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President trump believes Michael Flynn should be able to tell his story to Congressional Committee is conducting investigations into russias interference in the president ial election. The american president ial election. The american president described the hearings as a witchhunt and in a briefing his spokesperson said the white house was not worried about what it might reveal. He believes Michael Flynn should testify a nd he believes Michael Flynn should testify and thinks he should go up there and do what he has to do to get the story out. With or without immunity . That is up to him and his lawyer to decide. I will not give anyone legal advice from the podium but the view of the president is he should testify. But the president gave legal advice from his twitter account. You said in the past the only reason to ask for immunity is that we have done something wrong. Go get it out there, the president says. Google just have to do and tell everyone what we have been saying for a long time. Go out there. If you realise what the president is doing as he is saying do what you have to do to make it clear what happened and segment of a precaution you want or however your Legal Counsel advises you. My Legal Counsel advises you. My colleague in washington told me the white house will not want to appear nervous about what Michael Flynn is saying. Whether they are awarded privately or not, they need to appear they are comfortable with them testifying. He was a Senior Adviser to donald trump throughout the campaign and serve as head of his National Security council. Only for a few weeks but it is still a top level positions so i do not think they want to put forward an appearance they are worried. Although i think there is significant concern. Sean spicer was not going to be dragged into the question of immunity but the top democrat on the House Intelligence Committee was saying this is the grave and momentous step for the former Security Adviser to ask for immunity. Michael flynns lawyer said he has a story to tell and they want at story to give out there. What story that is why he wants to tell it is the big question. He might be seeking immunity to insulate himself from questions of perjury before the fbi when they asked about his contacts with the Russian Ambassador or it could be to insulate himself against an investigation into his lobbying effo rts an investigation into his lobbying efforts on behalf of foreign dignitaries and officials which he may or may not have disclosed. Or it could be key has information about ties between the Trunk Campaign and russian officials, that is what franks enemies hoped for but we have no idea what people say yet. Thatis have no idea what people say yet. That is what Donald Trumps enemies hoped. We do not know if he drank will be granted that immunity but the fact it has became public like this suggest it will not be granted because this will be happening behind the scenes. Can we at least know when people testified . According to the Senate Committee he is one of the people they want to talk to, not necessarily in front of the full Time Committee but this is an ongoing process and no date has been set. The committee has a believes some of the planned hearings so i think we can speculate it will be in the coming months but there is no certain date yet. When the british Prime Minister theresa may triggered the uks departure from the eu two days ago she stressed britain was keen On A Trade Deal to protect its exports from tariffs. Today the eu responded and in Draft Guidelines for negotiations they ruled out trade talks before outstanding issues were cleared up. Speaking in malta donald tusk made citizens write a top priority. Citizens rates. After all the shadow boxing, now coming into focus the eus terms for brexit. They are guidelines for now, but donald tusk made clear the eu will insist the uk sorts out its Exit Arrangements first. So an Outline Agreement on citizens rights, on financial liabilities, before anything else. Once we have achieved sufficient progress on the withdrawal, can we discuss the framework for future relationship. Starting parallel talks on all issues at the same time, as suggested by some in the uk, will not happen. So the eu is explicitly rejecting theresa mays position. No trade talks at first, future ties only outlined during a second phase of negotiations. No special access for Industries Like cars and banking. The eu excludes a sector by sector approach to its single market, and the transition would be under eu rules, uk required to accept existing union structures. Transition periods mean that you are still a member, or at least you still have access to a membership situation. If you have such an access, it is obvious, it goes without saying, that the institutions would have all agreed upon the need to govern that period. There have been months of preparations and lobbying to draw up these guidelines. Uk citizens living in the eu, eu citizens living in the uk worried about losing their rights, met the eus chief negotiator. They are the top priority in the exit deal. Ireland has been pressing its case about the irish border, without damaging the peace process. Gibraltar is a Surprise Inclusion as a result of spanish lobbying. The eu says no future trade deal can apply to gibraltar unless spain agrees. This will require the agreement of 27 members. If that was a shock for the Foreign Secretary, he didnt show it as he arrived for a meeting at nato ho. He sought to calm fears the uk might Thai Security into the deal. Tie. The security of this region, europe, is unconditional. It is not some Bargaining Chip in any negotiations that may be taking place elsewhere in this capital. Now article 50 has been triggered, it is the eu who can determine what about these negotiations. They want to control not just the sequence, but what the uk can achieve, too. One day into negotiations and there are all the tensions over this document. They relate to gibraltar, and overseas british territory on the spanish mainland the rule of which has been long contested by madrid. Britains future deal will not apply to gibraltar without the consent of spain. Gibraltars Chief Minister says this is unacceptable Andi Minister says this is unacceptable and i asked him if he was surprised by this move by spain. Iam not by this move by spain. I am not surprised by it at all but what i am saying it is unacceptable to see it singled out in the week has been in the draft. The four surviving Chief Ministers of gibraltar, including myself, warned during the referendum this is what we could expect to see if the result was to leave. I appreciate that but given spain has wanted this for a long time, there was always going to long time, there was always goingio high long time, there was always gomgio high chance they into this is what they liaise is what they haee been is yyhat they haye been doing it is what they have been doing already. Remember matters including the eus agreement with the Ukraine Forflight the eus agreement with the ukraine for flight between the two entities has been vetoed by spain because of its application to gibraltar. It has been ready for five years and not signed because spain will not agree to it because it applies to gibraltar. This would have happened because spain is one of the 27 remaining nations and the agreement on the future relationship with uk and the eu would have had to go to all those parliaments and would likely require agreement from all so this is the spelling out what would have been issue we were facing but it singled out gibraltar and an unfairand it singled out gibraltar and an unfair and unnecessary weight and clearly discriminatory but i am grateful spain has been foolish enough to play this, very early on and not five minutes to donate when the agreement is already in place. Five minutes to midnight. Should this not been flagged up much earlier, given we are now in the process of brexit . This is an issue we have been of and one we talked about referendum and one we talked about throughout the referendum and campaign and one i have spoke about to the British Government since the Prime Minister took over. I have seen Prime Minister took over. I have seen a Prime Minister took over. I have seen a statement and she stayed fast in her support of gibraltar and i am pleased to see of her squaring off against this particular point in the Negotiating Draft Parameters and i spoke to the Foreign Secretary this afternoon who confirmed the uk remains implacable and ruthless and the defence of gibraltars interest in negotiations. Lots more still to come including the oscar winning hollywood director joining us to talk about his latest film about the armenian massacre. The Republic Of Ireland has become the first country in the world to ban smoking in the workplace. Anyone lighting up in offices and Restau Ra Nts Lighting Up in offices and restaurants will face a heavy fine. The president was on his way out of the hilton hotel where he addressed a trade union conference. The small crowd outside included his assailant. It has become a symbol of paris, 100 yea rs it has become a symbol of paris, 100 years ago many wished it had never been built. The eiffel towers birthday is marked by an re enactment of the first ascent. Welcome back. Our main headlines this hour, president trumps supporters former National Security adviser as he seeks immunity from prosecution in exchange for testifying about alleged russian interference in the us election. The eu insists it will not negotiate its future relationship with the uk until that has been sufficient progress towards Agreement Plans for brexit. Authorities in europe and australia have announced a sweeping tax evasion probe. A series of coordinated raids in several countries including britain, france and the netherlands. But investigators say the received information about 50,000 Suspect Accou Nts Information about 50,000 Suspect Accounts in a swiss bank and they are reporting the seizure of paintings, a gold barand are reporting the seizure of paintings, a gold bar and jewellery. They have arrested two people. A swiss bank said its properties had been contacted. Geneva correspondent gave us been contacted. Geneva correspondent gave us more details this investigation. It is switzerlands Second Largest Bank but also a huge player in Globalfinance Bank but also a huge player in Global Finance and it has admitted its branches in paris, amsterdam and london were, the dutch say raided and Credit Suisse say visited and they are cooperating fully. We know they are cooperating fully. We know the dutch also visited or raided homes in holland and confiscated not money but goods. This is a classic trick with trying to hide your assets, invest in gold bars, jewellery, paintings and they even release photographs of some of the seized items. It looks like a very, very big investigation and one which could have some pretty widespread ramifications. It is a huge investigation, 50,000 Suspect Accounts. That is absolutely massive. It will be a huge blow to Credit Suisse which has already paid fines to the usa for allegedly helping american clients to hide the money and avoid paying tax. There is a must see this angle to this, it is a p pa re ntly a must see this angle to this, it is apparently not just your classic tax evasion, it is a Money Laundering which is what the dutch have said and that suggests some of the money involved came from criminal activity. This is huge, over 50,000 accounts, and with very serious implications in terms of the type of crime this investigation might reveal. What about the fact the dutch had not consulted the swiss on going ahead with this. Any reaction on that . The swiss issued a statement saying they are disconcerted by that. Disconcerted as the swiss ward for absolutely furious. They are very angry and upset they were left out because they would say they have been working very hard to crack down on tax evasion and make their banks complied and introduced all sorts of new laws, sign up to europe wide regulations on tax evasion, they share information, and yet when switzerlands Second Largest Bank has been the subject of investigation since early 2016 switzerland was never informed and quite surprisingly for the usual quite surprisingly for the usual quite tranquil swiss their statement suggests they have been deliberately kept out of this investigation. They are very angry and upset because they do think the kurds have actually contributed their own valuable expertise and they could have contributed. The do not want the image of this to be left with something that affects such a big swiss bank and look as though maybe they are not on side when they really feel they are in tackling Money Laundering and tax evasion. Lets bring you up to date with the other news today. Most members of the union of South African Nations condemn the venezuelan Supreme Courts decision to take one legislative powers from opposition led congress. Protest went on for a second day in caracas. The mark on the Supreme Court welly scuffled. The nato Secretary General has praised the us Secretary Of State Rex Tillerson for his strong commitment to the Transatlantic Alliance as nato Foreign Ministers gathered in brussels for the first meeting with him. The us is calling on all nato states to meet their defence spending targets. The indian state of gujarat have passed a law which increases the penalty for Slaughtering Cows from seven penalty for Slaughtering Cows From Seve N Years Penalty for Slaughtering Cows from seven years to life. And that the new law indias strictest ever, carl stalker will also become a non bailable offence. Slaughtering cows. They are widely considered sacred by considered sacred by indias hindu majority. And now the sport. A big weekend of premier league football. A particularly famous fixture, the merseyside derby. Liverpool and everton have met over 200 times, they are grounds and metres apart and domestic Football Returns across europe and what a match to start us off. Both managers understand the significance. Everton are a good team, they have a very good run, did not lose a lot of games recently, good results, confident but were liverpool, we play at anfield and nobody should underestimate the power of anfield and whenever we played that we have to create a special atmosphere. It is a new season, a new game, a new manager for everton and i do not know why, i heard a bit about the last two seasons of everton that maybe they we re seasons of everton that maybe they were too afraid to play against liverpool but you do not need to be afraid to play against liverpool. Something a bit different. Schoolchildren are to get help with their numbers and letters from the favourite footballers. The premier league has launched its most Ambitious Community programme to date as it attempts to boost learning by linking it to football. It will provide Lesson Resources to 10,000 primary schools by 2019. This is a lesson you should heed. The premier league is reaching out from the pitch to primary schools as it tries to provide some Learning Inspiration and help children be more active. Football has a power and energy and motivates people and young people in particular and because we can we should and that is what it is about. Free online resources a re what it is about. Free online resources are being made available for teachers to download. Those in classrooms seemingly keen to combine their studies with sport. It will help me with reading because i dont really like reading but if i use football i will have lots of fun reading. You learn about different new summer reading. You learn about different new Summer Assignments from players. We do not live like maths so maybe when football is combined with mouth it will make maths seem way more appealing than it did a few months ago. Football is combined with maths. To do this they are rolling out an Advertising Campaign across the nation, using its full star power to try and win hearts and minds. Try it. Try again. Premier League Clubs Hope the popularity will help Foster A Love Of Learning amongst children and perhaps also an early love for the lead that once to aid in their educational goals. For the league. The second round of the first womans golf major of the season is underway in california. This is the leaderboard. That is all the sport for now. Hollywood film stars christian bill and oscar isaac have taken on new rule set against the highly sensitive subject of the armenian massacre. The promise is depicted by oscar winner terry george and depicts the last days of the Ottoman Empire and the eventual massacre of rm 1. 5 million armenians. Of around 1. 5 million. Where were you . We just took a walk. You see did . A perfectly innocent gifts. The promise. The director came to tell me about the film. We received finance from an armenian american businessman who was anxious to have the story told and i co wrote and directed what is essentially a love story, Love Triangle Set against the backdrop of the armenian genocide, which in most countries and most historians recognised as such and those that do not generally, other than turkey, do so for strategic or political reasons. We wanted to create a film on an epic scale. That was the intention. That is something you were very keen to do, make this into a love story at the centre, is that what humanises what is quite historically a very difficult time . That has been my strategy in doing the role and the genocide with hotel rwanda and the troubles in Northern Ireland with in the name of the father. I like to pick characters in the audience can identify happy li, eeeammemaflbfle that and . And f 2 and 5 ® was not as many. They say it was not so many. Their argument is that it was a civil war and they had to drive the Armenian Community out that region. If you presented that argument in the second world war, the nazis said there was an uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto and we had to move these jewish people to somewhere we could handle them, it is nonsense and most people recognise this slaughter of these people by their own Government People recognise this slaughter of tr genesidse by their own government about rwanda, such historic moment you have captured, how do the audience react to something which is quite a hard watch . I always try to make it not be hard watch in terms of the visuals that go on, you cannot retrieve the horror of these events and therefore i zoom horror of these events and therefore izoom in horror of these events and therefore i zoom in on characters and a lot of the audience to imagine what took place and at the same time find characters that are inspiring. That was director terry george speaking to me about his new film the promise. Thank you for watching the tines thetieeof. Weather myeather the north east and suffer still snowfall across new saturday still snowfall across New Hampshire and heavy rain further south pushing into the atlantic soon. Heavy showers them out of the central Rocky Mountains towards texas. Some thunderstorms possible in dallas. Toward the north east s snowfall lingering in boston and montr al. The cold bay on saturday and by sunday most eastern cities getting drier. Heavy rain continues in peru where we recently had flooding and some other picture in colombia and ecuador. The key has been building across india through this week and by saturday we still have temperatures around 42 celsius the heat has been building. Not quite as widespread as early in the week and heavy rain in some areas where we might not usually expect to see it. Parts of vietnam, cambodia and thailand you can see the wet weather developing. It could lead to some flooding. Further north across japan and the rain is pushing away towards the east on saturday saw and improving day in tokyo. After the ruminants of that cyclone have cleared the east coast of australia it is looking much quieter for the likes of sydney and brisbane. Not as windy as recent days and certainly of the south island of new zealand. Europe, we are jgg ggggg ge moving| europe, we are low pressure moving in from the atlantic bringing a change for the uk, france and germany, not quite as warm as recently and some showers pushing through the central mediterranean. Through the through the central mediterranean. Througiat|e;;f, 7 ~ li; it ,; is is 1 1 is, sunshine li; 2 1; is sit 1 1 is Sunshine One Lil Li 1; lis lili 1 1 ll iil sunshine one of of sll could £11111. Llll l. E z mei throu~h saturda and showers throu~h saturda niuht howers throu~h saturda niuht most s heading through Saturday Night most of the shop at ease away as a ridge of the shop at ease away as a ridge of High Pressure comes in. Miss in his first thing sunday but sunday the better date for most of us for the better date for most of us for the weekend. More on the weather for the weekend. More on the weather for the weekend. More on the weather for the week ahead in half an

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