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New Coronavirus Infections continues to increase, the virus is moving further into southern england and also spreading from the younger generations to older more vulnerable people. Our medical editor fergus walsh has more. The nightingale hospitals in manchester, sunderland and harrogate, set up for the first wave of coronavirus, are now being mobilised for the second. There are more patients in hospital with covid 19 than when the National Lockdown happened in march, and government scientists warn the numbers will rise. Government medical advisers. We have baked in additional hospital admissions, and sadly, we also have baked in additional deaths, that are now consequent upon infections that have already happened. There have been almost no hospital admissions among the under 18s, the flat line there, and there has been some increase among those aged 18 64. But now look at those aged 65 84, a sharp rise in hospital admissions, and even more striking among those aged 85 plus, reinforcing the evidence that it is the elderly who are most at risk from coronavirus, even though most cases are among the younger age groups. Many who were never admitted to hospital have lingering health problems, like fatigue, so called long covid. And then there are all the usual demands on the health service. Much non urgent care was postponed when the virus first hit. The hope this winter is that that wont happen. Contact your gp if youre worried about cancer symptoms, an unusual lump, for example, or blood in your urine. Use the Emergency Service if you have chest pain or another acute condition. We are determined to keep that capacity for Non Covid Services open for as long as possible. But the key to this is reducing infection rates. So much depends on whether the rise in Coronavirus Infections can be curbed. This map shows the rate of change of coronavirus in england. The areas with the sharpest rise in rates are shown in red, and you can see theyre not just in the north of england. The epidemic is also growing further south, especially in parts of london and the home counties, even though case numbers are still much higher in the north. Nhs leaders warn that within four weeks, some hospitals in Northern England could be treating more Covid Patients than they were in april, and theyre urging the public to respect the rules on coronavirus. Fergus walsh, bbc news. Now on bbc news, the travel show. From deep inside a snow home to the walk of a lifetime. I do think this is a lifestyle now. This will never end for me. Hello, welcome to the show from my hometown in london, where were slowly rolling into autumn with still yet no end in sight to the restrictions that, while theyve been put in place to protect us all, is still making travel pretty difficult. So we thought this would be a really good time to take a look back at some of our favourite trips right here in the uk. Now before this all happened, this brilliant city was considered one of the worlds great vegan destinations. So back in 2018, i went to find out why meat free had gone mainstream. Ive only been vegan for maybe six months and even compared to when i started, the amount of vegan abundance of food in supermarkets its crazy. I was eating lots of chicken dippers and chicken kievs, i didnt feel that great, so i started eating more fruit and vegetables and i felt this energy id never really felt before. Vegan in london in 2018 is really, really easy now. There are so many cool places to eat, you can getjunk food, you can get healthy food, you can eat anywhere. Its super easy. The vegan market is growing, its incredible. Its so exciting, whats happening. According to the vegan society, the number of vegans in the uk went up by 350 in 10 years, and that was before the huge trend in the last two years kicked in. Its particularly here in london where lots of the change has been happening. Which might make this one of the best places in the world to travel to as a vegan. So, im going to take a fresh look at london as a tourist for the day and im going to enjoy some of those classic London Travel experiences, but with a vegan twist. It all starts with a bus tour, of course, on one of these. And its no ordinary bus tour. This is a vegan afternoon tea bus tour, offering a vegan version of the traditional british afternoon tea on an iconic red routemaster bus. What a way to see those sites. A fellow passenger on board today is dominica, from the vegan society. How has veganism managed to attract the next generation . What is it that has changed . Because its been around for a long time. Veganism has been around for 70 years, which not many people are aware of. But i think in the digital age of information, you log into your social media accounts, you are bound to see something about a veganism at some point. Veganism at some point. I think a lot of people sort of started to understand that animals are not here for us, they are here with us on this planet, and we share it with them. And as you can see, we can have all the things that meat eaters have, like cake, sandwiches, you can basically veganise anything that you want. All i heard was the word cake, nothing else. Cake, that sounds good to me. Vegans do cake, im sold. Normally to make a cake, you need milk and eggs, what would you replace that with . Vegan cake has all the normal ingredients youd expect cake to contain, but for example, instead dairy milk, you can use almond milk or soy milk. Replacing eggs is as simple as mashing up a banana, because eggs are used as a binding product, rather than for flavour. So the banana has a similar consistency. This is good. This is good, a tour bus around london eating foods that will help us live forever. I miss my vegan food. I cant wait to get back once those guys are open again. Now, back in 2017, we met chris, who set out to walk the entire circumference of the uk, which is seriously impressive when you take in those stats. That is 19,191 miles, which is just over 31,000 kilometres. Well done, chris the truth is, its the places that you have to work to get to that are the most special. Ifeel more connection with the uk now as a whole than i ever have in entire life. Every day is a new day. I like the fact that i have to work for the simple things in life that we all take for granted. Hi, my name is christian lewis. This is my dog jet and we are walking the coastline of the United Kingdom. I started in swansea. The United Kingdom isntjust one island. There are loads of separate islands off the United Kingdom. In fact, 700 off the west coast of scotland so we have tackled those as well. We are on the north west coast of scotland, just about to turn the corner having been on the move now for two years. So i reckon about another 1. 5 years before we finish. Jet and are actually on the side heading out. We are actually on at the mull of kintyre now. I think people would be very surprised to hear that the uk coast, including the islands, Northern Ireland, is surprisingly around 18,000 miles. To put that in perspective, if you were to fly around the world as the crow flies, that is around 25,000 miles. Before i started this, i suffered really badly with depression, had anxiety. And this went on for a long, long time. I went for a surf one day and i remember coming out and looking at the cliffs and i honestlyjust thought to myself, walk home. So i started walking along the coast and ive been going for two years now. There is no plan, it really is just simple. I keep the sea to my left hand side and i know that eventually that will take me round to where i need to be. I go as far as my legs can take me each day and i camp when i think it is time to camp and repeat the process the next day. Ill show you where i slept last night. Not complaining at all. My dog, jet, i rescued her on the way. She wasnt in the best nick when i first found her. She was very skinny and thin but there was an immediate connection betweenjet and i. I felt that kind of brokenness in her maybe i had felt before. We bonded immediately. Some of the stuff that she tackles on this coast, i wouldnt ask another human to do. We have such complete trust for each other that if i go and do something, before i know it, she is shooting past me because if she knows im doing it then she will do it. Ive just arrived in scotland. Im stupidly happy. The wonderful thing about the United Kingdom is that every single part of the United Kingdom that you go to, there is a change. And its not subtle, it is there in your face. Mother of zeus. Good afternoon, guys. It is a really wet one today. Nice to have the scottish weather back. Oh, my goodness. Hailstones and they hurt like hell. I started this walk with £10 and two days worth of rations. Id just given up the house so i had nothing really. I have gone from being one of the most isolated people you will ever meet, shutting myself in a bedroom for three weeks, not seeing anyone, scared to go to the shops. To being one of the most confident, outgoing, happiest person you will ever meet. I do think this is a lifestyle now. This will never end for me now. Its a great lifestyle. I dont have tvs or anything. I dont need one, do i . Got a lot to thank this place for. Cmon, jet. That was three years ago now and believe it or not, he is still on the road and hes about to join me right now. Chris, hows it going . Hello, travel show, how are you . How have you been getting on since we last saw you . Once we finished 0rkney, and it is a beautiful place. I love the history and i love 0rkney people equally. It was the biggest challenge to come. We were heading up to shetland. Shetland during the winter is not a place to be in a tent, that i can promise you, it was absolutely brutal. I spent lockdown on an island on my own, totally uninhabited just a couple of sheep, and spent the three months there. It was wonderful, i was foraging for food, catching lobster and crab. Where are you now . Inverness is the next big stop. Im excited to get there. It is actually going to be the first city i have been to in over two years. Its great to catch up with you again, travel show, and i hope to see you again 0011. Chris has raised £14a,000 and counting, which is an incredible amount. Well done, mate. Now we head back to scotland and in 2015 wherejo whalley was pushed to the extremes in the snowy highlands. One of the best places to dig is this small valley 1,100 metres up the mountain. Its nicknamed the snow house because of the drifts that collect here. I am so cold, it is so snowy. I cant actually imagine how were going to stay here tonight. The big killer in terms of your own temperature is the wind, and when we get in the snow hole we are totally out of the wind. What is the windchill now, what is the windspeed . We are getting in quite a sheltered hollow now so it is probably only 5 10, 15 miles an hour. When we came over the top it was considerably more than that, as you have experienced. While we were preparing the equipment, three of the team, lorna, gregor and dave had made a start by digging tunnels into the snowdrift, and when deep enough we will connect them to form a cabin. We are tunnelling into the snow at the moment, we have to go in a good metre from the top here. Do you want to come in and have a dig . Yes. And how long does it take to do this normally . It very much depends on the snow conditions, we have relatively soft snow but certainly three hours plus, sometimes as much as five hours. Five hours . Digging, yeah. So it is half a three now, it will go dark knots along the way. This is a snow saw designed to be able to cut through ice and snow, and by using this we can often remove the snow far more efficiently and we can cut blocks out rather than chipping away. Are we ok here, this isnt going to collapse . No, no, the strength is in the thickness of the snow. This is quite narrow so it is well supported, but when we actually make a living space, we want to make sure that as narrow as well so it is well supported. Sure that is narrow as well so it is well supported. Oh, that was a good bit in the middle. I will now get in there with a shovel. What is it about putting yourself out of the comfort zone that people enjoy . I suppose it goes back to, it engages the brain. You forget about your worries and you are concerned about keeping warm and surviving. It takes life back to the elemental, it is about survival. But surviving in style, we hope. We have been digging for a couple of hours now and the camera is finally starting to completely freeze over, and i am also freezing over. So were going to focus on digging, otherwise we may not have anywhere to stay tonight. We chip and carve away at the ice until eventually it starts to take shape. Andy has built over 50 snow holes with groups of tourists. He assures me he has never had one fall down before. It is hard work but it is finally starting to warm up in here. Oh, thank you so much. 0h that is amazing. So we made it, this is our beautiful snow hole. There is a nice vaulted ceiling up there, i cant believe we did it cheers, everyone. Jo whalley going to Great Lengths to social distance before we had even heard of the term. Always ahead of her time. 0k, make sure you stay with us because coming up, we have some more great trips, including. Christa living out her game of thrones fantasies in Northern Ireland, and rajan in the uks smallest city. This week we are looking back at some of our favourite trips to the four corners the uk. Next we are off to Northern Ireland where the game of thrones novels were turned into the hit tv show, and where you can live out the fantasy for yourself. You know nothing, jon snow you know nothing ok, so i have a confession i am a giant game of thrones geek. And im super excited, because this place has to be top of the list for any true superfan. Welcome to castle ward, or to what many tv viewers will know as winterfell. And, well, when in winterfell. Dramatic music arrrgh evening, my lady, where do you hail from . From london. London. And which house do you represent . Oh, im not sure i have a house. House of larwood. House of larwood, never heard of them sounds like something the nights watch would have dragged in. I believe you are here to learn how to do archery. Iam if i am if you can teach me. I need people to hunt or to fight. 0k. Are you up to the task . I hope so. I hope so too, otherwise there is a penalty. 0h. 0h, a beheading. That seems measured. Absolutely, because you are absolutely no good to me here at winterfell if you cant hunt and you cant fight. I will do my best. Select your arrows by the tip, never by the feathers and never further down the shaft. 0k . Think of it coming out of a quiver, Three Fingers on the drawing string and then draw back so that it brings to your right eye. Loose all right. I hit actual thing thatll do, your first arrow ever and you hit the target. 0k. Archer ready. Draw hold. Loose look at that. Yes well done, you. Yeah so this place used to be a farm, and yet now its a huge tourist attraction. How did that happen . We are where game of thrones started, so its the Perfect Place to start your journey, to go on and do some of the other sites that are around. Yes, they have gone off to croatia, yes, they have gone off to iceland, yes, they have gone off to morocco and so on, and thats fine but most of it is shot here. And it has turned into what we now know as screen tourism, something we have never had before. Yes, we have the giants causeway, a unesco World Heritage site and it is beautiful, and all that, but people used to go there and there alone, and then they would take off. Now they come to see many other parts of our province. We are digging a bit deeper in the archives now. Back in 2017, we went to the uks smallest city, st davids in wales, where one man was on a mission to paint a portrait of every single resident. The Pembrokeshire Coast national park, as remote and rural as it gets. Crowd chants. This is st davids peninsula on the south west tip of wales. It is a radiant and picturesque part of the world, even in midwinter. But i am not actually here for scenic beauty. I am here to find inner beauty. St davids cathedral, built on the 12th century, sits on the site of the old monastery, led by david 600 or so years ago. And this is why st davids is a city. Yes, this Tiny Community of 1,800 people is officially a city britains smallest and supposedly the second tiniest in the world. Although in the 19th century there was a bit of a setback. About 150 odd years ago the victorians decided this didnt make sense for very small places, and quite a number of cities were no longer cities. 25 years ago, the current queen rode to the rescue and gave st davids city status back. And this man, who first chanced upon st davids 37 years ago, has been marking its quirky status with a very special pledge. Basically, what i start doing with portraits from life is to do a very brief outline of the head. Because graham has vowed to paint portraits of every single one of the citys1,800 residents, plus a few outsiders for the hell of it. Focus on the eyes, which are honestly very important part of the psyche i think, the soul, and the focal point comes through. Originally a landscape artist, he started doing portraits 1a years ago, but it was only five years ago he undertook the mammoth task to do the whole population, and then some. He has done 600 so far. The initial project was painting, say, 100 portraits and having them as one big image, so it would be like a big painting. And then ijust thought, if you are doing a hundred, i could do a thousand, and then i thought, the population of st davids is not far off that, so ijust came up and thought of the idea of the city of portraits. It sounded quite nice and that is what i try and do. Did you work out how long it would take you . No. Laughs there are probably more Art Galleries than anything else in st davids, although grahams place is also a studio and his living quarters too. It is a real one man and his dog operation at the new street gallery. His models, however, see it all as a therapeutic exercise as much as anything else. I have quite enjoyed it because i am a very busy mum, studying, working in the cafe, doing myjewellery, so for me just to sit down, it is a bit of time out, really, a bit of time for reflection. It is a mammoth task for graham, and the plan is to exhibit the first 800 1,000 portraits in the cathedral. What are you actually achieving by doing this . The social history, i think, somebody has described it as for me personally, it is integrating more and more with the community. Do people ever complain about the way you have depicted them . I think people have been slightly shocked, i think people have been slightly shocked, somebody said possibly a bit jowly there. It doesnt matter what age you depict somebody, you still see the inner beauty. And guess what a few days later, i got this through email. I am now an honorary citizen of st davids. So thats it for this week. Coming up next week rajan is in rome, finding out what fanfare is in store for its 150th anniversary of being italys capital. And carmen is injapan, trying an unusual 600 year old form of transport. This is great in the meantime, you can follow us on social media, giving you just a little reminder of what is still happening in the world, even though we cant visit. Until next time, stay safe and i will see you soon bye for now. Good morning. It really wasnt the best start to a working week in terms of weather, was it . With the majority of the country seeing outbreaks of rain at times, slowly spreading its way southeast. This weather watcher picture from whitby, north yorkshire, tends to sum up monday afternoon for many. But i can offer a glimmer of good news as we head throughout the week, gradually turning a little bit drier, but staying on the chilly side for the time of year. Now, for today, however, were still under this area of low pressure. Its a bit of a messy weather story to try and tell, but here goes. Once this weather front sinks its way steadily south through the day, we will start to see an improving picture gradually through scotland and Northern Ireland, but a brisk northeasterly wind here will make it feel on the cool side. The low pressure sinks its way south, spiralling around that low, plenty of showers, a little bit like clothes in a washing machine spinning around. Youll probably feel its going to dry up, and then there will be more showers flying in through the afternoon. So, its a messy story across england and wales, and the temperatures, unfortunately, are not going to be particularly great either. Top temperatures through the afternoon of around 10 13 celsius. Now, as we move out of tuesday, well start to see those showers pushing their way a little bit further north and west back into southern, central and eastern scotland overnight. We also run the risk of a few showers just plaguing channel coasts. Plaguing channel coasts. Sandwiched in between the two, there will be some clearer slots, and we will see temperatures dipping into single figures. So, again, its going to be a chilly start to our wednesday morning, but wednesday shows signs of the first spot of improvement. A weak weather front will move through, but High Pressure starts to build once again, and thats going to be responsible for quieting things down as we move towards the weekend. So, there is a risk of that northeasterly breeze just driving in some showers through the morning chiefly on the east coast to start with, but then some of those showers may well just filter a little bit further inland as we go through the day. Maybe scotland and Northern Ireland already under that influence of High Pressure fairing best. Fareing best. Top temperatures of around 15 celsius. But as we move out of wednesday into thursday and towards the weekend, you can see the dryer story kicking in. Drier story. However, as we go towards the weekend, its going to be bright rather than sunny. But ill take that. Take care. This is bbc news. Welcome if youre watching here in the uk, on pbs in america or around the globe. My name is mike embley. Our top stories. Less than two weeks after testing positive for coronavirus, President Trump is back on the Campaign Trial addressing an election rally in florida. I feel so powerful, i will walk into that audience. I will walk in there, i will kiss everyone in that audience. Democratic Party Senators in the us say the confirmation of amy coney barrett, to the Supreme Court would be a disaster for the rights of ordinary americans, as she makes a pitch for thejob. I believe americans of all backgrounds deserve an independent Supreme Court. That interprets our constitution and laws as they are written

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