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South, wisely into the 20s, maybe mid 20s in the south east. Warm across southern mid 20s in the south east. Warm across southern areas mid 20s in the south east. Warm across southern areas to finish monday. Rain moving across scotland and that will fade away and the rest of the week, not much rain around. Most of the week, not much rain around. M ost pla ces of the week, not much rain around. Most places dry, becoming warm, if not hot as we head to friday. Tuesday, temperatures will take a tiny dip. We have westerly winds, and the aircoming tiny dip. We have westerly winds, and the air coming from the atlantic hence the temperatures will drop a touch. Low Cloud In The West and light rain and drizzle. With the ever strengthening sunshine, it will feel very pleasant. Through tuesday into wednesday, High Pressure building even more. They westerly wind across scotland and Northern Ireland could produce outbreaks of rain. By this stage we could see temperatures climbing back wisely into the 20s. 25 degrees in the south east. Some of you might see a high of 28 by friday. Hello. This is bbc news with me ben brown. The headlines. President trump continues his visit to saudi arabia where hes preparing to address gulf leaders on the need to confront extremism. Labour renews its push to attract older voters, while the conservatives defend their plans to overhaul social care funding. North korea has launched another missile test, according to the south korean military. It follows this test last week, of a rocket said to be capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. Now on bbc news, its time for The Travel Show. Coming up this week on The Travel Show. We head to israel to meet a Theatre Group with a difference. The concept of every kind of work we have is to take the disability and create an ability from it. We are on the night patrol at london zoo. This months global guide features a Stunning Light Show in sydney. And i leave the airport for a couple of hours to take a high speed stop off tour of rome. Stop over tour of rome. That is a lot of stuff to see in a short time. Can we do it . Yeah lets go theme song plays. We kick off this week with a truly unique theatrical phenomenon. One where the actors overcome some of the hardest hurdles you could imagine, and yet produce triumphant performances. Based in israel, nalagaat, meaning please touch in hebrew, is the only professional deaf blind acting ensemble. And we are going one hour out ofjerusalem to meet the groundbreaking group. Jaffa is one of the oldest sea ports in the world. It is so old, they say thatjonah embarked from here before being eaten by the whale. The majority of locals are arab, but, these days, especially on the waterfront, it is becoming a Gentrified Haven for International Tourists and day trippers from tel aviv. But this area also has cutting edge culture. Nowhere pushes theatrical boundaries more than the world famous nalagaat Theatre Group, based at this building for a decade now. You get an immediate grasp that this is an unusual venue if you venture Into The Black out restaurant staffed by blind Waiting Staff in total darkness. Or if you head to the coffee bar in the foyer. Or even in school holidays, if you wander to the Kids Workshops or performances. They are all in sign language. The concept of every work here is to take the disability and create an ability from it. This is the Life Experience of the people who work here. This is what we want to teach and spread. But this is why nalagaat is truly renowned. Powerful, moving performances that, via screen supertitles, express the inner voices of the actors. Most of whom share the same genetic disorder. Ushers syndrome means you are deaf from birth and then gradually lose your sight before adulthood. The shows are meticulously organised, with each actor needing their own special cues. Drum beats often provide punctuation, as the actors can feel the vibrations on the stage. Most deaf blind people in israel do not have a lot ofjob opportunities. It was not only to teach them to be actors, it was to teach them what it means work and be part of a group, to work according to schedule. I am now on my way to an Interview Bat sheva, who is essentially the star of this theatre company. She was in its famous production. Not by bread alone. And now she has her own one woman show, say orange. Bat sheva has been with the company for more than 16 years. And herself is one of eight siblings, four of whom were born with ushers syndrome. I was really confused to be an actor. And then when i got to know the actors in the group, we stayed together. And overcoming Audience Preconceptions is one of bat shevas biggest challenges. Theyre not understanding how we can communicate by touch. The second thing, how i am sorting things in my life, how i am dealing with my life. The production not by bread alone has become their most successful, touring the world to huge acclaim. The show is about the dreams of each of the actors. The right to be equal. Bat sheva has three sons through her first marriage and is now a grandmother. She is proud of how she sensed when her children were hungry or crying, and how they learned sign and tactile language to communicate with her. 0k. I choose to be strong. I didnt want to think i am weak, and i can do this and that. Part of what helped me to be like this is nalagaat theatre. I love you. We love you. Overcoming disability issues is not the only objective of nalagaat. In a predominantly arab area, there is a need to break down ethnic barriers, as well. This woman first came to work in the Blackout Restaurant eight years ago and now she runs workshops and acts. She says the workplace is mixed, but. I am here a lot of years and i have never seen a lot of arab people here. I want them to come more and to experience the nalagaat centre, and i want them to be involved. We could obviously never totally inhabit the mind of someone who is deaf blind. But theatre like this, stretched to its limits, provides us with an insight into the thoughts and feelings of a group of people who, in previous times, would have been unable to communicate with the wider world. But it is more than that. It is quite simply very good drama in its own right. Applause. Next up, the first in an occasional series meeting the people who keep london ticking over, long after most people have gone to their beds. And this week, as the Sun Goes Down in the uk capital, were on patrol at one of its most famous landmarks, london zoo. Lion roars. I love the sound that the male Lion Madejust then. He only does it at night, and it signals the beginning of my night shift. He makes it to assert his masculinity and let everyone in the vicinity know that he is the male here. I mean, he does not know that there are no other male lions in london, but he does it anway and i love it. It starts the night off beautifully. My name is lucy hawley and i work at london zoo. During the day, i work in the aquarium. By night, i am lucky enough to be one of the few keepers that actually lives on site. So, with that comes certain duties. Making sure all of the animals are tucked up well and ready for bed. I really love being around the zoo when all of the visitors are gone. It is quiet. It is like you have your own personal zoo. You walk around and some of the animals are more active than they would have been when there were many crowds around them. One of the things i love most about myjob is i never know what is going to happen. All of a sudden i might get an alarm going off, or get a phone call saying this animal is sick. We need you to check on it. I love that. It kind of keeps things exciting and helps to keep me awake. Who is pretty . You are the pretty one. One of the things that a lot of us are actually quite nervous about in the evening is the Aquarium Phone going off. Aquarium systems are actually quite complicated, so if anything stops working for whatever reason, or if a temperature goes too high or too low, it sounds an alarm at this phone, so many of us are nervous when it goes off what does it mean . What does it mean . We sometimes get animals that require hand rearing. So there would have been some kind of issue, it could be a first time mother who is not used to going through that process. And that is the time where we will step in and we will help out. There we go. Eventually. She works it out. What motivates me most throughout the night when we are doing these duties is that i am really contributing to something that is greater than myself. I feel like i am actually doing some good in the world. Oh, look at that. See . Thats why i need the towel. Its like me after ive eaten spaghetti bolognaise. Itjust gets everywhere. Anything we learn about these animals, whether we are watching them during the day or during the night, because they will act differently, everything gets fed through to our scientists that work in the field to find and protect these animals. Night night. See you in the morning. Still to come on The Travel Show, michelle is here with her guide to whats worth seeing around the world with this months global guide. And i try to beat the clock as i take a Whistlestop Tour of rome. Ive decided to make it a bit more interesting and set myself a challenge to see rome in under six hours. The travel show, your essential guide wherever youre headed. Hello. Im michelle, your global guide, with top tips on the worlds best events in the coming month. First to australia. Vivid sydney is a three week Extravaganza Kickstarting may 26, with free exhibitions of light and sculptures, outdoor installations and concepts. Store up some sleep credit before the 72 hours of daylight which backdrops icelands midnight sun music festival, called secret solstice. Its in the capital, reykjavik, but there are also events outside town such as the into the glacier, with Ministry Of Sound the host, inside europes second largest glacier. Theres also the Midnight Sun Boat Party in the harbour and a concert inside a lava tunnel. Be part of the action in sweden on may 28th. The Otillo Swimrun is a combination of, you guessed it, swims and runs. 39 kilometres of running and 10 kilometres of Open Water Swimming around the islands of the harbour in the stunning stockholm archipelago. Theres a different kind of speed at the Indianapolis 500 mile race, or the indy 500, in the us. Hundreds of thousands of spectators converge at the track to watch the drivers do 200 laps, or a distance of 500 miles. In the netherlands, Oerol Theatre Festival begins onjune 9 on the island of terschelling in the north of the country. There will be ten days of theatre, circus and dance among the islands natural landscapes. From june 23 to august 27, verona will be hosting the International Opera festival. Staying in italy, there is also the sounds of the dolomites, up in the trentino region, from july 7 to august 31. This is a fabulous combination of a Trek Along The Mountain trails of this region, and, at the summit, a concert. Musicians carry their instruments on their shoulders before sitting down on the grass to play. Dive in to the new Museo Atlantico in lanzarote, spain, which is europes first underwater museum. Located off the south coast of the island and 14 metres below the surface, there are hundreds of artworks. All materials are environment friendly. And on the spanish mainland from june 2 4, a 12th century monastery will be taken over by the Uva Festival Of Music and art. Its a celebration of eclectic music and visual arts up on the cliffs. Back in the united states, the North American Sand Soccer tournament takes over the weekend ofjune 9 11 on virginia beach. More than 10,000 players will be on the oceanfront. At the end of the day, everyone jumps into the surf to cool off. And the edc las vegas, or electric daisy carnival, takes place the following weekend, june 16 18. One of the biggest electronic dance Music Festivals in the world. Hundreds of thousands attend, migrating between the Cosmic Meadow and neon garden. Thats my guide this month. Let me know whats happening in the place where you live or love. Were on email and across social media. Until next time, happy travelling. Any frequent flyer can tell you there are few things more soul destroying them spending hours sitting in an airport terminal, waiting for a connecting flight. Well, thankfully, things are looking up as so called Stopover Tours are flourishing, as i discovered in italy. Vinci fiumicino airport. This is one of the largest in italy and it is the essential hub for its national airline. Unfortunately, rome is ranked as one of the most delayed airports in the world. So youre probably going to find yourself with a bit of time on your hands. Ive decided to make it a bit more interesting and set myself a challenge to see rome in under six hours. There are a number of Stopover Tours available here, and its big business. Italys largest airport is busy and around a0 million passengers a year pass through it, usually on their way to somewhere else. Hello how are you . Nice to meet you. Where are we going first . Ive chosen a bespoke tour and specifically requested five sites to visit during my Whistlestop Tour. I want to see the colosseum, the circus maximus, the palatine hill, the mouth of truth, and of course the trevi fountain. Thats a lot of stuff to see in a short time, yeah. Can we do it . Yeah. Lets go. The tourists are mainly on foot, and then on the bus. There is a technique. There is a lot of ground to cover and quite a bit to take in. That is impressive. Plus, youre really relying on the buses and trams turning up on time. It is actually quite a pacey tour, non stop. There are spectators all around, and the chariot races in the middle. My first proper stop here is to go and see the circus maximus. Older than the colosseum, and with a capacity of Hundreds Of Thousands of people, it was at the heart of romes lavish and brutal public entertainment the gladiators, to you and me. The chariot must complete seven turns, seven laps, around the central spine. This was the place for the spectators, the excavations over there. The spectators sat all around. And resting just above the site is the palatine hill, which is one of the most ancient parts of the city. Next stop is a little hidden gem. It is the mouth of truth. And while no one is exactly sure when or why the marble mask was created, there are a number of theories. One of them is that it was originally used as some kind of ancient lie detector for couples whose relationships were heading for the rocks. If youre a liar, and you put your hand inside the mouth, your hand will be cut. Stopover tours can cost anything from 80 200 euros, and its a great way to see a city if youre pushed for time. It definitely beats being stuck at an airport terminal. Just remember to keep an eye on your watch. There are so many people here. Every time i see the trevi fountain, it always takes my breath away because its so beautiful. And id say this is definitely one of the most must see monuments in rome. One of the downsides of a tour like this is that there is no real time to stop and really enjoy the sights, because of the tight schedule. But they give you a great taste of whats on offer. Who knows . Maybe one day ill be back to explore rome at a more leisurely pace. But before i head off to the airport for my flight home, theres just time to tell you about next weeks programme. Well, im not travelling that way, im going this way. Henry heads deep underneath london, exploring the abandoned Railway Network that has just opened up to londoners, even though most people who live there dont even know it exists. It was very busy, there were lots of people here, lots of differentjobs going on. It was a noisy environment with the trains coming in and out. Make sure you join us for that, if you can. Dont forget, you can follow all our travels on social media, with all the details on the bottom of your screens right now. From me and the rest of The Travel Show team here in rome, its goodbye. Hello, rather than travelling the world it might be a good week to stay in the uk. There will be rain here and there, particularly in the north west, but the overall story is dry and warm. If anything, it could be quite hot by the time we hit friday. At the moment pretty grey across parts of scotland and this is where we have the wet weather, pushing north, mainly on the western side, and showers into Northern Ireland, but a lot of dry weather, also. Cloud in england and wales breaking up. Sunny conditions across southern counties to end the day where it could get above 20 degrees. Most becoming dry overnight. Temperatures in rural areas down to single figures but heading into the city in the morning, looking at double figures to start the day. To start monday we have low pressure to the west and High Pressure to the east. This cold front, which through the Morning Rush Hour will move into Northern Ireland bringing rain, and by the end of rush hour, pushing into the west of scotland. For the majority, we start monday on a dry note with good sunshine. Quickly warming up underthe note with good sunshine. Quickly warming up under the southerly winds. Rain becoming more dominant through the day in the west of scotland. The odd shower further east, but most places dry. Temperatures pegged back a little bit in northern scotland. Further south, england and wales widely into the 20s. They lovely evening for the south of the uk. Rain pushing across central and northern scotland. Showers briefly. As we go into tuesday, things dry out even more. High pressure moving northwards. We have wind coming in from the west on tuesday, meaning there will be of Cloud In The West. Threatening drizzle mainly in Northern Ireland and western scotland. Temperatures down a touch, but they will warm up further as we go into the rest of the week. As High Pressure builds, and the strengthening sun breaking up and the strengthening sun breaking up cloud, we could see temperatures back into the mid 20s in the south east, maybe the high 20s by the time we hit friday. This is bbc news. The headlines at 2pm in the next hour, donald trump will urge Saudi Arabian leaders to do their bit in tackling extremists. The conservatives defend their proposals to change social care, but wont confirm who will lose their winter fuel allowance. Were putting £30 billion in on welfare. We are reforming the process , welfare. We are reforming the process, universal credits. North korea has launched another missile test, according to the south korean military. It follows this test last week, of a rocket said to be capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. Also in the next hour, Election Campaigning is halted

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