Transcripts For BBCNEWS The Papers 20170427 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS The Papers 20170427

tomorrow. so let's begin. ladies first, the guardian. the terror story. a little after 2pm, 2:22pm, a man was arrested in his 20s, very close to downing street, it appeared that in his rucksack was a series of knives. not very long ago we were hearing of a similar style of attack with a knife when another assailant broke into the houses of parliament compound with a knife and killed a police officer. it has echoes of what happened then, but on this occasion the interesting thing is that it appeared the security services were on to this individual, a number of the papers have splashed on this story, with the notion being that either a member of his family or somebody within his community had become suspicious about his behaviour. there is lots of different elements of detail that we have been given about how he was tracked down, the notion that he was followed onto a tube and when he got quite close to the houses of parliament, he was closer to downing street when he was swooped upon and arrested. that is when they made their swoop and they stopped it, so there were no consequences, no death, nothing. you have worked in downing street, would you have take a trip there, what has struck you about the story. caroline is right to say that the most interesting thing is that he did not succeed, and the police and security services did what they were paid to do. we are always being told in briefings that the police foil an awful lot of attacks that we get to hear nothing about, but this was played out on the streets, with cameras and people filming on their phones, so we could see how successful a well briefed, with good intelligence, operation can be. if he was followed on the cube, the police would have deliberately tried not to have arrested him on the cube, where he could have done more damage, they waited until he was in the right position, where they could disarm him and make sure he could not do any damage. the daily mirror has this shot of his face. it spread online. what struck me about this story, they waited until he was off the tube, he got above ground, but what a location for them to swoop. exactly. it was so public and it was intelligence led. i was walking down whitehall, it seems to keep happening where i am not far away. i was walking down whitehall at pretty much the time that this was happening. the only signed i could see. there was a crowd of people around the entrance closest to the downing street entrance, the houses of parliament. it was indicative that something happened, but a very different atmosphere from that which we had with just five weeks before, where there was a very real sense of panic, a feeling that they did not know what was going on, a sense that there may have been one or more assailant at the time. it is clear with this that it was a well contained police operation, there was no sense of panic, people inside the building were aware there had been an incident, but there was not the level of concern or panic, there was more of a sense of the police having it under control, it has been dealt with, almost a suggestion that it was much less of an event than we had had with the attack five weeks ago. they knew he did not have accomplices, there was not the risk of the early attack that there was somebody else will stop the interesting thing was the headline on the daily mirror, the smirk. he appears to be looking right pleased with himself, even though he has just been arrested. one concern i have with him being on the front of the newspapers is i worry that the people who do these things come for whatever reason, ideological political, mental health issues, notoriety is one thing they are seeking, and we are doing them a favour by putting them all over the papers. you think it should stop at social media? certainly not, i am not saying journalists should not cover the story, but it was an incident that will still put quickly, there are not issues resulting from it, apart from giving the services a pat on the back. there was the notion of whether or not you splash with the picture of the assailant or whether you went with the victims who had lost their lives five weeks ago. the daily telegraph has the same image, but the story we have picked out on the front page, we had to touch on boris johnson. front page, we had to touch on boris johnson. he would be disappointed, i am sure he watches! religiously, to see if he will get a mention. you got a mention. it is not anything to do with mugwumps. did you know the word? charlie and the chocolate factory? something to do with american politics, but i could not have explained, but now i know. we are now clear about it. but this is something which he is more concerned about, his own political future, and whether or not, if theresa may get a very substantial majority, she can dispense with him. she has already joked she could dispense with him. why was he needed? he will be leading figure of the brexit campaign, he led the campaign with a certain panache and all of the style we associate with him, the question was whether he could knuckle down and doa was whether he could knuckle down and do a seriousjob in government as foreign secretary. some people think he has, some people don't think he has, some people don't think he has, some people don't think he is a credit to the government. theresa may is sober, she may not be impressed by some of the hijinks. at the weekend it was the hijinks. at the weekend it was the sunday newspapers in the wake of the sunday newspapers in the wake of the election that began the speculation around reshuffles. it was the story that is still several weeks hence. and we were taking briefings, the suggestion was that the highest offices would not move, amber rudd, iris johnston, the highest offices would not move, amber rudd, irisjohnston, philip hammond. as time moved on, there was a question that began to emerge around boris, the notion that he might be sidelined from the campaign, a suggestion that he would not go down well in some of the northern seat, he was too posh, and it jarred with northern seat, he was too posh, and itjarred with the big's daughter image that she is trying to portray. there were stories in the media this morning suggesting that ministers are briefing against him. i don't think he has been briefed against in the way that some embers of the cabinet are being briefed against. we don't have long, let's turn to the financial times. a bit of brexit in ireland. this is interesting, and curious, the suggestion being that eu diplomats might be raising the prospect of northern ireland voted ina referendum prospect of northern ireland voted in a referendum to rejoin, orjoin the south, to have a united ireland, and state in the eu. and that somehow this possibility would be enshrined in the brexit treaty, because the irish government would like it to be, just off the spanish government would like gibraltar to be included. it is bizarre, i suspect it's diplomats in the eu wanting to make life difficult for theresa may, talking about a united ireland and gibraltar. and this weekend, the other european leaders meet behind our backs to talk about us. meet behind our backs to talk about us. how dare they! how dare they unite to oppose the british government, shocking! the times has another serious story, very quickly summarise this, internet safety. how on earth do you begin to tackle it? asa on earth do you begin to tackle it? as a parent it is a nightmare, the notion that your children are on their ipad, you cannot police what they are looking at, although there are that you can adapt so they cannot look at certain things. it is probably the biggest risk in terms of safeguarding for parents. we have the suggestion from the nspcc that social media companies such as facebook and twitter should be fined if they fail to protect children online. how do you do that? it is very difficult. you could put health warnings or age warnings, but that will not stop people. it might be an invitation. it is policing the internet. the same with terrorism. i think people at home using the internet will think, this is what politicians should be worrying about, rather than throwing insults around. thank you for your time. a visit from us, goodbye. good evening. mother nature has been keeping us on our toes. so far this week we have had some wintry showers in the north—east, but today in eastern scotland it has been a glorious day. not so the case across parts of the midlands. in leicestershire, some threatening cloud, with plenty of showers, as we ran through the day. you can see the showers and where they sat, mostly through the east, but as we go overnight, the showers will drift south and west. a blanket of cloud across england and wales prevents the temperatures from falling too low for a frost. that will come as welcome news. the temperatures will hold up quite nicely. yes, the cloud will be big enough for a spot or two of rain thing in the morning. the weak weather front will move south and west. in sheltered eastern areas we should see dry, sunny weather in the offing, and most of the showers should stay few and far between as we go through the day. most of them look likely to be farther north and west. a pleasing day in the sunshine, it will feel reasonable. on the exposed coasts, taking the edge off. things look promising for the start of the bank—holiday weekend. a good slice of dry weather is the story. breezy but mild is the theme. but there is some rain in the offing, most likely during sunday. on saturday, a good day, a good deal of dry weather, a scattering of showers. the breeze picks up by the end of the day, the first signs of the weather front pushing in. it will feel pleasant, especially in comparison to earlier on in the week. uncertainty as to where the low pressure will be sitting across the south—west during sunday, but at the moment it looks like the rain will be sitting across much of cornwall, devon, somerset, dorset and into wales. keep watching, the area could change, but it will move erratically north and east, taking outbreaks of showery rain with it, giving way on bank holiday monday, but a good deal of dry weather still. this is bbc news. i'm lukwesa barak. the headlines at 11pm: another security alert in westminster. police arrest a man suspected of planning terrorist attacks. forensic teams searched through the contents of his backpack. police say it had been an intelligence—led operation. eyewitnesses described the scene. it was like really a very scary situation really. and ijust realised this place is so busy all the time. the foreign secretary is criticised after suggesting britain could help the us with military action against syria without mps' approval. the prime minister theresa may accuses the eu of lining up to oppose britain in the brexit negotiations. on newsnight, does the high court decision forcing

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United States , Leicestershire , United Kingdom , Whitehall , Kilkenny , Ireland , Syria , Spain , Northern Ireland , Craigavon , Gibraltar , Britain , Scotland , Spanish , Irish , American , British , Theresa May , Amber Rudd , Philip Hammond , Boris Johnson ,

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