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Cancelling the last Administration Com Pletely Cancelling the last administration completely one sided deal with cuba. And hes one of the political giants of modern european history. Germanys longest serving chancellor, helmut kohl, dies at the age of 87. Could ronaldo be getting rid of real . The bbc learns hes so upset at being accused of tax fraud, he wants to leave madrid. Hello and welcome to world news today. Police say that at least 30 people are now confirmed to have died in the fire that engulfed Grenfell Tower in west london. The bbc understands that the total number of people who are dead but the bbc understands that many more people are missing. There is growing anger at the way the authorities have dealt with the aftermath of the fire earlier around 500 protestors stormed kensington town hall. Some protestors then moved to the centre of london, and staged a sit in at oxford circus, in the heart of londons west end, and just a few hundred metres from this building. With the story of a day that people in west london who were affected by the Tower Block Fire began to express their anger, heres jeremy cooke. A crowd Storms Kensington town hall, demanding action. We wantjustice, we wantjustice. Demanding justice. And demanding answers. We need to be heard. We have things to say. We are in pain. I understand that the response we get from the council is not satisfactory. They want to hear from the local Authority Officials how could this tragedy have happened on this scale, in this city, in 2017 . The whole procedure is chaos. We are sent from hospital to hospital. To shelters. Why is there not Community Help for Family Members . Why do we have to look for information . Today, again, in The Shadow Of G Re nfell tower, a different kind of response. It is an Overwhelming Community tragedy with an Overwhelming Community response. We get all the missing people on the same window. A continuing grassroots mobilisation, doing all that they can. And visited today by royalty. A time to reflect and to thank. You guys do a brilliantjob. But the queen and Prince William left in no doubt of the agony and the grief here. Royal protocol meets raw emotion. William, harry, come here. Where are the children . Rescue crews are still making their way through the building. It is hard to imagine a more challenging task. Dangerous and slow work. It is why the official death toll remains so much lower than what the people here expect, and what they fear. The building itself is in a very hazardous state. It is going to take a period of time for our specialists, both from the police and the london fire brigade, to fully search the building, to make sure we locate and recover everybody that has sadly perished in that fire. We will be doing that as swiftly as we can, absolutely. With all of that comes frustration and the sense among many that more help is needed at the official level. There is a woman on the train who goes past and she sees body bags. Loads of them. Why are they lying . 0k, even if you cant identify them, dont lie. Say, we have this many bodies unidentified. Because there are people out here looking for their family and friends. The investigations, inquests and enquiries will take months, perhaps years to complete but the people here believe they already have a fundamental understanding of this tragedy, that the fire swept through the building at breathtaking pace, and that so many people from this neighbourhood have lost their lives. Away from the crowds, it is now three days on. The fire is out and london rumbles on. Grenfell tower, 127 homes, stands monument now to the lives, to the families who have been lost. Jeremy cooke, bbc news, north kensington. The british Prime Minister theresa may has offered a £5 Million Relief Fund for those affected by the fire. A short while ago she spoke to my colleague Emily Maitliss and insisted the government was doing everything it could. We are committed to rehousing people. Some people may want to go to another borough where they have support. But we went to make sure that within three weeks were people will be rehoused and they have a home to goes to. Do you except that you misread the mood, the anger, you didnt meet residents are resented that . This was a terrible tragedy that . This was a terrible tragedy that took place. People have lost their lives and others have lost everything. All their possessions, their home, and everything. What we are doing is putting in place the support that would help them. That it isa terrible tragedy. I have heard reports from the fire brigade, the police and the victims in the tower themselves. But also from other residents, some of them have not been able to go back to their homes either. What was the response . What iam now either. What was the response . What i am now absolutely focused on is ensuring they get that support on the ground. The government is making money available, we are ensuring we will get to the bottom of what has happened. We will ensure people are rehoused, but we need to make sure that that actually happens. My my colleague ian watson joins us from london. What did theresa may say . She didnt answer that directly, she talked about the practical thing she was doing. She did say in the interview that this was a terrible tragedy and we all affected but people werentjust for practical messages, they were looking for empathy. She said the priority was to meet the Emergency Services as she did yesterday in a private meeting, nonetheless he did not meet the residents directly, that i think aloud a gap for her opponents to suggest she was lacking in sympathy for some of the resident. She was not listening to the concerns. And by the time she did meet the residents outside the church where she met some victims and the victims two families, she was met with cries of coward and shame on you. For a Prime Minister have just come out of a election with a reduced number of mps in parliament, would a week in hand, if you like, it wasnt desperately helpful to have the past 2a hours focusing on her again her character, her ability to keep in step with the mood of the country, not necessarily the inability to deal quickly with a totally. We have with a tragedy. We have seen the anger of people we who want answers. It will be such a difficult process in getting the information they need . Dart things here. What mrs may was trying to do was trying to start the process of finding the truth. There will be a public enquiry led by the judiciary, an independent enquiry into what happened. In terms of references for that enquiry, not yet drawn up, can be interest to limit the influence by the tenants and residents of the area affected so they can have a say over what the enquiry should look at. But they want answers now about their last relatives, feared dead. They want how many people have died, a nswe is they want how many people have died, answers on how quickly and where there might be rehoused. She suggested the local area, they were worried they might be moved out of the area and the community. Those are pressing questions, they say they have not been answered. There isa they have not been answered. There is a great deal of anger and frustration spilling over, this is getting a bit wider now. There are demonstrations going past ten downing st, to oxford street, the Main Shopping Street of london, the headquarters of the bbc. Theres a feeling that something that had started as a desperate tragedy, there are now bigger questions about how people are treated in this country, the gap between rich and poon country, the gap between rich and poor, a bigger political time is not just for the Prime Minister that all Political Parties in britain. Ian watson, thank you for the time being. That protest has now moved on. Well have much more coverage of the west london Tower Block Fire from 9 30pm local time, the viewers in the uk. President trump has announced that hes cancelling what hes called his predecessors one sided deal with cuba. At a ceremony with the Cuban American Community in miami, he signed what he described as a commitment to strengthen the policy of the United States towards cuba. He said that Easing Restrictions on travel and trade only enriched the cuban regime and did not help the cuban people. The profits from investment and tourism flow directly to the military. The regime takes the money and owns the industry. The outcome of last administrations Executive Action has been owned the more profession and a move more repression and a move to crush the peaceful democratic movement. So effective immediately, i am cancelling the last administrations Com Pletely Cancelling the last administrations completely one sided deal with cuba. President from speaking to some of the Cuban American Community in miami. We spoke to will grant in havana. That is what stood out to me, we knew he would break with the 0bama policy, reimposing restrictions that have been eased by his predecessor. But it was just the degree to which he ramped up the rhetoric that stood out to us in cuba. This was speaking about the government as a dictatorship, attacking the military as milking the Tourism Dollars that were coming into cuba, it was heavy on human rights, he challenged keeper to lay out as he put it, a better deal. Despite all the noise, if you look at exactly what was said, he has not rolled back completely on the 0bama era policies. Thus on certain elements. Specifically, to do with travel, and trade so that us companies cant work with the commercial wing of the cuban military. But things still will continue as they were in terms of, for example, direct flights to cuba from the United States. Dont go away, we will go to washington now and Barbara Joyce us. We were expecting this but as well was saying, a stronger rhetoric than perhaps we have anticipated . President trump had promised a certain constituency, Cuban American ha rdliners certain constituency, Cuban American hardliners in miami, that he would do this. They are the minority, actually, in that community now, over time there has been much greater openness to a did with it was to them he was speaking. He spoke to them in miami. These are their views about the castro regime. He was influenced by hardline Cuban American lawmakers, especially senator marco rubio. He went with that rhetoric, painting the regime and very black colours, making this very much a human rights issue, saying that the regime was oppressing people, destabilising the region, and that it was benefiting from the results of president 0bama ss detente and that they would change it in that way but well is right, the actual changes were not so right, the actual changes were not so much a rollback but tightening some of the money to the commercial element of the military. I think what we will be looking for is that tone that he has set, that line, how that will affect the relationship with the government, i think it probably signals a return to a much more adversarial type of relationship and that is going to distress a lot of people here, the business and tourism community, and lawmakers as well. Not just about that those on the republican side of the who are pressing for this cuba. Bob, lets look lets point those two will. From those who want a transparent process , those who want a transparent process, Political Parties to be allowed, voting and free elections, that wont happen willett . Not through these means, no. I dont think the cuban government has ever responded well to those demands from washington and it wont start now. He almost suggested the fact that president raul castro is stepping down next year was somehow related to this harder stance. But mr castro has made it clear he intended to step down for quite some time. In fa ct, step down for quite some time. In fact, if anything, step down for quite some time. In fact, ifanything, human step down for quite some time. In fact, if anything, Human Rights Organisations are advising against taking this type of harder stance because they fear that it might strengthen the hand of hardliners within the cu ban strengthen the hand of hardliners within the cuban communist party. So there is a lot of people pointing out some of the inconsistencies in this policy. For example, obliging us citizens to come to cuba in organised groups. That means the chances are they would stay within state run hotels and not the private centre, exactly the part of the economy that the Trump Administration is trying to empower. There are a lot of people suggesting this is misguided but the administration is clear that the previous of nurses and midweek, rolled over for the castro government, and that they will take a harder stance. The Previous Administration was weak. We will keep the Focus On Donald Trump because the president has once again taken to twitter. The president has taken to twitter to confirm hes being investigated for Obstruction Ofjustice in connection with the firing of former fbi directorjames comey. He said i am being investigated forfiring the fbi director by the man who told me to fire the fbi director once again he called it a witch hunt. He also insisted that after seven months of investigations and Committee Hearings about my alleged collusion with the russians, nobody has been able to show any proof. Sad, he added. As a result, sources close to the us Deputy Attorney general, rod rosenstein, say he may have to recuse himself from the inquiry as he may now be a potential witness. 0ur correspondent in washington, rajini Vaidya Nathan explains how we got here. James comey the former fbi director, testified before the Senate Last Week and remember, he was fired by President Club at the beginning of may. He testified before the senate but President Trump was not the subject of the investigation is into whether the Trump Campaign colluded with the russians. But of course, he only knew what was going on while he was in post. But Thenjames Kelly was in post. But Thenjames Kelly was fired, and someone called robert mallo was taken over takeover of the investigation as special council. Now that mr muller has taken over. He has broadened the scope of the enquiry and is now investigating President Trump. But whether he is for whether he obstructed justice. He is now being investigated for his role in firing james comey. Stay with us On Bbc World News for lots to come, including sports news, the latest from the second round of the latest from the second round of the us open. There was a bomb In The City Centre and Ai 0blak Codewords ira codeword. Thus South African Government has abolished the force registration act, which forcibly classified citizens according to race. Germanys parliament has voted by no majority to move this seat of government from bonn to berlin. It was greeted by a shot in bonn. Just a day old and the royal baby is now sleeping in his cot. He was taken to apartment to kensington palace. The first russian cosmonaut. Woman cosmonaut. You are watching bbc world news. The former chancellor of germany, helmut kohl, who presided over the reunification of the west with the former communist east, has died aged 87. The current chancellor, angela merkel, has led the tributes, describng him as a great german and a great european. from berlin, jenny hill reports. His name rang out at a Turning Point in history. East germans hailed him as a saver from communism, the cold war was over. As a child, helmut kohl saw his country destroyed by world war ii. It inspired or a lifelong ambition to unify germany and europe, and put an end to war. His Christian Democrat principles and his giant physique proved unstoppable. First he was the leader of rhineland then leader of opposition in west germany. And when schmidts government collapsed, the cold war. He was mocked for his appetite and accent. His time might have run out were it not for a political earthquake. The fall of the berlin wall. Now helmut kohl with the history man, the reassuring figure who convinced the soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to reunite germany which would pose no threat. 0n the day of reunification, helmut kohl with the father of the nation. But in eastern germany, the economy failed and brilliance lost their jobs. Helmut kohl felt dearly. He had ignored the costs of unity and germany paid the price. Helmut kohl turned to his other big idea, reuniting europe with the french president. Tap in became the architect of the new european union, with its own currency. At the end, kohls ruthless attempts to cling to power led to his downfall. Then a corruption scandal. He admitted he flouted the law for years, taking secret donations which he said he passed on political friends, secret donations which he said he passed on politicalfriends, but the courts letting go three. His reputation never really recovered but his legacy is filled. In 2010, hejoined the but his legacy is filled. In 2010, he joined the celebrations to mark 20 years of german reunification. The west and east are back together, and helmut kohl will always be remembered as the chancellor of german unity. That did all The Sports News. Bbc sport understands that Christiano Ronaldo wants to leave spain. After being accused of tax fraud. The contract is signed last year keeping him at real madrid for five years, includes a 1 billion year wrote release clause. The former rail madrid president called a run, agrees he could make a shock exit. In that sense, i dont think its going to be easy to change. He is a strong minded and gets what he wa nts. Strong minded and gets what he wants. When i signed him, he was going to come the year before, he didnt because he committed to manchester united. When he did for real madrid, he didnt change his mind. Despite that barcelona were offering more. Its true. Lets hope that hes not so clear leaving real madrid. Lets get the latest on the second round of the us open goal. The american rickie fowler, leader after round one has picked up the shot, he is now eight under, one behind books his countrymen. Copter, his countryman. There was a trouble but fixing the treble bogey earlier today. The world number two and three will miss the cut, rory mcilroy and jason day finished six and ten over par respectively. To recap, Brooks Koepka now nine under par, a shot in front of ricky fowler. Andy murray is trying to defend his title next week before aiming at his personal Third Wimbledon Title next month. Murray told bbc sport that his time at the top could soon be over. Told bbc sport that his time at the top could soon be overlj told bbc sport that his time at the top could soon be over. I know some of the players have been doing really well into the 30s recently, but that might not be the case with me. Maybe the next couple of years, the last few well i have the chance to compete for the majors and the biggest tournament. I want to make the most of them. Staying with tennis, Feliciano Lopez upset third seed tomas berdych. Top seeds federal and dimmer jobs were seed tomas berdych. Top seeds federal and dimmerjobs were knocked out in the second round and it took the spaniards two hours and seven minutes to get to the number six seed, mischa zverev. No problems for the fourth seed, he beat the kohlschreiber in three sets. Thats all the sports are now, back to you. Thank you, all The Sports News there. We have a special programme focusing on the Grenfell Tower fire next, so do stay with us next for that. Hello there. The weekend is fast approaching and for those who havent heard, we are heading for a decent, summary weekend. Warm and hot the sun, with Humidity Building as well and sunshine too. The reason being the Wind Direction coming from the South Westerly Driving in warm airfrom the azores, the South Westerly Driving in warm air from the azores, temperature across central spain in the 405, mid 30s across central spain in the 405, mid 305 in france. We could see 30 degrees, we havent seen temperatures like that since last september. High pressure, very much setting the scene acro55 september. High pressure, very much setting the scene across the uk this weekend, with a weather Frontjust Toppling over the top of that high. That is what we have seen today. In the south east, central and Southern England we have had blue sky and 5un5hine. Pressure today, More Co Mforta ble 5un5hine. Pressure today, more comfortable for many but temperatures not falling far at all through the night. Be and dried, we keep That Feed Of Moist Air Acro55 scotla Nd Keep That Feed Of Moist Air Acro55 Scotland Driving In5 keep That Feed Of Moist Air Acro55 scotland driving ins and drizzle in mi5ty conditions here. 0vernight Low5 Mi5ty conditions here. 0vernight lows of 11 to 17 degrees, more uncomfortable for trying to get a decent night 5 sleep. Temperatures will then rocket up as we go through the day on saturday. That front not moving far, in the north west and getting the Feed Of Cloud and drizzly rain. It should break up in east and got them, temperatures was bombing. 23 degrees in aberdeenshire and we are likely to see similar in the north west, if its too hot, go to the coast, there may be refreshing 5ea the coast, there may be refreshing sea breeze. 27 or 28 degrees in land. Just a light breeze 5o sea breeze. 27 or 28 degrees in land. Just a light breeze so it will get quite hot and eventually humid. Working time ago keep this in mind if you spend time outside, it will be high uv i5 if you spend time outside, it will be high uv is not very high. Certainly worth bearing in mind. Not much change for sunday, the sun sitting in the northwest, affecting this. It continues to build elsewhere and the humidity will build two, 30 degrees is the mid 805 into the fahrenheit. We keep those temperatures on monday, and a bit fresher by tuesday. The headlines, terrible and misguided, Donald Trumps assertion on the deal with cuba. President al5o on the deal with cuba. President also said he is been personally investigated by james comey. Also said he is been personally investigated byjame5 comey. He also said he is been personally investigated by james comey. He said it has been a witchhunt. There5a may 5aid it has been a witchhunt. There5a may said she has been deeply affected by the Chartered The tragedy, of the Tower Block Fire. She said she was sitting up a 6 million

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