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Hello. Welcome to the programme, were live until 11. Throughout the programme well bring you the latest Breaking News and developing stories. And well be talking to the wife of kris maharaj who has spent 30 years fighting to clear her husbands name after he was convicted of Double Murder in florida. Is it a Miscarriage Ofjustice . New evidence means he could be out of prison by christmas. Do get involved. Use the hashtag victorialive, and if you text, you will be charged at the Standard Network rate. Our top today. The funeral of Pc Keith Palmer, who was murdered in the Terror Attack in westminster last month, will be held this afternoon. The 48 year old was stabbed to death by Khalid Masood as he stood guard outside the Palace Of Westminster. Officers from across the country will line the route to Southwark Cathedral, where a full Police Service will be held. Daniel boettcher reports. Bells. Yesterday, the coffin of Pc Keith Palmer was brought to the Palace Of Westminster the place where he worked, the place he had been protecting when he was killed last month. Overnight, an honour guard made up of members of the parliamentary bells. Yesterday, the coffin of Pc Keith Palmer was brought and diplomatic Protection Command has been watching over his coffin in the Chapel Of St Mary Undercroft inside the palace. Pc palmers funeral is to be held at Southwark Cathedral this afternoon. Some of his colleagues who worked alongside him have been paying tribute, describing him as hard working selfless, a dedicated officer who loved hisjob, and enjoyed working with the public. One of the kindest people youll ever find. Very giving, very loyal, a true friend. A fantastic policeman. He was so down to earth and so normal. He came to work because he had a family to support. That was all he ever wanted to do, be there for his family. Officers from across the uk are expected to travel to london to line the route of the Funeral Cortege from westminster to Southwark Cathedral. Police forces will be holding two minutes silence to remember their fallen colleague, while Flags On Force Headquarters will be lowered to half mast. Our correspondent keith doyle is at westminster. What is going to happen in the next few hours . From a bright and sunny westminster, good morning, but it is a sombre day here, because this is where the Funeral Cortege of Pc Keith Palmer will start as it makes it journey to southwark keith palmer will start as it makes itjourney to Southwark Cathedral on the south bank of the river thames. Shortly after one oclock, his body will be taken from the chapel, the royal chapel in the Palace Of Westminster where there has been a Police Honour guard all night, every hour the guard changed with collea g u es hour the guard changed with colleagues standing guard over his coffin throughout the night. The hearse will take his coffin passed the very point where he was stabbed to death a little over two and a half weeks ago, and it will move out of westminster, passed us right here on College Green and then over Lambeth Bridge and along the south bank of the river past Waterloo Station and on towards London Bridge station and on towards London Bridge station where Southwark Cathedral is, so it is quite a big Police Operation here today. Are large crowds expect it . Indeed, they really are. 5000 or more Police Officers from every force in the country will be here today lining the route, taking part in the service. You can hear the siren scott hynd, there are lots of police around, barriers up, on the roads will be closed sometime soon. We expect many thousands of people, some of the estimates saying maybe 50,000 people could be lining the route. Really it goes to show the kind of respect people have for this Police Officer who was just doing hisjob, protecting Police Officer who was just doing his job, protecting parliament, Police Officer who was just doing hisjob, protecting parliament, and became victim of this terrorist attack. That is why so many Police Officers are coming from all over the country to pay their respects as well, many of them fear it could have been any of them. Thank you very much. Reeta is in the bbc newsroom with a summary of the rest of the days news. Foreign ministers from the g7 leading nations are meeting in italy later. Theyll discuss how to persuade russia to end its Military Support for syrias President Assad, following last weeks Chemical Attack. Our Diplomatic Correspondent James Robbins reports. The next two days in the Tuscan Walled City Of Lucca will be dominated by a collective search for arguments to persuade Vladimir Putin that he must now end russias Military Support for syrias President Assad and help to accelerate a negotiated political transition. The Foreign Secretary borisjohnson is expected to press the case for new sanctions against russia if they dont give ground. President trumps Secretary Of State Rex Tillerson wants to go on from here to moscow, able to confront the russians with a strong set of demands, backed by americas key allies. Our priority is, first, the defeat of isis. Remove them from access to their caliphate, because thats where the threat to the homeland and to so many homelands of our Coalition Partners is emanating from. Once we can eliminate the battle against isis, conclude that, and it is going quite well, then we hope to turn our attention to achieving Ceasefire Agreements between the regime and opposition forces. Russia and iran, President Assads key military backers, are threatening retaliation if there are any further american strikes. Its far from clear that moscows attitude has shifted significantly since either the gas attack or americas retaliatory but limited missile strike. Years of effort trying to find a negotiated settlement have failed, and so the task here in italy of trying to find a new way to break the deadlocks still looks enormous. Egypt has declared a three month State Of Emergency after attacks on two churches yesterday left at least 44 people dead. The measures allow the authorities to make arrests without warrants and search peoples homes. The army will be deployed to help Police Protect key sites. The so called Islamic State group said it was behind both blasts. The bbc has uncovered evidence that appears to implicate the Bank Of England in the so called Libor Scandal. A Secret Recording from 2008 obtained by panorama suggests it repeatedly pressured commercial banks to push down the rates at which they charged each other interest. Heres our economics correspondent andy verity. The Libor Scandal first blew up in 2012, when Barclays Boss bob diamond was forced to resign. Until recently, libor used to set by a member of staff of the biggest banks, called a submitter, saying what Interest Rate they thought theyd have to pay to borrow money. An average was taken, called the London Inter Bank offered rate, or liborfor short. The submitters were meant to base it only on their own genuine view of the market for borrowing and lending cash. Panorama has uncovered a phone call on october 29th, 2008, during the financial crisis, when a Senior Barclays banker, mark dearlove, tells the man putting in libor rates, peterjohnson, to push down his libor rates below the true cost of borrowing cash because of pressure from above. We played the recording to chris phelps mp, a member of the treasury select committee. If what dearlove is saying is true, that is shocking. This tape suggests that in fact the Bank Of England knew about it and indeed were encouraging or even instructing it. So we need an immediate inquiry to find out exactly what is going on, given what we have just heard on this tape. The Bank Of England told panorama that libor and other global benchmarks were not regulated in the uk or elsewhere during the period in question. Swedish police are continuing to question a man suspected of driving a hijacked lorry into a crowd of people in stockholm on friday, leaving four people dead. The 39 year old, originally from uzbekistan, was facing deportation from sweden and had expressed support for so called Islamic State. Tens of thousands gathered in the city yesterday to pay tribute to the victims, who included british father of two chris bevington. Police in manchester have. Police in manchester have launched extra patrols in the city centre, after receiving a surge in calls about people passing out from taking the banned drug, spice. Greater Manchester Police said they dealt with 31 calls relating to the drug in 2a hours after it launched a two day banning order in the city centre. Its been reported that the substance left some users looking like zombies. Australian Scientists Say two thirds of the Great Barrier reef has now been devastated by severe Coral Bleaching. Its caused by rising Water Temperatures and researchers say surveys show an accelerated rate of damage along the coast of queensland. Mass bleaching makes the coral fragile and can kill it. The reef is home to more than 130 species of shark and 1600 varieties of fish. Thats a summary of the latest bbc news. More at 9. 30. Thank you very much. Were going to talk later to safir khan, who smiled Atan Edl Talk later to safir khan, who smiled at an edl protest, and the photograph was captured and has gone viral on social media. A number of people praising her stance. We will talk to her later. Her dad has explained that he has always taught her and her sister not to back down from prejudice, so it will be interesting to talk to her later on. Do get in touch with us throughout the morning. Use the hashtag victorialive, and if you text, youll be charged at the Standard Network rate. Lets get some sport from jessica. Its all about the golf this morning. He certainly did. He is the nearly man no more, at his 74th attempt, he has won his first major tournament with a victory at the masters. It was neck and neck for much of the final round, if one nipped ahead, the other clawed them back, and so it went to sudden death. The winning putt for garcia, this is what secured him the green jacket. And six to his knees, you can almost feel the long wait of expectation lift off his shoulders. His idol and late spanish golfer, seve ballesteros, it would have been his 60th birthday, he has tried so hard but even he questioned his mental resilience, but at 37 years old he has come good. I felt the calmest i have ever felt on a major sunday, and even after making a couple of bogeys, i was still very positive, i still believed that there were a lot of holes that i could get to, and i had some good shots coming in, and im so happy. You just want to know that he has won his first major if this will open the floodgates and he could win many more to come. The us open is injune, it will be interesting to see how gets an. Englishmanjustin rose just missing out, but he was magnanimous in defeat. Yes, the first thing he did was to go over and hugged him. They have known each other a long time, they are good friends, and justin rose said, i would love to be wearing the green jacket, but if it wasnt me, then im glad its him, here is what he had to say. We have been friends for a long time, we have been playing golf against one another since we were 14, so our careers will go on, and call for takeover, i will go on, and call for takeover, i will be disappointed for about a month on golf will take over and well carry on. There are many more goals this year, many objective to look forward to this was the highlight of the spring, and i was disappointed to come so close, but the year is only getting going. Reaction has been coming in, social media as always ablaze with congratulations and support, one of his sons said happy birthday, dad, he hoped he could win the masters. It goes to showjust how much of it popular guy Sergio Garcia is on the tour. Whiteman thank you, jess. More throughout the morning. Next this morning, microdosing. Its when you take a tiny amount of Psychedelic Drugs, lsd or Magic Mushrooms, usually, as part of your ordinary day. The drugs are illegal, and theres no medical evidence to tell us what the benefits or harms of it may be. But a Small Community of people in the uk are doing it anyway, and say its improving their lives. Some say it aids creativity and concentration and helps with their Mental Health problems. But critics say its dangerous, and users are putting themselves in danger. Our reporter catrin nye has been meeting the people that do it. So you can see there, a cut. Ok, explain to me. Thats a normal dose a square. That square there . Yeah. Thats tiny. Thats a whole dose . This is only, maybe, 20 mikes 20 milligrams of lsd. And how much is this . That ones 200 a full tab. So this would be enough to give you a trip . It would, yes. Each morning, i take vitamins with a cup of tea and toast. So In The Morning, its vitamins, tea. . And a little bit of lsd, yeah. Newsreel these are the faithful of lsd, or acid heads the exposed tip of an iceberg of more sporadic users. Psychedelic drugs, lsd, Magic Mushrooms, are usually associated with long, mind bending trips, hallucinations and hippies. Instant chemical wisdom obviously doesnt exist. The people ive been meeting, though, are taking the Class A Drugs in tiny doses in an attempt to improve their lives. Make them more creative. Happier. And, in some cases, deal with severe Mental Health problems. This is called micro dosing. We are in the Great British countryside. And this is actually a place where you can quite easily get hold of Psychedelic Drugs, because Magic Mushrooms grow here. Im off to see someone whos used those to micro dose. Hi. Im catrin. Nice to meet you. This place is lovely. Thank you. Im intrigued about your micro dosing. Ok, where do you want to start . When i was at university, i like most students, i took recreational drugs. I think i discovered by accident one day when i was very bored that you could take a small amount of lsd and it was really useful in a not very recreational way. And so i had learned that a really useful, nice thing to do with it would be to have it on a day off and have quite a normal day, but the quality of that day on all sorts of fronts would just be a lot better. So i would go for a walk and i would be struck by how blue the sky was. All of those bits of sense data that we often lose to getting stuff done and being outcome focused would be really. Like, theyd be there. Theres something really relaxing and grounding about it. It wasnt until moving to the country that anna tried micro dosing again. Shes a mum of two and a writer. Weve changed her name. Out of curiosity, i was running one day up in the hills and i didnt have to be back anywhere for quite a long time. So i picked a couple of mushrooms and i was curious to see what happened. It wasnt a very dramatic thing. I was really aware of enjoying moving and enjoying being outside. I went to a friends house later that day and we had a really great chat. I really wanted to make the house look nice. Again, i had quite an ordinary day and i really enjoyed it. I felt quite happy and calm and grounded and i slept fantastically well that night. During the time that they were in season, if it was possible to pick a couple then i would. Because i knew that it was making me get more done and sleep better and just having a slightly better quality of life, i guess. The most noticeable thing for me was that i was a lot tidier. Im a really messy person but i got very fussy about my physical space. I wanted everything to look nice. So i would find myself suddenly possessed to tidy and clean the kitchen. I would really get into doing the recycling. How do you justify the fact that it is completely illegal . When youre doing something that isnt causing any harm to anybody else or to yourself, theres nothing really that needs to be justified there. I query the relevance and the sanity of the legal frameworks that we have around drugs. Hello, simpa . Yes, nice to meet you. Catrin. Simpa is 28 and lives in durham. He tells me he had a very abusive childhood and now suffers from severe Mental Health problems. He micro doses lsd with his tea In The Morning. So how often do you take it . Erm, every two months, six weeks a therapeutic dose. So you dont do it constantly . Not constantly if you build up a tolerance to anything, it stops the effect, really. Can you tell me what youre dealing with, and how it helps . Depression and anxiety as a result of this Childhood Trauma that led to Borderline Personality Disorder and post Traumatic Stress disorder. So all of these things together are currently dealt with by gps with a large amount of different pills, each of which causes more side effects, ifind in my personal experience, than the benefits these drugs provide. These substances, ive found, give me the benefits without any of those drawbacks. So then me using these substances mean ive been able to view my trauma so its just an experience. Its a memory like any other. It doesnt hold me hostage any more. These substances can be reused again in the Psychiatric Toolkit to help better people. The problem is in terms of credible medical research, there is currently no evidence to back up his experiences. James was recently involved in a pilot trial at Imperial College, london, looking at the use of Magic Mushrooms in clinical depression. It did not, however look at micro dosing . Clinical depression. It did not, however look at microdosing . At a medical level nothing about. There have been no trials looking at at all and the only way that we can sort out whether or not it works or it doesnt is by doing a blinded pa seen owe controlled randomised trial. What are the dangers of people taking it upon themselves to conduct their own little experiment on themselves with . We have no idea what the effect might be on driving for example, skilled tasks, it is the definition of a micro dose is you dont notice the subjective effect, but that doesnt mean it is not having any effect on you. We dont know what risks in the long term might be. There was some concern before 1970 when the drugs we re concern before 1970 when the drugs were being used clinically, in people who are liable to develop schizophrenia and psychotic disorders, the drugs might uncover thoseissues disorders, the drugs might uncover those issues in some people. Some studies showed that might be a risk. Other studies showed it wasnt. Again, it is another area where we dont know. Though we know nothing about, james work is part of a recent cautious revival in scientific trials involving sick cadelic drugs. Back this the 50s And 60s Thousands of patients were treated with sick cadelics, but that all stopped when governments around the world started to ban recreational drugs. They were used prior to prohibition in the uk in 1970 and they seemed to be quite effective for people with Treatment Resista nt effective for people with Treatment Resistant forms of depression and anxiety and alcoholism and thats precisely the Patient Group that i see in my clinic, who arent Getting Better with the standard treatments. Its frustrating to see people who dont get better. You have to understand where i was before i took it. The day before i took it, i was thinking about killing myself a lot. Like a lot. Like i was standing in front of medicine cabinet counting pills. I was feeling horrible one day and i did the micro dose and at first i felt nothing. I thought oh well, this is a failed endeavour. This woman is a successful author and former lawyer who lives in california. She suffers from a Mood Disorder that had been managed by prescription medication, but she fell into a depression and she was suicidal. She is not a fan of drugs, but says desperation made her try micro dosing lsd. But says desperation made her try microdosing lsd. About 90 minutes later i looked up and i looked out the window and i had a at the time a dogwood tree in my yard. The dogwood in bloom. I thought oh, look. The dogwood is in bloom. It is so beautiful. It wasnt like the blossoms were shimmering, it was just that i hadnt been able to appreciate anything like that in so long. I had been all, but anhidonic. To appreciate beauty was earth shaking. It was a really remarkable treatment for me. It is one im sorry i cant do every day because it resolved my depression instandtainiously. Really . Yeah. I wasnt happy. But at least i was no longer contemplating killing myself. I was much less likely to fly off the handle. I got my work done more effectively. It worked the way my psychiatrist had always promised to me that my antidepressants would work. So this is enough more about six weeks . If youre microdosing. If youre taking a proper dose, thats one standard average dose. And what are you aiming for . About 0. 2. So youd go to work now . Id go to work. How do you think your collea g u es to work. How do you think your colleagues would react . They would be horrified, probably. Obviously Class A Drugs like these are illegal, possession could result in up to seven years in prison. Dyla n in up to seven years in prison. Dylan micro doses every few days with Magic Mushrooms. His friends know, but his colleagues dont. He works in a well respected profession and so weve changed his name and were protecting his identity because his habit could lose him his job. Have you found yourself like in work, suddenly feeling like youre tripping because you took too much . Once. On acid. I was trying to micro dose on acid. That was not pleasant. You realise and youre kicking yourself for not having thought this through. Tell me more about how this will change your day . Ican about how this will change your day . I can you can float in and out of various situations with an ease and with a Comfort Level thats just exquisite. It gives you this very calm and relaxed sense of being sensored. Dylan thinks microdosing makes him better at hisjob, more able to concentrate, more creative. It is this belief that means it has become associated with Silicon Valley in the us and there is one man that if you talk to people who micro dose always gets a mention. Jim has been researching Psyche Cadelics since the 60s and offers a website telling people how to micro dose. He says 900 people have. The most consistent result is people say, the most consistent result is people i. Y the most consistent result is people say, my life seems to be working better. I am say, my life seems to be working better. Iam more say, my life seems to be working better. I am more effective. Their Sleeping Habits improve. Their Eating Habits improve. They feel better in social situations. These many hundreds of people around the world a re many hundreds of people around the world are either all deluding themselves which seems highly unlikely or the results are valid. Is there not a sense that people enjoy being a bit high . That these quys enjoy being a bit high . That these guys are enjoy being a bit high . That these guys are having a little bit of the effect they get when they take drugs which some people like . Maybe. I think thats the same question for any stimulant. In our instructions we indicate if youre feeling a little bit high then you need to lower your dose. Do you worry that someone lower your dose. Do you worry that someone in a less privileged position in terms of Legal Protection is going to do this and get into real trouble . Protection is going to do this and get into realtrouble . Im a white woman living in california with Economic Resources in the background. If you are a Young African american guy in say ferguson and youre experiencing the same kind of psychiatric symptoms that i was experiencing, it would be tremendously dangerous for you to do what i did. The other danger, of course, is just how unpredictable the drugs can be. Even while making this Film A Boy In America has died falling off a roof while on lsd. His family said he had a bad trip. These stories are rare, but they really scare people. This stuff is really powerful. In durham alone, in the past three years, four years, three stu d e nts past three years, four years, three students have drowned in our river from alcohol intoxication. Thats the same thing, but we dont talk about alcohol is really powerful. The same thing, but we dont talk about alcohol is really powerfullj guess about alcohol is really powerful. guess history tells us if a drug gets a Bad Reputation it can damage the science so. Of course, thats and thats something we have to work with, i suppose, and thats something we have to work with, isuppose, but and thats something we have to work with, i suppose, but i dont think thats a reason not to do the science. In fact, thats a reason not to do the science. Infact, i thats a reason not to do the science. In fact, i think it is a reason to do the scientific research. Rob tweets, surely this is a terrible idea, people do Build Tolerance to drugs. And on facebook, i wonder how many people who start taking micro doses end up getting more and more addicted . What fools, this just leads to more and more addicted . What fools, thisjust leads to more more and more addicted . What fools, this just leads to more and more problems. If people think it is making their life better, what has it got to do with anyone else . Later in the programme we speak to one expert about the dangers. Still to come well hear from the daughter of a 70 year old man killed while he cycled through Central London; shes calling for Better Police training into how to handle Cycling Deaths. And this image of a woman smiling at an English Defence league protestor in birmingham has gone viral. Well talk to her about why she intervened. Heres reeta in the bbc newsroom with a summary of todays news. Thousands of Police Officers from across the uk are expected at the funeral of Pc Keith Palmer, who was killed in the westminster Terror Attack. The 48 year old was stabbed to death by Khalid Masood as he stood guard outside the Palace Of Westminster. A service will be held this afternoon at Southwark Cathedral. Keith didnt hesitate to act when confronted by a violent terrorist. His bravery and his courage are something that all officers are very proud of. Also, theres a tremendous sense of sadness and of loss, and a feeling that it could have been anybody, and it was keith. So, the funeral will also be an opportunity for the Police Family to come together, to grieve together, but also to show support, in particular to keiths family, his friends, and his close colleagues. The uk is pushing for new sanctions on russia if it maintains its staunch support for syrian president basher al assad. The Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson, is meeting with other g7 leaders in italy to discuss the situation. He has faced criticism over his decision to pull out of talks with moscow after the Chemical Attack in syria last week that left more than 80 dead. Egypt has declared a three month State Of Emergency after attacks on two churches yesterday left at least 44 people dead. The measures allow the authorities to make arrests without warrants and search peoples homes. The army will be deployed to help Police Protect key sites. The so called Islamic State group said it was behind both blasts. The bbc has uncovered evidence that appears to implicate the Bank Of England in the so called Libor Scandal. A Secret Recording from 2008 obtained by panorama suggests it repeatedly pressured commercial banks to push down the rates at which they charged each other interest. Police in manchester have launched extra patrols in the city centre, after receiving a surge in calls about people passing out from taking the banned drug, spice. Greater Manchester Police said they dealt with 31 calls relating to the drug in 24 hours after it launched a two day banning order in the city centre. Its been reported that the substance left some users looking like zombies. Australian Scientists Say two thirds of the Great Barrier reef has now been devastated by severe Coral Bleaching. Its caused by rising Water Temperatures and researchers say surveys show an accelerated rate of damage along the coast of queensland. Mass bleaching makes the coral fragile and can kill it. The reef is home to more than 130 species of shark and 1600 varieties of fish. Thats a summary of the latest bbc news. More at 10. Heres some sport now withjess. Sergio garcia has won the 2017 major after beating justin rose in an entertaining play off. Manchester united keep sunderland at the bottom of the Premier League table after a 30 of the Premier League table after a 3 0 win at stadium of light. United moved up to fifth. Everton ended le i ceste rs moved up to fifth. Everton ended leicesters winning run with a 4 2 victory, Romilly Lukaku scored twice and is the top scorer in the Premier League. And a last minute try and the last kick of the game as wasps stay stop of the premiership. Thank you very much. What needs to happen next to try and find an end to the conflict in syria which has seen almost half a Million People killed . Thats something g7 Foreign Ministers will be discussing when they meet in italy today. The g7 or group of seven, is made up of the worlds seven richest industrial countries britain, america, japan, germany, france, italy and canada. This next film shows some of the key events of the last few days which will be discussed at that meeting. It contains some distressing images and flashing lights from the very beginning. These heinous actions by the assad regime cannot be tolerated. If proven this will be further evidence of barbarism of the syrian regime. I think President Trump knows that syria did not do any chemical weapons. That syria did not do it does not have any chemical weapons because it has given all its stockpile to the International Organisation responsible for that. It was time to say enough, but not only say it, it was time to act. Bashar al assad must never use chemical weapons again, ever. Translation the attack by the United States is understandable given the extent of the war crime, the suffering of innocent people, and the blockade in the un security council. From now on we will respond with force. That was the threat from russia and Iran Last Night To America after accusing President Trump of crossing red lines by striking at a syrian air base. Lets speak now to labours spokesperson on Foreign Affairs, emily thornberry. Sir tony brenton, a former British Ambassador to moscow. And dr rim turkmani, a syria expert at the London School of economics, who is syrian and has Family Living there. Thank you to all of you for talking to us. What should happen next . think that the only solution in the end is a political settlement, so everything that happens should be seen everything that happens should be seen through the lens of, will this stop the war faster . And what worries me is in the last few days we have had more rhetoric, great headlines, but has it been helping with sorting out this problem and finding a political solution . I dont think it has. Peace talks have been going on for months and years, there has been no progress. The difficulty with syria is that it isnt just a complicated difficulty with syria is that it isntjust a complicated civil war, it isa isntjust a complicated civil war, it is a regional war, and there are major powers fighting as if there is a proxy war going on, so that is what makes it complex and multilayered, but it can only work if Major Players are round the table together, and what we have seen is this major falling out between america and russia pulling the parties apart and further away from the table, and nobody believes that you can win this war, nobody can win the war, there has to be a political settlement, and there has to be a long Term Solution, and so by increasing rhetoric and hitting headlines, borisjohnson increasing rhetoric and hitting headlines, Boris Johnson me increasing rhetoric and hitting headlines, Borisjohnson Me Feel Good today, but he isnt actually helping with a long Term Solution when it comes to what will happen to syria. Would you have cancelled the trip to moscow as borisjohnson has . I think it is a difficult one because it is also important to be involved with the g7, but since the early trip had been cancelled, i think it was important to go, because i think you have to engage the russians and talk to them. And to be quite honest, it looks yet again like auris is playing second fiddle to the americans, and in so much of Foreign Policy, we wait for the americans and then agree, and with an unpredictable president , that puts our Foreign Policy in a difficult position. So that makes Borisjohnson Donald difficult position. So that makes Boris Johnson Donald Trumps difficult position. So that makes borisjohnson Donald Trumps kudla . I dont think that is appropriate, but i would have gone to russia and started the talks and started talking about how we are going to sort this out. Assad shouldnt have a long term future in syria, so how do we make sure that we move syria on. Half the population is living abroad, half a on. Half the population is living abroad, halfa million on. Half the population is living abroad, half a Million People have died, we are incredibly distressed by these photographs of children being killed in this way, but the only solution is political. How would you describe the Foreign Secretarys relationship with the American Administration on this issue . I think we play second fiddle and we dont seem to have. We are and we dont seem to have. We are a member of the top table at the united nations, a country that ought to have cloud, and i think that at the moment, it is almost as if we are slightly cowed by it, waiting for america to decide what their policy is, and ifeel for america to decide what their policy is, and i feel profoundly uncomfortable about that. I think we should be more confident about ourselves and be prepared to say no to the president when he is wrong, andi to the president when he is wrong, and i think he was wrong to take unilateral action and bombing in the circumstances in syria. So let assad get away with the Chemical Gas Attacks on his own people . None of us attacks on his own people . None of us wanting to get away with it. The way to make sure that he doesnt is first of all to have proof which nobody can argue with, so send in un inspectors to make sure it can be clear who was gas that was, and then get action across the whole of the International Community, not for one party to decide i believe it is him, even though most of us believe that it was, and i, america, and going to send off 56 tomahawks. We have to do this together as a world through the un. Let me bring in sir tony brenton, former British Ambassador to washington. When russia and iran say they will respond with force, what do you think that means . dont think we should take it too seriously. Really . the russians have already ta ken seriously. Really . the russians have already taken once more and dangerous action in ending the arrangements with america in syria, there is not a huge amount they can do, and what we are watching is noise to cover up the confusion. I broadly agree with what Emily Thornbury hasjust said, about needing to talk to the russians about finding a way out of the syrian mess, but i disagree with her in her feeling that the us air strike was a mistake, i think it has beena strike was a mistake, i think it has been a useful Reality Check for assad obviously but also for the russians, who have got used to dealing with a week us administration, that there are limits to what the us will tolerate, and that will affect calculations in the future, hopefully in a helpful direction. What is the best way to get President Putin to drop his support of assad in syria . The first step is to gauge with the russians on the way forward. There are pressures on him to get out of syria, he has a president ial election next year, a population disenchanted with syria, he would like to find a way out but he wont acce pt like to find a way out but he wont accept a way which affects what he views as russias vital interests there, the crucial one being confidence that assad will not be replaced by an islamist regime, and thatis replaced by an islamist regime, and that is a danger to us as well, and as we negotiate a way forward, part of it has to be to find a way to replace assad but with a Dependable Northern Islamist alternative. You heard the former British Ambassador saying, dont take it too seriously when they say they will respond with force, is he right . To be honest, ithink respond with force, is he right . To be honest, i think the events in the la st be honest, i think the events in the last week were very unpredictable. Sol last week were very unpredictable. So i dont know. Tojust sit and wait to what the response is going to be, already cancelling the non conflictual agreement between russia and america is dangerous, and it could be a cover for what may appearas an it could be a cover for what may appear as an accident, a clash between american and russian aeroplanes over the sky of syria, it could be something that had been deliberately engineered. In terms of your own family members, what do they want from the International Community . Whether it is my family or many other syrians, what they wa nt or many other syrians, what they want is the right conflict . Do they have the right to have their own conflict . The syrians were making the headlines by going down to the street at the start, but now it is anything but syrian. They shouldnt be called a syrian conflict any more. You are discussing superpowers, g7, nato, even the geneva talks which involve some from syria, or are being geneva talks which involve some from syria, orare being held On Geneva Talks which involve some from syria, or are being held on the basis of resolution which no syria at all have been involved in drafting those resolutions. So there isa drafting those resolutions. So there is a huge non Syrian Parliament in this conflict, and most syrians want this conflict, and most syrians want this to be out of serious they can sort out their own issues. Dont expect syrians to reach any solution to be to change things on the ground when you have all these actors involved at the same time. You cant wait for Orbis International debate and restructuring of how the war is going on the security council, nato and everything, we cant wait for this to be resolved over the heads of syrians, so we just want it out of syrians, so we just want it out of the scene as much as possible. The mortgage ar shells were falling next to her house. My parents in homs were concerned about 2,000 people from homs were deported by force from homs and dumped in an opposition controlled area. There we re opposition controlled area. There were different dynamics on the ground happening and all this International Attention on the attacks itself, it played no role in changing these events at all. If anything, it was making it worse and more syrians were being killed every day whether before or after dark. Understood. Emily, finally, your party is split on this issue. Some of your mps accused your leader of preferring inaction to stopping a murderous tyrant. What would you say to them . Well, i think that we all wa nt to to them . Well, i think that we all want to stop a murderous tyrantment we all want peace in syria. Its a question of how we go about doing that and sometimes people say that the labour line on this is a weak one. But its so isnt. It would have been very easy for us to join in the rhetoric and say, yes, this is outrageous. Lets get involved in the bombing. But were not doing that because were taking a step back and were saying what is the long game . How do we make sure we get peace in syria . It will take a while, but the lady has just said, the woman from syria, saying, you know, it is as if it is not a syrian conflict anymore, it is a great, Big International conflict and we need to get the powers out and we need syria to find peace. It is right and people need to say that. Do you think there, even if the International Players got out, do you think there could be peace with President Assad still president . think that in the end President Assad has to go, but i think that any assad has to go, but i think that a ny calls assad has to go, but i think that any calls for him to leave straightaway which the British Government has been doing, i think, is not likely to be realistic. I think, i hope that he has no long term future in syria. I think that he is a murderous tyrant. So yes, i want him to go, but when weve talked about Regime Change in the past, we have talked about it in the past, we have talked about it in the context of iraq or libya and looked what has happenedment when people say they want Regime Change the next question must be what do you want in its place and if you dont know wh what you want in its place, you have to think long term and think we need to work this through and not just and think we need to work this through and notjust be doing Knee Jerk Politics here. Through and notjust be doing kneejerk politics here. What would President Assad have to do for you to support some kind of Military Intervention . No. Thats not the way to put it. Sorry. What i would say is, im not against Military Intervention if it is part of a larger plan. If someone can say to me, if we intervene here, if we do this, if we kill this number of people then this will happen and then we will be able to move on here and this is the solution. But the difficulty is for politicians is that when terrible things like this happen, if you dont respond with, lets get involved happen, if you dont respond with, lets get involved in bombing then there is criticism that youre being weak, but youre not, youre saying, the pressure is to be seen to be doing something, but you must step back and think what is the Long Term Plan . You have to have a strategy and at the moment, i very much fear that the International Community is falling out big time and were not talking strategy anymore, were talking, you know, lets see who can say the strongest thing . Lets be seen say the strongest thing . Lets be seen to be a strong man. Lets be seen seen to be a strong man. Lets be seen to be a strong man. Lets be seen to be a strong man. Lets be seen to be borisjohnson is standing up seen to be borisjohnson is standing up to the russians. Really, how does this help us in the long term . Thats what we need to be doing. Thank you very much. Coming up, the 78 year old british multimillionaire whose been in prison in the United States for more than 30 years for a Double Murder. Hes always maintained his innocence, now new evidence has emerged which could set him free. The daughter of a 70 year old man killed whilst cycling through Central London is calling for Better Police training into how to handle Cycling Deaths. Its after the woman accused of knocking down and killing Michael Mason was cleared of Careless Driving in what is the first ever crowdfunded private prosecution. Mr mason who wasnt wearing a helmet died in hospital days after being hit by a car. Days after his death, his daughter made a film looking into whether police failed to investigate Cycling Deaths properly. A warning it shows her father seriously ill in a hospital bed before he died. Dad was cycling home this way up a Central London road when he was knocked off his bike. Right there. He was in hospital in a coma for three weeks, after which he sadly died. At the inquest into my fathers death, the driver said she just didnt see him. She said it was like something falling from the sky. Afterwards, the coroners verdict was that his death had been an accident. Society obviously depends on families joining together. Heres my dad, mick mason, in happier times at my wedding. He was a gentle, unassuming geordie, who often had a twinkle in his eye. My family and i had questions about how the police were investigating my dads death from very early on. Potential witnesses were not chased as we would have liked and they did not appear to think about what we were going through as a family. One officer even asked us if we wondered whether my dad might be responsible for his own death. The private prosecution was brought by the cyclists defence fund. Anna tatton brown gave us her reaction to the case. I am disappointed. Im not sure that it was the wrong verdict and what was presented in court, but i am disappointed. But, for us, there was a big victory in that half way through the case the other side applied to have the case thrown out as i learn is sometimes customary in cases for lack of evidence saying that the prosecution hadnt presented enough evidence. The judge ruled that there was and that it should go to a jury. So, for us, that was kind of vindication in having brought the case and this case should always have gone in front of a court, and be treated properly. He also allocated costs at the end so the Cycling Charity will get some, if not all, of their money back. Again, further vindication for us that this was always where this case should be. So, i kind of like to think of it as the driver was on trial during this case, but the mets decision was also on trial. While she was found not guilty, the met, to a certain extent, they were found guilty. How difficult was it to listen to some of the evidence . It was really hard. I obviously know this case inside out. I know every single detail. I thought that i knew what every witness was going to say and i thought that i was kind of immune to it and that it wouldnt shock me, but it really did and hearing people discuss your fathers injuries in a kind of such a matter of fact, scientific way, i mean i know thats how it has got to be, but its horrible and i was shocked by what an effect that had on me. Whilst you accept the verdict, do you want the police to review or look again at the way they deal with cases involving cyclists . Yes, certainly, i do. I, in the three years since the accident happened and the case came to trial, i have come across quite a few families who have had issues with how the police have handled their cases. So it is notjust me. I am by no means an isolated case. For us, three years have gone by. We finally got the case to court, but three years have gone by. Peoples memories arent as fresh and there are inherent problems in bringing a case this long. The expense that we have had to go to to fight, to get it into the Justice System, but also for the driver. She has had to wait three years. She had this hanging over herfor three years. I dont see how thats fair. And i think that the police need better training with how they deal with evidence at the scene, how they hand. The mentality with which they approach a Cycling Accident or a cycling death. There were scenarios where they kept saying to me, your dad was wearing Dark Clothing, he wasnt wearing a helmet. And i think that mentality washed over how they treated the case and i have seen that before. So i think Specialist Training to help them realise that that maybe the case he was wearing Dark Clothing but there are other issues at play here and i dont think its just the police. I think there are issues about how the whole Justice System as a whole handles it. Our case never got to the cps so i dont know how the cps would have handled it, but ive heard of issues with other people once the cases get to the cps and then the Justice System, im not questioning the verdict for a moment. But i think there are issues about a jury where almost everyone will drive and, for a moment, one of those people will have been guilty. We dont always pay full attention when we drive. I dont always pay full attention 100 of the time when i drive. So i dont know how you can separate that in your mind when youre making it a decision about the guilt of someone who does an activity that we do every day. The met tell us the test for referral to the Crown Prosecution Service as laid down by the director of Public Prosecutions was applied and found not to meet the required threshold and the evidence was tested in the Coroners Court and not referred for further investigation or examination by any other agency, statutory or otherwise. Her majestys coroner concluded this was the result of an accident and the investigation supports this finding. From what youve said, it sounds like in a way you think the police perhaps blamed your father because it was at night. He was wearing Dark Clothing, he wasnt wearing a helmet . Yeah. But the law of our land says that you have to have lights that are working and are on and reflectors. My dad had both those things. Regent street is a street in Central London, it is not a dark country alley. He was visible and, so, i dont think its for them to make a decision whether she should have seen him or not. Thats for the court. Thats for a jury. And they say that it didnt meet the criteria, but a judge has ruled that this case. There was enough evidence for this case to have been in court and the jury should make a decision on it. For me, thats quite clear. I think that their decision was wrong and i think that id like them to, in the light of this, go back and apologise really. Notjust to me, but to gail purcell, the woman who was driving, and really think about how they handle these cases in the future. Theyve quoted the Cps Guildelines there but. I think there is. Im not entirely sure of the wording. There is a recommendation in cases of fatalities that there is an automatic referral to the cps. I dont think its become a rule yet. When i made the film for you guys, i interviewed keir starmer, who was the former head of the cps. He said he thought there was a strong argument now for eight direct referral in the case of every fatality that it goes direct to the cps and the decision is taken away from the police. I repeat that call, especially in the light of what has happened. We will have the latest news and sport shortly. Here is carol. Gorgeous. People want to know will it the be the same for easter weekend . Its not, im afraid. It wont be as warm, but it wont be a write off. Look at these lovely pictures from our weather watchers. Some of us have started the day with blue skies as we entered the weekend with a top temperature of 25. 5 celsius in cambridge yesterday afternoon, making it the warmest of the year so far. But this cooler air is pushing southwards, some of us will still have temperatures above average for this stage in april. A little fairweather cloud will develop, produce showers especially across Northern Ireland, northern and Western Scotland. If you catch a shower in the midlands, it will be fleeting. Across the south west, lower temperatures than yesterday, but still nice with the sunshine. Those sunny intervals continuing across east anglia, cambridge today instead of 25. 5, more likely to be 13. Showers continuing across northern and Western Scotland, but most of scotland will be dry with some sunshine coming through. Across Northern Ireland we cant rule out a shower, and as we move back to wales, again, a lot of dry weather with some sunshine. Heading through the evening and overnight, our next system the evening and overnight, our next syste m co m es the evening and overnight, our next system comes in across the northwest introducing some rain across scotland, head of It Cloud Building for Northern England and Northern Ireland, but for the rest of england and wales, clearer skies allowing temperatures in the countryside to drop. This represents towns and cities, so there will be frost to start the day. We have the Rain Continuing across parts of northern and Western Scotland tomorrow, a blustery day and the chilly direction the wind is coming from, the northwest. But moving further south, again we are looking at sunshine. Temperatures tomorrow between 12 and 17 celsius, in london at this stage in april the averages 13. Then we see the weather front sinking southwards, and once again on wednesday, a mixture of rights bells, sunshine and showers, with The Rain Slowly Coming Southwards through the day. Thank you, carol. Hello. Its monday, its ten oclock, im victoria derbyshire. Welcome to the programme. Our top today thousands of Police Officers will line the Streets Of London later to honour the westminster Terror Victim Pc Keith Palmer. Weve been hearing from those who served with him. Very selfless. He would do whatever was required. One of the kindest people youll ever find. And im in southwark where the roads have already been closed off for the funeral at the cathedral here this afternoon. The service will be both afternoon. The service will be both a public memorial and a private Family Funeral. Also on the programme the people who take a tiny dose of Psychedelic Drugs with their breakfast. So called micro dosing is illegal, and theres no medical evidence to say what kind of harm it could cause. So why do they do it . I had learned that are really useful nice thing to do with it would be to haveit nice thing to do with it would be to have it on a day off and have quite a normal day, but the quality of that day on all sorts of france would just be a lot better. More from her shortly, and the possible dangers. And this image of a woman standing up to an English Defence league protestor in birmingham has said she was surprised when it went we will speak to Saffiyah Khan before 11. Heres reeta in the bbc newsroom with a summary of todays news. Thousands of Police Officers from across the uk are expected at the funeral of Pc Keith Palmer, who was killed in the westminster Terror Attack. The 48 year old was stabbed to death by Khalid Masood as he stood guard outside the Palace Of Westminster. Officers from across the country will line the route to Southwark Cathedral, where a full police danya da nya danya Daniela Relph is there. Danya Daniela Relph is there. The roads around Southwark Cathedral have been closed off in preparation for the funeral at two oclock this afternoon. Police officers have been brought into various compounds. There will be around 5000 places for Police Officers from around the country to pay their respects to keith palmer. Train companies have offered free travel to Police Officers coming to the funeral today. It is a huge event for the Police Service. Keith palmer died a very public death, and there is a sense that today will be in some ways a public memorial, but we also have to remember that this is also going to have to be an intimate, private Family Funeral for his wife, his daughter, his parents and brothers and sisters who will be here. The very reverend andrew nunn, dean of southwark, will be mindful of that when he leaves the service at two oclock this afternoon. Daniella, many thanks, more on that this afternoon. Foreign ministers from the g7 leading nations are meeting in italy later. Borisjohnson is Boris Johnson is Meeting Borisjohnson is meeting with other leaders. Labours spokesperson on Foreign Affairs told victoria the International Community needs to focus on the long Term Solution. What we have seen is a major falling out between america and russia which pulls the parties apart and further away from the table, and nobody believes you can win this war. There has to be a political settlement, and there has to be a long Term Solution, and so by upping the rhetoric of hitting the headlines, Borisjohnson Me Rhetoric of hitting the headlines, Boris Johnson me feel good today, but he isnt actually helping, i dont think, with a long Term Solution when it comes to what will happen to syria. The bbc has uncovered evidence that appears to implicate the Bank Of England in the so called Libor Scandal. A Secret Recording from 2008 obtained by panorama suggests it repeatedly pressured commercial banks to push down the rates at which they charged each other interest. Heres our economics correspondent andy verity. Police in manchester have launched extra patrols in the city centre, after receiving a surge in calls about people passing out from taking the banned drug, spice. Greater Manchester Police said they dealt with 31 calls relating to the drug in 24 hours after it launched a two day banning order in the city centre. Its been reported that the substance left some users looking like zombies. Thats a summary of the latest bbc news. More at 10. 30. Let me read you some comments on micro dosing. Gail, an officerat durham police, says it is interesting and worrying. Class a possession is unlawful. Alan taylor says they are idiots and forgetting the stuff stays in your system for life, and daniel says this Isjust Drug Addiction leading torsos of problems. Do get in touch with us throughout the morning. Use the hashtag victorialive, and if you text, youll be charged at the Standard Network rate. Heres some sport now withjess. The big story this morning is from golf, where Sergio Garcia has finally won his first championship. He had to do it via a tense play off with englands justin he had to do it via a tense play off with englandsjustin rose. Garcia is the third spaniard to win at augusta on what was a particularly poignant day. Watch out for some flash photography, not as tim hague reports. Some things arejust reports. Some things are just written, and Sergio Garcia winning a first major on the day his inspiration, the late seve ballesteros, would have turned 60, is one of them. To do it on his 60th birthday, and tojoin him and allow my two idols in golf, it is amazing. I felt the calmest i have ever felt on amazing. I felt the calmest i have everfelt on a amazing. I felt the calmest i have ever felt on a major sunday. I am so happy. The battle he had with justin rose was among the finest in masters history. No one arscott close to them, this was simply a two horse race for the title. But with both an eight under par going to the final nine holes, the spaniard seemed to collapse, finding trees, rough and even a spot in there. He needed Something Special on the 15th, and he found it. , tata and the trees of augusta commentator and the trees of Augusta Shaikh with the noise. And with three holes to play, they we re and with three holes to play, they were both nine under. Yet these Ryder Cup Team mates kept going, onto the final green equally impressive, neither deserved to lose, and neither would, meaning a sudden death play off. This putt for that major. At the 74th attempt, Sergio Garcia has mastered the majors, and he leaves with the green jacket. S garcia pointing to the sky in honour of seve, and he certainly had the support of their sons and of course world number two rory mcilroy added so, garcia is the nearly man no more, and prior to this year, he had finished in the top ten of a major 22 times. It has taken him 74 attem pts 22 times. It has taken him 74 atte m pts to 22 times. It has taken him 74 attempts to finally win one, the most of any champion, beating tom kite who won the us open after 72, and in terms of prize money, he is £1. 6 million richer today, and maybe a consolation of a justin rose, he pockets £960,000. We have been playing golf against one another since we were 14 years of age, so we are both going to get up tomorrow morning and our careers will go on. He will be happy for a month and then golf will take over, and i will be disappointed for months and then golf will take over and we will carry on. There are many more objectives this year that i will look forward to, the us open, local championships. This was the highlight of the spring and a target for a long time, and highlight of the spring and a target fora long time, and i highlight of the spring and a target for a long time, and i was disappointed to come so close, but the year is only getting going now. It is indeed, three more majors of the year still to come, the next one is the us open injune. Thank you, jess. Welcome to the programme if you have just tuned jess. Welcome to the programme if you havejust tuned in. Thousands of Police Officers are expected to line the streets of Central London for the Funeral Procession of Pc Keith Palmer who was murdered in the attack in westminster last month. The 48 year old father of one was stabbed by Khalid Masood outside parliament. His coffin will be taken from a chapel beneath the houses of parliament to Southwark Cathedral for a full Police Service funeral. A two minute silence will be held by forces across the country. Pc Shaun Cartwright and pc greg rainey were friends and colleagues of pc palmer and say he will be greatly missed. As a Police Officer, i never came across someone who worked as hard as keith did. There was not a day that went by when keith would be in work an hour before the rest of the team. And, at the end of the day, keith would still be sitting there, working, planning the next day. He took his job really seriously. The reason keith came to work was for his family but he was so proud to be a Police Officer. He came up tojoin me at the Palace Of Westminster and he absolutely loved his time up there. He loved it. He loved the interaction with the public. He had a way of communicating with people from all walks of life, from the lords and the baronesses that worked up there, the mp5, the cleaners. He was popular amongst all of the staff up there. The security officers. People on the streets. Since ive been working back at the houses of parliament since, the messages that people from all over the country have given in support of keith and his family, has been an amazing tribute, i suppose, to keith, and the way he was and he behaved. Keith could deal with any situation that was thrown at him. You always knew keith would be there. He was that one who would always be professional, so dedicated. He never sort of took his foot off the gas. It was notjust a job to keith, being a Police Officer. He was so proud to look out for people. He took a real pleasure in. He served the country, didnt he . He served the country. I think that showed as well in his time with the Territorial Army before. Very proud to, i suppose, wear the crown. It was a job he loved doing as a policeman. Chief constable sara thorton is the head of the National Police Chiefs Council. She says the scale of the Police Funeral is unprecedented. I dont think we will ever see a Police Funeral of this size. Officers are coming from all over the country to line the route. At two oclock this afternoon, outside Police Stations across the country, officers will observe two minutes silence. We will want to observe the sacrifice he made. How does it affect officers when one of their own is killed in the line of duty . It affect them enormously. There is a tremendous amount of pride. Keith didnt hesitate to act when confronted by a violent terrorist. His bravery and his courage are something that all officers are very proud of. But also theres a tremendous sense of sadness and of loss, and a feeling that it could have been anybody, and it was keith. So, the funeral will also be an opportunity for the Police Family to come together, to grieve together, but also to show support, in particular to keiths family, his friends, and his close colleagues. Lying in rest in the Chapel Of St Mary Undercroft is a rare honour that needs the queens consent. Does this act highlight the strength of feeling . It has had a tremendous impact on colleagues. Officers do a very difficultjob every day, and sometimes they can feel it is a tha nkless sometimes they can feel it is a thankless task, and the fact that he has laid in rest in the Palace Of Westminster is an acknowledgement on behalf of the whole country of the sacrifice that he made, but also the job that officers do day in, day out across the country. Can i ask you where the review of security at the Palace Of Westminster is up to now . Starmer i dont know where the review is, but it is right that some people who know all the facts have a look at what happened and see if there are any lessons that can be learnt and things can be done differently. The threat from terrorism is severe which means a threat is likely so we have to remain vigilant. The killing of pc palmer led some to argue that more Police Officers should be armed with guns. Whats your position on that as head of the National Police Chiefs Council . Well, the British Policing Model is based on most officers being unarmed and were proud of that. Every chief constable is responsible for doing a review on the threat and risk in his or her area and making sure there is sufficient armed officers to deal with the threat. I think that we would want to consider very carefully a ny would want to consider very carefully any options which moved away from that. Pc palmers name will be added to the several thousand other officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty in a special ceremony at the National Police memorial in the next hour. Denis rowan is from the police Roll Of Honour trust will be there, but before he heads along to the service we can speak to him tell us about adding pc palmers name to the Roll Of Honour . The Police National memorial holds the names of all Police Officers that have fallen and this morning were adding pc palmers name to the Roll Of Honour and adding pc palmers name to the Roll Of Honourand in adding pc palmers name to the Roll Of Honour and in the future we will be placing a memorial as like Yvonne Fletcher and 45 other officers as a permanent reminder of the ultimate sacrifice that these officers have given the citizens of the uk. And you were an officer in greater manchester. You worked on the case of murdered pc stephen oak. This is another reminder that Police Officers go to work In The Morning and sometimes may not come home . Yes. I wasnt a Police Officer. I worked with Michael Winner for 45 yea rs, worked with Michael Winner for 45 years, i worked with the metropolitan police, but it is true, weve dealt with all the families over the past 40 years and we come up over the past 40 years and we come up against all the problems of the families and we look after the families and we look after the families and we become personal friends to them like michael was. Its a very difficult situation for the trust, but we always put the family first when the trust is placed. They come first during the event and afterwards we look after them. We are honoured to this in michael name. Thank you very much for talking to us morning. Thank you very much. Still to come the beautiful, peaceful Great Barrier reef, but now unprecedented bleaching is damaging it. Well be asking a Climate Expert what we can do to stop it. Next this morning the 30 year fight for justice. Kris maharaj was a multi millionaire and one of britains richest businessmen when he was sentenced for a Double Murder more than 30 years ago. Hes been serving a Life Sentence in a United States jail since 1986, for the murders of two men in a Miami Hotel Room, although he has always maintained his innocence. The case is seen by many as a Miscarriage Ofjustice, and now, lawyers say theyre more confident than ever that his conviction will be overturned and hell walk out of prison a free man. Theyll present new evidence to try and prove his innocence at an Appeal Hearing in the next few months. 78 year old kris maharajs wife, who has stood by him for over 30 years, is desperate to have her husband back with her for christmas. Marita maharaj joins us now from florida on a phone line. As does Clive Stafford smith, kris maharajs lawyer who has found evidence to support his clients innocence. Tell our audience about this case and why you say it is a miscarriage of justice . And why you say it is a Miscarriage Ofjustice . Chris was convicted and sentenced to death back then in 1986 and over the years ive represented him now for 24 years. I had no grey hairat him now for 24 years. I had no grey hair at the him now for 24 years. I had no grey hairat the time him now for 24 years. I had no grey hair at the time i began him now for 24 years. I had no grey hairat the time i began and him now for 24 years. I had no grey hair at the time i began and weve gradually developed more and more evidence, first the six alibi witnesses that show hes somewhere else at the time of the crime, but then in the end, we managed to develop a whole number of people who we re develop a whole number of people who were working for the columbian drug cartels who say hey, that wasnt kris maharaj, cartels who say hey, that wasnt kris maha raj, that cartels who say hey, that wasnt kris maharaj, that was one of ours. We were the ones who did that murder because the victims were involved in drugs and they owed a lot of money. Why would those involved in drug cartels in columbia just admit that . Well, it wasnt easy. Let me tell you. I spent a lot of time going around the deep south sh the different prisons and then with help from other people went to columbia and there are a lot of other people who say this is true, but are not willing to go on the record, but six people did go on the record and they include for example two informants who were working for the federal government. One was a cia informant who says that he learned from one of the Cartel People at the time of the murders that theyd done the crime and hejust murders that theyd done the crime and he just couldnt believe that kris maharaj and he just couldnt believe that kris maha raj had and he just couldnt believe that kris maharaj had been sent to death row for it when the Central Government knew all along that he didnt do it. Youve worked on this case for as you say, a number of decades now, but why have you always believed in his innocence . Well, i went down at the request of the British Government actually back in 1993 to see chris and i went with my scepticism fully intact and i met chris. And hejust is a scepticism fully intact and i met chris. And he just is a straight up quy chris. And he just is a straight up guy. I believed him when he told me that he had nothing to do with it. You know one of the most compelling things to me is when the jury came back and convicted him, he passed out. He fainted. He simply could not believe that these 12 jurors had found him guilty, but, of course that was only the very beginning and it was then when i started to investigate the case back then i discovered this mountain of information that the government had covered up and there were the other bizarre things. Lets face it the trialjudge was bizarre things. Lets face it the trial judge was arrested bizarre things. Lets face it the trialjudge was arrested on day three of the trial because he himself had been involved in a thing where he was taking money from people who purported to be drug cartel folk, but were florida Law Enforcement and he was arrested and taken away in handcuffs and the trial continued. Just remarkable stuff. This new evidence, havent you present it had before November 2014 and you had it turned down effectively . We went to state court, not with all of the evidence, but a certain amount of it and the state judge refused to grant a new trial. I should say in my entire career and ive represented hundreds of people on death row, i have never had an elected State Judge Order A Trial through a prisoner on death row. Thats not to impune them as human beings, but it they are elected. I hope that were going to get more justice in that courtroom. How optimistic are you . Apart from your sin veer hope . Well, i hate to make promises particularly for his wife and chris. I have said for so many yea rs, and chris. I have said for so many years, were going to win. This time thejudges will do years, were going to win. This time the judges will do justice and i really thought notwithstanding my history that the state judge would granta history that the state judge would grant a new trial. So i said to his wife i really hope that we will have you guys home in london by christmas, but in september 1914, thats what they said about world wari,i thats what they said about world war i, i dont want to be too optimistic. Optimistic about it. How optimistic. Optimistic about it. How optimistic are you that this will lead to your husband being freed . Well, im very optimistic for chris. Well, im very optimistic for chris. We really believe and hope that this will be the end of our nightmare. You, of course, we are also worried because we have so many times that we thought. That he was coming home, not through the fault of the lawyers, but what happened in court. I was going to ask you if you can tell us or tell our british audience what kind of toll the last 30 years have taken on you, your husband and your widerfamily . Have taken on you, your husband and your wider family . Well, it has been horrible. I cannot explain it because nobody, unless you go through it, i dont think you can understand it and you can believe that the things that we went through. And we are going through at the moment. Its very, very hard. Chris lost his they took him away for three months. I chris lost his they took him away forthree months. I didnt chris lost his they took him away for three months. I didnt know if he was dead or alive. A really, really horrible situation and it is a horrible situation. Ijust try to survive like chris. We do have hope. We do believe that god will not will free him. If he is freed, will you both come back to the uk . Immediately. Ok, thank you. Clive Stafford Smith as kris maharajs lawyer, what can you tell us about the man you believe is ultimately responsible for the Double Murder in the Miami Hotel Room . Well, this is all a shocking story. One of the witnesses we have to tv was a federal informant who was a pilot for him and in kris maharaj, in 1986 he was at his farm and he was telling him you better behave yourself or ill tell you whats going to happen to you and then he went on to say the same will happen to you as happened to those people who were killed in the hotel in miami. There is a series of facts like that. Now, you know, the guy who really did has a nicknamed called the blade. He was later kidnapped by some other drug cartel opponents. They tortured him and then they fed him through a wood chipping machine. Pretty horrific things went on back then and kris was Collateral Damage in the process. We will see what happens. Thank you very much, Clive Stafford smith who is kris maharaj kris maharajs lawyer and you heard from kris maharajs wife who said if he is finally released, they say, it isa he is finally released, they say, it is a Miscarriage Ofjustice, if he is a Miscarriage Ofjustice, if he is finally released they will return to their home, britain, immediately. Still to come well talk to the people who microdose illegal drugs, and will ask them why they do it. And this image of a woman smiling at an English Defence league protestor in birmingham has gone viral. She revealed she wasnt scared in the slightest. Well talk to Saffiyah Khan about why she intervened. Heres reeta in the bbc newsroom with a summary of todays news. Thousands of Police Officers from across the uk are expected at the funeral of Pc Keith Palmer, who was killed in the westminster Terror Attack. The 48 year old was stabbed to death by Khalid Masood as he stood guard outside the Palace Of Westminster. Officers from across the country will line the route to Southwark Cathedral, where a full Police Service will be held. He had a way of communicating with people from all walks of life, the cleaners, the mps, the security officers, the people on the streets. Since i have been working back at the houses of parliament since, the m essa 9 es the houses of parliament since, the messages from people all over the country have given in support of keith and his family, it has been an amazing tribute to keith and the way that he was and the way that he behaved. The uk is pushing for new sanctions on russia if it maintains its staunch support for syrian president bashar al assad. The Foreign Secretary, borisjohnson, is meeting with other g7 leaders in italy to discuss the situation particularly after last weeks Chemical Attack in syria that left more than 80 dead. The bbc has uncovered evidence that appears to implicate the Bank Of England in the so called Libor Scandal. A Secret Recording from 2008 obtained by panorama suggests it repeatedly pressured commercial banks to push down the rates at which they charged each other interest. Heres our economics correspondent andy verity. Police in manchester have launched extra patrols in the city centre, after receiving a surge in calls about people passing out from taking the banned drug, spice. Greater Manchester Police said they dealt with 31 calls relating to the drug in 24 hours after it launched a two day banning order in the city centre. Its been reported that the substance left some users looking like zombies. Australian Scientists Say two thirds of the Great Barrier reef has now been devastated by severe Coral Bleaching. Its caused by rising Water Temperatures, and researchers say surveys show an accelerated rate of damage along the coast of queensland. Mass bleaching makes the coral fragile and can kill it. Victoria will be discussing this story before 11 this morning. Stay with us for that. Thats a summary of the latest news. Join me for bbc newsroom thank you, reeta. This person says, with regards to micro dosing, it is neither addicting nor dangerous, ban alcohol which is both. This person says, i know many people who micro dose on a basis, and this is the best way to control depression and anti social tendencies. Sergio garcia has won his first major. Manchester united keep sunderland pegged to the bottom of the table and move up to fifth. Everton ended leicesters winning run with a 4 2 victory, Romelu Lukakuis run with a 4 2 victory, romelu lu ka ku is now run with a 4 2 victory, Romelu Lukaku is now the Premier Leagues top scorer. At wasps left it late against northampton to win 30, a last minute try and conversion with the last kick of the game as wasps stay top of the premiership. That is all your support for today. Thank you, jess. Its illegal and theres no medical evidence to say what kind of harm it could cause you, so why are some people doing it . Were talking about micro dosing when you take a tiny amount of Psychedelic Drugs lsd or Magic Mushrooms usually as part of your normal day. Our reporter catrin nye has been meeting the people that do it. We played you her full report earlier. Heres a short extract. Psychedelic drugs, lsd, Magic Mushrooms, are usually associated with long, mind bending trips. Some people though are now taking the Class A Drugs in tiny doses. They argue it improves their day but also, in some cases, helps deal with Mental Health problems. Its called micro dosing. Hi. Im catrin. Anna, whose name ive changed, is a mum of two. Shes tried micro dosing with lsd and Magic Mushrooms in the past. I had learned that a really useful, nice thing to do with it would be to have it on a day off and have quite a normal day. But the quality of that day, on all sorts of fronts, would just be a lot better. So, i would go for a walk and i would be struck by how blue the sky was. All those bits of sense data, that i think we often just lose, to getting stuff done and being outcome focused, would be really, like theyd be there. Theres something relaxing and grounding about it. Simpa micro doses regularly with lsd and says it helps with his Mental Health problems. Can you tell me what youre dealing with, and how it helps . Depression and anxiety as a result of this Childhood Trauma that led to Borderline Personality Disorder and post Traumatic Stress disorder. So, all of these things together, are currently dealt with by gps with a large amount of different pills, each of which causes more side effects, ifind in my personal experience, than the benefits these drugs provide. These substances, ive found, give me the benefits without any of those drawbacks. There has recently been a cautious revival in scientific trials involving Psychedelic Drugs. James rucker was recently involved in a pilot trial at Imperial College london looking at the use of Magic Mushrooms in clinical depression. It did not, however, look at micro dosing. Micro dosing, we know, at a medical level, absolutely nothing about. There have been no trials looking at micro dosing at all, so we do not know whether there are any benefits associated with it, or indeed if there are any Harms Associated with it. The only way that we can sort out whether or not it works or it doesnt is by doing a blinded placebo controlled randomised trial. The definition of a micro dose is you dont notice the subjective effect, but that doesnt mean it is not having any effect on you. As well as this, the drugs being used are class a. Possession can result in up to seven years in prison. How do you justify this fact that it is completely illegal . When youre doing something that is not causing any harm to anybody else, theres nothing really that needs to be justified there. We can talk now to two people who featured in catrins film. Were not using their full names for obvious reasons. Simpa, Who Micro Doses lsd and occassionally Magic Mushrooms and mdma. And anna, which isnt her real name, and has tried micro dosing with lsd and Magic Mushrooms. In our salford studio we have harry sumnall, a professor in substance use, at the Public Health institute, at liverpooljohn moores university. Simpa, how did you start experimenting with small doses . experimented with recreational drugs first of all, and then found that these were having almost a positive hangover from the effects, and from there got the inclination to start experimenting with small increments, and stuck to a quite routine i have got to know with lst. What do you mean, a good routine . got to know with lst. What do you mean, a good routine . I divide up a little tablet, cut it into a tour ten pieces, 15 20 milligrams each, and take one of them over a period ofa and take one of them over a period of a week, one per day, and it revitalises my mood, it invigorates me and helps battle the traditional symptoms go with depression and anxiety. How long have you been doing this for . Two or three years, i would say. A number of people are saying, it starts off with a tiny amount, but it is going to increase, thatis amount, but it is going to increase, that is what happens with drugs. That is what happens with most rugs, i suppose, but with lst, it doesnt compound. You dont get the tolerance build up from excessive use. You cant stack it high dose, you couldnt take one tablet every day, by the third day you wouldnt get the traditional high. Have you tried other ways of getting that kind of mini highlight exercise . meditate, i do yoga, i am also vegan so meditate, i do yoga, i am also vegan soi meditate, i do yoga, i am also vegan so i control through diet, and these control similar parts of the brain that these drugs help, so in conjunction with micro dosing, i find these other activities help. You have no idea long term what this will do to you . I dont, but i have lived for two decades with depression and other conditions that have been frankly crippling, and through utilising the substances in cannabis and mdma, i have been able to create a workable daily routine that allows me to maximise the positives of my life while still u nfortu nately positives of my life while still unfortunately being ill and waiting for psychiatric treatment. What about the fact that it is illegal . Legality isnt a measure of morality in terms of what is legal isnt a lwa ys in terms of what is legal isnt always right. Slavery was legal. Apartheid was legal. I think in the next decade or two, drug prohibition wont exist the does though, we will understand that the substances are just tools. So you decide which laws you follow . I follow my own moral compost in that if i dont harm anybody else and im not harming myself as far as i know, there have been no studies and trials, but lst is being experimented with since it was first synthesised. Let me bring in harris on the. What are the problems that you can see here . With all drugs, many of the harmful effects are potentially dose related, so if micro dosing you are talking about very small doses, but if you look at lst and psychedelics in general, there is a small risk it might unmask latent psychopathology, and with potential Health Issues to begin with, that can cause a problem, but in general, interesting studies from the United States looking at some of the big Health Household studies, that has generally shown that people who have a lifetime history of use of the substances dont tend to be reporting more symptoms or seeking more Mental Health support than people who have never used it. For me, some of the problems, perhaps some of the most pertinent problems are related to the illegal status of the drugs. There are class i drugs that potentially carry a penalty of up that potentially carry a penalty of up to seven Years Imprisonment and an unlimited fine, but a big issue particularly with lst is where the drug is coming from. Can you be sure of your source . Over the last few years we have had a few concerns over a class of drugs called on the street m bombs, and they have been associated with a number of deaths, notjust here associated with a number of deaths, not just here but associated with a number of deaths, notjust here but internationally in the United States and australia as well, so i think perhaps one of the biggest concerns is buying and using a drug which you didnt intend, a drug which is potentially more harmful than lst itself. And an point, simpa, you say it doesnt harm anybody else, but you know that when it comes to illegal drugs, all sorts of expectation goes on, plenty of people are harmed, people are exploited, traffic, abused, etc. But those are consequence of prohibition, not the drugs themselves. If these drugs were regulated like caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, the effect that they would have on society would be less, and people would be in these academic institutions open. That they are not legal, so people are abused and exploited, etc. As a consequence of prohibition. But people are being harmed. Yes, but not because of the drug itself. Anna, why did you start micro dosing . Drug itself. Anna, why did you start microdosing . I experienced the positive hangover from recreational drug use when i was much younger, andl drug use when i was much younger, and i alighted on it initially by accident as a student when i had more time to kill. And i realised that taking very small doses of lsd may be a lot happier at a time when i wasnt happy, and it seemed to have a calming and grounding effect on my mood and an ability to enjoy life and feel relaxed and be with people. And later on in life, living somewhere where Magic Mushrooms grow nearby, i was running a lot, and i noticed that they were there, and just out of curiosity, i tried eating one or two of them, and i found it had a similarly positive grounding levelling effect. And the illegality of it . That wasnt an issue for you, the fact that through the drugs trade, as i was making the point to simpa, various people are exploited, abused, etc . point to simpa, various people are exploited, abused, etc . I completely agree with simpa about the fact that it is the illegality, the fact that the drugs trade is illegal, that forces those situations. Washrooms dont have to go through a dealer if they are growing on a hill nearby. And i would never keep anything illegal in my home, that is a risk i am not prepared to put up with. But when they were available, opportunistically, it was something that i would do, and it was a positive experience. Ok. Harry, in terms of your message about micro dosing, be clear, what is it . I think with micro dosing, it is an untested practice. We saw in your film that there are investigations of higher doses of lsd taking place in Imperial College, but these investigations have taken place in a laboratory, with an on site medical team, ina laboratory, with an on site medical team, in a carefully controlled trial. Some of the stories we have been hearing are interested, and it is deserving of research, but whether it produces these profound changes that people are reporting in the general population, isaac that requires further research. Thank you very much, thank you for your time, and thank you to tipuric to and anna as well. Still to come is the Great Barrier reef at a terminal stage . We will ask a Climate Expert what can be done to stop this unprecedented Coral Bleaching. Now, this photo of a woman smiling at an English Defence league protester in birmingham has been shared thousands of times around the world since it was taken at the weekend. Saffiyah khan says she intervened when she saw another woman surrounded by about 25 men. The edl claim she interrupted a minutes silence for Terror Attack victims. We can now speak to Saffiyah Khan, who is featured in the photo, which has now gone viral. Instantaneously insta ntaneously tell us what instantaneously tell us what you did and why . I ended up intervening because i saw a and why . I ended up intervening because i saw a woman and why . I ended up intervening because i saw a woman surrounded by quite a large group of edl members and she looked quite intimidated and i dont think she was comfortable in that position and i wasnt co mforta ble that position and i wasnt comfortable with her being there either. What did you say . This that position, i couldnt really get to her physically so the most i could do was agree with her verbally in that i do believe they are racist as thats what she was saying as well and thats what i ended up doing and then i was identified as someone who opposed the edl and it stemmed from there my involvement. So what were you saying verbally . Im trying to imagine the scenario and the atmosphere . Personally i was saying racist scum off our streets. And do you know what was being said to her or what the attitude towards her was that led to you intervening . Yeah, well, it was, youre not british. Kind of, putting a lot of questions about islam is a religion and the way it is carried out in various ways. She is not a spokesperson for a religion. The moment when youre close up to the edl protestor, the photograph, shows you smiling. Did you have a conversation with that man . you smiling. Did you have a conversation with that man . I mean there was very little conversation to be had. I think his aggression can be seen through the picture. I didnt say very much to him and i cant exactly remember what he was saying to me, but i think the puck tu re afterwards saying to me, but i think the puck ture afterwards kind of sums it up because his finger was in my face. It wasnt a pleasant interaction. How is it that youre smiling . Oh, how is it im smiling . Oh, i dont know. Sometimes its more important to smile than to shout. I did a fair bit of shouting im under no delusion of that it is a more powerful message a lot of the time. I read that your dad said he brought you and your sister up always to stand up to prejudice, is that right . 100 , yeah. Yeah. Stand up to prejudice, is that right . 10096, yeah. Yeah. I mean, facing people like this, its not something that i would want to do. I would love to live in a place where we didnt have Vulnerable Women put in these situations, but yeah, a lwa ys in these situations, but yeah, always stand up to it. I have no fear towards the edl. Why do you have no fear . Physically, im not indim tated by them in the slightest. Its their own ideologies which are flawed and i cant feel intimidated by someone or a group of people who have opinions like that. There is, i dont feel intellectually intimidated. I dont feel fear for them. You know they say apparently you interrupted a minutes silence for Terror Attack victims. Id like to make it very clear, people that know me, even at a very low level of understanding would tell you, would vouch for me in saying that a minutes silence held by anybody from either side, whether it be edl or udaf, but the Video Evidence shows it as well, there wasnt a minutes silence whilst i wasnt a minutes silence whilst i was there. Its a an attempt at smearing because the situation is in my favour. The birmingham mp jess phillips, there are a number of tweets about you and the photograph and the one thats been picked up the most, who looks like they have power, the real brummie or the edl who migrated for the day to our city and failed to assimilate . As a message, the image, because of your smile, is powerful, isnt it . Yeah, i think, very unintentionally it became a very, very powerful picture and yeah it has been a strange experience for it to go viral as well. What do you think about the fact that it has gone viral, what does it say . Well, it kind of installs a hope about communities and the power of people who oppose edl because often we see they are not people we can relate to. They look aggressive, they look like thugs, whereas when you see a girl who is quite young getting involved with things like this, more people are willing to help and support. It has had an amazing response. Thank you very much for talking to us. Saffiyah khan, thank you very much. In 2016 the government announced that gay and by sexual men convicted of now abolished Sexual Offences would receive pardons. George montague was convicted in 1974 of gross indecency with a manment the conviction was repealed in may 2004ment the 93 year old who has fought for an apology has received one from the home office. Actually, understand that we offer this full apology, their treatment was entirely unfair. What happened to these men is a matter of the greatest regret and it should be so to all of us, it really made my day. I was over the moon and the wording is so wonderful and so explicit. Abject apology. From the government. More on that on the world at one programme on radio 4. Unprecedented Coral Bleaching in consecutive years has damaged two thirds of australias Great Barrier reef, Aerial Surveys have shown. The bleaching, or loss of algae, affects a 900 mile area of the reef. So why does it matter . We can speak to drjames kerry from the National Coral bleaching taskforce in australia. Hopefully we will talk to the owner ofa hopefully we will talk to the owner of a marine and diving business. Good morning from us. Hi there. Explain to our british audience what Coral Bleaching is and how it happens. Coral bleaching occurs when a coral gets stressed and the coral have very small algae that live within them and they photo synthesise and give the coral food. The algae are colourful so the coral turns this white colour when the algae leave and thats what a bleached coral is. It is a coral without its algae thats begun to starve. Why is the algae getting excited or stressed . Its quite a complex relationship, but basically, when they get too hot, they become hyper reactive and produce toxins, but the coral host doesnt like it and it kicks them out. Why are they getting too hot . Well, we have found that the corals that are bleaching are bleaching in the areas where the seawater is abnormally hot and we believe that is a result of Global Warming and Carbon Emissions and thats the primary reason why were seeing the Coral Bleaching events occurring more frequently and with more intensity. And why do you believe it is to do with man made Global Warming . Believe it is to do with man made globalwarming . Well, the believe it is to do with man made Global Warming . Well, the science believe it is to do with man made globalwarming . Well, the science is unequivocal. Carbon ems are causing a rapid increase in Global Temperatures that is unprecedented and you know there is plenty of information to demonstrate that. John rumney, owner of eye to eye marine encounters, which runs diving and fishing tours on the Great Barrier reef. Hellojohn. Hello john. Can you hellojohn. Can you hear me ok . Hello john. Can you hear me ok . Yes, very well. Welcome everyone. Thank you for talking to us. Tell us what difference you see under the water then . Its absolutely depressing. Last year, when you went out to the dive sites which were featured in the bbc and in the up and coming blue planet series, some of the best places on the barrier reef, you went back and there was 80 to 90 bleaching which does not mean that theyre going to die, but theyre certainly under stress and then after about two months of that, we then could really see what the mortality was and we had probably about 40 in this area of mortality of those reefs. So, just in a few months, you know, we basically lost 40 , 50 of the healthy reef. Months, you know, we basically lost 4096, 5096 of the healthy reef. So from a tourist prospective, which is your business obviously, what colours are tourists supposed to see and what are they seeing now . Well, there is all sorts of mauves and browns, but a brown coral is a very healthy coral. Depending on which kind of algae is living in the flesh of that coral, helps distinguish its colour. Ok. So, first it when it gets stressed it will go this odd colour and then if it keeps stressing it will go white which is where it has expelled all of the algae. If that continues for a period of time, up to two to four weeks then often that coral would die. Let me bring drjames kerry back in. When are you going to know the full damage to the reef . When will that be . Yes, you know, this damage comes in phases. So, the corals that die from starvation from the loss of algae, that will become apparent within about six months, but you start to get other impacts like disease, the corals are stressed, theyre weak so even the ones that re cover theyre weak so even the ones that recover from the bleaching maybe more susceptible to other impacts like disease that can actually, you know, cause a second kind of die off. So were still monitoring the mortality thats occurred following the event last year and now weve got this second bleaching event and so, we need to continue to monitor the Great Barrier reef over the next few years closely to see what the full i will pact of these two events is. Thank you both very much for coming on the programme. We will show you these pictures of Pc Keith Palmers name being added to the National Police memorial in london. It is by horse guards parade. Thousands of Police Officers from forces across the country will line the streets of Central London this afternoon for the Funeral Procession of the officer who, as you know, was murdered in last months westminster attack. Pc palmer was guarding the houses of parliament when he was stabbed on 22nd march. He will have a full Police Funeral this afternoon. Coverage on bbc news, of course, as youd expect across the day. Not as warm as yesterday was. Thats exceptional for some, not as warm as yesterday was. Thats exceptionalfor some, but not as warm as yesterday was. Thats exceptional for some, but it doesnt stop it from being a decent day. Decent at the moment in scarborough. The cloud just beginning to build up. It may well have been clear with you first up, well, that may not be the way as we get on into the afternoon. We may pop off one or two showers randomly. There will be more across the north of scotland and over towards the yorkshire area and towards lincolnshire, there could be a raft of showers there come the afternoon and forget 25 celsius, hello 15 celsius. The rainjust keeps on coming as the cloud pours in from the atlantic. Elsewhere, further south, if your skies stay clear for any length of time, you might end up with a wee bit of frost and it looks as though it is something of a north south split for tuesday with the rain across the north parts of scotland. Further south across england and wales, the sky is more broken, sunshine around and tops on the day of about 16 celsius. See you later. Bye bye. This is bbc news, and these are the top stories developing at 11am. Thousands of Police Officers from around the country are to attend the funeral of pc keith fowler, who was murdered in last months westminster attack. His name has been added to the National Police memorial on the mall in Central London. Iam here in Central London. I am here at Southwark Cathedral, where the Funeral Service will be held at 2pm. A service that will be both a public memorial and a private Family Funeral. Russia faces the threat of Fresh International sanctions for its support of syrians President Assad, as Foreign Ministers from the g7 nations meet for two days of talks. The bbc uncovers evidence implicating the Bank Of England in the so called Libor Scandal. Also this hour

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