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Bringing us tomorrow. With me are nigel nelson, Political Editor of the Sunday Mirror and the sunday people, and the political commentator jo phillips. Some of tomorrows front pages are already in. The Observer Says theresa may is under fire by mps who fear she has no backup plan if the uk fails to get a trade deal with the eu. The Mail On Sunday also leads on the prime ministers impending plan to trigger article 50. It says she will fire the starting gun on tuesday. The Sunday Telegraphs top story is what it calls a war in the cabinet over the budget, with ministers reportedly furious at the chancellor for not warning them that he was planning to break a Manifesto Promise with a rise in National Insurance for Self Employed workers. The front page of The Sunday Times has rugby hero danny care flying through the air as scores in englands victory against scotland in the rugby six nations. And the Sunday Express Reports on a potential new lead in the hunt for madeleine mccann. The paper says police have been given extra funding to follow it up. Lets began, and i think we can get the overall theme. There is a lot of brexit, of course, it is a big week ahead and the Mail On Sunday saying that david davis has been grossly negligent, dereliction of his duty. And in fact there are pages and pages of this and this is the report from the Foreign Affairs select committee, and these committees are very influential, as you know. If you cast your mind back, the same committee warned David Cameron and criticised him for gross negligence, was actually the phrase they used, for not having put into shape or put on the backburner a plan for if there was a live vote in the referendum. What they are saying now, it is possible that, because theresa may has set a bad deal is better than no deal, is worse than no deal leave vote. It actually there might not be a deal, in which case what is the plan . What happens . And they are absolutely not mincing their words at all. The chairman of their words at all. The chairman of the select committee, crispin blunt, was a very committed brexiteer. But this is talking about what are we going to do . Talking about it being destructive, talking about mutually assured damage, a throwback to the cold war phrase mutually assured destruction, so it is absolutely damning and there are two very significant votes coming back from the amendments from the House Of Lords tomorrow, and possibly article 50 being triggered on thursday or tuesday. 50 the fear is deadlock and tuesday. So the fear is deadlock and then we dont know what happens. Thats right. Everything now gets very complicated because the first thing that theresa may has got to do is get article 50 passed by parliament. So monday we see a couple of votes in the House Of Commons pinging back to the House Of Lords, everyone hoping it will go unamended from the commons and the lords will roll over and were off and running. So technically she could trigger on tuesday. She cant do it on wednesday because of the industrial action is and it might interfere with those. The next date is thursday, or she could surprise us is thursday, or she could surprise us all by saying i will do at the following week and a lot of people are saying the following week is perhaps more likely. Nigel, stay with this one and move us on to The Sunday Times because we have had the devastation story of brexit, tucked down in the left hand column is a little nest egg which might come to us little nest egg which might come to us if we leave the eu. £9 million down the back of the so. It is amazing that these figures, we used to talk in figures if you remember not so long ago, and £9 billion which apparently we didnt know we had is sitting in the European Investment bank and so what theresa may wants to say is that is our money, we will have it back now, thank you, because were leaving the eu. And what The Sunday Times is suggesting is that maybe on the basis of doing that we will get a deal over their bill to us, where they are talking in terms of perhaps up they are talking in terms of perhaps up to 50 billion pounds. They will charge us to leave. So it sounds like this is how the negotiation is going to go on, that you have a bit of our money, were not going pay that money, Boris Johnson of our money, were not going pay that money, borisjohnson says dont pay any money at all but it is an interesting Bargaining Chip to say we would like our £9 billion back. Especially when it is to plug the deficit in the eus own Pension Scheme. The Pension Scheme is a problem, we have an agreement that we are going to pay the pensions until who knows when, that is where the £50 billion comes in. A lot of a ccou nta nts the £50 billion comes in. A lot of accou nta nts a re the £50 billion comes in. A lot of accountants are working this out with their calculators before the negotiations began. It could be worse, they could be Self Employed lets move to a different story. This is the spooks. Apparently the russians who may have it in for uk elections. Yes, well this is following on from all the shenanigans which have been going on in america during the elections of donald trump, and the claim that russians, it is always the russians, somehow or other were hacking the elections and this has actually come from gchq, which is britains listening and monitoring post and they have called an Emergency Summit with all the main Political Parties in this country, to warn them. And i think this is unprecedented. Nigel will know better than me but it is unprecedented to give a warning to all Political Parties to say that, you know, you hold all this data and all this information and party members, and their involvement in various campaigns, and goodness knows what, and banks and families and all that sort of stuff, policy interests, it would be very easy for hackers to manipulating that. Start manipulating that. It will be interesting to see how the parties respond, but it is clearly a warning. There are campaigns all the time for online voting instead of going into the booth or doing postal votes, this will knock it on the head. Online voting is not on the cards now, and i dont think it will be four years. In the Sunday Telegraph, we were making fleeting references a re telegraph, we were making fleeting references are moment ago to the insurance, and this is a suggestion that the cabinet is now in a war. It is such a shambles, this decision by the chancellor. That is what the Sunday Telegraph is telling us. They have hated this policy since it came up have hated this policy since it came up in the budget. They have been furious about it and have turned their fury furious about it and have turned theirfury on to furious about it and have turned their fury on to the cabinet because they are furious with each other. What it is saying is that Philip Hammond had an hour long briefing with his cabinet colleagues but he forgot to mention that if he hiked ina forgot to mention that if he hiked in a National Insurance for the Self Employed, he would be breaking a Manifesto Commitment, at which point you would expect every Cabinet Minister to how and say we cant possibly do that. This is where it gets a bit confusing. How. It looks like the Cabinet Ministers, having not been told, didnt notice and this is the part i find stretches credibility. If you are telling Cabinet Ministers who only last year or the year before went to the polls based on a manifesto, that one would rather hope they knew backwards, the first thing they would think of is, is this a breach ofa would think of is, is this a breach of a Manifesto Commitment . And by the way, look what happened to the lib dems when they breached their ma nifesto lib dems when they breached their Manifesto Commitment over tuition fees. And certainly, myself and collea g u es fees. And certainly, myself and colleagues in the parliamentary lobby, we knew it was a Manifesto Commitment which was why we didnt think he would ever do it. So it seems a little odd that the cabinet didnt actually point out themselves that something was awry here. And it isa that something was awry here. And it is a total shambles because nobody anywhere seemed to recognise that it would be like throwing a hand grenade into the party. That there would be this absolute fury. Two we are going to rattle on through, take us are going to rattle on through, take usa are going to rattle on through, take us a little lower. Talking about tuition fees and the lib dems, we are now taking lessons from france as regards our mps and what they should and shouldnt do. Indeed. New rules are likely to come into westminster about mps employing wives and children, presumably husbands as well. As you know, in france, fillon is at the centre of this controversy over having employed his wife and children for not doing thejob employed his wife and children for not doing the job they are supposed to do, or not very much, allegedly. This will urge politicians to advertise all vacancies and a blanket ban on hiring Family Members at westminster, which is in place in scotland. So it is bringing england in line with scotland. Sunday express delving a little deeper, and going inside 2 page format. A new angle on the Grammar School issue, perhaps. Yes, this is theresa mays pet project to create a new generation of Grammar Schools. This is from the Grammar School Heads Association. So they are worth listening to. What they are saying is when designing new Grammar Schools has to be from the bottom up, not the top down. This is what most peoples concerns about the new Grammar School, that in fact they will become elitist and would be for everybody. The Heads Association say you can make it that, but what you have to do is, you have to start when children are at Primary School. You have two have the right Primary School is to Primary School is to feed into the Grammar Schools. My view of them is that they are not a problem in principle, but the selection procedure offers me somewhat. Same with the labour party and some tories feel the same way. This seems to be a way forward. They are saying no quick fix. A story about something which might be a quick fix, this is a diet which reverses diabetes in ten weeks. This isa reverses diabetes in ten weeks. This is a story in the sunday express, which one takes with a pinch of salt. But this is Type 2 Diabetes, and this is based on a study in america, a small study, just over 238 patients. But because Type 2 Diabetes is a huge problem and is linked to obesity, and because the reason that happens is that Carbohydrate Intake is the single biggest factor in blood sugar levels, and that is why people end up levels, and that is why people end up with Type 2 Diabetes, what this study has shown is that over the course of ten weeks, with high fat, low carb diet, they can actually reverse it. If it is true, and there isa reverse it. If it is true, and there is a lot of work to be done, because it is small, the implications for actually fixing type ii diabetes, turning peoples lives around, saving the nhs millions and millions of pounds that it currently spends on drugs or surgery, and it hasnt been rubbished. The Charity Diabetes uk is also funding a trial, and the National Obesity forum saying this is highly significant, and suggests carbohydrates are damaging. It does tell us a little bit more about what carbohydrates do, so it is good for diets. While we are talking about fixing things, sir tim berners lee, who invented the world wide web, says there is some fixing to be done and we need help. He is not happy with fake news and the way Data Harvesting goes on and what he says is it is time to get whole thing sorted out. Unfortunately we are not told exactly how he plans to do it, but he wants to do it with the support of the public. His idea seems to be to get back to his original concept, which is a web that gives equal power to everybody. So in other words, dont let the fa ke so in other words, dont let the fake news jockeys go and take over the whole thing. What will be interesting to see is what he comes up interesting to see is what he comes up with. Im sure all of us, especially in the news business, we would love to get fake news out of twitter and facebook and so on. Given that he invented the thing, maybe he really has got some ideas, but at the moment he is just appealing for people to get together and come up with something. To finish, anybody watching the last hour will have seen that we set nigel little challenge. I dont think i will hold on to it but we have been having fun with the lovely pictures on The Sunday Times and the observer of the english victory in the six nations. We have danny care with that wonderful flying. I dont know if it was a trihi was going for them. You are not a rugby fan but you will pay tribute absolutely, it was quite brilliant. England have equalled the world re cord england have equalled the world record for 18 consecutive wins, a fantastic game. 18 consecutive wins ina row, fantastic game. 18 consecutive wins in a row, 61 21 over scotland, they have to play ireland next week for the grand slam, which is venice. It is in the bag, so they have won the six nations. I am quite impressed. Thats it for the papers tonight. Thank you, jo and nigel. Headlines coming up for you at the top of the hour. Now, it is time for the film review

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