Transcripts For BBCNEWS Victoria Derbyshire 20170320 : compa

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Victoria Derbyshire 20170320

hi, i'm anna. i felt hi, i'm anna. ifeltjudged in a pub garden with my thought earn at midday when i was drinking half applejuice half midday when i was drinking half apple juice half soda. midday when i was drinking half applejuice half soda. ifelt it midday when i was drinking half apple juice half soda. i felt it was decision to be there and it was my decision to be there and it was my decision to be there and it was my decision to drink that drinkg my decision to drink that drink and i wasn't putting her in danger. i'm i had my son when i -19 and sky, i had my son when i was 19 and judged for being a young mum. welcome to the programme, we're live until 11. throughout the morning — the latest breaking news woman. — dame vera lynn the forces sweetheart who is 100 today...she's been performing since she was 7 years old but really came to prominence when she entertained the troops during the second world war. our top story today. police have arrested a man on suspicion of murdering a one—year—old boy at a flat in north london. the man will also be questioned on suspicion of attempting to murder a girl, thought to be the boy's twin sister. our reporter kathryn stancheshun is at the scene. what is the laffiifi what is the §e§§ee as what is the leeeeee as you can see, wilberforce road here in finsbury park remains 7,555,372, 54 off this eepe e5;5;;;;;51;:35 eb it; ., and by metropolitan morning and manned by metropolitan police officers. there's been some intense police activity on this police officers. there's been some intens in nolice activity on this police officers. there's been some intens in the e activity on this police officers. there's been some intens in the last :ivity on this police officers. there's been some intens in the last 2a y on this police officers. there's been some intens in the last 2a hours. is street in the last 2a hours. forensic teams going in and out of ‘e‘ej‘ property forensic teams going in and out of ‘e‘e‘e‘ property just forensic teams going in and out of ‘e‘e‘e‘ propertyjust up there, the cream propertyjust up there, the cream propertyjust up there, the top flat where this incident the cream propertyjust up there, the top fla' also, a this incident the cream propertyjust up there, the top fla' also, manyincident the cream propertyjust up there, the top fla' also, many house—to—house happened. also, many house—to—house inquiries taking place yesterday and i’l’; are e]; are still talking to “use of police are still talking to some of the residents on this street this ‘j‘ee ”eeie‘e-el'e a». elsi; ee—eej; gel; 77 . 7 ,.. .. .. .. .. what ‘j‘ee ”eeie‘e-el'e .a.a. elsi; ee—eej; gel; 77 . 7 ,.. .. .. .. .. what we ‘j‘ee ”eeie‘e-el'e .a.a. elsi; ee—eej; gel; 7. . 7 ... .. .. .. .. what we know is that ‘j‘ee ”eeie‘a-el'a aa. elsi; ee—eej; gel; 7. . 7 ... .. .. .. .. what we know is that iipm morning. what we know is that iipm on saturggy night, there were on saturday night, there were reports of noises, of shouting and and of a woman askin for screaming, and of a woman asking for 7” police ' e screaming, and of a woman asking for 7” police arrive e screaming, and of a woman asking for 7” police arrive add e screaming, and of a woman asking for 7” police arrive add the e screaming, and of a woman asking for 7” police arrive add the flat e screaming, and of a woman asking for § police arrive add the flat to % help. police arrive add the flat to find the two children, a one—year—old boy and one—year—old one—year—old boy and one—yearflatd with severe injuries. they were girl with severe injuries. they were both taken to hospital but sadly the l's—ale eel—ae le. lela'lll l. l llela ll”... . ...... ear—el ell—ll. ll llll'lll l. l llel. lll.. . ...... boy ear—el ell—ll. ll llll'lll l. l llll. lll. . ...... boy later little boy later died. now, police have arrested jlll%v —~—r . 7 yesterday put out an the}; earllmmstudallrltlagtan 7 .. to speak the}; earllmmstudallrltlagtan 7 7 to speak to the man in the}; earllmmstudallrltlagtan 7 7 to s with to the man in the}; earllmmstudallrltlagtan 7 7 to s with this 1e man in the}; earllmmstudallrltlagtan 7 7 to s with this in£id§nt he's connection with this incident. he's believed to be the twin's father. he's- questioned believed to be the twin's father. he's - questioned at an east he's being questioned at an east london station he's being questioned at an east london - station this morning. an update on the little girl — we know - remains in an update on the little girl — we know. remains in a critical but know she remains in a critical but sta ble know she remains in a critical but stable condition. it's understood she was taken to one hospital in yesterday then transferred to iffl’l -., “if: ‘e. for more s-ecialist another for more specialist care. police say that they believe a postmortem examination i going to postmortem examination is going to ta ke postmortem examination is going to take place of the in due take place of the little boy in due course. that could be take place of the little boy in due course. that could - be later course. that could possibly be later today. thank; very of the rest of the day,s news. care companies have cancelled contracts with 95 uk councils, saying they cannot deliver services for the amount they are being paid. a bbc panorama investigation found some firms said they could not recruit or retain the staff they needed. sian lloyd reports. good morning. amanda is one of the uk's 800,000 home care workers. today she's with a former teacher williams who has multiple william williams who has. multiele amanda's williaro williaros. who has. rollltiolo amanda's paid é an eeleeee eqeeee; bee ee ee e; just above beleebb eqebeeb bee ee ee eb just above the living wage and, - many warth care wage and, like many warth care workers, she struggles to - wage and, like many warth care worke she's i struggles to mel‘e-j wage and, like many warth care worke she's on ruggles to mel‘e-j wage and, like many warth care worke she's on a ggles to mel‘e-j wage and, like many warth care worke she's on a zero g to mel‘e-j wage and, like many warth care worke she's on a zero hours .l‘e-j wage and, like many warth care worke she's on a zero hours contract her hours are not they |ours are not they did s are not they did look not they did look into guaranteed. they did look iotoi more four years ago but they paying more four years ago but they % paying more four years ago but they 77:1: do it. ' e ' paying more four years ago but they ”21: do it. it's e ' paying more four years ago but they ”21: do it. it's hard. e ' paying more four years ago but they g do it. it's hard. amanda % paying more four years ago but they g do it. it's hard. amanda is e couldn't do it. it's hard. amanda is employed in bangor. the firm is paid by local councils to provide home ca re by local councils to provide home care but it currently has 30 vacancies and is struggling to take on new clients. last year, the company stopped providing care for one local council, conway and handed back the contract. conway council says it's committed to supporting vulnerable people in communities despite facing financial challenges. but conwy‘s not alone. our research reveals across the uk, almost 100 councils have had home care councils.havehadhomecoze... , handed back to them. the contracts handed back to them. the uk declined to be uk government declined to be interviewed but in a statement said it will be bringing forward proposals later this year to ensure a more financially sustainable social care system. good evening, mr williams... with more of us living longer and a 322555 of care . more of us living longer and a eieeiieheiefi of care workers, growing shortage of care workers, the pressure on people like amanda continue to figures obtained by this programme show 1.2 million single—parent many of those families have been chasing the payments for years, aodgovemmeolfiw owed to them is £3.8 billion. and we'll have more on that shortly. new mums feel scrutinised and regulated by family, friends and strangers, research from cardiff university suggests. a small study found new mothers felt "judged" over what they were feeding their babies, as well as what they were eating themselves while pregnant. at least 17 people have been killed in ghana when a huge tree was swept over a waterfall and crashed down onto a group of swimmers below. the tree had been uprooted during a powerful storm. most of those killed were high school pupils. tests carried out on the body of the man shot dead at orly airport near paris on saturday show he'd been taking drugs and drinking alcohol. ziyed ben belgacem grabbed an automatic rifle from a soldier before being killed by her colleagues. the man's father told french radio wasn't a terrorist or a practising muslim. the director of the fbi, james comey, will give evidence today about alleged russian interference in the us election campaign. appearing before the house intelligence committee, he's also expected to face questions about a second explosive issue. president trump's claim that his predecessor, barack obama, authorised a wire—tap of trump tower during the campaign. big changes in calculating personal injury insurance payouts come into effect today, which will mean higher compensation for some, but more costs for the industry. it comes after pressure f 3454. .-..'.- l .ei.lil.!i}11i!!il'l‘l2 the discount rate which determines how much the nhs, or insurance companies, must pay up front to successful claimants to cover their lifetime care. mps from four committees — across transport, health and the environment — are coming together to look at the issue of air pollution. they'll scrutinise whether the problem go far enough, as andy moore explains. a bus that looks clean enough until you view its exhaust through a special infrared camera that detects pollution. the same goes for this car. poorair pollution. the same goes for this car. poor air quality is contributing to the early deaths of 40,000 people in the uk every year. much of the pollution comes from nitrogen dioxide and tiny particles. diesel vehicles once thought to be pa rt diesel vehicles once thought to be part of the solution are now seen as worst offenders. the problem is the worst offenders. the problem is one that cuts across many branches one that cuts across—many branehee government. so the house of of government. so the house of commons believes it's best to pool resources to analyse what's being done. a of resources to analyse what's being done. a - of four sessions will resources to analyse what's being do held - of four sessions will resources to analyse what's being do held jointly if four sessions will resources to analyse what's being do held jointly by >ur sessions will resources to analyse what's being do held jointly by these ;sions will resources to analyse what's being do held jointly by these committees: theirjob will be to scrutinise the government's plans to tackle urban air pollution. last november, the high court said the government must come up with a draft plan to tackle air pollution in our cities by the 24th april, a full plan must be in place by the end ofjuly. last month, union said 16 of the uk were breaching air parts of the uk were breaching air quality directives. it's given the government two months to come up with a scheme to solve the problem 01’ with a scheme to solve the problem orface a with a scheme to solve the problem or face a multi—million with a scheme to solve the problem orface a multi—million pound with a scheme to solve the problem or face a multi—million pound fine. the government says it's committed to improving the uk's air quality and recently announced a further £290 million in funding to tackle the problem. andy moore, bbc news. the forces' sweetheart, dame vera lynn, is celebrating to mark the occasion, a 350 foot image of her is being projected a pair of wartime spitfires will also do a display over the cliffs. to wish her a happy birthday. according to media reports, a park in ee~e is"e ee according to media reports, a park in $11 is scanning according to media reports, a park in e is scanning visitor's in beijing is scanning visitor's faces before dispensing toilet roll because they're said to be using too much. they scan faces, dispense a fixed amount of loo paper so people can't get double or whatever they to have. the tourist prefer to have. the tourist attraction is reportedly visited by people who take large amounts of loo roll home. why would having facial recognition stop you taking more loo recognltion stop vou ygiy'gg £22; lgg because you can't presumably roll? because you can't presumably get yourface roll? because you can't presumably get your face scanned twice. you could try to fool it though. not that they'll come after you and demand the extra loo roll back. that they'll come after you and demand the extra loo roll backlj think that might be the weirdest i've read out. think that might be the weirdest ‘i've read out. fair enough! story i've read out. fair enough! thank you. be very interested to know what unwanted advice you've had as a new mum? let me know use the hashtag victoria live and if you text, you will be charged at the standard network rate. ta nya, tanya, after nine years of my ex, numerous letters from my mp and complaints to the head of the whiled support agency, i've still not received a - penny the not received a single penny the £65,000 in arrears my kids are owed by my father who is an oil contractor. the system is a disgrace. it helpségfi like my disgrace. it helps fathers like my ex to avoid his legali moral duty ex to avoid his legal and moral duty to support his to financially support his children. a quick tweet from joe who says she's now owed £30,000 by her ex. “e" aa ae“ "an‘" ‘ll! he' el your “e" aa ae‘ "an‘" lll! lle' el your experience is welcome. let's get some sport. oly foster is with us this morning. "ll. ell lllle leleele eleelelee 9.53.5 ellelele we'll be looking at the state of sport. in the amateur ranks. you think about the top end of doping and top ee'e‘eeee 7 7 you think about the top end of doping and top ee'e‘eeee getting 7 7 doping and top athletes getting suspended stripped of gold medals, the blanket ban on russian athletes, eee f'eeeee fee ee “ee'ee eef'eie-ea aaa aa aa but eee e'eeeee eee ee “ee'ee eee'eeae-ea aaa aa aa but bbc eee e'eeeee eee ee “ee'ee eee'eeaeaeaa aaa aa aa but bbc sport's commissioned a poll of over 1,000 amateur sportsmen and women at clubs and organise somedayings across the uk and the results are startling. let us show you some of the headline figures. uk anti—doping which polices doping and tries to crack down on this, they've got plenty to deal with as it is at the elite level of sport. but responding to the findings, here is their chief executive. certainly the figures as regards the ffrench lens of performance enhancing substances at amateur level a re enhancing substances at amateur level are increedibly alarming that. said, they do confirm what uk has long suspected anti—doping has long suspected and also seen through some of our intelligence—led testing. the problem with amateur sport is that people don't think they're going to be tested. amateur sports people take drugs? yes. let's return to the figures of yes. let's return—to the—figures of — — toa yes. let's return—to the—figures of — — to a specifically admitted to 8% to a specifically admitted to taking steroids. at that level, it's clear that it's not all about winning. bbc sport to dan stevens who was spoke to dan stevens who was actually three spoke to dan stevens who was actually - three years actually caught three years ago. he said he doped out of curiosity more than getting any competitive advantage. i think it's widespread in all ranks, in electriccy, the beauty industry, slightly widespread in the sports industry. i also think it's a way of modern day life. i don't think in the amateur ranks it's about winning. my view is the anti—doping industry needs a roots and branches rewrite across the whole board. ithink and branches rewrite across the whole board. i think there's arguably different rules should apply to different people that benefit in different ways. i think it's a mess at the moment. and what other issues will you be looking at across the week, olly? plenty more on amateur doping and reaction

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Hello , Research , Mum , Mums , More , Family , Drink , Strangers , Friends , Whattheygat , Child , Move , Lots , Details , 10 , Soda , It Midday , Ifeltjudged , Thought , Pub Garden , Anna , Ifelt , Decision , Son , Danger , Sky , Drinkg , 19 , 9 , Programme , Dame Vera Lynn , Breaking News Woman , 11 , 100 , Prominence , Troops , Story Today , Second World War , 7 , Man , Boy , Flat , Suspicion , Kathryn Stancheshun , Girl , Police , Laffiifi , Scene , North London , Twin Sister , One , Leeeeee , It , Officers , EÂ Â Ee , Police Activity , Metropolitan Police , Finsbury Park , Wilberforce Road , 35 , 7555372 , 54 , 51 , 5 , Cream Propertyjust , Place , Police Officers , Intens , Property Forensic Teams Going , Incident , House Of Commons , Activity , Property , Street , The , Are E , Ivity , Last , Inquiries , Fla , E Ej , Manyincident , 2 , Woman , Some , Ee Eej , E Screaming , J Ee , Gel , Eeie A El Aa , What We J Ee , Residents , Shouting , Noises , Eeie E El A , Iipm , Elsi , Eeie E El Aa Elsi , Street This J Ee , What , Saturday Night , Saturggy Night , 77 , Add , Injuries , Hospital , El Ell Ll , Children , Ae Le , Yearflatd , Add E Screaming , Lll Boy , Help , Little Boy , Lela Lll L Llela Ll , Ell Ll , Flat E Screaming , Sl , Ear El , Ll Llll Lll L , Ll Llll Lll L Llel , Two , Father , He , Twin , V R , Earllmmstudallrltlagtan 7 , Station , Least , Connection , 1e Man In The , East London , 1 , Update , Remains , Condition , Little Girl , Sta Ble Know , E For More S Ecialist , Course , Ta Ke Postmortem Examination , Specialist Care , Postmortem Examination , Another , Thank , Uk , Companies , Councils , Firms , Contracts , Investigation , Amount , Bbc , News , Care , Staff , Rest , Services , 95 , Multiele Amanda S , William Williams , Teacher Williams , Home Care Workers , Reports , Williaro Williaros , Sian Lloyd , 800000 , Care Workers , Wage , Care Worke She , Care Worke , Warth , Eeleeee Eqeeee , Living Wage , Care Wage , Zero G , Bee Ee E , Ggles , Bee Ee Eb , Rollltiolo Amanda , On Ruggles , Beleebb Eqebeeb , Zero , Amanda , 21 , Four , Council , Firm , Home Ca Re , Company , Vacancies , Clients , Conway , Bangor , 30 , People , Communities , Contract , Challenges , Conwy , Government , Proposals , Statement , Social Care System , Councils Havehadhomecoze , Figures , Living , Pressure , Us , Eieeiieheiefi , Shortage , 322555 , Many , Families , Payments , Aodgovemmeolfiw , 1 2 Million , Â 3 8 Billion , 3 8 Billion , Mothers , Study , Babies , Cardiff University , 17 , Tree , Tests , Storm , Group , Waterfall , Swimmers , High School Pupils , Most , Body , Ghana , Orly Airport , Drugs , Ziyed Ben Belgacem , Drinking Alcohol , Soldier , Rifle , Colleagues , Paris , James Comey , Interference , Election Campaign , Evidence , Practising Muslim , French , Fbi , Russian , Radio Wasn T A Terrorist , Trump , Insurance , Changes , Issue , Compensation , Injury , Campaign , Claim , Explosive , Questions , Predecessor , Wire Tap , Payouts , House Intelligence Committee , Barack Obama , Trump Tower , Industry , Discount Rate , Claimants , Lifetime Care , Costs , Front , Mps , Nhs , 3454 , Problem , Air Pollution , Committees , Environment , Health , Transport , Andy Moore , Same , Bus , Pollution , Air Quality , Car , Exhaust , Special , Infrared Camera , Deaths , Poorair Pollution , Offenders , Cuts , Part , Particles , Much , Nitrogen Dioxide , Solution , Pa Rt Diesel , Diesel , 40000 , Sions Will Resources , House , Resources , Sessions , Four Sessions Will Resources , Ur Sessions Will Resources , Branehee , Plans , Draft Plan , High Court , Theirjob , Plan , Breaching , Air Quality Directives , Cities , The End , Ofjuly , 24th April , Union , Air Parts , 24 , 16 , Scheme , Multi Million , Pound , Pound Fine , Funding , 01 , 290 Million , Â 290 Million , Forces , Sweetheart , Occasion , Image , Bbc News , 350 , Display , Spitfires , Cliffs , Pair , Birthday , Media Reports , Park In E , Park In , Fee , Park , Visitor S , Visitor S In Beijing , Amounts , Whatever , Faces , Tourist , Loo Paper , Tourist Attraction , Face , Recognition , Loo Roll Back , Loo Roll Home , Stop Vou Ygiy Gg , Loo Recognltion , Lgg , Â 22 , 22 , Story , Advice , Hashtag , Victoria , Sex , Complaints , Network Rate , Head , Mp , Letters , Whiled Support Agency , Tanya , Ta Nya , Nine , Disgrace , Duty , Legali , Oil Contractor , System , Penny , Arrears , Kids , Fathers , 65000 , Â 65000 , Sport , Wall , Experience , E Aa , Tweet , Ell Lllle , E Aa Ae , Oly Foster , Joe , Lle , Leleele Eleelelee , 30000 , Â 30000 , Ranks , Estate , Ellelele , 53 , Doping , End , Ee E Eeee , Fee Ee , Poll , Eee E Eeeee Ee , Aaa Aa , Athletes , Ee Eee Eeaeaeaa Aaa Aa , Results , Clubs , Somedayings , Medals , Women , Bbc Sport , Sportsmen , Blanket Ban On Russian Athletes , Ee Eee Eeae , Eee F Eeeee , Ee Eef Eie , 1000 , Show , Anti Doping , Headline Figures , Level , Amateur Level , Substances , Findings , Chief Executive , Lens , Performance , Testing , Amateur Sports People , Return , Let , Yes , Toa , 8 , Dan Stevens , Steroids , Three , Electriccy , Curiosity , Advantage , Board , Branches , Amateur , View , Life , Way , Roots , Sports Industry , Ithink , Haven T , Bills , Parents , It S Monday , Victoria Derbyshire , Attempted Murder , Sister , Murder , Salary , Dad , Respect , Money , Issues , Rules , Ways , Mess , Â 8 , 50 , A Million ,

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS Victoria Derbyshire 20170320 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Victoria Derbyshire 20170320

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hi, i'm anna. i felt hi, i'm anna. ifeltjudged in a pub garden with my thought earn at midday when i was drinking half applejuice half midday when i was drinking half apple juice half soda. midday when i was drinking half applejuice half soda. ifelt it midday when i was drinking half apple juice half soda. i felt it was decision to be there and it was my decision to be there and it was my decision to be there and it was my decision to drink that drinkg my decision to drink that drink and i wasn't putting her in danger. i'm i had my son when i -19 and sky, i had my son when i was 19 and judged for being a young mum. welcome to the programme, we're live until 11. throughout the morning — the latest breaking news woman. — dame vera lynn the forces sweetheart who is 100 today...she's been performing since she was 7 years old but really came to prominence when she entertained the troops during the second world war. our top story today. police have arrested a man on suspicion of murdering a one—year—old boy at a flat in north london. the man will also be questioned on suspicion of attempting to murder a girl, thought to be the boy's twin sister. our reporter kathryn stancheshun is at the scene. what is the laffiifi what is the §e§§ee as what is the leeeeee as you can see, wilberforce road here in finsbury park remains 7,555,372, 54 off this eepe e5;5;;;;;51;:35 eb it; ., and by metropolitan morning and manned by metropolitan police officers. there's been some intense police activity on this police officers. there's been some intens in nolice activity on this police officers. there's been some intens in the e activity on this police officers. there's been some intens in the last :ivity on this police officers. there's been some intens in the last 2a y on this police officers. there's been some intens in the last 2a hours. is street in the last 2a hours. forensic teams going in and out of ‘e‘ej‘ property forensic teams going in and out of ‘e‘e‘e‘ property just forensic teams going in and out of ‘e‘e‘e‘ propertyjust up there, the cream propertyjust up there, the cream propertyjust up there, the top flat where this incident the cream propertyjust up there, the top fla' also, a this incident the cream propertyjust up there, the top fla' also, manyincident the cream propertyjust up there, the top fla' also, many house—to—house happened. also, many house—to—house inquiries taking place yesterday and i’l’; are e]; are still talking to “use of police are still talking to some of the residents on this street this ‘j‘ee ”eeie‘e-el'e a». elsi; ee—eej; gel; 77 . 7 ,.. .. .. .. .. what ‘j‘ee ”eeie‘e-el'e .a.a. elsi; ee—eej; gel; 77 . 7 ,.. .. .. .. .. what we ‘j‘ee ”eeie‘e-el'e .a.a. elsi; ee—eej; gel; 7. . 7 ... .. .. .. .. what we know is that ‘j‘ee ”eeie‘a-el'a aa. elsi; ee—eej; gel; 7. . 7 ... .. .. .. .. what we know is that iipm morning. what we know is that iipm on saturggy night, there were on saturday night, there were reports of noises, of shouting and and of a woman askin for screaming, and of a woman asking for 7” police ' e screaming, and of a woman asking for 7” police arrive e screaming, and of a woman asking for 7” police arrive add e screaming, and of a woman asking for 7” police arrive add the e screaming, and of a woman asking for 7” police arrive add the flat e screaming, and of a woman asking for § police arrive add the flat to % help. police arrive add the flat to find the two children, a one—year—old boy and one—year—old one—year—old boy and one—yearflatd with severe injuries. they were girl with severe injuries. they were both taken to hospital but sadly the l's—ale eel—ae le. lela'lll l. l llela ll”... . ...... ear—el ell—ll. ll llll'lll l. l llel. lll.. . ...... boy ear—el ell—ll. ll llll'lll l. l llll. lll. . ...... boy later little boy later died. now, police have arrested jlll%v —~—r . 7 yesterday put out an the}; earllmmstudallrltlagtan 7 .. to speak the}; earllmmstudallrltlagtan 7 7 to speak to the man in the}; earllmmstudallrltlagtan 7 7 to s with to the man in the}; earllmmstudallrltlagtan 7 7 to s with this 1e man in the}; earllmmstudallrltlagtan 7 7 to s with this in£id§nt he's connection with this incident. he's believed to be the twin's father. he's- questioned believed to be the twin's father. he's - questioned at an east he's being questioned at an east london station he's being questioned at an east london - station this morning. an update on the little girl — we know - remains in an update on the little girl — we know. remains in a critical but know she remains in a critical but sta ble know she remains in a critical but stable condition. it's understood she was taken to one hospital in yesterday then transferred to iffl’l -., “if: ‘e. for more s-ecialist another for more specialist care. police say that they believe a postmortem examination i going to postmortem examination is going to ta ke postmortem examination is going to take place of the in due take place of the little boy in due course. that could be take place of the little boy in due course. that could - be later course. that could possibly be later today. thank; very of the rest of the day,s news. care companies have cancelled contracts with 95 uk councils, saying they cannot deliver services for the amount they are being paid. a bbc panorama investigation found some firms said they could not recruit or retain the staff they needed. sian lloyd reports. good morning. amanda is one of the uk's 800,000 home care workers. today she's with a former teacher williams who has multiple william williams who has. multiele amanda's williaro williaros. who has. rollltiolo amanda's paid é an eeleeee eqeeee; bee ee ee e; just above beleebb eqebeeb bee ee ee eb just above the living wage and, - many warth care wage and, like many warth care workers, she struggles to - wage and, like many warth care worke she's i struggles to mel‘e-j wage and, like many warth care worke she's on ruggles to mel‘e-j wage and, like many warth care worke she's on a ggles to mel‘e-j wage and, like many warth care worke she's on a zero g to mel‘e-j wage and, like many warth care worke she's on a zero hours .l‘e-j wage and, like many warth care worke she's on a zero hours contract her hours are not they |ours are not they did s are not they did look not they did look into guaranteed. they did look iotoi more four years ago but they paying more four years ago but they % paying more four years ago but they 77:1: do it. ' e ' paying more four years ago but they ”21: do it. it's e ' paying more four years ago but they ”21: do it. it's hard. e ' paying more four years ago but they g do it. it's hard. amanda % paying more four years ago but they g do it. it's hard. amanda is e couldn't do it. it's hard. amanda is employed in bangor. the firm is paid by local councils to provide home ca re by local councils to provide home care but it currently has 30 vacancies and is struggling to take on new clients. last year, the company stopped providing care for one local council, conway and handed back the contract. conway council says it's committed to supporting vulnerable people in communities despite facing financial challenges. but conwy‘s not alone. our research reveals across the uk, almost 100 councils have had home care councils.havehadhomecoze... , handed back to them. the contracts handed back to them. the uk declined to be uk government declined to be interviewed but in a statement said it will be bringing forward proposals later this year to ensure a more financially sustainable social care system. good evening, mr williams... with more of us living longer and a 322555 of care . more of us living longer and a eieeiieheiefi of care workers, growing shortage of care workers, the pressure on people like amanda continue to figures obtained by this programme show 1.2 million single—parent many of those families have been chasing the payments for years, aodgovemmeolfiw owed to them is £3.8 billion. and we'll have more on that shortly. new mums feel scrutinised and regulated by family, friends and strangers, research from cardiff university suggests. a small study found new mothers felt "judged" over what they were feeding their babies, as well as what they were eating themselves while pregnant. at least 17 people have been killed in ghana when a huge tree was swept over a waterfall and crashed down onto a group of swimmers below. the tree had been uprooted during a powerful storm. most of those killed were high school pupils. tests carried out on the body of the man shot dead at orly airport near paris on saturday show he'd been taking drugs and drinking alcohol. ziyed ben belgacem grabbed an automatic rifle from a soldier before being killed by her colleagues. the man's father told french radio wasn't a terrorist or a practising muslim. the director of the fbi, james comey, will give evidence today about alleged russian interference in the us election campaign. appearing before the house intelligence committee, he's also expected to face questions about a second explosive issue. president trump's claim that his predecessor, barack obama, authorised a wire—tap of trump tower during the campaign. big changes in calculating personal injury insurance payouts come into effect today, which will mean higher compensation for some, but more costs for the industry. it comes after pressure f 3454. .-..'.- l .ei.lil.!i}11i!!il'l‘l2 the discount rate which determines how much the nhs, or insurance companies, must pay up front to successful claimants to cover their lifetime care. mps from four committees — across transport, health and the environment — are coming together to look at the issue of air pollution. they'll scrutinise whether the problem go far enough, as andy moore explains. a bus that looks clean enough until you view its exhaust through a special infrared camera that detects pollution. the same goes for this car. poorair pollution. the same goes for this car. poor air quality is contributing to the early deaths of 40,000 people in the uk every year. much of the pollution comes from nitrogen dioxide and tiny particles. diesel vehicles once thought to be pa rt diesel vehicles once thought to be part of the solution are now seen as worst offenders. the problem is the worst offenders. the problem is one that cuts across many branches one that cuts across—many branehee government. so the house of of government. so the house of commons believes it's best to pool resources to analyse what's being done. a of resources to analyse what's being done. a - of four sessions will resources to analyse what's being do held - of four sessions will resources to analyse what's being do held jointly if four sessions will resources to analyse what's being do held jointly by >ur sessions will resources to analyse what's being do held jointly by these ;sions will resources to analyse what's being do held jointly by these committees: theirjob will be to scrutinise the government's plans to tackle urban air pollution. last november, the high court said the government must come up with a draft plan to tackle air pollution in our cities by the 24th april, a full plan must be in place by the end ofjuly. last month, union said 16 of the uk were breaching air parts of the uk were breaching air quality directives. it's given the government two months to come up with a scheme to solve the problem 01’ with a scheme to solve the problem orface a with a scheme to solve the problem or face a multi—million with a scheme to solve the problem orface a multi—million pound with a scheme to solve the problem or face a multi—million pound fine. the government says it's committed to improving the uk's air quality and recently announced a further £290 million in funding to tackle the problem. andy moore, bbc news. the forces' sweetheart, dame vera lynn, is celebrating to mark the occasion, a 350 foot image of her is being projected a pair of wartime spitfires will also do a display over the cliffs. to wish her a happy birthday. according to media reports, a park in ee~e is"e ee according to media reports, a park in $11 is scanning according to media reports, a park in e is scanning visitor's in beijing is scanning visitor's faces before dispensing toilet roll because they're said to be using too much. they scan faces, dispense a fixed amount of loo paper so people can't get double or whatever they to have. the tourist prefer to have. the tourist attraction is reportedly visited by people who take large amounts of loo roll home. why would having facial recognition stop you taking more loo recognltion stop vou ygiy'gg £22; lgg because you can't presumably roll? because you can't presumably get yourface roll? because you can't presumably get your face scanned twice. you could try to fool it though. not that they'll come after you and demand the extra loo roll back. that they'll come after you and demand the extra loo roll backlj think that might be the weirdest i've read out. think that might be the weirdest ‘i've read out. fair enough! story i've read out. fair enough! thank you. be very interested to know what unwanted advice you've had as a new mum? let me know use the hashtag victoria live and if you text, you will be charged at the standard network rate. ta nya, tanya, after nine years of my ex, numerous letters from my mp and complaints to the head of the whiled support agency, i've still not received a - penny the not received a single penny the £65,000 in arrears my kids are owed by my father who is an oil contractor. the system is a disgrace. it helpségfi like my disgrace. it helps fathers like my ex to avoid his legali moral duty ex to avoid his legal and moral duty to support his to financially support his children. a quick tweet from joe who says she's now owed £30,000 by her ex. “e" aa ae“ "an‘" ‘ll! he' el your “e" aa ae‘ "an‘" lll! lle' el your experience is welcome. let's get some sport. oly foster is with us this morning. "ll. ell lllle leleele eleelelee 9.53.5 ellelele we'll be looking at the state of sport. in the amateur ranks. you think about the top end of doping and top ee'e‘eeee 7 7 you think about the top end of doping and top ee'e‘eeee getting 7 7 doping and top athletes getting suspended stripped of gold medals, the blanket ban on russian athletes, eee f'eeeee fee ee “ee'ee eef'eie-ea aaa aa aa but eee e'eeeee eee ee “ee'ee eee'eeae-ea aaa aa aa but bbc eee e'eeeee eee ee “ee'ee eee'eeaeaeaa aaa aa aa but bbc sport's commissioned a poll of over 1,000 amateur sportsmen and women at clubs and organise somedayings across the uk and the results are startling. let us show you some of the headline figures. uk anti—doping which polices doping and tries to crack down on this, they've got plenty to deal with as it is at the elite level of sport. but responding to the findings, here is their chief executive. certainly the figures as regards the ffrench lens of performance enhancing substances at amateur level a re enhancing substances at amateur level are increedibly alarming that. said, they do confirm what uk has long suspected anti—doping has long suspected and also seen through some of our intelligence—led testing. the problem with amateur sport is that people don't think they're going to be tested. amateur sports people take drugs? yes. let's return to the figures of yes. let's return—to the—figures of — — toa yes. let's return—to the—figures of — — to a specifically admitted to 8% to a specifically admitted to taking steroids. at that level, it's clear that it's not all about winning. bbc sport to dan stevens who was spoke to dan stevens who was actually three spoke to dan stevens who was actually - three years actually caught three years ago. he said he doped out of curiosity more than getting any competitive advantage. i think it's widespread in all ranks, in electriccy, the beauty industry, slightly widespread in the sports industry. i also think it's a way of modern day life. i don't think in the amateur ranks it's about winning. my view is the anti—doping industry needs a roots and branches rewrite across the whole board. ithink and branches rewrite across the whole board. i think there's arguably different rules should apply to different people that benefit in different ways. i think it's a mess at the moment. and what other issues will you be looking at across the week, olly? plenty more on amateur doping and reaction

Related Keywords

Hello , Research , Mum , Mums , More , Family , Drink , Strangers , Friends , Whattheygat , Child , Move , Lots , Details , 10 , Soda , It Midday , Ifeltjudged , Thought , Pub Garden , Anna , Ifelt , Decision , Son , Danger , Sky , Drinkg , 19 , 9 , Programme , Dame Vera Lynn , Breaking News Woman , 11 , 100 , Prominence , Troops , Story Today , Second World War , 7 , Man , Boy , Flat , Suspicion , Kathryn Stancheshun , Girl , Police , Laffiifi , Scene , North London , Twin Sister , One , Leeeeee , It , Officers , EÂ Â Ee , Police Activity , Metropolitan Police , Finsbury Park , Wilberforce Road , 35 , 7555372 , 54 , 51 , 5 , Cream Propertyjust , Place , Police Officers , Intens , Property Forensic Teams Going , Incident , House Of Commons , Activity , Property , Street , The , Are E , Ivity , Last , Inquiries , Fla , E Ej , Manyincident , 2 , Woman , Some , Ee Eej , E Screaming , J Ee , Gel , Eeie A El Aa , What We J Ee , Residents , Shouting , Noises , Eeie E El A , Iipm , Elsi , Eeie E El Aa Elsi , Street This J Ee , What , Saturday Night , Saturggy Night , 77 , Add , Injuries , Hospital , El Ell Ll , Children , Ae Le , Yearflatd , Add E Screaming , Lll Boy , Help , Little Boy , Lela Lll L Llela Ll , Ell Ll , Flat E Screaming , Sl , Ear El , Ll Llll Lll L , Ll Llll Lll L Llel , Two , Father , He , Twin , V R , Earllmmstudallrltlagtan 7 , Station , Least , Connection , 1e Man In The , East London , 1 , Update , Remains , Condition , Little Girl , Sta Ble Know , E For More S Ecialist , Course , Ta Ke Postmortem Examination , Specialist Care , Postmortem Examination , Another , Thank , Uk , Companies , Councils , Firms , Contracts , Investigation , Amount , Bbc , News , Care , Staff , Rest , Services , 95 , Multiele Amanda S , William Williams , Teacher Williams , Home Care Workers , Reports , Williaro Williaros , Sian Lloyd , 800000 , Care Workers , Wage , Care Worke She , Care Worke , Warth , Eeleeee Eqeeee , Living Wage , Care Wage , Zero G , Bee Ee E , Ggles , Bee Ee Eb , Rollltiolo Amanda , On Ruggles , Beleebb Eqebeeb , Zero , Amanda , 21 , Four , Council , Firm , Home Ca Re , Company , Vacancies , Clients , Conway , Bangor , 30 , People , Communities , Contract , Challenges , Conwy , Government , Proposals , Statement , Social Care System , Councils Havehadhomecoze , Figures , Living , Pressure , Us , Eieeiieheiefi , Shortage , 322555 , Many , Families , Payments , Aodgovemmeolfiw , 1 2 Million , Â 3 8 Billion , 3 8 Billion , Mothers , Study , Babies , Cardiff University , 17 , Tree , Tests , Storm , Group , Waterfall , Swimmers , High School Pupils , Most , Body , Ghana , Orly Airport , Drugs , Ziyed Ben Belgacem , Drinking Alcohol , Soldier , Rifle , Colleagues , Paris , James Comey , Interference , Election Campaign , Evidence , Practising Muslim , French , Fbi , Russian , Radio Wasn T A Terrorist , Trump , Insurance , Changes , Issue , Compensation , Injury , Campaign , Claim , Explosive , Questions , Predecessor , Wire Tap , Payouts , House Intelligence Committee , Barack Obama , Trump Tower , Industry , Discount Rate , Claimants , Lifetime Care , Costs , Front , Mps , Nhs , 3454 , Problem , Air Pollution , Committees , Environment , Health , Transport , Andy Moore , Same , Bus , Pollution , Air Quality , Car , Exhaust , Special , Infrared Camera , Deaths , Poorair Pollution , Offenders , Cuts , Part , Particles , Much , Nitrogen Dioxide , Solution , Pa Rt Diesel , Diesel , 40000 , Sions Will Resources , House , Resources , Sessions , Four Sessions Will Resources , Ur Sessions Will Resources , Branehee , Plans , Draft Plan , High Court , Theirjob , Plan , Breaching , Air Quality Directives , Cities , The End , Ofjuly , 24th April , Union , Air Parts , 24 , 16 , Scheme , Multi Million , Pound , Pound Fine , Funding , 01 , 290 Million , Â 290 Million , Forces , Sweetheart , Occasion , Image , Bbc News , 350 , Display , Spitfires , Cliffs , Pair , Birthday , Media Reports , Park In E , Park In , Fee , Park , Visitor S , Visitor S In Beijing , Amounts , Whatever , Faces , Tourist , Loo Paper , Tourist Attraction , Face , Recognition , Loo Roll Back , Loo Roll Home , Stop Vou Ygiy Gg , Loo Recognltion , Lgg , Â 22 , 22 , Story , Advice , Hashtag , Victoria , Sex , Complaints , Network Rate , Head , Mp , Letters , Whiled Support Agency , Tanya , Ta Nya , Nine , Disgrace , Duty , Legali , Oil Contractor , System , Penny , Arrears , Kids , Fathers , 65000 , Â 65000 , Sport , Wall , Experience , E Aa , Tweet , Ell Lllle , E Aa Ae , Oly Foster , Joe , Lle , Leleele Eleelelee , 30000 , Â 30000 , Ranks , Estate , Ellelele , 53 , Doping , End , Ee E Eeee , Fee Ee , Poll , Eee E Eeeee Ee , Aaa Aa , Athletes , Ee Eee Eeaeaeaa Aaa Aa , Results , Clubs , Somedayings , Medals , Women , Bbc Sport , Sportsmen , Blanket Ban On Russian Athletes , Ee Eee Eeae , Eee F Eeeee , Ee Eef Eie , 1000 , Show , Anti Doping , Headline Figures , Level , Amateur Level , Substances , Findings , Chief Executive , Lens , 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