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Well look ahead to super bowl 51 and the growing popularity of america football, here in the uk hello. Welcome to the programme, were live until am this morning. We also want to hear from you this morning if youve had trouble getting hold of fresh vegetables. Poor Growing Conditions in europe are causing a shortage and tesco has started to ration Iceberg Lettuces. To stop Smaller Stores buying from them in bulk. Well have the details on this and find out if its going to get worse. Do get in touch on all the stories were talking about this morning use the Hashtag Victorialive and if you text, you will be charged at the Standard Network rate. Our top story today theresa may has arrived in malta for an informal one day summit of eu leaders. Shell brief European Union leaders on her meeting with donald trump, and is expected to stress that she wants a positive and constructive relationship with the eu after brexit. Kevin connolly reports. The cannons will welcome the eu leaders to their first malta summit. They wont have to look far around the coast for reminders of their problems. African migrants who mostly reach europe by boat through libya are stranded here. They wantjobs and documents and a sense of hope. Theyre not optimistic they will get them from the eu gathering. They dont give us our rights. They look at us like animals. Its too much. Very hard. Migration is a major fault line within eu. The mediterranean countries want their partners far from these shores to resettle a share of the migrants. And many are reluctant. Experts warn that alternative solutions, like paying african countries to take migrants back, or trying to stop people from leaving libya, will be difficult and dangerous. If europe manages to shut down or blockade libya there will be a Displacement Effect to neighbouring countries and we will see boats departing from other areas. So on the shores of the mediterranean sea, which has brought so many migrants to europe, the eu leaders will talk as theyve talked before about migration. But they will also have their minds on the choppier political waters ahead, Created Notjust By Brexit but by the turbulent new presidency in washington of donald trump. Kevin connolly, bbc news, malta. Our europe correspondent Kevin Connolly is at the summit in the maltese capital valletta. What sort of day can theresa may expect . Well, there are a lot of difficult agendas here, you have the migration crisis, you have the fallout of brexit and what that means for the future of the eu, but i suspect the issue which will take all the oxygen from the others is the question of the trump effect on global politics. Lots of european leaders, most of them in fact, view donald trump with horror, he comes from the tradition of American Politics that they do not get the idea that you can cannot have too many guns but you can have too much government. Theresa may has been to the Donald Trump White House so well be reporting back on what it could mean for europe. Bringing a bit of a mixed message on nato, donald trump had talked about nato being obsolete, theresa may will say she has an assurance from donald trump that hes pretty committed to nato but only if they cut down their reliance on american guns and american money and start spending a bit more of their own money on their own defence. She is going to have an interesting day, leaving in the afternoon, not there for the afternoon, not there for the Afternoon Session where they will talk about the European Future which will not include the United Kingdom. Thank you very much kevin. To the bbc newsroom now for a summary of the rest of the days news. Theres scathing criticism this morning of Government Plans to improve britains Cyber Security. A report by the Commons Public Accounts Committee says there doesnt appear to be any proper Co Ordination of efforts to protect people and Electronic Systems from online attacks. Our Home Affairs Correspondent Dominic Casciani reports. The russians have engaged in Cyber Attacks against the United States of america. A president ial campaign rocked by a hack. Hillary clintons team were targeted in a cyber attack. The resulting leak of staff personal e mails was devastating. But its notjust us politicians who are being embarrassed by Cyber Security breaches. This teenager, daniel kelly, is awaiting sentencing in london for a major cyber attack on talktalk. Personal data belonging to almost 160,000 customers was stolen. Now mps warn the uks National Efforts to counter these threats isnt inspiring confidence either. In its report, the powerful Public Accounts Committee says ministers havent consolidated an Alphabet Soup of agencies. They are struggling to find enough people with the right skills and theres been a chaotic response to personal Data Breaches, such as loss of tax records. If something goes wrong it could close down hospitals, we could have a loss of important data and there are some serious things that can happen now with the skills of some of the hackers out there. Just last october, hospitals across North Lincolnshire were the victim of a hack. Hundreds of operations cancelled in grimsby and scunthorpe after a Computer Virus infected their systems. Gchq is the heart of the uks cyber defence. Ministers have pledged more than £3 billion to security over the next five years. But the mps warn there is still no detailed plan for a new National Centre which aims to make the uk the safest place online. An estimated 200,000 protesters have staged a third night of demonstrations in romania against a Government Decree that decriminalises some types of corruption. The Prime Minister says he wont withdraw the decree. 0ur correspondent nick thorpe is in the romanian capital of bucharest. These protests expected to grow over the weekend, remind us of the background . Yes, a decree was passed on Tuesday Night By The New Social Democratic government, only in power for the last month. This decree would decriminalise some forms of corruption and in practice get out many politicians who are now in jail for corruption. Romania has a Strong National Anti Corruption directorate, they have been very successful in tackling corruption in high places in the past years and remaining up perhaps the most successful in all of eastern europe. But there seems to be a feud between the incoming social democratic government and the Anti Corruption agency. The Social Democrats accuse them of being political, a republic of prosecutors as a former Prime Minister called them and are u nfa i rly minister called them and are unfairly targeting the Social Democrats. Thats the background to it but in practice the government tried to push this through quickly on tuesday night in an emergency decree. It would come into force in ten days time and huge numbers of people have come out onto the streets and they claim legitimacy, the government did not say in their programme they would do this so each night they are coming out on the streets. Each night is crucial, large crowds expected tonight, and on sunday, not just large crowds expected tonight, and on sunday, notjust here in bucharest but across romania. Levels of tuberculosis are on the rise in parts of the uk, especially amongst vulnerable groups like the homeless. A Special Report for this programme has found that medical teams are having to employ mobile Treatment Units in parts of london to try to keep Infection Levels under control. Well have more on this shortly. The average Car Insurance premium has reached a record high of £462 a year, as cars go hi tech. Thats according to the association of british insurers, which says repairs have become more expensive partly because of cars increasingly complex electronics, as well as higher whiplash claims and Insurance Premium tax. Buying in spare parts is also getting more expensive, due to the weakness of the pound. The company that owns the Instant Messaging and photo app Snapchat Will Go Public in the us stock exchange. The valuation will be up to 25 billion. The california based tech firm, which allows users to send images that vanish within seconds, is set to be the Biggest Company to list shares in the us in recent years. But Market Analysts have doubts about the companys long term profitability. Supermarkets are rationing the sale of more vegetables to cope with a shortage brought about by bad weather in spain. It comes after similar problems with courgettes a few weeks ago. Tesco is limiting customers to three Iceberg Lettuces, and morrisons is also reported to be preventing shoppers from buying more than three heads of broccoli. Tesco says bad weather in spain has caused Availability Issues but that suppliers are working to resolve the problem. Thats a summary of the latest bbc news more at 9. 30am. Thank you very much, let us know if you have had trouble getting hold of your favourite vegetables. Lets catch up with the sport, Excitement Building ahead of the opening matches of the six nations . Good morning, its going to be an interesting next few weeks in rugby union for the tournament which gets the Home Nation Rivalries going. It begins this weekend, scotland host ireland, england against france and wales travelling to italy. Last year england secured a grand slam, going unbeaten in all of 2016 and will be favourites this time around. Preparation has been good, i think the concern is when you prepare so well you can be complacent going into a game. We have had a really good week this week, rain that training today which i think theres a good thing, greasy ball, dropped balls, keeping people on edge. The challenge going into the game is sharpening the axe mentally. The womens six nations gets under tonight as scotland host ireland. For england it will be a big year indeed, they try to defend the Rugby World Cup later in the summer but captain sarah hunter says they are focused on this tournament. Its so competitive now, we cannot get ahead of ourselves. We will prepare as best we can, we will take ourselves to twickenham and put in a performance we will want to do to get the victory and from there on we will look ahead to the rest of the competition and then the world cup will come around soon enough no doubt. There is coverage across bbc tv and radio, ireland going to murrayfield start things off tomorrow, all the build up tomorrow from 1 15pm. Also davis cup tennis but no andy murray . . Yes, he will miss the opening rubber against canada this weekend which means dan evans carries the baton for team gb, he is the most improved player in mens tennis up to number 45 in the world saw plenty of reasons to be positive for captain leon smith. We have really good players, fun of confidence in them, they are all playing really well here. Its a Lwa Ys Playing really well here. Its always difficult in the away ties, you expect the opposition to raise their game you expect the opposition to raise theirgame in you expect the opposition to raise their game in front of a home crowd so we their game in front of a home crowd so we have to be prepared for that. But these guys are playing very, very good tennis and are ready for it. Kyle edmund, jamie very good tennis and are ready for it. Kyle edmund, jamie murray and Dominic Inglot are the rest of the team, one other piece of good news, milos raonic, The World Numberfour and canadas milos raonic, The World Numberfour and ca nadas strongest milos raonic, The World Numberfour and canadas strongest player is also missing so hopefully the absence of andy murray will not be felt too sharply. And tiger woods still struggling with his back . Yes, he has withdrawn from the Dubai Desert Classic with a bad back, only his second Tour Appearance at three operations over the last 19 months. He said he was not in pain then, the 14 he said he was not in pain then, the 1a time major winnerfailed he said he was not in pain then, the 1a time major winner failed to he said he was not in pain then, the 1a time major winnerfailed to make a single birdie, 12 shots off the lead. The problem apparently came on late last night when he had a spat spasm in his lower back. Some parts of the uk are experiencing outbreaks of tuberculosis that are higher than much poorer countries like yemen and iraq. The problem is particularly acute amongst difficult to treat groups, like rough sleepers. Now medical teams are adopting new ways of reaching them in an attempt to reduce levels of infection. 0ur reporter divya talwar has more. The latest scientific step towards the detection of tuberculosis is x ray photography. The Subject Stands with head up, tilted on a chin rest. Tuberculosis, or tb, was a deadly victorian disease, known as the white plague at the time. Despite medical advancements, over the last century it has made a comeback in the uk, with areas seeing higher infection rates than even some developing countries. Tuberculous this is a bacterial infection. It mainly affects the lungs, but it can affect any part of the body. Tb in the lungs is spread through inhaling tiny droplets containing the bacteria from the coughs or sneezes of someone infected by it. Hello, yasmin, this isjohnny, patient number 078. Johnny islam is 29, he has a rare type of tb. Its in his brain. It could cause long term brain damage or even kill him. Hes been taking a cocktail of 12 tablets each day for the last 12 months. He has to record himself taking them and then send the recording to his doctors. As you can see, its done. So they know hes sticking to the treatment. Well, just let me know when the next doctor appointment. Thank you for watching. Bye. Whats it like living with tb in your brain . Its painful and its like you cannot think straight when you know that you can, like, black out at any time. Its like, its so unstable for me. I am scared to do something. I am scared to go outside. I am scared to do something on my own. It can go to any brain cells, which is really risky to have it. It can damage your memories. Its so painful, sometimes ijust have to hold it like this. Trust me, its like i wish i could drop my head and keep it on one side. What kind of side effects do you face as a result of all the medication you have to take . Im losing my hair, so i look old now. Which im not. And my left leg, it stops working sometimes. Which is really scary. So these sort of thing really make my life difficult. One in three people worldwide is infected with latent, or silent, tb, which means they carry the bacteria but dont have any symptoms. They could go on to develop active tb if their Immune System is weakened. There were almost 6000 new cases of active tb in the uk in 2015, almost 40 of those were in london. Thats why its called the tb capital of western europe. And some parts of the city have infection rates higher than developing countries like iraq, libya and yemen. So this london borough, tower hamlets, is one of the tb hotspots in the capital. In fact, it has some of the worst tb rates in the whole country. Someone with untreated tb can infect up to 15 other people each year. Millions is being invested to try and eliminate tb as a Public Health problem in this country. Recently theres been a fall in overall cases, but those involving the most at risk and difficult to treat like the homeless, drug users and prisoners are rising. And experts are concerned we could see tb continue to spread among these groups and, ultimately, others. And thats exactly what this van is trying to stop. Its a mobile tb clinic which tries to find and isolate carriers of the disease among the most at risk, before they affect others. People that are homeless, or people on the street, they dont have. Usually go to the hospital or that kind of stuff. So coming to this kind of place really helps. Inside, people are giving a lung x ray, and within minutes the results are analysed. Its very clear that there is big quite an extensive progression, evidence of infection here. This is tb. What kind of symptoms are there of tb . The classic symptoms of paul moloney all tb, tb in delong, is cough, weight loss, night sweats and fever. U nfortu nately if night sweats and fever. Unfortunately if you work with people on the street, many of them rough sleeper and that clinical presentation is perfectly masked by the lifestyle of living on the street, which is why we are taking radiology to the street. How often do you find cases of tb through this . We would swim between three and 400 people to find a case of active disease. Genderless works with the service but before that he was battling drink and drugs and Sleeping Rough before he was diagnosed with tb in his lungs. Sleeping rough before he was diagnosed with tb in his lungslj was diagnosed with tb in his lungs. |j was very thin, six stone in weight at that time, dying. The symptoms are very painful and Vulnerable People suffer most because they are homeless, Mental Health and all this comes into play. Jengis is now clear of tb. It took a long time because he was resistant to one of the drugs. I was on treatment for about a year, 12 tablets a day. They did a lot of tests on me and it was very uncomfortable. But i knew they had to do it because if they didnt, i was going to die. Tb can kill if it is left untreated. In a few hours around 70 people from the Homeless Day Centre have been screened. Two had abnormal scans and have been referred. Are you concerned we may see numbers increase . We are seeing a doubling in the street population in the last three or four years. U nfortu nately in the last three or four years. Unfortunately people who are homeless in london are at high risk of infection, high risk of being exposed to tb because they find themselves living in confined spaces with people who potentially can have active and infectious tb. Again, it tb being a social disease, you cannot imagine getting rid of tb u nless cannot imagine getting rid of tb unless you address homelessness, the two are intrinsically linked. The homeless, drug addicts and prisoners are amongst the most likely to die from tb. Finding cases is only the first challenge for this mobile clinic, the next is getting them to stick to the long treatment. They can stick to the long treatment. They ca n ofte n stick to the long treatment. They can often stop midway which can cause relapse and strains of the bacteria to become resistant to drugs. That is why the service has pioneered this video observed treatment, used in some of the most complicated cases likejohnnys. The first ever pilot has just finished and it shows almost 90 of patients on it completed treatment. Im going to ta ke on it completed treatment. Im going to take that. A few weeks after we spoke tojohnny, we meet him again. He has news about his treatment. Spoke tojohnny, we meet him again. He has news about his treatmentlj went he has news about his treatment. went to the hospital and spoke to the doctor, we had a handshake and he was happy, he said, johnny, you are very he was happy, he said, johnny, you are very lucky, i am glad to tell you this, and he showed me the image of my rain and i saw it had just gone, my head is completely clear. He was like, you are free from tb now. I wanted to scream, but i was like, 0k, thank you, doctor iwill still be on medication for six months but he said i am glad you are safe now. You are smiling i was smiling, like, wow the video observed treatmentjohnny smiling, like, wow the video observed Treatment Johnny has completed has been described as a potential game the fight against tb in the uk. In one way i can say that i escaped death. You can see that on the website if you want to or share it. Let me bring you some breaking news from paris, we are getting reports that the lupu is being evacuated after gunfire was heard. Reports are, this is being picked up on the Reuters News Agency from local media sources, eyewitnesses talking about it on twitter as well, reports are that a soldier opened fire after being attacked by a person armed with a knife, just by the louvre, at the carousel. There is also a report on reuters quoted a Police Source saying a soldier opened fire after a man tried to enter the louvre with a suitcase, various reports coming through of what has happened there but reports the louvre is being evacuated, no further confirmation of exactly what the situation is there, we will of course keep you updated as soon as we hear more. Snapchat is used by 600 Million People across the world, it has not yet made a profit but that has not stopped it being valued at more than £20 billion. It is about to be listed on the new york stock exchange. Rory cellan jones has a demonstration. Now, heres the problem. Ive been on snapchat for a couple of years, but ive really never got it. And now, finally, im determined to understand it with a younger person, priscilla. What shall i do . The best thing to do with snapchat is to take selfies. So what you do is you double tap your screen, and if you want to put a filter, you hold onto yourface. Right. You have different filters. Ive got that filter, that filter, ive got is. Ive got ears. To send that to someone individually, you click on to that arrow. You can share your whole day with the world, thats the point of snapchat. Lets go out and try that, then. Our Business Correspondent Aaron Heselhurst is with us to talk us through the numbers. Have you used it . I have tried to, because my kids do it is not really aimed at us but the people who love it, it is a massive thing and has this huge valuation but has never made a profit . Not in its five year history. It could possibly, going public, it will list shares on the new york stock exchange, it could possibly value the company 25 billion but the situation at the moment, 158 million use it daily, very popular as you said with your kids, young people. In the United States, it is huge. 41 of all 18 to 34 year olds are snapping, apparently. But how has that 25 billion being arrived that when it is not making money . This is a problem with these tech companies, we dont know until it goes to the market, it was the same with facebook. This could be the biggest tech ipo we have seen since facebook five years ago, that raced Something Like 100 billion, but a similar problem, all the experts i have spoken to this morning have said, five years ago everyone was saying to facebook, you have to monetise your ads, monetise your users, make money from advertising, and facebook have certainly cracked that. They told us yesterday they made 10 billion in profit will stop this is the same facing snapchat. Things change when the product is monetised and it might put off the young, potentially. It might, advertising propping up because nothing is forfree. There are because nothing is forfree. There a re lots of because nothing is forfree. There are lots of young people who use it. The founders, they are very young. Have we got a photo . The young chap on the left, evan spiegel, he is 26 yea rs on the left, evan spiegel, he is 26 years old bobby murphy next to him only 29. Three years ago, not long ago, Mark Zuckerberg from facebook offered those two 3 billion cash for the company, they said, no. Too savvy for that is it a smart move . If the company reaches valuation of 25 billion, those two you just saw will be multi multi billionaires indeed. And the 26 year old, evan, ionly billionaires indeed. And the 26 year old, evan, i only found this out today, he is engaged to miranda kerr, the aussie supermodel. I wonder, she will see a lot more in him im sure he is a very nice guy, aaron. Im sure he is. How did they come up with the idea . That i dont know, to be honest like soderbergh, it is from university, they did coding, they put this together. So bright, though, to spot that trend of where something will go and thenit trend of where something will go and then itjust unfolds. They will be very successful, whatever. We will wait and see what happens, when it goes public. There is also a question of whether there is also a question of whether there isa is also a question of whether there is a tech bubble out there at the moment. The tech experts i have been speaking to say, will it be facebook or twitter . When they compare it to twitter, twitter has never made a profit and its number of users has really plateaued, whereas facebook just keeps on soaring. Anyway, it is a weight and the case. Keep us updated. Thank you very much. I want to bring you thank you very much. I want to bring you some more thank you very much. I want to bring you some more about what is happening at the louvre because we are hearing from the French Interior ministry on twitter talking about a serious Security Incident taking place at the louvre, reuters picking up place at the louvre, reuters picking up on that. Reports we were getting earlier was that the louvre was being evacuated after a man tried to enter the louvre, reuters now saying a french soldier opened fire on and wounded a man armed with a knife trying to get into the museum, trying to get into the museum, trying to get into the underground shop with a suitcase. The area has been evacuated and the interior Ministry Said that the incident is serious, so police have cordoned off access to the louvre, according to eyewitnesses, and the metro stations around it reportedly closed. There isa around it reportedly closed. There is a bit ofa around it reportedly closed. There is a bit of a Security Lockdown obviously going on there as they evacuate the area following on from that incident. We will keep you updated. We will also be telling you a bit later about what is going on with disability payments, because it is being argued the government should delay its planned cuts to Disability Benefits. We will look at the arguments for and against that. If you have any experience, do let us know your thoughts. Also, the super bowl kicks off on sunday, we will be joined by some nfl fans in the studio to see how American Football Isgrove and give the uk. And we are staying across the situation in paris, we will keep you updated on the unfolding situation at the louvre in central palace. Heres annita in the bbc newsroom with a summary of todays news. Theresa may has arrived at the eu summit in malta, where she will brief eu leaders on her meeting with donald trump, and call for nato members to spend more on defence. Close trade and strategic ties with president Trumps Administration are central to downing streets plans for britain after brexit. Mrs may has also said the uk will remain a reliable partner in europe. A chaotic handling of personal Data Breaches is undermining confidence in the governments ability to protect the uk from Cyber Attacks. Thats according to the Commons Public Accounts Committee which says ministers have taken too long to consolidate the different agencies tasked with stopping attacks. A spokesman for the Cabinet Office said a comprehensive and ambitious national Cyber Security strategy is in place. Levels of tuberculosis are on the rise in parts of the uk, especially amongst vulnerable groups like the homeless. A Special Report for this programme has found that medical teams are having to employ mobile Treatment Units in parts of london to try to keep Infection Levels under control. Well have more on this shortly. The average Car Insurance premium has reached a record high of £462 of £462 as cars go hi tech. Thats according to the association of british insurers, which says repairs have become more expensive partly because of cars increasingly complex electronics, as well as higher whiplash claims and Insurance Premium tax. Buying in spare parts is also getting more expensive, due to the weakness of the pound. The company that owns the Instant Messaging and photo app Snapchat Will Go Public on the us stock exchange. The california based tech firm, which allows users to send images that vanish within seconds, is set to be the Biggest Company to list shares in the us in recent years. Snapchat is expected to start trading at a value of between 20 25 billion. But Market Analysts have doubts about the companys long term profitability. Supermarkets are rationing the sale of more vegetables to cope with a shortage brought about by bad weather in spain. It comes after similar problems with courgettes a few weeks ago. Tesco is limiting customers to three Iceberg Lettuces, and morrisons is also reported to be preventing shoppers from buying more than three heads of broccoli. Tesco says bad weather in spain has caused Availability Issues but that suppliers are working to resolve the problem. Thats a summary of the latest bbc news more at 10am. We will of course keep you up to date with the latest news we are getting out of paris where the louvre is reportedly being evacuated after a Soldier Patrolling Outside Opened Fire after reportedly being attacked by someone armed with a knife. Somebody tried to enter the louvre kicked is being said with a suitcase. There is a big Security Operation underway right now at the louvre, we will keep you updated. Lets catch up with the sport. We waited so long for the return of tiger woods, he has now pulled out of the Dubai Desert Classic after suffering with back spasms, he was 12 shots off the lead anyway following an opening 77, he missed the cut in his first tournament in san diego last week. Mark hughes has confirmed reports new striker Saido Berahino served an eight week suspension for an fa disciplinary matter. Hejoined suspension for an fa disciplinary matter. He joined stoke suspension for an fa disciplinary matter. Hejoined stoke city last month, but the ban was served at his Previous Club west brom. The six nations starts after their grand slam england head coach eddiejones thinks his side can be even better. The womens tournament starts tonight with scotland hosting ireland. And Great Britain get their davis cup Campaign Underway against canada, dan evans will play the opening rubber after his Strong Performance at the australian open. Andy murray not in the team, he is resting at the moment. Back with more on the story is just after 10am. Although gene therapy has the potential to eliminate Birth Defects and debilitating diseases, it also presents difficult ethical issues, with opponents claiming its wrong to create so called designer babies. The use of gene therapy will be debated by the Royal Society of medicine tonight. Arguing the case that gene editing should be resisted will be Kiruna Stamell a stage and screen actor with dwarfism. She made this short film for radio 4s today programme. Professorjothoe mcfadden is a professor of molecular genetics at the university of surrey. Very eloquently putting the case for why it is something which has to be so why it is something which has to be so carefully considered, what are the possibilities with gene editing . The possibilities are enormous. Firstly to prevent children being born with devastating diseases, to prevent children being born with diseases that will give them short lifetimes are difficult lifetimes. And those are the priorities at the moment. What is your perspective on Something Like dwarfism which as she says does not cause pain, does not shorten life, she talks about it being a perception of what is normal, she feels no different inside. I dont think anyone working in the field would think about doing this kind of procedure which is enormously expensive and difficult for a condition like dwarfism. We are talking about this technology for life threatening diseases. Sometime in the future if this technology really takes off and becomes much easier then people will have to make other decisions then but its just not on the radio are at the moment. On the radar. But its just not on the radio are at the moment. On the radar. What you think of Horror Concerns about putting dwarfism into the context of gene editing can lead to people being marginalised . It is obviously a concern, she has a wonderful life and is happy to be the kind of person that she is. I believe you should be given the choices to deal with her own children and to have the kind of children she would like to have. I dont think she or anyone else should interfere with the choices other people are able to make about the kind of children which they would like to have. Particularly if those decisions about the health and well being of the children. I think thats the priority, who makes the decision, i think it is the parents. How slowly does Technology Like this unfold . It can sometimes develop more quickly than the ethics around it, how does the debate. It goes in fits and sports. People have been this kind of technology for several decades, not very successfully. There is a new Technology Available recently which looks like it could revolutionise the field so we will probably soon be having to make the kind of decisions about what kind of conditions ought to be treated with this technology, those are decisions which have to be made by community at large but particularly by the pa rents of at large but particularly by the parents of children. Thank you very much. Just want to go live to paris, the louvre, this is the scene, just outside the louvre which has been evacuated. There is a Security Operation underway. The French Interior ministry talking on twitter about a serious incident, a serious Public Security incident underway in the louvre area. Its unfolded after a man with a knife, some reports say attacked a soldier and armed soldier, not quite clear what happened, but the soldier opened fire. There was it seems, the report say, a man armed with a knife and carrying a suitcase try to get into the louvre. The soldier opened fire and the building has been evacuated and the building has been evacuated and as you can see and would expect there is a heavy Security Presence. Lets bring in a guestjoining us from paris who can talk to us on the phone, we are going to talk to you about the politics of the eu but i know you are in paris and whilst you dont know specifically about this incident, this is an incident unfolding in your city which has contended with some horrific times in recent months, how will people be feeling as the louvre is at the centre of the latest Security Skier . U nfortu nately centre of the latest Security Skier . Unfortunately its another instance of what terrorists want to do, they won two straight peoples minds, so they choose symbolic places they wa nt to they choose symbolic places they want to strike. If this attack was foiled it just shows the security that has been deployed to protect people is working. Indeed the Prime Minister a few days ago in the French Senate was recalling the many attacks which we re was recalling the many attacks which were prevented and foiled. But U Nfortu Nately we a re were prevented and foiled. But unfortunately we are living under the permanent threat and this is just a reminder. Yes it seems to have been a very swift reaction to an indication of a potential threat by an armed soldier. What are the Security Levels, what is the visible presence in paris these days . Yes, indeed, since the Terrorist Attacks of last year, army and Police Forces have been deployed everywhere starting with the airport, train stations, and they are very visible everywhere. But its the information that people are able to get and this is done today at International Level thatis is done today at International Level that is also capable of preventing those attacks. Unfortunately we have to deal with individuals now, not just groups that will be well organised and so on, but individuals that have planned to carry out Terrorist Attacks and unfortunately theiraim is to Terrorist Attacks and unfortunately their aim is to kill as many people and this is just another example and its very fortunate that the soldier responded in the properfashion. Its very fortunate that the soldier responded in the proper fashion. mentioned you are here, joining us to talk more broadly about politics because you represent french citizens living abroad on the French Senate and we will talk about brexit. But how much are Security Issues going to be a factor in the french elections which are upcoming . Yes indeed, we have passed many new legislation to strengthen our security and give more means, financial and also in the way the police are able to work. But i think we need to keep working on that. 0bviously we need to keep working on that. Obviously it is going to be one issue, as the Migration Issue is also going to be on the table, as Economic Issues and of course the eu and International Affairs with donald trump. Yeah, i want to introduce now a couple of more guests who are going to join us for that wider discussion. We arejoined by we are joined by Yanis Varoufakis and doctor giorgio, thank you for joining us. We are going to talk about that meeting in malta, theresa may is going to be Briefing Fellow european leaders about her visit to the United States, meeting donald trump. There is also obviously a very significant backdrop of what the shape of a brexit deal might look like. Yesterday the maltese Prime Minister said the brexit deal must be inferior to you to eu membership. Yanis varoufakis, do you think that is inevitable . membership. Yanis varoufakis, do you think that is inevitable . I very much feel the European Union is very much feel the European Union is very much capable of putting petty politics of mutual advantage. This was my Position Negotiating with them and i think london will experience these kinds of tensions for scoring political points instead of striking and agreement that is advantageous for britain and the European Union. Dr gyorgy schopflin, Yanis Va Roufakis Talks European Union. Dr gyorgy schopflin, Yanis Varoufakis talks about petty politics been put above mutual advantage. How do you see it . The European Union, if you like, is a clu b European Union, if you like, is a club with its own rules. 0ne European Union, if you like, is a club with its own rules. One of the central principles is that third states, which the United Kingdom is about to become, cannot be in a more advantageous position than member states, that is fundamental. Within that there are various stages before we get there, Something Like a final relationship should be as advantageous as possible for both sides. Both sides have something to lose, my reading is that britain has more to lose but there is a great deal of work to be done between now and, well, not 2019 but Something Like 2021, 2020 two. Helen, your perspective on this, do you think britain has to be on worst terms . think nobody has anything to gain from a weaker uk and i dont see it as 27 countries against one, i see it as 28 countries having to negotiate the exit of this club, and of course nobody should have to lose in what is happening. Article 50 is just so unfortunate, when it was put into the treaty, it was put in as an exit door, as somebody said to me recently, that lead nowhere, because it was never intended to be used. I think now that we just have to try to make the best of the negotiations that are about to start. Thank you all very much, we will of course have coverage on bbc news today of that summit. They call it the greatest show on earth. On sunday the new England Patriots will face the Atlanta Falcons in houston for super bowl 51. Its not just about the football. Its also the razzmatazz and the glamour of the half time show, which this year will be headlined by lady gaga. 170 countries are set to tune in across the world and americans are estimated to drink 325 million gallons of beer during the game. American football is growing here in the uk, and last year three nfl games were played in london. Weve got a bunch of players here and ill be speaking to them in a moment. First lets have a look at how the game works. I think ive got this one with some help from my friends at Weir High School in west virginia. Take it away, jonathan. Its a team sport, the object is to get the ball into the end zone and score, and the defense has to stop you. Play on a 100 yard field. Theres always 11 people on the field. So give got your quarterback, your running back and then youve got your five Offensive Lineman and four wide receivers. Theres offense and then theres defense. 0n offense youre simply trying to move the ball down the field into the defenses end zone, and whenever you run defense you want to stop the offense. The offense has four downs to get ten yards all the time, so the defense wants to stop them before the four downs and make them punt. And then theyjust switch offense and defense. Now i know the rules, but what do you wear . Its a Contact Sport, so we wear helmets to protect our heads, Shoulder Pads for our shoulders and everything. And we wear thigh pads, knee pads, hip pads to protect that. And you normally wear, just like soccer or anything else, you wear cleats. I know, maybe ill take it up well, this is what you wear, these helmets and all the garb. Some people be watching with interest are here now lets talk to nfl star michael bennett, for the Jacksonville Jaguars and some people who Play The Game here. Niall scott grant plays for the warriors, and is a huge atla nta falcons fa n. Lucie stewart plays for the London Warriors in the womens team. Grace hilbourne plays for the Wembley Stallions and captain of the womens team. And finally cj also plays for the Wembley Stallions and is a massive new England Patriots fan. For people here that dont get it, you cannot overstate it, what is the equivalent of the super bowl, is there an equivalent . The super bowl is the biggest Sporting Event in america, i dont know if that is statistic wise but the day of the year and how everyone gets together and celebrate, it is enormous. Huge hype around it, lady gaga performing, those performances can go viral because sometimes they go wrong as well. Everybody takes advantage of their chance to perform at the superbowl, the commercials around it as well, it is a whole event, and a big deal. Grace, you are here in your kit, how long have you been playing . From a year, but i played rugby for quite a while before. How does it compare to by, before. How does it compare to rugby, because it is more like would and football . You throw and catch a ball, that is where the comparisons stop why did you decide to take it 7 stop why did you decide to take it up . Ifell stop why did you decide to take it up . I fell in love with it, started watching a few years ago because it is so exciting and we dont have anything similar here. Then started looking into it, found out there are a few womens teams around. Michael, what about you, when did you get into it . Sorry, not michael, cj started playing on computer consoles, and then i wasjust, there was an advert in the paper for a taster day and i fell in love with the game and have been playing since the game and have been playing since the advent as the years have gone on, the advancement in the equipment, the Shoulder Pads are not as heavy as they used to be, and some of the helmets, so once you are in the game you dont even notice it, really. What got you into it, lucie . I had never played a Contact Sport before, i had a job in london and was looking for a way to get fit. And was looking for a way to get fit. That and was looking for a way to get fit. That is quite a big leap to ta ke to fit. That is quite a big leap to take to get bit there are easier ways i tried a boot camp and some boxing classes, tried american football but when i went along to the London Warriors and met with the women there, ijust the London Warriors and met with the women there, i just fell the London Warriors and met with the women there, ijust fell in love with it. And you, niall . Iwas women there, ijust fell in love with it. And you, niall . I was going to get healthy, i was a bigger guy ten years ago and i thought, what is the best way of getting involved . I played rugby before at school and the moment i started playing american football, two weeks and i got my first fact, that was it, it was an addiction how popular is it here, michael . You are active here in trying to popularise it . It is getting more popular every year, they were telling me last year was they were telling me last year was the first year that the colts got booed when the jaguars and the colts played at wembley, so people are really starting to get into it. I know something that the jaguars do with the local kids. What is that . It isa with the local kids. What is that . It is a game that is not fully fledged football but teaching the kids rules about football and it has doubled in size injust kids rules about football and it has doubled in size in just one year, so people are really starting to grab onto football and find interest in it. British football obviously is not big in the states like it is here, they will always be big in their own market and niche in the other . Yes, british football is getting a lot bigger in the states, getting a lot bigger in the states, getting more Media Coverage and people are paying attention to read more so it is good to see american football is getting more coverage of the year, people are Finding Interest in it. And you will all be watching the Superbowl On Sunday . Definitely even if you never watch american football, the superbowl is something that gets huge coverage, you cannot miss it. It is such a show, and where our sports here are great, there is no atmosphere like the American Sports have. Like michael said, the Superbowl Epitomises Everything About American Sport that is so great to watch, so it isa sport that is so great to watch, so it is a great celebration of sport and atmosphere. Is that what you like about it . Watching the game within the game, watching how the fence reacts to the defense, and also a great opportunity for me to get with my team mates and eat chicken and have a social as well niall, i said chicken and have a social as well niall, isaid Ifound Chicken and have a social as well niall, i said ifound the chicken and have a social as well niall, i said i found the explainer confusing, is it a difficult sport to understand . Once you know the basics it really all falls together. After that, it is the grasp of what four downs are, where they are trying to get to, everything works out, it is like a chess game if anything. Once you get your head for that, it is easy. I like that explanation do you need to understand it to watch and enjoy it, cj . Understand it to watch and enjoy it, g . It understand it to watch and enjoy it, c] . It helps, butjust watching it, seeing the action, even if you dont understand it, just watching big plays and big hits, seeing the crowd reaction, it captivates you. What is the atmosphere like at a big game in the atmosphere like at a big game in the us . It is hard to describe, when i think about the crowded stadium, a night game or Something Like that, the best way i can describe is when you are on the field, 3rd down, you can feel the vibrations from the crowd yelling through the field. If im talking to my team, we cannot hear each other. I have never experienced anything like it so far that could beat just experienced anything like it so far that could beatjust that moment of trying to work with your team mates ina big trying to work with your team mates in a big game to overcome the other tea m in a big game to overcome the other team who is playing a great game as well. It is hard to describe just how exhilarating that is. And to get to the level that you are at in the states must, there must be so much competition because presumably most little boys at school and a lot of little boys at school and a lot of little girls as well want to go into what you are doing . Yes, in america i think it is a lot of people streamed to make it to the nfl. I know it was my dream. When i first started football, i wanted to go to the nfl, so i am proud to accomplish that. It takes a lot, some of it is getting lucky but most of it is hard work and as being in the right place at the right time and making plays when you are supposed to. Nice to talk to you all, enjoy the superbowl. Lets bring you up to date with what is happening in paris, we have those pictures of the louvre that we can show you, a big Security Operation is underway after the louvre was evacuated. The French Interior ministry talking about a serious Public Security incident, french soldier opened fire after reports that he was attacked by a man armed with a knife, also reports that a man with a suitcase try to get into the louvre and so the soldier opened fire, the man described as seriously injured after those events unfolded. Right now there is a large Security Presence outside the louvre and people have been evacuated from the area, so we are going to keep you right up to date with what is happening there. Lets get the weather with nick. There is a fair amount of dry, sunny weather out there at the moment but thatis weather out there at the moment but that is not the case in South West England and eventually wales. True to the middle of the day because we have got rain moving in, some of the heavy side, the wind picking up as well. North and east of that we will hold onto the dry, occasionally sunny weather well into the afternoon but eventually the rain pushes to South West Scotland at the east of northern ireland. A cold feeling day, not just east of northern ireland. A cold feeling day, notjust The Rain Moving did north west england, the midlands and south east england, the Channel Islands could see 60, 70 mph gusts, maybe 40, 50 on the south coast of england, gusty inland as well and the strong wind transferring to the east of the uk overnight, and it picks up in scotla nd overnight, and it picks up in scotland for saturday morning. Rain and hill snow pushing north overnight. England and wales a bit calmer, some frost on saturday morning. Saturday has this low pressure morning. Saturday has this low pressure glancing across the far south east of england. Some rain and hill snow in scotland, but between thoseit hill snow in scotland, but between those it is a fine and dry saturday and sunday. Hello its friday, its 10am, im joanna gosling. A french soldier on guard at the louvre in paris has opened fire at a suspected attacker, media reports say. Well bring you the latest on this developing stories. U nfortu nately unfortunately its another incident of what terrorists want to do, strike peoples minds so they choose symbolic places. Well be joined in the studio by some of people affected by the cut in Disability Benefits. It comes as mps ask the government to delay the cuts. Supermarkets are rationing the sale of more vegetables to cope with a shortage brought about by bad weather in spain. Well look at how supermarkets and farmers are tackling the problem. Good morning. Heres annita in the bbc newsroom with a summary of todays news. Our top story this hour those reports from paris that a french soldier has shot and wounded a man armed with a knife who was trying to enter the Louvre Museum with a suitcase. The Interior Ministry described the incident as serious. Streets in the area have been cordoned off to traffic and pedestrians. The head of paris police has also said a second man has been arrested in connection with the incident. Theresa may has arrived at the eu summit in malta, where she will brief eu leaders on her meeting with donald trump, and call for nato members to spend more on defence. The Prime Minister is expected to stress that she wants a positive and constructive relationship with the remaining 27 eu countries. Mrs may has also said the uk will remain a reliable partner in europe. A chaotic handling of personal Data Breaches is undermining confidence in the governments ability to protect the uk from Cyber Attacks. Thats according to the Commons Public Accounts Committee which says ministers have taken too long to consolidate the different agencies tasked with stopping attacks. A spokesman for the Cabinet Office said a comprehensive and ambitious national Cyber Security strategy is in place. The average Car Insurance premium has reached a record high of £462 as cars go hi tech. Thats according to the association of british insurers, which says repairs have become more expensive partly because of cars increasingly complex electronics, as well as higher whiplash claims and Insurance Premium tax. Buying in spare parts is also getting more expensive, due to the weakness of the pound. The company that owns the Instant Messaging and photo app Snapchat Will Go Public on the us stock exchange. The california based tech firm, which allows users to send images that vanish within seconds, is set to be the Biggest Company to list shares in the us in recent years. Snapchat is expected to start trading at a value of between 20 25 billion. But Market Analysts have doubts about the companys long term profitability. Supermarkets are rationing the sale of more vegetables to cope with a shortage brought about by bad weather in spain. It comes after similar problems with courgettes a few weeks ago. Tesco is limiting customers to three Iceberg Lettuces, and morrisons is also reported to be preventing shoppers from buying more than three heads of broccoli. Tesco says bad weather in spain has caused Availability Issues but that suppliers are working to resolve the problem. Thats a summary of the latest bbc news more at 10. 30am. Lets bring you up to date with what is happening in louvre. We are getting comments from the police chief who says the attacker had launched himself at the soldier who was slightly injured. The soldier opened fire, firing several bullets and the attacker is badly injured as and the attacker is badly injured as a result, gravely wounded the police chief says including in the stomach, five shots fired at him. The attacker was carrying two backpacks but neither had explosives. The head of the police saying that remarks by the attacker had led police to believe he wanted to carry out a terrorist attack. Searches are obviously ongoing at the moment at the building, big Security Operation, serious Security Operation, serious Security Operation at the Interior Ministry is saying but a swift reaction by an armed soldier outside the louvre weather was an indication of a potential threat. This is the aftermath of that incident which has just started to unfold in the last hour or so. The area has been evacuated and the metro station which is right by the louvre reportedly closed. We are of course staying across what is happening and we will keep you up to date with any developments as we get them. Lets catch up with the sport. Mark hughes has confirmed his new striker Saido Berahino served an eight week fa suspension last year. It follows newspaper reports today that he was banned after failing out of competition drugs test he joined stoke last month and mark hughes says he is available for selection against old Club West Brom tomorrow. Tiger woods says he feels terrible having to withdraw from the Dubai Desert Classic with a bad back. 0nly his second tournament appearance after three back operations in the past 19 months. He said he was not in pain during the competition, he was 12 shots off the lead, the problem apparently came on late last night when he had a spasm in his lower back. The six nations begins at the weekend, scotland host ireland, england take on france and wales travel to italy, last year england secured a grand slam and in fa ct england secured a grand slam and in fact they went unbeaten in all of 2016 so will be the favourites this time around. Preparation has been good, i think the concern is when you prepare so well you can be complacent going into a game. So we have had a really good week this week, it rained that training which i think is a good thing, greasy ball, a few dropped balls to keep people on edge. The challenge from here into the game is sharpening the axe mentally. Before we go, also the davis cup this weekend, Great Britain without andy murray who is being rested, they play canada later on, dan evans in the opening rubber. I will be back with the sport headlines around 11 30am. Lets get the latest out of paris, louvre on lockdown, a man armed with a knife, it is being reported it is a machete, he was outside the louvre, and armed soldier opened fire after it is reported the attacker shouted and the soldier shot and seriously injured a man outside the louvre who they feared wanted to enter the louvre with a suitcase. The head of police in paris said the attacker had two backpacks but neither had explosives in them. This is the live scene where you see a heavy Security Presence. It is a serious Public Security issue. The entire building has been evacuated. The area has been cleared whilst they deal with the aftermath of the incident. The man armed with a knife, some reports say it was a machete, no seriously injured having been shot at five times by a soldier who opened fire after some reports say being attacked by the man wielding the knife, but as you can imagine reports are conflicting in these early stages as the incidentjust started unfolding in the past hour or so. Started unfolding in the past hour or so. That is the latest from the scene. Earlier i spoke to a member of the Senate Of France who gave us this reaction. Unfortunately its another instance of what Terrorists Wa Nt to another instance of what terrorists want to do, they want to strike peoples minds and therefore they choose symbolic places. It was reinforcement of Security Forces under the main Tourist Places in paris, and obviously louvre is one of them. If this attack was foiled it just shows the security that has been deployed to protect people is working. Indeed the Prime Minister a few days ago in the French Senate was recalling the many attacks which we re was recalling the many attacks which were prevented and foiled. U nfortu nately we a re were prevented and foiled. Unfortunately we are living under the permanent threat and this is just a reminder of it. Since the Terrorist Attacks of last year the army and Police Forces have been deployed everywhere starting with the airports, train stations, and they are very visible everywhere. U nfortu nately we have they are very visible everywhere. Unfortunately we have two deal with individuals now, notjust grips groups which will be well organised and so on, but individuals who have plans to carry out Terrorist Attacks and unfortunately they aim to kill as many people as possible and this is just another example. Its very fortu nate is just another example. Its very fortunate that the soldier responded in the properfashion. Fortunate that the soldier responded in the proper fashion. Lets take a look at the scene where the Security Operation continues outside the louvre. We can also bring in the former French Foreign minister from 20072010, thank former French Foreign minister from 2007 2010, thank you forjoining us, what is urea action . Well, at around 10am a man tried to assassinate, a man wielding two naive scald machetes, he winded the soldier. Immediately and other soldier shot the man and Wounded Hemmer him heavily. In the place was full of tourists, the louvre, the pyramid, it is heavily guarded like the other places where the tourists are. Nobody was wounded but the soldier and the man with the naive spot no tourists were injured at all. With the naive this with the knives. Apparently security is coming from the soldiers and the police and it was very well done and nobody was wounded. Where you there as this was happening . Sorry . Where you there as this was happening . No, idid not you there as this was happening . No, i did not say that, you just called me and i did not say that, you just called me and i was aware of what was going on half an hour ago but i was not in the louvre, not at all. You talk about the swift reaction from the soldier who was there the moment something of concern started to unfold, obviously france has had some very unfold, obviously france has had some very difficult lessons in being prepared for all eventualities. Yes, we are prepared for such an attack and it was in the middle of a group of tourists so they reacted the proper way. Congratulations to the patrol and the soldiers, yes. What will the reaction the board widely what will the reaction be more widely do you think, this is an indication of a Security Level which has reacted very swiftly to something potentially happening. You are right, not an indication, the man was alone, he did not fire, he was just armed with two knives, this is the sort of person, in individual reaction, it is difficult to prevent. But the way they reacted was a good way. What impact is is having on the french mindset . Sorry . What impact, all of these incidents, what impact is it having on the french mindset . Sorry . What impact, all of these incidents, what impact is it having only french psyche . dont know, this is a fresh incident, i dont know. But from the minister of the interior underlining that the answer was quick and efficient. Is this a sort of going to bea efficient. Is this a sort of going to be a key factor in the elections which are upcoming . No, no, no. We are which are upcoming . No, no, no. We a re U Nfortu Nately which are upcoming . No, no, no. We are unfortunately aware of the danger. This is not the end, all around the louvre and everywhere, including the station, they are looking for some people, i dont know exactly, it seems that the attacker was alone but the Security Operation is still going on around the louvre. The wider Security Issues for france, the terror threat, how much of a factor is that in politics at the moment . threat, how much of a factor is that in politics at the moment . I dont think, i mean all the candidates are aware about the danger and that is why our operation is protecting the people constantly for months and months. It was, as i told you, this is not a triumph, it is a pity, but the french soldiers were efficient in answering. Thank you forjoining us, the situation is the Security Lockdown continues at the Louvre Foyer A Man Armed with eight knife, we we Re Foyer A Man Armed with eight knife, we were just hearing it was two machetes, went to apparently attack at soldier, and an armed soldier opened fire on the man who according to reports shouted god is in arabic. God is great, in arabic. The man was shot five times and there is now a major Security Operation is underway. A group of mps is calling on the government to delay cutting Disability Benefits until it clarifies how it will support those in need of extra money. From april, the allowance is set to be reduced for new claimants from £102 to £73 per week. It means they will get the same as those onjob seekers allowance. From april 2017, employment and support allowance, for those deemed fit to look for work, will be cut by £29. 05. New benefit for disabled people deemed fit to look for work will be same asjob seekers allowance, £73. 10, per week. The measure is expected to save £450 million per year by 2020 21. We can now speak to labour mp frank field, the chairman of the work and pensions select committee. Also sue bott from disability rights uk, the charity that contributed to the report. Were joined by Tracey Lazard from inclusion london, a Charity Suporting disabled people. And from our leeds studio, keran bunker he has aspergers syndrome, and is currently on the benefit which is being cut. Thank you all forjoining us. Frank field, i know that your committee thinks the cuts should be delayed until there is further clarification on how they will be implemented and what protections there will be for people who will be affected. What are your primary concern is . Our worry is the cuts will be made that will save £1 billion in this parliament and it will be at the expense of many disabled people who literally cannot work. The governments argument is that people will be able to jump into work when they make these cuts. 0ur counter to thatisif they make these cuts. 0ur counter to that is if they are so confident everybody is going to be able to get up everybody is going to be able to get up andjump into everybody is going to be able to get up and jump into work, why not make sure their Support Mechanisms are in place for those who cannot do so because the government will prove us wrong, make their savings, because the government will prove us wrong, make theirsavings, everybody will be happy. 0ur worry is this is just another cut in the Welfare Budget which will push even more people down into desperation. The government says the savings will be invested in a new Support Package for the most vulnerable. We are saying the Support Package should be in place before any cut on new claimants. This is not existing claimants, we are talking about new claimants, we are talking about new claimants, it should be in place before the government makes the changes. If they are so confident it is about Support Measures rather than cuts, why are they chalking up £1 billion saving by the end of the parliament . The government says the number of disabled people in work has increased by 600,000 in the last three years which would indicate the changes being made are giving a greater incentive to people going into work . Nobody wants to dispute that the new secretary of state, damian green, has made sure that the most disabled people are not going to be roughed up by having medicals and being required to go through the process of Applying Forjobs and so on, really good. No one is denying progress has been made, but we are in the foothills of the mountain to climb because the government said it was a pledge now aspiration to halve the Employment Rate the difference in Employment Rate between disabled people and the rest of the population. 0ne between disabled people and the rest of the population. One piece of evidence the Committee Looked at is the current rates, not over history, the current rates, not over history, the current rate it would take 200 yea rs the current rate it would take 200 years to meet that target. We make lots of recommendations about how we hope the government will achieve that objective before 200 years are up that objective before 200 years are up because i probably wont be here by then but we are pleased with the governments intent and seriousness, but varies no way they have got a plan yet to achieve those employment objectives, and yet they are going ahead with new claimants to cut benefits and most of the cuts since the Banking Crisis to balance the budget have been made on people who are touring the benefits. Tracey, you work with promoting the rights of deaf and disabled people. What are your concerns here . Of deaf and disabled people. What are your concerns here . Well, the Cut To Employment Support Allowance will be devastating. £30 a week might be nothing to some people, a good bottle of wine, but for disabled people in the Work Related Activity Group this is a third of their income. But it is not existing claimants, so people are not losing it, it is new people coming into the system. It, it is new people coming into the system. They it, it is new people coming into the system. They are facing exactly the same circumstances and again another perverse consequence is if disabled people on the Wr Ag Group Go Into Employment and are not able to sustain that implement, which often happens because access to work packages are not in place, they will come out of employment, get sacked, then be treated as a new claimants. 0n then be treated as a new claimants. On that point, lets bring in keran, because that is something you are concerned about. You have been on this allowance since 2013, tell us what your situation has been, have you tried to look for work and how do you see potentially the changes affecting you . I have a couple of times but im worried that basically, as the lady was saying, ifi basically, as the lady was saying, if i was to find work, my biggest fear is now that having to return to the benefit i would lose out, so i think, how is the best way to explain it, i am think, how is the best way to explain it, lam not think, how is the best way to explain it, i am not looking for work unless i know it will be definitely right for me. Could i does make the point as well, half of the people in the wrag group of people with learning difficulties, people with learning difficulties, people with learning difficulties, people with complex Mental Health issues, people with ass burgers, these are groups of disabled people but experience the worst discrimination and as a consequence have the lowest Employment Rates with ass burgess. The Employment Allowa nce with ass burgess. The Employment Allowance recognises that, it is a civilised response to a situation where people are unable to work and that will be the case for a considerable amount of time. To put people on the gsa equivalent is punishing people and property for six months is very different Property Three years. Sue, you are from disability rights uk, what is your view on this . I agree with everything that has been said until now. I would like to make the point that it takes disabled people a lot longer to get into work and find work, and i think that we have to understand that the jf a level is very difficult for all claimants, Notjust For Disabled very difficult for all claimants, not just for disabled people. Very difficult for all claimants, Notjust For Disabled people. For disabled people it is going to be even worse because they are going to have to live with that low level of benefit for much longer and really there is no evidence this would be an incentive. In fact, it would be the exact opposite. Putting people into poverty really means they have to focus all their efforts on surviving on a day to day basis and are not in a position to be able to work. If the government is so confident that we will all jump work. If the government is so confident that we will alljump into jobs, they will get their saving, so why not put the Support Mechanisms in place before they do it . This is the argument. I wanted to put to you what George Osborne said as chancellor, he outlined the plan is backin chancellor, he outlined the plan is back in 2015. He has chancellor, he outlined the plan is back in 2015. He has probably changed his mind now he said then that the system as it has been created perverse incentives preventing disabled people returning to work and at that point he said the number of people claiming out of what Disability Benefits had fallen by 90,000 since 2010. The committee is not against change, not against change for new claimants, although we have heard that there is a recycling of claimants as they lose jobs. The committees case is very clear, if the government is really so clear, if the government is really so confident that it is going to be that easy for this large group of people, disabled people, to move into work, why wont they concede, as the conservative members on the committee have demanded, notjust labour members, to say that they should have the Support Measures in place, the safety net in place, for those people actually cannot successfully immediately make that jump . Is it clear, actually, because there are sometimes reassessments, if somebody was reassessed, would they count as a new claimant . Yes. They are pushed out. Or disabled purple in the Support Group who wants to try out work related will suddenly find that their income is cut by that much. And lets not forget that the funding for the new Employment Support Programme isjust one fifth of what it was previously, so one fifth of what it was previously, so all of the infrastructure to support disabled people back into work has been shrunk by 80 . Keran, a quick final word from you because obviously there is a focus on trying to reduce the Disability Employment 93p to reduce the Disability Employment gap. How much help have you had in terms of getting back into the workplace . Due to my health conditions, not a great deal at the moment. I have tried a couple of times to be looking to get back into work, but i have found it difficult. Iam work, but i have found it difficult. I am worried if they cut the money and say i was a new claimant, being backin and say i was a new claimant, being back in that position again, that i would seriously struggle, and it would seriously struggle, and it would make the situation a lot worse. I think i would be a lot worse. I think i would be a lot worse off than i am now in the position i am to try and find work. What keran says is true, and the idea that disabled people can make thisjump is, idea that disabled people can make this jump is, for the idea that disabled people can make thisjump is, for the reasons that sue was saying, difficult enough to exist on the benefit, we are talking about £100 a week. I see in my constituency how people are ground down by this. To say, you are disabled people and you have tojump into work when the job market is going to be very tight anyway, and the Support Mechanisms are not going to be in place, i think it is actually impossible and, as you rightly say, it is a George Osborne packet and think mrs may needs to decide to pause this until we ensure that it decide to pause this until we ensure thatitis decide to pause this until we ensure that it is a Safe Movement of disabled people from benefit into work. Thank you very much, thank you. This morning the Department For Work And Pensions told us that, the number of disabled people in work has increased by almost 600,000 in the last three years. They also said that, of the 2. 5 million individuals claiming the employment support allowance, over half 1. 3 million also claim an additional personal independence payment. This is a separate payment which helps people with the extra cost of having a disability. Lets go back to paris, the Public Prosecutor s office has said that Anti Terror Police are opening an investigation into the attack at the louvre. Police gave this update a short while ago. Translation it happened at 10am this morning, nearly escalated at the entrance to the Louvre Museum. An attacker which had at least a machete and possibly another weapon and was wearing a backpack rushed towards and attacked policemen and soldiers while shouting threats, including allahu akbar. Lets ta ke akbar. Lets take you live to the scene right now, that Security Operation still ongoing. The latest that we are hearing is that the French Interior ministry is saying that the identity and nationality of the louvre attacked the suspect is not yet known, and an investigation has been opened into the attack, the Public Prosecutor s office has said. It is an incident that has unfolded very quickly at the louvre, just after 10am this morning our time, and man reportedly shouting allahu akbar and armed, some reports say, with up two machetes was shot at by an armed soldier outside the louvre, hit with five gunshots, now ina grave louvre, hit with five gunshots, now in a grave condition and the Security Operation is still ongoing at the louvre, the museum has been evacuated. We will keep you updated, of course. Also, Supermarket Ration Vegetables to cope with a shortage caused by bad weather abroad. And, after nearly 50 years, Black Sabbath are hanging up their guitars. We will be looking back at the band credited with inventing heavy metal. Lets get the latest from the newsroom. The paris police chief says the man Shouted Alluha the paris police chief says the man Shouted Allu Ha Akbar as the paris police chief says the man Shouted Alluha akbar as he rushed that a group of soldiers and Police Outside the building. The incident has been described as serious and a second man has been arrested in connection to the incident. This is the scene at the attack in paris, the scene at the attack in paris, the Police Involved in a brief News Conference answering questions for the media, it is understood the identity of the attacker and his nationality is not yet known. We will bring you every detail as it comes to us. Theresa may has arrived at the eu summit in malta, where she will brief eu leaders on her meeting with donald trump, and call for nato members to spend more on defence. The Prime Minister is expected to stress that in spite of brexit she wants a positive and constructive relationship with the remaining 27 eu countries. Mrs may will also say the uk will remain a reliable partner in europe. Theres strong criticism this morning of Government Plans to enhance britains Cyber Security. The Commons Public Accounts Committee says theres what it calls an Alphabet Soup of agencies tasked with stopping attacks and better Co Ordination was taking too long. A spokesman for the Cabinet Office said a comprehensive and ambitious national Cyber Security strategy was in place. The company that owns the Instant Messaging and photo app Snapchat Will Go Public on the us stock exchange. The california based tech firm, which allows users to send images that vanish within seconds, is set to be the Biggest Company to list shares in the us in recent years. Snapchat is expected to start trading at a value of between 20 25 billion. But Market Analysts have doubts about the companys long term profitability. Thats a summary of the latest news, join me for bbc Newsroom Live at 11am. On monday we are holding a special programme looking at the state of the nhs, we will look at the problems it is facing and ask for your help for solutions, if you work in the nhs, doctor, nurse, or co nsulta nt in the nhs, doctor, nurse, or consultant or are a patient with recent experience we would like you to ta ke recent experience we would like you to take part. Lets catch up with the sport. The return of tiger woods to golf was long awaited but he has only managed three rounds so far this year and has now pulled out of the Dubai Desert Classic after suffering with back spasms. He had an opening 77 and was 12 shots of the lead. Off the lead. Stoke city manager mark hughes has confirmed reports that new striker Saido Berahino 78 week suspension for an fa disciplinary matter. Hejoined week suspension for an fa disciplinary matter. He joined the clu b disciplinary matter. He joined the club in january, but disciplinary matter. He joined the club injanuary, but served the ban at his Previous Club, west brom has served the eight week suspension. Eddiejones thinks his England Rugby side can be even better. The womens six nations begins tonight with scotland host in ireland. Dan evans will play in the opening rubberfor great ireland. Dan evans will play in the opening rubber for Great Britain ireland. Dan evans will play in the opening rubberfor Great Britain in the davis cup against canada. Andy murray is not in the team, he is resting at the moment. Supermarkets across the uk have started rationing some vegetables and salads because of a shortage. Supplies have been disrupted in recent weeks by poor Growing Conditions in europe. Britain imports around half its vegetables and 90 of its fruit. In our hull studio is lord haskins hes the former chairman of Northern Foods which supplies to tesco. And in halstead, north essex is Mitchelle Redman he runs a Fruit Supplier Business and joins us from his market stall. Thank you forjoining us. What are you seeing, are you seeing an evidence of shortages . Yes, we have in recent weeks but having said that the supplier has improved this week. How people reacting . They are not too bad at the moment, a little bit surprised about some of the prices, the wholesale price to me last night for Iceberg Lettuce was £1 50 the wholesale price to me last night for Iceberg Lettuce was £150 each. The price of small cherry tomatoes £5 plus per kilogram for me to buy which is extremely expensive for this time of year. At least double what it should be. It is being said big supermarkets are putting limits on the amount of certain items which can be bought, a limit of three Iceberg Lettuce because smaller shops and other outlets are buying from supermarkets to get the supplies up, have you come across that . Yes, i believe some other greengrocers may well do that. But i think also the problem is made worse by restaurants think also the problem is made worse by restau Ra Nts A Nd Think also the problem is made worse by restaurants and cafes and so on who are frustrated with the price from their wholesaler so they are also going to the supermarket to get the cheapest price wherever they can. They will be clearing the shelves a lot quicker than a family at home. Lord haskins, what do you make of this, people chasing following supplies . make of this, people chasing following supplies . I think if the nation is in panic about Iceberg Lettuce then god help us. These things happen, 30 years ago you never would have worried about Buying Lettuce in the middle of winter, you ate it in the summer and you eat cauliflower and Brussels Sprouts in the winter. We have become a Strange Group that we want to have all year round crops and sometimes it goes wrong as it is at the moment. So what is the answer . It will resolve itself, if youre really keen you can buy them from peru and south africa. It will cost a bit but if they get too expensive people will be expensive and by Brussels Sprouts instead. It sounds like you dont think its a bad thing if it makes people think about the seasonality of produce and what options people have . We all buy stuff from far parts, first of all they dont taste anywhere near as good. Strawberries from egypt this year dont taste any nowhere close to british strawberries in may, june, july. And there is the business of flying all this stuff around the world and the impact this have on climate change. There is nothing wrong with buying a little bit more home produce. Assuming we have the Eastern European workers to pick them and that may not happen either thank you, good to talk to you both. Black sabbath the band that invented heavy metal are calling it a day. After nearly 50 years well looking at their success. And we will talk about a Factory Accident which was fundamental in giving them their success. Few now need telling of the growing risk of cyber crime yet parliaments spending watchdog has warned that the governments approach to handling personal Data Breaches has been chaotic and that britain ranks below brazil, south africa and china in Keeping Phones and laptops secure. This as the defence secretary, Michael Fallon warned that russia of a sustained campaign of Cyber Attacks targeting western democracies. A lot of comments about what is happening in russia. We can now speak to meg hillier, the labour chair of the Public Accounts Committee and from our bristol studio, brian lord, former Deputy Director of intelligence and Cyber Operations at gchq and is Managing Director of pg cyber. Tell us more about what your concerns are and why you are saying it is chaotic . Every Government Department is doing its own thing, the government has set up the Cyber Security centre which is long overdue and it has been trying to scale up Civil Servants but it is not there yet and there is a shortage of skilled people to do this work in government and across the board and thats the biggest concern. Obviously it is absolutely fundamental because we all rely so much on the web to do things. Yes it can be day to day irritations like issues with your personal data but that gets more serious if it is things secure banking data but there are also national Security Issues. The number reported to gchq went up 100 per month between 2014 and 2015. It is at the series and there is an issue as well and its important eve ryo ne issue as well and its important everyone in the system understands their role in keeping Cyber Security. Government has to do tackle that. Brian, why do we rank below other countries in terms of how we are dealing with this . would not like to comment on what exactly a pure league table on that means, what i would say is when one is facing a range of cyber risks from Website Vandalism at one end which isjust pure vandalism, to attacks on the Critical National infrastructure of others and everything in between, thats an awful lot of activity to monitor, coordinate and provide Coherent Cross Government Defence and cross industry defence, to protect the nation. I think meg is right, one of the biggest problems is a lack of skilled people but the other point i would make is what we need to be able to do is differentiate between knowledge and understanding which is what is the knowledge any employee needs in the 21st century to counter this threat and the skills which are aimed to develop technologies, capabilities and the ability to counter it. Sometimes when we talk about skills the two things converge on an unhelpful way. The cabinet says it is investing considerably in this, £1. 9 billion in its Cyber Security strategy, that will start to come through, is it enough . When we push government about how they spend money, how they were measuring the effectiveness of the spend, they we re the effectiveness of the spend, they were quite vague. We want to see the benefit but it is a critical issue to get right. It means long term planning, since 2013 there has been a plan in place to train up civil serva nts a plan in place to train up Civil Servants in the way that was just explained so there is knowledge and understanding at junior levels. The dwp does some good work. But its high level skills which are the problem and you cannot find those people easily and there are a few people easily and there are a few people chasing a lot ofjobs so its a bit ofa people chasing a lot ofjobs so its a bit of a buyers market place, a worker s place. They have got a challenging government because they have to find a need to pay for these people as well as competing with the private sector so there are a range of challenges. We recognise that but we would like them to move a little faster. What youre concerned about russia, so much about the threat from them . Russia are only one element, the secretary of state made a speech about that yesterday and the fact he did that underlines the government concern and the government concern and the government has recognised Cyber Security is of the four top security risks. They recognised that in 2010 and have ta ken risks. They recognised that in 2010 and have taken steps to do the right thing so we can give them five out of ten, they have a plan and are beginning to implement it but we need things to move faster and there needs to be a discussion about how we fill the skills gap. How big an issueis we fill the skills gap. How big an issue is the threat from russia on Cyber Security or any other country that might want to cause problems . The threat from cyber, Cyber Security which is quite an unhelpful phrase in many ways is there and is growing. Russia in itself is sophisticated practitioner. They are able to deliver a range of effects they want to achieve as a state. I think to hold them up as an exemplar are in the nicest possible way of effective cross government use of cyber is probably right. They are an adversary in the way they always have been. This skills issue is absolutely key to this. I think one of the areas is probably, i would like to see and i would like to encourage a far more innovative capability between industry and government because as said, government because as said, government is losing out to salary levels it cannot match because of the scarcity. I think there needs to bea the scarcity. I think there needs to be a lot more innovation between government and industry about somehow some of those skills being sheered and away sheered in away. The russian issue has really hit the front pages because of the us president ial elections, how much, when you were at gchq, is going on . We have absolutely no idea about. Well, there is a good reason people dont know anything about it and i dont know anything about it and i dont want to comment on that, but what i would say going back to the element of the us president ial election, we can look at this two ways, firstly is looking that actually here is a new vehicle for russia in this case to cause mischief. But on the other angle, to keep it into perspective we need to be able to say this is the kind of activity russia has been doing, not just russia, any other state has been interfering in other states political fears for centuries. So what russia are doing is no different, they are just doing it to a different medium and its how to counter them a different medium and its how to counterthem in a different medium and its how to counter them in that cyber arena which is where the challenge is, not to get too energised by the fact they are doing it in the first place. Thank you very much. No one from the Cabinet Office was available but they have told us the government acted with a pace and ambition that has been welcomed by industry and International Partners across the globe. They also said they are investing in a National Side that the strategy underpinned by £1. 9 billion of investment setting out a range of measures to invent to protect people and business and develop skills. Lets ta ke business and develop skills. Lets take you back to paris to take a look at the scene, there is a statement, i think it is in french so we statement, i think it is in french so we will listen across and tell you what has been said there. It is not in english right now so we will not in english right now so we will not bring that to you but a little while ago i spoke to bernard kushner, who was the Foreign Minister of france from 2007 to 2010. It was in the louvre, it is heavily guarded. Nobody was wounded but the soldier and of course the man with a knife, but no tourists we re man with a knife, but no tourists were injured at all. Ido i do not know exactly the whole scene but apparently the security coming from the soldiers and the police was very well done and nobody was wounded but the attacker himself. We were prepared for such an attack and a group of tourists reacted the proper way and congratulations to the patrol and soldiers. The operation, this is not the end because all around the louvre and everywhere, the underground stations, they are looking for some people, i dont know exactly but it seems the attacker was alone, but the Security Operation is still going on around the loop. Lets just show you the live picture coming to us. It is the same spokesperson that we are going to try to have listened to and tell you what you have been saying. Let me bring you to date with some comments from a police union official, saying that a french soldier shot and seriously wounded a man in the Shopping Mall beneath the loop after he tried to attack and shouted allahu akbar. The man was carrying two backpacks and had two machetes and when soldiers and Police Officers on patrol told the man he could not come in with his bags, he attacked. That is when he got the knife out and that is when he tried to sta b knife out and that is when he tried to stab the soldier. The soldier opened fire, the man was struck five times, once in the stomach. The backpack did not contain any explosives. One of the soldiers was slightly wounded on the scalp. So this person had tried to get into the place macro, into the shop beneath the place macro museum with two backs and when confronted by soldiers, that is when knives were bought out of the bags and one soldier was slightly injured in the Louvre Museum. Our correspondent jonny diamond joins us from paris. This is an incident that seems to have been dealt with quickly, bring us up to date with the latest . It has been dealt with very quickly. Really a very swift incident, as you described. The man attacking a soldier and then being fired upon, he is described as between life and death, i think between serious and critical condition. The area cordoned off, the museum closed, but the real concern i think will be that this has happened right in the heart of paris at one of paris greatest tourist attractions, and it is what some people describe as a lone wolf operation, extremely difficult to protect against. You see soldiers on the streets of paris at railway stations and about public buildings providing public reassurance, they obviously acted incredibly swiftly and effectively at this point but the news coming out, the news that this was, in the words of the french Prime Minister, terrorist in nature, reports that before he launched his attack he cried out allahu akbar, which means god is great in arabic, will im sure our alarm many people, many christians, and many people visiting or thinking of visiting the capital. Johnny, thank you very much. We will keep you updated and obviously plenty of coverage coming up on bbc newsroom life after this programme and on bbc news. 1968, in the suburb of aston, in birmingham, two young working class men got together to form a band. They didnt know it, but theyd end up making history. Six years later theyd play in front of quarter of a million fans in california. Theyd become known for inventing a whole new musical genre heavy metal. Theyd become global superstars the singer Ozzy Osbourne, would even become a tv star. But this weekend the show is finally over for Black Sabbath. Tomorrow, they play one more gig in front of their home crowd in the city where it all started 49 years ago. Its the final concert of their the end tour. Weve got lots of guests to speak to but first lets take a look at Black Sabbath in action. Music paranoid by Black Sabbath. All day long i think of things but nothing seems to satisfy. Think ill lose my mind if i dont find something to pacify. Can you help me occupy my brain . Oh yeah. Come on, lets go make a joke and i will sigh and you will laugh and i will cry. Happiness i cannot feel and love to me is so unreal. Music a hard road by Black Sabbath. Poets yearning, lovers learning. On this path of life we cant back down. Is it wrong . Widows weeping, babies sleeping. Life becomes the singer and the song. Sing along. Lets talk now to nick ruskell, hes from the rock magazine kerrang hes also a massive sabbath fan. Alexander milas is working on a project called home of metal which has been given half a Million Pounds by the arts council to celebrate the influence of Black Sabbath and other birmingham bands. Jim simpson was the bands first manager when they changed their name from earth in the late 605. Paulettejoins us from la shes the lead singer of an all female sabbath tribute band so she wants to be known by her stage name, izzy osborne. Thank you all very much forjoining us. It is that classic thing, they have got a Passionate Fan base but if you dont like their music, you dont pay attention, but they have a very special place in the history of rock . They do, in the late 60s they we re rock . They do, in the late 60s they were the first band to play what they described as scary music after they described as scary music after the bass player had the idea from seeing people queueing up to see horror movies late at night, distancing themselves from other bluesy band at the time they thought they should do Something Like that to give themselves an identity. By doing that, they created something no one had ever really done before which was a very heavy, sinister sound which was also helped by tony ione, the guitar player, who had beenin ione, the guitar player, who had been in an industrial accident when he worked in a factory and lost his fingers, so he had to do a lot of stuff playing his guitar, he had to tune down, he had to play quite slow, but by doing that they created this heavy sound like anything anybody had heard before and carved anybody had heard before and carved a niche for rock music. Do you think they get the recognition they should . Not even remotely, they deserve to stand on the shoulder of bands like led zeppelin and the beatles because they did notjust inspire a sound, they inspired the culture and outlook that is in every time zone around the world regardless of ethnicity and culture, it is universal. It is about acknowledging that it was produced by four working class kids from aston in birmingham. On that point lets bring injim, you were the first manager of Black Sabbath. Tell us what you thought when you went into a little room above a pub and they were performing . It was not like that, we rented the upstairs room of a birmingham like that, we rented the upstairs room ofa birmingham pub and had put on blues and rock music every tuesday. Tony and ozziejoined on blues and rock music every tuesday. Tony and ozzie joined the first week we opened as club members, i got to know them and after a while they said, can we play andi after a while they said, can we play and i said, of course. They were successful so we put them on several times playing intermission for bands like status quo. After a while i said, i will manage them. For me, it was not a sudden impact, it was gradual. I saw them go from being pretty good to absolutely stunning. People have heard stories about them, legends that have built up, stories of Ozzy Osbourne biting the head of a bat, are these things true . I seriously doubt it i saw no indication of that when i had them. The week i lost them, the week they left my management, they had the number one album with paranoid, number one album with paranoid, number two single with paranoid the single and Black Sabbath the album had come back on the chart at number 16, so had come back on the chart at number 16, so i had them may be through the best two albums they made but more importantly i didnt get involved in any of the supposed excesses that i seriously doubt they had the excess is true, do they enhance or detract . The band themselves will tell you stories of them having cocaine delivered in soap powder boxes in california because they were going through so much of it. california because they were going through so much of it. I dont think it detracts, i think it adds to the myth, really, and someone of my age was not around in the 70s, part of the enduring great mystical quality of Black Sabbath is that a wrong all these stories that you are not sure if half of them are true or not and you dont really want to find out because it might spoil part of the romance of them. Easy, you style yourself as easy osbourne, why are yourself as easy osbourne, why are you so passionate about Black Sabbath . Izzy osbourne. You so passionate about Black Sabbath . Izzy osbourne. They have a massive message of peace. Their music, for me, was the power behind the music, the amplification obviously and all of the amazing thing that they did, but more so the message of their music and what it speaks for and stands for. That is why i am so passionate about it. Alexander, do you think they will have a quiet retirement, is this really it . I think i speak for a lot of fa ns really it . I think i speak for a lot of fans when i say i would like to see them riding into the sunset this week. It is sad to see them go but what a triumphant week they have had. I saw them on tuesday, they we re had. I saw them on tuesday, they were in top form, what a way to go out. Great to talk to you all, thank you so great to talk to you all, thank you so much. Just to bring you the latest on paris, the situation there still unfolding, the identity of the attack are not yet known. You can hear the latest developments on bbc newsroom life, which is coming up next. Thank you for your company, have a lovely weekend, goodbye. Good morning, in mix of weather types out there today, some wintry sunshine and an area of low pressure moving into the south west already bringing heavy rain, that pushing up across much of wales and southern england as well, the wind really strong to the south of the main area of rain. Meanwhile further north east across the country it is drier, brighter and less windy, temperatures around eight or 9 degrees but the strength of the wind causing problems as we had through the afternoon into the evening. 70 mph gusts possible for the channel isles. Could be gusting at 50 or 60 in the dover strait. Overnight, the wind and rain push on but the wind will ease somewhat, snow showers across parts of scotla nd snow showers across parts of scotland and a cold start to saturday across much of england and wales. Through the day on saturday, low pressure still bringing wet weather across scotland and some rain towards the south east, but for many others through the weekend things will fe but there will be wintry sunshine onbut there will be wintry sunshine onbut there will be wintry sunshine on offer. This is bbc news and these are the top stories a french soldier shoots and seriously injures a man carrying a knife who shouted Allahu Akhbar at the Louvre Museum in paris. The attack is believed to be of a terrorist nature. Translation an attacker rushed towards and attacked policemen and soldiers while shouting threats, including allahu akbar. Npower announces a 10 price hike one of the largest single rises by a big six supplier blaming an increase in wholesale energy costs and government policies. Theresa may is attending a European Union summit in malta, where shell brief leaders on her meeting with President Trump and the governments brexit strategy. The defence secretary, Michael Fallon, accuses russia of trying to destabilise western democracy using Cyber Attacks

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