Transcripts For BBCNEWS The Papers 20170817

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Issue for universities is that the funding that we have for Higher Education must have the confidence and trust of young people. Its important that young people are not deterred from Higher Education. Going to University Still pays. Graduates earn more in their lifetime. Whats changed this year is the politics, a Big Youth Vote for Scrapping Fees in the election. The debate on who pays reopens. The second edition of the papers coming up soon, but first look at the weather. Good evening. We have seen more showers developing across western parts of the uk and we might have longer spells of rain across Northern Ireland into wales and later in the night a strong wind pushing wet weather into Northern England and scotland. Showers in the south and clear skies as well with lows of ii or 12 degrees. More showers tomorrow than we had today and stronger wind. It is a wet start for scotland and the rain might linger all day. 0therwise for scotland and the rain might linger all day. Otherwise it is sunshine and showers. It is going to be Blowing Eastwards across ireland, across the irish sea into wales later in the day. Stronger wind will make it feel cooler and temperatures will be lower than today, 16 in glasgow and 21 in london and norwich. It doesnt get a lot warmer on saturday of it is decent enough with less showers, less windy, and showers in scotland and elsewhere getting away with a dry day with some sunshine. This is bbc news. The headlines 13 people have been killed and more than 100 injured after a van ran into pedestrians in las ramblas district of barcelona, one area popular with tourists. We saw a white van with the side door off. We heard gunshots, whether it was the police or from the van i dont know, ididnt police or from the van i dont know, ididnt hang police or from the van i dont know, i didnt hang around for the. Police or from the van i dont know, i didnt hang around for thelj police or from the van i dont know, i didnt hang around for the. I saw people falling on the pavement, i think some six people. And then i was doubting what to do. It was very unclear. Armed police comb the streets for a man who fled the scene on foot. Tonight they have arrested two suspects. A rise in the top a level grades for the first time in six years with boys overtaking girls for the first time in almost two decades. President trump says American History is ripped apart as statues with links to slavery are pulled down in the wake of violent rallies in charlottesville. Ina in a moment we will look at how the front pages are covering the barcelona attack. First, as we have heard, the attacker who drove a van into people in spain, killing 13, is on the run and in the last couple of minutes we have had this update from our correspondent in barcelona. Minutes we have had this update from our correspondent in barcelonam the streetjust behind me leads on to las ramblas, the most famous promenade, it was packed at 5pm on the dot, according to police, this evening, when the driver of the white van went through a crowd, and we are talking thousands of people. It was absolutely packed on las ramblas. The police are saying in the last half an hour, 13 people have been killed, 15 are in Critical Condition in hospital, more than 100 have been injured. Details as well from the belgian consulate to say a belgian tourist in the city is among those who were killed. What we know from the investigation after the car was brought to a stop, the police then carried out, basically, checks in the bars. Until five minutes ago, there have been hundreds of people in the bars and restaurants hiding, bunkered down. About 100 in the museum, as well, told to stay where they were for their own safety and just in case one of the attackers was among them. They have been released to leave. You may start to see people leaving shortly. We know that there were two men arrested in a bar in part of the city. Were told they were not in the car at the time. They have been arrested in connection with the attack. There was a third person shot dead this evening, around an hour later, at 6pm this evening. Police say he went through three different checkpoints around 500 metres from here. There is no confirmation that was immediately involved in the attack. What we know is the image released of a Moroccan National who had been living in spain, driss 0ubakir, he spent time in prison in 2012 and he had been released. His passport was found at the scene. Right now people are told they cant come in the section, they can come out. There are quite a few tourist at the moment with people who have brought baggage here. People who thought they would come back. They were told to hide. Ultimately, right now, they are worried, a, what can they do, they cant go in, but also, are they under threat any more . Police say it is just the start of the investigation and operations continue from here. There are some reports that the suspect whose photograph has been released, gavin, driss 0ubakir, he has supposedly handed himself into police and said, look, you know, my documents have been stolen. Yes, we have heard these reports. But the police had given a Press Conference in the last half an hour or so and the spanish officials are not are not confirming that at all. We are hearing those reports. Someone has gone to say, look, this is nothing to do with me. We have seen this before. We spoke after the berlin and nice attacks. There were documents that had to be verified for a long time. And there have been Fake Passports used in the paris attacks, remember, two years ago now. Those that came from greece and managed to get to paris or using three orfour different kinds of names. That is of course a big issue from the start. They have released this one police image so far. The other thing to point out is about two months ago there are reports here in the spanish media that the cia had given notice and a report at the time that las ramblas was a target, that the spanish officials should be on scene. And, actually, talking to eyewitnesses here, british tourists among the crowd, in fact, one person said to me he couldnt get amid the people, it was far too busy, so he walked awayjust minutes before 5pm, and they say police were on the scene within three minutes of the attack, armed officers, and thats why they acted so quickly after about three minutes past 5pm this afternoon. We are six hours following the attack. Relatively few details. Remember, this is the biggest Terrorist Attack we dont if it is a jihadist attack. Reports would suggest it is that way. But since 2004, the train attacks, the bombings in madrid. Welcome to the second look ahead to what the papers will bring us tomorrow. Lots more of the papers in since we last spoke with christopher and jessica. Thank you for stating for the second reading tonight. 0f course, the papers are dominated by the events in barcelona. The metro has a picture of the victims caught up has a picture of the victims caught up in the attack. And a warning some of the papers carry photographs you mightfind of the papers carry photographs you might find disturbing. The mirror has scenes of carnage in the catalonian capital. The Daily Express focuses on the van used in the attack. The guardian leads with a photograph of some of the 100 people who were wounded and a picture of one of the men arrested, driss 0ubakir, who has told the police that he wasnt involved. The daily mail suggests many holidaymakers from britain might be caught up in the attack. The same photograph is featured in the daily telegraph, which would suggest the death toll of flirting is likely to rise. The times headline is evil strikes again as barcelona is among the other cities targeted by terrorists. Finally the sun that uses Strong Language towards the attackers, who so called Islamic State has claimed as their own. The death toll of 13 is likely to rise. We will begin with the daily mirror which has an immensely striking image of this famous, Beautiful White Boulevard which runs from place De Catalunya All The Way down to the Christopher Columbus seafront, and if you have been you will have walked along las ramblas. It is one of, if not the thing to do when you arrive in barcelona, normally it is the first thing they do, head for the wide street usually packed with tourists, with Street Performers and stalls on each side. There is a lovely market where you can pick up fresh food for a picnic. It really is like the heart of the barcelona tourist seen. And to see it like this almost devoid of people but dead bodies, people injured and all of those Emergency Service personnel running around is such a shock. It is a great front page from the mirror because it captures the horror of a street familiar to lots of people. In the days of budget airlines. You can see bodies pixelated out because editors are very concerned about offending people, particularly with dead and seriously injured people. It certainly captures the essence of what has happened this afternoon. The papers react you can see the different pictures across all the papers. Some have gone for quite shocking ones. Others have gone for quite mundane pictures as they try to work out how to communicate that with readers. The telegraph has a similar story that is much closer in to the people who were involved, and an man being tended to, terror in the heart of barcelona, and one of the heart of barcelona, and one of the man who has been arrested, driss 0ubakir, who is said to have rented the van, though he says he handed himself in and that his papers were stolen. The Prime Minister of spain, mariano rajoy, says It Wasjihadist terrorism and requires a global response. We will talk about the response. We will talk about the response in a moment. They have been quite quick to state that this is the character of this attack. Earlier, isis we think said they we re earlier, isis we think said they were behind this attack. It is a low tech attack involving a van. It is hard to police against. It is one for trying to convince hearts and minds of people driving these vehicles not to use them as weapons. Otherwise it is hard to see how it can happen again. Yes, it was weaving from side to side, managing to hit so many people. At the moment it is 13 people died and 100 injured. What does a city do to try to keep people safe, but also keep an area area open . We saw with the attack in finsbury park, which was against the mosque, it is notjust jihadist necessarily, it can be people with other motivations. And it isa people with other motivations. And it is a kind of attack that, you know, who can guard against people renting a van . Thousands of people do it every day. At the place where we work at the house of parliament, across Westminster Bridge and London Bridge, many of the monuments in london, there are these big Concrete Pollard is going up along the street which are there to keep people safe. Bollards. It is a sad State Of Affairs when you have to divide public spaces, when you have to put these almost. It looks like a battle zone, having these things that would stop a big vehicle. At the same time, what is the option . The times evil strikes again, it says. Evil strikes down innocents. Children hit as stryver targets tourist with a van. More on a statement from ariana mariano rajoy. As driver targets. Saying the response has to be global. Security services say it is. We are foiling plots all the time. Interesting on page four of the times from Charles Bremner going through all of the different attacks that have been foiled by police. And it does say here they have been so effective in thwarting fact they have been reduced to the basic use of cars as a have been reduced to the basic use of cars as a weapon have been reduced to the basic use of cars as a weapon and it goes back to the appalling alanda attack in 2004 when four bombs killed 191 people on the train. They have struggled to deal with that threat and it might suggest why the only way they can do is to use a car rather than a van. Yes and some of the extremist groups have been espousing that, havent they, take a van and use a gun and knife if you get out, and thats what we saw with london. It is a measure of success that the security services. That people who want to commit these atrocities dont have access to weapons such as bomb making equipment. They dont have access to firearms that can play multiple rounds and cause absolute devastation. Yes. But still, because they are low tech it is difficult to try to stop. The daily mail. The same photograph. A massacre. It is such a popular destination, so easy to get to. It is an extraordinary place to visit. Not farfrom here is an extraordinary place to visit. Not far from here but very foreign. Yes. Families on the photo, a child with an elderly person, who knows . A shocking picture. They blurred out the faces, which is important. You might wonder what you are looking at. This is the eiffel tower which is normally illuminated and you would recognise it. As a mark of respect to those in barcelona, those caught up in the atrocity, the majority of the lights have gone out. That is just the lights on the top of the tower, which are always on because of the aircraft. There it is. You can see what it is. But it is. You can see what it is. But it is not in its illuminated glory which we are used to. That often happens now, landmarks around the world a re happens now, landmarks around the world are altered in some way as a sign of respect. That is a way of showing Global Solidarity for these attacks which have Global Impact because they tend to take place in areas with a lot of tourism and nationalities affected. You have Seenin Nationalities affected. You have seen in the media there are definitely german and australian citizens among the dead and injured, those governments have said so. And i suspect many more nationalities. The guardian. Terror strikes barcelona. Yeah. And it is. A good headline, i think, barcelona. Yeah. And it is. A good headline, ithink, that. That barcelona. Yeah. And it is. A good headline, i think, that. That is what this all is. No matter what you say about it. That picture yet again, the same picture again on the daily mail and the telegraph and the guardian. I had doubts when i first saw it. Now i understand, it ca ptu res saw it. Now i understand, it captures the family issue, tourism, visitors hit by an appalling attack. Tonight after the London Bridge attacks, a lot of the pictures that we re attacks, a lot of the pictures that were shown, we had a lot of discussion about the choice of pictures these days on papers. You wa nt to pictures these days on papers. You want to tell the story but you dont wa nt to want to tell the story but you dont want to discuss the people, you dont want a traumatised people. With these, everyone is watching social media all the time and are seen worse social media all the time and are seen worse pictures. The feeling might be that many readers are looking at this photo and you cant really sum it up what is going on. In the old days, Black And White photos, they had the same problem. The pictures we choose when we broadcast as well, a different kind of parameters. It is a difficult balance to strike. As a newspaper, you dont want to patronise viewers, Show A Sanitised Version of a tragedy. But at the same time, readers come to a paper, rather than just looking at twitter, because they want to see a respected authoritative version of it and not just all of the gore. It is important to get the right balance. Yes, and it is considerate. There is a timelapse yes, and it is considerate. There is a timela pse between yes, and it is considerate. There is a timelapse between the event and the article being written. We were hearing earlier about eyewitnesses saying panic is often greater following events if you are there in the moment as you follow things on social media. It can make matters almost worse. There was a rumour of almost worse. There was a rumour of a Hostage Situation initially, i think. That became not the case quite quickly. But on social media, it immediately appeared. You can come to your own conclusion these days. The sun. Barcelona bustards, it says. I am sure you will forgive the use of the word. Cops help as a man lays injured. There is another body or two further in the distance, one of which has been blurred out. You wonder what the response will be from barcelona. They have dealt with terror attacks, and homegrown terror as well. They are well versed in events like this. Yeah. I think, always, and clearly because these attacks have been happening with increasing frequency, you know, any Intelligence Service of a country, especially in places with such popular tourist destinations, they will have trained, they will know how to respond to it. But when it actually happens in the streets, it still has an impact that you can train for. Islamic state refer to a battle in 1212, one with spanish troops killing 2000 muslims. They can draw on these things 800 years ago. 800 years ago. It is interesting how they are using this long history. We will look at some other stories. The financial times. Firstly, a rise in pupils getting top a levels grades. Boys ahead of girls for the first time in decades. There was a gap to close. Its a shame, though. They were sexist exams. It is a sweeping generalisation, but girls tend to do better when there is a coursework focus and boys do better with exam focus. Now, the only assessment is an exam. And some experts are saying this is the reason why there is a surge in boys overtaking girls. I think you would want this to have a parity with Boys And Girls getting roughly the same. But we are not yet there. Michael gove try to bring in exams to make it harder to get good grades and it has done the other way around. Boys are Getting Better grades. It will be interesting to see what happens next weekend even so see what happens next weekend even so next year with the jsces. See what happens next weekend even so next year with thejsces. This year is just so next year with thejsces. This year isjust a so next year with thejsces. This year is just a change of the year. We will go through all of that next year. Dreading it. I dont we will go through all of that next year. Dreading it. Idont know if there are different Boys And Girls exams. What colour would you choose for the girl exams . Blue. I caught you out. In the old days, girls wore pink because it is derivative of red, a strong colour. There is also the Jeremy Corbyn effect, 13 rise in passing. A weight of your mind. Just quickly, if you can, can you deal with steve bannon . Stoking white house tensions for a china trade war. What is going on in the white house . It is hard to keep up with it. Donald trumps advises seemed to have lots of very different strong opinions they dont mind expressing in public. Advisors. That is normally the hallmark of a Well Functioning Administration but donald trump does not like it. Talking about north korea in an interview he has given, donald trump, and he is saying that there should not be any kind of concessions with china to try to deal with north korea because the us should be maniacally focused on economic war with china. Yeah. That is an interesting way to take it. War is an unfortunate word to use with china. He was talking about gary cowan, the chief economic adviser, and it seems like utter chaos. But apparently, as you were saying earlier, donald trump likes this. He likes to see people competing for his affection. Seeing who comes out on top. I would not have thought that is a healthy way to run an administration. He is like a Roman Emperor at a colosseum. That is it for the papers for the night. Dont forget, you can see all of the front pages on the bbc news website. If you missed the programme, any evening you can watch it later on the bbc iplayer. Thank you, both of you, for staying with us in this very late hour. Coming up, the weather. Hello. A warm day across the uk, especially in southern areas. Warm and humid. Tomorrow will feel quite different. A Different Air mass. More windy with more showers and the forecast as well. Most of the night will be dry in central and eastern areas. Showers gathering in the north and west. Longer spells of rain around dawn, especially in Northern England and parts of scotland. They will be windy as well. 12 15 scotland. They will be windy as well. 1215 16 scotland. They will be windy as well. 12 15 16 degrees. Starting friday morning, some sunshine around. Scotland, a lot of cloud around. Scotland, a lot of cloud around. Longer spells of rain, especially in the north of scotland. Northern ireland and pirates of southern scotland, sunshine. Parts. Showers in northern and western areas. The midlands is starting off relatively dry. Temperatures, 14 17 degrees. A breezy start. Certainly the closer you are to the irish sea coast. The Temperatures Pickup the day. Showers will become more widespread. Large spells of rain in the north of scotland. Rain is pushing into wales and western england. To one 22. Very chilly in the north of scotland. 21 22. Low to mid teens at best. Through the night, pulses of rain going through the country. Towards the end of the night and saturday morning, more dry with sunshine. We are stuck between weather systems. It looks better. A lot of dry weather. Still breezy. Showers in northern and western areas. More light and more isolated. 16 21. This areas. More light and more isolated. 16 21. This area of low pressure which will be going near the Shores On Sunday will contain the remnants of what was hurrican gert. Stronger winds on sunday and monday. Humid air in southern areas. Sunday starts fine in the north and east with sunshine. Wetter in the south and west. The extent of rain is uncertain at the moment. Munday looks wet in central areas. Cooler airto the area looks wet in central areas. Cooler air to the area here. That cooler air to the area here. That cooler air in the north with the rain will wind out and spreads out on tuesday. Iand i and alpa patel in london. The headlines Terror On The Streets Of Barcelona as a van ploughs into a Crowd Killing at least 13 people. Barcelona as a van ploughs into a Crowd Killing at least 13 peoplelj saw a white van with a side door open. We heard gunshots whether it was police or from the van i open. We heard gunshots whether it was police orfrom the van i dont know. I didnt hang around for that. Two people have been arrested but the van driver himself may still be on the run. Spain was a Prime Minister has said there is no doubt it was a jihadist attack. Im rico hizon in singapore. Also on the programme the grim toll of president dutertes war on drugs

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