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Cast on the cast of characters advising the nominee. We will talk about a few them to start off. He will begin with the ceo of team trunp, breitbart executive stephen bannon. There are profiles galore about his eclectic repertoire. He has been called a conservative media provocateur and the single most influential figure in the Trump Campaign. Other news organizations dubbed him a street fighter and a media bombthrower. The only interview he has done is with our own bloomberg colleague, in which he insists trump can work with the republican party. How is this bannon brand faring . Donny it has been no secret that i have said all along, trump the man, he wants himself to run and never expected to be here, and he doesnt want to lose. He is literally going into the revolution business. He is doubling down obviously. Do you know its been being antiestablishment towards Republican Senate democrats. The math does not add up. But coming out of the election, if he is not a loser, i have 40 Million People following me. I did not lose. This is a media Political Technology empire with basically bannon as the media guy and trump as the salesman. He wins even if he loses. It just got clear to me. Mark bannon should not let himself be so defined by others. He has an impressive resume. He is responsible at breitbart. There has been a lot that is negative, dark. Three has a record of accomplishment as a businessman. I have not done any clearance, or what i read exactly what hes going to do. Is he charge of message, building a future network . I have no idea. I can tell you the press, the filter they are putting on him is the one a lot want to put on trump shes going to go dark and negative. That seems to be the impression. The bannon brand is infecting the trump brand in a negative way. Donny this will be a new media party representing those 3040,000,000 people trump has hit. His new campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, who has gotten glowing reviews from the establishment republicans. For instance, the Prolife Group lists no one is better at understanding what real people are thinking. The wall street Editorial Board wrote she is a neoconservative with a talent for connecting voters that are not policy wonks. She says she has been humbled by the incoming praise. And as Good Campaign managers do, she directed the good vibes towards her boss. Kellyanne i am the first female Republican Campaign manager. I did not know that, nor did donald trump ever mention that to me. You know why . That is not why he promoted me. That speaks very well of him. He has been doing that in the Trump Corporation for years. Donny in the same interview, conway tried to find the sweet spot between letting trump be trump and keeping his message on track. Kellyanne we would like him to give speeches like he has this week. When he delivers a speech in his own words, then people can focus on the content. I think we are going to sharpen the message. We are going to make sure that donald trump is comfortable about being in his own skin, that he does not lose authenticity. Voters know if you are comfortable in your own skin. If he wants to go to a rally and neck with a crowd in a way that is just connect with a crowd that is spontaneous, that is how he got here. At the same time, we have pressing problems in this country. I am thrilled we have gotten so much coverage for the first two speeches. Next week is immigration week, followed by education week. Donny same question for you, how is the Kellyanne Conway brand doing . Mark the opposite. She has always bridged the gap between the establishmentarians and the voters. Trump respects her and she has been in other president ial campaigns. Some people are knocking her that she has never won a president ial campaign not many people have. Her brand is thriving, and it is helping trump a lot. Donny alpha males like trump like people of the same temperament. That is a war that has taken him down a lot, but if you look at people that are rising to the top, its the people that are smart and tough, not nambypamby people. They spend so much time on finding out who their people are 84 days from the campaign. Mark he needs help because he is an amateur. I dont mean that in a negative way, he has never run for anything. Donald trumps staffing shuffle has been viewed as a slight to the Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort. Some argue that he has been sidelined in part for trying to control the candidate too much. The editor of the National Review depicted manafort as having been ousted. The campaign pushing back on any insistence that his power has been diminished. Manafort in the campaign are dealing with a constant iv drip of news stories with his ties to russia and the ukraine. Nbc news reported in 2008, manaforts firm was involved with a ukrainian oligarch. He also did business with a russian billionaire, who also had ties to organized crime. Manafort and the campaign should expect more of these stories to come. Besides business dealings, how is the manafort brand doing and how has it impacted trumps . Donny once new people come in, and the guy is in charge and this whole russian thing that the bbc is reporting. 40,000 Russian Troops assembling on the ukrainiancrimean border. You do not want that guy around. He is getting trump to not be trump. For all of the above, i think he will be gone in a couple of weeks. Mark these stories are a problem because trump has been so close to putin, or at least rhetorically. I dont think you are right. The Clinton Campaign has 10 senior people dealing with all the stuff he needs to deal with. There is a lot of work left for Paul Manafort to do. Big budget decisions, big political decisions, putting the correlations together. The work is being divided up, but he still has a big portfolio. Donny you are comparing the Clinton Campaign trump ran a momandpop business. Teaches a people gut person. What you are saying is logical given how this candidate has run his campaign. I dont see a place for manafort. Mark when we come back, donald trump is about to roll of his first general election tv spot. Where, when, and what, after these words from our sponsors. Mark since the national convention, Hillary Clintons campaign spent 22 million in tv dollars. Thats about to change, with donald trump rolling out his first election spots. He has reserved 3. 9 million in ohio, north carolina, florida, and pennsylvania tomorrow through august. That will likely become bigger, including some ad buys on cable. For comparison, the Clinton Campaign will spend 17 million over that same time. We dont know what the ads will look like. His team was looking at several different options regarding content. Before we talk about what those spots might look like, lets take a peek at the spots currently airing, starting with the democrats and their many antitrump messages. When i saw donald trump attack another gold star mother, i felt such a sense of outrage. What donald trump said about our members of the military being captured is a disgrace. You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. You have to ask yourself, do i want a person of that temperament controlling the Nuclear Codes . As of now, i have to say no. [laughter] can we make the economy work for everyone . Hillary clintons plan start here. Donny now here are some of the clinton ads already on the airwaves. Shes one of the wealthiest women in politics. We came out of the white house not only dead broke, but in debt. Wall street insiders, drew corrupt dictators. They all had one thing in common, their check cleared. I never told anybody to lie. She does not believe in your right to keep a gun at home for selfdefense. I dont think there is any way to legislate against outsourcing. I think that is a dead end. She is out of touch, leaving you defenseless. Mark the protrump groups running those anticlinton messages. Donny i think it will go down so nasty. Donald trumps ads are going to frame hillary not only has untrustworthy, but a crooked part of this establishment that is los angeles and new york, media politicians. Its going to be very nasty and conspiratorial type. All the discussion has been on trump. He needs to go extreme in the ads. Even if they are outright lying, it will shift the campaign back to hillary. You will see a nasty interpretation at a level we have never seen before. Mark what about showing him being optimistic at rallies . Donny he gets his pro donald trump with all the media coverage. Its not the crowds, but the media coverage. Today, it has been on donald trump. Whoever makes it a referendum on the other one will win. Mark so you dont think hes going to run any bio spots . Donny no, hes not going to be hugging babies. You have to come out with a pretty ugly alternative to get people off the fear of that. Mark do you think they will do emails, whitewater . Donny all of the above. Her health, bill clintons philandering. We cant take this in this country anymore. Mark we shall knows soon. With all the focus on trunp, we will look at some of the Hillary Clinton stories from this week when we come back. Donny with the potential turbulence within team trump, Hillary Clinton has been under the radar. To talk about what we may have missed under the clinton world i cannot speak today. I have to stop drinking before the show. [laughter] with us, kasie hunt and jennifer epstein. Jennifer, let me start with you. There shouldve been a lot more talk about clinton. Its interesting the kind of health conspiracy theory. She fired back hard. Were you surprised they came back so hard . Jennifer the Clinton Campaign percolated. Trump talked about it on hannitys show a couple times. What the trump wanted to do was let the media ecosystem respond to it naturally. To let Fact Checkers do they are debunking, and then finally they swooped in. They released a statement from Communications Directors they are trying to change what should have been something on the defensive into an offensive. One aide compared it to help president obama dealt with the birth certificate issue. Donny mark and i thought it was smart. Something else that could have been big news, the fbi interview notes going up to the hill. Are you surprised there has not been more on that . Jennifer yeah, when something gets to the hill republicans we goes pretty quickly. One thing that Chuck Grassley noted last night, there is a bit of classified information next in with mostly nonclassified information. Which means that a very limited number on the Congressional Staff can actually read those notes. That i think is slowing down the whole process. The Clinton Campaign is ok with that because they dont want these selective leaks that end up making the story look worse. Mark i want to get to your overlook stuff. Talk about the Health Care Response and the fbi notes. Kasie they clearly decided they needed to play defense here, which they havent on a lot of things before. Things trump has raised on the stump. He has talked about bill clintons sex scandals in the 1990s. They said, we are going to be totally handsoff. I am interested in learning more about why that is, why this seems like a potentially bigger threat. On the emails, this is really difficult to understand if you are the average voter, right . You are down in the weeds with jason chaffetz, whats the difference between an email header that is classified, exactly. It seems that the goal is to motivate Republican Base voters that are ready to believe republicans that will say this is a problem for her. Mark there is like its between the americans held in iran and this 400 billion more stories about rush in syria. Where do you see the overlook on her foreignpolicy record and credentials . Kasie one thing that trump has been handing to Hillary Clinton is the opportunity to talk about him, but never talk about herself. She has been able to escape and has not answered the latest iteration of this question. The wall street journal have raised this earlier. For the most part, she dismissed it. She has been supportive of this deal. She has not been asked, was this a good idea . She has not recently been asked whether this was a policy the u. S. Should be revisiting. Mark it could come up at the next press conference. Jennifer there was not really an opportunity to ask. Donny trumps new team is going to go more negative and nasty than ever. I have a theory that traditionally it might backfire. Even though 68 of the country say its going in the wrong direction. People responded to the more positive talk in the conventions. Kasie when donald trump first won the nomination, there was a willingness. People were going to say oh, this is interesting, but suddenly he has won the nomination, and maybe i should take a look. Through the conventions you see that willingness dissipate a little bit. I wonder if the sense of the electorate will move that way. That we are over in general. If they are able to help drive the president s numbers down, that could hurt. What is your sense on the Health Question in particular . You have a sense of why you thought that was a threat . Jennifer i think they wanted to point out how ridiculous it was how what trump and his allies have been saying. I think its crazy to say that she is in bad health. Mark comparing it to the birther thing. Public polls showed a High Percentage of americans questioned whether the president was born in the united states. This is a Pretty Research oriented campaign. I do not ask them. Jennifer anecdotally, ive had a lot of friends that dont pay a lot of attention to politics asked me, whats the deal with her health . Mark even if only two people say it, thats enough. A bunch of clinton aides were supposed to take ethics training and it didnt, is this story a thing . Kasie this is one of those incremental stories that could blow up or fade. But its the kind of headline that absent the noise with the Trump Campaign jennifer theres so much noise from the Trump Campaign that its overshadowing and drowning out all these questionable clinton things. Donny thats why i think the advertising will go really nasty. Can you read and take us out of that . Kasie im going to thank jennifer epstein. Mark you can praise our guests. Donny you have to say, coming up. Kasie camille, a tale of two strategists after this. Time to talk a little ye old strategy. Were joined now by john, the g. O. P. Strategist, an advisor of the new york republican party. And also a democratic advisor, traveling chief of staff to Vice President al gore. Just a little housekeeping. Youre for Hillary Clinton. Who are you for . Mark the republican party. Yeah. Mark are you voting for donald trump . Absolutely. Hes from new york, you know that. Absolutely. Im a new yorker. Mark so we like to do a little strategy swap. Trump campaign, Kellyanne Conway acknowledged today its behind, so you guys have got catching up to do. If you were giving advice to donald trump and Kellyanne Conway, what would you tell them . What are the Building Blocks to a comeback . Message discipline. If mr. Trump could focus on a couple of key messages and not do the Clinton Campaigns job for them donny which two messages . First of all, this is not a specific message but its a broader strategy. He needs to restore his credibility as an acceptable alternative in a change election year. Donny how do you do that . Well, its complicated. And hes worked hard to and i dont think intentionally, but he has disqualified himself among strands of the general electorate. By the way, i thought the roundtable he did the other day, at least the optics on National Security made sense, giving policy speeches and sticking to a message on teleprompter or not, its important that he show he can be a president. If he doesnt get that back, all the negative attacks, all the tough ads, he doesnt have enough of the electorate to come back and win the election. Mark what should joel and company be doing for Hillary Clinton right now . I say ditto. When you look at Hillary Clinton shes been dodging the press for , a little bit under a year now. So that would actually feed into the growing sentiment that shes not trustworthy, that shes hiding something. Mark so, john, if she were your client and she said, john, i hate press conferences. Im up 10 points. Youd say, go do some press conferences . At least do one or two, right . The staged one she did on fox donny youre in this business. You know that every day that is about trump on the news, she wins. But she has to hedge. Donny hedge or not, its the right strategy. Its the right strategy. If i was managing her campaign, i would keep her under wraps as much as we possibly can. But make every day about trump . You know how things can change very quickly. Donny im talking about right now. If she doesnt actually do something thats sort of like good will, put some good will in escrow, if you will, by at least doing one press conference before the debates, and generally see how the debates go mark maybe on an august friday. There you go. Bury it, right mark there are some people who make the case to her, get it done. Or at least a saturday afternoon. Donny youre saying a presser taking questions . Yeah. At least 15 minutes. And i think its true. Both candidates, id spend an extra hour a day on debate prep. I think it is true for both strategies. The debates are going to be the last real impact moment with a national audience, a chance to change the dynamic of the race. If im secretary clinton, im in there, making sure im ready for any haymaker thats going to come her way. And if im trump donny let me just reference this brilliant mans book. We all know that donald trump, theres so many questions you can ask him. Im not talking about, tell me the year croatia was liberated. Im talking basic 101, tell me the difference between a sunni and a shiite. How do you prepare him for that . First of all, hes not going to be able to compete with her on the debate stage on policy. Why the way very few people can. , by the way very few people , can. I dont know many of her staff people that could keep up with secretary clinton on the details of public policy. But hes got to be able to deliver a message. I would pick two or three key messages that id try to draw a contrast on her and make sure whatever the question is, i am delivering that message. The 90minute debate he did a great job through all the republican debates, pulling everybody to what he wanted to focus on. On one, though, right . Actually, you might have three people in the race. Maybe. You never know. Mark the two Vice President ial candidates are in, i think, as good shape as any ive seen in the sense that both clinton and trump, im told, really happy with their picks. And both these guys are out there doing lots of events, not really shackled in any way. Do you see them as cancelling each other out . Is one of them helping the other out more at this point . No. Theyre serving different roles. First of all, i actually think both of them made good picks, for different reasons. And both of them have one eye on potentially the future in the next cycle. And so the calculation for both , of them is different. I would say for senator kaine in particular, his ability to support her, to deliver a message thats complementary to hers has been crucially important. And for governor pence, its been reassurance to some of the audiences that want to make sure theres going to be, you know, an adult in charge or somebody around who can help guide the ship of state if they get elected, but they are very different things. That is a strong conservative. I think that speaks to the basis party ande republican those that are far right, especially those that are in the ben carson, the ted cruz camp, to make sure that, you know what . We have a conservative thats in the white house. For those who still have questions, you know, whether trump is more to the middle or to the right. And i think, you know, as we move along in the election process, trump is proving himself to have more rightleaning views. Donny mark, this is the first time in the election, two candidates coming into it have a 100 brand awareness. Neither of these guys can make a difference. Is that fair to say . Mark i think the way youve talked about it is right. Theyre both helping in big ways, as big as you can at the bottom of the ticket. Theyre both going to log a lot of great local coverage, which is really important. You can only be in one state at a time. Are your candidates who are on the ballot in new york this year worried about the prospect of a blowout at the top of the ticket . Is that something people are talking about . I think when you look at what happened in the primary, you know, we had a lot of people come out. A lot of people are excited, the fact trump won every county except for one. Mark this one. His own. So the energy is very high. You know, we dont really expect to win much in new york city, given the numbers. I think its 71 ratio. But when you look at new york state, its more 2. 5 or 31. So i think we are in good position. Mark are you going to have a strong candidate for mayor next year . Absolutely. Mark who is it gonna be . In due time. One race at a time. In the journal today raised the prospect of a blowout for Hillary Clinton. Are you hearing democrats more saying, hey, dont take anything for granted, races are going to be close, or are more people thinking about long coattails i hear both. I do know a lot of people. There are two conversations going on. I think justifiably people are concerned about turnout. They want to make sure people stay focused till the very end of this race, that people dont become complacent. That will matter. You also hear talk of the expansion. When we hear states like arizona and missouri, we havent seen that in a long time. We have not seen that in a very long time. And so i do think people are looking at the map and theyre looking at the numbers in those states in a different way. Mark ok. Thank you, gentlemen, both. When we come back, were headed to the polls to break down some of the latest in polling. If you are watching us in washington, d. C. , listen to us on the radio radio at bloomberg 99. 1fm. We will be right back. Polls, polls, and more polls. There are a lot of polls out there, and polls lead to a lot of questions. When we have questions about polls, we either get on a plane to des moines, iowa, or we do to next best thing. We bring des moines here to gotham city. Joining us now is our pollster, who is going to answer two Big Questions that keep coming up. The first thing i get asked about all the time, and i dont have great answers, but you do some polls now look at likely , voters, some look at registered voters, some pollsters ask both within a given poll. Why not pick one and go with it . To be perfectly honest, pollsters have two different philosophies about how you decide what the electorate is going to look like. There are those who say ill decide and well look at all the data. Mark this many men, this many women based on everything we know. They dont want to do that until its close to the election. Which tends to be after labor day. So before that, so they have something to look at, they look at registered voters, so they can look at times one, times two, times three, times four, and have a trend line that makes sense to them. Mark so keep it to registered voters for consistently, and then then you have the shift change where theyre switching to likely voters. Then there are pollsters like i am, who say let the voters tell me who is a likely voter. How can i predict this election in particular, really any election, because theres so many ways now that the electorate changes from cycle to cycle to cycle. Like obama brings in more africanamericans or or young people and theyre better at turnout than the poll might predict. Donny has anybody come out of a hole that trump is in once you layer in both the national and the battleground overall snapshot, has anybody come back from that . We took a look from the beginning of polling to see what had been happening in election after election. You have some elections like eisenhower who led in polls in the beginning and end. But there have been several that offered up surprises and twists and turns and changes of leads. So people have mostly been talking about dukakis being behind as much as 19 points, but in august, leading by as much as 17 points. By seven points. Of course george w. Bush went on to beat him rather handily. But there was a time that carter was leading ford by a lot more. That turned to be a very close race. So ford was able to make up where he was in august by election time. That is 16 percentage points. Back to 1968, you had Hubert Humphrey at only 29 points. That was the closest race up to that point in time. So looking back in history, you can say anything can happen. You look at this race in particular, and with every day there being a new bit of news breaking that can change the poll, anything can happen. Mark and its safe to say that while it is possible that trump could come back, leaving aside the conduct of his campaign, just looking at leads in the past, he can certainly narrow this contest . He certainly could. Mark coming all the way back, maybe a taller order than has typical been done. People have come back by more points than hes trailing. Mark right. So to say that hes dug a hole he cant get out of i think is overstating the case. Mark here from des moines, explaining it all to us, rather than going to the iowa state fair. Your choice. Thank you and well be right back. Mark throughout this president ial campaign, supporters and critics alike have commented a lot about Donald Trumps word choices. Certainly trump speaks in a very distinctive language. His is a vernacular of simple, often effective, words and many, many expressions. You can call them idioms or filler phrases. We call them the trump abcs. For a long time, weve been listening to what donald trump says in public. Tonight we present what we , believe is the definitive catalog of the trump alphabet, naturally in alphabetical order. Together we accomplish what nobody thought was absolutely possible. Absolutely. Absolutely proven to be. Absolutely a total lie. Absolutely. Absolutely. I know more about isis than the generals do, believe me. Believe me, ill make you very proud of those justices. We can get them tow pay for it, believe me. I am the least racist person that youve ever met, believe me. Believe me, theres plenty of subject matter right there. Theyre taking it over big league. Big league. Big league. Hillary wants to expand regulations, which she does big league. Big. And big league. Total control. Ding ding bong bong shes married to anthony wiener. You know, the little bing bing bing, bomb bomb. Little mouth on him. Bing bing bing. Bing bing bing. By the way we will build a wall. ,by the way by the way and hes worked in north carolina, by the way. By the way by the way and by the way did this guy choked . He choked. Ive watched people choke over the years. And once a choker, always a choker. Hes a choke artist. He choked. Pure and simple. That means hes going to choke. He just choked. We have crooked hillary. Crooked hillary. Crooked may be more accurate, actually. Its a crooked system. It is 100 crooked. Nobody would be tougher on isis than donald trump. Donald trump. Everybody is gonna vote for donald trump. Donald trump, donald trump. Donald trump, donald trump. Donald trump. Donald trump. Donald trump. Donald trump. Donald trump. Donald trump. They obviously got to the pope. And they tell him what a bad guy donald trump is. He doesnt know me. Never met me. Doesnt know what im all about. Knows nothing about me. They are really trying to stop me. I call it the failing new york sometimes. Failed horribly. Theyre friends of mine. Hillary is a great friend of mine. Her husband is a great friend of mine. Tom brady is a great friend of mine in a friend of mine. Some are friends of mine. Get them out of here. Get them out of here. Get them out of here get them out get him out of here. Get him out. Get them out of here. Go ahead. Get them out. You can get the baby out. We dont know where they come from, really. This could be the alltime great trojan horse. This could be the great trojan horse. I like people that werent captured, ok . I hate to tell you. I hate to tell you, it came to indiana. They have a judge who is a hater of donald trump. A hater. Hes a hater. A hater. I made a lot of money dealing against china. And i made a lot of money dealing against other countries. I made a lot of money doing everything i did. I made a lot of money doing the apprentice, in real estate, i made a lot of money. Everything i did. A total and complete joke. Hillary clinton is a joke. Total joke. I think the guy is a total incompetent jerk. Looks like a jerk. Nobody knows currency manipulation better than china. Nobody knows nobody knows nobody even knows who the people are. Nobody knows what theyre doing with the money. Honestly, he cheated like a dog. He choked like a dog. He choked like a dog. Marco is sweating like a dog. They were fired like dogs. They hate little marco rubio so much. Little marco. Little marco. Its gonna look, the group of losers theyre losers. Just losers. I millions of votes ahead. Am millions. These other companies, they go out and they spend millions of dollars looking for oil. Millions and millions of jobs. I have no relationship with putin. I dont think ive ever met him. I never met him. Honestly, i dont know david duke. I dont believe ive ever met him. This guy, rickets or something. I never met him. And he was sweating so badly, and he was sweating so badly, i have never seen anything like it. Weve never seen anything like it. What he did with ben carson was terrible. Ive never seen anything like that. Ive never seen anything like it. Were gonna vote like youve never seen before. Like youve never seen before. Oh, boy oh, boy it always will be. Ok . Ok . Ok . Ok. Ok. Thats enough. A lot of people are saying that. And a lot of people are saying that bad things are happening out there. People are saying. I promise you, i will pay for the legal fees. I can promise you. Hes definitely over there, no question about it. He certainly lives above his means, no question about that. No question about it. Theres no question about it. We will never be able to fix a rigged system by counting on the same people who have rigged it in the first place. The system, folks, is rigged. Its rigged by big donors. It is rigged by business businesses. Its rigged. The whole system is rigged. The economy is rigged. The Banking System is rigged. Theres a lot of things that are rigged. We have a rigged system, folks. He knows what being ripped off and i know what being ripped off is. Theres something going on with him that we dont know about. Theres something going on that we all dont know about. Theres something going on that we dont know about. We are led by very, very stupid people. Somebody said, you shouldnt say stupid. But its true. Theyre stupid. Stupid. Stupidity. If i get the nomination, ill win the latino vote. That is a terrible gesture. Terrible. Terrible. Thats terrible. Terrible. Terrible people. Terrible. So terrible. I thought he was terrific. I think hes a terrific person. Terrific person. What you dont talk about is the thousands of people that i do hire. Thousands. I dont know how many. But many thousands. Thousands and thousands. Tens of thousands. Were gonna win so much, youre gonna get tired of winning. Youre gonna get sick and tired of winning. Theyll get tired of winning. Libya is a total mess. Iraq is a total mess. Total mess. Total mess. I have a Great Company with tremendously talented people. Tremendous cash flow in. Tremendous net worth. Tremendous understanding of this country. Our message is unbelievable. Unbelievable. Unbelievable. I dont believe this this is unbelievable. Nobody believes it. The press is so dishonest and so unfair. I thought they were very unfair. Its unfair. I was very viciously attacked. Viciously. Viciously. I said, wow, i cant believe it. Wow wow. And i said, wow i said wow oh, wow. I call it extreme. Extreme. Extreme vetting. He referred to my hands, small Something Else must be , small. I guarantee you, theres no problem. Guarantee you. You take a look at the salaries being paid, whats going on at the colleges. You just take a look at whats going on. New hampshire has a huge heroin problem. Im a huge believer in cleanness. Im not a huge believer in the Global Warming phenomenon. Lindsay gray has zero. How do you get 0 . Zeros zero, zero. Bush. Mark they put that masterpiece together. [applause] yeah. What do you think of the way trump talks . Donny um, thats that man. I think that actually helps him. Hes a queens guy. Thats the way we talk. You are a choke artist you know. , so that takes him off the billionaire pedestal and puts him, connects him to the man on the street, so we can laugh at it, but its actually very effective. Mark and thats entertaining. That took a long time, i hate to tell you. But i absolutely think we got them all in, believe me. Well be right back with a final word, after this. Donny last couple of weeks, i want to thank the great john for letting me keep his seat warm while hes been on vacation. This tremendous crew. Mark great to be with you. Bloomberg west is on your t. V. Next. Thanks for watching well be back tomorrow, same bat time, same bat channel. Sayonara. Rishaad it is friday, the 19th of august. I am rishaad salamat. Youre watching trending business. Rishaad right. ,ell take you to sydney beijing, and tokyo this hour. Regional stocks on the of

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