Transcripts for BFBS Brunei BFBS Brunei 20180927 120000 : co

BFBS Brunei BFBS Brunei September 27, 2018 120000

Large brain and academic help cheating University essay writing Services banned Yes it was terrible I thought of it in my lecture and. Said well. Russia has accused the u.k. Of unsubstantiated rhetoric over the latest claims in the Solsbury spy always knowing one of the team accused of carrying out the attack has been identified as a colonel in the Russian intelligence service Ali Perella has more 2 weeks ago Vladimir Putin insisted Alexander petrol than rest son Bashir of were civilians with nothing criminal about that trip to Salisbury Fast forward to now on his claim the Russian president himself awarded the nation's highest military honor on Bashir of his actually said to be ancillary chippy got a highly decorated colonel in the g.r.u. The claim comes from 2 Online Investigative Group spelling cat on the inside Russia's foreign minister Sergey Lavrov told the United Nations General Assembly it's nonsense but I live in the us though we are witnessing an increase in unsubstantiated rhetoric about the. Same time the case stubbornly avoiding a joint investigation which we've offered several times the question arises that if they don't want to cooperate it means that they have something to hide Phillip Ingram is a former senior intelligence officer in the British army is almost certainly still a serving officer the information and look at the description of his career is he's going to fast tracked the forefront of volatilities officer who has been highly respected and highly decorated and that's why he will have been given this mission to function to the highest level Lord Ricketts a film a national security adviser says it's damaging for Russia I don't think any of that is comfortable Russia which awful does care about its image in the world it put a lot of effort into the World Cup earlier this year and this has really damaged Russia's image across a large swathe of the world the defense secretary Gavin Williamson appeared to confirm the story on Twitter before his posts. Deleted British officials say they won't comment on an ongoing investigation forced. Radio for 6 years it's a big day for Donald Trump the man he wants to put on America's most powerful court faces sentences over sexual assault allegations a 3rd woman has now come for what's to make claims against Brett Kavanaugh the president is still supporting him but says today's evidence might change his mind I'm going to see what say it was possible that they will be convincing now with all of that being said Judge Brett Kavanaugh has been for many years one of the most respected people in Washington Brett Kavanaugh denies any wrongdoing he is due to testify today as is one of his 3 accuses Melissa Jetson a reporter with the Huff Post Web site says a female lawyer thin to interview them but all the Republicans on the Judiciary Committee are men hired. Optics of having a group of men sort of Badger a woman about an alleged sexual assault but the woman that they hired is a prosecutor and I spent the day talking to experts on sexual violence and I think it's incredibly inappropriate for a prosecutor to be doing this question in a rare and at times bizarre Siler news conference the president repeated his claim that trying to China is trying to meddle in America's midterm elections but pointed to one commentator who said he's just too clever for the Chinese China has total respect for Donald Trump and for Donald Trump's very very large brain he said Donald Trump they don't know what to do your listeners say just. Ahead of them on them fabricated says she feared fire crews would not come out to Grenfell town for a long life because of the scale of the disaster Tom Cotton has been giving evidence to the public inquiry into the fire which killed 7 people the B.B.C.'s Lisa her employer has been listening to her evidence she said we've never seen such a significant build. I'm relieved that no one could have thought that a building would behave like this and that she had the decision to stay put was the right one Human Rights Watch has accused Iraq's military and security forces of carrying out the forcible disappearance of dozens of men and boys most of them Sunni Muslims the right group rights group says it's documented $78.00 cases including 4 children as young as 9 every period of 3 and a half years so doctors can March and Les Dennis along with former boxer former boxer Frank Bruno and comic Bob are among stars who settled claims for phone hacking a total of 16 cases were heard today against the owners of the sun and the now defunct News of the world they got compensation after their voicemail messages were secretly monitored d.c.s. . Full season there is a cool to ban so-called essay mails companies seen as profiting from enabling students to cheat the heads of $45.00 universities and colleges according on the government's to take action against those offering essay writing services for a fee which I say allow students to pass them off as their own Christopher day is vice chancellor of Newcastle University and we want them to commit to bring in new legislation that legislation would include banning these companies in the u.k. Make it illegal for u.k. Companies to online advertise and remove them from the results of search engines has been described as academic fraud and undermining the integrity of higher education as a mill companies are already banned in places like New Zealand and parts of the us but they are perfectly legal here in the u.k. Daniel Dennett He is chief operating officer at the academic writing service says he says their essays are designed to help students produce their own work not for people to pass off as their right and they will say look I am struggling with this subject area are you able to help do you have a specialist with to provide me a model so I can read understand it and to be able to produce my own work from Boston. But by at the way Dan Byrnes built an essay on line a part an investigation for Student News website the term they'll talk about going to be. Written by students ph d. Students yes it was terrible I took it to my lecturer and the kind of skim read it that well wouldn't. But the more we looked the more we. Looked the grammar it would barely scrape. In this to say they all bearing down on the problem and they haven't ruled out bringing in new rules Forces Radio forces needs an unusual day of training is underway in the silent 14 vessels from one class of ship all working together team keeper is there p 2 sounds and the class is then one small ship 68 feet long they have a flying bridge so the bridge is open to the elements and you can see all the crew standing there guiding her out of the harbor Well 14 of these vessels all came together to do some special training out in the sounds of they give a chance for the young officers to practice their seamanship skills and also to do maneuvers in a large contingent top and very rarely this only every few years and seeing them all come out of the harbor on their way into ranks 70 side and they came along at best b. And left the harbor very impressive sides and getting it would be better really would have been the other 2 p.t. Thousands being able they called because their base which has lain in Scotland where they patrol the naval base and keep that safe but as many p. To thousands is to be ever as ever likely to see here in Portsmouth today forces needs. Says. Europe's Paul Casey says he can't wait to play in the Ryder Cup tomorrow Casey is playing in the event for the 1st time in 10 years he admits he doesn't know how many more opportunities he's going to get I'm taking all of this in this week I'm enjoying all of it I mean bro. All of it because I don't know how many more days of play especially in Europe I'm 41 now so you know this may be my last European face Ryder Cup I don't know so yeah I'm here to win points my heart out but also embrace every moment counts video assistant referees will be used in the Champions League from next season the system will also be used in the 2900 seat pick up on that year a 2028 bunch the City captain Vincent Kompany will donate all profits from his testimonial match to the city's homeless the game will take place next August Madrid has been selected to host the Davis Cup finals in 20192028 will be just 5 weeks before the a.t.p. Hold a very similar World Cup in Australia president David Hackett he says he still hopes the Davis Cup will be the definitive event in tennis 4 time world champion John Higgins will play judge Trump in the quarter finals of sneakers trying to championship Higgins beat fellow countryman Scott Donaldson 53 this morning. Says. The Russian foreign ministry has rejected claims one of the men accused of carrying out the Salzburg nerve agent attack was a top level military officer based in. American Senate as a preparing to question President Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh one of the women who's accused him of sexual misconduct for university and college heads of off the government's to bring in a new rule banning companies that write assignments for students to pass off as there are in the. Us the latest on. In the trash posts try to be f.p.s. . A. Galaxy Tab 6 minutes and this is well it's all online. Forces and that's massive thanks to you. And the. Congo. another Liam Gallagher. A recent focus should be the focus of race yet forget b.s. At the time it takes to try to put on Have French Montana 1st time on forces try to be f.p.s. So if you die this way then we are featuring tracks from the new Sapolsky credits and sound having a new Paul McCartney album as go to Egypt station 1st one in 5 years. This one is back in Brazil. Brazil. I. See. With. B.s. . For the people. a run from full. Unfold the big show on Friday by the way. Every Don't you. The ultimate forces connection every day Forces Radio. Whatever service you're a part of this one challenge which is tougher more enduring but even more rewarding than any of it's a challenge that can make you healthier live longer and feel proud to have accomplished it could also save your life if you can stop smoking for $28.00 days 5 times more likely to stay smokefree some make this October still to get you free stop total download the supportive smartphone app and register for free text supports and make your after a smoke free stuff to get started today such online. Forces come to life this is a country that is back against the war it was the only country opposing Nazi Germany in 914 we were all in war in Iraq the 1st national between 2 full set when you landed on the bridge through practicing by going out to the for the whole world of forces it's a good place for young men to it is critical to how we live our lives today and we owe them guilty that Battle of Britain 75 lives in the field if you look on the micro find so many good shows. There's a place to hear the very best stuff vs b.s. Radios original programs music specials news and sports. The show's much more any time. Here it's all the forces dot net slash radio hold Eye more not music special on lot of forces done that Slash Y.B.'s slash on the man Jacks of a Red Sea on Forces Radio b f b s now following the successful London launch of Help for Heroes creative force the exhibits cannot be seen a personal recovery centers closer to the homes of the individual artists list Mullen has met 2 people who were not only artists but survivors given a 5 percent survival way and and the hospital actually ordered my family to come and they could say yes years later I'm still here now Macon a business out of art which is just a dream come true to realize high pitch history has taught to materialize every 3 to around me for the 2 people who've overcome the odds and found a new life through out Lisa de goal from an Army family and only veteran Craig mailing have work on show each of us v.c. House cultures just passed no recovery center as part of the creative force initiative by Help for Heroes his Lisa story the reason for me during this piece I was actually diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma advanced stage 4 in 2008 and to go very aggressive chemotherapy and radiotherapy regime which pretty much destroyed all my fine motor skills so I had to learn turn I need walk but to cut food and everything so the reason for. Mixed media was basically teaching me how to sew and how to hold and needle and thread I got bored of doing buttons. I needed to do something a bit more exciting and a bit momently challenge and so I started basically to need to work Hunter designs and joints and the feedback so far has been absolutely amazing after his p.t.s.d. Diagnosis Craig milling salvation turned out to be poetry and the exhibition just places beautiful metallic glazed ball basically what are left to realize high pitch yesterday was posted to compact stress pos re convolved and for many of us. They contacted Help for Heroes to see if they could fall and kill me there will . Occur more will a 1000000 flights find it very carbon are they off to a stressful. During the summer stopping or much Spitz who will listen to goals whole life has been in twined with the forces community I grew up British forces germinate to protest sign press my partner is also ex forces say the force is very much in our hearts they actually been part of this is just really come for 10 unlovely forces a family I joined the surf in the Army a message which was back. To me forward to serve different and it's important with trans needs also help is help out there but the churches can help especially Help for Heroes are involved or not as a way of helping you with exotic and stress yourself it's calmed down a bit in the right place I worked for an investment bank in London is an equity straight in research or so now doing art is a very very different career path will me never for a 1000000 years of a port displayed in a gallery in London. I do so small. Or tend to give away more. No it sounds. Like being calling people good and some republic probably will get sell it and perhaps. Craig mailing and Lisa De Gaulle and forces right. Impacts the. Creative forces having. Commissioner of the London Fire Brigade is I'll be Grenfell inquiry the father could not have been extinguished even if far far too as have been given specific training in dealing with burning cladding Tommy Cotton also said she was hit by an overwhelming anxiety about sending far crews into a building when she couldn't guarantee their safety from the inquiry the B.B.C.'s Lisa harmfully reports the commissioner was questioned about the decision for residents to stay put and training for 5 in high rise buildings she said she hadn't received training on fire spread over the sought of a high rise residential block but she accepted that the risk of a clattering fire was only brigades Radeon 9 months before the Grenfell fire also with a firefighter should have been trained to deal with such a fire she said I wouldn't develop a training package for a space shuttle to land on the show but it was something that simply shouldn't happen the Russian foreign ministry says an investigation which claims to have identified one of the Solve report.

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