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Thousands of people have been taking part in anti crushed chin antique oi part in anti crushed chin antique or rough chin protests across russia. After a call from the Opposition Leader. Pictures from moscow show people being detained and scuttles breaking out. The police say that nearly 500 people have been arrested in the capital alone including the Opposition Leader. They are thought to be the biggest in five years. Demonstrated here and in more than £100 in cities across the country called for the Prime Minister to resign, the protest, ahead of president ial elections next year with President Putin expected to seek a full time in office. From moscow he was our correspondent. Here on Pushkin Square in the Centre Of Moscow and the crowd is chanting, we are russian. There several thousand people who have covered here. The russian Authorities Say that this Anti Corruption protests is illegal. But people have come onto the streets anyway. There is a very heavy police presence. A short while ago one man tried to unfurl an anti putin poster on the statute, but the police pushed their way into the crowd and grabbed him. The crowd were shouting, disgrace, let him go. The level of corruption is too high in russia right now. Every citizen understands it. It is hard to live in corruption atmosphere. I have children, grandchildren. And i. I cant breathe in this. So now the riot police have moved on to Pushkin Square. The police have been telling the crowd all afternoon that this is an illegal meeting. It looks as if the right police intend to clear the whole square of protesters. Do bright police. Meanwhile we hear that the Opposition Activist and Anti Corruption campaigner Alexei Navalny has been detained by police just up the road from here. He is the man who called people onto the streets, not only in moscow today, but across russia. Well, the riot police have now cleared protesters from Pushkin Square. And they are lined up all the way down through the main street in the russian capital. People came out in moscow today to protest against corruption in the russian government. But this sends a message to the crowd that fighting corruption is not a priority for the russian authorities. Steve rosenberg, bbc news, moscow. Lets speak to the director of the director for russia at the university of wisconsin. How significant you the these protests are . Extremely. The Putin Administration, for the last recent period has served a steady diet to russians of nationalism, anti western sentiment and tried to secure its authority by convincing russians that russias geopolitical prominence is more important to them than their own economic well being. This strategy has appeared to work but the events of today suggest that it may be beginning to falter. So, you say that this protest is significant, giving President Putin will be bullied by then . Im quite sure he will be. Throughout his term in office hes been quite concerned about the prospect of so called coloured revolutions, hes witnessed regimes, mostly suddenly in ukraine being taken down by protests from discontented citizens in these countries and he has attempted to blame these on the interference of the United States and its allies in the United States and its allies in the Panel Affairs of its countries. A lot of its policies have been. We saw of course most recently in russia in 2011 and 2012 following the elections and the president ial elections of that period in which reports of falsification of Election Results led to massive street protests. The regime dealt with that successfully through a series of heavy handed measures and following that it initiated this recent campaign of using an thai Western Propaganda to distract the russian people from the economic woes will stop anti Western Propaganda. The fa ct stop anti Western Propaganda. The fact that the spite of the fear of replies all and the possibility of arrest and potential of violence that individual russians are so fed up that individual russians are so fed up with the system they are are willing to risk their own personal well being it must be a sign of concern to the regime. Briefly, could you give us a sense of how influential the Opposition Leader is . He is a controversial figure, influential the Opposition Leader is . He is a controversialfigure, i think the regime has been successful as portraying him as a corrupt person himself it is not so much about his implements personally, it is more about the fact that russians are fed up with corruption and the opposition has hopped onto this very effective messaging, so whether or not he ends up being the leader to galvanise this movement i think it will pose a problem for birth Putin Administration for the current administration. The current. Meanwhile in neighbouring Belarus Police arrested demonstrators demanding to know where Friends And Family are after a major protest on saturday which led to arrests. People were detained on sunday in the capital minsk. About 400 people were arrested on saturday while taking part in an unsanctioned protest against the government. In germany exit polls in the state of saarland indicate that Angela Merkels party has won the Regional Election by a wide margin. Supporters of her Christian Democratic Union known as the cdu have already started celebrating. The saarland election is widely seen as an indicator to a general election which will be held in six months time. A in six months time. Conservative candidate said tonight a conservative candidate said tonight that she had not expected such a clear victory her wildest dreams and im expect that Angela Merkel had neither. The reason why it is interesting is it is the first regional vote to be held since the former president of the European Parliament took hold. His appearance back on the german domestic political scene has given the Social Democrats a real boost. They are polling neck and neck with Angela Merkels conservatives and he stands a very good chance of knocking her from her stands a very good chance of Knocking Herfrom her perch in those elections in september. You have the cdu and the Social Democrats neck and neck and that is why all eyes we re and neck and that is why all eyes were on this very small german state. Looking at these exit polls, Angela Michael has had a nice prize. It looks as though when it comes down to the privacy of the voting booth, the electorate actually have not given in, if you like, to this so called effect of Martin Schulz. Pretty surprisingly is old if the exit polls are to believe. And certainly the conservatives will be patting themselves on the back because this suggests to them they will make a stronger showing, november. But Martin Schulz has said that the countdown to the general election is a marathon and not a sprint and there are six months yet to go. A lot could change in time. To bangladesh where the army said that troops have shot dead two suspected militant islamist militants holed up militant islamist militants holed up in Apartment Blocks and friday. A senior Military Official said more militants could still be in the five storey building which is in the North Eastern city of sylhet. At least six people were killed on saturday in two bombings close to the block. Akbar hossain is in sylhet Security Officials said they were on the look of this had helped the last few months, six people including the Police Officers were killed in last nights explosion targeting Security Forces. The so called Islamic State said it carried out the attack. The whole area has been cordoned to avoid further casualties. Translation we could not sleep tonight as powerful explosions rocked the whole area. Our children are very scared. We cannot move out of our house. We never thought we would live beside a militant down. Im standing 200 metres away from where suspected islamic militants are holding up a strong position for the last 72 hours. Bangladeshs Security Forces including Army Commanders have joined the anti terror operation. The militants are responding with sustained gunshot and explosions. Bangladeshs is facing this threat of islamist Military Seat for the last two yea rs. Military seat for the last two years. More than 351slamist years. More than 35 islamist militants have been killed in anti terror operations conducted by the Security Forces, but this time this is not going to be an easy victory for the Security Forces. Army commanders have rescued 78 civilians from the house, but the operation is not over yet. Translation to militants killed, we think there are more inside the building, we will continue our operation. Two militants are killed. They believed that bangladesh leads islamist militants have a strong connection with the so called Islamic State, but the Bangladeshi Government says they are home grown. If it is proved that they are responsible for the recent. Bent it marks a new stage in battle with bests fight against militancy. Then it marks. The british Home Secretary amber rudd has demanded access to encrypted messaging services in terrorism cases. Her comments to the bbc, after it was reported that the man who killed four people in westminster last week was an whatsapp two minutes before he carried out the attack. Heres what he had to say. There should be no place the terrorists to hide and we need to make sure that places like whatsapp and other places like that have no. It used to be that people would steam open envelopes orjust listen in on phones when they wanted to find out what people were doing legally, through warrantry but on this situation, we need to make sure that our Intelligence Services have the ability to get into situations like encrypted whatsapp. Still to come, did dinosaurs originally come from the uk . Let there be no more wars or bloodshed between arabs and israelis. With great regret the committee decided that south africa should be not included in the competition. Streaking across the sky the right Heart Wreckage to gasps from onlookers in fiji. The wreckage. This is bbc world news today. The latest headlines. Russian police say they have detained 500 people in moscow alone as Anti Corruption protests break out across the country. In germany a boost for chancellor Angela Merkel as her party looks set to keep power in this state of solomons. It is been two years since the start of a saudi led Military Campaign in yemen, supporting the government against rebels so far almost 8,000 people have been killed and 42 thousand injured. Already one of the poorest countries in world, the conflict has seen millions of yemenis, including children, affected by the violence. Mai noman reports from aden, one of the cities that witnessed intense battles in this on going war. Coming back to aden for the first enters the war started in yemen, i can see the signs of this brutal conflict on the city and its people. I met this boy. He was four when a missile fell on his house. He lost a finger and both of his legs. His brother was also injured. Translated. After taking control of the capital, rebels from the north stormed the Southern City of aden in march 2015. A four month vicious battle began between houthis and Southern Resistance groups. Shortly after the fighting began in aden, saudi arabia led a coaltion and joined the war, Bombing Houthi targets across the country. Now, over two years later, the front line continues to shift, but these battles leave behind long lasting scars on the many families caught in the fighting. Translated. This boy and his brother are among 10 million yemeni children who have been afflicted by this conflict. According to unicef, there are 1. 6 million children displaced, 500,000 starving and thousands have been injured. Many children show signs of distress. Translated. The destruction caused by this ongoing war can be seen across the country. But for children like these, it is the invisible scars that will be hardest to heal. Translated. In the port is from yemen and she has written about her experience of travelling back to her hometown on oui travelling back to her hometown on our website. The reporter. Here isjessica our website. The reporter. Here is jessica with our website. The reporter. Here isjessica with the sports news. Less tha n less than ten minutes remaining, meaning that germany remain unbeaten on the road in the last 44 qualifiers. England remain in the top of group f after they picked lithuania 2 0 in wembley. It was a special Day Forjermaine Defoe who scored on his first appearance for the england team in modern three yea rs. The england team in modern three years. Our reporter has more. The build up to this match had been overshadowed by the Terror Attack on wednesday. There were odd police, flags were flying at half mast and before the match there was a Brief Laying Ceremony followed by a minutes silence around the ground which was impeccably observed. After that, motion before the game, the match itself was relatively uneventful. England took the lead after 20 minutes whenjermaine defoe recalled, he scored slotting home from close range. What a comeback from close range. What a comeback from jermaine defoe. Lefty wayne yet nearly equalised just before the break nearly equalised just before the brea k after nearly equalised just before the break after a mistake by the keeper, but england led 1 0 at the break and joined the second half they added to their lead substitute jamie body who scored englandss Second Goalfrom s scored englandss Second Goalfrom sjamie scored englandss Second Goalfrom s jamie body. Not exactly a vintage performance by england but it kept them firmly on course for the World Cup Finals in russian eczema. Lets in russia next summer. Eczema. Lets in russia next summer. Scotland are hosting slovenia in englands group f. A must win game in scotland who have managed four points from their ball game said bob. It is currently 0 0 hampden park. Slovakia are beating malta. Northern ireland are to zero up against norway, if it stayed that way there will be back up to second place and on course for a play off place, poland are up against in group e. The same group sees the Mania Playing Denmark where it is goalless. The netherlands coach each has he has been sacked after dave webb beta 2 zero on saturday to leave their qualifications hope an hanging bya their qualifications hope an hanging by a thread. The netherlands are from five games. Beating Lewis Hamilton in second place in australia. It is that as first win since the Singapore Grand Prix in september 2015, more evidence perhaps of mercedes domination being over after the introduction of faster cars. Hamilton started in poll but thatll had an advantage on pace and tyre wear and took control after hamilton got stuck after a pit stop. Hamiltons new team mate came third. This driver has won the Tour Of Catalonia. His team mate was that. He had a great start to the season, he he was first on the one day tour of murcia for the fifth time. This is his second Tour Of Catalonia title. That is all the sport from now. Back to you. Jessica, thank you a much. The first dinosaurs may have originated in the northern hemisphere, possibly in an area that is now britain. Thats one of the conclusions of new research on the subject. It suggests that the current theory of how dinosaurs evolved and where they came from may well be wrong. Pallab ghosh reports. Fossilised bones that capture a time that dinosaurs ruled the earth, more than 65 million years ago. By measuring how they changed over the years, researchers worked out how they are related, and how they evolved. But a new Reassessment Published in thejournal nature, which suggests that that theory which has lasted 130 years, maybe wrong. The current theory is that there are two main groups of dinosaurs. One, which includes the stegosaurus, and another, which has two branches. The vegetarians such as the brontosaurus, and the meat eaters, such as the savage tyrannosaurus rex. It turns out that the meat eaters are in the wrong group, and should be with the stegosaurus. It also shows that the very first dinosaurs did not originate in what is now east africa, but much further north, possibly in an area which is now britain. Weve taken dinosaur origins, which originally were thought to be southern hemisphere, and brought them into the northern hemisphere, and it could well be that dinosaurs originated even within britain itself. What we have here is a key specimen in this analysis. And here is the fossil that led to this Shock Finding a primitive dinosaur the size of a cat was found in lossiemouth in scotland. It was an animal like this that led to the creatures that dominated this planet for 165 million years. The new family tree will mean that we will have to rethink our ideas of how they evolved and spread across the globe. This is a fairly major change to our knowledge of dinosaurs. We have had a system in place for 130 years, we thought we understood the relationships of these big groups of animals, but it may be that we have a major rearrangement of the dinosaur tree. This Re Evaluation of fossils challenges a theory that has been accepted since the victorian era, and so will be controversial. But if it is proved to be correct, textbooks on the subject will have to be rewritten. There has been angry reaction in the United States because a child was not allowed to board a plane because she was wearing leggings. It stated that her leggings did not meet the past dress code. Now here in the uk its mothers day so we thought wed show you these pictures of four white tigers born at a zoo in the central poland. The cubs two females and two males were born 5 days ago to their mum safran. And as you can see theyve all been taking it easy. White tigers are extremely rare and owe their appearance to a recessive gene. This private safari zoo, specialises in breeding white animals, rarely found in the wild. That is it from me and the team thank you for being with others. But by the now. Byford now. Hello there, one sunshine today in temperatures reached 20 celsius in highland scotland. 0vernight it is turning chilly underneath the clearer skies. There will be more cloud overnight, low cloud arriving of the north sea. The Temperature Drop will limit especially across northern ireland. But there may be A Touch Of Frost and it will be chilly in the south two. Warming up in the sunshine but gray and misty start from north east england and down to east wales. Some areas of cloud could linger through the day. Notably in north east england and it will be chilly along the close. Temperatures will be in the mid teens typically, could be warmer in the south east. Some kept as in the highlands. Signs of rain on tuesday. Heavy rain moving across northern and western parts of the uk. Largely dried towards the south east. Still on one size. Through the rest of the week, cloud and some main, and still decent pitches the time of year. Decent pitches the time of year. Decent temperatures for the time of year. I worry that this is the Office Holder that is being laughed at, not that generous all upset. Everyone Nuclear Power it is so expensive that the government has to stop putting money into it. expensive that the government has to stop putting money into it. If the private sector when people it does that not mean it is not economically viable . I think that the Upper Chamber is going to cool down on its head a huge debate about its own existence. We have been asking for debate years they it on. So bring it on. We are taking to the stage for a special programme all about love and relationships, from the perspective of performers with disabilities or Mental Health issues. The show is produced by the disability strand, 0uch, and it contains some strong language. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome your host for tonight, sophie hagan hello, and welcome to bbc 0uch storytelling live. Cheering the stories we will be hearing tonight are about love and relationships, and i do have a very long lasting relationship with my psychologist, am i right, bbc 0uch . I have been seeing my psychologist for ten years, always trying to help me get out of all of my Mental Health issues, quite a few, depression, anxiety, and binge eating disorder. I dont know if you know about that one. It is where you eat so you can feel anything. Pain inside because you can want to swallow them. A lot of pain in my throat. After a good piece of chicken. My psychologist is amazing, good psychologist, incredible psychologist, those who cannot see me, iam psychologist, those who cannot see me, i am fat and that is not a bad thing, i love my body, i think eve ryo ne thing, i love my body, i think everyone should love my body. Why wouldnt you. But that means sometimes people will give me advice on how to lose weight, you should stop eating sugar and also, i should stop eating sugar, and i will say, i cant stop eating sugar, then i would feel my feelings, i dont wa nt to i would feel my feelings, i dont want to feel my feelings, try to deal with some of the feelings i dont know how to show, like anger, i dont know how to express anger, so i dont know how to express anger, so when i do express anger, it kind of explodes. She tried to fix that

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