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This is bbc news, the headlines more countries have imposed travel bans on china because of the new coronavirus. Over 300 people have now been killed, with 45 new deaths confirmed in the last few hours. Health workers in hong kong are to go on strike until the border with the mainland is closed. Britains Prime Minister is to address foreign diplomats and Business Leaders to set out his plans for International Trade after brexit. The french president said the level of access to the eus Single Market would depend on how many of its rules britain accepts. President trump is a step closer to being acquitted in his impeachment trial, after the us senate voted against calling witnesses. He has been accused of abusing his power and obstructing congress. One senior democrat accused republicans of being accomplices to a president ial cover up. 2019 brought another year of record breaking temperatures, rising sea levels and melting ice caps. To know the true extent of the climate crisis, scientists have to put up with some pretty extreme conditions. Our chief environment correspondent, justin rowlatt, has been on a tour of the most remote campsite on earth. Right, so up here we have the massive thwaites glacier. The work these scientists are doing should help us all, giving us a much clearer understanding of how sea level could rise worldwide and that is why we are camping here. This is the residential area, this is where we sleep. These are scott tents, after captain scott. James. How are you . Can we see inside . By all means, be my guest. Check out his crib. Youve got everything youre going to need to be in the tent for a long time. So weve got a light source that also is a heater. Weve got a stove. Scott himself could have used this. I think he actually used this one. So the idea is that you could get stuck in a tent like this for days and youd be able to survive for days. We normally have a 20 day food box outside so, if its a really big blow, you have everything you need to be self sufficient for a long time. Now, we come to the delicate subject of the antarctic toilet. And you have choices here. Youve got the pee stick here or the toilet tent. Ok so what youve got is a big hole in the snow and then this like throne which for some reason no one can explain why is called a johnson box. One more lunch, do you think . Yeah. So this is a Water Treatment plant. The purest water in the world. Fresh, glacial water. Turn on the furnace. Lets get it in. Its pretty basic, we start with a little bit of water to make melting easier and its fresh antarctic snow, for us to drink. Sausages and rapeseed oil. You get them out in the frying pan and, oh, beautiful. Spam. This is tinned cheese. Slightly processed, slightly plasticky, melt it out, you get a cheese fondu, you get your biscuits in there oh, it is perfect. Special antarctic recipe. The best thing about antarctic camping, the tents . The white and blue colour scheme, i think thats really beautiful. And i decorate my own home with that. The friends you make, while youre out here struggling. Also the sun dogs, the bright crystals that you get in the air, sparkling everywhere and what it does to the sky and the ground. Its just a sense of quietness and peace and it is absolutely beautiful. Now on bbc news, the travel show. Coming up on this weeks travel show, were going to sicily, home to europes biggest volcano, to find out about the risks and rewards of taking a trip there. For me, etna is a little bit like a person. A very. Slightly lunatic person. Global guru simon calder is back with some winter ski recommendations. And i get a crash course in a modern version of the traditional japanese bon dance. Im just in time, i am sure. First up on this weeks travel show, simon platts heads to europes most active volcano on the italian island of sicily. This film contains some upsetting images. Theres been an earthquake on the south side of etna. E la sirena, ecco ho detto che sarebbe tornato. In one of the most volcanic regions in europe, an earthquake is detected. It could investigate devastating activity on the continents largest volcano. But still, on etna, tourists gather unaware. Right now we are by 9,000 feet above the sea level, the highest you can get when you come to mount etna. What we are looking at is the south east crater, the baby. Its the newest, 1971, but its also considered the most dangerous at all because at this moment, its becoming, how you say, hyperactive. As a journalist, making programmes around the world, i travel a lot. Like any traveller, a certain amount of risk goes with the territory. But some of those risks seem clearer than others. The recent catastrophic eruption on new zealands white island which killed 20 and injured a further 27 has highlighted the risk of visiting active volcanoes. But for the 10,000 a year heading to white island and the many more visiting the 1,500 active volcanoes around the world, how could they really understand the likelihood of disaster . I wanted to find out more about what it means to visit these mythical phenomena and also what they mean to the People Living in their shadow. So im going to etna, but im not the first bbcjournalist to visit the volcano. Just three years ago, a group of tourists, along with bbc science correspondent rebecca morrell, were suddenly hit by an eruption on the side of the volcano. Have you seen the others . Yeah, theyre down there. Are you 0k, are you 0k . It was lucky that none were killed by the molten rocks that showered the group as they ran for shelter. But in coming here, i have been told by many people that this volcano is perfectly safe. But firstly, etna is currently probably the most active volcano on earth and in terms of eruption frequency, productivity, etna certainly has one of the most sophisticated Monitoring Surveillance systems on earth. You have instruments that record any sort of ground vibration, then we measure gas emission and then magnetism and gravity and infra sound, which are acoustic signals at very low frequencies that we cannot hear, and then obviously there is a great need for monitoring of volcanic ash emissions. We have surveillance cameras, we have thermal cameras, we have computer stimulations, so this is being done virtually all the time. And i still left out a few things. But for the people here, but that is much more than just data. They call her mamma, and she is a constant companion. In 1669, the lava flow in six months covered a distance of 45 miles. It covered little villages such as nicolosi. If you look around, you can see old flows, late 1800s. You see the lava flow of 1983 and you can get into peoples experience. For me, etna is mamma etna. It is a volcano, amazing but is in my heart. But of course, faith and monitoring alone wont reassure many travellers. But of course, faith and monitoring alone wont reassure many travellers. When boris and his team find activity, they send their findings to a special organisation. They use the data to set restrictions on where people can go on etna. There is no universal system to tell you the chances of an eruption. Each place has its own, and fortunately, in etnas case, the lava moves very slowly. Etna has killed no more than 77 people in the last 2,700 years. So heres the thing. Intense local monitoring and strong regulation can protect people but by visiting, you put your trust in others and individual tour operators. What you can do is research whats happening at your volcano to help you understand the risks. In coming here, all the people ive met have reconciled themselves to living in mammas shadow in their own unique way. For me, etna is a little bit like a person. A very. Slightly lunatic person. A person that you adore but at the same time you have difficulties in understanding but if you adore, you love the person, you accept that person. For me, with etna, the incredible experience of seeing one of natures most stunning displays is worth that risk. Well, if that is made you want to find out more, but you dont want to step foot on an active volcano, there are some travel show recommendations for you. Head to tanzania, to africas largest mountain, kilimanjaro. At dormant volcanoes like this, you are free to explore without much worry of an eruption and although you need to be fit and well prepared, you dont have to be a professional mountaineer to reach kilimanjaros summit. Back in italy, pompeii is a fascinating time capsule from when the eruption of nearby vesuvius in 79ad left a roman city buried under metres of ash. Archaeologists have been uncovering pompeii for centuries and discoveries are still being made there today. But for something a bit different, head to lake toba on the indonesian island of sumatra. This place is thought by some experts to have been the site of a super volcanic eruption that nearly wiped out all human life. Whats left now, though, is a beautiful lush landscape, well worth a visit. Still to come on this weeks travel show simon calder is back to answer more of your travel questions. And im being put through my paces at a traditional dance here in japan. So dont go away. Hello. This week, we have got a couple of months of good skiing left in the Northern Hemisphere so i thought it was high time to tackle some of your questions on sporting holidays. First, a new twice weekly night train from brussels runs direct to innsbruck in the austrian tyrol, one of my favourite winter locations. If you want to take your own vehicle, austrian railways runs an overnight autozug service from dusseldorf in germany to innsbruck. But amid much protest, sncf of france has ended all of its car carrying trains. Next, brian asks personally, i would recommend the serenity personally, i would recommend the serenity and gentle slopes of geilo in norway, but it is an expensive location, and so to help you i have sought some specialist advice. My recommendation would be to come right here to austria. Its one of the more affordable and charming of the alpine ski destinations and is packed with Family Friendly ski towns. One of my favourites is leogang, you may have never heard of it, but its one of austrias largest ski resorts. 270 runs, most ideal for children and families. And it has some cracking Family Friendly hotels, which have perks like ski and lift access, childrens clubs, and even free Ski Equipment for kids aged six and under. On top of that, free lift passes for children aged five and under, making this the ideal spot for you and your family. From two skis to two wheels, or two feet. Alta asks this ancient barrier between roman britain and caledonia, roughly todays england and scotland, stretches for 135km from carlisle in the west to newcastle in the east. Having both cycled and walked large parts of hadrians wall, i can safely say that the central section, where its best preserved and the terrain is most dramatic, should be tackled on foot. But the western and eastern stretches are ideal for bikes, with some good, dedicated cycle paths. For places to stay on a budget, there are backpacker hostels in carlisle and newcastle. In the towns and villages along the way, bed and breakfast is the way to go. Barbara and her husband want to go snorkelling this winter. But, says barbara, theres one thing. Aims for the gulf of aqaba in the north of the red sea, aim for the gulf of aqaba in the north of the red sea, where i can recommend three separate locations each in a different country, where you can go warm water snorkelling straight from the beach. First, aqaba in jordan, though to find a decent beach you have to travel slightly out of town. Just west across the border there is eilat in israel, where you can step straight from the National Hiking trail into the sea. The third choice is further along the sinai peninsula, the egyptian resort of sharm el sheikh, to which direct flights from the uk have just resumed. For me, egypt offers the best snorkelling and the lowest cost. That is all from me for now. But you can contact us through any of our social media accounts. And finally this week, i am in osaka, japans second city. It has got a down to earth reputation famous for its industry, its nightlife, and its food. If you go exploring away from the main sites, it wont take you long to find somewhere that feels really buzzy, like this little festival here in the chuo ward. Well, there is certainly a lot going on here, but there is something ive been told to look out for, and i think this is it. These guys are doing the bon dance, which is huge here during festival time. Everybody appears to know it, which is no surprise. Japanese people are taught it in schools, and each region has its own variation. Outside the main event, i had arranged to meet someone to show me the ropes. So, what is the significance of the dance . The spirit of the ancestors. The spirit of the ancestors comes back . Yes, and so we show them we are fine, we appreciate them, so thank you for their approach. I love it. There is young people, there is old people. Yeah. Everyone is doing it. When did you first learn to do the bon dance . Me . Yeah. Seven years old, i start. Kenshiro is a professional Dance Teacher and if anybody can teach me, he can. The bon dance happens over two nights here in osaka, but you can find these events all over the country in the summer, and everyone is welcome to join. I love dancing. That was really fun. It wasnt as hard as i thought it would be to pick up. I was able to get the basic things, and it was really fun, doing it with so many people, altogether, in unison. Yes, everybody does it. Kenshiro invited me to his dance studio tojoin his group, stardust. This looks more complicated than i thought. Welcome kenshiro, who practice a modern take on the bon dance. This looks hard. This dance has very high steps. Yeah, high energy. Instructs students in japanese. So, here goes. It started off easy enough. Right, left, right, left but not for long. Spin there was barely enough time to catch my breath. Eventually, though, i just about got the hang of it. Theyrejust being kind, im sure. My goodness. Its so different to what we saw at the festival. This is more funky and cool. Like, modern moves. Ourdance . Thank you. Japanese people like to see the older people dancing. Like your mum and dad . Yeah. We hand down the tradition. So we are dancing for the young people, and so every people says, the bon dance, your dance school. So not all the people dancing. As the festival continued that evening, stardust let me join them for their performance. Lets hope i can remember the moves. But first, ive got to find my spot. Singing in japanese. Oh, my gosh im exhausted. That was amazing. I felt like i was really part of the community. Look, everyone here is dancing. Everyone knows the moves. And they let me, a foreigner, join in. I loved it. So good. What a fantastic feeling. Well, thats all weve got time for this week. Coming up next week, ade heads to the maldives to meet the people working to protect the areas unique environment and takes a swim with a pack of sharks, but lives to tell the tale. Theyre just so close oh, my god even though you know theyre not dangerous, every time you get touched by a fin, you just sort of bounce squeals. And dont forget, if you want to follow the travel show team on theirjourneys on the road in real time, you can catch us on social media. Until next time, from me, carmen roberts, and the rest of the travel show team here injapan, its goodbye. The second half of the weekend is looking changeable across the uk with rain on the way, that should sweep across the uk through the morning with a bit of sunshine in the forecast as well. Looking at the forecast through the early hours and rain already across the south west of the uk and through the night making its Journey Towards the north of the country but never reaching scotland, in fact most of scotland, that is, at five in the morning is clear and there is also a touch of frost. It is a different story in the south where it is mild and wet and you can see where the heavy rain is, at five or six in the morning. By that time the weather will have improved already across the far south west of the country and then by mid morning we have some sunshine in the midlands and by late morning even some sunshine reaching parts of yorkshire. But the far north of england and scotland are in for a wet morning and afternoon and the possibility of a bit of snow falling across the scottish hills. A mild afternoon in the south, around 1a degrees. We also have showers in the forecast in the west of the country and those will continue into the evening hours on sunday. The forecast for monday and a nasty area of low pressure is forecast to sweep across scotland meaning severe gales on the way and the wind will pick up early on monday across the Western Isles of scotland, touching gale force very soon in the morning and basically through the morning into the afternoon those winds will build and we will see heavy rain sweeping through, possibly some snow across the mountains and to the south of that it is dry and bright and maybe the southern counties getting a little dose of snow to that we will focus the wind, very strong indeed, reaching 80 miles an hour in gusts around the Western Isles of scotland and then monday evening into early tuesday were expecting the worst of the weather to transfer to eastern parts of scotland and here you can see gusts of around 70 miles an hour for murray and aberdeenshire and it is expected to be windy inland and these winds could cause some delays and structural damage in places as well. On thursday in the wake of the weather system, again some nasty when possible affecting eastern parts. That High Pressure will build not until the following day on wednesday. Some very windy weather to come through monday and tuesday and then calming down across the uk on wednesday. Hello and welcome to bbc news, im maryam moshiri. Theres been another big jump in the number of cases of coronavirus in china. Officials say 30a people have died so far, with nearly 2000 new cases confirmed, bringing the total to more than 111,000 cases. Countries around the world have closed their borders to arrivals from china, but Global Health officials have advised against such measures. James ra nsley reports. Wuhan and its surrounding cities remain on lockdown

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