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Lets talk about the border crisis. Here are the facts we know. These kids are coming from only three countries. We also know that the 2008 law signed by president bush creek bush the then president from immediately deporting them. They are treated differently. He is asked for 3. 7 billion to meet this crisis. Republicans say we have to repeal this law as part of the package. Is that a dealbreaker . It is. We did it for a good reason. It is a due process. In 2008, bush signed a law. Just think about it, michele bachmann, lamar smith, they all voted for it. Levelheaded people at the same time came up with the policy. If they try to repeal it, you would say under no circumstances . The only thing barack obama will ever pass and sign into law is never an Immigration Reform bill that would bring benefits to our country economically and bring a sense of a Safety Harbor for the undocumented and their families, but a new deportation bill. But you think congress will pass a bill . I hope so. You have been there. We will have to. In the end, here is what is going to happen. Homeland security have a limit. Youre going to find that theyre going to take care of the children and we are going to weaken our defenses against external internal threats those children are not a threat. Theyre handing themselves over to the border patrol. Look, it is a moment of really questioning. Someone asked me. I said if i saw a kid across the street from my house and he was 10 years old, i would run across the street and say, where is your mom . I wouldnt call the police and say i have a vagrant on the block. Really, this is not how you treat children. All of the safeties for children were you have requested a meeting with the president. Will you meet with him . The chairman of the hispanic congressional caucus it is my hope. What a great moment for the hispanic congressional caucus. To be a voice for this nation. We will go in there, i have to tell you al, i already told chairman. I am not going to try to schedule the speaking roles for members. We have a lot of people. You would not want to be somebody that wanted to stop a member of the hispanic congressional caucus for speaking up about stopping the deportations. When you see him on the 24th are you going to tell him to go back to the border . I think you should. He should own this. Hes the president of the United States of america. The world is looking at us. You know something . It is hard to see those kids. I believe if he went down there heres what i believe. America is much more generous and has a greater faith in itself than we are giving the radical extremists out there that are demagogueing. You met with the president last month. Legislation try to get through the house. What did the president tell you . We have a resolution in which we condemned the president for the deportations. He called and said before you get that resolution and presented, would you come down at 5 00 and see the president . When the president of the United States calls you, of course you do for action. Defer action. I believe in condemning people to make cheap political points. We went to go see him. He said i have instructed secretary jeh johnson to look at how we look at our deportations any much more humane fashion. Why do a resolution . Secondly, he said, come back at the end of july. I want you to bring your menu, and we will start picking from that menu of things i can do is as president of the United States to alleviate, right . If the house doesnt act. I believe he always believed that john boehner was his partner on this. Now that he hasnt and youre going back at the end of july, youre going to tell them what you expect him to do. Would that include could he grant work permits to all those undocumenteds, do think he could do that by executive action . I think he can begin to do it and i think he can reach that goal, yes. You start small and build up . I think he can reach all of them. I think we should have some conversations. I dont want to preclude what the president the president said this is the beginning, even if it is the end. Just in case someone comes up with another idea. This is a new area, right . I think this is a moment for the president to stand up and say, the country believes we should reform our immigration system. 68 senators including john mccain. Some are upset with what he did for the dreamers. They were going to do it for 8 or 9 million more, they will go ballistic and say it is unconstitutional and illegal. Lets they said to me, do this in parts. They said, everybody cant be a citizen. I said, ok, im not leaving the table. Lets talk about that. At what point do republicans simply say yes . There are dozens of wonderful women and men in the Republican Caucus in the house of representatives. I think it is shameful that the leadership does not allow them to vote their conscience. We dont need one single republican to risk their reelection effort, and we dont need one single republican to come unwillingly. Happily, joyfully, with good conscience, they can come, and we can pass and settle this issue. You call that petty and meanspirited. Do think theres also some racism involved in this . Look, i will say this. I will speak from a personal perspective. When i see those children, i see my own daughters. I cant help but see them. It is who i am, it is part of the tradition i have as a human being. My nieces and nephews. I just wonder, dont you see your children and other children in the same . That is what this is all about. Secondly, 40 of all the undocumented people, 40 of them never crossed that border. They came here legally to the United States. There are 5 million of them. They overstay their visas. Why do we only talk about the border . Why is it everybody every time we talk about the border is about criminals and disease they bring . Why cant we talk about the wonderful Economic Impact and hundreds of thousands of jobs that mexican consumers produce when they are our second best trading partner . When we return, republicans choose cleveland as a convention host. Does it matter . Welcome back. The Republican National committee chose cleveland for its 2016 president ial convention. We are joined by Bloomberg White house correspondent bill mattingly and rich rubin. Congress is actually going to pass a highway bill so projects wont come to a screeching halt in august . Yes, the difference between the two parties narrowed this week. Both the house ways and means and the Senate Finance committee are coming up with packages with roughly enough money to keep the highway funded and the construction going through the end of may next year. It is going to be passed this summer . Before they leave for august . It is hard to see the path exactly how it is going to happen, but both sides seem committed to get something done before the break for august. That is great. But this is a copout, isnt it . These are projects that for planning purposes everyone agrees, whether it is the chamber, they should pass a longterm bill. This is a pattern we have seen basically since we have had a divided congress. Everyone agrees that there should be longterm solutions to any number of problems in the country, immigration, budget, taxes, highways. Congress is unable to come up with them. The patch and kick the can down the road. Are they real or are they gimmicky . You have something that lets Companies Fund less of their pensions now, which Means Companies make more money and pay more taxes now. Then you still have a pension problem that you have kicked down the road. That is a bit of a gimmick. You have some other things in the senate bill that our Tax Compliance measures that give the irs more ability to go after people who are cheating on the mortgage interest adoptions. That will be one of the big sticking points as we go forward in the senate. The house will say we are not going to do that. If you really want to have a longterm highway and infrastructure bill, the only way to do it really is to raise the gasoline tax and other levies, right . Have some sort of steady funding stream. We talk about a number of ways to come up with some sort of funding source, particularly one that is tied to transportation in some way. As we look ahead it does not get brighter. No, it is not clear where either side will go. Nobody is able to produce any sort of comprehensive land that can get that will even move out of the house or senate. Richard, thank you. Bill mattingly, as a native buckeye, you must be full of pride, wearing your full cleveland why cleveland for the republicans . As a native buckeye, why anywhere else . A couple of things cleveland had over dallas. They were willing to offer an earlier date for the convention. The head of the rnc said late june or early july. That is a big deal for a couple of reasons that go back to 2012. That romney had major money issues because he could not tap into his accounts until the late convention. The gop chairman said that it shortens the bruising debate schedule for republicans. Im not sure it does that, but the risk is that there is such a thing as a convention bump, and that tends to evaporate a little bit. There are those who say is better to get the pump in august get the bump in august. David plus is among david them. E is among there are very few things you can control. A lot of people in late june or early july are not paying a lot of attention to the president ial race outside of the beltway. That is they concern that republicans will have to deal with. Is there a message that will be conveyed by being in cleveland, which has been a city that has been damaged for a long time and is seeing a bit of a renaissance . They like the idea of the network that they will be able to set up within the state. Ohio is not a state they have ever lost by a large margin. A think believing in a city like cleveland and adding the infrastructure that comes with the convention into the state are two positives that the Republican National committee seized upon. The big question, if i were to poll clevelanders now, what are the most excited about, the republicans coming to cleveland or lebron james coming back . I did an unscientific poll of some of my ohio friends and 10 out of 10 pick lebron every single time. That is huge for cleveland. It has rnc ramifications as well. If the cavs go late in to the playoffs, that late june date might they might not be able to do it at quicken loans arena. The convention is very big as well. Terrific. Thank you, rich and phil. When we come back, we will talk about israel and hillary and president obama and the tea party. Welcome back. First, on ease in the gaza strip. We head to tel aviv for Elliott Gotkine is standing by. The violent scenes to escalate every day. What are the hopes and fears for what will transpire in the next few days and weeks . We could see some sort of ground invasion, which netanyahu the israeli Prime Minister has been threatening. This would lead to many more civilian casualties in gaza. It will also lead to israeli casualties. We are at the point of 100 palestinian deaths so far approximately. Many dozens of them are reportedly women and children and other noncombatants. There could be a ground invasion. This seems to be worrying the International Community right now. How likely is that this stage . Do you get a sense . Hard to say. They called up 33,000 reservists so far. They have deployed three infantry brigades around gaza as well in preparation for a possible order to launch a ground invasion. Netanyahu has been opaque in explaining exactly what he plans to do. He says the battle ahead is difficult and complex, without specifying what he would or would not do. He is keeping his cards close to his chest. For now, people are hoping that he is bluffing when it comes to a potential for a ground invasion. One missing element in this latest crisis is egypt. Egypt has sometimes played a broker role in the past. With the new egyptian government, that no longer is possible, i gather. Is anyone that could take their place . Ordinarily, the two things in common between israel and the people of gaza or hamas mightve of been a Good Relationship with egypt when the Muslim Brotherhood was in control, and of course the new president has been intent on crushing the Muslim Brotherhood. The other one was Prime Minister erdogan in turkey. Since his rate killed people on a raft was going from turkey, people sreal killed diplomats have been nonexistent between israel and turkey. The Prime Minister has said there could be no normalization of the relationship until israels siege of gaza stops. Tell me about the internal palestinian politics. Abbas has criticized hamas. There are financially strapped. What are the internal dynamics of the palestinians . It is a very interesting situation. We could date the Current Crisis back to when Mahmoud Abbas decided to form a government of National Unity with hamas, which the u. S. , the European Union and israel consider a terrorist organization. That was the final nail in the coffin for peace talks. Things have gone from bad to worse since then. Abbas has been criticizing israels attacks in gaza as well. He took the unprecedented step of going on Palestinian Television and actually criticizing hamas, saying why are you firing these missiles . What do you hope to achieve . The implication being that all that they are achieving is israeli retaliation, airstrikes, and the death of many innocent palestinians. They are still in a National Unity government, but how long that will last we dont know. Thank you very much. Let me turn to ramesh and margaret. Look at the polls for 2016. Invincible . Linton i think she has had a pretty rocky start if you consider this book of hers and the tour to be her start 42016. For 2016. I dont think that the plan was for her numbers to drop during the book tour, but they have. I dont think the plan was for there to beat a series of gaffes that have captured headlines. Comment. Broke i dont think anyone underestimates her. Certainly, her opponents do not underestimate her. She had some rocky moments in that rollout. That dead broke being one of them. Last time we said there was a clinton juggernaut, this time there is a clinton juggernaut. There arent that many people on the horizon. I would love to see joe biden candidacy, but i dont think that is in the cards. The party wants her, and she is going to get the nomination if she wants the nomination. I dont see anybody who can stop it. People arent even saying they will get in. Candidates all over america are running away from president obama. Is he the albatross of 2014 . He is no more of in our trust of an albatross than george bush was. It is the tea party that is the albatross. I think that is really hurting the republican party. John boehner has to engage in all kinds of antics in order to please tea party. Is the tea party our trust party of the year . Its going to give very good republican year if the same thing happens to obama that happened to bush. That is a sign of how toxic he is seen. Republicans arent running away from the tea party, theyre rushing to embrace the tea party. Thank you very much, ramesh and margaret. We will see you all again next week. Political capital is a production of bloomberg television. Tonight on titans at the table, i traveled to what many consider the las vegas of the east. Macau. This is part of what attracts people . Yeah. The small territory on the south of the chinese coast raked in 45 billion of revenue. More than seven times that of vegas. Did you ever think macau would surpass las vegas by that much . It makes perfect sense. The resorts are worldclass compared to las vegas. Macau has taken off. The next generation of people from china have become more affluent

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