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Manifestation to date of the slum a phobia. In a call for more to be done to protect mosques, extra police will be deployed. Our security correspondent chris sports reports. It till the government just eight minutes to call this a terrorist attack. It was an attack that, once again, targeted the ordinary and the innocent. Speaking today, the Prime Minister called it every bit as sickening as the other terrorist attacks this year s. She repeated her intention to set up a commission to counter extremism. But while police and Emergency Services we re while police and Emergency Services were soon on the scene, there i suggest is that the makers may have underestimated the threat from far right extremism. The whole counter extremism agenda is focused on islamist extremism. And what we have seen is a growing concern around the far rightand seen is a growing concern around the far right and individuals who adhered to extremist ideologies from the far right, but they have not been tackled seriously. Far right extremism in britain is so growing problem. In 2012 2013, 172 suspected far right restraint is extremists were referred to police. By extremists were referred to police. By 2016 extremists were referred to police. By 2016 2017, that extremists were referred to police. By 2016 2017, that figure was now 561. In the year to march, 16 of all Terror Arrests were classed as domestic extremism. Less is known publicly about these cases. There isnt the same level of propaganda isnt the same level of propaganda is that put out by the jihadiss and there is no International Organisation driving the narrative will stop lone wolf terrorist attacks are inherently harder to detect and event. We have a lone individual acting, detect and event. We have a lone individualacting, using detect and event. We have a lone individual acting, using rudimentary tools to look launch an atrocity against a huge range of different targets. If they are not told anyone what they will do, if difficult to have a point of entry. Surveillance of far right individuals is now likely to be looked at again, with some earlier assumptions re examined. Tracking far right extremists is the job of the police and national counterterrorism. But the challenge they face is very similarto the challenge they face is very similar to the one faced by m15 in tracking the hardests. They deal with lone individuals who are not pa rt with lone individuals who are not part of the network and knowing when they move from violent ideas to violent action is extremely difficult. It is time now for The Travel Show. This week on The Travel Show we are in bermuda. Coming up. As the americas cup reaches its nail biting climax above the water this weekend, we find out if a robot can stop the drama unfolding underneath, as an invasion of these creatures wreaks havoc on the local ecosystem. So he is not expecting you to electrocute him and slurp him into a tube. And ill be finding out how the best way to beat these venomous invaders is to eat them once you remove these spines you are moving from malicious, to delicious hello, welcome to The Travel Show, with me, ade adepitan. This week coming to you from bermuda, which this year is hosting one of the worlds biggest sporting events, the americas cup, right here in the north Atlantic Ocean. The americas cup is the formula one of the boat world, the most prestigious event in sailing. Over the past few weeks, Six International teams have been racing across the waters of bermudas great sound in superfast hydrofoil catamarans. And this weekend, the competition reaches its dramatic climax, with the start of the finals, when the titleholders, team 0racle from the usa, face their challengers for the cup. It is so exciting to be here. Theres a real buzz in the air. Now, over there, some of the teams are practising and ive never seen boats like these before. When they raise up out of the ocean on their hydrofoils, its just an incredible sight. They are so fast, so awesome its like theyre flying across the sea. This is a massive event and its the first time bermuda has hosted the cup. Tens of thousands of spectators have headed here, plus an estimated 50 Million People around the world are watching on tv. But here in bermuda, the spotlight isntjust on whats happening above the water whats going on underneath the waves is being seen as just as important. The water is obviously our playing field, so obviously its within our own interests to highlight the issues that there have been globally with plastics in the ocean. Its forecast that by 2050, there could be more plastic in the ocean than fish. Thats scary. Clearly, thats a major issue that weve got to get on top of. I think through sailing, through the americas cup, if we can help to highlight some of these issues and also some of the solutions to it. The numbers are mind boggling. Its estimated there are now five trillion pieces of plastic floating across the worlds oceans. But whilst waste and pollution are a huge concern, they arent the only things impacting on the environment here in bermuda. This place is gorgeous, but beneath these beautiful waters, a species is lurking that is having an absolutely devastating effect on the ecosystem here. Its a creature that is presenting the biggest challenge to marine life in bermuda. They are called lionfish. Theyre striking to look at, but they dont belong in the atlantic. They are native to the coral reefs of the pacific ocean. Scientists reckon they may have ended up in these waters after being released by aquarium owners. But here, they have no natural predators, so their numbers have grown and they are now rapidly destroying the oceans marine life. Theyre extremely gluttonous. They can just overconsume at an exorbitant rate and the problem with that is that the fish that live in the Atlantic Ocean dont recognise the lionfish is a potential threat, and so the lionfish just opens its mouth and gobbles in all of these little tiny fish and its having a huge impact on Fish Populations around the caribbean and western atlantic. Wow that is cold the marine life here is stunning, but if something isnt done to protect the ecosystem from the invasion of lionfish, this could all be destroyed. Experts here believe the only way to control the lionfish population is to cull them. Humans put these lionfish in the ecosystem, they didnt arrive there naturally, and the rate of expansion of the population as well as their Consumption Rate means that they are having a huge impact on the ecosystem and the ecosystem cant evolve fast enough to deal with this new species. And since we put it there, its our problem to try to control it. Conservation groups such as the Reef Environmental Education Foundation regularly organise and sanction fishing trips aimed at reducing the population. Uniquely, here in bermuda, these lionfish tend to congregate in very deep waters, so its really hard for fishermen to catch them in large numbers, but now its hoped that Pioneering Technology could provide a more effective answer. This is one of our prototypes of a robot that weve built to go overboard. You sit down at your computer screen, just like youre playing a game, and you can see through the camera and you drive it down, look fora lionfish, put the lionfish between the electrodes, push the stun button and the Lionfish Will Lock Up with the electricity so it cant move, then you push another button and suck it up into the tube and go looking for the next lionfish. Each robot can scoop up around 15 lionfish in a single trip and, crucially, the final design will operate well below depths that can be reached by divers. Down to 1,000 feet. Hold on a sec, though. I mean, if i was a lionfish and suddenly this thing came towards me, id be like, im off, goodbye. Actually, the best way to approach them is from above, from in front, towards the spikes, and hell basically say, come on, then, deal with the spikes. Hes not expecting you to electrocute him and slurp him into a tube. Hunting the lionfish here might seem to go against our usual idea of conservation which is aimed at preserving rather than destroying marine wildlife, but by controlling the lionfish population now, Scientists Say that will give the underwater ecosystem a chance to repair, evolve and adapt and remain here for generations to come. And the americas cup has been a catalyst for a few other sustainability projects here in bermuda, including. A new zero emissions hire carfor tourists. Currently, visitors to the island have to rely on taxis, scooters and ferries, as theyre not allowed to rent cars, but these environmentally friendly two seaters could provide a solution for people who want to get around this 22 mile island independently. The National Museum of bermuda is finding that being greener is cheaper. In may, they installed nearly 200 solar panels. This initiative is generating 93,000 kwh of clean energy, as well as cutting their Electricity Bill by a fifth. And finally, i got to try out a novel way to help solve the problem of Plastic Rubbish finding its way into the sea. Its called a sea bin. It operates like a garbage can or a rubbish bin. And its designed so that it doesnt impact fish. The debris is drawn to it because of the way the water is circulating and the net actually catches it. Very simple. The current draws it in and its captured by the sea bed. I thought it would be more technical than that. No, its very simple. Current, water, in the bin. And thatjust goes to show, some of the simplest solutions are the best. The travel show, your essential guide, wherever youre heading. Hello, im Michelle Jana chan, your global guide, with top tips on the worlds best events in the coming month. First, rome will be hosting the Summer Opera Festival at caracallas third century roman baths now through august 9th. The open air event in the italian capital features opera, ballet, and music, including Bizets Carmen and Verdis Nabucco plus a ballet performance by roberto bolle. And one of belgiums biggest festivals, the rock werchter, will be welcoming over 100,000 fansto its stagesjune 29 through july 2nd. For four days, this small town located between brussels and antwerp will be hosting some ferocious young talent. This year, there will be the foo fighters, radiohead, Kings Of Leon and linkin park. In the us, the Smithsonian Folklife festival in washington, dc is celebrating its 50 year anniversary, a free event that takes place around the lithjuly holiday. This year, there will be circus arts, with a behind the scenes look at the generations of families involved in this business. There will also be a focus on craft, with Chainsaw Carvers to religious scroll painters to silversmiths and much of the music, dance and storytelling and performance will be themed around the issue of migration. The event beginsjune 29th, playing through july 4th, then againjuly 6th 9th. If youre looking for more petrol fuelled fun, then head to Southern Africa where the put foot rally runs from now untiljuly 4th, taking in five countries and 8000 kilometres. People from All Over The World come to take part in this epic road trip in a quirky collection of vehicles. The car crews meet up for organised Pit Stop Parties along the way, as well as taking part in hands on charity work as they race to the finish line. And finally, if youre visiting london and are looking for a more leisurely way to spend your weekend, why not take in the just completed Line Sculpture Walk . Peel away the layers of east london to encounter 13 works by artists such as damien hirst and martin creed along a route that has been designed to encourage both locals and tourists to engage with Contemporary Art Whilst Discovering Lesser Known but historic and fascinating part of the city. Thats My Global Guide this month. Let me know whats happening in a place where you live or where you love. We are on e mail and across social media. Until next time, happy travelling. Earlier in the show, i found out about the race to catch as many lionfish as possible in the waters around bermuda before they destroy the islands coral reefs. Wow, look at that beauty. Good job. Yes part of the problem theyve got on their hands here is that locals arent keen on eating this rather scary looking and venomous fish and thats why theyve started a project called eat them to beat them. This summer, Celebrity Chefs from All Over The World have been competing to invent the tastiest lionfish dish. And theres also been special training for bermudas up and coming chefs. So, is it safe to eat lionfish . It definitely is safe to eat. Once you remove these spines, youre moving from malicious to delicious. Does that help you out . I like that. Malicious to delicious. Nice. Chef ming has been teaching at Bermuda College for 20 years but hes onlyjust added lionfish preparation to the curriculum. The students are cooking up a whole range of lionfish dishes from tacos to fish and chips, and chef tells me hes got a plan for what to do with all this lovely grub. Today, its a special opportunity to have you guys here. Its bermuda day. A beautiful day. There will be thousands of people lining the streets to watch our parade and what were going to do today is leave Bermuda College with cooked samples free samples, by the way thats the best price. Thats one way to get it on board. Free samples of lionfish. One way to get them on board is with people who havent tried it. Then they can spread the word about the goodness of the lionfish. So, whats your plan for this bad boy . Well, this bad boy, im going to remove the spines, then fillet it so i end up with two sides, then i was going to flatten the fillets and stuff them with Lobster Thermidor, so we have a Lobster Thermidor stuffed lionfish. Thats how youre rolling ok, lets see you do it then. The first thing that you want to do is remove the spines. Are they quite tough . They are quite tough. Is it ok to touch . It is ok to touch but try not to puncture yourself. They are like little needles. Those spines can deliver a nasty sting, so the fish need to be handled with care. By teaching the students here how to deal with the venomous needles, it is hoped theyll take their lionfish skills to the restaurants of bermuda when they graduate. Dont you mess with the environment again yeah, look at you now oh, this looks amazing. Have a try. Are you sure . Sure, go for it. Come on then. Oh, wow. That is so tasty. Chef, youve done a wonderfuljob. Thank you very much. I appreciate that. Its got an interesting texture. It feels like cod in the texture. But actually it tastes rich and i think that would go really well with a lovely glass of wine. I agree. We should take this out to the parade, all of this food, because it looks good, and we should give the people a taste of lionfish. Yeah, by all means. In bermudas capital, hamilton, the streets are ram packed with locals and tourists. This is just incredible. Bermuda day, everybody is out, the sun is out. Im loving it. The atmosphere is just awesome. Today marks the start of summer and it seems the whole islands out here celebrating, although they probably werent expecting me to crash the party with a plate of lionfish. So, have you tried lionfish before . No. Why not . I dont think its something we should eat. Why do you think its something we shouldnt eat . Lion and fish together dont work. Try it. I heard it was poisonous. Not too good to eat. Have you ever thought about eating them . No, but i have heard they are delicious. Well, we have some lionfish here for you to sample. A wonderful taste. I love it. Be honest, now. It tastes good. Yeah . If you dont tell people up front and you let them try it first, im sure theyll be back. Sometimes people just get turned off because of the name. I love it. It tastes better than what i thought. I think i would eat some more after this. And we are honoured because even the premier of bermuda is willing to give it a try. Have you ever tried lionfish, premier dunkley . No, i have not. Why not, there is an abundance of them here in bermuda . You know what, that is a very good question because i love fish. I think its because now with the focus on lionfish and the challenges it causes our environment and Marine Environment are just starting to become more prevalent, and there are a couple of local places that sell it and i hear its really good, so id love to try it. I have got a sample for you. Are you going to tell me what you think of it . It looks good. Its a lionfish fishcake. Its great. Yeah . Because there is this stigma about the lionfish and eating the lionfish here in bermuda. What will it take to change attitudes . What you are doing now. Just a little bit of education, talking about it. Once people try it, i think people will stay with it. In bermuda, we have fish all year round, so itsjust a matter of getting people comfortable with the fish and lionfish will certainly be on peoples plates. And tourists can help too. Dive courses that teach you how to catch lionfish are available at centres throughout the island. For those that prefer to stick on dry land, keep an eye out for Lionfish On Restaurant Menus and you can also attend one of the cook off tournaments that happen throughout the summer. Well, i have had such a wonderful time here. This whole island is quite literally bursting to life to celebrate bermuda day. The atmosphere is incredible and as for lionfish, judging by the responses that ive had speaking to people today, i think its going to become a regular feature on Dining Tables all over this island. But listen, sadly thats your lot for this week. Make sure you join us next week when. Ill be looking back at some of our favourite trips so far this year, from Dancing Monks in india. To getting to grips with these lively reindeer in lapland. Look at him. So make sure you join us for that if you can. And in the meantime, you can keep up with all our travels on the road in real time by following us on social media. All the details are on your screen right now. But for now, from me, ade adepitan and all The Travel Show team here in bermuda, its goodbye. Ive got a party to go to see you later hello. Monday brought the highest temperature recorded in the British Isles so far this year and heres one for your diary, if we manage to get as far ahead as wednesday and were Still Producing temperatures in excess of 30 degrees, that will be the longestjune hot spell in over 20 years given that by that stage, well have put together five consecutive days with the temperatures over 30, which we easily exceeded on monday, especially at the hampton water works, 33. 5, which beat a number of more recognised Holiday Locations across the world. Theres something of a change in hand for some parts of the British Isles, given were about to see an old weak weather front tumbling its way further south across the British Isles, introducing the prospect for some at least of somewhat cooler, fresher conditions. Quite a bit of cloud to the eastern side of the pennines and an onshore breeze, all of it helping to cool things. Those effects wont be felt across the South West Of England or the south east of wales, temperatures here perhaps a fraction higher than they were during the course of monday. London, perhaps a little bit cooler here, but as we get up to the north west of england, still plenty of heat, cooler on the eastern side of the pennines. For northern ireland, scotland, quite a bit of sunshine around but youre on the cooler side of the weather front so those temperatures nowhere near as high as the ones ive indicated in the south. You dont need me to tell you the Pollen Levels have been extraordinarily high of late thats the way it stays, im afraid, for much of the British Isles through tuesday. The uv levels are also very high and where you get the sun for any length of time, youve got to start thinking about protection. From tuesday and into wednesday, as far ahead as that, we could still talk about the hot air from iberia and the near continent to the extent that somewhere across the south eastern quarter we could look at 32 certainly, possibly as high as 34. As is often the way at this time of year, we bring in a little bit of moisture from the atlantic, pushing that heat underneath it, and things could start to go bang quite violently as well. So its something were keeping an eye on at this stage. And wouldnt you just know it, were starting to think about glastonbury as well. Notice how those temperatures towards the end of the week begin to tumble away quite smartly, and, as i say, at this time of year the heat can tend to break down in quite violent thunderstorms. Wednesday night into the first part of thursday, they could be a real player in the weather scape. Eventually well see somewhat cooler conditions pushing across much of the British Isles but it may take a while before we see these temperatures in much of the South East Beginning to tumble away. Welcome to bbc news, broadcasting to viewers in North America and around the globe. Our top stories The American Student 0tto Warmbier has died, days after he returned from north korea in a coma. His parents blame mistreatment in prison. A vigil near the mosque in north london where a van was driven into muslim worshippers. A man has been arrested, accused of terror offences. Cuba condemns president trumps decision to re impose some travel and trade restrictions lifted by barack obama. And a source of inspiration for irish Literary Legends Re Opens after a multi Million Dollar make over

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