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Little something for everyone in his remarks. I cannot hide my concerns for the family, threatened as perhaps never before. The environmental challenge we are undergoing, and its human roots, concern and affect us all. The golden rule also reminds us of our responsibility to protect and defend human life at every stage of development. This conviction has led me from the beginning of my ministry to advocate at Different Levels the global abolition of the death penalty. What was your take away . The majesty of it all. I have been covering joint sessions before young phil was a gleam in his parents eyes. This was the most extraordinary moment i have ever seen. From the moment he entered without a big advanced guard, walking by himself. The members were well behaved. No one gave him a high five. Standing up there, the holy father with a gallery that was packed. It really was an extraordinary moment. Everybody is trying to peg him into the political spheres. You have a great column right now. That is not necessary the message he is trying to convey. What was his message . He is a spiritual man. I dont think he came in thinking about advantage in one political side over the other. It was interesting, the reaction. If you watched the house and senators, the democratic side thed cheer first, and then republicans would go a long. The message about the poor, immigration, income inequality, death penalty. He is rebalancing the Catholic Church in america. Abortion and gay rights havent changed. Oneword answer, he spoke about pragmatism. Beouple of things we need to pragmatic about. Does this have an effect on the policy over the next week or two . No, sadly. Optimism from al hunt. Behind the pope, were two time catholics. Joe biden and john boehner. Both of these men face wrenching decisions in the days ahead. Who needs more divine intervention . They need divine guidance. John boehner may face of the prospects of an unruly caucus that may try to force a Government Shutdown. Joe biden has to make the decision whether to run for president or not, still grieving over the loss of his son. Both face difficult choices. Both are devout catholics. I am not sure they can take ration inspiration from the holy father. Phil he has tried to get the pope to d. C. For two decades. You can see it on his face. Recognizing on top of this day, so amazing for him, tomorrow private meetings with lawmakers to once again try and figure out a way to keep the government open. I wonder how he deals with that come down. Phil first of all, he cried. I want to defend them. I want to say the fact that i love the fact he cried. I was choked up when the holy father walked down the aisle. But he goes back to the real world tomorrow. He has a tough challenge. Phil Government Shutdown . i think not. Enough moderate republicans. How many stories come out about how this was the popes doing. You started it already. You have to check out this new poll. Just came out. Guess what. Trump on top. Carson in a strong second. Fiorina on the rise. 72 of americans say the country is either failing or falling behind. This isnt exactly news, these three individuals rising. The antiestablishment tide. Al trump has a solid floor, but im not sure the ceiling is much higher. Obviously it is better to be in the front, but 21 , higher in other polls. Fiorina got the expected bounce. Let me Say Something that surprises me. I have been a real bear on jeb bush and remain a real bear on jeb bush. I dont think the party is ready isnt ready for another bush. He is holding steady. That struck me. Phil i have been stunned by one element of ben carsons rise, favorability numbers. 68 . He has been in the 60s and 70s in every home. Somebody right beneath them, marco rubio. 60 favorability. Not doing the poll numbers that everyone wanted him to do. He attacked trump today. He has a big appearance on fox news tonight that his aides have been touting. Is it his time . Hit prime time, its a different standard. We will see if he is ready for bigleague pitching. He is well positioned, but he has to win something early. Where . Im not sure. Phil one of the Big Questions trump. To deal with he called marco rubio a boy. Marco rubio started to respond. Is that a Winning Strategy . Attacking donald trump . you cant ignore him when he attacks you. Phil also in the poll, we as people about a lot of issues. Four in 10 americans set a wall should be built not just in mexico, but also with canada. Obviously this reflects what . Canada . Four out of 10 . Are these people you know . Phil ive been trying to unpack this all day. A logic perspective, but i have nothing to say to this. Maybe scott walker should have stayed in the race because he officially has found his base. What is the logical answer here as to why people would want a wall with canada . I dont think they do. I think they say that. Wall in mexico, why not canada, too . It is a silly, ridiculous proposition. Phil do you think people find hockey offensive . Al and dont forget the toronto blue jays. Phil what the interesting thing is, and this parlays into what we have seen with ben carsons comments about being a muslim president , there will be these outlier numbers. Are you tapping into a vein that exists, you dont necessarily want to and knowledge exists and using that to rise a little bit . That was certainly the case with trump. We are seeing it with carson. That is a vein that has limits. People get more serious and it does not have as much appeal. Phil canada. That is a high number. Al i worry about people from newfoundland too. Phil they are offensive. Beware of canada. Coming up, hope and change. Two people who know about faith in america will tell us about what they think of the papal visit to america. Make America Great again after this. Our guests are the former u. S. Ambassador to the vatican and the executive director of network. The National Catholic social justice lobby. I was talking to a priest a couple of days ago and trying to get a sense of things. He said there is one thing you can take to the bank, pope francis will Say Something that that will affirm and challenge absolutely everybody watching his remarks. I went to open up with this. What was one thing that affirmed and challenged you . I think what got affirmed was the idea we have to move away from polarized politics and move together, especially around the issue of immigration and immigration reform. I thought about him speaking to a nation of immigrants and about himself as an immigrant was a key point. The challenge is the challenge of bridging divides. I know in my heart that i want everyone to join me and come my way, but what he was saying is that to move forward we have to find common ground, work for that common good, bigger than my own personal view. That is a challenge for all of us. I dont agree with what sister said, but one thing that i like was that he started with this early on, saying we are the land of the free and the home of the brave, and he affirmed our American Values system, which i was glad to hear. It was his first visit to our country. He went on to say that now you have these values in place, and you have been using them, but we need to do more, and he kind of touched his points of poverty, immigration, ecology and so forth, but he did that in a high total way. Spiritual. Right on point. I was just going to follow up and ask the ambassador, he was passionate about immigration. He said he was a son of immigrants. You worked for george bush, who was a strong champion of immigration. Do you think he will have an effect on the dialogue . Whether anything will be done . He knows that we have rule of law here. We have a problem with immigrants. We all know that. No one has come up with the School Solution yet about how to solve that and deal with all the people that are here, but i think he does have sufficient concern and passion about that that he would allow himself to be involved in that in some way if he thought it could be useful. I interrupted you. I apologize. On that point, i got to sit next to cindy mccain, and we were talking about the challenge that senator mccain faces in trying to bridge the divide within his own party and how much he really cares about immigration reform, but he is apparently being challenged in the coming election in primaries. That effort is not just between parties, but among all of us to find ways to move forward, so what i think we have to do, with the pope did so well, with speak to our best selves, our vision of who we are, that idea we can have a dream. Our better angels. That is his call, to be our better selves so that we move towards solving our problems. Jim, it was remarkable before americans he chose to celebrate, abraham lincoln, Martin Luther king, the great social activists, and one other. What did you make of it . I thought they were great metaphors for the points he was trying to make and the inspiration he was trying to give us to be bigger angels. Really though, i think his talk was right out of the gospel. We all have a duty to help her neighbor. He threw the golden rule in there. And used these for americans to illustrate what they were able to do. It was very uplifting. Up. Ou must have choked absolutely. Dorothy day was such a social activist and engaged with the poor which is what airlines are about as catholic sisters. The way the pope translated that into dialogue. I will cut you another piece , out on theme balcony, he invited everyone to pray for him. Do notse of you that have faith, could you just send your good wishes . That efforteryone, to unite in a world that wants to divide. Right now, you are looking at pictures of the pope arriving in new york city. I think there is a misconception the catholic population has fallen. I dont think that is necessarily true but there are 30 million adults raised catholic that do not identify as catholic. A reduction in priests in the last 30 years. How much of the mission is to recruit and have an impact on the catholic population . We have been seriously divided. Dividedve been including the center of catholic sisters. I have met many people who used to be catholic. Im sort of catholic, but dont go to church so much. I kind of liked catholic before. But they find themselves nourished by his pastoral approach. There is room for everyone. We can have disagreements, sit at the table and be faithful. We will see if this results in a success or not. His agenda is to deal with our divisions and heal those, then we might have changed. We have not talked about his views on capitalism, income inequality. That unsettled some members of your party, doesnt it . It does, and does me. The talk he gave flying back to rome after he left south america , he issued a pretty stinging indictment of the capitalist business model. It was totally centered on profit, at total expense of the poor. There was some paragraph that he deleted that was critical, but he didnt deliver that. Im glad he didnt. If i can hope that he is changing his mind after 48 hours in this great experiment of capitalism and what it is been able to do for so many people. About 8 of the people in the world are catholic, excuse me, about 8 of the people in the United States. 8 of the catholics are in the United States, but we provide over half of the Material Support to the operations. The holy see. The world food program, the United States provides two thirds of the food every day. Feeding 24 Million People a day. That comes from a system that is able to produce that kind of wherewithal so that we can share. I think his critique is that it is not that. He knows we are a generous people. The critique is the huge increase in the division between those at the very top and those at the bottom, and that skating cathing and shocking truth is that people working fulltime in our nation at this point cannot support their families on their wages. He spoke to that just a little bit in the speech today, the fact that the average ceos salary of a publicly traded company is 10 million at year, and that is equivalent in three they make what minimum wage workers make at the bottom. This is where the trouble is. Not in the system, the regulation. What do we have to do . He is calling us to to create something new. Veterans that down. It depends how you interpret it. I think he was talking about growth and the importance of jobs and progress, families, and what that does to human dignity. You only get that out of economic opportunity, and people being willing to take a risk, sister, and be willing to invest their money. I totally agree. Thank you so much, both of you. Ambassador jim nicholson, Sister Simone campbell, i want to thank you guys very much. Great day today. We will be right back with some exciting local news. A friendly Bloomberg Politics fyi, the pope is in new york. Depending on where you live, he was already in your town or he is coming soon. In anticipation, americas finest, tv news anchors, were all over the story. Pope pandemonium. Pope mania. Were shutting down the ramps. Papal gridlock. People gridlock. This is the calm before a different kind of storm. The pope picked a good one. What the secret service told me about umbrellas. Can you bring them with through the perimeter . I am reminding myself to get a picture. I have to get a selfie. Friday is the day where you should remember patience is a virtue. The rest of us sit in traffic. On friday, pope francis will celebrate mass with nearly 20,000 people at Madison Square garden. The garden. It will be fun here. Which sits conveniently on top of 10 station. How are you going to move . I dont think anybody should be allowed in new york city. From the pope to pandemonium. They put it in the script anyway. They got me. Those people and the scripts, you dont know what is in them. Traffic. When we come back, john boehner. I maintain that one of the best parts of the day it was watching John Boehners phase. Face, we had a camera rolling while he was waiting for the pope, and they do mean waiting, and waiting. Take a look. Thats basically what happens when youre trying to schedule a meeting with one albert r. Hunt. Service out at Bloomberg Politics. Until tomorrow, sayonara. Sure, tv has evolved over the years. Its gotten squarer. Brighter. Bigger. Its gotten thinner. Even curvier. But whats next . For all binge watchers. Movie geeks. Sports freaks. X1 from xfinity will change the way you experience tv. Emily president obama hosts a private dinner for chinese president xi jinping tonight. First course on the menu cyber security. Emily im emily chang and this is bloomberg west. Watson is moving west ibm is betting big on the Artificial Intelligence that won jeopardy. Opening a new headquarters. 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