Transcripts For BLOOMBERG Charlie Rose 20160719 : comparemel

BLOOMBERG Charlie Rose July 19, 2016

Attacks. We know this is happened with the Islamic State group but we also know that one of the key preachers in the Al Qaeda Group was also trying to inspire individuals living in western countries to take a car, and i for anything to kill nonbelievers. We dont yet know in the case of this man whether there was any more direct contact with either the Islamic State group and whether there was more of a plan to this thing for whether it was more of a general insight. Asked what can be done, as we look to the tragedy in paris last november this was a complex conspiracy. Anything up to a couple of dozen people some of whom were on the radar of the french and other european services. Even with all of those factors, it is a difficult target but equally there is evidence of slips by the Intelligence Services in some European Countries and concerned that there is not still and things being done to make the terrorist picture better and more effective at heading people off. Charlie maybe the event takes speaks to itself but is there a specific piece of evidence . That is a very good question because we know that this man was a joint French National and he fit the profile of militancy. He had been involved in the sense that he had a police record. He was not considered to be involved with militant islam. In that sense, they are still looking for the more precise clues. We know that the Islamic State group has not claimed this officially yet. Or whether this was simply someone who had a resentment of French Society. Charlie the interesting thing for me is that john brennan has spoke to this issue. We are not being successful in having the right intelligence and having a counter narrative for these people who have been engaged that are doing. My question for you is this are these the waves of the future. People going out on their own. It is a complex question. We do not know that he went out to syria when some of the key figures in the paris attack last november when people who were known to have gone and fought in syria. What you really get a sense of in the last 18 months is that work urgently needs to be done to build up a network of people. Good they tip somebody the wink . This does not seem to be there. If you read on to what has been going on in france there is a lot of concern about that this band meant. That sort of person should be easier to turn up. Charlie there is also this question. In france itself, this Prime Minister saying we have to live with terrorism. The president saying the state of emergency has to be continued. What is the impact on the nation and the citizens . I spoke to a gentleman today who is the french Intelligence National coordinator of the possibility of an attack during the euro 2016 the soccer championship. They said they had actual intelligence but they had to go ahead with it and not to be intimidated. They went ahead and the attack didnt come. The french Intelligence Services police certainly feel they are involved in a very largescale battle. There are very worrying signs, there are a number of incidents taking place now and the possibility of extreme right wing counter violence. He was allegedly playing counter attacks on muslims so the whole picture in French Society is very tense, very combustible and the forces of law and order are struggling to keep a lid on it. Charlie mark, thank you so much for joining us. Back in a moment. Stay with us. Charlie also joining us from nice is alex. Alex, thank you so much for doing this . Tell us what we know about this man. We are learning more about the attacker. He is a tunisan national who was a driver here and he was not known to the authorities except for a conviction back in may for a violent. He got into an altercation with two other drivers and used wood as a weapon. That was the only information known. Most of it was not known to have any connection so as soon as the authorities have identified him they went to his apartment and carried out a rate there. They did not find any weapons or explosives that took away a document and some explosives. They also detained his wife. So far, no more information on whether it would have gone beyond this young man or whether carried out himself as a lone wolf. Charlie no one has taken credit . Alex the immediate assumption is that this is the nicest attack or isis inspired attack. After orlando, isis was very quick to claim credit. Charlie there have been rumors that he was having trouble in work and his marriage. Alex that is certainly something they are going to be looking into. For now they are just rumors. What we do know are simply concrete facts. His name, his age. There were discussions on whether he was a french citizen. Just seen these carried out by citizens of that country often of north african origin. This man is from tunisia. There is a large french population here. Nice in particular has been known as a jihadist hotbed. They have sent 100 young men to fight in iraq and syria. France is sending hundreds of young men to fight there. France leading the way along with belgium in terms of the number of people who have been sent to the middle east to fight for isis. Isis is feeling constrained. They feel like they are losing territory. The u. S. As they have lost about 45 total. The thought now is that isis is lashing out. Theyre calling on followers to carry out attacks all around the world. We have built that huge explosion in baghdad with that attack. It is believed to have been carried out. And then the siege on her restaurants also believed to have been inspired by isis. In this case the main question is this young man of follower of isis and did he have any contacts. Charlie one of the interesting questions is the night he did this with this large truck. What were the exact events happening. Was he driving peacefully . What do eyewitnesses say about describing the moment that something terrible began to happen. Alex this was not a random date, this was the 14th of july 9 is the steel day. It is a French National holiday, the biggest in france. This promenade was packed. This man had rented a refrigerator truck and he came in from one block away and started this rampage driving in a zigzag fashion. One witness called it a bowling ball crushing everything in his path. He was able to drive more than a mile mowing people down before the police were able to shoot and kill him. Charlie he rented a truck in july 11 in anticipation of bastille day. They then fired back and killed him. Alex about half way down here there is a hotel on which he fired on several Police Officers who returned fire. We caught a glimpse of the truck that has been removed from the promenade. The windshield was full of bullet holes because all the way down Police Officers have been firing on the cabin windshield eventually able to kill him. There had been initial reports that he had a lot of weapons and explosives. Once the authorities to get access they found one small caliber pistol as well as fake ak47s. This guy did not have any real arsenal. Charlie you know many people in france that french citizens must be asking why so many attacks against us . Alex they absolutely are. This is the third biggest attack in france in a year and a half starting with the Charlie Hebdo attack and isis attacks in november. At least 84 people hundreds of french fighters have gone to fight in iraq in syria and some of them have come back home when the ringleader of the paris attacks in november spoke to someone. He claimed to have come over from iraq in syria with 90 different people. Then you have to look at the demographics of this country. This country has a large Muslim Population but many of them feel marginalized and disenfranchised who have not been assimilated. They feel like they cannot get jobs and are not part of the french fabric of society. You do have a lot of resentment and groups like isis are able to pray on that resentment. France is a proudly secular country and that goes against the grain of everything isis stands for. We have seen the burka ban. That is also going to anger groups like isis and al qaeda. This has become a prime target the center of europe with very few borders. You are allowed to cross between the countries without showing any sort of identification. It was like crossing between states in the United States. This is why we have seen a number of attacks carried out by isis and inspired by isis over the past year and a half. Charley alex, thank you for joining us. We will be right back. Stay with us. Charlie this coming thursday, donald trump will officially receive the nomination. It is the cover story of an issue of time magazine. John, thank you for doing this. It is very interesting title. What that would mean for the presidency. I want you to answer each of these questions. What is the president need to know to make America Great again . How does a candidate preparer . What kind of temperament is required lead the nation in the final decade of the 21st century . What do you learn from donald trump . He is the least conventionally prepared Major Party Nominee arguably in american history. This will be the first time a major party has nominated someone without significant governmental or military experience since Wendell Wilkie 76 years ago. Using the word unprecedented is always tricky. Donald trump is pretty close to being unprecedented. Usually you expect a story about history and preparation. You expect him to talk about they are briefing for experts having in. No. Trump unabashedly believes that he has good ideas but he is an intuitive player. We were talking about his views on nader. He called it obsolete. I said where you get that . You thought through nato for you commented on it. He said i dont read books about nato, you do. I dont. I just answer the question. What you have here is the starkest choice leaving behind the merits. Hillary clinton is the most conventionally prepared candidate since george h bush. Donald trump is arguably the least prepared. If you are voting for trunk, you are voting for his gut and he does not mind that that is how they should fall. Charlie he said, i have a number of advantages over someone else. He doesnt hide this. He believes his capacity to absorb coverage and dominate the conversation and to be unusually ahead in the polls. That is the way he lives. One of the things that struck me was that he is so much of this exact moment. He is so absorbed in what is happening right this second that he takes no time to ask how the world came to be the way that it is. I pressed him through the conversation and he said at one point, i am very good at what i do, i go into a room and get things that other people cant. He said i dont know. Why did Jack Nicholas when so many golf tournaments . Babe ruth was once asked, how you hit the long ball . He said i dont know, i just swing at it. Yes what are you inking when she brings the club down. She said i dont know, i just swing at it. And that is what he does, he just swings at it. Charlie how can the nation discern from what trump knows and what might do . That seems the fundamental question of this election. It may be that there is a better experience than government. It may be that his experience is uniquely capable we want to know how that will translate and you can simply believe that not having for having down known is enough. I absolutely agree. I looked back on past president s. Harry truman dictated a lot of notes in his retirement and he said he never really know what a man is going to be like when he comes to a position. You just have to judge his views on present experiences and events. If you judge trump by that it is , not very reassuring. You need to know the difference between hamas and hezbollah. You have to know the president of the United States was born in hawaii and not kenya. Charlie in the areas in which he had competence that his instinct was right and that did he simply pay the highest dollars. Right. You need case studies. Need to understand the deals. He is selling himself as a dealmaker. I said at one point what you say to people you will say anything to close the deal. He said the country needs a salesperson. That is the great risk here. Im not being ferociously partisan at all. This is from a historical view, a vote for donald trump is a risky proposition because we simply dont know the answer to the questions that i oppose. That i pose and you are asking. Is it enough to be an intuitive person who can deal with information coming in and make a decision . I would argue no because if you dont have some basic policies, if you dont know history and what has worked and what hasnt, you cannot assess the validity of the advice you are giving. You cannot subcontract a presidency even to the best of advisors. Charlie every president has to sit there and choose between advisors. President obama is discovering every question about syria, there are people on one side and people on the other. Continuing with the president s, eisenhower gave a speech in support of nixon in 1960 where he says it all comes down to the president. You have to make a decision alone. Jfk made an intro in september of 1963 where he said that there is this idea that the president is a lonely job. Kennedy said there is no one with more clamorous counsel than a president but in the end the decision is entirely up to the president. If you dont have some basic foundation by which to assess what you are hearing you are handicapped in that job. Charley instinct and intuition are part of an overall decisionmaking process. You have to be able to absorb and have some sense of what an instinct is. Here is another interesting point about donald trump. There are a number of historians who come out against trump. Why are they doing that . What is it they see about him that has called on them to come together and say donald trump is not the right person for president . Ive seen several of those. It is ken burns and others. Their view is that given the president s they have written about, they studied, they created various documentaries about trump lacks the , fundamental knowledge of the temperament to be president. And that to some extent, the rhetoric of the trump candidacy which is that there are walls to be built and there are doors to be closed and terrorists to be imposed leads to a closed america when history tells us we have always stronger the wider we have open our arms. The more we enlarge the mainstream, the more powerful we become. If we are trying to perfect our union the right way to do that , is by expanding the definition of what it means to be an american. Charlie then there it is an understanding of americas values. What is it that all the president s and the constitution and the american belief is about. It is not about some of the things that he has said he has come out for. Is it . Im thinking about respect for freedom of religion and all of that. I think thats right. We are stronger historically the more engaged we are in the world. The more excepting we are of different peoples. We are one of the only nations we are one of the only nations on earth committed not to ethnicity or race but committed to an idea. Saint augustine once said that a nation is best to find as a multitude of rational beings united by the common objects of their love. The common object when we are at our best is we are all created equal. If you look at the 1920s and look at protectionism and closing the door on immigrants, that exacerbated situation led to a crisis in the 30s. There is a real pattern here to beware. Charlie you do get a sense that supporters are saying im willing to roll the dice. Im willing to try something new because that i am that dissatisfied with what has been going on not just this year but for a number of years with republicans and democrats. The populist arguments is is credential expertise is so great why is the world in the shape it is in right now . Donald trumps argument is if experience is so wonderful, why did i just dispatched 16 republicans including governors and senators . He has tapped into this wellspring. The other thing quickly is temperament is a huge thing here. Donald trump says to me i think i have a great temperament. We have to watch the bullying. We have to worry about the vindictiveness. We have to worry about president s throw out nicknames and have thin skin. They dont do as well and president s all have thin skin. How much you show that. The great question is how much he says does he really mean . They are scratching their heads to some extent. Charlie he is not the same off the camera and it private conversation. Because this is such a good piece i want to quote harry truman. He said, you can never tell what is going to happen to a man until he gets to the place of responsibility. You cant tell in advance. You have to pick the man you think is best on the basis of past history. Then you sit around and do a lot of hoping. A certain amount of praying. It is a job that you do not appreciate or understand or have any sense of what it is like. There was a quote, i didnt realize how much killing a president has to do. They almost all talk about it. President bush wrote in his diary. Here is a man who had been congressman, ca eight director, ambassador did to china. He was Vice President for eight years and after his first breathing of the election in a nuclear exchange, he talks about the starkness of the job sinking in. He had been Vice President for eight years yet suddenly he alone was being told about the amount of power he had. That is part of what is so important about this conversation and about character. Ultimately, we do not know what is going to happen. The person behind the desk is going to react based on that character to different situations. Given the stakes, it is the most important decision we collectively make. I am not reflectively saying that donald trump is not qualified but i think the views historically, this is an enormous risk. Charlie you do have republicans taking that position. People growth in positions of leadership in the republican party. Is not a minority position by any means. The other things to keep in mind is how well trump learns on the job. From the bay of pigs in 1861 1961. It was after the disaster that kennedy bravely reached out to his predecessor and have him come up to camp david. They talked about what it is lik

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