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At governments as companies are warned more Cyber Attacks could be on the way. We find out how you can protect yourself. Chinas plans to revive ancient trade routes. President xi pledges billions to rebuilt ports, roads and rail networks. Welcome to World Business report. Im sally bundock. Also in the programme Facebooks Sheryl Sandberg makes a mothers day plea to the us government. Details injust a moment. Microsoft says a huge cyber attack is a wake up call saying the hoarding of Security Vulnerabilities by governments has triggered widespread damage. There are fears of further so called Ransomware Attacks as people return to work this morning. A huge number of companies were targeted in the initial attack including spains telefonica, fed ex in the us, and germanys railway firm deutsche bahn. Europol says the attack hit 200,000 victims in more than 150countries and warns more people and businesses could find they are infected this morning. The National Cyber Security Centre urges companies to Keep Security Software patches up to date, use anti virus software, and to back up your data regularly. With me is ian mann, founder of the Cyber Security firm ecsc group hes a former adviser to the uks Intelligence Agency gchq. Good to see you. Good morning. Tell us good to see you. Good morning. Tell us about good to see you. Good morning. Tell us about ra nsomwa re good to see you. Good morning. Tell us about Ransomware Attacks and how they work . It is putting something on your computer which is hacked, and then you get asked for money to get your data back. That is normally done on an individual basis. This is technically known as a worm. It looks for other computers once infected. It is not about targeting people are about spreading itself and it requires companies to have done a couple of things wrong. This attack has had a huge impact, it could still continue today globally. This has the hallmarks of someone producing something although it technically proficient, it does not look fully finished. Something that automatically spreads, it is unpredictable what can happen. Somebody could be testing this. They did not know how effect give this could be because they did not expect the companies being attacked to have made the basic mistakes they made. Two basic mistakes unless you make those, you do not get attacked. What should organisations, governments do now . Are you assume those who found out they were affected have fixed it by now but what about today . Some will, some may still be struggling. Firstly, this takes a specific vulnerability in microsoft Operating Systems and the fixed was released on the 14th Of March by microsoft. When microsoft releases a patch, a Security Update and rated critical, you should not leave it to months before applying it. Secondly, people have firewalls that are little bit too open. They allow this to get in. The way this communicates should not pass firewalls. Organisations, such as the nhs, was so badly affected because there are so many different hospitals and gp services which are connected and rely on each others security . Absolutely right. The nhs in the uk operates as if everybody trusts everybody else. Everybody communicates with everybody. Cannot stop the attack coming in but you can apply the patch. If they would have done that on the 14th Of March it would have been protected. What you do if you are affected . You have to wipe the machine and rebuild it. That is really the only cure to this. We doubt whether paying woodwork. It is not generally a good idea and technically it does not work very well. Rebuilding the system and starting from backups. The chances to back up your data is really key it is the only chance to get back your data. Is it fair on the part of microsoft to say, hang on, this is yourfault not the part of microsoft to say, hang on, this is your fault not ours. There are two ways to look at it. Microsoft produced a software that is getting attacked. They will say we issued packs saying it was critical. We issued packs saying it was critical. Patches. If Something Like that gets released by the vendor, you should patch your systems within a0 days and it is now two months so microsoft did the best they could in this situation. Thank you very much, especially given the fa ct you very much, especially given the fact it is your birthday and you got out of bed before the crack of dawn. Idid. Thank out of bed before the crack of dawn. I did. Thank you. The Chinese Government is investing tens of billions of dollars as part of a plan to restore the ancient Trade Routes Connecting Asia and europe. President xijinping has pledged 12a billion for the scheme known as the belt and Road Initiative. First unveiled in 2013 the project costs of a maritime Route Starting in china which winds its way to europe. At the same time a land based network would make its way west through central asia and russia. It is quite mammoth. Nice to see you. This is enormous and lots of money being spent . Absolutely. It is incredibly large and as well as that 124 incredibly large and as well as that 12a billion pledged by president xi jinping culliver expectations are cost could run into the billions. Leaders from 29 nations gathered in beijing on sunday, it continuing their visit today, to bring chinas Ran Plan One Step Closer to reality. A grand plan. Already the chinese president has pledged all these dollars, he did not give a time plan for the distribution. But the run many sceptics who say this is all an expensive exercise to extend chinas political and economic influence. Xi jinping was using his speech to reassure a lot of leaders, western diplomats to ensure that in advancing the belton road they would not retread old parts but it would be based on new corporation and mutual benefit. A lot of sceptics saying corruption is also a concern. China has already suffered losses when it has invested in countries with questionable governance issues. This is potentially requiring of trillions of dollars. We have leaders like russian president vladimir hooton, the Turkish President , Recep Tayyip Erdogan and other european leaders. We will be expecting a statement by the end of the day. Vladimir putin. In other news Facebooks Sheryl Sandberg has made a plea on mothers day in the us for the government to do more to support working women. The firms Chief Operating Officer called for a higher minimum wage, paid family leave and affordable childcare. Ms sandberg says Public Policies need to catch up with what American Families deserve. The greek government has slashed its Growth Forecasts for this year as it looks towards approving new austerity measures. It has lowered the Growth Target to 1. 8 from 2. 7 china set to become big in the air. Lets show you how the markets are going. The trading week well under way in asia. Some markets drawing to a close. Japan is just way in asia. Some markets drawing to a close. Japan isjust down slightly. See you in a moment as we look at the other stories in sally Will Bejoining Sally will be joining me later for a look at the newspapers. The general election comes amid signs of a new kind of politics emerging across the world. The old political divide of left and right seems to be disappearing. Being replaced by new ideas. Mark easton has more. Sunderland used to be shipbuilder to the world. A new vessel slipped into the water here every nine days at one time. But the globalisation that created this proud city is now seen by many locals as a threat. Across the Western World Party allegiances are breaking down. It is about globalism versus nationalism. Many people in this city feel that sunderland is losing its foothold in the world. Its destiny decided beyond reach in westminster, brussels or a boardroom in yokohama. I feel as if everything brussels or a boardroom in yokohama. Ifeel as if everything is much much further. The world is a bigger place. Because of the internet and modern technology. Liverpool is a defined resilient city and a new probe Globalisation Movement has just started to bubble up. We are global people. We are daughters and sons of the city s but daughters and sons of immigrants. sons of the city s but daughters and sons of immigrants. I immensely proud, i served my country in uniform but yes i think this is a new world. The political undercurrent of shifting as a new politics starts to emerge. Coming up at six oclock on breakfast this is bbc news. The latest headlines microsoft has described the global cyber attack which began on friday as a wake up call for the world. Security experts say more computers could be infected as employees begin the working week. North korea says its successfully tested a new type of missile it claims the us is now within range. The us has warned pyongyang that new Missile Tests are not the way to secure talks with washington. Emmanuel macron has promised to restore frances global standing after being sworn in as the countrys youngest president. He promised to tackle great challenges, including migration, terrorism, and climate change. We are going to have a look at what is in the news on how it has been reported. Many newspapers, because there are a lot of interesting stories there at the moment. We start with the times, warning of a possible new wave of Cyber Attacks when people return to work after the weekend. Computer giant microsoft called the attack which affected 150 countries a wake up call for the world. The times. It said governments must do more to prevent Cyber Weapons falling into the hands of criminals. And the gulf news also leads with the the spread of the Wannacry Ransomware which has infected and locked up over 200,000 computers around the world. 0n the front of le figaro, we have Emmanuel Macron who was sworn in on sunday as frances youngest president he promised in his first speech to restore his countrys global standing. He said france needed to find answers to the great challenges, including migration, terrorism, and climate change. The South China Morning Post says president xi jinping of china has set out a plan for increased global trade spurred by billions of dollars of infrastructure investment. Mr xi outlined the vision for a 21st century silk road to further boost economies in asia. He launched the belt and Road Initiative at a summit in beijing. The telegraph business section, Reporting On A Forecast made by us academics that petrol cars will vanish from our roads within eight yea rs. Vanish from our roads within eight years. There are some nice electric

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