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Longtime strategist Kellyanne Conway has been promoted to Campaign Manager. Here is what Kellyanne Conway had to say about the move. Kellyanne the home stretch, and we need to beef up the senior level roles in a way that we are dividing and conquering. What he does not like his people telling him what to say. Maybe that is Hillary Clintons game what do the focus group say . What do i believe . I picture her saying i know the country does not like me and trust me, but how do we win . That is not our dilemma here. Fact is, with donald trump, he is still his own best messenger because people see him as very authentic. That is the Campaign Manager, Kellyanne Conway, newly minted. She is being joined by Stephen Bannon, he has had more gigs than an avett brother summer tour as a Goldman Sachs banker, a hollywood investor, a navy officer, and until recently , the head of the conservative news website, breitbart. He is leaving breitbart to become Trumps Campaign ceo. Meanwhile, Paul Manafort, who replaced the Campaign Manager a few months ago, will stay on in his current position. The Campaign Manager who ford ousted was Corey Lewandowski. What does cnn analyst Corey Lewandowski think of this latest development . A candidate who wants to win, this is a clear indication of that. If you look at Stephen Bannon and what they have built t breitbart, it is win at all cost. Kellyanne conway is excellent with message development, had a successful polling company, brings a sense of calmness to donald trump. Her being there is something lacking, Senior Leadership for the last two months. Kellyanne conway and bannon join the top of the trump campaign. Why is trump making these changes . Because he is losing. The definition of insanity is the same behavior and expect a different outcome. He has found his brand match. He wants to go back to where he started which was the outsider. Which is the flamethrower. He has had to, postprimary, nudge with the Republican Party. I have to play, try and give it, ivot, you can see he is not comfortable. He is doubling down. We will talk more about bannon, the ultimate outsider, revolutionary, throw flames, us versus the establishment. That is the message of trump. He is doubling down on trump being trump. I am still trying to figure doing,t bannon will be Paul Manafort is for fundamental change, revolutionary change, and Kellyanne Conway, while she supports the change message, someone who is the republican establishment. She can claim she has she is not but she has worked for the Republican National committee, she knows leading members of congress. I do not know how much this marginalizes Paul Manafort, he is still the chairman. Everyone i talked to says he has a huge role in the campaign. To me, while the press wants to turn this into a shakeup, they are woefully understaffed, they now have two senior people who have trumps confidence helping to deal with decisions. If Kellyanne Conway really gets on an airplane with trump and goes to events and keeps him focused, i do not care what the downside is for Donald Trumps chances of winning, that improves his chances of winning. I think it is a good move. Both of them have the same, i hate to use this word, temperament as donald trump. We talked yesterday, we were showing a clip of donald trump giving a speech, look how uncomfortable he looks. These are his people. He is backed in a corner. Kellyanne on the other day, she knows how to pivot in a second. She is tough. She is aggressive. Bannon is an animal. He makes stuff happen. Donald trump wanted two people who could say stuff that made sense, he trusts their judgment. He has known Kellyanne Conway longer than he has known bannon. He is taking a risk. Bring in someone he knows but not knows at the fingertip level up, whatever you say goes, he trust Kellyanne Conway, she has not been on a lot of winning president ial campaigns, i do not think she has been on any in a big role but she understands the product. What scares me is the possible future commanderinchief, Kellyanne Conway even said this to me, he needs a certain person next to me on the plane. He is our president. I want to know if the person calls in sick, the wheels will not go off. That is a big concern. I do not believe barack obama or george w. Bush needed someone by their side. Bill clinton ran an antiestablishment campaign. He criticized democrats in washington and republicans. Yet democrats were loyal because they said this guy can win and this guy has a message about change that we believe in. This team could help donald trump do that, not saying it is a brandnew day and will change the whole race but this does give him two people who he is has confidence in. World foundore the out, the republican nominee gave a speech in wisconsin where he took sharp aim at the washington elite, and embraced the outsider credentials that helped them get this far. Him get this far. Mr. Trump i am not part of the corrupt system. In fact, the corrupt system is trying to stop me. The leadership clash in washington, d. C. , of which Hillary Clinton has been a member for 30 years, has abandoned the people of this country. When we talk about the insider, who are we talking about . It is the comfortable politicians looking out for their own interest. It is the lobbyists who know how to insert that perfect loophole into every single bill. And get richer and richer and richer at your expense. The insiders also include the media executives. Anchors, and journalists in washington, los angeles, and in new york city, who are part of the same failed status quo. And want nothing to change, they dont want it to change. The media donor political complex that has bled this country dry has to be replaced with a new government of, by, and for the people. Lets assume kellyanne is on the airplane with him and can keep him on message, and effective message . Unfortunately, he made the staff changes in the same news cycle as the speech. You and i both think that was maybe his best speech of the campaign in terms of a message that can win. Do not over interpret my words. I do not think he is the front runner, even in the battleground states, but that message is a message democrats have been worried about. About change not just criticizing the New York Times but lumping in all the big establishment forces in the country and saying people, if youre happy with the way things are, vote for Hillary Clinton. If you do not like big media, the government, vote for me. I want to talk about the psychology and hypocrisy what he is doing with the psychology is repackaging the muslim ban and the wall to a socially acceptable thing, simply finding a large enough group of people who are not happy with life and instead of blaming a muslim or an immigrant, here is the group, politicians, media, hedge funds, wall street investors, city of los angeles, city of new york, city of washington journalists. Unpopular list. And beyonce. That is the psychology. The hypocrisy, the front page of the New York Times today is the story of donald trump billionaire, as he was taking shareholder money as they were going downhill and he was taking money out. He got a 25 million tax deal with his buddy chris christie, all lumped into there, a new yorker, a billionaire working with wall street and the politicians, ultimate hypocrisy. You had republicans make that case in the nomination fight. A stronger general election case. The clinton people will turn on a dime on how they are going after trump. If trump gets traction saying, im the outsider who can go to washington and fix it, they will say, you had lobbyist in washington, special sweetheart deals. You are the poster boy for government using your money to leverage, to get benefits from government. He will have to fight back against that. Again, that message compared to what he is been talking about since the convention. It is too transparent and the people he is having trouble with, the swing people, the suburbanites of philadelphia and washington, d. C. , and women will not bite. It is doubling down on the people who are already there and very transparent. At a minimum he consolidates the republican base. He may be able to get some democrats with that message. One of the more interesting nuggets from bannons past that, as his fee for brokering an entertainment deal several years ago, he dabbed the royalties from a little heard of show called seinfeld. Obviously, we jumped at the chance to combine seinfeld and this president ial campaign, two of the pillars of our lives to this day. Our team did a deep dive into the archives to find clips that best help us answer the question who is Stephen Bannon . If you want to get inside the mind of Stephen Bannon, go take a tour through breitbart. Com, it is very aggressive, very heated. Often very paranoid. It is not a lie, if you believe it. [laughter] breitbart is a far right news source that often peddles conspiracy theories. The spit could not have come from behind. [laughter] there had to be a second spitter. [laughter] he is the ceo, has run several Successful Companies in the past. What does he do . And importer. Just imports, no exports. An importerexporter, ok. [laughter] no experience running a campaign, how did he get this job . We will find out what bannon brings to the party. Here is your cake. Here is her wine. See you. [laughter] when we come back, two reporters who have been following the ins and outs and implications of the changes in the Donald Trump Campaign. Mr. Trump you might be one of them because i understand where you come from. You are impossible to totally figure, i must say that to your listeners, anybody who thinks they know where you totally come from, they are making a mistake. That was donald trump speaking with Stephen Bannon from may. Trump staffers come and go, but nbc news correspondents that correspondent katie is forever. Joining us from trump tower. The National Correspondent for Bloomberg Business week josh green whose story from Stephen Bannon ran in october, the most calling him the most dangerous political operative. You both know a lot. You have a piece, katie, with some of your colleagues, donald trump said he often makes decisions with his head and with his gut and instinct, was this decision to bring on these new people rational and thoughtful, or more gut instinct . More of a gut decision, but if you look at the polling, he is down, he has not been comfortable with Paul Manafort and running a more traditional campaign, sources within the campaign say he has been deeply unhappy for some time. Now he is realizing that trusting his gut and embracing his own instincts is the right way to go. They feel strongly and he feels strongly that the way he ran during the primary, beating out the 16 candidates was the right way to go. Trusting his gut and shooting from the hip. Making headlines in refusing to apologize. In the past couple of months , since Corey Lewandowski left and Paul Manafort took on more power, they have traditionalalized and professionalized the campaign and you have seen donald trump chafe at that, trying to be conciliatory with the Republican Party, reading from notes the other day, when he was forced to endorse paul ryan and john mccain, that did not seem like a comfortable moment for him. Now bringing on Kellyanne Conway, who has been a longtime friend and adviser, even helped him on a potential run for governor of new york, and Stephen Bannon, who has been antiestablishment, bringing them on is an indication that donald trump is going to be going back to doing it his way and not listening to anyone who is telling him to change. Everybody should read your piece on Stephen Bannon, a great insight. People think of him as breitbart, that is about clicks and provocative, and sometimes more than that. He also has been sophisticated , as you make clear, and taking Opposition Research and getting it into the Mainstream Media. Talk about him as a strategist who understands the media and political ecosystem. An interesting guy, he has a diagnosis of why conservatives failed to stop bill clinton in the 1990s and that diagnosis is they went too far, they jumped over the cliff pursuing all these rumors about vince fosters murder and the Mainstream Media and independent voters tuned them out. Bannons view is Hillary Clinton , buttaxable attackable if you focus on facts and things that matter. He is ahead of the nonprofit that put out the clinton cash book detailing the Financial Transactions between various foreign entities and the Clinton Foundation which wound up as a frontpage New York Times story. What you saw was the strategy play out where he understands that if you can dig up real facts about clinton that will drive down her honesty and her trustworthy numbers and you present those to investigative reporters, if there is news there, they will publish it in the Mainstream Media and that is what we saw happen last year. Your piece was great, you compared him to Leni Riefenstahl not me. Andrew breitbart said that he was the Leni Riefenstahl of the Tea Party Movement but he also was a filmmaker that did a documentary on sarah palin. More of the best of with all due respect after these words from our sponsors. We are back. With us is tim miller, the former communication director of jeb bushs president ial campaign and one of americas leading antitrumpers. In washington, the chief strategist for the Hillary Clinton super pac, priorities usa. Guy, we were working on reporting i could not finish on, hoping you can help us. A source familiar with your super pac says you are scaling back in three states virginia, where you had already scaled back your buy, and colorado and pennsylvania, three states that public polls show Hillary Clinton is way ahead, is it true . We are, we are constantly making assessments on how to make sure we are spending our money efficiently and it is why we expanded our campaign into North Carolina, we are looking at other states as well. As of right now, we are significantly reducing our spending in those three states. To be clear, because you think her lead is big enough and you do not have to be on the air . Correct, we are constantly assessing where we are. We take this on a week by week basis. We are not taking anything for granted, we know that virginia and colorado and pennsylvania have been relatively close elections over the course of the last two or three cycles, but now we will look for other opportunities to expand the map. And reach out to new voters through Voter Registration and on the ground efforts in some of our key states. This reduction, going off the air in those states goes through september 20, that is a couple weeks, are you saving that money or moving it to other states . Moving it both to other states, but also doing other activities, one of the things about the work we have been doing, not just focusing on persuadable swing voters in the suburbs, we think it is really critical to use this opportunity to expand our party, to increase registration and turnout among key democratic constituencies like hispanics, africanamericans, younger voters, unmarried women, well be looking for opportunities in places like florida and ohio to begin doing work on the ground with registration in turning out, some combination of those things, we do not expect to make any changes to the current map before labor day. Of calleds to be a work for the Republican Party. Winking donald trump could new york, the president ial race is over, Hillary Clinton with the super pac has 50 million on the air in North Carolina and theyre looking to register voters and bring out voters. A Competitive Senate race in North Carolina, donald trump does not have a single cent in tv in North Carolina, critical that all the republican groups start to focus their efforts on going to states like North Carolina and trying to save people like richard burr who weekend so we can have a check on Hillary Clinton. A fluidee such candidate, what would you do over if you could do it differently . Not the right year for a candidate like jeb. Four candidates talking about expanding the party. There are things we could have done differently. The party was not in a place ported this year. If ted cruz was the nominee, that is why i started working for the antitrump pac, he would be competitive. Unfortunately, that is not the case. We have to stave off a landslide. Tim says the race is over, do you agree . No. It is august. You can say, you are not in the air in virginia. You can say it. True,o not think that is we have to stay focused in florida and ohio, new hampshire, not only because we have the president ial race which will be determinative of whether we win or lose the presidency but also because of Critical Senate states around the country. It is important not only that Hillary Clinton is inaugurated but she has a senate she can work with with the same values as we democrats, independents, and fairminded republicans. I do not think it is over, we will stay focused on the prize. Can you imagine a scenario where if republican start diverting money away from the top of the ticket, you might start spending money on senate races . Looking at all of the options, not something we would rule out that now our focus is on making sure Hillary Clinton not only wins but wins in as many places and among as many people as possible. We think that will not only benefit hillary but democrats up and down the ticket. Squeamish and get edging toward the center, an article comparing her to mitt romney, are you concerned that those people could be in play if she moves too much further to the center . That she isisagree moving since the primary, she is still talking about raising wages, creating jobs, the criminal justice reform, Voting Rights reform, supporting the Lgbt Community and aggressive diplomatic Foreign Policy. I think that is a misreading. She is talking about tpp. It is a misreading of what she is been talking about and incumbent upon every Hillary Clinton supporter to reach out to Bernie Sanders supporters, most of which we are currently 90 ,ng, most polls at 85 , we want to extend open arms to every Bernie Sanders supporter to let them know the things we care about together will only be achieved, not with a vote for donald trump or jill stein or sitting out but by supporting Hillary Clinton in november. You have worked with the Republican National committee. Shifting resources away from the trunk ticket, who could make that happen . Mitch mcconnell, paul ryan . The group effort, part of donor class shifting money to the m nrcc. Working together with ryan, mitch mcconnell, making that big, you can do it in not a poke your finger in Donald Trumps eye. Turnout resources in ohio and North Carolina, places that are competitive and focus more about that goes there is a legitimate concern about republicans, particularly suburban republicans not showing up to vote in president ial states that have senate races, colorado. Were warnedeb bush about his traits, how has even worse . How has he been he exactly is the candidate we thought he would be. We started a website that said nominating donald trump would be the in organization and i gratian of Hillary Clinton. I predicted he would lose utah, georgia, arizona, those are the tossup states. When they talk about expanding the map and party, guy will talk about arizona. Trump will notd allow himself to be george mcgovern, he will not i would not be surprised to see and quit the campaign trail for a couple of days. Not say hehard, i do will drop out and mike pence will be the candidate that 85 days waking up every morning, i did this with jeb where the numbers look worse, it is tough, guys like jeb can put on a happy face and join that run an honorable campaign but that is not donald trump. Cecil, thank, guy you both. More of the best of with all due respect right after this. Time to talk ye olde strategery. Joined by a gop strategist. And advisor to the new york Republican Party. A democratic strategist and former traveling chief of staff of Vice President al gore. Housekeeping. You are for Hillary Clinton. Yeah. Who are you for . The Republican Party. Voting for dollar trump . Absolutely. He is from new york. Trump campaign is behind. You have catching up to do. If you were giving advice to donald trump, what would you tell him . Message discipline, it cannot be said enough. If he could focus on a couple of key messages and not do the clinton campaigns job for them. Which messages . A broader strategy, he needs to restore his credibility as an acceptable alternative. At this point, it is complicated, he has worked hard to disqualify himself as strands of the General Electric and he needs to wind that back. The roundtable he did the other day, at least the optics on National Security made sense, giving Foreign Policy speeches and showing he can be a leader and president. If he does not get that back, all the negative attacks and tough ads, he does not have enough of the electric to come back. What should they be doing for Hillary Clinton . Ditto. Hillary clinton has been dodging the press for a year. That would feed into the growing sentiment that she is not trustworthy. That she is hiding something. If she were your client, and she said, i hate press conferences, i am up 10 points, you would say go do press conferences . She has to do a couple. Day it isw that every about donald trump on the news, she wins. Measuring campaigns, i would keep her under wraps as much as possible but make everyday about donald trump. Things can change quickly. I am talking about now. Goodwill,does not do put it in escrow if you will, at least do one press conference before the debates. And see how the debates go. May be on an august friday. Bury it. Some people say get out there. Questions . What do you think . It is true of both candidates, i would spend an hour a day with each on debate prep. The last real impact moment in front of a national audience, to change the dynamic of the race. If im Hillary Clinton, ready for any haymaker and if i am donald trump, i am studying up. We all know that donald trump , so many questions you can ask him. Not like tell me the year croatia basic 101, tell me the difference between a sunni and shia. How do you compare that . Many of herknow staff people that can keep up with secretary clinton on the details of public policy. He has to be able to deliver a message. A couple or three key messages i would try to draw in contrast and make sure whatever the question a 90 minute debate. He does a great job through all of the republican debates, pulling everybody to what he wanted to focus on coming he needs to do that. Harder oneonone. We may have three people in the race. Vice president of candidates in good shape as any i have seen. Clinton and trump are really happy with their picks. Both are out there doing events, not shackled. Do you see them as canceling each other out . No. They are serving different roles. Both of them made good picks. For different reasons. Both of them have one eye on potentially the future in the next cycle. The calculation for both of them is different. Particular,kaine in his ability to support her and deliver a message that is complementary to hers is important. For governor pence, reassurance to some of the audiences that want to make sure there will be an adult in charge. Somebody who can guide the ship if they get elected. A strong conservative, hes big to the base of the Republican Party and those who are far right. He speaks to the base of the Republican Party, and those who are far right, the ted cruz camp who say we have a conservative. Whether donald trump is more to the middle or to the right. Along in the election process, he is proving himself to have more rightleaning views. The first time an election has two candidates with 100 brand awareness. They both have done a good job. They are both helping in big ways. They have gotten great local coverage. You can only be in one state at a time. If your candidates are your candidates on the ballot in new york worried about a blowout at the top of the ticket . If you look at the primary, we had a lot of people come out. A lot of people were excited, donald trump one every county except his own. The energy is high. We do not expect to win much in new york city, given the numbers, seven to one ratio. New york state, more 2. 5, 31. A strong candidate for mayor next year . Absolutely. Who . In due time, one race at a time. A blowout for Hillary Clinton, are democrats more saying, do not take anything for granted, or are more people thinking about long coattails . Both. You know a lot of people. Two conversation, people are concerned about turnout. They do not want to become complacent here you hear talk about the expanding map. When we hear states like arizona and georgia and missouri, we have not seen that in a long time. So i do think people are looking at the map and numbers in no states. Thank you for being here. We pay tribute to and discuss tv legend john mclachlan. May seem odd to say this on cable news but there were a time when political opinion shows that saturate the tv airwaves. Thinking about this since the passing of john mclaughlin, kiss so change the way politics at his show change the way politics work on about. Were talked about. Air,his show came on the wrestled withers the issues of the day. The Mclachlan Group was a coveted platform and a reliable place. Issue one, the four White Los Angeles Police Officers charged in the beauty videotaped beating of rodney king were found not guilty by a jury of 12, was the jury verdict of acquittal a just verdict . Why didnt those reporters in the helicopter go down and help killed guying who was being killed . Patty parque helicopter in the middle of a busy street how do you part a helicopter in the middle of a busy street . The candidate is a good candidate. Here is why. [laughter] when the cameras came down, it he said he apologized for wearing the not too uniform when he was 17, talk about taxis taxes, crime. They made the guy a martyr. Did lee atwater play it smart, yes or no . He had to do what he did. I think it was smart to the answer is, he was smart. The governor trying to figure out who should the his running mate . Who should be dropped on this list . We have two guys, cant and and bradley. Mp bradley played for the knicks. You saw the beginning, the regulars clip. They did rotate in new people but a big part of it was people use are pretty much every week who talk like you did at a bar or dinner or any newsroom, a revelation. The precursor to everything cable news. They did it better. On the clips, tremendous conflict but not angry. You got a since they like each other. We have straight shooting today by yelling at each other. That was animated but you got a since they like each other. You saw occasionally a wink and laugh. In a time when democrats and republicans hung out together. Less partisanship. That level of speed and acknowledging the fourth wall and the dirty of politics and the ironies of politics, it did not exist in television before that. They stood out. No cable shows, the broadcast shows where the sunday morning shows that were genteel and straightforward. That show stood out as something that everyone watched and talked about and people around the country got into national politics. For those who watched it in its entirety, we look forward to something new at the conclusion of each episode, he called it protections. Predictions. Nexte next couple the candidate delaware will authorize public flogging for drug trafficking. Dianne feinstein will win the democratic gubernatorial candidate in california. Schwarzenegger will not be reelected. The nation is sour on globalization and will incline to a neo isolationism and will narrowly miss it. Byebye. I like the slick back lawrence odonnell. Quality, it could be fun. Intelligent stuff and you brought characters. We have news creators, this was the introduction of the political news critic. Nobody turned off the show before it ended because you had to watch predictions, a must watch segment. Worried that they had the great prediction. The other thing, it was competitive, they wanted to have a prediction people talked about , there was no internet, i can read 1000 protections. , a projection for the next few weeks . Lewandowski will continue to say things about the Donald Trump Campaign that will be fascinated. Donald trump will continue to go south but could get surprises after labor day. The program has gone down and will go down in tv history and journalism history, glad we got to revisit more tonight. Watching thisor edition of the best of all due respect, if youre watching and washington, d. C. , you can listen to us on the radio. Check out bloombergpolitics. Com for all the best of election coverage. We will see monday. Emily im emily chang and this is the best of bloomberg west. We will bring you the biggest details on the companys biggest acquisition to date. And its driverless car pilot in pittsburgh. Ford ceo mark fields tells us why he is focusing on a driverless car and doubling down at silicon valley. Putting valuations to the test

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