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Of the day in the commons and the lords. On this programme the budget addresses the crisis in social care in england. The chancellor has help for stretched local councils. I am committing additional Grant Funding of £2 billion to social care in england over the next three years. But the Labour Leader accuses Philip Hammond of producing a complacent budget. Who is reaping the rewards of this economy . For millions, it is simply not working. Away from the budget and back to brexit, and predictions of long delays in the processing of Residency Applications by the home office. It would take the home office more than 50 years. 50 years to deal with 3. 2 million european nationals in the uk. It was phlip hammonds first budget and, curiously, it was actually his last. Or at least, his last to be presented in march. From now on, the annual budget will take place in the autumn. The chancellor called it a fair package of measures. There was £2 billion for social care, relief for those hit by changes to business rates, and Higher National insurance contributions facing the Self Employed. In the late morning, outside 11 Downing Street, the chancellor paraded the familiar red box, complete with its detailed contents some unveiled in advance, some still to be announced. The chancellor posed for the photographers. And then made his way the relatively short distance from Downing Streeet to the palace of westminster. As he started his speech shortly after 12 30, mr hammond said employment was at a record high, unemployment at a record low, but it was crucial to avoid complacency. As we prepare for our future outside the eu, we cannot rest on our past achievements. We must focus relentlessly on Keeping Britain at the cutting edge of the global economy. The deficit is down, but debt is still too high. Employment is up, but productivity remains stubbornly low. Too many of our young people are leaving formal education without the skills they need for todays labour market, and too many families are still feeling the squeeze almost a decade after the crash. So ourjob is not done. A word about the size of the national debt. Britain has a debt of nearly £i. 7 trillion. Almost £62,000 for every household in the country. Each year, we are spending £50 billion on debt interest, more than we spend on defence and policing combined. And borrowing over the forecast period is still set to be £100 billion higher than predicted at budget 2016. My ambition is for the uk to be the best place in the world to start and grow a business. Under the last Labour Government, Corporation Tax was 28 . By the way, they do not call it the last Labour Government for nothing. Laughter on to his important announcement on the rising cost of caring for elderly and vulnerable people. Today, mr deputy speaker, iam committing additional Grant Funding of £2 billion to social care in england over the next three years. Mr deputy speaker, that is £2 billion over the next three years, with £1 billion. With £1 billion available in 2017 18. This will allow local authorities to act now to Commission New ca re packages. As for education. Today i can announce funding for a further 110 new free schools on top of the current commitment to 500. This will include new specialist maths schools, to build on the clear success of Exeter Maths School and Kings College london maths school, which my right honourable friend the Prime Minister visited earlier this week. We are committed to this programme because we understand that choice is the key to excellence in education. There would be action against tax avoiders. From july, we will introduce a tough new financial penalty for professionals who enable a Tax Avoidance Arrangement that is later defeated by hmrc. Taken together, these measures will raise £820 million over the forecast period. And money for the new technologies. £270 million to keep the uk at the forefront of disruptive technologies, like biotech, Robotic Systems and driverless vehicles, a technology i believe the Party Opposite know something about. As the chancellors nickname to westminster commentators is spreadsheet phil, why not live up to the name. . I turn now, mr deputy speaker, to the obr forecast. This is the spreadsheet bit, but bear with me, because i have a reputation to defend. The obr forecast for the level of gdp in 2021 is to be broadly the same at autumn statement. He justified changes to National Insurance contributions. Employed and Self Employed alike use our Public Services in the same way, but they are not paying for them in the same way. The lower National Insurance paid by the Self Employed is forecast to cost our public finances over £5 billion this year alone. This is not fair to the 85 of workers who are employees. He said hed listened to concerns about the new levels of business rates. I will provide local authorities with a £300 million fund to deliver discretionary relief to target individual hard cases in their local areas. The chancellor ended with a triumphant tone. Today we reaffirm our commitment to invest in britains future and we embark on this next chapter of our history, confident in our strengths and clear in our determination to build a stronger, fairer, better britain. I commend this budget to the house. Well, the chancellor was on his feet for near enough exactly an hour. The custom and tradition is for the Budget Speech to be replied to, not by the shadow chancellor, but by the leader of the opposition. Jeremy corbyn accused Philip Hammond of boasting about a strong british economy. He said for millions the economy was simply not working. This was a budget of utter complacency about the state of our economy. Utter complacency about the crisis facing our Public Services and complacent about the reality of daily life for millions of people in this country. Yesterday, mr deputy speaker, over 3000 people in this country will have queued up at food banks to feed themselves and their families. Last night, mr deputy speaker, over 4000 people will have slept rough on the streets of this country. The chancellor made his boast about a strong economy, but who is reaping the rewards of this economy . For millions, it is simply not working. The budget didnt provide the funding necessary now for the crisis in our nhs, which the bma reckons needs an extra £10 billion. It did not provide the funding necessary to end the State Of Emergency in social care now, which needs £2 billion a year just to plug the gaps, according to the kings fund. That is not met by £2 billion over three years, the money is needed now. This is a budget that lacks ambition for this country and lacks fairness. It demonstrates again the appalling priorities of this government. Another year, tax breaks for the few and Public Service cuts for the many. When she took office, the Prime Minister said, if you are one of those families who are just managing, i want to address you directly. This budget does not address them. This budget fails them. This budget has done nothing to tackle low pay, nothing to solve the State Of Emergency that persists for so many people demanding and needing health and social care now. It does nothing to make a fair economy that truly works for everyone. The snps finance spokesman said in many ways, Philip Hammond hadnt disappointed. We had the self effacing jokes about the spreadsheets, we had the spun lines about being stronger together and then it went downhill and barely a mention of brexit, the most momentous challenge facing the uk barely a mention of brexit. Weve seen a scandalous attack on aspiration, on the Self Employed. Taxing them more, 11. 2 billion or so from people. The party of aspiration taxing those low Self Employed, putting in active, real, hard disincentives to starting businesses, to employing people, to stepping out on ones own. I think that is a decision that will come back to haunt this chancellor. Stewart hosie. In fact, the commons debate on the chancellors measures goes on for a total of four days. As soon the Front Benchers are finished, it is up to backbench mps to give their verdict. Some backbenchers were clearly worried by Philip Hammonds decision to increase the National Insurance contributions paid by the Self Employed. The Self Employed, who are working longer, despite earning less, typically twice the proportion working 50 hours each week than in employment, they are going to be paying a significant price. If they are on £27,000 of profits, they will be hit by an extra £30 a month now because of this decision. I do have some small concerns around National Insurance. I find myself in agreement with the concerns expressed by the honourable member for Nottingham East and the honourable lady, the member for leeds west. It is very important to ensure we do not disadvantage Self Employed people. This party on this side always has been, and i hope always will be, the party that supports White Van Man and on this particular day, white van women. The continuing debate on the budget. Still some way to go. You are watching our round up of the day in the commons and the lords. Still to come, could the nhs be transformed by Genomic Medicine . Jeremy corbyn has again put theresa may on the spot over the recent decision of Surrey County council to drop plans for a local referendum and a 15 rise in council tax to pay for the costs of social care. In previous exchanges, the Labour Leader had wanted to know if the county council had been given favourable treatment, in the form of a Sweetheart Deal by ministers, in order to drop the rise. He returned to the subject during the latest session of Prime Ministers questions. Could the Prime Minister explain the difference between a Sweetheart Deal and a gentlemans agreement . I assume he is referring to Surrey County council. He is making it as if it was a particular deal available to Surrey County council and not to others. The ability to raise the Social Care Precept is available for other councils. The Labour Leader believed he had unearthed some new evidence. Evidence has emerged that the leader of the Surrey County council. That it was a gentlemans agreement between the council and the government. The question is, what deal was done with Surrey County council . He is asking me if there was a special deal available to them that was not available to other councils, the answer is no. If he is looking for a conspiracy, i suggest he looks behind him. The Prime Minister says there was no deal. She seems rather unclear. Does she know what arrangement was made with Surrey County council . There is another area of deep concern. Could the Prime Minister tell us how many new School Places will be needed by 2020 . He should listen to the answers that i give before he asks the next question. I have answered the question of the claims about Surrey County council. There was no deal with them that was not available to other county councils. The Prime Minister was also asked a question about the number of new School Places needed by 2020. Could she explain why we have the crisis . Class sizes are soaring, thanks to her government. A Flagship Scheme has meant schools being built in the wrong places. Millions has been given to free schools, but funding is falling in real terms. Is it not time this colossal waste of money was addressed . It is doing nothing for children, doing nothing to solve the crisis at schools and the sizes of classes. That is what the people want. Not vanity projects from the government. It is not a vanity project. We will ensure that every child has a good school place. The majority of free schools have been opened in areas where there was was a need for School Places. They are also in areas of disadvantage. They are in the places where we want people who are disadvantaged to get on in life. Theresa may. It could take 50 years for the Home Office To Process Uk Residency Applications from European Union nationals, according to angus robertson, the snp leader at westminster. At pmqs, he said his estimate followed on from reductions in manpower made in the department. Since 2010, the home office has seen its full time staff level cut by 10 . At the current rate of Processing Applications for residency, it would take the home office more than 50 years 50 years to deal with over 2. 3 million european nationals in the uk. This is clearly totally unacceptable, so will the Prime Minister tell us how quickly she hopes to be able to guarantee all european nationals permanent residency . I would say to the honourable gentleman, he simply cannot just stand up and say, because the home office is getting more efficient, it is going to be longer for answers to be given to people. Yes, the home office is getting more efficient in the way it deals with these things. He maybe has not heard of technology. But people apply online and are dealt with online. Meanwhile, the Liberal Democrat leader brought up the forthcoming service in london to dedicate the unveiling in london of the new iraq afghanistan memorial. Yesterday, we heard that hundreds of families of soldiers who died in iraq and afghanistan have been denied seating at tomorrows unveiling of the memorial to our fallen troops. Inviting a relative of each of those killed in iraq and afghanistan would have taken up fewer than one third of the 2,500 seats. Will she now apologise to those families for what, i assume, is a careless oversight, and rectify the mistake immediately, so that bereaved families can come and pay their respects to their fallen loved ones . Over half of those attending tomorrow are either current or former members of the armed forces. No one from the bereaved community has been turned away. Every one of those who had applied for a ticket has been successful. But i have been reassured that, if there are any bereaved families who wish to attend, then the Ministry Of Defence will make every effort to ensure that they are able to do so. Theresa may. We were hearing earlier about the Change Of Heart from Surrey County council on its plan to introduce a 15 rise in council tax to pay for social care. At pmqs, Jeremy Corbyn asked if a Sweetheart Deal, or gentlemens agreement, between Surrey County council and ministers in whitehall had been made, while other councils had not received the same treatment. In the house of lords, one peer said the calims and counter claims were Eroding Trust between central and local government. Does my noble lord, the minister, agree that subterfuge of this sort undermines the pre requisite of trust and confidence that has to exist between local government and central government, and would he ensure that the Secretary Of State comes clean on this gentlemans agreement and reveals all the other secret deals done with conservative run councils . Let me restate, and i think this was confirmed yesterday, by the council yesterday, there was no deal. There was never any question of a special arrangement for surrey. They are subject to the same rules as every other local authority. In the north east, there is not a single place for those eligible for social care, as opposed to 1 in surrey. In the north east, the tax amount is much lower because of the lower property base, the property values, to be raised in council tax. What caused this . I have no idea. That is a question for Surrey County council. We do have freedom of information. I believe we are very keen to respond to that and all the relevant documents, i am sure, will be disclosed. The leader of Surrey County council said there was a gentlemans agreement. Who is telling the truth . I will restate the government position. There was no agreement. The leader of Surrey County council is not telling the truth . That is a matter for them to deal with. I cannot take questions which are properly for Surrey County council. The question does have to be asked, either the leader of Surrey County council was not telling the truth or he completely misunderstood his conversations with the Secretary Of State. It was one or the other. Could he tell us categorically whether anyone in Downing Street was involved in the discussions . The discussions were conducted quite openly by department officials. The National Health service is going to be transformed through the use of genomic medication, mps have heard. Genomics is the study of how sets of genes and dna Work Together and why that interaction sometimes leads to disease. Two experts told the science and Technology Committee that this cutting edge science was leading to the development of new drugs. We are already seeing the fruits of Cancer Genomes, in terms of our knowledge of Cancer Genomes and their impact on patients. So, by sequencing Cancer Genomes and finding the mutations, the so called somatic mutations, that have occurred during the lifetime of an individual and that are responsible for converting a normal cell into a cancer cell, we find key genes that, when they are mutated, are responsible for that conversion. And these genes, or the proteins that they encode, become targets for the development of new drugs. And there is the potential to detect cancer very early on. Cancers are leaky. They leak dna. And they leak dna that then circulates around the body. Although that only accounts for a small amount of the dna in the blood, you can tell that that is cancer dna. And, therefore, in the next few years, as a result of research which. Are we at the risk of being able to diagnose an individual, then not have the capacity within the nhs to be able to treat the individual . Is there a danger of that . Yes, there is. One of the things we will find is that, when you do genome sequencing, you will find mutations all the time that are reported. Either that we are seeing patients who have mutations where there is not a trial open with a targeted therapy, or that there is a need and i think Cancer Research uk are working on this for a national database, so that, for example, if you have breast cancer, but you have a b mutation, which mike was talking about earlier, and there is no trial in your area, that you could find somewhere to go to for that trial. Because obviously, patients will travel a long way when their lives are on the line. The Department Of Health has set up a project, known as genomics england, to sequence 100,000 genomes from people with cancer and rare diseases. The reason the project exists is to show that this can be done and can be done on a scale. One of the aims of the project, apart from the benefit to current patients, is to try to transform the nhs into a service which can offer the benefits of genomics more widely. That aspect of the work has taken time. But there are concerns about keeping data out of the hands of some private organisations, such as insurance firms. The genome has a wealth of information. It contains very senstive information such as, in some cases, a Pre Disposition to sensitive mental illness. If this kind of information is readily available, this could be extremely harmful to people. So, i think we have to be very clear about what constitutes an acceptable use of genomic data. But in the end, there is only so much they can tell us. I am not supportive of general profiling, of people having whole genome profiles to determine their risk of disease at this stage, because it has been shown in research that each of us carry genes which we may think should be fatal and, yet, we are clearly alive. We are at a very early stage of knowledge with this, so it would be premature to do that sort of thing. And that is it for this programme. Dojoin me for our next daily round up. Until then, from me, keith macdougall, goodbye. Good morning. Yesterday, we had Cloud Topping and tailing the country. It also brought a great sovereign. Some was a nuisance, it was damp and drizzly across southern england. Sharper showers into the north. Sandwiched between the two saw the best of the sunshine. The Weather Front that brought the cloud and rain still to clear away, still some frequent showers in the north west. But it is a slow improvement as we go through day. There is still the risk of some outbreaks of drizzly rain in the far south and some coastal and hill fog. Some sharp showers across scotland. Here are cold enough for a touch of snow to the tops of the mountains. But mild to the day, double digits already in the south west. But in the Isles Of Scilly and much of cornwall, it will stay rather cloudy and drizzly. A lot of cloud across the south which should break up and we will see some sunshine. Not a bad start to the midlands into the north of england and wales, some sunny spells and already quite mild. A Beautiful Morning in northern ireland, there will be some sunny spells in scotland, a scattering of showers and more of a breeze. The showers and more of a breeze. The showers are likely to continue in the north east during the afternoon. But generally a pleasant day with sunshine for all of us. And it will feel quite pleasant. The only exception is the Isles Of Scilly and cornwall, maybe the Channel Islands staying overcast and drizzly at times. But temperatures peaking as high as 15 or 16 celsius. Central and eastern areas seeing the temperatures falling away, a touch of light frost, but cloud and Rain Gathering into the west, an indication of what is to come as we move into friday. More cloud, some showery rain, poor visibility, some coastal and hill fog, but still on the mild side. Until we move towards the mild side. Until we move towards the weekend. The wind will swing round from a southerly to a westerly so that will bring a noticeable difference to the feel of the weather. Cooler air pushing him from the atlantic, still the breeze will be an issue. There will be some dry weather at the weekend with sunny spells, some rain at times as well and feeling that little bit fresher. You have been warned take care. A very warm welcome to bbc news, broadcasting to our viewers in North America and around the globe. My name is mike embley. Our top stories. Accusations of Ethnic Cleansing in south sudan. The un blames Government Forces and allied militia, warning that the country is approaching genocide. An inferno tears through a government run care home in guatemala, killing at least 20 teenage girls. The countrys Congress Demands an immediate investigation. Dressed as doctors, gunmen storm a kabul hospital. At least 30 people are dead, with the so called Islamic State claims responsibility. A Student Police warn of a sexual predator posing as the singer online

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