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Government is in. She called an election to get the big majority, and ended up without one. She realised that the public doesnt find her government popular, have had enough of this territory and wa nt had enough of this territory and want a different kind of britain, and she doesnt know what to do about it. Her chancellor, who she intended to sack until she found herself with no panel when she came back, her spokesman let everybody know that that public disquiet about the pay cap, and that some people might geta the pay cap, and that some people might get a rise in their salaries, but the chancellor is furious that the Prime Minister is taking Financial Decisions without consulting him first. This situation would have been unimaginable a month ago, when theresa may was the mistress of everything and the chancellor was about to lose his job. It wasnt long ago when theresa may was rated the most popular Prime Minister in recent history. We now have outright chaos. Jeremy corbyn didnt land a blow today. Theresa may got through pmqs. We had Oliver Letwin on bbc this morning, saying that it looked like this was going to end. Then Michael Fallon said, looks like we are going to have to raise army pay by more than 1 . Chris grayling came out as well. We thought she would announce she is reviewing it. After pmqs, the Tory Press Office gave a signal that there was going to be a review. The next fiscal event is the autumn. They didnt talk about the pay cut thatis they didnt talk about the pay cut that is in place until 2020, and we thought, there we go. Then the chancellor through his toys out the pram, and there is absolute turmoil in government again. Is Philip Hammond the architect of all this . The architect of the row . No, no. Hammond the architect of all this . The architect of the row . No, nom all the indications through the day are that the government is going to get rid of this, and then all of a sudden they are not. What Philip Hammond is not prepared to put up with any more is a Prime Minister who thinks she can make announcements about his area. It shows how powerful the chancellor is now, and how little coordination and trust there is between the people who run the country. I cannot envisage the tories are sticking with this. It looks as though he wants to be the one to announce this. It looks he wasnt allowed to do that much. After the election, he walked into number 10 and said, i thought you were going to sack me. It was that kind of confrontation. They have to try and stop this squabbling, because they will be out of power if this carries on. The telegraph continues this. Tory chaos after public paid double u turn. This is what you were alluding to earlier when you had ministers earlier when you had ministers earlier on today suggesting that the policy was going to be changed, and then suddenly they decided not to. Spare a thought for the people in numberio at the spare a thought for the people in number 10 at the moment. Two of theresa mays lieutenants have gone, and there is a huge vacuum there. The people there are good people, but there is a real vacuum in terms of what is going on. Cabinet ministers are told what to eat, where, say, when to move. They now feel emboldened. Remember about g re nfell tower feel emboldened. Remember about Grenfell Tower couple feel emboldened. Remember about gre nfell tower couple of weeks feel emboldened. Remember about Grenfell Tower couple of weeks ago, numberio didnt know. Grenfell tower couple of weeks ago, number 10 didnt know. That would not have happened before. |j number 10 didnt know. That would not have happened before. I think people will be watching this thinking, you still have a Prime Minister, someone at the top. No matter how weak she is, shes still at the top. Can she not say, no, this is how its going to be . If not, why not . If you are working in the Public Sector, you dont really ca re the Public Sector, you dont really care about this row. You think, i havent had a pay rise in five yea rs, havent had a pay rise in five years, and information is now soaring towards 3 . Real wages are being squeezed, and people will start to feel a lot poorer. If they cannot keep their government together and they have to call another election, according to current opinion polls, Jeremy Corbyn and the labour party have a very good chance of winning because people are fed up with the tory policies. People had better get their acts together and start acting like a government who are coordinated not only on this, but also on the huge issue of brexit. There isnt any sign of that at the moment. Public Sector Workers deserve a pay rise, and i believe thatis deserve a pay rise, and i believe that is coming. I cannot envisage there will be a budget where the chancellor stays up and says they will keep it at 1 . I dont think it will keep it at 1 . I dont think it will happen. After what we have lived through this year, its not going to happen. But they need to find out where they find this. An extra 1 on the whole Public Sector payroll is £3 billion. It is the equivalent of another penny on income tax. There was a report this morning saying that the public dont mind a rise in taxes if it goes towards this. Lets go on to buzzfeed. There is a story thats interesting, talking about the fact that a number of people who are missing presumed dead as a result of the Grenfell Tower disaster all ended up in a small, concentrated number of flats. It seems that as the fire took hold beneath them, the people at the top of the block went upwards and outwards, hoping to escape the fire. Although the police have managed to talk to at least one person from 106 flats lower down in the block, and they know that among those flats, 18 people died, they say they have not been able to locate anybody alive from the top 23 flats. They dont know how many people were there for many reasons. They dont know how many people moved up. They know that a number of the flats were being sublet, and the council have no record of how many people were in those flats. They also dont know how many people were staying over as guests for ramadan. There are a lot of Conspiracy Theories, because there are lot of Conspiracy Theories and mistrust of the authorities. A lot of people feel that the authorities locally are trying to cover up the number of dead. The people in the council are trying to frantically identify who was there that night. They are asking anyone who was there that night, even if they were staying there is legally, to come forward and identify themselves. They know that people who were staying there are too scared to come forwards in case they face some action. |j are too scared to come forwards in case they face some action. I was there in the wake of the disaster, andi there in the wake of the disaster, and i was walking towards the tube in the evening. I overheard somebody talking, who didnt see me and my producer, and somebody said, the bbc is part of the conspiracy. You walk past and you think, you know, we are reporting what the police are telling us, and the police are telling us, and the police are telling us, and the police are telling us that from what they understand, it is this number of people who were in the apartments when the whole thing went up, and they probably will not have a confirmed figure until the end of the year. This is where ministers have to step up and forget politics. Some are forget worried about the ramifications. Trust has been eroded because of all of this drip drip, not because of the deaths, which are heartbreaking, but because of all this other information, such as government buildings, hospitals and schools being said to have this cladding on them, but were not being told which ones. And who brought that cladding and who is to blame . Brought that cladding and who is to blame . That brought that cladding and who is to blame . That feeds all this. |j blame . That feeds all this. certainly dont believe that. In yea rs certainly dont believe that. In years and years of being ignored, and the feelings they had of these places being dangerous being ignored. One thing the home office could do is to come out and say, we will not take any action against anyone, irrespective of their Immigration Status and we will offer a lifetime amnesty, that would make a lifetime amnesty, that would make a difference. At home office are saying that they will not take action. They are not offering an amnesty for the rest of their lives. I should just quickly say, it looks as if they have picked a judge to head the enquiry into the Grenfell Tower disaster. This was coming tomorrow, so fair play to the times. What this reminds me of, remember the child sex abuse enquiry, where we have had fourjudges . The Victim Groups we re we have had fourjudges . The Victim Groups were not happy with the choice ofjudge. Ijust hope we dont have this down. There is some unease already about this judge, sir martin moore. I hope we can move on about this and the enquiry can start. Never mind the times with this story. The source is confirmed tonight to our laura kuenssberg. Finally, a sad day, michael bond, the creator of Paddington Bear, has died at the age of 91. Do you remember the books growing up . died at the age of 91. Do you remember the books growing up . I was old enough to be around when the paddington books were first published. They were almost the first books i learnt to read with. I also had a Paddington Bear in somebodys house when my daughter took her first steps. We took the boots of the Little Paddington and put them on herfeet, and they fitted perfectly. I have a photo of it. One of the actors who put Trade Paddington in the tv show, he read that paddington was a peruvian bear, so that paddington was a peruvian bear, so he came to the audition with a South American accent. And michael bond said, no, more like noel coward thank you both for coming. Thats it for the papers tonight. Thank you jenni and steve. From us all, goodbye good evening. Summer seems to have deserted as for the time being. The weekend looks a little bit more promising, but we still have some rain around overnight. Across northern england, where it has been particularly wet today, and that rain is moving northwards making further inroads across scotland. After todays disappointing temperatures, the overnight temperatures, the overnight temperatures are not going to fall too far. For the rush hour tomorrow, some Rain Across Devon and cornwall, and patchy rain across north wales. Central areas, the southeast and east anglia will start drive. In the north east, some rain at times, but the more persistent rain is north of the more persistent rain is north of the border up in scotland. Across some eastern areas and northern ireland, the rain begins to arrive. A change of fortunes on thursday. Some patchy rain and a keen wind across northern england, but not as wet as its been today. Perhaps a little sunshine towards the south east, boosting the temperatures and triggering some heavy showers. Another cold day across many northern parts of the uk, and not much better on friday. The wind is still quite keen and quite cold. Still some rain, but not as heavy or persistent. Lighter rain pushing into england and wales. We may get some sunshine ahead of the weather front, bringing may get some sunshine ahead of the weatherfront, bringing some may get some sunshine ahead of the weather front, bringing some warmth. Things calmed down a bit for the weekend. The wet weather pushing its way into europe, where its been very wet. For the weekend, something a bit warmer and drier. Pressure a bit higher coming in from the atlantic. A little bit of Rain In The South east corner overnight. Some bursts of rain elsewhere in the uk, but other ways fairly dry. A little rain pushing eastwards overnight, mainly across the northern half of the uk. That clears the way. Some showers coming into the way. Some showers coming into the winds will be a bit stronger. Fine to the south. This is bbc news. The headlines at 11 six people are to be charged in connection with the hillsborough football stadium disaster, 28 years ago. Be noes to the left, 323. So, the noes have it. The noes. A Labour Party Amendment to the queens Speech Calling for an end to the Public Sector pay cap, has been defeated in the commons, mps vote on the full speech tomorrow. As police say some victims will never be identified, the bbc understands a judge has been appointed to lead an inquiry into the Grenfell Tower fire. And coming up in newsnight, theresa may won the first vote of the parliament today. But there was confusion over the parliament and there are over 200 days

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