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Adding that russia had been either complicit or incompetent by failing to secure the Chemical Weapons of its syrian ally. A romanian woman injured in the Westminster Terror Attack two weeks ago has died. Andrea cristea had been visiting london with her boyfriend. Good morning. Welcome to the programme. We are live until iiam this morning. We will be looking throughout the show at the implications of that Missile Strike by america on a base in syria. Its the first time america has intervened directly in the conflict. Do get in touch. Texts will be charged at the Standard Network rate. Thats our main news, that the us has carried out a Missile Strike on a Syrian Air Base in response to a Chemical Attack that killed dozens of civilians. 59 Cruise Missiles we re of civilians. 59 Cruise Missiles were fired from the mediterranean. They hit the base from where the attack was launched. Here is david willis. It was a decisive response from an administration that has often seemed disorganised and at times dysfunctional. A fusillade of tomahawk Cruise Missiles fired from Us Navy Ships in the mediterranean aimed at the Syrian Air Base from which america says that deadly Chemical Weapons attack was launched earlier this week. A Line In The Sand moment for the new commander in chief. On tuesday, syrian dictator Bashar Al Assad launched a horrible Chemical Weapons attack on innocent civilians. Using a deadly nerve agent, assad choked out the lives of helpless men, Women And Children. These are the heart breaking images that moved the president to action, triggering in the process a remarkable shift in Foreign Policy on the part of his nascent administration. A week ago, white house officials professed little interest in Regime Change in syria but the use of what they say was a deadly nerve agent by Bashar Al Assads forces has changed everything. Tonight, i call on all civilised nations to join us in seeking to end the slaughter and bloodshed in syria and also to end terrorism of all kinds and all types. News of the Missile Strike somewhat overshadowed a one day summit with chinas president xi at which the two leaders were expected to discuss the growing threat posed by north korea but depending on where the us goes from here he could find he has his work cut out in syria, a quagmire of a conflict which could define his presidency one way or the other. Lets get more from david in washington. Of course thats the big question, where do things go from here . Yes, indeed. The indications are that this is, if you like, a one shot deal, that the United States will not be planning, for now at least, any further attacks of this kind. But thats the unofficial word. We wait to see. The Administration Simply confinding its comments about this attack to the fa ct comments about this attack to the fact they believe it was a proportionate response and one which sends the sort of message thats needed to Bashar Al Assad, namely, that he can not get away with this sort of use of Chemical Weapons. David, thank you very much. Much more reaction still to come. Lets catch up with the rest of the news. Good morning. A romanian tourist who fell into the river thames during the Westminster Terror Attack has died. Andrea cristea was walking on Westminster Bridge with her boyfriend when they were driven at by the attacker Khalid Masood, who was later shot dead. Her boyfriend had planned to propose later that day. Her life support was withdrawn yesterday. The 31 year old becomes the 5th victim of the march 22 attack. A four year old child has died in an incident at a farm in Northern Ireland. Police were called out to the farm yesterday evening where the boy was pronounced dead at the scene. Northern irelands police force says officers will work closely with the Health And Safety Executive as they investigate the circumstances of what happened. Theres been a sharp increase in the number of accident and Emergency Departments in england turning away ambulances, compared with the previous three years. The enough field trust think tank says its analysis. A service under strain. Ambulances are diverted when hospitals are exceptionally busy. Its a temporary measure to take the pressure off a e, but it means patients have further to travel for urgent treatment. Todays report shows how the number of diverts has leapt in the past few months. During the three winters beginning in 2013, this happened on average 249 times. But in this most recent winter, the number of diverts jumped to almost 500. The report says this is bad for patients and explains why Ambulance Trusts in england are missing their expected response times. 500 or so you may say well, its not a very big number. They are the tip of the iceberg. They have doubled. They reveal a service under tremendous pressure. Therell be 500 diverts but therell be many more A E Departments Working right at the limit that they could have diverted. And the report says morale is low among ambulance staff, another sign of pressure. Nhs england believes too many ambulances are being dispatched to simply try to hit targets, and its reviewing the system. Jane dreaper, bbc news. We can stay with health. Gp practice closures have Hit Record Levels with hundreds of thousands of patients forced to change surgeries last year. Thats according to figures obtained by the medical magazine pulse. The Royal College of gps said doctors could no longer cope with growing Patient Demand but nhs england said all patients would still be able to register with the surgery. The government is consulting on plans to ban Letting Agents from Charging Tenants unfair fees for private rented housing. The proposals are aimed to stop hiding charges and end costly upfront fees. It comes amid concerns some Letting Agents would Double Charging tenants and Property Owners for the same service, a consultation on the plans will run for eight weeks from today. Ido will run for eight weeks from today. I do think its an important first step and we have been campaigning on this for years and we know tenants are desperate for this ban to come into force. Certainly it is only the first step. There is a lot more the government can do, starting with the issue of how unstable the private rented sector is. We need to move towards longer tenancies so that te na nts towards longer tenancies so that tenants arent having to move so much in the first place. Eta has said it will officially disarm from tomorrow according to a letter object taped by the bbc. More than 800 people obtained. It declared a ceasefire in 2011. The Spanish Government has refused to negotiate with the group whose aim is to achieve independence from spain. Thats a summer of the latest news. More from me at 9. 30 am. Thank you. We are focussing the Programme Today on the american air strike against the air base in syria today. Get in touch with your thoughts. Texts will be charged at the Standard Network rate. Plenty of reaction the latest throughout the programme. Lets catch up with the sport. The masters is under way. Whats happened to Dustin Johnson . A real shock, the world number one pulled out of the tournament, its the second time in masters history that the world number one wont feature at governments first major of the year out in augusta. You might remember on wednesday that he slipped on some stairs at the Rental Property he is staying in, he bruised his back and elbow and it was limiting his movement and swing. He was on the Practice Range before heading out for his opening round and he looked 0k. He said he was going to try to play on but he took one look at the opening hole and decided here at this moment he wasnt going to continue which is a real shock, not only for the tournament but for him himself. As the world number one he has had an incredible start to 2017 and won the last three tournaments he has played in, he was the us open champion. He looked like he could be the man to beatin looked like he could be the man to beat in augusta. As you can imagine this is what he had to say after, he is bitterly disappointed. this is what he had to say after, he is bitterly disappointed. I feel like i am playing the best golf in my career and for me to pull out, i mean, it sucks really bad. I am very sad that i have to do it but its a Freak Accident and i feel like i wa nted Freak Accident and i feel like i wanted to play, i wanted to try to play. Its just, you wanted to play, i wanted to try to play. Itsjust, you know, iam not going to be able to compete like this. A terrible shame for him, what about what happened on the course, particularly with british players . Lets start with the british hopes. Lee westwood is leading those. He is third at the moment. He shot what was a decent opening round, a round of 70. He struggled on the front nine but improved on the back nine with a series of birdies which puts him in contention after the opening round. Danny willett, the defending champion, we were talking about him 12 months ago when he became the first englishman to win the masters in 20 years. He dropped shots on his opening two holes but recovered well. He finished on 73. This man in front, Charlie Hoffman with an opening round of 65. It looked at one stage we werent going to see any players shoot scores in the 60s, that would have been the first time that would have been the first time that happened in 60 years but he performed brilliantly on the back nine. A little unknown, the american, outside the worlds top 50 and hes never led any major at any stage after any round so it goes to show the performance from him as he leads, still early stages, obviously, at the moment after that opening round. Thank you very much. It was tuesday when a clearly emotional President Trump spoke at the white house about the horrible terrible Chemical Attack that had killed as he put it beautiful babies in syria. He then said something should happen. That something did happen in the early hours of this morning. 59 missiles were fired at an air base from which The Americans said the Chemical Strike was launched. Its the first time america has intervened directly against the Syrian Government in the conflict thats been going on for six years and marks a real shift in policy and attitude. This was what the president had to say hours after the president had to say hours after the attack. On tuesday, the syrian dictator, Bashar Al Assad, launched a horrible, the weapons attack on innocent civilians. Using a deadly nerve agent, Bashar Al Assad choked the lives of helpless men, women, and children. It was a slow and brutal death for so many, even beautiful babies were cruelly murdered in this very barbaric attack. No child of god should ever suffer such horror. Tonight i ordered a targeted Military Strike on the airfield in syria from where the Chemical Attack was launched. It is in this Vital National Security Interest of the United States to prevent and deter the spread and use of deadly Chemical Weapons. There can be no dispute that syria used banned Chemical Weapons, violated its obligations under the Chemical Weapons convention, and ignored the urging of the un Security Council. Years of previous attempts at changing Bashar Al Assads behaviour have all failed, and failed very dramatically. As a result, the Refugee Crisis continues to deepen, and the region continues to destabilise, threatening the United States and its allies. Tonight, i call on all civilised nations to join us in seeking to end the slaughter and bloodshed in syria, and also to end terrorism of all kinds and all types. We ask for gods wisdom as we face the challenge of our very troubled world. We pray for the lives of the wounded and for the souls of those who have passed. And we hope that as long as America Stands for justice that peace and harmony will, in the end, prevail. Good night, and God Bless America and the entire world. Thank you. Russian State Television is showing pictures of the damage caused to the airbase. We have not got the pictures at the moment but i can tell you what they are saying about the impact of the air strikes, saying that nine planes were destroyed at that Syrian Air Base but the main runway was left relatively unscathed, the pictures reportedly showing craters, debris and rubble. But the main runway looking largely intact, although those nine planes reportedly destroyed. Reaction coming out of germany and france, a joint statement has been issued saying after the Chemical Weapons massacre of the lith of april on Khan Sheikhoun in North Western syria, a Military Installation of the Syrian Regime was destroyed by a us air strike last night. President assad has sole responsibility for this development. That is just through from france and germany in a joint statement. In a moment we will speak to simonjenkins, statement. In a moment we will speak to simon jenkins, a statement. In a moment we will speak to simonjenkins, a Newspaper Columnist who says anything the west does will only make matters worse. We are also drawing Down The Line from syria. In france we canjoin to a representative from unicef. And alison mcgovern, a labour mp who voted against Military Action in 2013. Lets go to our Correspondent Benjames 2013. Lets go to our correspondent ben james in 2013. Lets go to our Correspondent Benjames in beirut in neighbouring lebanon. What is the latest you are hearing that . About one hour ago we we re hearing that . About one hour ago we were watching syrian state tv to see a statement by the syrian army, their First Official response to whats happened at this airbase. They are talking about six people having been killed. We will await any further news on that, but that is their latest statement. There was some report going round of somebody in the rank of commodore having been killed, that was according to the syrian observatory the human rights, we will await confirmation of that. We heard a syrian army statement, in comparison to terrorism, they will call in the United States is essentially a partner of isis and al nusra as a result of this strike. The so called Islamic State they are referring to. And the Group Formerly known as al nusra front that is now pa rt known as al nusra front that is now part of a wider Umbrella Ofjihadist groups whom many still consider to be linked to alanda, a designated Terrorist Group according to the Us Government. They do operate in the area of north west syria in which Khan Sheikhoun is the place, the site of course of this alleged Chemical Attack earlier in the week. That is what the Syrian Military has been saying. The governor of homs, the province in which this airbase is, has been talking through the morning about the rescue efforts on the base, talking about the Fire Fighting taking place, talking about Material Damage as well as opposed to high numbers of casualties. Of course it is still unclear exactly how much warning the syrians may have got. We do know that the us military used their established protocol with the russians to seek their consent, they made very clear, not a political conversation, but a military notification. We understand from the russians that the agreement through which those notifications ta ke through which those notifications take place is now off as far as they are concerned, it was signed in october 2015 just after the russians began to use Air Operations in support of President Assad. We have been hearing from somebody who lives very close to this airbase, one of the bbc producers has a contact close by, they were speaking to somebody who lived there saying they we re somebody who lived there saying they were woken up at 3 45am, very early, by the repeated sounds of these Cruise Missiles hitting, earthshaking Cruise Missiles hitting, ea Rthshaking Sounds is Cruise Missiles hitting, eaRthshaking Sounds is how they were described. They were talking about the Ambulance Activity and also talking to people that they no one the airbase, talking about devastation. It is still unclear exactly what the situation is on the base itself, precisely how many planes may have been damage. The americans say they were targeting not just the aircraft americans say they were targeting notjust the aircraft but americans say they were targeting not just the aircraft but the infrastructure that supports them, things like fuel and ammunition, on the basis they say they have conclusively linked to what they say is the Chemical Attack on kaja kim, which of course the Syrian Government denies having carried out. On Khan Sheikhoun. There are two questions, this is going to be of limited impact on Military Capability, which presumably it will be, but the broader strategic implications we just have to wait to see what happens next. We certainly do. You are right, whether this is maybe more of a symbolic strike than one which might have a huge Practical Impact on what the Syrian Air Force Practical Impact on what the syrian airforce and Practical Impact on what the Syrian Air Force and forces can do. Because The Americans felt they had to militarily warned the russians, the russians are allies of the syrians, so russians are allies of the syrians, so presumably the russians want the syrians as well. We dont know how much warning was given, we dont have any of the mission about that, we know that happened according to The Americans. The russians on their pa rt have The Americans. The russians on their part have said that none of their personnel were hurt. We heard reports to suggest that Russian Forces were seen reports to suggest that Russian Forces were seen going away from the airbase yesterday. We cannot corroborate those reports, but there isa corroborate those reports, but there is a notion that with some kind of warning then maybe the casualties and damage as well was more limited thanit and damage as well was more limited than it otherwise would have been. Still, the symbolism of this strike cannot be underestimated. It shows a potential change, a huge shift from The Americans in their policy. Only last week there were talking about it being silly to target President Assad when the priority was targeting the so called Islamic State. Thank you, ben. Well, lets bring in our other guests in the studio and elsewhere. I want to come to you first of all, abdul. You are just north of idlib. What is your reaction to the American Intervention now . Hello, thank you very much. Yes, i wanted to say that eve ryo ne very much. Yes, i wanted to say that everyone on earth may be happy to have partial punishment for the criminal, for the crimes that assad made. Just when i woke up i saw my brother in law, who is seven years old. He told me, they say that the us targeted assad, does this mean that we will not see planes in the sky . Does this mean that i can go to School Without planes . I said, ok, this is not the case. Yes, in general, even children are happy with this. I mean, these strikes. But speaking for me, i cannot consider them. I consider them only strikes. Because when you consider ita strikes. Because when you consider it a strike, it should be kind of surprise and kind of shocking. But america said that they talked and told russia before these strikes, and frankly speaking, even the damage with the most technical on earth, these kind of damage and casualties is so limited. So this means that it is a political strike. It is more than Military Strikes. Alison mcgovern. In 2013, you warn of the mps that voted against Military Action in syria. Do you think it is now time for Military Action . Well, the approach that is taken needs to be part of a strategy to protect civilians. You know, as weve just heard, people need to get to school, they need to be able to have access doors but also medical care. If this new approach is to work to hospitals and medical care. It must be part of a strategy to protect civilians in syria. That is what i and others across the House Of Commons from both parties have been saying for some time now. We would ask the british Prime Ministerand we would ask the british Prime Minister and the Foreign Secretary to come back to the House Of Commons when we come back from recess and explain how the uk can play a role with france, germany and others to make sure that whatever happens from now it is part of a comprehensive strategy that gets syrian kids back to school, gets supplies to hospitals so that people can be treated on taking care of, and that we get on the road to these in syria. Can you spell out what you think the strategy should be . Well, the un needs access. One of the problems we have had is that there are, you know, warehouses full of aid that has been made available by the International Community. But the Syrian Regime has had a campaign not just of Dropping Bombs but also of starving people and besieging syrian pounds. So, as part of what is going on now, the un must be allowed to have access to people who need help in syria, get that medical equipment in, get food aid and other necessary supplies to people in syria, open up humanitarian corridors. Because, you know, these strikes will not be enough unless they are part of a strategy that helps save lives in syria. Simon jenkins, those are exactly the kind of things that has been set for a long time. It hasnt been set for a long time. It hasnt been happening. Does Military Action change that . I dont think it changes anything. It is one thing to spike a child, what do you do next . It has been going on eight years, it is the most gnostics of all war we have ever come across, but it wont end with outside intervention the most nasty civil war. The only way this war is going to end is if one side wins, the side that is winning is unfortunately assad. In 2013 he was much weaker. In the years since, with russian and iranian support, without Decisive Action by the International Community, he has become a lot stronger. That is mute, nobody thought he was really going to lose. You are quite right, the russians decided to back him, and the iranians, and most importantly, lebanese factions decided to back him. He was not likely to lose. It was prolonging the civil war and it was prolonging the civil war and it was gleeful. We played a part in prolonging the civil war and we are looking bring it to an end. People feel desire to react with horror, you want to do something. You almost cheer when you see the bombs going off, but that is not sensible rational politics, we have been here twice before in the middle east, in lebanon and iraq, both times we intervened and both times was to disaster. Why do it again . Do you agree that we have played a part in prolonging a civil war . |j disagree with simon in the sense that syria is syria. We have to treat this situation on its merits. It is easy to say this isjust like other countries. I dont agree with this counsel of despair that there is nothing that we can do. Personally, i think that what we need now is a Re Establishment of the International Humanitarian principles that we all signed up to. We signed up to. Sorry to interrupt, this is a crackle what has been several long time, it has not happened. This is exactly what has been said for a long time. Mike things be different now if you have voted for Military Action in 2013 . If my vote had been different in 2013, i have no way of knowing if the situation would be better or worse, it is an impossible question to us. Do i regret that maybe i could have bought the Prime Minister back on more occasions, maybe we could have asked more questions . Of course, i think about every missed opportunity everyday. But my regret will do no good for in syria. What can do some good is a Re Establishment of humanitarian principles, and putting pressure through the un mechanisms to get aid in, and if necessary, if there are people who need to be helped, to get them out so that we can try and save lives in syria, that is what we can do now. Lets bring in a rough present different unisa. It is now a Chemical Weapons attack a representative from unicef. You are talking about the humanitarian aspect rather than the politics. What is your reaction to that . There have been previous Chemical Weapons attacks that have not elicited this response. But aside from that, if this had been a conventional weapons attack there would not have been this reaction now . Well, joanne, i have been a humanitarian worker for 25 years. I have been working in many, 25 years. I have been working in any 25 years. I have been working in many, many conflicts. I do not recall a single conflict that got sorted out by military power. Im afraid the same applies to syria. I dont think that a Military Solution is the way forward for what has happened for the last six years, and continues happening in syria. How do you see the solution . Well, the solution needs to come through a dialogue, a political dialogue, how strange all of that may sound today. It isa strange all of that may sound today. It is a dialogue that brings all of the parties around the table, the parties inside syria, and the parties inside syria, and the parties who have influence over those who are active inside syria. All around the table, and, from unicefs perspective, we have been calling it and will continue calling to all of these parties to maybe ta ke to all of these parties to maybe take a few seconds and start the negotiations reflecting on all of what the six years so far has brought the children inside syria. Abdul, when you hear the conversation focusing on, you know, the need for diplomacy and for all of the parties to be around the table, and for Military Intervention not to be the answer, how do you react . Diplomatic and political issues cannot be achieved easily in syria without. Assad says cannot be achieved easily in syria without. Assad saysjust to maybe yesterday he said there is no solution for him but to retreat, but to be victory, i mean he wants syria for his gain. So, political and Dialogue Solutions in syria are not available this time, not because we dont want, no, because other part, imean, dont want, no, because other part, i mean, assad he doesnt want this solution. They want to get all the land. After that they want the political issues and dialogues and conversations so political issues and dialogues and conversations so this means that they are not ready for it. We want peace, our people here want peace. But we have been listening to this political solution for syria for six years, what happens . Nothing has changed. How many, there are maybe dozens of conferences but nothing has changed, this means that there will not be political solution for syria now at least, so if there should be a political solution it should be a political solution it should be a political solution it should be proceeded and resolution to punish and stop the madness of the criminal of assad and his lies. I want to say about that he used Chemical Weapons to say that we can do anything, this is our land and we can do anything. Of course he knows that another nevertheless he used chemicals. I want to say that the International Community hasnt had a movement but when Chemical Attack happens, i mean when they saw pictures of children, the pictures of people dying who are like their children in front of them, but what about the other weapons for six years we are experiencing . About the other weapons for six years we are experiencing . L about the other weapons for six years we are experiencing . A final thought, simon jenkins, years we are experiencing . A final thought, simonjenkins, this shows assad that he can not act with impunity . He can act with impunity, iam impunity . He can act with impunity, i am sorry, we say these phrases, we must punish all these things, he can more or less do what he likes as long as russia is behind him. We have to recognise the real politics of this, its not going to be ended other than militarily at the moment. Once thats over, once assad in some sense has won, he is obviously winning, once he has won, then i think the pressure on him will be to go. At the moment its clearly not going to happen. These gestures are, they establish moral signalling of some sort but they dont do any good. You dont do good even in civil wars by bombing people, that remains the truth. If there was another way out we would have found it by now but we havent. Its a desperate situation. We are sitting in chairmans millions of miles away but we have an obligation to think what we are doing and Dropping Bombs all over the middle east now, i mean, six or all over the middle east now, i mean, six or seven all over the middle east now, i mean, six or seven countries we are bombing, it achieves nothing. It makes us feel good. Thank you. Thank you all of you. Do stay in touch, your thoughts are always welcome. Still to come as russia announces the suspension of an agreement with the suspension of an agreement with the us military designed to prevent Air Incidents over syria we will hear about reaction from around the world to that us Missile Strike on syria. Washington described its Missile Strike as a proportionate response toa strike as a proportionate response to a suspected Chemical Weapons attack which it blames on the Syrian Regime. Dozens of civilians were killed. 59 Cruise Missiles were fired from us warships in the mediterranean. President trump said it was in americas National Security interest to prevent the spread of Chemical Weapons. Tonight i ordered a targeted Military Strike on the airfield in syria from where the Chemical Attack was launched. A romanian tourist who fell into the river thames during the Westminster Terror Attack has died. Andreea cristea was walking on Westminster Bridge with her boyfriend when they were driven at by the attacker Khalid Masood, who was later shot dead by police. Her boyfriend had planned to propose later that day. Her life support was withdrawn yesterday. The 31 year old becomes the fifth victim of the march 22nd attack. A four year old child has died in an incident at a Farm In Maguiresbridge in Northern Ireland. Police were called out to the farm yesterday evening where the boy was pronounced dead at the scene. Northern irelands police force says officers will work closely with the Health And Safety Executive as they investigate the circumstances of what happened. Gp practice closures have Hit Record Levels, with hundreds of thousands of patients forced to change surgeries last year, according to figures obtained by the medical magazine, pulse. The Royal College of gps said doctors could no longer cope with growing Patient Demand, but nhs england said all patients would still be able to register with a surgery. Lets catch up with the sport. The favourite for the masters, dustinjohnson, the favourite for the masters, Dustin Johnson, pulled the favourite for the masters, dustinjohnson, pulled out before his opening round. He hoped to play despite hurting his back at a fall on the stairs at his rental home. He said that he simply couldnt swing a club. Lee westwood is the leading brittain. Charlie hoffman is 7 under par. Westwood, a bad hoping nine holes but recovered on the back nine. The drivers had to find alternative entertainment when practising ahead of this weekends grand prix. Lewis hamilton apologising to fans saying they needed to find a better way to cope in bad weather. She tested positive for epo, the Blood Booster. Thats all the sport. I will be back with more around 10 am. Thank you. Lets bring you all the latest developments on our main news. The us has fired nearly 60 tomahawk missiles from warships in the Eastern Mediterranean at the Syrian Governments Shayrat Airbase near the town of homs. The white house says syrian planes from the base carried out tuesdays raid on the rebel held town of khan sheikoun, in idlib province, in which its alleged Chemical Weapons were used. Last night, the us secretary of state, rex tillerson, said that the us held syria responsible for that suspected gas attack in idlib and he also called on russia to modify its relationship with syria. There is no doubt in our minds and the information we have supports that syria, the Syrian Regime and the leadership of president Bashar Al Assad are responsible for this attack and i think further it is very important that the russian government consider carefully their continued support for the assad regime. Reporter does assad have to go . Assads role in the future is uncertain clearly. With acts he has taken it would seem that there would be no role for him to govern the Syrian People. What substance is the United States prepared to take in order to remove him from power . The process by which assad would leave is something that requires an International Community effort, both to first defeat isis within syria, to first defeat isis within syria, to stabilise the syrian country, to avoid further civil war and then to work collectively with our partners around the world through a political process that would lead to assad leaving. The air strikes not only represent a change in the direction and escalation of americas role in syria but could also have an effect of its relationship with the regimes strongest backer russia. Russians were present at the base which was targetted in the early hours of this morning though their role there is not known. They are now saying the air strike was a violation of international law. We are hearing from the Russian Foreign minister that no russians we re Foreign Minister that no russians were killed in the air strikes and he is saying he hopes that the provocation will not lead to irrepairable damage to ties with the us. As donald trump meets the chinese president today. We can talk to jonathan marcus. Decisive is the word being used. Swift reaction by dont and a swift change of policy. A decisive and swift response, yes. If you look at the method of the attack, the scope of the attack, i think all the signs are that this is what The Americans say it was, a limited strike intended to re establish a Deterrent Line against the use of Chemical Weapons by the assad regime in syria. They hit essentially infrastructure, aircraft hangars, runways, aircraft themselves, they werent aiming at barrack blocks. There may have been casualties, thats regrettable, its good news there werent any russian casualties at the base. But i think The Americans have essentially done what many people will argue, certainly in america, many voices have been saying this is what president obama should have done backin president obama should have done back in 2013. The great difference now, of course, is then the assad regime was much shakier. It might have begun a process that would have led to the regimes fall. Today, the regime has consolidated itself with iran yn and russian help. This is in many ways a message as much to russia as it is to damascus, donald trump for all the criticism of him and the bluster and his inexperience, he does seem to have reacted pretty resolutely in this first crisis. In terms of Military Impact what might this do to the capability . Well, we dont know yet fully the extent of the damage on the ground. We are hearing nine planes reportedly struck. You know, they will have lost some aircraft, Lost Have Personnel probably and some equipment. It doesnt fundamentally alter the Military Balance on the ground but what it does do, it sends a clear warning that if you have recourse to these sort of weapons, this kind of consequence will occur. We have to be very blunt about this. Donald trump made a big thing of the appalling images of children and babies affected by the Chemical Attack. We all know that babies and children are being killed in syria virtually every day of the week by conventional weapons, have been for many, conventional weapons, have been for any conventional weapons, have been for many, many years now. But there is particularly in the west a strong sense that Chemical Weapons do cross a line. They have been taboo, theyve been a particular concern ever since theirfirst theyve been a particular concern ever since their first use in the great war in world war i and mr trump made it clear he thinks there should be a general prohibition of their use. Theyre should be a general prohibition of their use. They re banned should be a general prohibition of their use. Theyre banned by treaty and so on. When people use them there have to be consequences. Thank you. As countries across the world digest last nights news from syria, lets try and gauge some of the international reaction. In a moment, were going to speak with Jonathan Paris, a middle east Security Expert at Kings College london. And Down The Line by doctor beyza unal, a Research Fellow at chatham house, who is a turkey speclialist. But first, lets speak to our Political Correspondent, eleanor garnier, who joins us from westminster. The uk government has really led the International Support of the us for this attack, this strike on the airfield in syria. Both the Defence Secretary and the Prime Minister we re secretary and the Prime Minister were informed throughout, i am told. Michael fallon who i was speaking to moments ago said he and the Prime Minister had been in contact at all levels with the us administration, he said that the us Defence Secretary had called him yesterday to discuss the options that the us we re to discuss the options that the us were looking at and Thenjames Mattison called to inform him of donts decision and the strikes we re donts decision and the strikes were going ahead. Sir michael said the strikes were limited and appropriate. They were appropriate response to what he said were the barbaric Chemical Weapons attacks that took place this week. I asked Michael Fallon if he thought the attacks were appropriate, why wasnt the uk itself also involved . We have not been asked to be involved in this. They didnt ask us to choose a particular option. They decided to ta ke particular option. They decided to take this action, a very limited, appropriate action, attacking the airfield, the aeroplanes and the equipment that they believe were involved in the gas attack with the very specific purpose of trying to deter the regime from future gas attacks on their own people, including civilians. I asked sir michael if the us had been asked to get involved, would the uk have been involved, he didnt a nswer the uk have been involved, he didnt answer the question. He did confirm that of the uk government were going to be involved in some sort of Military Action, the government would consult parliament, go back to the House Of Commons and ask mps to vote on whether we should be sending in any Military Action. Remember that back in 2013, mps rejected a vote on action in syria. We have heard from the Liberal Democrats this morning, too. Tim farron but out a statement saying that the attack by the American Forces was the right thing to do, but the lib dems called on the government to do more, saying that rather than putting out a bland statement while the us attacks, it should now follow up the us attacks, it should now follow up on callan the us attacks, it should now follow up on call an emergency meeting. It said that evil happens when did people do nothing. We cannot sit by while a dictator gasses his own people. We cannot stand by, we must not act we must act. Clear support for the actions overnight, but no support at the moment for the uk to get involved itself militarily. Thank you. Lets go to crispin blunt. Is it time now for them to be for there to be more action . I think The Americans have carefully calibrated this action. It is in relation to the Chemical Strike. They said there is no doubt that the russians on the syrians we re that the russians on the syrians were responsible, or the syrians we re were responsible, or the syrians were responsible, or the syrians were responsible, for it. They have explicitly rejected the explanation given by the russians and the syrians that this Hit A Chemical Dump held by the rebels. If they are 100 confident of their intelligence, then this was an appropriate reaction limited to the airfield and the aircraft that launched this attack. And obviously theyve informed the russians in the process to make sure that their people were not caught as Collateral Damage in this process, and indeed the syrians bust have been aware of it because there appears to be ready limited casualties at the airbase. The syrians say there are six satiety is but a great deal of ground damage, it would mean that a strike in that sense is pretty successful in its objectives. Strike in that sense is pretty successful in its Objectivesm Strike in that sense is pretty successful in its objectives. If it is just left there, does successful in its objectives. If it isjust left there, does it successful in its objectives. If it is just left there, does it make any difference . It is not going to make a huge difference on the ground to Military Capability, and what actually then changes . Well, this is related obviously to the illegal use of Chemical Weapons. Syria was supposed to have surrendered its Chemical Weapons in 2013. The russians brokered that deal, and they oversaw the disarming of the Syrian Government of its Chemical Weapons. And if it is the case that they used them, then plainly the russians didnt do theirjob properly and the syrians illegally held onto these weapons. And theyve now ta ken held onto these weapons. And theyve now taken the consequences, but it was tragically the consequences being meted out onto the people in idlib province, as we have all seen. Sorry to interrupt, but does a solitary air strike like this actually change anything in terms of, you no, the situation on the ground with Chemical Weapons . Well, it will certainly change the situation rapant guards to Chemical Weapons. It is inconceivable that there will be a repeat of this with regards to Chemical Weapons. The evidence on the ground we are getting from some journalists is that there are no buildings that we re that there are no buildings that were struck that would support the russian syrian exploration. Explanation. At the un Security Council, the russians were opposing a resolution which would have mandated an inspection of the airbase and the records of the aircraft that took part in the raid. So, whilst of course it looks very that the syrians would have used Chemical Weapons at this time given that the regime is not under an existential threat, and they appear to be securing a number of localised ceasefires around the country, that set aside, if The Americans are 100 confident that this was used by syrians, this will send a very profound message about the future use of Chemical Weapons. What It Doesin Use of Chemical Weapons. What it does in the wider conflict, it will have yet to see. But it may encourage the Syrian Government to be rather more Co Operatives in the political talks that are now taking place in geneva. Jonathan paris, do you agree with that analysis, that this will mean that syria will not use Chemical Weapons against . Having worked with crispin in the past, i a lwa ys worked with crispin in the past, i always agree with him. There was wonderful nuance. He said he was surprised that assad would pick now isa time surprised that assad would pick now is a time one little nuance. That is a time one little nuance. That is precisely the problem with assad, if he feels he has russia and hezbollah and irans support and no opposition from the United States, which he had faced under obama, he will go to the limit. Thats the way he operates, thats the way much of the middle east operates. Prior to this, President Trump had reiterated his view that assad was not the target, it was is. Iwould his view that assad was not the target, it was is. I would say that what assad did, assuming he did this earlier this week is probably the stupidest mistake any leader could do for his own cause. I mean, he has just changed the Trump Administration 180 degrees. Yes, i agree with crispin, this was a calibrated, it is not meant to escalate into a full blown civil war with russia, its not meant to escalate even as a local level, but it isa escalate even as a local level, but it is a message that when this president says, im going to do something, you know, its a message to others that he may very well do something. That might get more of the russian reaction. We can bring in Sarah Rainsford from moscow. What is being said in moscow, sarah . Well, what you might expect, i suppose. A lot of outrage and indignation, some strong statements coming from the Foreign Ministry and the kremlin. We heard first from president putins spokesman, who talks about mr putin describing what had happened as an act of aggression against a sovereign nation. Talking about it having a very significant effect on relations between washington and moscow. But as he said, that relationship is already ina said, that relationship is already in a pitiful state. We then heard from the Foreign Minister, sergey lavrov, who has been speaking at the last few moments. He has talked about the fact that as far as russia is concerned, there was no basis for this air strike by the United States. Russia saying over and again that there should have been an investigation into what happened. They dispute the idea that Syrian Government troops used Chemical Weapons. Mr lavrov said that without waiting for an investigation the us has chosen to strike in syria, and saying that it shows that this was simplya saying that it shows that this was simply a pretext and the United States is aiming to remove President Assad from power. This is about Regime Change, its not about the use of Chemical Weapons. So very strong wormwood. The question of course is whether that leads to any kind of action from russia very strong language. We havejust been hearing that there were no russian casualties in this strike. Looking at images we have seen on State Television here from the airfield itself, there seems to be a number of planes still impact, the damage is obviously fairly serious, but minimal consequences in terms of human lives lost. We do know that the pentagon did give advance warning of this strike along its information channels, which it still has with russia, about what happens in syria. Therefore it seems the damage has been kept to a minimum. Doctor beyza unal, a turkish specialist, how will turkey see this intervention . Well, the first reaction from turkey was positive. The president actually said that they were expecting the United States to take action way before. He said that actions speak louder than words. Which is true in the turkish sense. They are thinking that this isa sense. They are thinking that this is a positive outcome. The caution i think with turkey is that they have been doing dialogues and agreement between russia, turkey and iran in the geneva talks. It will be a cautious area. I think that turkey needs to be careful in balancing the relations between the United States and russia now that we know that russia is making statements about going away from the agreement about the airspace in syria. Crispin blunt, on that, what do you think now about no fly zones, safe zone is, in syria, and those potentially being right back on the agenda . Well, the situation is immensely complex. What you have got to do with any proposed intervention is then play out what the consequences. The difficulty with no fly zones and secure zones is then securing it. You may be able to secure it from the air, but if you have an area on the air, but if you have an area on the ground which can be infiltrating by people who the Security Forces who are going to keep the area clear on the ground, and if you look at the complexity the situation in northern syria, those are quite difficult questions to answer. It would seem that the turks are trying to establish some kind of safe zone in their advance. And the syrian kurds, who are their enemies, who they see as allied to the pkk, who are unidentified Terrorist Organisation running an insurgency in eastern turkey, they have managed to get russian, american, syrian and Government Forces deployed between them and the turkish forces, really covering their flank. That just gives you some sense of the complexity that is on the ground there. Whats really needed is for there. Whats really needed is for the International Community to get back to where it was in november 20 15th with the agreement of the International Syrian Support Group to focus on both isis on the campaign against them, and on a political settlement for those who can be brought into a political agreement of the competing parties in the syria and civil war. On the complexity, Jonathan Paris, it is interesting to see a tweet from donald trump in prydie 13 when president obama said there was a red line is Chemical Weapons were used in 2013. Line is Chemical Weapons were used in 2013. Donald trump said president obamas weakness and indecision may have saved us from doing a horrible and costly in more ways than money attack on syria. It isa ways than money attack on syria. It is a highly complicated thing. You dont have to go back to 2013, just go back one week and listen to the state m e nts go back one week and listen to the statements that he made and Ambassador Nikki Haley made up the un. That was that we can live with assad. But after he sees that choking babies, he really was impacted. This is a president that is if event driven, if you will. He is if event driven, if you will. He is not an ideological effects guy. You have to take into account what events you have to take into account what eve nts d o you have to take into account what events do to him. That is what assad failed to understand and what putin failed to understand and what putin failed to understand and what putin failed to understand. Mr trump has scored a number of victories with this little manoeuvre. I agree with brisbane, this is a one off in that senseit brisbane, this is a one off in that sense it shouldnt be a mandate for further attacks. But i think assad and iran and russia should be put on notice that they do not own syria. Thank you all very much. Coming up. What will the Missile Strike on syria mean for relations between the United States and syrias ally russia . Well be speaking to a former member of the Russian Parliament from Vladimir Putins party. Coming up. Donald trump was highly critical when barack obama suggested Military Action in syria. Well be looking at why hes decided to intervene Jonathan Paris saying he is an event driven president , not ideological. We will be talking more about that. Lets get the latest Weather Update with ben rich. Good morning. We have got some dry weather to come this weekend. If you have outdoor plans, for once things arent pretty decent shape. It is going to be largely fine and dry are in pretty decent shape. We will see some sunshine and gradually as we head on through the weekend, those temperatures are going to lift as well. Lets take a closer look at things. First of all, lets see how things. First of all, lets see how things are looking out there this morning. Weather watchers have been out there taking their pictures. A misty start in somerset. For others, quite a lot of sunshine, flowers in bloom in lincolnshire. And some beautiful skies in the scottish highlands. Some blue sky and patchy cloud. That really is the story for today. If we look at the recent Satellite Picture you can see some cloud around. Quite a lot of cloud in parts of Northern Ireland, south west scotland, northern england, north wales and the west midlands. Where we have the cloud at the moment it should break up as we go through the rest of the day. Just about all of us should join in with spells of sunshine. As always, thick cloud in the north west of scotland, maybe the odd spot of drizzle and fairly breezy weather here. Further south with the sunshine and light winds, very easily 18 or 19 degrees. But with the dry weather and sunshine, particularly across england and wales, theyre in mind the high pollen love. High pollen levels. Where we get clear spells we can see some fog patches towards the south west, and also temperatures will drop away. Pounds and cities for will drop away. Pounds and cities for 9 will drop away. Pounds and cities for 9 degrees, the Countryside Cold A Band that towns and cities. After the chilly start of the weekend, plenty of warmth and sunshine. Saturday, blue skies for the vast majority. Some extra cloud across the far north of scotland. By tomorrow afternoon, if you want to get out and about in land, temperatures of 21 degrees. It will be cold a to the coast, developing something of a sea breeze across northern england. Sunspots could get to 20, Northern Ireland 17 or 18 degrees. Always for the western and northern isles, a little more cloud and some splashes of rain, temperatures nine or 10 degrees. The Grand National tomorrow of course. The weather fine for the racegoers. Plenty of sunshine, 17 or 18 degrees. Into sunday, the temperatures look like they will climb even further. Warm air wafting its way in from the south. Howell will it get . Across central and eastern england, maybe eastern scotland, it could get up to 19, 20, 21, but possibly 23 or 2a degrees towards the south east. Further north and west, A Band Of Rain Sinking its way into scotland and Northern Ireland. Here it will be cooler. As we get into monday, call are sinking its way southwards across all areas. Dont get used of the warmth on sunday, it isnt going to last for very long cool air. Hello. Welcome back. Two us ships have fired 59 Cruise Missiles against a Syrian Air Base in response to a suspected Chemical Weapons attack on a rebel held town. The syrian army says six people have been killed. I ordered a strike on the airfield in syria from where the Chemical Attack was launched. Yeah, even children are happy with this, these strikes, but speaking for me i can not consider them the strikes, i can consider them only strikes. Russia has condemned the attack as an act of aggression. The kremlin has suspended an agreement with the us designed to prevent clashes between their airforces over syria. The strike on assads forces is a major change of direction for President Trump. He has been highly critical of previous suggestions we will get reaction. And we will talk to a Senior Police officer about why he believes people in possession of drugs, even heroin and cocaine, should be sent to prison. Instead they should go to a workshop. Good morning. Russia has condemned an american Cruise Missile attack that destroyed a Syrian Air Base as an act of aggression. The kremlin has suspended an agreement with the us designed to prevent clashes between their air forces over syria. Washington described its Missile Strike as a proportionate response to a suspected Chemical Weapons attack which it blames on the Syrian Regime. Dozens of civilians were killed. 59 Cruise Missiles were fired from us warships in the mediterranean. President trump said it was in americas National Security interest to prevent the spread of Chemical Weapons as david willis now reports. It was a decisive response from an administration that has often seemed disorganised and at times dysfunctional. A fusillade of tomahawk Cruise Missiles fired from Us Navy Ships in the mediterranean aimed at the Syrian Air Base from which america says that deadly Chemical Weapons attack was launched earlier this week. A Line In The Sand moment for the new commander in chief. On tuesday, syrian dictator Bashar Al Assad launched a horrible Chemical Weapons attack on innocent civilians. Using a deadly nerve agent, assad choked out the lives of helpless men, Women And Children. These are the heart breaking images that moved the president to action, triggering in the process a remarkable shift in Foreign Policy on the part of his nascent administration. A week ago, white house officials professed little interest in Regime Change in syria but the use of what they say was a deadly nerve agent by Bashar Al Assads forces has changed everything. Tonight, i call on all civilised nations to join us in seeking to end the slaughter and bloodshed in syria and also to end terrorism of all kinds and all types. News of the Missile Strike somewhat overshadowed a one day summit with chinas president xi at which the two leaders were expected to discuss the growing threat posed by north korea but depending on where the us goes from here he could find he has his work cut out in syria, a quagmire of a conflict which could define his presidency one way or the other. Lets get more from david in washington. Your report highlighting this Strategy Change essentially, how is this playing out . Interesting, the Previous Administration of barack obama spent about three years doing all it could to avoid getting drawn into the conflict in syria. Here, less tha n into the conflict in syria. Here, less than three months into the new administration of donald trump, we are seeing precisely that, Military Intervention, the firing of 59 tomahawk missiles. The president making the point this is essential to fire a shot across the bows of the administration of Bashar Al Assad and make the point he cant get away with the use of Chemical Weapons. As far as members of congress are concerned, this move seems to have been met fairly favourably although there are some urging that the president Go Through Congress if he decides to mount further action of this kind. Will he do so . Is this a one shot deal . The suggestion is that it might be. But we will have to wait and see. Thank you. A romanian tourist who fell into the river thames during the Westminster Terror Attack has died. Andreea cristea was walking on Westminster Bridge with her boyfriend when they were driven at by the attacker Khalid Masood, who was later shot dead by police. Her boyfriend had planned to propose later that day. Her life support was withdrawn yesterday. The 31 year old becomes the fifth victim of the march 22nd attack. A four year old child has died in an incident at a Farm In Maguiresbridge in Northern Ireland. Police were called out to the farm yesterday evening where the boy was pronounced dead at the scene. Northern irelands police force says officers will work closely with the Health And Safety Executive as they investigate the circumstances of what happened. Thats a summer of the latest news. Paul has texted, america has done what the un did not have the guts to do and trump is proving to be a good president after all. Another text, an attack based on very little. If any proof, other than a video with no date or time in the footage. No go ahead from the un and no proof kwho carried out the Chemical Attack. John emails, unlike his predecessor he has the wit to say enough is enough. Steven tweets, trump did something in three months, unlike obama and his red lines, he was hopeless. Trump has warned assad, well done. Cheryl tweets, in regards to trump how does he think its going to help . War is not the a nswer its going to help . War is not the answer and nor is violence. Another says i never thought i would say this, well done trump, at last someone this, well done trump, at last someone with the courage to go after assad. Now lets call on our mps and Prime Minister tojoin in action against assad and if necessary russia also. David texts, i back the action taken by President Donald Trump against the assad regime. He has been murdering his own people for yea rs has been murdering his own people for years and it must stop. Using Chemical Weapons drew a Line In The Sand and the west responded. Colin on facebook, why doesnt the us and the west keep its nose out of other countrys business, we will be attacked and will be the bad guys in the end, thank you for those comments. Keep them coming in. Texts will be charged at the Standard Network rate. Lets catch up Standard Network rate. Lets catch up with all the sport. Golfs world Number One Dustin was devastated at having to pull out of the masters. He hurt his lower back on wednesday when he fell down the stairs. I feel like i am playing the best golf in my career right now and for me to pull out, i mean, it sucks really bad. You know, i am very sad that i have to do it but its a Freak Accident and i feel like i wa nted Freak Accident and i feel like i wanted to play, i wanted to try to play. Its just, you wanted to play, i wanted to try to play. Itsjust, you know, iam not going to be able to compete like this. Lee westwood is the leading brittain after a blustery opening round. He made five birdies in a row to come home in 70. He is 2 under par. The defending champion Danny Willett had a rollercoaster round, including an eagle but a double bogey and three bogeys, he is one over. The leader out in front by four is the american Charlie Hoffman. He hit a round of 65. Outstanding really. It was tricky conditions on the course. There were truly awful conditions in shanghai where practice ahead of this weekends chinese grand prix was also wiped out. The first session disrupted and the second never got started as the medical helicopter couldnt operate. It wasnt safe for the drivers to go out on to the track. Under the circumstances, the drivers had to find alternative entertainment. Lewis hamilton lending his hand. He said organisers really need to find a way to better cope when the conditions are this bad. She wont be able to defend her month after testing positive for epo. She will face sanctions if her b sample also failed. And thats all the sport for new. The romanian woman who fell into the thames during the westminster attract has died. Andreea cristea became the 5th victim. Tom symonds is with me now. Tell us more about her and what happened. She was romanian, 31 and was a promising architect and she had come to london for a visit with her fiancee, they we re for a visit with her fiancee, they were looking he was going to propose to her on this trip. He himself was injured. The car came towards them, hit him, seems to have pushed her against the side of the bridge and possibly over the railing into the water on the bridge that day. I think it was a particularly shocking incident as part of a very shocking incident as part of a very shocking day. Clearly there will be an inquest to examine the real cause of her death. But she fell into the water. She was rescued quite quickly, taken to hospital and then transferred to st barts where she had been receiving Specialist Care but the doctors took the decision, i think yesterday, to turn off her Life Support Machine and she has become the fifth victim of this Terrorist Attack in central london. Really sad. Theres a picture of her and her boyfriend who was going to propose on the trip. What is the latest on the Police Investigation . Before i say that, let me give you some idea of What Herfamily before i say that, let me give you some idea of what her family have said. The police put out a statement, the family have described her as the most u like and life loving person you can imagine. She was cruelly and brutally ripped away from our lives in the most heartless and spiritless way. She will always be remembered as our shining ray of light that will forever keep on shining in our hearts. Of course to remember those other victims of this attack. Kurt cochrane from utah and Leslie Rhodes and asha frayde. To turn to the investigation, its ongoing. The u na nswered investigation, its ongoing. The unanswered question is what was behind the attack. We do know that Khalid Masood was a convert to islam. But there is very little about any degree of radicalisation that may have happened to him later in his life. I think that really is still the focus of the Police Investigation. All of those who were arrested in the wake of the attack have been released. Thank you very much. I want to show you pictures of the Syrian Air Base that was hit by the american air strikes overnight. These pictures just coming through from russian State Television. I am not sure we can bring them to you right now. While we try to get access to those pictures, the reports are that nine aircraft were com pletely reports are that nine aircraft were completely destroyed in the attack. Limited damage to the runway. Minor damage on the runway it seems according to the pictures that we are trying to bring you now. The pictures have been shown on russian news channel. We are still trying to bring you those pictures. We will go to them as soon as we can. We are also getting more reaction. Here, the Defence Secretary said the uk government fully supported americas decision to act. A number of other World Leaders have also stated their support for washingtons Missile Strike as keith doyle reports. Syrian tv reporting the air strikes. The presenter announcing that there was a Missile Strike by the United States. The tv played National Music and showed pictures of the syrian army. The Information Minister told the station that the strike was limited in time and space and was expected and he did not anticipate any escalation. The Defence Secretary said the uk was given advance warning and the government supported the us action. The americans believe they have exhausted all possible diplomatic and peaceful ways of dealing with the use by the regime of Chemical Weapons. And they have been determined to try to prevent future attacks like this. So theyve taken this action today, limited and appropriate action, against the airfield and the aeroplanes and the equipment that was used, they believe, in this attack. And that is action that we fully support. As the us released pictures of the flight paths taken by the syrian planes, it says we re paths taken by the syrian planes, it says were involved in tuesdays Chemical Attack, and aerial shots of this mornings bombed airfield, russia issued a strongly worded statement calling the bombing aggression against a sovereign state in violation of international law. And insisting the syrian army did not use Chemical Weapons. The israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Neta nyahu welcomed the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu welcomed the us attack, saying that in both word and action mrtrump saying that in both word and action mr trump sends saying that in both word and action Mrtrump Sendsa saying that in both word and action mr trump sends a strong and clear message that the use and spread of Chemical Weapons will not be tolerated. Other World Leaders gave similar support. The Australian Government strongly supports the swift and just response of the United States. This was a calibrated, portion at and targeted response. It sends a strong message to the assad regime. Syrian rebel groups called on the us to continue the attacks. They and the world will wait to see if this situation escalates. Keith doyle, bbc news. Lets show you the pictures we have got from the airbase which was hit by the american air strikes, and we can see their rubble. As we continue to look. That seems to be inside. Mike there you go. Thats the runway which, as we have been hearing on reports, was not damaged. Or at least there is no particularly significant sign of damage to the runway in the pictures we are seeing here. It is being reported that nine aircraft were destroyed in these attacks, those missiles launched overnight, 58 of them. These pictures are being shown on russian State Television, which show the damage to the airbase. Russia has said that the russians we re russia has said that the russians were killed in the attack at the airbase. The United States did give warning to russia ahead of the attack. There were some killed. Reports that six people were killed at the airbase. Lets go to our Political Correspondent eleanor garnier. Joining us live from westminster. Strong International Support, eleanor, for americas actions, including from britain. Britain has been at the forefront of the support for the us strikes in syria. And the Defence Secretary, Michael Fallon, said that he the Prime Minister had been kept informed throughout. He said hed spoken to the us Defence Secretary yesterday, and they discussed the various options that the us were looking at. And then he also spoke to him again and was informed that donald trump had made the decision for the strikes to go ahead. Michael fallon described the strikes as appropriate. He said that they were limited, and he said that they were a response to what he called the barbaric Chemical Attacks that had taken place earlier this week. I did ask him whether the uk itself would be getting involved in any Military Action and why it hadnt been involved overnight too. He stressed again and again that this was action taken by the us alone. The us had not asked for the uk to be involved. He did also say that if the uk were to consider any Military Action, it would go back to parliament, back to mps, and there would be a vote in the House Of Commons. He also noted that back in 2013 there was a vote about Military Action in syria, and that was of course rejected by mps. Allen, thank you. Lets get reaction from russia. We can talk now sergei markov, who is a former mp of president putins united russia party. Thank you forjoining us. Is your reaction . My reaction is that donald trump wants to show that he is not as weak as barack obama. He is not as weak as barack obama. He isa is not as weak as barack obama. He is a really tough guy. He wants to become a real president. That is why he decided to use such provocation of these Chemical Weapons, which can be organised by al nusra, and everybody who is informed understands this very well. What will the impact be in terms of american russia relations . will the impact be in terms of american russia relations . Ithink now russia will react strongly by words, and carefully by action. Because russia understands very well that donald trump bombed syria for domestic political purposes. It was kind of what we call congress, a political object of congress. That is why russia will react carefully. Russia will say it is aggression against another country, the Security Council should go. But i dont think that the clashes between russia and the United States will really happen. After donald trump will reach his domestic political goals. And we of course are concerned about unpredictability of behaviour of washington which we have had in the last few years. And we are very have had in the last few years. And we are very much disappointed that the United States, in cooperation with al nusra and alqaeda in syria, and in the ukraine. In the end, i mean, it doesnt matter what you say or think about Donald Trumps motivation being to play to a domestic audience, if it impacts on the situation on the ground in syria, it will have its desired effect. In syria, from a Military Point of view, this air strike means not too much. Because this airfield, especially for these aeroplanes, and also, we should look more carefully on the future. If the United States really will try to make such a war in syria, which they have conducted in iraq, of course it would be a new catastrophe for the middle east. It could lead to the conflict, potential Military Conflict with russia. But if the United States or in the limited by this and possibly a second air strike, we will not be in that situation and we will continue our russian policy as we used to. Why is it that there are still, there is still the capability by syria to use Chemical Weapons when there was that agreement under which russia was supposed to oversee the ending of the use of Chemical Weapons to secure and destroyed them . Russia failed to do that . Weapons to secure and destroyed them . Russia failed to do that7m isa them . Russia failed to do that7m is a great question, everybody can understand. Look from asads point of view. The Press Spokesman of donald trump talking war, against Bashar Al Assad. Two days after this, Bashar Al Assad decided to use Chemical Weapons, with no real military reasons. You know, its madness. To believe that Bashar Al Assad organised this Chemical Attack, it is not think what happened. It is pure propaganda. Of course, the Chemical Attack has been organised by al nusra, undermining possible corporation between russia and the United States. And al nusra made it quite effective. Thank you for joining made it quite effective. Thank you forjoining us, sergei markov. Well the decision by donald trump to launch an attack on the Syrian Government regime marks a big shift in policy. Throughout his president ial campaign mr trump strongly opposed Military Intervention. However, after tuesdays suspected Chemical Attack he made clear his attitude had changed. Heres a reminder of what mrtrump was changed. Heres a reminder of what mr trump was saying up to this week. But if they ever did overthrow asad, you might end up with as bad as asad did, and hes a bad guy. But you might end up worse than Bashar Al Assad. That attack on children yesterday had a big impact on me, a big impact. It was a horrible, horrible thing, andi impact. It was a horrible, horrible thing, and i will tell you, its already happened that my attitude towards syria and Bashar Al Assad has changed very much. They will have a message, you will see what the message will be. Tonight i ordered a targeted militarily strike on the airfield in syria from where the Chemical Attack was launched. Florida senator marco rubio, who ran against donald trump for the republican president ial nomination, has given his response to the strikes. My first reaction is too obviously acknowledge and appreciate the skill and bravery of our men and women in uniform. The president took an appropriate step tonight, it is not just symbolic. He an appropriate step tonight, it is notjust symbolic. He took an appropriate step tonight, it is not just symbolic. He took an an appropriate step tonight, it is notjust symbolic. He took an attack Againstan Notjust symbolic. He took an attack against an airfield from which these Chemical Attacks were conducted against innocent civilians. And i think the president made the right move. Obviously now it is an attack that have a strategic objective, degrading asads capability to continue to attack his own people with nerve agents like siren. We can talk to a writer for the New York Times. Thank you very much for joining us. How do you think this is going to go down in america . Well, i think initially this could actually be addressed the position of donald trump, he has had a quite rocky 77 day presidency so far. This shows him to be decisive and strong. After obama in 2013 failed to call asad into account after using Chemical Weapons against his own people, many saw obama as being weak. Now trump can show himself to be decisive. However, there are serious risks. The base that selected mr trump come primarily from rust belt states, they elected him on the economy. The last thing they want is for the United States to become mired in another war in the region. There are also risks vis a vis his relationship with mr but in Going Forward , relationship with mr but in Going Forward, and also we have seen in the past that isis can take advantage of power vacuum in the region, that this can cause of the United States can suddenly focused on taking on mr assad rather than the Islamic State. He has been criticised for being unpredictable. Does unpredictability actually, is itan does unpredictability actually, is it an asset in this situation . In some ways it is an asset. As we have seen some ways it is an asset. As we have seen with the chinese, who Field Are Stabilised by mr trump, seen with the chinese, who Field Are Stabilised by mrtrump, seen with the chinese, who Field Are Stabilised by mr trump, who field by stabilised. His lack of predictability can put his opponents on edge and possibly work to his advantage. And in terms of the sort of, the way that the story will be covered, i mean, you are with the New York Times, there has been animosity between the New York Times and donald trump and, you know, the sort of war between him and the media. That does seem to have gone away. How do you now assess donald trump as president and whether we are starting to see a sort of new direction, potentially . U nfortu nately unfortunately our line there froze. We will still have plenty of reaction to those events overnight in syria. The american air strike on an air base reportedly nine aircraft destroyed by the airstrikes but the ramifications extending beyond what the impact is on the Military Capability on the ground. Also coming up we will be speaking to a Police Officer who thinks possession of drugs, even heroin and cocaine, should not be punished with prison. And we will look at the history of the syrian conflict to see how we got to the stage where the us felt it needed to attack a Syrian Air Base. Letsjoin base. Lets join rachel for base. Letsjoin rachel for all base. Lets join rachel for all the news. Good morning. Russia has condemned an american Cruise Missile attack that destroyed a Syrian Air Base as an act of aggression. The kremlin has suspended an agreement with the United States designed to prevent clashes between their airforces over syria. Washington says its Missile Strike was a proportionate response to a suspected Chemical Weapons attack which it blames on the Syrian Regime. Dozens of civilians were killed. 59 Cruise Missiles were fired from us warships in the mediterranean. President trump said it was in americas National Security interest to prevent the spread of Chemical Weapons. Tonight i ordered a targeted Military Strike on the airfield in syria from where the Chemical Attack was launched. A romanian tourist who fell into the river thames during the Westminster Terror Attack has died. Andreea cristea was walking on Westminster Bridge with her boyfriend when they were driven at by the attacker Khalid Masood, who was later shot dead by police. Her boyfriend had planned to propose later that day. Her life support was withdrawn yesterday. The 31 year old becomes the fifth victim of the march 22nd attack. A four year old child has died in an incident at a Farm In Maguiresbridge in Northern Ireland. Police were called out to the farm yesterday evening where the boy was pronounced dead at the scene. Northern irelands police force says officers will work closely with the Health And Safety Executive as they investigate the circumstances of what happened. There is been a sharp rise in the number of accident and Emergency Departments in england turning away ambulances, thats compared with the previous three years. Analysis by the Nuffield Trust shows ambulances we re the Nuffield Trust shows ambulances were diverted 500 times. Nhs england says too many ambulances are being despatched and the system is under review. Thats a summary of the latest news. Join me at 11am. Now back tojoanna. Thank you very much. Lets catch up with the sport. Only one place to start, and thats with golf. Dustinjohnson offered drama on the opening day of the masters as he pulled out before the first round. Its only the second time in the tournaments history that the world number one wont feature at the first major of the year. He hurt his back in a fall downstairs at his Rental Property on wednesday. Heading out to the first tee he said he couldnt swing a club and that prompted him to pull out. Lee westwood is the leading britain. He struggled on the front nine but recovered with five birdies in a row on the back nine to put himself up there on the leaderboard. The drivers had to find an alternative form of entertainment when practice ahead of this weekends chinese grand prix was badly affected by poor weather. Lewis hamilton apologised to fans and said organisers need to find a better way to cope when the weather is bad. The olympic mar shoon champion of kennia has failed an out of competition drugs test. She wont be able to defend her title this month after she tested positive for the Blood Booster epo. Its ladies day at aintree. The feature race was won by tea for two. Back to you. A statement from the pentagon on that Cruise Missile strike against syrian airforce, that Cruise Missile strike against Syrian Air Force, statement put out by Pentagon Spokesman saying at the direction of the president the us forces conducted a Cruise Missile strike at about 8. Aopm local time. The strike targeted an airfield in response to the Syrian Governments Chemical Weapons attack. A total of 59 tomahawk missiles targeted storage, ammunition supply bunkers, air Defence Systems and radars. As always, the us took extraordinary measures to avoid civilian casualties and to comply with the law of armed conflict. Every precaution was taken to execute the strike with minimal risk to personnel at the airfield. The strike was a proportional response to assads heinous act. The airfield was used to store Chemical Weapons and Syrian Air Forces. Was used to store Chemical Weapons and syrian airforces. The Us Intelligence community assesses that aircraft from there conducted the Chemical Weapons attack on lith april. The strike was intended to deter the regime from using Chemical Weapons again. Russian forces were notified in advance of the strike using the established deconfliction line. We are assessing the results of the strike. Initial indications are that the strike had severely damaged or destroyed syrian aircraft and support infrastructure and equipment at the airfield, reducing the Syrian Governments ability to deliver Chemical Weapons. The use of Chemical Weapons against innocent people will not be tolerated. That statement just through from the pentagon. We are also hearing from donald tusk, president of the European Council who tweeted to say the strikes show needed resolve against barbaric Chemical Attacks. The eu will work with the us to end brutality in syria. That echoing strong International Support for the american actions overnight. We will talk more about it short . If youre caught with Class A Drugs you can swap prison for an Education Workshop thats part of a controversial new scheme by avon and somerset police. The force is one of the first in the country to adopt the policy. A Senior Officer says possession of drugs even cocaine and heroin should not be punished with imprisonment. Instead offenders are offered a three and a half hour Education Workshop, known as a diversion course. Critics say the initiative may be simply a slap on the wrist. Fiona lamdins had access to the workshop. Weve got more users arriving. Police out on the streets of bristol, looking for dealers. Ill just wait at the bottom of st nicks, wait for him to come down here and ill stop him. Their drugs. Theres two, two in there, and he was ready to smoke it. And their buyers. Im a Police Officer. Do you have something on you you shouldnt have . But when they do find them, these days many drug users are not being arrested. If police in bristol now catch people carrying even Class A Drugs, there is another option other than the criminaljustice system. We can deal with this on the street, something called a drugs educational programme. The drugs education programme, or dep, a compulsory three hours in the classroom. Were not going to say, youre going to be a heroin addict, youre going to go to prison, but already, just by using drugs, youre putting yourself at a real big risk. Its offered to anyone caught just in possession, even of heroin and cocaine. We have been given unique access. Lsd. So far they have had nearly 400 people through the doors. What happened . I hallucinated, a lot. And the consequences of taking them. It really does limit the kind of work you can get. A lot of you, you said you hadnt told your employers, do you mind sharing maybe why . Id be sacked, yeah. Straightaway. Understandably, most on the course dont want to be identified, but they all tell us that being here is better than being arrested. I was found with cocaine in a nightclub. Id use it every now and again on a night out. I dont think ill use again because of the shock ive had and the whole process and everything. So would you go so far as to say its a life changer . Yeah, definitely, because myjob means so much to me. What were not going to do patronise you, were not going to stand here and say that alldrugs are bad. I would have lost myjob if id got a criminal record so its a massive relief, it would have been life changing, definitely. Back on the streets, the police find this man. They know him well. Have you scored yet . Hes only 28 but the daily wraps of Crack Cocaine are killing him. The course isnt for everyone. This man is now far too ill to be offered it but even here the emphasis is on getting him into treatment. You are close to dying. Every time i see you youre like scrambling around hepburn road trying to find wraps. The Misuse Of Drugs Act was brought in in 1971. We live in a different world now. This new approach has come from this man, paul bunt. He says the current legislation just isnt working. There are plenty of people out there who would find it frankly absurd that someone, for the possession ofjust a few grains of powder, could end up in prison for seven years. People who supply these substances are the criminals, theyre the people who are profiteering from other peoples misery. People who use these substances, in my view, need help. But they need help with consequences. This isnt a free ride. White male, white female, both wearing black. And then we come across this. Hes blatantly breaking the law. And when Police Arrest him, they find drugs. He will face court for the criminal damage but even he will be offered a course for the drugs. Some will say thats just too lenient. No, i dont think its a soft touch, i think it makes absolute sense. What weve done in effect is replaced a Court Appearance with a three and a half hour educational intervention, which they have to attend. They have to attend it, they have to remain at it and they have to actively engage in it. If they do all that, they escape a Court Appearance. So this isnt a soft touch. Because i believe that a Court Appearance wont give them the benefit of our intervention. This is a drug that we just dont know what its doing to people, it really does mess you up. Back in the classroom, the lesson is the danger of drugs. Graphic photographs of heroin users. On this slide here, this is septicaemia setting in. And a youtube film of a man paralysed by spice. This guy is physically paralysed and his body has just gone into shock. I think for me, i was in the Prison Service for 20 years, and in that time i saw the same people come in and out for the same offences, quite often drug related. By the end of my career i was seeing people come in and then i was seeing their children come in, and that, for me, is very sad. And in the worst cases, death. It was as a result of drugs. Something needs to change. I decided to get myself clean. And if pictures arent enough, they wheel in a real life survivor. Mark has come along to tell his story. I found myself homeless and living on the street, shoplifting, stealing, lying to people. But taking heroin and crack. I dont want anyone else to go through what i went through, basically, so if i can open peoples eyes and they get more awareness around drug use and abuse, then hopefully it can do some good and save people. The drugs are cut with drain cleaner, they re cut with brick dust. The pilot scheme has been running for a year. Were the first to film it. They say its been a huge success. No one so far whos been here has been rearrested. Drugs are always glorified but this is sort of unglorifying them. Its been an eye opener. But does it mean people are stopping taking drugs . No, not necessarily. Honestly, will this make a difference to your future drug use . Its not going to stop me taking them as such, but i would be a bit more careful about who is around me, what my environment is. I would definitely play it smarter, probably keep it in the privacy of my own home, not stand out on the street taking it. And the police say even that is a success. We are specifically looking to use the drug education as much as possible. Tonight theyre preparing for an operation at a bristol nightclub. Theyre getting a really high success rate so hopefully that will prevent them reoffending. The police dog is out searching for drugs and those they find in possession are likely to face a course rather than a criminal record. Critics may call this a soft touch but Police Forces across the uk are watching this trial with interest and if it works, this soft touch could be rolled out nationwide. If you want to watch that again its on the programme page. Back to our main news. The United States has carried out a Cruise Missile attack ona carried out a Cruise Missile attack on a Syrian Air Base. Us officials have said a red line had been crossed by President Assads regime when it carried out a Chemical Attack on dozens of men, Women And Children in a rebel held town this week. Lets look back at what started this deadly conflict six yea rs started this deadly conflict six years ago. Middle eastern music. Chanting. A red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of Chemical Weapons moving around or being utilised. That would change my calculus. Middle eastern music. Why does it fall on us yet again . To me, the biggest danger of escalation is it the world community, not just britain, but america and others, stand back and do nothing. Because i think assad will draw very clear conclusions from that. The ayes to the right, 272. The nos to the left, 285. No one can imagine what happened inside aleppo because its a madness. We hope that, really we hope to have a ceasefire soon because those people now are dying here. They cannot go and they cannot leave. Really, its catastrophic, the situation here, its really catastrophic. We condemn the use of Chemical Weapons in all circumstances. If proven, this will be further evidence of the barbarism of the Syrian Regime. Justin bronk is a military airpower and Technology Expert at the Royal United Services institute, an independent thinktank. And ahmad was part of the student uprising against the Syrian Government that began the conflict. He fled the fighting and made the perilous journey to the uk. Thank you both for coming in. Ahmed, what is your reaction . The americans previously said in red line was crossed when Chemical Weapons were used. There was no Military Action. Now there has been. used. There was no Military Action. Now there has been. I mean, from a syrian perspective, its a bit cynical, because already we have over 500,000 people killed. But when you see the Us Government intervening in that country because of the use of the Chemical Weapons, the Syrian People feel like they have been let down, you know. It sends a message, you can carry out killing people using conventional weapons, but if you use the Chemical Weapons, but if you use the Chemical Weapons, it is a red line. Does it make a difference, Going Forward . think initially it does make some difference. I mean, already the damage has been done. The number of people have been killed, the number of displaced people is appalling. But i think it sends out a message that in is enough, and that the assad regime should consider carefully what steps it is going to ta ke to carefully what steps it is going to take to go ahead. What impact do you think the lack of intervention before has had . Think the lack of intervention before has had . Because obviously, as we mentioned, president obama said that if Chemical Weapons had been used it would be a red line. They were used, and nothing happened. In terms of the reaction within syria to the way the International Community was responding and sort of where they might sort of get support from, and also the message that it sends to President Assad . I think its really, now, the reaction is a bit mixed in syria. For example, i have been trying to follow my friends backin been trying to follow my friends back in syria, watching syrian news. I think it is a kind of mixed reaction. Some people are very happy, syrians, you reaction. Some people are very happy, syrians, you know, reaction. Some people are very happy, syrians, you know, very happy because the us eventually intervened to destroy the syrian air power which the Syrian People have suffered a lot because of it. On the other side you have goggles of people you have got a lot of people you have got a lot of people who say it is not going to change anything. This has been going for a long time. I think the carnage will still carry on. Justin, reaction coming out from the kremlin, amongst other things, the Russian Defence ministry is saying the us air strikes or a crude violation of thejoint the us air strikes or a crude violation of the joint agreement on syrian air safety. What was that agreement . So the russians and the Us Led Coalition have established a series of working protocols to the conflict 2 d conflict as base on both sides. The russians predominantly supporting Syrian Army Operations and the American Coalition going after buyers. There is crossover because it is crowded airspace. Going after daesh. These strikes were a violation of safety protocols, according to the russians, because it has been made clear that the russians were warned, andindeed clear that the russians were warned, and indeed warning the russians has almost certainly discreet so practically the effectiveness of those strikes because the warnings will have been passed on. Also having time to withdraw the aircraft. I think what the russians or annoyed about is that there was a tacit understanding that if the us led strikes only targeted by ayesh and stayed carefully away from any Syrian Regime forces dog will only targeted by daesh. Any Syrian Regime forces dog will only targeted by daesh. How do you pick your way through it . There is strong rhetoric on both sides, it is strong rhetoric on both sides, it is the actions in the end that matter. It is worth judging is the actions in the end that matter. It is worthjudging russian intentions by what they have supported and perpetrated. That is large scale lit sing of aleppo and besieged cities alongside the Syrian Air Force besieged cities alongside the syrian airforce besieged cities alongside the Syrian Air Force large scale blitzing. The russians do not have any particular humanitarian objections. They dont particularly care if civilians are killed in large numbers, it is about your bid geopolitical influence and keeping assad in power, that gives them a lot of points in the non western world, defender of regimes who the we st world, defender of regimes who the west is going after for human rights abuses. So they are very annoyed about that. There will be some retaliation probably in other theatres. You might see pressure increased for example in eastern ukraine, just shown 80 and the us in particular there will be consequences. Particular there will be consequences. particular there will be consequences. Just to show native. What will be interesting is if the strikes or extended to further regime targets, what happens then to the status of Russian Defence and syrian air defences with regards to Coalition Air power . You know, it is unlikely that russian, even russian air defences would fire an american aircraft, but threats to do so could be made. And therefore there is the sort of game of bluff on either side and the potential for escalation both inside syria and also externally, it is through real. Ahmed kamar how do you feel now about syrias future . Ahmed. Do you feel any more optimistic today . I always want to be optimistic, but after the damage, according to recent figures from the United Nations in syria today we have over 500,000 people killed, over1 billion people are injured in this conflict. And over 5 Million People are taking refuge in the neighbouring countries 1 billion people are injured. 7 billion people or internally displaced. What happened in the last six years is beyond imagination. Ithink happened in the last six years is beyond imagination. I think it will ta ke beyond imagination. I think it will take a very, very long time for the syrians to go back to the stage which is starting. Thank you both very much. I want to finish with a couple of comments. Rosemary e mail saying, i think donald trump us acted hastily has acted hastily. Assad would have been stupid to use Chemical Weapons, i hope not being drawn into consultation with russia over what could have been a false flag attack by allied rebels. Thank you for all of your comments today. Bbc newsroom live is coming up next. Thank you for your company today. Have a good day. Have a lovely weekend. Goodbye. Out in the countryside once again may be cold enough for a touch of frost. Tomorrow after a chilly start a Beautiful Day in prospect. Blue skies and sunshine for the most part, thicker cloud in the far north of scotland. Best of the brightness 20, maybe 21 degrees. On sunday the temperatures could get even higher towards the south east. Maybe 23 or 24. Boudia and cooler in the north west. Claudio. This is bbc news, and these are the top stories developing at 11am. The us launches air strikes on syria over its suspected use of Chemical Weapons on civilians. Tonight i ordered a targeted Military Strike on the airfield in syria from where the Chemical Attack was launched. Russia which backs syria condemns the attack, calling it an act of aggression against a sovereign nation other World Leaders backed the us here, the Defence Secretary called it an appropriate response to the barbaric Chemical Weapons attack

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