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Will eu countries be added to the us flight laptop ban . Top officials are due to meet in brussels. Will robots ever replace humans . We show you the latest creations that are grabbing the attention of company bosses. Welcome to World Business report. Im sally bundock. Also in the programme its risk off for the worlds financial markets, thanks to the latest trump turmoil. But first today eu and us officials are meeting to discuss a potential extension of the laptop ban on aircrafts. In march, the Trump Administration imposed new restrictions which prevent us bound travellers from carrying Electronic Devices larger than a mobile phone into the cabin. The original set of restrictions affected flights from eight mostly muslim countries including turkey, egypt, the United Arab Emirates and saudi arabia. This affected many of the gulf carriers including emirates, etihad and qatar airways, but now there are reports suggesting that the ban could be extended to include some countries within the eu. Any immediate changes would coincide with the Peak Travel Season in europe. This summer, more than 3,000 flights a week will go from eu to us airports. With me is travel expert alan bowen. Good morning. Good to see you. Do you know any more . We first heard the rumours last week that they were going to impose a ban on all flights from the eu to the us starting last friday. The three major american carriers, united, american and delta spoke to the department of Homeland Security on thursday and warned them that they were not ready to implement the ban immediately. Despite that, delta had another sad airports warning that people that the ban was already in place. There was a meeting today between the Eu Commission and the department of Homeland Security to discuss the implementation of the ban but it does appear that its going to spread to all the eu airport departures. Impact will this have . 65 Million People travel across the atla ntic 65 Million People travel across the atlantic every year. It has a huge impact on business travel, obviously, because they will not be able to work on the plane. There are implications for insurers because as a general rule, insurers do not cover electronic used or in the hold and it has also been warned that there is a potentialfire risk of potentially hundreds of pieces of Electronics Arm seen in a hold. Because of a fire was to happen in the hold there is no one there to smell the smoke or alert anybody at the time. Absolutely. There are sprinklers but we are aware of the least to cargo planes that have crashed as a result of Lithium Batteries so there is a concern. This has been going on since march that the likes of etihad and emirates, they have been trying to grapple with this problem. How is it affected them . Grapple with this problem. How is it affected them . It grapple with this problem. How is it affected them . It has caused a substantial reduction in demand. Emirates have already announced a reduction in flights to the us because there are not enough passengers. A number of airlines are offering to lend passengers tablets to work on but, of course, you have no control over the information that is an your own equipment because it is an your own equipment because it is out of your hands and you must be very careful in ensuring that everything is backed up before you give it over. Will we get to the point where this becomes a new normal in the same way we had to get used to not having liquids and that sort of paraphernalia when you go on a plane of having small bits of liquids in a plastic bag. Will this become the new normal across the world . Become the new normal across the world . I become the new normal across the world . I know become the new normal across the world . I know that some of the Global Leaders like that Prime Minister of australia saying he would like to see this in place with all flights going in and out of australia. Unfortunately it does look as if this will be the new normal and we need to get used to the fact that we will need to bring a book to read. Interesting. That could be good for booksellers. Thank you for coming in. We appreciated and that meeting is happening today between eu officials and us officials. When we have news of the outcomes and the discussions we will update you. In other news, the us Aircraft Maker Boeing has delivered its first 737 max jetliner. Malindo airways will be the first carrier to fly the plane commercially. Boeing temporarily suspended the fleet last week to address a possible engine issue. The owner of tj maxx has reported soft sales growth further clouding the outlook for the us retail industry. Tjx also says profits will decline this quarter sending shares down more than 3 . The forecast highlighted the challenges facing the industry. Stores are under increasing pressure from online competitors. A pair of Diamond Earrings has been sold for a record price at an auction in switzerland. The flawless pear shaped diamonds, one pink, the other blue, fetched a combined price of almost 58 million. Iam i am expecting their arrival quite soon. I am expecting their arrival quite soon. More and more jobs look set to be automated in the nearfuture, something thats concerning workers and politicians. But how capable are the latest machines, and are they really likely to replace humans altogether, or help us all be more productive in our work . Rory cellan jones reports from the innorobo exhibition in paris where the worlds leading Robotics Firms and startups are showing off their creations. From around the world the robots have come to paris to show off their new skills. This one responds to the colour green. It seems to be distracted by the cameraman. And they are leaving the factories and trying to find roles in our everyday lives. Basically he has three functions. The first is to monitor peoples health. They are after carer. This robot is designed to be a companion, monitoring the health ofan a companion, monitoring the health of an elderly person and alerting relatives if necessary. It will show the mood of the person, where the activity is, if there is no activity you will be alerted. It is like a nurse at home. More and more robots are now appearing in Customer Service roles. This is essentially the kind of automated Ticket Machine you see in cinemas already but with a robot interface. I can interact with it. I can pay for my tickets as you would normally and i can also leave a video review and it will react to me in certain ways. They claim it is 30 times more interactive than a standard, ordinarily Ticket Machine. This chinese robot is supposed to help out in the supermarket, offering advice to customers. You have to bend down to talk to it. I wanted to know why so small. The robot is to begin to human or it and people will think it too dangerous. 0ur idea was to design a robot to be lovely and friendly. The big fear is that they will takejobs. This friendly. The big fear is that they will take jobs. This Autonomous Tractor is the farmworker of the future. This Delivery Robot could replace van drivers. The industry claims the robots will improve our working lives. It only takes the parts and tasks that are Repetitive Oi parts and tasks that are repetitive or dangerous or uninteresting, where we have no value. That value of more time. These autonomous fish should not take anybodys job and they do not take anybodys job and they do not need feeding. We will need to get used to robots and all sorts of unexpected places. Fascinating. More about that on our website. A look at the markets. As i mentioned at the beginning of the programme it is all about safe havens at the moment because there is real concern, growing concern around the world about the Turmoil Engulfing president Donald Trumps administration with regards to the latest revelations and what he has been saying to various people and we will talk about that in a bit more detail when we review the papers and the news. But just detail when we review the papers and the news. Butjust to say that detail when we review the papers and the news. But just to say that the yen has gotten stronger, it is seen asa yen has gotten stronger, it is seen as a safe haven. Japan stocks are down at the moment. The big exporters have falling shares because their goods more expensive overseas when the yen is strong. The price of oil has dipped a little bit. Lets have a look at the us. Futures markets are implying that the us markets will open lower because of concern over what is going on in the white house. You can see the dow is down. It is not forget that these markets have been hitting record highs of late so the price of gold has gone up, the us dollar has fallen, the yen has got stronger. I will return soon to talk you through some of the other stories in the papers. Its nicknamed Plastic Island and its not hard to figure out why 38 million items have washed up on the beaches on henderson island, an uninhabited remote british territory in the South Pacific. This from the bbcs victoria gill. 3,000 miles from the mainland, a remote paradise that has become a rubbish dump. Its beaches are now more densely polluted with plastic than anywhere else on earth. Henderson island is home only to South Pacific sea birds and marine wildlife, and with no human inhabitants, this should be a pristine haven. But an International Team of researchers who visited and studied the island calculated that 17 tons of our litter, washed or dumped into rivers and oceans, have floated here over decades. Dr alex bond saw the devastation up close. We looked across the beaches in a variety of different plots, and counted the pieces of plastic on the surface, and down to about ten centimetres. And from that we could extrapolate the area of beaches, and thats how we came up with our estimate of about 38 million pieces on the island. Its shocking because as you step along the beach, plastic is absolutely everywhere, no places without it. Researchers say that most of the Plastic Waste they could identify appeared to come from china, japan and chile. Most plastic floats, and it can take centuries to degrade, so when it reaches the ocean, it stays at the surface and is carried on the currents. Henderson island sits next to a vast circular system of Ocean Currents called the southern gyre, and that is Depositing Plastics from thousands of miles away onto its beaches. This is just a snapshot of the millions of tons of rubbish in our oceans, but the researchers hope it may persuade us to end a toxic addiction to plastic. Coming up at 6am on breakfast the uk Election Campaign and what the Liberal Democrats hope will be their winning formula as they release their manifesto. This is bbc news. The latest headlines. White house officials deny and widespread reports in the us media that President Trump as the fbi had to end his enquiry into michael flynn. Responding to north koreas latest missile test, the Un Security Council has been meeting in emergency session. The Us Ambassador has said she will call out states backing pyongyangs nuclear programme. Now it is time for our news review. We begin with the New York Times which has alleged that President Trump asked the former director of the fbi, james comey, to close down an investigation into mr Trumps National security adviser, michael flynn. The usa today website reports on chelsea manning, the Us Army Soldier responsible for a massive leak of classified material, who will walkout of prison on wednesday after seven years. Manning provided thousands of secret documents to wikileaks. It was the most sweeping breach of its kind in us history. The independent looks ahead to irans president ial election where support for hardline candidate Ebrahim Raisi has been boosted following us president Donald Trumps disparaging comments on the iran nuclear deal. Incumbent president Hassan Rohani is still the narrow favourite to win, but the paper says say he faces a tough challenge because since he struck same nuclear deal he has so far failed to transform the economy. The front of the ft looks at lloyds bank which has closed the darkest chapter in its history after the uk government offloaded its remaining share in the bank. Lloyds received a Twenty Billion pound public bail out following the 2008 financial crisis. And finally, as seen in the guardian, the planets biggest and most powerful Wind Turbines have begun to generate electricity off the coast of liverpool. Each structure is almost 200 meters high, which is taller than the pyramids of giza. With me isjustin Urquhart Stewart whos director of seven investment management. Good morning. We see this every day. Let us start with trump. And i dont mean that in a good way. Every day, there is a new league. It is a soap opera. It is wonderful. This one is interesting because now, they are asking for all the

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