy. she is not transparent. and now, she is going to have to release her medical records anyway. --it shows why transparency you might take a hit in the short run, but it is a better policy. who wakes up and says, hillary clinton is not well, i'm going to vote for donald trump? i do not think anyone wakes up and thinks that. i think the problem is that it does reinforce the narrative that the trump campaign is trying to run with. the republicans, going back for a long time, and they certainly did it under george bush -- they believe and strength in a way that we democrats have not believed in that strength. they would argue that strength is the most important trait for a presidential candidate. and what donald trump is trying to do is present himself as a strong candidate. while saying, she is weak, she does not look presidential. and he has done this fairly successfully through the primary. i still cannot believe that jeb bush was undone by low energy. >> the american people do have a lot of common sense. they know that people running for president are not superhuman, and they are allowed to get sick. i think it was a little bit too protective, too much of the clinton people getting in a bunker mentality as not giving the american people the benefit of the doubt, that they would take her word for it and understand she is a very taxing agile. of a hypothetical, but it may correlate with the reality. if you had a choice between sending your candidate to the hospital, which was the recommendation of medical professionals, or someplace else that would not cause the headline -- would you ever say to the candidate, you should avoid the public hit, do not go to the hospital? cornell: you have got to go to the hospital and be transparent. campaigns on both sides and up and down the ticket, they see less and less reason to talk more to you all. a thousandhave content providers all over the place that we can talk to, and they do not have to talk to you guys as much. hypothetically, candidate said to you, i do not want to go to the hospital, it will look bad. and the doctor says, you should go to the hospital. what would you advise? advise the doctor. any candidate would tell you, i do not have a problem standing up to them and telling them what to do. to be more transparent -- i would tell them to go to the doctor and be more transparent. point, wee one more can talk about hillary convinced transparency issues, but donald trump is still is the least transparent candidate in modern history. no tax returns, still no medical records. it is not like she is running against someone who is perfect around this issue. katy: because of that, why is she not leading by a larger margin? if he is the least transparent, if he is dealing in deplorables, if these campaign rallies get violent, if he says the wrong thing pretty consistently, why is this lead so small? lis: neither candidate is perfect. they are the most unpopular candidates in history. she is our candidate, though, and i think she is vastly better and more qualified than donald trump. but her campaign needs to understand that she does have these weaknesses, and not reinforce them and try to help americans trust or more. you can do that by being more transparent. john: let me come back to cornell, the? ask you at the top of the segment, which is about the baskets of deplorables. you said you did not think anybody who is offended would be likely to vote for hillary clinton anyway. there is another set. the democratic base, and mainstream republicans who are uncomfortable with trump. do you think that by her saying these things, and gets maybe some benefit -- either ginning up the democratic base or reminding mainstream publicans of the kind of people that donald trump consorts with? cornell: if you look at the washington post poll, it shows that 60% of voters think that donald trump does have bias against women and minorities, so it is not like she is saying something out of the mainstream. the problem is, and we see this time and time again with democrats, sometimes they will call back. and that is a problem, especially for these younger voters in the base is say, we want people who will fight, stand up for what you believe in. that also plays into the strength narrative. back, we are come going to talk about some research cornell belcher did on the obama coalition and hillary clinton's chances of reassembling it. ♪ john: we are back with cornell belcher ndc and lis smith in the studio, and katy tur of nbc news. to of the things we wanted talk to about was this research you have been doing. some focus groups you did and some polling that you did that identifies some problems that hillary clinton clinton seems to be having with african-american voters, and particularly with millennial african-american voters. tell us about that. cornell: you never want to wake up one morning and find your confidential work has been leaked to the front page of the new york times. that is a nightmare. but that said, the problem is you do see with younger voters more broadly, and particularly young african-americans -- in the obama campaign, we expanded the electorate. we talked about, we are not going to be able to beat hillary clinton in the primary or win the general election if we do not expand the electorate. 11% of the vote in 2008 were new voters, 68% of those were under 35. they were browner than the rest of america. what does that look like in the real world? states, asound opposed to ohio being 12% african-american, ohio is now 15% african-american, and we can get roughly the same percentage of the white vote as kerry did and win. if that is voters do not come back, you have the john kerry electorate again as opposed to barack obama. that is the number one problem for democrats. shehe loses, it is because had the john kerry electorate and not the obama electorate. young voters have been cynical. i was also howard dean's pollster. if you go back and talk to thater voters, it was not they did not want to take part in change and do things for the community, they just did not think politics was the vehicle for it. they were cynical about the process. they would talk about the recount and how bush stole it. in 2008 and 2012, barack obama inspired them. the young voters want to be in love. if it is hillary clinton, joe biden, or whoever, they are going to have a hard time turning on these young voters who were part of the obama coalition. this is what i told howard dean at the end of his chairmanship with extend the electorate a lot of voters who are not necessarily democratic voters. they are obama voters. we will struggle unless we reconnect with them. >> if she gets 50% or 75% of those voters, is not enough to overcome the large turnout of potentially white, uneducated males that the donald trump cap is trying to capitalize on? realll: that is the problem. it is not what her winning percentage is. let's say she gets close to the percentage that obama got. it is about what proportion of the electorate it is. -- if african-americans are not making up 15% or 16%, they are making up 10% or 11%, it becomes really difficult for her to win ohio. in the polls right now, it is not like she is performing much better than barack obama did among white voters. 36%, 37%. is gettingike she 46% or more of white votes. she really does need these cohorts. mark: the campaign is filled with millennial's trying to figure out how to sell hillary clinton to their fellow millennials. what more could they be doing? understand why it must've been jarring to see the results of your focus group leaked, but as a democrat, i would recommend all my fellow democrats to read the findings. fore are lessons not just hillary clinton, but for democratic campaigns across the country. i think they should follow the advice and the lessons that we have learned -- the: but how do you take clinton brand and appeal to millennials and african-americans? lis: barack obama was a once-in-a-lifetime candidate. she is not going to have the same inspirational appeal with young people that he did. other candidates will not either. ,hat i do think she should do and something we learned from cornell's findings, isn't she needs to make an affirmative case for herself. that is part of getting people inspired. right now, the campaign has been a little bit of a dog fight. it has been a back-and-forth with personal insults, and she is not laying out a case for why young black voters should vote for her. she is not talking about criminal justice reform or issues that they care about. john: we can talk about this all day, and maybe we will on another day. we will be right back. ♪ mark: we are covering the latest on hillary clinton and her campaign at coming up, facebook's vp of messaging products is going to be on bloomberg west. his name is david markets. john: how many of those products you use? mark: more than i can name and remaining seconds. we will see you tomorrow, sayonara. ♪ rishaad: it is tuesday, september 13. this is trending business. i am rishaad salamat. we are going to be taking you to singapore and sydney. this is a look at watching the market rebound. the chances of a rate rise this month received as the governor urges patience, saying there is no need to rush. samsung -- recuperating some of its losses. china

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Transcripts For BLOOMBERG With All Due Respect 20160913 :

Transcripts For BLOOMBERG With All Due Respect 20160913

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in our afternoon meeting, we debated which one of these two stories is a bigger deal and thus lead our program, so you -- so we couldn't decide. >> flip the coin. we have decided to weave in some baskets, but first, democrats today are dealing with the fallout from a medical incidents that forced hillary clinton to leave a 9/11 commemoration ceremony at ground zero in gotham city. hours after video surfaced on social media, appeared to show her stumbling as she was helped into a black van. her campaign released a statement saying she was diagnosed with pneumonia on friday, and she got dehydrated at the event and a little bit overheated. her campaign aides were explaining and insisting, saying clinton has no other illnesses this -- illnesses that we know of other than pneumonia, but they acknowledged that the campaign should not have kept the media in the dark. >> i think that in retrospect, we could have handled it better in terms of providing more information more quickly. it is our tension -- our intention that in the next couple of days, we will be releasing more medical information about hillary clinton. there is no other undisclosed condition. this is the hillary clinton, as secretary of state, representing us miles abroad, this is someone who's in an instinct was to press forward. that was her instinct on friday even after she was told she had pneumonia. that is the type of person she will be. she is always looking to do more and to push ahead. that is who she is. that is how she is wired. mark: several prominent members of clinton's team refuse to answer in live interviews and press conferences when they were pressed on whether they were in the loop about her pneumonia diagnosis. mr. trump: it is interesting, because they were saying pneumonia on friday, but she was coughing very badly a week ago, and even before that, if you remember. this is not the first time. it is interesting to see what is going on. like you, i see what i see. the coughing fit with more than a week of go. i assume that was the pneumonia also. i assume something was going on, but i just hope she gets well and gets back on the trail. we have to see what is wrong. but whatever it is, i am ready. whatever it is. >> so health is an issue now? mr. trump: i think it is an issue in fact, this week, i took a physical, and i will be releasing when the numbers come in, hopefully, they will be good. i hope they will be good. i feel great. mark: that was an uncharacteristically subdued trump. we will get to him in a minute, we rolled the wrong tape. here is the right tape. here is talking about what they knew and when they knew it. >> did you know that she had the diagnosis of pneumonia, and if so, what did you advise her to do? rob: she got the diagnosis of pneumonia, and in consultation with her doctor, she decided to power through that. >> did you know about it? rob: i cannot going to get into details about who knew her medical information. >> the first time i talked to hillary about this was sunday, so i would just say that. i do not want to get into the character of communications, but i reached out to her as soon as the incident happened on sunday, and we had a good dialogue there, but other than that, that was the first time we talked about this. mark: so trump, as we heard in previously, played was a lot more restrained in that circumstance. clinton is expected to release additional medical records later this week. and to get back on the trail. so, john, what are the implications of this clinton health story and the way the clinton campaign has handled it? john: well, i want to make a few obvious points. the first is that, how important this situation is, and we have an account of what it is. i have had pneumonia. a similar thing happened to me. if that is all this is, this story will subside and not be of any real consequence, but that is the question. the second thing is that it seems to me that the one thing that comes out of this is that the pressure builds for both of them to be more transparent about their health. that is a good thing because the country deserves to know more about people of this age as they might be president of the united states. johnmark: we are now on track tt both campaigns release information. the clinton campaign has once itself with the press as the watch guards with the public's interest, in terms of their reading transparent. the trump campaign is not transparent about many things either. has i do believe that this put her and exposed her to be somewhat isolated from her team. not a surprise either though. her campaign leader seems to be telling folks she did not know she had pneumonia. i worry if she is elected president, she will once again ,ut her own desire for privacy not on a human level, but on a personal level, if you want to run for president, unfortunately, you have to give up some privacy. john: we interviewed kellyanne conway, and she did not know who his doctor was. she didn't know the answer to that either. they are sort of similar and that regard. both in terms of how to deal with the press and how they deal with their senior teams. she is missing two of the last 60 days of the campaign. if she continues to get sick, sometimes it is hard to shake this. all the trail, not good. john: and for anyone who says this is not an issue, the former dnc chair is now calling for an hrc contingency plan. there are some democrats who are spooked about this. democrats are spooked. that is not all obviously. the clinton campaign is still trying to clean up her comments that she made on friday night when she declared and a fundraiser that half of donald trump supporters were "a basket of deplorables." and they were putting $2 million behind this new ad in ohio, pennsylvania and florida. announcer: speaking to wealthy donors, hillary clinton calls tens of millions of americans deplorable. mrs. clinton: you can put half of trump's supporters into a basket of deplorables. the racist, sexist, homophobic, islamophobic, you name it. announcer: people like you, you, and you. you know what is deplorable? hillary clinton demonizing hard-working people like you. mark: trump continued that line of attack in baltimore this afternoon. donald trump: our support comes from every part of america and every walk of life. these are the people hillary clinton so viciously demonized. she called these patriotic men and women every vile name in the book. she called them racist, sexist, xenophobic, islamophobic. she called half of our supporters a basket of deplorable. john: so, mark, what do you think are the long-term political ramifications of this basket story? mark: this will go all of the way to election day. democrats need to be pressed on what they think of it, just as republicans were pressed about what mitt romney said about 47%. i think that is a double standard right now that should not exist. she did apologize. that helped a lot. i think she reflected, to a large extent that she actually believes. i think the big controversy of her using the word "half" will stick with her, and you will see a lot of trump supporters energized by what she said, and the press will side with trump on this. which is rare. john: i want to be clear. it is clear that donald trump has traded in racist, bigoted, nativist things in his campaign. it is also clear that the alt right makes up some of his support. i think she was 100% right to call out that speech about the alt right and nailed that right on top of the head. i do not think it is a wise thing to have done, politically or otherwise, to cast a blanket aspersion on what could end up being something like 30 million american voters if he gets the number of votes, roughly that mitt romney got in 2012, so i think she has given swap a talking point. it is going to round up the republican base and maybe on the republican side, but i think if she had to do it over again, she would not say what she said that night. her apology is indicative of the fact that she thinks she went off her skis on this. mark: it is pretty clear that you -- they realized it was a mistake. you do not attack the voters. of course, she said half of them were economically disadvantaged. john: calling out bigotry is good. instances of bigotry, racism, all of that good. blanket aspersions, not good. two: so we agree that these storylines will continue, at least into the week. long-term though, i have artie said that this may present a digger threat to her than the health story. do you agree with that? john: i will go back to my very first answer. assuming this was a garden variety, more or less, case of walking pneumonia, and other than that, she is in fine health. yes, this is, longer political legs. if, for some reason it turns out she has got other health complications or health issues, those could be much more significant than this gaffe. mark: i watched bill clinton campaign in 1992 terribly sick, what some might say sick as a dog, and it was hard. it rendered him a less effective candidate. she, i think you have seen over the last week, i have coughed so hard with allergies that i have got in -- gotten pneumonia, so that can happen. she had better hope she does not get sick again. it will keep her off the trail. -- trail, but more likely to make mistakes. john: when i had walking pneumonia and went down with it, i was on vacation, and i spent the better part of a week really depleted, and i am 20 years younger than hillary clinton is. a couple of days off the trail will help her, but i do not think she will be back to full strength by thursday, and there are not many days until the election. yesterday, when clinton left the ground zero ceremony, there was mass confusion among campaign reporters who were covering the event after they failed to get the media timely information about their candidate and her whereabouts and what is going on. campaigns haveon said that neither have followed transparency and the notion of the protective pool. is relatedive pool to the fact that reporters are supposed to be able to observe, some reporters, observe the candidates. let's be frank. it's something trending happens to any of the candidates, and there is a reason why another name for the protective pool is the body watch. so, mark, we agree that presidential nominees should have protective pools, just as the president of the united states does. in the wake of what happened over the weekend, there will be more pressure on these campaigns to adhere to the norms. they both succumb to that pressure? mark: i do not the sense that they will. they have got into the conventions and past labor day. neither of them needs for the coverage. i just do not see what leverage we have. we have to be clear. this is not about the media. this is about the public interest. these are people who might be present in january. it is a horrible development. our colleagues have worked hard to cover the campaign full-time to try to turn this around. it would be much, much better for everyone, including the candidates, to get used to the notion that if you want to be a major party nominee, it -- nominee, you have to let the press with you. i do not think it is going to happen, but i may be wrong. john: talking about when we want press conferences, it is not because we want to strut and be on camera. this is not about the reporters comfort or convenience. stuff can happen and reporters are trying to do their jobs. it is in the interest of the public, to allow them to do their jobs so that they can be with the candidate all the time. i agree with you. the leverage, especially with these two, seems to be less. mark: there are a lot of hypotheticals. what if that video did not exist? a lot of hypotheticals. the numbers behind donald trump's most likely path to victory, narrow as they are, when we come back. ♪ ♪ john: welcome back. there has been a lot of focus lately on donald trump's narrow path to winning the white house this november. based on conversations we have had, they perceive that trump's most likely state-by-state victory scenario runs through the four. if the republican nominee keeps the traditional red states in his column, he will have to win ohio, florida, north carolina, and pennsylvania to cross the 270 electoral college threshold. these four states would give him 470 three and make him the next presidents of the united states. -- president of the united states. mark: ok, but if you play the other after that, pennsylvania, the state democrats have won for nearly three decades consistently at the presidential level is by far the biggest obstacle, and if he loses the keystone state, his next simple path is not that simple. in addition to winning three of the big florida, trump would have to win two additional tossup states, iowa and nevada. then he would also have to win new hampshire, which the associated press has in the democratic column, and even if he did all of that, it would be 269, and it would be thrown to the house, or maybe he would win or it would be complicated. to me, the big four, there is a reason why they are focusing on those four states so much. iowa, a lot of polls show him ahead. winning new hampshire, or what i called the silver state as i can never remember if it's nevada. it is not impossible. these two scenarios are the most likely. when has no margin of error and the other one has got high. john: new hampshire has basically been a blue state for a while. a number of hispanic votes. that is why you are looking at pennsylvania, which is much more in line with the kind of voter that trump is trying to get at. though he is not a working-class voter. i understand why they are trying to do it. and about what the number is in pennsylvania, the advantage the democrats have. why democrats have won pennsylvania these last few cycles, there are strong reasons to think they will again. mark: can you put the second scenario back up? how does not get over 269? with that additional map. one of the things they talk -- map. one of the things they talk about is maine. they think he may get one electoral vote. that would be one way to do it. you look at the other states. wisconsin, virginia, michigan, colorado. those might be the only ones where you have a chance, but trump has to do a lot in the blue states, where he is not currently that strong. on the other hand, if he can win three of the big four, a big if, if he can win this, all states are somewhat competitive right now. he has got a chance, but it is tough. john: this is why i do not think this strategy will work. the only way he can win is if there becomes such a wave on his side towards the end that places like virginia, which is normally a very, very tight swing state, suddenly virginia becomes a place to contest, or colorado. all right, when we come back, we will ask our good friend from nbc what pepe the frog has to do with things. ♪ ♪ correspondentl r who covers the trump campaign. there is a word out to be the most transparent or at least attempt to be most transparent. what do we expect on medical records? katy: i was trying to find out when he saw his doctor last, but specifically which day, which city, which doctor. what he plans on releasing, is it going to be more than just my cholesterol level is this one might let pressure is this? will we get his personal history? has he ever had an operation? mark: what's the sense of why they are doing it. katy: they are doing it because they want to make it seem like donald trump is healthier than hillary clinton is. we will see. so far, the only thing we have gotten from the campaign in regards to this is a letter saying he will be the healthiest guy ever to hold the white house. john: do we even know who the doctor was who conducted this physical? katy: no, we do not. john: he has been mocked, given his appearance and some other issues, right? katy: maybe someone else who would not suffer the same mocking that he did. mark: donald trump did not completely layoff and say we wish for the best, but obviously this is not a reaction we would see a month ago. katy: we saw giuliani talk about how she is frail and very sick, and we have heard donald trump say repeatedly on the campaign trail that she does not have the strength or stamina. mark: so some have said that there is no trump 2.0. you have seen to cover it more than us. and this is about as much restraint as he has shown. katy: i wouldn't go as far to call it trump 2.0. if you look at the positives and negatives of it, the risks and rewards of this, donald trump going on defensive, saying she is very sick, saying, look, she cannot be president, the cut she is not going to make it through the presidency, what reward does he get out of that? who is he convincing? on the other hand, if he has respect on 9/11, does not go on the attack, continues it for the day, and wishes her well, a lot of folks will that, i expected him to go on the attack. i expected him to be more negative. maybe this is a more mature donald trump. so the rewards outweigh the risks in this matter. to talk about this frog matter. explain what this means and how it relates to current events. katy: the daily beast has a brilliant, deep dive into who pepe the frog is, but it started out as a white nationalist symbol, and katy perry tweeted an image of it once, and now, the white nationalist movement is trying to bring it back and make it their own again, and they have done that successfully during this campaign season. and i'm sure you guys get this on your twitter feed like i do, where people will be trolling you about donald trump and will be attacking you about donald trump, will have that face at their avatar. it has become a face as a dog whistle for the white nationalist movement. john: so donald trump junior and roger stone have both retweeted it? katy: roger stone did it, but he called it the deplorable, and it is donald trump space and donald trump junior, and there is also alex jones, the noted conspiracy theorist and novelist from the alt right, the figurehead. donald trump junior posted on instagram, and a flood of comments came out that donald trump junior is posting a white nationalist symbol on his own instagram page, and the campaign said that donald trump junior, just like his father, denounces any sort of white supremacy, but it is still on his instagram page. this is not the first time they have been connected to white supremacist. donald trump has retweeted white supremacist things, and breitbart. trying to expand on their message. why get into it? john: they are trying to capitalize on this deplorables narrative, and they are getting into it. mark: go to the soundproof booths and we have you back in a little bit. up next, a little bit more of a look at the hillary clinton health issues, right after this. ♪ john: the new york post is reporting that when hillary clinton left ground zero, her van was directed by secret service protocol to an emergency room before he changed course. the stories just that a campaign operative decided to go to chelsea clinton's apartment instead, ditching a police escort. that story is right on the front of the new york post website. we are interested to see whether others will corroborate that story. we wanted to convey that to you. joining us now to discuss the medical side of the story, dr. john torres, and emergency care physician and msnbc contributor. dr. torres, give us a sense of -- give us a sense of, if you a patient who is alert contains age who had an incident like this, would it be your inclination to send that patient to the hospital? dr. john: having worked in the emergency room, we freak really get ambulance calls. the amulets drivers and paramedics will say, here is the situation. 68-year-old female who collapsed due to a heat environment, has pneumonia. mike price would be, bring them to the emergency room. we need to find out why they collapsed, we need to rehydrate them. basically go from there to make sure nothing dangerous happened. i am surprised that she got redirected from the emergency room, because that would be the step that would be logical in a situation like this. mark: if we asked 100 of your colleagues, do you think they would agree? think 100i do not doctors are going to agree on anything, but i think at least 98 would agree. especially given the circumstances she has had, looking at the video and having 2020 hindsight, she collapsed in that video. a 68-year-old female, you would want to find out why she collapsed and forgot -- and correct whatever is wrong. john: if she had been your patient on friday and you diagnosed her with pneumonia, lots of people who are involved in demanding professions, they work through illness. i think all three of us have probably worked when others might not have. what would you have told her on friday, if she said i'm bout to go on a cross-country trip? dr. john: anybody, i would say the same thing, here is the deal -- your body needs time to recuperate. three to four days, you need good rest. not to bed rest, but away from exhaustion and stress. if you do not get that, it is probably going to take a lot longer to recover. instead of 10 days to two weeks, three or four weeks. mighther thing that happen is, your body is going to get so exhausted and worn down, it is going to tell you it is over, i am going to make you relax. i think that is what we saw, her body got to the point that it said, i'm going to make your relax. i think that is what happened. mark: let me ask you about the contagious this question -- contagious question. the campaign says that she is not contagious. but we have reports that multiple staffers are also sick with a similar thing. chuck schumer saying he has pneumonia. oflain the contagiousness pneumonia. dr. john: it is the chicken and the egg thing, who gave what to whom. she is doing a lot of handshaking, baby kissing, where germs spread. this happens often, and we all are encompassed by germs during out of 10 -- germs. i have 10 people who touch the germs, one might get pneumonia. givere not trying to someone else pneumonia, but you might pass on the bacteria or virus that causes it, and it is up to their body to fight it off. ,ou can imagine her crew there her campaign staff, they are in a closed environment, free on trains or buses or planes, where they are passing germs among each other. this stress exhausts them and brings their immune systems down, so they are open to more illnesses. it does not surprise me that they got more sick over time, and that sickness seems to be spreading around the staff. pneumonia is not contagious in and of itself, but the bacteria that causes it can float around. has: hillary clinton released more medical data, but neither have released as much as past candidates. what are the absolute bottom line things that must be released in order to give the public confidence that this is a complete sense of that person's current medical history? dr. john: the first thing i asked my patience for is their past medical history. what illnesses, what surgeries, what accidents, that could be contributing to right now. i would also want to know, what a screening test have you gone under. colonoscopies, mammograms, any of these tests, what have they shown, and are you still being followed because of that? just basically a more thorough history of what medicines are you on, what have you been on in the past, why did you come off of them. we have got some information, but not nearly enough. given their ages, how many colonoscopies should they have had? dr. john: what the recommendations are, to get one when you are 50 unless you have risk factors. if that is a clean colonoscopy, they usually say to get one when you are 60. if you have had issues in the first one, they might say every two or three years after that. we do not know, because we have not gotten the information. at a minimum, will lead, but possibly more. we understand hillary clinton is running for president, eager to get back on the campaign trail. patient who was not running for president and what happened to them is what happened to her yesterday, how long would you give them, would you compel them to be on bed rest? dr. john: what i tell my patience is, you do not need to be on bed rest, just rest. house, dound the crossword puzzles, sit on the couch. about three to four days of that kind of rest, and then two weeks of low intensity work, not very strenuous, not very exhausting. she is on a campaign, so she has to do what she has to do. i have other patients working and need to put food on the table, so they have to get back to work. i tell them the same thing -- if you do not rest, chances are you're going to extend this and we'll get to the point where your body makes your rest. john: she is back at full steam in just two or three days, you are saying there is a risk that this recurs and gives her problems further down the road? definitely, because she has not recovered from this pneumonia in two or three days. is on antibiotics, which is great. she has got a great medical staff, but her body needs that time to recover, and if she does not give that, it is going to fight back. things are going to happen, it is going to take longer to recover, or we might see what happened again. mark: do plane flights retired recovery?- retard dr. john: you might get some jet lag. on these tripsn where, by the time you get to where you're going, you are just tired. givee same time, it does her the opportunity to rest and get away from the crowds and the public and the things she has to do where she has to bring her a game every time. it gives her the opportunity to rest, which should help her recover. hopefully she can do that, but more hopefully she can get time periods where she can rest and get away from it all. john: thank you so much for coming on the show. aming up, we will talk to couple of democratic strategists about the state of hillary clinton's campaign. if you are watching in washington dc, you can also listen to us on the radio. we will be right back. ♪ john: with us now from washington, d.c., cornell belcher, joining us here in studio, lis smith tom a former deputy campaign manager from martin o'malley's presidential campaign. she was also the director of rapid response for president obama's 2012 campaign, and katy tur from nbc news is back with us. theell belcher, which of two things currently going on with the clinton campaign -- her health or the remarks she made about all caps of orders -- do you think represent a bigger threat to her candidacy? issue,: her health is an but i am not a doctor. i do not think the remarks that she made about donald trump's voters actually offend the largest loss -- the large swathe of voters that she actually needs to win over. those people offended by those remarks, they were never going to vote for hillary clinton in the first place. i am worried more about those young voters who were part of the barack obama coalition who are less than enthusiastic. liz, -- lis, what do you think about this health thing? how do you think they handled the day yesterday? lis: i think they have admitted, not 12. they faced a pretty tough choice from the beginning. to be the options was transparent, and if they were, and set up front that she had pneumonia, they would have been not haveeople who do mds, who are saying irresponsible things on tv. but the way they chose to handle it was not to be transparent. it was worst-case scenario, i do not think you could have scripted it worse. the problem is not necessarily her health, but it underscores her biggest weakness. that people think she is untrustworthy. she is not transparent. and now, she is going to have to release her medical records anyway. --it shows why transparency you might take a hit in the short run, but it is a better policy. who wakes up and says, hillary clinton is not well, i'm going to vote for donald trump? i do not think anyone wakes up and thinks that. i think the problem is that it does reinforce the narrative that the trump campaign is trying to run with. the republicans, going back for a long time, and they certainly did it under george bush -- they believe and strength in a way that we democrats have not believed in that strength. they would argue that strength is the most important trait for a presidential candidate. and what donald trump is trying to do is present himself as a strong candidate. while saying, she is weak, she does not look presidential. and he has done this fairly successfully through the primary. i still cannot believe that jeb bush was undone by low energy. >> the american people do have a lot of common sense. they know that people running for president are not superhuman, and they are allowed to get sick. i think it was a little bit too protective, too much of the clinton people getting in a bunker mentality as not giving the american people the benefit of the doubt, that they would take her word for it and understand she is a very taxing agile. of a hypothetical, but it may correlate with the reality. if you had a choice between sending your candidate to the hospital, which was the recommendation of medical professionals, or someplace else that would not cause the headline -- would you ever say to the candidate, you should avoid the public hit, do not go to the hospital? cornell: you have got to go to the hospital and be transparent. campaigns on both sides and up and down the ticket, they see less and less reason to talk more to you all. a thousandhave content providers all over the place that we can talk to, and they do not have to talk to you guys as much. hypothetically, candidate said to you, i do not want to go to the hospital, it will look bad. and the doctor says, you should go to the hospital. what would you advise? advise the doctor. any candidate would tell you, i do not have a problem standing up to them and telling them what to do. to be more transparent -- i would tell them to go to the doctor and be more transparent. point, wee one more can talk about hillary convinced transparency issues, but donald trump is still is the least transparent candidate in modern history. no tax returns, still no medical records. it is not like she is running against someone who is perfect around this issue. katy: because of that, why is she not leading by a larger margin? if he is the least transparent, if he is dealing in deplorables, if these campaign rallies get violent, if he says the wrong thing pretty consistently, why is this lead so small? lis: neither candidate is perfect. they are the most unpopular candidates in history. she is our candidate, though, and i think she is vastly better and more qualified than donald trump. but her campaign needs to understand that she does have these weaknesses, and not reinforce them and try to help americans trust or more. you can do that by being more transparent. john: let me come back to cornell, the? ask you at the top of the segment, which is about the baskets of deplorables. you said you did not think anybody who is offended would be likely to vote for hillary clinton anyway. there is another set. the democratic base, and mainstream republicans who are uncomfortable with trump. do you think that by her saying these things, and gets maybe some benefit -- either ginning up the democratic base or reminding mainstream publicans of the kind of people that donald trump consorts with? cornell: if you look at the washington post poll, it shows that 60% of voters think that donald trump does have bias against women and minorities, so it is not like she is saying something out of the mainstream. the problem is, and we see this time and time again with democrats, sometimes they will call back. and that is a problem, especially for these younger voters in the base is say, we want people who will fight, stand up for what you believe in. that also plays into the strength narrative. back, we are come going to talk about some research cornell belcher did on the obama coalition and hillary clinton's chances of reassembling it. ♪ john: we are back with cornell belcher ndc and lis smith in the studio, and katy tur of nbc news. to of the things we wanted talk to about was this research you have been doing. some focus groups you did and some polling that you did that identifies some problems that hillary clinton clinton seems to be having with african-american voters, and particularly with millennial african-american voters. tell us about that. cornell: you never want to wake up one morning and find your confidential work has been leaked to the front page of the new york times. that is a nightmare. but that said, the problem is you do see with younger voters more broadly, and particularly young african-americans -- in the obama campaign, we expanded the electorate. we talked about, we are not going to be able to beat hillary clinton in the primary or win the general election if we do not expand the electorate. 11% of the vote in 2008 were new voters, 68% of those were under 35. they were browner than the rest of america. what does that look like in the real world? states, asound opposed to ohio being 12% african-american, ohio is now 15% african-american, and we can get roughly the same percentage of the white vote as kerry did and win. if that is voters do not come back, you have the john kerry electorate again as opposed to barack obama. that is the number one problem for democrats. shehe loses, it is because had the john kerry electorate and not the obama electorate. young voters have been cynical. i was also howard dean's pollster. if you go back and talk to thater voters, it was not they did not want to take part in change and do things for the community, they just did not think politics was the vehicle for it. they were cynical about the process. they would talk about the recount and how bush stole it. in 2008 and 2012, barack obama inspired them. the young voters want to be in love. if it is hillary clinton, joe biden, or whoever, they are going to have a hard time turning on these young voters who were part of the obama coalition. this is what i told howard dean at the end of his chairmanship with extend the electorate a lot of voters who are not necessarily democratic voters. they are obama voters. we will struggle unless we reconnect with them. >> if she gets 50% or 75% of those voters, is not enough to overcome the large turnout of potentially white, uneducated males that the donald trump cap is trying to capitalize on? realll: that is the problem. it is not what her winning percentage is. let's say she gets close to the percentage that obama got. it is about what proportion of the electorate it is. -- if african-americans are not making up 15% or 16%, they are making up 10% or 11%, it becomes really difficult for her to win ohio. in the polls right now, it is not like she is performing much better than barack obama did among white voters. 36%, 37%. is gettingike she 46% or more of white votes. she really does need these cohorts. mark: the campaign is filled with millennial's trying to figure out how to sell hillary clinton to their fellow millennials. what more could they be doing? understand why it must've been jarring to see the results of your focus group leaked, but as a democrat, i would recommend all my fellow democrats to read the findings. fore are lessons not just hillary clinton, but for democratic campaigns across the country. i think they should follow the advice and the lessons that we have learned -- the: but how do you take clinton brand and appeal to millennials and african-americans? lis: barack obama was a once-in-a-lifetime candidate. she is not going to have the same inspirational appeal with young people that he did. other candidates will not either. ,hat i do think she should do and something we learned from cornell's findings, isn't she needs to make an affirmative case for herself. that is part of getting people inspired. right now, the campaign has been a little bit of a dog fight. it has been a back-and-forth with personal insults, and she is not laying out a case for why young black voters should vote for her. she is not talking about criminal justice reform or issues that they care about. john: we can talk about this all day, and maybe we will on another day. we will be right back. ♪ mark: we are covering the latest on hillary clinton and her campaign at coming up, facebook's vp of messaging products is going to be on bloomberg west. his name is david markets. john: how many of those products you use? mark: more than i can name and remaining seconds. we will see you tomorrow, sayonara. ♪ rishaad: it is tuesday, september 13. this is trending business. i am rishaad salamat. we are going to be taking you to singapore and sydney. this is a look at watching the market rebound. the chances of a rate rise this month received as the governor urges patience, saying there is no need to rush. samsung -- recuperating some of its losses. china

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