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Tiger cubs at an american zoo. Blakey is a six year old male australian shepherd. According to keepers at Cincinatti Zoo he provides snuggling, warmth and a climbable body to the cubs after their mother rejected them. He also helps with their behaviour by checking them when they get too rough or aggressive. Time for a look at the weather. Although its a cloudy start for many its mild out there and the cloud now starting to break up gcioss cloud now starting to break up across the south east and the far north of scotland and Northern Ireland. Just in between the two a Weather Front bringing cloud and drizzly rain. Nothing particularly significant but it will spoil your day a little. Its mild for all, very mild in the south east with 17 possible, 63 fahrenheit. Through the night we will see more cloud returning and the rain pepping up a little. Ahead of it some Poor Visibility and coastal and hill fog. Another Weather Front bringing more heavy rain. A different story tomorrow. Tomorrow of The Rain Heavy and persistent for a time. A Lot Of Cloud First Thing first thing, as well. The rain will drift eastwards, eventually we will see improvement across western scotland, Northern Ireland, wales and south west england. Sunshine and a scattering of lighter showers but grey and disappointing in the south east. Good morning. This is bbc news. The headlines the un has warned that the world is facing its biggest humanitarian crisis since 1945. More than 20 Million People in yemen, nigeria, south sudan and somalia are facing starvation. Guys marsh prison in dorset has been badly damaged by a fire. The blaze was started by an inmate who climbed on to the roof yesterday. Dozens of prisoners were moved to safety. Jess varnish says she was thrown under the bus after making allegations of sexism in sport. A lea ked allegations of sexism in sport. A leaked Draft Report Claims British Cycling reversed the finding of its own investigation. 0nline touts who buy bulk tickets and sell them for inflated prices will face unlimited fines. The ban follows pressure from mps and consumers who are unhappy at missing out on tickets. Now its time for The Travel Show. Coming up on the programme this week, i am on an Arctic Adventure deep in finnish lapland. I hang out with a rapper who is helping to preserve a nearly extinct arctic language. And i get possibly too close to a Reindeer Round up. I would not want to be hit by one of them, though. Hello and welcome to The Travel Show. This week we are in the north of finland. To be precise, we are in inari, home to the indigenous sami people whose culture and language is under threat. I have come here to spend time with the sami people to see how tourism is saving their culture. Finnish lapland is as close as it gets to a winter wonderland. 0veri million tourists come here every year in search of the northern lights, santa and his reindeer. The sami are the Indigenous People who live in this part of the world. From the north of norway, sweden, finland and the far North Eastern part of russia. There are around 6,000 samis left in this part of finland and here they are known as the inari because they live around lake inari, which is 250 kilometres north of the arctic circle. I have never been so far north. After landing in the local town, just a 1. 5 hourflight from helsinki, i meet my first inari friend. Hello welcome to finland. Iamjohanna. Look at your outfits you look amazing thank you. Is this our transport . Yes. It will be our transport for this trip. We have so much planned for you. I love that hat. That is the way forward. It is really warm. Life here must be quite difficult. There is snow on the ground for seven months of the year and the most practical way to move around is by snowmobile. So this is the best way to get there . There is no other way to get there. 0k. So this is how i am rolling. And you will teach me . Yes. These things revolutionised life here. We got them about 50 or 60 years ago. It made things easier here. What did you use before these . Skis. Skis and reindeer. Old school. Normally when you are driving you have your feet in here and your hands on the bar and if you want to go right you pull right, left you pull left. The brake we have on the left. This is the panic button. If something happens you just hit that one. I hit that button and scream it is so hard to believe that i am on a snowmobile going across lake inari in finland. Beneath me, there is thousands and thousands of gallons of water. It is crazy. This place is so beautiful. I was not expecting that around 30 years ago, the Inari Sami Culture was on the verge of extinction. Inevitably, there has been a drift to the cities, to an easier life. Traditional cultures experience that loss the world over. But these days, tourism is creating jobs, allowing some young sami to move back home. Inari sami culture has been under pressure for decades. In the past, this community was marginalised and their Mother Tongue banned from schools. With only 400 sami inari speakers, the language is still threatened. But one man is coming to the rescue, using an unconventional method. Rapping. You are a Hip Hop Artist and you wrap in your you are a Hip Hop Artist and you rap in your native language, inari. Yes. Inari sami language. Tell me about it. I love hip hop but the last place i would expect to find a Hip Hop Artist is in lapland. Yeah, in the middle of nowhere. Many people think it is quite weird doing hip hop gangsta rap in inari sami language, spoken by 400 people. That is the way i am telling about this, this minority in a minority. I like the sound. It is mystical, people do not know it. There are only 400 inari sami speakers in the world. I mean, in that case, what is the average age of your listeners . The most people who speak inari sami as their Mother Tongue are mostly over 50 years old. Older people. And those older people, a day into hip hop . And those older people into hip hop . I dont think so. But there is a new generation now. 0k. Can you spit some bars for us . I am pretty sure that this will be the premiere on bbc of Anyone Hearing Someone Rap in inari sami. We are looking forward to this. Rapping. Inari sami in the house that is wicked i loved it. I felt it. You were there. My first day in lapland is nearly over. Its been great. I learnt to use a snowmobile which is practical and a lot of fun. Tomorrow i head into the forest and before i go into the forest i want to get the correct gear and i need some traditional sami clothing. I have heard that there is someone here who can help me out with that. Hello nice to meet you. I am stefanie. Sami handicraft is centuries old and dates back to a time when the sami were far more isolated from the outside world than they are today. What are you making . A belt. How long does it take you . It takes me five hours but people who have done it their whole life, it does not take them long. Move quicker, stefanie come on. Using wool, antleres, wood and reindeer skin, the sami weve centuries old patterns, each specific to a particular area orfamily. Stefanie was forced to move away to look for work but she has recently returned back to inari and teaches handicraft making to tourists. I got bored. Sad in finland. And my grandmother gave me the passion to come here and learn the language. How important is it for you to keep the tradition going . There are very, very few Handicraft Makers who do this. It is very important for me. It is like, sometimes i think, who would i be if i did not do these things . Is it difficult . Could i have a go . I dont know. Yes, of course. So it needs to be tight . There goes my ribs. This looks so complicated. And that goes up . Yeah. I think i need, like. Four pairs of hands. I go through . Yeah. And there. Yes. And then you pull it. And then you have to do that over and over for every row . Im not surprised it only takes five hours. This would take me five days it is complicated. Here are some gloves for you. How many hours did they take you to make . Those ones did not take me long. When you have done it for years that you can do that with your eyes closed. Superb. How do i look . You look supercool. Still to come i try my hand at rounding up the reindeer here. So, dont go away The Travel Show, your essential guide, wherever youre headed now, back to my adventure with the Indigenous People inari sami here in northern finland. Its 13 celsius, and guess what my friends have got lined up for me . Were going to go fishing today. Youve been fishing before . Ive never been fishing before. Well, i have, ive been to the supermarket and looked for different fish on different shelves. We go fishing here. A really important question, do i get to use the snowmobile again . Oh, yes lets rock n roll yes the Indigenous People have lived in harmony with nature here for thousands of years. The wilderness around lake nari is virtually unspoiled, unlike the rest of europe, which has been largely harmed by companies. Fishing is one of the most popular sports for both tourists and locals. We get a fish. Theirs a real emphasis on low impact tourism here, playing a big part in protecting this fragile arctic ecosystem. There are not many places to work around here, not everybody can be a reindeer herder. Other people are interested in the lifestyle we have. It gives the possibility to earn money and make a living out of tourism. How important is it to you that the Saami Lifestyle continues and that you can pass it on from one generation to another . I think about the future, i wonder what i will do when i am grown up, or what my children will do. I like to have this lifestyle, to remain here. So, fish and potatoes on monday, potatoes and fish on tuesday. Wednesday, maybe reindeer bits . Then back to fish and potatoes on thursday. Its a good diet. Its a great way to keep warm if youre cold do that. The real thrill here is trying to catch fish with a rod. Can i have a go . There are fish below us, swimming under one metre of ice. Im keeping warm well done, well done. Its getting tough theres layers under here. See, i did all the hard work i get the credit. The next thing to do is to find out if there are fishes. You taste. Seriously you could tell me anything and i believe you is It Freshwater . Thats good. With only a handful of shops around, most fish still have to be caught rather than purchased, otherwise nobody would eat. Take care of that one, if you see it running, grab it. Its always good to have something to drink with you when youre out here. I need to improve my technique. But im multitasking multiple chances to get fish. Cheers. At the moment, nothing is biting, so i am leaving them behind in the hope that they catch something while i go to find an animal that captures the imagination of everyone who comes to lapland. Now, this is something ive been looking forward to ever since i got here. Oh, this feels real. We are deep in the forest. Ive come here because im going to meet a traditional sami reindeer herder. Hes going to give me just a little experience of the traditional sami lifestyle. Hello nice to meet you. Welcome. What have you got here . I have got some lassoo, that is how we catch the reindeer. We may be here for some time here we go. 0k, mr reindeer. Yes well done. Not outside the forest where the reindeer is. Like many herdsmen here, petri supplements his income with tourism. He takes tourists into the forest to experience living like a herderfor a day. All you can see is trees and snow. I cant even see the reindeer, i cant imagine how had it must be to survive in these conditions. But the sami have been doing this for hundreds if not thousands of years. There are more reindeer than people here. Reindeer needs large areas of Unspoiled Forest to find the little food that is buried under the snow. The little food that is buried under the snow. It is difficult in the winter. They get their own food in the forest. They did in the snow, they like it on the land. They are coming down, they know youre here the semi Regional Parliament looks after notjust their heritage but also their rights to land and natural resources. If someone come here and offered me a good job in the big city, told me, youd get 1 million every year, i would say, you can take it. Fantastic youre not a millionaire, but youre a happy man because youve got the perfect office. Lets rock and roll. Reindeer herding is in his blood. These animals have been crucial to his family for survival for generations, providing food, clothing and transport. We are surrounded by reindeer. This is so beautiful. Look at them look at them all coming. Yelling. How many reindeer do you have . How much Money In The Bank do you have . Ok, i wont ask how many same question. Its incredible to think that these animals find any food in these windswept and frozen woods. Most reindeer rely on lichen as a food source in winter. Petri supplements their diet to increase their chances of survival until the springtime. So, how cold does it get out here . Now, its only minus five. 0nly three weeks ago, it was minus 44. There is one weekend where it was minus 55. Oh, my. It must be impossible to work. No, no. We say you only have the wrong clothes its not bad weather, it is the bad clothes are we going to build a fire . Yes. Cool its a bit hairy, at times you think theyre going to hit you with their antlers. But they avoid you. Theyre only interested in the food and each other. I wouldnt want to get hit by one of them, though. Well, ive had an amazing time here in finnish lapland. And this place just gets to you, it has a real rugged beauty. It is the furthest north in the world that id ever been to. It feels like im at one with nature. Its been such a privilege to spend time with the sami people. Well, thats it for this week. Join us next week as india celebrates its 70th independence anniversary, we set off on a mammoth two part journey from the west to the east. Im on a quest to find out how history, religion and politics have shaped india. And also meet the people who call this intriguing, and sometimes overwhelming country, home. Its going to be an amazing journey. Thats next week. But if you want to see what we are getting up to between now and then, why not sign up to our Social Media Feeds . All the details should be on your screens right now. Finnish lapland, the reindeers and the team, thats all from The Travel Show team, goodbye. Hello there. Its been a mild start to the weekend but a lot of cloud around and the cloud for some of us thick enough for the odd spot of drizzle and Poor Visibility as depicted in this weather watchers picture in cumbria. A weatherfront is spilling out of scotland and that will continue to move thu the north west of england and wales. So a drizzly afternoon. Sandwiched either side not bad with some sunshine. Certainly for the bulk of Northern Ireland and Northern Scotla nd Northern Ireland and Northern Scotland a better afternoon in comparison to how you started the day. Maybe close to the borders we keep cloud and Poor Visibility, not bad into Northern Ireland. Here is oui bad into Northern Ireland. Here is our drizzly rain from that Weather Front across Northern England and north wales. Maybe the cloud being a nuisance into the midlands but south of that with some Sunshine Temperatures will respond, i6 of that with some Sunshine Temperatures will respond, 16 or 17 is not out of the question in london. Thats 63 fahrenheit. That bodes well for the arsenal and lincoln city match with 15, i am sure fans wont care what the weather is going to do but for middlesbrough it could be overcast with drizzle. Believe it or not, for twickenham similar conditions for rome for the six nations matches, perfect, light winds, lots of sunshine. Through the night there is a potential for sunshine. Through the night there is a potentialfor more sunshine. Through the night there is a potential for more cloud and outbreaks of drizzly rain to continue to move in from the west. Againa continue to move in from the west. Again a lot of low cloud and Poor Visibility and coastal and hill fog. By visibility and coastal and hill fog. By the end of the night this Weather Front by the end of the night this weather fro nt m oves by the end of the night this Weather Front moves in, as well. Those Weather Fronts are almost going to merge together and bring certainly more rain for sunday. A disappointing second half to the weekend. Some rain could be heavy for a time. It will take its time to clear, as well. Slowly improving from the west for Northern Ireland, western scotland, wales and south west england, not a bad afternoon in prospect with sunshine coming through. Much of Eastern England and South East England after the mild day, its going to feel disappointing, ii to 13. Things will quieten down a little into monday and tuesday. Beginning of the new week sees a ridge of High Pressure building allowing for a good deal of dry weather. Even this Weather Front not causing too much of an issue. A cloudy start for many on monday but still mild with drizzly rain for tuesday. This is bbc news. The headlines at 11 00am a plea for help from the un which says the world faces its largest humanitarian crisis since 1945 millions of people face famine in parts of africa and the middle east. Prison staff assess the damage caused by a fire at Guys Marsh Jail in dorset after an inmate climbed on to the roof, and set his clothes on fire in protest against conditions. Former professional cyclist jess varnish says she is relieved the truth is finally coming out as a draft report is leaked in which criticises the dysfunctional and inept leadership of British Cycling. Also in the next hour a crackdown on ticket touts. Computer software which buys hundreds of tickets within seconds is to be made illegal with law breakers facing an unlimited fine

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