Transcripts For BBCNEWS Witness 20170506 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Witness 20170506

his family say they have yet to come to terms with the unfairness of his death. our correspondent daniel sandford reports. more than six weeks after the westminster attack, the last of the funerals of the five people killed by khalid masood, family and friends saying goodbye to les rhodes. the 75—year—old had been a window cleaner and decorator all his life, but was struck as masood sped across westminster bridge on his way to murdering pc keith palmer, and died the next day of his injuries. on the lawn in front of les rhodes‘ south london flat, family and friends had laid flowers, including a wreath symbolising his love of cricket. among them his sister—in—law, carol, who he had helped out when his brother, her husband, had died young, of cancer. she told me les had just been to hospital opposite parliament on the day he was killed. he was walking along towards big ben, and that's when he was struck down and killed, just going about his everyday business. a normal man, doing a normal thing. that's all he was doing, and that's how his life ended. his niece amanda still has raw anger towards the man who murdered her uncle. my view is he shouldn't have been shot. he's got the easy way out. all the families now are going to suffer for many years to come. we've got to deal with the grief. les rhodes had a small family, but dozens of friends came to the funeral of a kind man cruelly killed in the westminster attack. daniel sandford, bbc news, south london. now on bbc news, witness. hello, and welcome to witness, with me, tanya beckett, back here at the british library in london. we have got another five witnesses who have shared their personal memories of history. this month on the programme, we'll meet the israeli lawyer who prosecuted the architect of the holocaust. we'll meet a chinese archaeologist who worked on the statues of the terracotta army. and the son of charlie chaplin invites us into his home. but first, we're going back to the 1980s and the beginning of the hiv/aids outbreak. at that time, stigma about the condition was rife. but, in 1987, princess diana agreed to make a highly symbolic visit to the first hiv/aids unit in britain. our first witness, john o'reilly, was a nurse at the unit who welcomed one of the most famous women in the world. for everybody affected by hiv/aids around the world, it was a major moment. it was amazing. officially, the princess was simply opening the first purpose—billed hiv/aids ward in britain. but more significantly, she demonstrated her confidence to staff and the public that aids cannot be taken in by casual contact. people were frightened, really frightened, because we didn't know what it was to begin with. there was a lot of aids homophobia. the media were unkind, particularly the tabloid press. i hated all of that kind of misinformation and hysteria. the headlines were scaremongering, ignorant, misleading the general public. as far as i'm concerned, the gay plague was the homophobia, not the virus. i didn't tell anybody what i did. i didn't even tell fellow nurses or doctors what i did. ijust said i was a nurse at the middlesex hospital. i didn't feel safe. none of us felt safe. but we had very, very few staff. we didn't have medical or nursing staff. we couldn't attract staff because people were frightened. the unit had created other pressures in the hospital. staff treating people with aids are subject to extra strain. we have to be careful with blood and body fluids, obviously, because that is the way it is transmitted. obviously if we are dealing with those things, we will use gloves if necessary. but we're not going out of our way use spacesuits and the rest because it's totally unnecessary. my first impressions of princess diana was she was warm, sophisticated, elegant, and smart. i warmed to her instantly. she took our consultant down a peg or two, who'd really kind of condescendingly said, "do you know what this is?" he was holding up an x—ray of a chest. she just very politely said, i am patron of the british heart and lung foundation, of course i know what an x—ray is. i thought "good on her, i like that." anticipation always surrounds what the princess of wales wears for an engagement, but the obersveration has rarely been keener than yesterday. just one question dominated the whole day. would she or wouldn't she wear gloves? princess diana demonstrated that she cared because she took everyone's hand. this was diana, the princess of wales, coming in without gloves and shaking our patients' hands, as well as ours. it was moving. the ward can take 12 patients. today, though, the beds were empty. they were hiding from the media, unhappy with how the epidemic was portrayed in the past. finally, one agreed to a picture of the princess shaking his hand to prove you cannot catch aids through casual contact. it did not take much convincing for him. he was dying. he thought, "well, so what?" "i will do it." and the night it aired, i got lots of notes pushed under my door. it was very, very moving. and i never got any negative reaction from the public at all. for a royal to shake a patient's hands, somebody at the bus stop or the supermarket could do the same. it educated people. i think princess diana's departure has done the world a lot of harm, john now works as a psychotherapist in london. next, to a story from world war two. but this is not about battles, it is about the many women who met and married foreign servicemen when they were serving in europe. in 1946, thousands of war brides sailed from britain to canada to be reunited with their husbands and begin their new lives. betty hawkins was one of them. newsreel: since 1939, some 2a,000 british girls have married canadians. 3,000 of them have already been sent to canada by the department of immigration. we left our families and our relatives, our friends, for this one man that we were in love with. it was a marvellous thing that the canadian government did. and, i mean, they moved 47,000 women and over 22,000 children. when the war started, we thought london was going to be blitzkrieged. if you don't know what blitzkrieging is, it is having hundreds of bombers coming over and dropping bombs. b1 bombs were terrifying because you could hear them coming. and this one came down with the enginesjust roaring. and it hit the houses at the back of us. the canadians, of course, are part of the commonwealth. another big ship tying itself up at the british port. so the canadian troops started coming over. they talked to everybody. that's the canadian way. this canadian soldier that became my husband was a very nice looking guy. i was 18 or 19 years old when i met him. it was a case of being young, being in love. he asked me to marry him. i asked my mother. she seemed to think it was a good idea. more wives and kiddies are off to their land of opportunity across the sea. it was a one—way trip! we didn't know these men very well when we agreed to marry them. on arrival at the port, everyone is safely stored aboard the ship which will take them on theirjourney. it took ten days to sail over. we wondered what it was going to be like, of course. 18,000 adopted daughters willing to learn about canadian life through classes. we did not know thing except that canada was vast. all we could see was snow. when i first came to this house, there was no running water, there was no electricity, there was no bathroom. we didn't have a lot of money. ken had to work away quite a lot. i think that, i'll admit, that is probably why i had eight children. when husbands work away, you're glad to see them when they come back. there was a lot of us who were very brave, or else, very silly. it was, well, i would say an adventure. betty hawkins talking to witness from her home in canada. now to one of the greatest archaeological finds of the 20th century. in the spring of 1974, a group of people in china accidentally uncovered the site of the vast terracotta army. our next witness is an archaeologist, li xiuzhen, who has devoted her career to these life—size warriors. newsreel: it's a vast terracotta army being unearthed from the tomb it has laid in for more than 2000 years. i work on the site of the terracotta army in china. you can tell the different and li xiuzhen still works on the site of the terracotta army in china. remember, you can watch witness every month on the bbc news channel and you can catch up on all of the films along with more than 1,000 radio programmes in our on line archive. just go to bbc news. the nazi who planned the holocaust in 1951 was put on trial injerusalem. -- 1961. gabriel bach was a young israeli lawyer at the time and was chosen as one of the prosecutors in a trial attracting worldwide attention. in a ninth week of thisjerusalem trialfor the murder of 6 million jews, albert eichmann takes the stand in the bullet—proof dock. eichmann was the head of what is called the jewish department of the ss and the gestapo. in many german documents, it was called operation eichmann, the murder of the jews of europe. hitler and himmler and these people who made the order to kill all the jews in 1941, they, of course, were more guilty. but eichmann was in charge of the whole of the carrying out of the holocaust. eichmann, in 1960, was caught by israeli agents in the argentine. and then he was brought to israel. two days after he arrived in israel, the minister ofjustice called me, and he said "mr bach, i imagine you will be one of the prosecutors in the trial." "but would you be prepared to be in charge of the investigation?" the whole world spoke about it, in all the newspapers. you could see that eichmann was proud about anything he did in order to prevent the saving of a single jew. translation: and then they took my mother, and she said, let us go before her. they called mother and shot her, too. there was a man in israel. i put him on the stage as a witness, and then i asked "what happened to yourfamily?" he said he had no idea what auschwitz meant. and he said "my wife, when we came there, was sent to the left." "which we were told afterwards was the gas chambers." "and i had a little daughter, two—and—a—half years old, and of course, they also said to the left." "then they asked ‘what was your profession?‘ and i said i was an engineer in the army." "so sent to the right, they wanted me to do some work." "and i had a boy..." how old was he? hub]. "so the ss commander said he had to speak to the commander—in—chief." "so it took a few minutes, and then said the boy, ‘run after your mother'." and i saw the witness, he was back there, with with tears in his eyes. and he said "i couldn't see my wife any more, she was swallowed up in the crowd." "i couldn't see my son anymore, he was swallowed in the crowd." "but my little daughter, she had a red coat, and that little red dot, getting smaller and smaller — this is how my family disappeared from my life." at that time, my little daughter was exactly 2—and—a—half—years old, and i had bought her a red coat, two weeks before that. and so when the witness said that about the red coat, it suddenly cut off my voice completely. i suddenly couldn't utter a sound. until this very day, i can be in a restaurant, i can be in the street, and suddenly feel my heart beating, and i turn around and i see a little boy or a little girl in red coat. the former isreali prosecutor, gabriel bach, speaking to us in jerusalem. the former isreali prosecutor, gabriel bach, speaking to us in jerusalem. in april 1872, the silent movie star, charlie chaplin, returned to america after two decades in exile in switzerland. for our final film this month, witness has been to the comedian‘s former home on lake geneva, to meet his son, eugene. charlie chaplin, my father, he was a pioneer in silent movies. he understood, he saw the potential of filmmaking. he made about 80 films while he was in america. by the age of 23, he was world famous. this is the house where i grew up — but it's a museum now. i was born here, in switzerland. i'm the number five of the eight kids my father had with oona. in the 1950s, there was a witch—hunt against the liberals in america, and my father, he was accused of being a sympathiser to communists. plus had problems with his private life. so when he went to europe, he received a telegram, saying that they revoked his visa, and that he had to go in front of a moral committee, if you want. if you wanted to re—enter america. he was very hurt by that. he said, if they are going to treat me like that, i'm not going back. switzerland is the last part of his life, where he didn't do as many films, but mackie really had the normal life he always wanted. —— but he really had. we lived in a bubble. my he really had. we lived in a bubble. my parents were really in love with each other. he was funny at home. but he was very strict on education. he wanted us to do well at school, and he wanted us to be well—behaved. at home. we would have dinner every night. if you wanted to get up to go to the toilet you would have to ask permission. we all had our turns to be able to speak. with me, he always said, you know, you can do whatever you want. but whatever you are going to do, do it well. in the 1970s he was invited to go to america to receive an oscar. he was surprised and bothered about it. i think he had very mixed feelings. because of all the bad memories he had there. my all the bad memories he had there. my mother's view, she thought it would be a great virginity for my father and america to kind of full give each other, and she was right. —— great opportunity. the reception in the united states was great. obviously it was much rather than he expected. he was very touched by that. especially at the oscars. a standing ovation. 20 minutes. all his friends were there. afterwards, he was in a better mood. i could feel that the pressure of having to go over there was over. i've learned one thing, he is mine emotionally, but he is not mine any more. because he is such a public figure. he is everyone's, and everyone has their theories about him. before, i got a very mad about that. but now i accepted. —— except it. five years after his return to the us charlie chaplin died on christmas day, 1977. his son eugene still lives near the family mansion. that is all from miss this month. from me, tanya beckett, and the rest of the esteem, goodbye. —— witness team. hello. this sunshine makes all the difference at this time of year. we have an abundance of sunshine across the northern half of the uk. this was sent in from highland scotland, where we saw temperatures soaring into the high teens, 20 in a few spots, in contrast with the chilly breeze off the sea. and the cloud in clacton—on—sea, in essex, just about 11 degrees. and those are the contrasts which will continue through the weekend — where we see the cloud and where we don't. and of course, we've got this rather cool breeze as well, which is starting to pick up further northwards, dragging the cloud north. so a few drizzly showers are out there, as well, for the likes of east wales, the peaks and the pennines. this weather front, as well, to complicate our weather picture. so we've more cloud across the southern half of the uk, so not as chilly. but again, where we have that clear airfurther north, the clear skies, it'll be a frosty start in a few places, and there could even be the odd pocket of fog first thing. but it's here we'll see the sunshine once again, but probably not as much for some central areas as we've had. and also this weather front does complicate the picture across he south—west, particularly cornwall, some parts of devon. for those out on the moors, not great news, obviously, because we could have some low cloud shrouding the hills here, and some drizzly rain. we've got, of course, a little bit of football taking place, and many of the matches across england in particular are quite cloudy. much cloudier in leicester, for example, than we had during the day on friday. but head up into scotland, there's an abundance of sunshine still. so there's the cut—off. we're seeing that change, if you like, for parts of the midlands and for parts of northern england. but for scotland, lots of sunshine. i do think there'll be rather more around for the northern isles, and again around the murray firth. it hangs around potentially for the northern isles through the day. plenty of sunshine for the central lowlands, across northern ireland. some parts of northern england still enjoying the sunshine, and it will be warm, but we'll have more cloud here than we've seen in recent days. similar so for wales and the midlands. we've got the breeze with us, not as windy as it was during the day on friday, but nevertheless still quite a keen breeze, and still that weather front lingering close to the south coast. starting to pull away into the afternoon. there will be some sunshine. i'm not saying there won't be sunshine elsewhere, i'm just saying it will be more limited in places, and therefore feel quite cool in the breeze. and the breeze switches direction on sunday. it's coming down more from a northerly direction. so again, the east coast quite chilly. northern ireland, parts of western wales, north—west england seeing the best or the highest temperatures, best of the sunshine. but actually, near the north sea coast, quite a change, actually, for parts of western scotland, here, because of that breeze coming in. but we could see 18, a little bit higherfurther south, with a few more breaks in the cloud. hello, my name's tom donkin. welcome to bbc news. the campaign of the french presidential candidate, emmanuel macron, says it's suffered a massive hacking attack which has resulted in thousands of internal documents being released online. it says authentic stolen documents have been mixed with fake ones to sow doubt before sunday's run—off vote between mr macron and his far—right opponent, marine le pen. thoma fessy is in paris where he has been gauging the mood of voters. it's election season in france and at this satirical theatre comedians take a swipe at the politicians running for president.

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