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Unashamedly saying what it thinks of the tory manifesto. It is astonishingly supportive, even reverential. I was quite taken aback when i saw this because even though it has been very supportive of theresa may, especially over the last few days, ahead of the ma nifesto last few days, ahead of the manifesto launch, she can do no wrong. All you need to do is compare this to what would happen if David Cameron was Prime Minister and he announced some of the policies she did today, you can imagine what the daily mail might say about the elderlys homes being sold off to pay for care and getting rid of winter fuel allowance. And yet, theresa may receives plaudits for her practical pledges rather than unrealistic, eye catching promises. A lot of this comes down to the comment box in the middle, which is the word moral. And the fact that the word moral. And the fact that the editor of the daily mail has a real admiration for her sense of being. This image of her being very sensible and stable, she is a christian, she is not afraid of taking on business, she talks about the just about managing. Taking on business, she talks about the just about managingm taking on business, she talks about the just about managing. It is pragmatism, it is what shes trying to. I used to like it when they used to. I used to like it when they used to lie to us, but across the newspapers, apart from the mirror, it has been very well received and there is this idea that, in newspaper land, people are getting sick of everything going to be fine and by putting this out there in the manifesto, that there will be tough decisions and we are all together in this, were not the nasty party any more, it is mainstream britain, or we are all going in One Direction and there will be no lurch to the right any more, trying to get some of those Labour Voters on side. She started the day in halifax in a Labour Constituency so it is oiled cleverly done. So she has done the job. Take is to the telegraph. You used the word mainstream and it is one they are picking up with. Used the word mainstream and it is one they are picking up withm will be a word they will keep on mentioning as we go towards the election date itself, they are looking to go away from this, we are all being selfish and individual are fiow all being selfish and individual are now part of one big society. It is that sort of theme. They are reaching out to Labour Voters, desperately trying to convince them, you may not have voted for us, but we have got your interests at heart, we have got your interests at heart, we have got your interests at heart, we have looked at what the left have been talking about, energy caps and things like that, something the thatcherites have never die in the past, and we will look at doing things like that. They are throwing out the sweeties to Potential Labour Vote rs out the sweeties to Potential Labour Voters and they will have this great meritocracy, but there are some families who will miss out, there are still a lot of people who are just about managing who rely on getting a house of the parents. When this is passed on, he rely on it. That is a generational issue. But quite a few people are not rubbing their hands with glee, waiting for people to die, but the own way they can get onto the Property Ladder is this house is. I think the fact that she launched the manifesto in halifax on the up. It is is it writing Labour Heartland in the north of yorkshire although the conservatives are not starting at the heel of labour, the majority there is only 128. And theresa may has been going around marginals, seats that are in very traditional labour areas. Chris grayling was in bolsover, dennis skinners seat. The fa ct bolsover, dennis skinners seat. The fact that conservatives are even considering doing well in these places says a huge amount. The ft referencing Labour Voters. And the Fa Ct Referencing Labour Voters. And the fact she is breaking with thatcherite faith and going centrist. Theresa may 15 years ago stood up in front of a Tory Party Conference and said, were no longer the nasty party. That was a very significant message and how she thought about and said, 15 years on, shes moving towards the. The conservatives have led the blair message which is unique to occupy the Centre Ground to win and win big. People are aware she is a landslide ahead. It seems an ideal time to make difficult choices. She was asked at the launch whether she was asked at the launch whether she was asked at the launch whether she was a thatcherite. She is not rejecting that out right but she is not saying. She does not want to avoid with the thatcherites. We mentioned the mirror. We must make sure we give it a fair crack. They are not happy this i did a 10 million pensioners will lose the Winter Fuel Payments is something the mirror canjump on. There was not a lot of legroom for them to get much in this manifesto that they have jumped on this and rightly so. When they say will be pensioners, we still do not have that definition of what that is. There are those people who are not wondering around in diamond encrusted shoes. Some people do rely on this is that little bit extra to see them through. They made not beyond the breadline but it may be something they are accustomed to. But it is part of that package of tough decisions because a lot of people think, i do not see myself voting forjeremy corbyn. It paves the way for tax rises, there is that element of this. There is room for manoeuvre. She has not recommitted to the David Cameron pledge not to put up ni. Only vat. So whoever wins the election, the prospect of tax going up is a very real one. Oh, brilliant we must go to the express. David davis, he used to be brexit secretary, he is talking about how theresa may has assured the eu the briton means business. He has also said she has managed to put them back in the box after those leaks recently about the various talks we have been having already, and he is determined, he says, we still have on the table this idea we will walk away with no deal. He says he spends half his time working on the no deal deal. Interestingly, he is talking about this idea that there was a suggestion that no Senior Ministers back a pledge to reduce annual migration below 100,000, he says that absolutely wrong. It is not mention anyone else though. Maybe he is not classed as a Senior Minister i think he will have a different opinion. Pepper, this is from back to the daily mail. Referencing the itv debate that has been on this evening, which included five party leaders, not the main two, and they had been scathing about that. The daily mail. Have you seen about that. The daily mail. Have you seen the debate tonight . 0h, that debate. A debate like this, prime time tv debate without the leaders of the two main leaders will not be compulsive Essential Viewing for that many people. The most they have managed to pick out is the fact that paul nuttall had to be told off because he called leanne wood natalie, and did the same thing to caroline lucas, presumably referring to the Previous Green Party leader. There was a chance for them to stand out. It does sound as though they we re out. It does sound as though they were just reading prepared answers. There was a chance for someone to step up there, make a name for themselves and put a good case forward. Nicola sturgeon has a reputation as being a really effective performer. Tim farron was the one probably that desperately needed to show he was capable of being a strong voice, a strong leader, because the lib dems are really not managing to get to this resurgence they have talked so much about. In a poll today, they have halved the level of support. About. In a poll today, they have halved the level of supportm about. In a poll today, they have halved the level of support. It is like a boxing match without the opposition. They are swiping at the end nothing is coming back. One last tory, london citys air traffic has gone virtual. Terrifying i travelled In The City Airportjust on wednesday and it has got a very steep descent into the airport anyway. There are no real people there. Computer hackers. Technology going wrong. We give everything over the technology. How panicky do we get when we go to the supermarket and we end up in the place where there are those tills are no people the . Aeroplanes are largely flown by computers anyway. We like to pretend they are not. I feel greatly reassured there is a pilot. You asked a guy who landed the hudson unusual, you did it himself. You are quite right. I watch a film only a few weeks ago, it was very good. We have run out of time, thank you both very much indeed. You can see the front pages of the papers online. And if you mist the programme, you can watch it later on the bbc iplayer. The weather has been turning more u nsettled the weather has been turning more unsettled over the past few days. We have had rain for places that really need it. We have an area of low pressure that moves its way south to north across Eastern Parts of england. This was how things looked earlier on. You can see that rain on the radar image. Further north and west, clearer skies. This was the scene in devon as we entered the day on thursday. Place bels per shower clouds around as well. Most of the showers across northern and western parts of the country at using weight but we will keep the outbreaks of rain. Heavy bursts on the far east anglia. Pretty damp across parts of Eastern England but under the clear skies for the rest are fresh start on friday. A patch of rural grass frost in the most prone spots but it should clear away quickly. A few showers and to the Western Isles of scotla nd showers and to the Western Isles of scotland but elsewhere, it is a bright morning to come. The east of england keeps quite a bit of cloud and outbreaks of rain. Further west, we have got sunny spells. Just a chance of an isolated shower in the far west but cloudy and damp conditions in toward the London Region and up towards east anglia. That rain will lingerfor region and up towards east anglia. That rain will linger for a time of the east. Breezy of the east coast of east anglia and The Rain Pushes into North East England and eastern scotland. But away from the same, that the function and scattered showers. Some of the showers, the odd rumble of thunder. During saturday, a similar picture. Sunshine and showers once again and once again, the showers hit and miss. A lot of dry weather in between any of the showers but if you do get caught wireline, it could be on the heavy side. Fewer showers drifting further east, 18 degrees on saturday. Rain to the north east of scotla nd saturday. Rain to the north east of scotland which clears away. Through sunday, we see higher pressure moving in from the south, squeezing away the bulk of the showers, fewer showers on sunday, you could catch one in the west, but for much of the country, fine and write and in the sunshine, top temperatures reached 20 degrees. This is bbc news. Im julian worricker. The headlines at eleven theresa may launches the conservative Party Manifesto with a promise that a Mainstream Government would deliver for mainstream britain. Come with me as i lead britain, strengthen my hand as i fight for britain, and stand with me as i deliverfor britain. Donald trump says hes being subjected to the greatest witch hunt against a politician in American History after a Special Investigator was appointed to examine claims of collusion russia. One woman has died and twenty two other people were injured, after a motorist drove into pedestrians in the centre of new york. And coming up on newsnight, every century or so, the conservative party somehow reinvents itself

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