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Century, indias economy has grown more than six times in size. In a single decade, india has lifted over 270 Million People out of poverty. Under Prime Minister modi, for the first time in history, every village in india now has access to electricity. 320 Million People more indians are right now connected to the internet. The pace of highway construction has more than doubled, over 70 million more than doubled, over 70 million more households. Think of this, 70 million more households have access to cooking fuel. 600 million more people have access to basic sanitation. And, incredibly, i2 indian citizens are lifted out of extreme poverty every single minute of every single day. India will soon be the home of the biggest middle class anywhere in the world. And, within less than ten yea rs, world. And, within less than ten years, extreme poverty in your country is projected to completely disappear. The potential for india the potentialfor india is absolutely incredible. Indias rise asa absolutely incredible. Indias rise as a prosperous and independent nation is an example to every nation all over the world. And one of the most outstanding achievements of our century. It is all the more inspiring because you have done it asa inspiring because you have done it as a democratic country. You have done it as a peaceful country. You have done it as a tolerant country, and you have done it as a great, free country. There is all the difference in the world between a nation that seeks power through coercion, intimidation, and aggression, and a nation that rises by setting its people free, and unleashing them to chase their dreams. And that is india. This is why indias accomplishments over the last 70 years is completely unrivalled, no matter where you go. It is your faith in the strength of a free society, your confidence in your own people, your trust in your own citizens and your respect for the dignity of every person that makes the United States and india such a natural, beautiful, enduring friendship. While our nations have many differences, they are both defined and propelled by a fundamental truth the truth that all of us are blessed with divine light and every person is endowed with a sacred soul. As the great religious teachers once said. Cheering the moment i stand in reverence before every human being and see god in him, that moment i am free. In america and india, we all know we are born for a higher purpose to reach towards our fullest potential to work towards excellence and perfection and to give all glory to god. Powered by this spirit, indians and americans are always striving to be greater. 0ur americans are always striving to be greater. Our people are always seeking to be better. And so our nations have become thriving centres of culture and commerce and civilisation, giving light and vitality to all of the world. This isa vitality to all of the world. This is a country that produces nearly 2000 movies a year from the hub of genius and creativity known as bollywood. Cheering all over the planet, people take great joy all over the planet, people take greatjoy in the scenes of bhangra, music, dance, romance and drama and classic indian films. This is the country where you cheer on some of the greatest cricket players from Sachin Tendulkar to virat kohli. The greatest in the world. This is the country that built the tallest statue on the face of the earth to honour the namesake of this stadium of the great indian patriot and native of this state. Sardar patel. India is the country where you light hundreds of candles to celebrate the triumph of good over evil at diwali. And its where, just days from now, indians of all faiths will pour out onto the streets to celebrate the beautiful festival of holi. India isa india is a country that proudly embraces freedom, liberty, individual rights, the rule of law and the dignity of every being. Your nation has always been admired around the earth as the place where millions upon millions of hindus and muslims and sikhs, buddhists, christians and jewish people worship side by side in harmony. Where you speak more than 100 languages and come from more than two dozen states, yet you have always stood strong as one great indian nation. Your unity is yourunity is an your unity is an inspiration to the world. In america, we have come to know the splendour of Indian Culture personally through the 4 million Indian Americans living in the United States, as our wonderful friends, colleagues and neighbours. They are truly spectacular people. Indian americans have reached every aspect of our national life. They are titans of business. The biggest, the best. Pioneers of science, masters of the arts, and innovation of technology, like a few people have been able to see, no matter where you go. Anywhere in this universe. Nearly one in four Indian Americans trace their roots right here in gujarat. Gujarat is a special place. So, on behalf of the entire american people, thank you. And thank you all for the contributions your culture and traditions have made to my beloved country. Americans are eager to strengthen these beautiful ties between our two people. This is truly an exciting time in the United States. Our economy is booming like never before. 0ur economy is booming like never before. Our people are prospering and spirits are soaring. There is tremendous love, tremendous like. We like and we love everybody. Unemployment has hit historic lows and Small Business confidence has hitan and Small Business confidence has hit an all time record high in the history of our country. Our military has been completely rebuilt. It is now stronger than ever before. And we are quickly revitalising our alliances and friendships all around the world. We have spent 2. 5 trillion on rebuilding our military. It is the most powerful military anywhere in the world by far. That is why i have come here to india, in the spirit of fondness and goodwill, to expand our cherished partnership of incredible power and potential. The first lady and i have just had a pleasure of visiting mahatma gandhis ashram a few miles from here, where he launched the famous salt march. And, tomorrow in delhi, we will lay a wreath, plant a tree in honour of this leader who is revered all around the world. And the first lady andi around the world. And the first lady and i look forward to visiting one of your countrys most iconic landmarks. Later today, we are going to see the majestic taj mahal. Applause the Prime Minister and i will also continue our important discussions about how to deepen the relationship between our two great countries. Both of us understand that when leaders put the interests of their own citizens first, we can forge strong and fair partnerships to build a safer and more prosperous world. Just months ago, this Critical Partnership took a major step forward when the us military and you are brave Indian Armed Forces conducted the first ever air, land, and see military exercises between our two countries. It was something to behold and sea military. We called it tiger triumph. As we continue to build our defence cooperation, the United States looks forward to providing india with some of the best and most feared military equipment on the planet. We make the greatest weapons ever made. Aeroplanes, missiles, rockets, ships, we make the best. And we are dealing now with india. And we are dealing now with india. And this includes advanced air assistance and armed and unarmed aerial vehicles. And i am pleased to announce that tomorrow, our representatives will sign deals to sell over 3 million in the absolute finest state of the art military helicopters and other equipment to the Indian Armed Forces. Cheering i believe that the United States should be indias premier defence partner and thats the way its working out. Together we will defend our sovereignty, security, to protect a free and open Indo Pacific Region for our children and for many, region for our children and for any region for our children and for many, many generations to come. The United States and india are also firmly united in our ironclad resolve to defend our citizens from the threat of radical islamic terrorism. Cheering both of our countries have been heard by the pain and turmoil of terrorism. And that terrorism brings. Under my administration, we unleash the full power of the American Military on bloodthirsty killers of isis in iraq and in syria. Today, the isis territory caliphate has been 100 destroyed. And the monster known as the founder and leader of isis is dead. In the United States, we have also made clear that whilst we welcome newcomers who share our values and love our people, our borders will always be close to terrorists and terrorism and to any form of extremism. That is why we have taken historic steps to improve screening and vetting of applications for entry and we are working to ensure that anyone who threatens the security of our citizens is denied admission and will pay a very, very big, costly price. Every nation has the right to secure and controlled borders. The United States and india are committed to working together to stop terrorists and to fight their ideology. For this reason, since taking office, my administration is working ina very office, my administration is working in a very positive way with pakistan, to crack down on the terrorist organisations and militants that operate on the pakistani border. Cheering 0ur relationship with pakistan is a very good one. Thanks to these efforts, we a re very good one. Thanks to these efforts, we are beginning to see signs of big progress with pakistan. And were hopeful for reduced tensions, greater stability, and the future of harmony for all of the nations of south asia. India has an important leadership role to play in shaping a better future, important leadership role to play in shaping a betterfuture, as important leadership role to play in shaping a better future, as you take on greater responsibility for solving problems and promoting peace throughout incredible region. 0ver the course of my visit, Prime Minister modi and i will also discuss our efforts to expand the economic ties between our two countries. We will be making very, very major, among the biggest ever made, trade deals. We are in the early stages of discussion for an incredible trade agreement to reduce barriers of investment between the United States and india. And i am optimistic that working together, the Prime Minister andi working together, the Prime Minister and i can reach a fantastic deal thatis and i can reach a fantastic deal that is good, and even great, for both of our countries. Except that hes a very tough negotiator. Since my inauguration, commerce between our two nations has increased by more than a0 . Indias now a major market for american exports and the United States is indias largest export market. A booming america is a great thing for india and its great for the world. Thats why we are so happy to announce that we have had the greatest economy ever in the history of the United States. In america, we have proven that the best way to attract jobs and opportunity is to reduce burdens on businesses, knocked down barriers to investment and eliminate unnecessary bureaucracy, red tape, regulation and taxes. Prime minister modi has already made significant reforms here in your country, as you very well know. The world looks forward to even more Rapid Improvement to indias Business Climate under his leadership. He wants to do it and hes doing it at a record pace. Two yea rs hes doing it at a record pace. Two years ago, Prime Minister modi warmly welcome to my daughter ivanka to the Global Entrepreneurship summit in hyderabad. She is back with us today. Ivanka, thank you, thank you for being here. We are delighted to be joined as well by dozens of indian Women Entrepreneurs who are helping to build your nations future. They are great and natural entrepreneurs and ijust great and natural entrepreneurs and i just say to the men great and natural entrepreneurs and ijust say to the men be very careful, they really good. It United States and india are also working closely together on the future of space exploration. You are making impressive strides with your exciting chandrayaan lunar programme. It is moving along rapidly far ahead of schedule and america looks forward to expanding our space cooperation with india as you push even further. You are pushing the limits, and thats a great thing, including in the realm of human space flight. The United States and india will be friends and partners on our voyage into the stars and into space. It is truly extraordinary what this nation has achieved in the span ofjust one lifetime. And what they have done under the leadership of Prime Minister modi. It is absolutely incredible. Mr Prime Minister, congratulations. You have come so far. But it is nothing compared to how far india will go into the future. And the Prime Minister is laying the foundations for a future like few other countries can even think of. This nation is blessed with many treasures, from the sacred banks of the ganges, to the Golden Temple and the jama masjid. It is also the land of stunning vistas and astounding natural wonders. From the rugged peaks of the himalayas to the splendid shows of goa. India has a lwa ys splendid shows of goa. India has always had great ideas. From the ancient epics all the way to the modern indian nation. But standing before all of you today, i know that true strength of india is not found in its textbooks. In its landmarks or its landscapes. The true strength of india is found in 125,000 beating hearts in this stadium and the millions and millions of people who have seen and witnessed our great friendship and admiration today its all found in the soul and the spirit of indian people. Your courage has secured this independence, your devotion build this great and enduring democracy. It is your dreams which will power this country to the future, greater prosperity and equality and opportunity for every citizen across your land. So, today i say, to every indian, north and south, hindu and muslim, jewish and south, hindu and muslim, jewish and christian, rich and poor, young and christian, rich and poor, young and old take pride in the glories of your past. Unite for an even Brighter Future and let our two nations always stand together as powerful defenders of peace and liberty and the hope of a better world for all of humanity. Thank you again, Prime Minister modi, for your hospitality and thank you, india, for this phenomenal welcome. I want to just leave by saying god bless india, god bless the United States of america. We love you. We love you, india, very much. Thank you. Thank you. Applause President Trump ending his long speech. 200,000 people are in that stadium in gujarat talking about the strength of the relationship between india and the United States. Lets listen in to Prime Minister modis response. He speaks own language studio we dont have a translation for that, let mejust studio we dont have a translation for that, let me just to sum up what President Trump had to say. He praised india, saying america loves and respects the country and always be loyal to it, calling the country a miracle of democracy which gives hope to all of humanity. He talked about the trade relationship between the two, saying they were working together to try and come up with a fantastic, great deal. He said that by minister modi is a very tough negotiator and he said that since his own inauguration, commerce between the two nations have increased by a0 . Lets get a view on his speech from delhi, the diplomatic editor of a hindu newspaper. It was pretty much a love letter to the country, wasnt it . Absolutely. Mr trump was expected to talk to this entire crowd very much as part of an election campaign, but i think he really focused most of his speech on his feelings for india. Very detailed presentation on why india should be praised. A lot of praise personally for Prime Minister modi and the journey he has travelled, as well as a few zingers in there, if you like. If you m essa 9 es in there, if you like. If you messages for a country like china, where the us. Interference messages for a country like china, where the us. Interference the indo pacific with india. President trump saying the reason people have celebrated indias success is because they have done it as a pluralistic democracy, with freedoms for its citizens, unlike others who have used the path of coercion. And he also talked, as i mentioned, bad trade. It was expected the two leaders would sign off on a trade visit about trade. He said it wasnt going to happen before he left, what has put a delay on that, do you think . It seems as if the trade negotiators have really run their course in terms of trying to hammer out a deal. And this has been going on nearly two years. In these two years, despite every kind of political push, they havent been able to get there. It means that mr trump and mrmodi able to get there. It means that mr trump and mr modi need to deliberate on the trade deal themselves. Even as recently as two years ago, the two sides had tried for a modest trade package. We are out of time. We appreciate your time and your analysis. Stay with us on bbc world news, more coming up. Hi, there, good morning. The weather may once again be disruptive to your day. This morning, weve got some heavy rain moving its way south eastward across england and wales and, for some, some snow, even down to relatively low levels across scotland, Northern Ireland and northern england. Now, through into this afternoon, the snow becomes more confined to northern scotland. Theres still quite a lot of it, though, over the Higher Ground. It clears largely from Northern Ireland and through southern scotland and the north east of england, as a band of rain moves south and eastward across england and wales. Itll be quite heavy at times, as it pushes south and eastward, so theres still the risk of some flooding in some areas. Theres still a severe Flood Warning, for example, on the severn round shrewsbury. Temperatures this afternoon, with a few sunny spells for england and wales, just about getting into double figures, but chilly across the north and scotland and Northern Ireland. And, as i mentioned, well worth just staying tuned to the Flood Warnings from the Environment Agency throughout the course of the day, with that heavy rain moving south eastward. Now, tonight, that rain clears away. Still a bit of snow to come over the Higher Ground of scotland. Through tonight, then therell still be some showers moving their way into the north and the west. Clear spells elsewhere. Temperatures tonight getting down to about1 to 3 celsius, so, well start off Tuesday Morning on a rather chilly note. But as we go through tuesday, low pressure moving out toward scandinavia and then weve got this north westerly airstream across the uk and these weather fronts here willjust bring the focus of some showers throughout tuesday. Because its a chilly north westerly wind, theres going to be some snow again, mainly over the Higher Ground of scotland, northern ithrough reland, parts of wales of scotland, Northern Ireland, parts of wales and northern england. Sunny spells, then, for many of us with those showers moving their way through. For england and wales, a chillier day than today, temperatures getting down to around 6 to 9 degrees and then you can see that even as we go into wednesday, weve still got this north westerly airstream. Still that cold air moving across most parts of the uk and, once again, that means there could well be some winteriness within showers as they move through. But, again, therell be some sunny spells in between the showers on wednesday. Quite blustery conditions fora time, temperatures getting up to about 5 to 8 or 9 celsius. So, throughout this week, then, disruptive snow potentially throughout this morning across Northern Areas of the uk. Heavy rain, if its not the snow, the risk of further flooding, also quite windy conditions for a time. We are keeping a close eye on the situation for thursday, with some heavy rain and strong winds in the south. Bye bye. Youre watching bbc news at 9 00 with me, carrie gracie. The headlines. Italian authorities try to contain the biggest outbreak of coronavirus in europe more than 150 people have been infected. A severe Flood Warning as more heavy rain falls in shrewsbury. In scotland theres travel disruption because of snow, the home office dismisses reports that the home secretary, priti patel, mistreated her staff. Us President Donald Trump addresses a big public rally in india on his First Official visit to the country. A sandstorm from the sahara shrouds spains ca nary islands, disrupting travel plans for thousands of tourists. We reveal how it will take at least 15 years to make up the housing

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