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Thank you, mr. President. Killed in paris on friday night. Isil claimed responsibility for the attack and sent them are the message they are targeting civilians around the the message has changed. Is it time for your strategy to change. . President obama keep in mind what we have been doing. We have a military strategy that involves putting enormous pressure on isil to airstrikes that has put assistance and training on the ground with iraqi forces. We are now working with Syrian Forces to squeeze isil and cut off their supply line. We have been correlating reduce theirly to financing capabilities and the oil that they are trying to ship outside. We are trying to take strikes against highvalue targets, including most recently against the individual who was on the civilians whog had argued and captured, as well as the head of isil in libya. It is not just iraq and syria. Front, we arey continuing to accelerate what we we find additional partners on the ground that are effective. We work with them more closely fea. Additionalized more special forces who are going to improve that coordination. On the Counter Terrorism front, keep in mind that since i came in to office that we have been worried about these kinds of attacks. The vigilance that the United States governments maintains desk government maintains empty cooperation that we are expanding with our european and other partners in going after every single terrorist network is robust and constant. Every few weeks, i meet with my entire National Security team and we go over every single threat stream that is presented. Where we have relative information, we share it immediately with our counterparts around the world, including our European Partners. Security, we have, over the last several years, been working so that at various sites, not just in the United States but overseas, to improve efforts to not just scream but prevent passengers from boarding flights and approved the measures that we are screening luggage that is going on board. Front, we haveic been consistently working to try to get all the parties together to recognize that there is a moderate opposition inside of syria that informs the basis for a transition government and to reach out not only to our friends, but also to the russians and the iranians on the other side of this equation to explain to them that ultimately an organization like isil is the greatest danger to them as well as to us. Be anere will intensification of the strategy that we have put forward. But the strategy that we are putting forward is the strategy that ultimately is going to work. As i said from the start, it is going to take time. Interesting is that in the aftermath of paris, as i listened to those who suggest Something Else needs to be done, typically the things they suggest we need t that neee done are things that we are doing. Exception has been that there are a few who suggested that we put a large number of u. S. Troops on the ground. That we have the finest military in the world and we have the finest military mines in the world. I and i been meeting with them intensively for years now and i have been meeting with them intensively for years now discussing these various options. , but the just my view view of my closest military and civilian advisers that would be a mistake. Not because our military could raqqarch into mosul or or ramadi and temporarily clear we would but because see a repetition of what we have seen before, which is this you do not have local populations that are committed to Inclusive Governance and are pushing back against ideological extremes, wet they resurface unless are prepared to have a permanent occupation of these countries. Lets assume that we were to spend send 50,000 troops into syria. What happens when theres a terrorist attack generated from yemen . Do we send more troops to their or libya perhaps . Network is a terrorist operating anywhere else in north africa or Southeast Asia . So a strategy has to be one that can be sustained. And the strategy that we are pursuing, which focuses on going wherevergets, limiting possible the capabilities of faisal on the ground, systematically going after their leadership, their infrastructure, strengthening syrian and iraqi forces and Kurdish Forces that are prepared to fight them, cutting off their borders, and squeezing the space in which they can operate until they are ultimately defeated, that is the strategy we are going to have to pursue. Generateontinue to purs more partners for that strategy and are going to be some things that we try that do not work and there will be some strategies that we tried that do work. When we find strategies that do work, we will double down on those. Margaret brennan, cbs. Thank you, mr. President. A more than yearlong Bombing Campaign in iraq and syria has failed to contain the ambition and the ability of isis to launch attacks in the west. Have you underestimated their abilities . And will you widen the rules of engagement for u. S. Forces to take more aggressive action . President obama we are not underestimated their abilities. This is precisely why we are in iraq as we speak and why we are operating in syria as we speak. We haveecisely why mobilized 65 countries to go after i sold. And why i hosted at the United Nations and entire discussion of counterterrorism strategies and curbing the flow of foreign fr fighters and why we have been putting pressure on those countries that have been not as a robust as they need to in tracking the flow of foreign fighters in and out of syria and iraq. There has been an acute awareness on the part of my administration for the start that it is possible for an il that hasn like is such a twisted ideology and has shown such extraordinary brutality and complete disregard theynnocent lives that would have the capabilities of potentially striking the west. And because thousands of fighters have flowed from the citizens,ur europeans distan a few from the United States, but far more from europe, when those foreign fighters returns, it posed a significant danger. We have consistently worked with our European Partners disrupting spots in some cases. Sadly, this was not disrupted in time. One of thethat challenges we have in this situation is that if you have a dont mindpeople who dying, they can kill a lot of people. Thats one of the challenges of terrorism. Ors not their sophistication the particular weaponry they possess, but it is the ideology they carry with them and their willingness to die. In those circumstances, tracking each individual, making sure that we are disrupting and preventing these attacks is a vigilance andt in requires extraordinary coordination. Part of the reason it is important what we do in iraq and syria is that the narrative that sil developed of creating this caliphate makes it more attractive to potential recruits. When i said that we are containing their spread and iraq they in fact less territory than they did last year. The more we shrink that territory, the less they can pretend that they are somehow a functioning state and the more it becomes apparent that they network of killers who are brutalizing local populations. That allows us to reduce the flow of foreign fighters, which then over time will lessen the numbers of terrorists they can potentially carry out terrible acts like they did in paris. And that is what we did with al qaeda. Way,does not mean, by the that al qaeda no longer possesses the capabilities of potentially striking the west. Al qaeda in the peninsula that operates primarily in yemen has consistently tried to target the west. We are consistently working to but despitee acts, the fact that they have not gotten as much attention as isil , they still pose a danger as well. Our goals here consistently have and too be aggressive leave no stone unturned, but also recognize that this is not conventional warfare. Narrativeto the isil as if we act that they are estate. And we use routine military tactics that are designed to fight a state that is attacking another state. That is not what is going on here. These are killers. Glory who are of very savvy when it comes to social media and are able to infiltrate the minds of not just iraqis or syrians, but disaffected individuals around the world. When they activate those individuals, those individuals can do a lot of damage. And so we have to take the roach of the rigorous being rigorous on our counterterrorism efforts and consistently improve and figure out how we can get more information, how we can if all networks, how we can reduce their operational space even as we also try to shrink the amount of territory they control to defeat their narrative. Reclaim territory going to require, however, and ending of the syrian civil war, which is why the diplomatic efforts are so important. And its going to require an Effective Iraqi effort that sunnis shia and differences, which is wired to format it of iraq are so important as well. Diplomatic efforts in iraq are so important as well. Did you receive in your briefings the report that an attack was imminent . If not, does that not call into attention that there is not an immediate credible threat to the United States today . And i will address your critics who say you are reluctant to enter and other middle east war and the reluctance to use the military makes the United States ldens ourd bo enemies. Dayident obama jim, every we have threat streams coming through the intelligence transfer. Every several weeks, we sit down with all of my National Security intelligence and military teams to discuss various threat streams that may be generated. And the concerns about potential isil attacks in the west have been there for over a year now. And they come through periodically. There were no specific mentions of this particular attack that would give us a sense of or that wee need could provide french authorities, for example, or act on ourselves. But typically, the way the is that thereorks will be a threat streams that is from one source how reliable is that source . Perhaps some signal intelligence gets picked up. It is evaluated. Some of it is extraordinarily vague and unspecific and there is no clear timetable. Some of it may be more specific and folks chase down that threat to see what happens. Im not aware of anything that was specific in the sense that it wouldve given a premonition about a particular action in paris that would have allowed for Law Enforcement or military actions to disrupt it. With respect to the broader , to somemy critics degree, i answered the question earlier. I think that when you listen to what they actually have to say, what they are proposing, most of theyime when pressed describe things that we are already doing. They be they are not aware that maybeady doing them they are not aware that we are already doing that. Moremay think if i were bellicose and expressing what we were doing that that would make a difference because that seems to be the only thing that they , talking as if they are tough. But ive not seen particular strategies that they would suggest that would make a real difference. Few exceptions. As i said, the primary exception is those that would deploy u. S. Toops on a large scale retake territory either in iraq or now in syria. Least they have the honesty to go ahead and say thats what they would do. I just addressed why i think they are wrong. There are some who have been wellmeaning. I do not doubt their sincerity and it comes to the issue the dire humanitarian situation in syria, who call for a nofly zone or a citizen of some sort. This is an example of the kind of issue where i will sit down military and intelligence advisers and we will painstakingly go through what the Something Like that look like. And typically after we have gone through a lot of planning and a lot of discussion and really working it through, it is determined that it would be counterproductive to take those does, in part because isil not have planes. The attacks are on the ground. A true safe zone requires us to set up ground operations. That havef the deaths occurred in syria have come about not because of regime bombing but because of on the ground casualties. Who would come in and come out of that saison . Ffe zone . Would it become a magnet for terrorist attacks . How many personnel is required and how would it end . There is a whole set of questions that have to be answered there. Jim, my onlyhis, interest is to end suffering and keep the American People safe. If there is a good idea out there, we are going to do it. Ive shownink hesitation to act whether it is with respect to bin laden or respect to sending additional troops in afghanistan or keeping them there if it is determined that it is actually going to work. But what we do not do, what i do actionsis to take either because it is going to work politically or it is going to somehow in the abstract make america look tough. Or make me look tough. Reason ispart of the because every few months, i go to walter reed. I see a 25yearold kid who is paralyzed or who has lost his and some of those are people i have ordered into battle. And so i cannot afford to play some of the political games that others may. We will do what is required to keep the American People safe. I think it is entirely appropriate in a democracy to have a serious debate about these issues. Folks want to pop off and have opinions about what they think they would do. Present a specific plan. If they think somehow their advisors are better than the chairman of my joint chiefs of staff and the folks who are actually on the ground, i want to meet them. And we can have that debate. But what im not interested in posing or pursuing some notion of American Leadership or america winning or whatever other slogans they come up with that has no relationship to what is actually going to work to protect the American People and to protect people in the region who are getting killed and to protect our allies and people like france. Im too busy for that. Jim accomplish. Mclaughlin. I want to go back to something that you said earlier that you would not underestimate isis possibilities. This is an organization that you once described as a jv team that has now evolved into a force that has occupied territory in iraq and syria and is able to use that safe haven to launch attacks in other parts of the world. How is that not underestimating their capabilities . And how is that contain quite frankly . A lot of americans have this frustration where they see that the United States has the greatest military in the world and has the backing of every other country in the world when it comes to taking on isis. My question is and if you cannot forgive the language but why can we not take out these bastards . President obama i spent the last three questions answering that question. I do not know what more you want me to add. I described what our strategy is and ive describe specifically why we do not pursue some of the other strategies that have been suggested. This is not as i said a traditional military opponent. And asretake territory long as we leave our troops there we can hold it. But that does not solve the oferlying problem eliminating the dynamics of producing these kinds of violent extremist groups. Going to continue to pursue the strategy that has the best chance of working, even though it does not offer the satisfaction, i guess, of a need neat headline or immediate resolution. Part of the reason, as i said, jim, is because there is cost to the other side. I just want to remind people. This is not an abstraction. When we send troops and, those troops get injured. They get killed and are away from their families. Our country spends hundreds of billions of dollars and so given the fact that there are enormous sacrifices involved in any old terry action, it is best that we military action, it is best that we do not shoot first and aim later. It is important to get the strategy right and the strategy that we are pursuing is the right one. Ron allen. Thank you, mr. President. Around a lot of people the world and in america are concerned because given the strategy that you are pursuing, and it has been more than a year now, isiss capability seems to be expanding. Were you aware that they had the capability of pulling off the kind of attack that they did in paris . Are you concerned and do you think they have that same capability to strike in the United States . And do you think that given all you have learned about isis over the past year or so and given all the criticism about your underestimating them, do you think you really understand this enemy well enough to defeat them and to protect the homeland . President obama this is another variation on the same question. Let me try it one last time. Theave been fully aware of potential capability of them carrying out a terrorist attack. That is precisely why we have been mounting a very aggressive strategy to go after them. , when you arere talking about the ability of a handful of people with not wildly sophisticated military equipment, weapons, who are willing to die, they can kill a lot of people and preventing them from doing so is challenging for every country. Andif there was a swift quick solution to this, i assure you that not just the united and turkey andce others who have been subject to these terrorist attacks would have implemented the strategies. There are certain advantages that the United States has in preventing these kinds of attacks. Obviously after 9 11, we harden the homeland and set up a whole series of additional steps to protect aviation, to apply lessons learned. We have seen much better the fbi,on between state governments, local governments. There is some advantage to geography with respect to the United States. But having said that, we have seen the possibility of terrorist attacks on our soil. There was the Boston Marathon bombers. Obviously it did not result in d scale of the scale of debt that we saw in paris death that we saw in paris, but that was a serious attempt at killing a lot of people. By twothers brothers and a crockpot. It gives you the sense of the condo challenges that are going to be involved in this Going Forward. Again, isil has serious capabilities. Its capabilities are not unique. They are capabilities with other organizations that we track and possesses wealth and we are going after all that. What is unique about isil is the degree to which it has been able to control territory that then allows them to attract additional recruits and the greater effectiveness that they have on social media and their ability to use that to not only attract recruits to fight in syria but also eventually carry out attacks in the homeland and in europe and other parts of the world. So our ability to shrink the space in which they can operate combined with a resolution of the serious situation the syria situation, which will reduce the freedom they feel they can operate, and getting local forces who are able to hold and keep them out over the longterm, that ultimately is going to be whats going to make a difference. And its going to take some time, but its not something that at any stage in this process have we not been aware needs to be done. Ok go ahead. [indiscernible] president obama i can hear you. [indiscernible] president obama this is something that we spoke a lot about at the g20. The overwhelming majority of victims of terrorism over the last several years, and certainly the overwhelming majority of victims of isil, are themselves muslims. Isil does not represent islam. Representative in any theof the attitudes of overwhelming majority of muslims. This is something that has been emphasized by muslim leaders, whether it is president erdogan or the president of indonesia or the president of malaysia, countries that are majority muslim but has shown themselves to be tolerant and to work to be inclusive in their political process. And so to the degree that anyone the terrible acts that took place in paris with , those kindsislam of stereotypes are counterproductive. They are wrong. Lead, i think, to greater recruitment in a terrorist organizations overtime if this becomes somehow defined as opposed problem to a terrorist problem. Thathat is also true is the most vicious terrorist organizations at the moment are ones that claim to be speaking on behalf of true muslims. Muslims think that , religiousworld leaders, political leaders, asknary people, have to very serious questions about how did these extremist ideologies take root, even if it is only affecting a very small fraction of the population, it is real. And it is dangerous. T has built up over time and with social media, it is now accelerating. On the one hand, nonmuslims cannot stereotype, but i also think the Muslim Community has we make suret how that children are not being infected with this twisted notion that somehow they can kill innocent people and that that is justified by religion. Degree, that is something that has to come from within the Muslim Community itself. And i think that there have been times where the has not been enough pushback against extremism. Who say, well, we do not believe in violence, but are not as willing to challenge some of the extremist thoughts why muslimss for feel oppressed. I think those ideas have to be challenged. Make one last point about this. And then unfortunately, i have to take a flight to manila. Im looking forward to manila, but i hope to come back to turkey when im not so busy. One of the laces you are seeing this debate play out is on the refugee issue. Gather, itope and, i started popping up while i was gone back in the United States. The people who are fleeing the most harmed by terrorism. They are the most affordable as a consequence of civil war and full novel as a consequence of civil war and strife. They are parents, they are children, they are orphans. It is very important, and i was glad to see that this was affirmed again and again by the g20, that we do not close our these victims of such somehow start equating the issue of refugees with the issue of terrorism. Europe, i think people like chancellor merkel have taken a very courageous stance and saying that it is our moral obligation as fellow human beings to help people who are in such vulnerable situations. And i know that it is putting enormous strains on the resources of the people of europe. Abody has been carrying bigger burden than the people here in turkey with 2. 5 million refugees and the people in jordan and lebanon who are also admitting refugees. In fact, they have kept their to refugees and its a signal of their belief in a common humanity. We have to, each of us, do our part. And the United States has to step up and do its part. Folks say that, maybe we should just admit the christians but not the muslims, when i hear political leaders suggesting that there would be a which persont for who is fleeing from a wartorn country is admitted, when some of those folks themselves come from families who benefited from protection when they were ,leeing political persecution that is shameful. That is not american. That is not who we are. Tests tohave religious our compassion. When pope francis came to visit the United States and gave a speech before congress, he didnt just speak about christians who are being persecuted. Data call on catholic parishes to just admit those who were of the same religious faith. He said protect people who were of old rubble. Vulnerable. I think it is very important for us right now, particularly those in leadership, particularly those who have a platform and can be heard, not to fall into that trap, not to see that dark impulse inside of us. Now i had a lot of disagreements with george w. Bush on policy, but i was very proud after 9 11 when he was adamant and clear about the fact that this is not a war on islam. And the notion that some of those who have taken on leadership and his party would thats nott who we are. On this, they should follow his example. It was the right one. It was the right impulse. It is our better and falls. Whether you are european or , the values that we are defending, the values that we are fighting against isil for our precisely that we dont discriminate against people because of their faith. We dont kill people because they are different than us. That is what separates us from them. Feed that kind of notion that somehow christians and muslims are at war. If we want to be successful defeating isil, thats a good note to start by promoting that kind of ideology, that kind of attitude. In the same way that the Muslim Community has obligation to not in any way excuse antiwestern or antichristian sentiment, we have the same obligation as christians. Are it is good to remember that the United States does not have a religious test and we are a nation of many peoples different face. Different of faiths and we show compassion everybody and that is what we stand for and that is what my Administration Stands for. Thank you very much, everybody. Betty you are listening to the president address officials in g20 and ended pleading for more humanity here as the nations come together to fight Islamic State, noting that there is no religious test when it comes to refugees and not to equate refugees with radical islam. He also rejected more calls of military and Ground Troops in syria, american Ground Troops in syria. Meantime, french president hollande has been addressing the parliament and versailles, asking to expand the state of emergency. Lets listen in. Asking the Prime Ministers to start with the minister for justice of home affairs so that we are not wasting a second and weekend there ourselves into the relative Relevant Program of action. It is goingllande to complete the various measures that have been adopted since 2012 regarding antiterrorism information and the reinforcement of means. , i am perfectly aware also that we have to increase our means further because if we are withr, we cannot be at war was what at our disposal a few years ago with the legislation andrding military programs we would imagine at the time to organize the security of our citizens. That are000 extra jobs going to be created over the next two years and the police and armory. It will come to a figure of 10,000 jobs in that area over my five year mandate. Its an enormous effort and the government is willing to carry out that effort in spite of the Budget Constraints we know. It will make it possible to restore the potential that the Security Forces need and require at the level that they had in 2007. The creation of jobs is something that is going to be borders for police at and the securitization of the country. It will be required by intelligence and means that are necessary and also the minister of justice will have 2500 extra administration, for judicial services, and that do not forget the customs organization, which will have to be enforced with the next rep number of jobs so that we are able to carry out the necessary control at borders. , we have to dos more and more because of ,xternal operations to carry on which are also combined with guaranteeing the security of citizens. Ive decided regarding the army that there would be no reduction that is effective as far as defense concerned until 2019. That the organization of our armies will take place to organize better intelligence and Cyber Defense and the government, therefore, is gone to present a new plan as to the way defense effectives will be organized in the next years to come. I also wish for us to use better the reserve in defense, something we do not use very well in our country, where in fact we have that seal of cause. A story strongly link between the army and the nation. There are the elements, which tomorrow would be able to set up the national guard, which would have the right frameworks and be available. All these budget decisions will be taken within the framework of the budget which is being discussed at the moment for 2016. Its necessarily something i am willing to accept before you. Expenses,ntain extra but i feel that the security pact is more important than the stability pact. The faces gentlemen, andeople landed wounded their families is something that is constantly present in our minds. Is something that feeds my resolution which i know is also your resolution, your determination. Im absolutely determined to fight terrorism and i want. Rance to remain what it is the barbarians that have been attacking france would like to but they will not succeed. They will not change the france face of france. They will never be able to succeed and damages all. Never will they be able to prevent us from living the way we decided to live, to live fully, freely. We must be able to demonstrate that in cold blood. Im thinking of argued. Youth, the youth that have been hurt through the face and personality of all the victims and are now wondering if they are able to live in our state. We have to carry on, carry on fighting, carry on living, carry having a difference on the world. That is why the International Events of the Climate Conference will be maintained, of course, but will be a moment of hope, a moment of solidarity of hope because we are talking about the future of our planet. This is also going to be a moment of solidarity because, of course, there will be at least 100 head of states and governments that will come to negotiate a sustainable agreement, something that will be differentiated through that so that we can carry on living and our children and grandchildren can carry on living and enjoying our planet, a planet that we are going to transfer to them. It will also come to say to ,rance, a country of freedom they will see how the whole of the world feel sale dirty solidarity and wants to mobilize themselves in the fight against terrorism. And in the same way, the rights of our democracy do not have two tohe black veil of obey the black veil of terrorists. Our normal life has to carry on. It is a duty that we all have. That is the french president Francois Hollande addressing parliament right now in versailles, pleading with parisians and the french to try to get back to some normalcy there isn though nothing normal at all about what happened over the weekend and the recovery in the terrorist attacks. He noted that the country or paris is looking to extend the state of emergency. He is also increasing beefing up personnel, not just in the justice department, but also adding 5000 police in france in order to better monitor the intelligence gathering as well as the capture and the pursuit of these terrorist in france and beyond. Teame meantime, we have coverage of both of these conferences held by not only Francois Hollande, but you just heard the president speak. President obama spoke at the conference. Ryan chilcote is that the jeep the g20 for us. Brendan greeley is in paris. And former offense secretary joining. N is ryan, you heard the president asked for humanity and some measure of distinction among those who want to retaliate against islamic terrorists, saying that we cannot equate all refugees with terrorism, and he also continues to defend putting troops on the ground in syria. How has all this been received at the g20 . Ryan i think the most important point that president obama made early had to do with what he is prepared to do and what he is not prepared to do good not prepared to send Ground Troops, but yes to increase intelligence and target sharing with france. Yes, preparing to take up airstrikes and increase airstrikes. What most people want to see here at the g20, what the french president himself talked about, was more unity among inse entities striking isis syria, specifically the french president said he would call a president obama and the russian president to join forces to seek a solution. It is interesting that of the three leaders the french president , the u. S. President , and the russian president all speaking at the same time, all really politically connected. Another for anne effective solution according to the french president in. You do not hear them talk about any cooperation with russia. I asked the russian president about cooperation with the United States and he said it could be a lot better. He said that they ask for target information and they will not give it to us. They are afraid that if they give it to us that they will go and bomb the people we do not want us to bomb and the people they want to protect. There is a huge gap in these three countries and the way that they see this crisis being solved in syria. Betty hang on. I want to bring and former defense secretary bill cohen standing by in washington. I think that ryan makes a really great point, which is that there is a hope of more streamlining when it comes to intelligence sharing and information. How are you able to close that gap, particularly between the u. S. And russia . Bill i think theres an opportunity and the president did meet with president putin to say that we have a common interest you. Full of lost a plane russian people who were bombed out of the sky. We have now seen terrorists strike in the heart of france in paris. Taken the same thing place in lebanon. We have a common interest that we need to Work Together on. I think we should follow up on the president Vladimir Putin is not going to be our next best friend, but nonetheless, we should be able to arrive at a political solution whereby we can see that isil, at the moment, is the most dangerous thing to all of us as opposed to his support for a song. Assad. I think that is amiss opportunity if we do not follow up on this. We have to be careful what we are asking for here. John kennedy said that we would engage in a long Twilight Struggle against communism. We are involved in a long Twilight Struggle against terrorism. He cannot even write an effective enough defense anybility that will prevent commendation of individuals with heavy weapons or grenades or other types of arsenal to not be able to penetrate a free and open society unless we are going to turn into a Stalinist Police state, which none of us want to see take place. Sayave to be prepared to other types of attacks will take place. We have to minimize them and Work Together to minimize them. That we are going to defeat them is misleading not only to the American People but the world community. Betty what the strategy we have in place. Guy johnson is standing by with us in paris. The president of france is speaking to parliament. Tell me the latest of what you know is going on in paris. Guy to take up on a last guests point, the idea of what will happen on a security level is really important to the french people right now. What the president said, speaking to this joint meeting was that this attack was planned in syria and the attacks were organized in belgium. One of the big conversations taking place is [no audio]. And the fact that he is talking about these attacks being organized in belgium is really important. The Security Services and france can be excellent and topnotch, but if you have a problem coming out of belgium and these people can cross the borders, this is a is acrossem and that the intelligence spectrum. That is the real nature of what president hollande has announced. President heard the say that the u. S. Did not have any specific threat that they knew of directly targeted against paris. What have the french said . Guy the french are at this point in time still trying to work through. They clearly didnt have any specific threats. We had some sort of a threat warning and i think that wouldve been a different Security Reaction to it. A come backr if to this issue of what is going on here, this was effectively a syriabelgium into france operation. That has become increasingly clear and that is why there was no specific warning. It is becoming increasingly clear outside the country that it was executed within the country. There is a big problem for the Security Forces you. Bill, could this change our security relationship with russia . The opportunity to modify it. I do not think we will become best friends in the near future, but i think we can point to a common interest and the attention of our respective peoples against terrorism. I think we can share intelligence. If they are debating in europe about what to do with manyligence sharing, europeans were critical of the United States for having the collection of metadata, trying to connect people who are conversing backandforth in the middle east and the United States and elsewhere. It may be that there is less of an objection to the United States sharing that kind of information to make sure that that intelligence can cross borders in europe to prevent the kind of breakdown in communication and the ability to fight terrorism within the european community. Betty Phil Mattingly is also with us in washington. I know that you have been working the phones all weekend long with administration officials. Anda step back for a moment tell me what does that mean to open up more intelligence sharing channels with other countries. What does that mean exactly . Phil the u. S. And the french have good intelligence relationships and on the Law Enforcement side. The fbi has an at tashard in paris. They are in regular consultations with their french colleagues. What you see here and what has been happening over the last couple of days is that it has stepped up quite a bit. You see the u. S. Taking up a lot of what they have up with syria in European Countries and the Communications Going back and forth and making sure they are shared on every level, trying to see if there is any kind of red flag that shuns up shows up anyway of how this came to be. The other element that is most crucial Going Forward on the low Enforcement Fund Law Enforcement side is that you see u. S. Intelligence looking at people that an identified as suspects or perpetrators and use u. S. Intelligence to track where they came from and how they got to specific places. That is a cooperation level that exist as it stands. When an event like this happens, it jumps to a whole another level. That is what you have seen over the last couple days. Betty as you heard the president answer, he sounded a little exasperated at one point. He was asked three or four different ways whether the u. S. Needs to change his strategy in change its strategy against the Islamic State could he said, i answer this three or four times and im not sure what else i can say about this. What kind of questions is he going to face when he returns particularly from republicans who heavily criticized that he has no strategy in syria . Phil the same questions that you face from journalist after journalist today. This is something that has a frustrating him for a very long peruiod of time and the implosin of this country and the rise of the Islamic State could there were some quotes in the new yorker calling him the jv team that have come back and bitten him. From the white house official perspective, and this is just coming off of reporting over the weekend and over the last couple of months, they fail to see what others have proposed. They do not believe those proposals make sense. The critics especially after that performance, a lot are out there, many of which may make sense. What you heard today, it is not a surprise. There will not be a major shift. A strategy that is already in existence. Things the administration have considered and the president has already rejected that will frustrate many of his critics. Just hang on for a moment. Remind viewers we have been covering the press Conference Held by the president. As well as the french president addressing in france after the attacks in paris. Inndan really has flown over the weekend. They are recovering from the traffic the tragic event. People on their way to work today and now returning the call, what has been the mood like in paris . The one word i keep hearing is war. Inr the weekend and again the speech, you heard the simple word that frenchs is at war. People have really been thinking about those words and what those words mean. They also said today, francois pressure. S under year,er in may of this france passed a security law that allows for storing metadata, that allows for putting surveillance cameras inside peoples homes. What he has done with this speech is what people are expecting, a commanding, sweeping new at. In order tou need make a constitutional change in france is to have both houses together, exactly what Francois Hollande asked, to change the definition to a state of emergency in france. Ive been hearing from people that they heard forceful statements from the head of the andonal front yesterday they were looking to see what he said today. They did not disappoint. He said we are in the war and isis cannot be contained and it must be destroyed. That is very much keeping with what im hearing here. You heard the president at the end of his remarks at a press conference remind people not to equate refugees with terrorism. I wonder as you have been walking around, have you gotten a sense at all that there is an antimuslim sentiment outside of the politics here, just on the street . Have you seen any of that . I have not and i do not think were there yet. I think france is still in a state of shock. One thing i have seen everywhere is a sense of solidarity. Is not sunk. Paris i have seen it repeated a bunch of places, including official science from the mayor. We are not seeing official antimuslim sentiment right now. We are seeing strong support for closing off the border. Surprised. Be france has this agreement with all the other eu countries, country by country, they have been suspended just saying that germanys orders are so open and francis closed in the last few days. I do not expect that lifted soon. A lot of support for closing the borders off now. Is not necessarily antimuslim sentiment but it is a deepseated concern for people coming from syria. We already know one syrian hasp or it has been found. One of the bombers has been identified as someone who came from greece. Stay with me. I want to get back to ryan, who has been with the summit over the weekend in turkey. Sense if there a was a feeling there was much accomplished at the summit. Ryan i think there is that feeling. Early on, a lot of journalists asked questions about whether the attacks in paris had derailed the agenda and hijacked the agenda and the kind of Economic Issues the g20 a dress to would not get resolved third all of the leaders i have spoken no, it actually focus line spirit all the Economic Issues we arty agree on and they would get rubberstamped anyway. Those things could get done in a few minutes. The issue of how to deal with the Islamic State requires real discussion. We saw the real discussion, whether the british Prime Minister and the russian president , or a meeting with others, there was real serious. Rading and disagreement the g20 has not been a place where foreignpolicy decisions has been made, but it felt that way this time. The economic stuff, we can get to that the next time. Back to you. You heard the french president who was supposed to be at the g20, he has sent another official because he is dealing with events in his home country. Say he would beef up the police force. Hasd cameron in the u. K. Said the same. Officials have made similar announcements as well . Absolutely. There is a big focus on security right around the David Cameron was talking about that earlier today. A real feeling of insecurity. People watched the attack here at g20 in horror. Because they did not think isis has this kind of ability, the kind of sophistication, to launch such an accord a coordinated attack. Wereny different groups involved. One thing that convinced them of is that they need to work closely as the militants in isis are if they isisto come that effectively. That may have been a gift, as cruel a gift as it was, really convincing countrys is not an individual issue. After it to go together. They said they need to. Ryan at the g20 p or i want to get to guy again, who is in paris. Guy, we have not talked much on the Economic Impact of this. Slaves were operating over the weekend but some of the Airline Stocks were hit because there was concern there could be a dip in tourism. Tell me the Economic Impact of this. Guy one way to look at this is not the closing of borders but the reimposition of checks and making it harder to get across the border. Border agreement is one of the central successes of the European Union over the last few years and it effectively removed some of the friction of economic activity. You want to drive from new york down to boston. On the way, you might have to show your passport and that might be the case if you go from germany to france. It slows things down a little bit. What is already a european machine. Talking to peter of the ecb today, the consumer confidence. Coming up, will people be willing to spend money and spend time in the shop and do what they would normally do . I think that is an open question. Paris feels a little quieter today. That is usually how these things happen. A multitude of effects will work themselves over in the next few days. U. S. , other note in the what more precautions are we putting in place . What are the Administration Security officials telling you . Said this,ident has saying that is no specific credible threat when it comes to the United States as is. Thehe wake of this, department of Homeland Security and the fbi have ramped up what theyre doing in the country. The fbi is working with field , working with state and local authorities as well. An interesting thing you heard today, john brennan, the cia director, was speaking and he took questions and made it clear not only was the strategy they saw pursued by the Islamic State expected. Something like this has been in the thread stream for months. He said he is very sure this will not be the last one they have in the pipeline. Thatials now emphasizing there is no specific credible threat right now but when it comes to the United States, they are very cognizant of the fact this could occur here and they are certainly on high alert when it comes to Law Enforcement in the United States. Thank you to our team, guy johnson and Brendan Greeley and Brendan Greeley in paris. Phil mattingly, as you just heard, and former defense secretary and bill cohen in washington. Me onyou all for joining this special coverage. We will return in a few moments. Remy has been watching the market. The reaction has been pretty muted. Ramy the reaction has been muted. Lets go to the board right now. Basically basically in paris, the as of the is up. 25 . Sdaq is down by now, itsee that right is only marginally down by about a quarter of a of 1 . This might be perhaps surprising to all of us after what happened last friday. Consumer discretionary , a balancedost 1 it was balanced out by gains in energy. Betty indeed. What about overall in terms of the market themselves . Looking at it through the lens of what has been happening for several years, even through the 9 11 terror attacks, market reactions have been sharp and increasingly they have been shortlived. Show you what happened on the s p as well as the oil and the dollar right after september 11, 2001. It actually the s p actually fell 12 . September 24, you can see an inflection point. Was back to the s p pre9 11 levels. 6 price jumped by about right after september 11. Three days later, you can see it prices. To the pre9 11 a similar story to the dollar, a similar reaction, the s p falling here. You can see in the months after 9 11, it had recovered to about action 13th avenue five there. All that is really pushing the and thet the markets dollar are resilient in the face of terror and increasingly so. Thank you so much. Lets check in on a bloomberg news. Courtney donohoe has more from courtney area desk. Haveney turkey says they arrested more than half a dozen Islamic State militants, accused of exchanging messages with suspected attackers in paris. French authorities have arrested more than 20 suspects and Belgium Police conducted a major raid but it was unclear if they arrested anyone. In the wake of the attacks in paris, the british Prime Minister David Cameron is preparing for a long flight against terrorism. Also, double spending on air for security. Employgencies currently about 13,000 people. The secretary general of the United Nations will visit north korea this week and he may meet according toun south korean news agencies. A former south Korean Foreign minister, he has said he is willing to help on the korean peninsula. In massachusetts, the number of weapons missing, the fbi says terrorism is not suspected. No word on how money weapons were stolen. The number of foreigners studying have set a record. It is the fastest growth rate in more than three decades. 900,000 International Students on u. S. Campuses and at one third of them come from china. Look at our first alert now. These and other breaking stories 24 hours a day on bloomberg. Com. Thank you so much, Courtney Donohoe at our news desk. Based securities solution company, they sprung into action immediately, evacuated 44 clients via private plane. U. S. Army veteran who has worked with special forces, he joins us now from our d. C. Bureau. First tell us what exactly happened friday and how did you get your clients out . Less good morning. You can imagine the weekend has been busy for us. As soon as the incident began, we were tracking the attack sites. We could see where clients were for the most part of the ones within two blocks of any of the initial sites were immediately a dressed and taken out of the area. Four clients over a half from the attack sites, we simply move them to a safe location and then they sheltered in place as we decided what to do with the others. It has been a busy weekend addressing the attacks in paris, as you can imagine. The real takeaways this morning, sitting in your corporate offices monday after the attack, what are you thinking about and what comes next . You must have been fielding calls from clients and potential clients about what they do when they consider moving offices to paris and may moving out of paris because of this . Of course. Fromould not look at this a france centric manner. If youre in Corporate America now, you have a global footprint, you have got to look at three things. How do you communicate with personnel, how do you secure your infrastructure, and how do you secure your communications, computer, voice, and tech, whatever that is it all those are the new world order we are dealing with and they are key things to be looking at from a business perspective at this point. Betty i imagine when you see terrorist attacks like this, whether it is the boston bombing or what happened earlier this year in paris with charlie hebdo, you get multiple calls right after that, is that right . Do, from existing clients and of course, folks that find us. Other, Smaller Companies that do not have our services, that do have people in harms way. Out who andigure where they are and then we address their situation very quickly. Of these cases is incredibly important and if you can move someone outside of the attack area, quickly and efficiently, the probability of them remaining safe is very high. Change tacticso on your little bit, i will not force you into any political but you have extensive experience in the military and you have been through special operations to you heard the president say he inl not put Ground Troops syria but you have been on the ground in iraq and afghanistan. Are we talking about a whole different animal . Think the biggest thing is we have learned our lessons in the middle east. We cannot of the day, adjust the issue quickly and efficiently, but it has to be with intelligence agencies and a small footprint of special Operations Forces to address the issue. This is not a conventional fight and you will hear this over and the and over with all different analysts. At the end of the day, there is a way to address this, but we will have to focus in a specific, laser focused way that we do not put conventional forces on the ground. It is not realistic. Betty thank you so much, we appreciate you standing by and joining us this morning. The ceo of the Security Firm global garden. Lets turn back to the markets. The Global Markets have not reacted dramatically to the terror attacks in paris, in stark contrast to what happened at 911 when the s p dropped 12 once training resumed in a week after the attacks. Globalwieting is the chief investment strategist and managing director at citi private bank. This . S your take on why have we seen a muted reaction . It is a tragedy for victims everywhere. I think we should be careful when we think about investing, that this is not everything forever. A five civil war going on in syria, with an existing conflict. It is very different from the surprise conflict. You think about russia, ukraine is an example of a surprise conflict with wide ramifications in the world. You will hear from specialists talking about different forces at play, but im not sure the public will look at this differently from the attacks in the early 2000s, with it whether they be imagery or london. And then there is a broader context of markets. Positivecertainty, a perspective in the eurozone and a negative one in the case of what the impact will be of the federal coming off the sidelines in december. It is something coming into today that has influenced markets. Betty we had some comments from peter who was a chief executive who said, we are watching geopolitical events. And it could have an impact on the euro area and their growth prospects, but not so much in the u. S. . Steve certainly political prospects and longerterm prospects are very much in play. Washe United States, there an exchange rate, any differences you might see in terms of relative monetary policy, if there were any, but i do not think you want to look at this event as having in an effect on nearterm policy. Betty have we priced some of the risk in already . Steve i go to the issue that there are surprise events, if you take a look historically, you have military conflict involving the United States, involving interventions in various states that are new and different. There has been a severe, riskaverse reaction and this is not one of those conflicts in the same sort of way. Betty beyond what happened in paris, pretty interesting news. Oming out from japan it has now split into a recession again. News like that tends to get overshadowed when we focus on what is going on here but that is significant. Steve if you look on what is going on in japan, and the euro zone and the United States, in japan, corporate japan has done well. Earnings are up 19 in the year on the third quarter, corporate japan looking at data. There are certainly improvements that would affect market share. If you look at the latest data where we do not have details in the eurozone in japan, you see half of the decline of the growth rate in the First Quarter in the United States this sort of thing can lead to a stronger improvement right in the Current Quarter and that may be true of other correlated markets if industrial activity could pick up in japan as well as the eurozone. Whiting,ank you, steve managing director at citi private bank. Moments away from the close of european markets p mark barton will be joining me in just a little bit. I just had a horrible nightmare. My companys entire network went down, and i was home in bed, unaware. But that would never happen. Comcast business monitors my Companys Network 24 hours a day and calls and emails me if something, like this scary storm, takes it offline. So i can rest easy. What. You dont have a desk bed . Dont be left in the dark. Get proactive alerts 24 7. Comcast business. Built for business. Tand thats what were doings to chat xfinity. Rself, we are challenging ourselves to improve every aspect of your experience. And this includes our commitment to being on time. Every time. Thats why if were ever late for an appointment, well credit your account 20. Its our promise to you. Were doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. Because we should fit into your life. Not the other way around. Betty welcome back. It is 11 11 30 a. M. Here in new york. Markets are finishing the day. I want to bring in mark barton as we wrap up trading in new york in the next 30 minutes. Mark equities showing resilience after paris suffers the regions worst terror attack in more than a decade. The european close starts right now. Betty we will take you from new york to london to paris and turkey in the next half hour. Kick things off for us, mark. Mark it has been a remarkably resilient day for stock markets. In one stage, down by 1. 2 . Money flooded into the european bond market. As equities rose, money moved. Own from the safe havens

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