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A second ballot is being held at Muirfield Golf Club on whether to admit female members. A previous vote at the privately owned links course fell short of the majority required to change membership policy. The result is expected mid march. Says he wants the grow the game. Ido i do believe that if we are to grow participation in the game, Familygat Grow Participation in the game, family 2 at the heart grow participation in the game, familyg at the heart of grow participation in the game, family 2 at the heart of that family golf is at the heart of that strategy. I still believe that getting more women as members of golf clubs, more women bringing children to play, clubs creating opportunities for Young Children to play, or even new facilities growing for children to learn to play, that is what is important for future generations. Great britains davis cup quarter final against france in april will be played on an indoor clay court in rouen, normandy, it was announced today. The last time these two met was in 2015 at queens club, when andy murray helped secure the points for britain, on their way to winning the cup for the first time in 77 years. E with me tim hague. With me, tim hague. Coming up in a moment, its the papers. Thanks for watching. ene eee 535285; ee eufeeeeeeeei bringing us tomorrow. With me are broadcaster Damejoan Ba Kewell and lucy fisher, senior Political Correspondent at the times. Tomorrows front pages, starting with joan, you were in the House Of Lords the debate on the brexit at the i think. Have t on; front have t on; front page they have got it on their front page . They have got it on their front pose theresa they have sot it on their front pose theresa may. Minister. Go gui45155 e rlgi fee5151; 551 gui451 e51 5 rlgi fee51515 551 the lords and listen to a into the lords and listen to a debate. Exceptional for the debate. Very exceptional for the people from the commons to come in at all. She cannot go into the body of the chamber, if you notice she is sitting with her back to the throne. Not on the throne . Not quite. I was about ten yards from her. There was about ten yards from her. There was a flurry, whispering, it is theresa may. Why do you she wanted to may. Why do youthinlcshewantedeto in . Iwas may. Why do youthinlcshewantedeto in . I was at the debate may. Why do youthinlcshewantedeto in . | part at the debate may. Why do youthinlcshewantedeto in . | part in i at the debate may. Why do youthinlcshewantedeto in . | part in the t the debate may. Why do youthinlcshewantedeto in . | part ii bill. Tthe debafteg may. Why do youthinlcshewantedeto in . | part ii bill. Tth johnson g Higher Education bill. Joe johnson came in and ti . the 2. 45 ie 5251 25551 e5125; iiiff eiltete t e Tt Etttttt T What 52. 55 12 72551 2;22e1 e5125; iie5 levii; t e Tt Etttttt T What is 52. 55 ii; 5551 2;22e1 e5125; iie5 i;e;;. E. Ttt; t e Tt Etttttt T What is going in the lords. It is a very on in the lords. It is a very thoughtful place, less partisan than the commons and some really well informed people, whose opinions are worth hearing. I am sure she wa nted are worth hearing. I am sure she wanted to see how the Brexit Debate was falling either way. She stayed for the two opening speeches and then she went. She wanted to register that she was keeping an eye on us. Register that she was keeping an eye on us. It was packed today, the lords. Will you vote for some of the amendments peen put to the brexit bill . I will be voting for about four of the amendments when they come. The amendments are matters i ca re come. The amendments are matters i care about, about the people who are resident here, foreigners who are resident here, foreigners who are resident here, foreigners who are resident here, they should be given the right to stay. There were very good speeches about the anxiety surrounding the border between Northern Ireland and ireland prop. Those speeches were very moving, very well informed, not hysterical, but made a point of how serious it was. So i will be voting for that amendment. Lucy, the bill went through the commons unaltered and not amended. You are trying to block it in some way and trying to change it in some way and trying to change it in some way and trying to change it in the lords . Government sources we heard from two weeks ago, warned that he is not to play god. David davis has tried to play down some of the rhetoric. But if there is going to be commons, to the lords and the commons, back to the lords and backg the the commons, back to the lords and back g the commons the commons, back to the lords and Backg The Commons again, the upper back to the commons again, the Upper Chamber will call down on its head, big debate about its existence. Bring it on. The role of the lords is to revise and improve legislation that comes through. We accept the legislation as having been voted through but all legislation can be improved. But this is unique in that it was voted in a referendum, 17. 4 Million People voted to leave and end of story. No, 16 Million People didnt vote for it so there are cases being made. In a democracy, the 16 million should also have a voice and that voice is finding its place in the agenda. It is well intentioned that those who say lets get on with it, and of course we had the referendum and the voice of the people have spoken, but they t t. 7e;; say people have spoken, but they he¢5~ £5; 55 5 democracy no in a democracy and those who lose, the 16 million deserve a voice and their Point Of View to be heard. In some way representing, but not overruling the so called will of the people, but adding to the richness of the approval that finally goes through. What do you think theresa may was therefore, was it in any sense to perhaps warned the lords, dont mess around with this bill . Absolutely, i thought she looked a spectacle of a menacing intent as she sat there and eyeballed. I felt quite sorry for natalie evans, the conservative leader of the house. It is like having the headmistress come into the back of the class and watch your work. I felt the chill going through the chamber. The guardian have an analysis of the burden that britain would be left with if there wasnt any kind of trade deal on leaving the eu. £6 billion a year the guardian saying, it would cost british exporters. We will get into some of the mechanics of what the various options are. If we do leave the eu without any Settle Brexit deal and crash are, as many people describe it, on the World Trade Organisation rules, we will face higher tariffs. It is interesting, so higher tariffs. It is interesting, so much complexity and uncertainty around various options. Do we have the expertise in whitehall . We know there has been a struggle to hire there has been a struggle to hire the right negotiators. The guardian with the 6 billion figure and quote arriving from the former ambassador for the uk to the eu, thought it might take up to ten years to negotiate a deal. If you multiply that by ten years, it is 60 billion. This whole matter of the trade deal is crucial. Theresa may, for some reason, has plumped instantly for very ha rd reason, has plumped instantly for very hard brexit. The guardian has gone to work on how to cost that. Nigel lawson spoke about, dont bother with soft brexit, dont bother with soft brexit, dont bother about access to the single market, go straight to the wto. The wto deal will be really hard for us to sustain. Very punitive. Why are plumbing, choosing to go so directly so plumbing, choosing to go so directly so hard . Is ita plumbing, choosing to go so directly so hard . Is it a Negotiating Ploy . I dont understand, it is punitive. Lets talk about the Business Rate increase the government is talking about, lucy. Some indications the beatfkhsafhfiiififiifihepfiifghk seesoes a titttel beatfkhsafhfiiififiifihepfiifghk seesoes mania beatfkhsafhfiiififiifihepfiifghk seesoes w beatfkhsafhfiiififiifihepfiifghk seesoes a Tie5small E In awe e beatfkhsafhfiiififiifihepfiifghk seesoes a Tie5small E In t ve e beatfkhsafhfiiififiifihepfiifghk seesoes a 12555 hikesaeve e beatfkhsafhfiiififiifihepfiifghk seesoes A 12555 E Hikes ofveee e beatfkhsafhfiiififiifihepfiifghk seesoes A 12555 E Hikesofup e that are set to see rate hikes of up to 300 in some cases. Could be crippling for the street, the street, in for the high street, in competition with amazon and the like, these online retailers who are set to see their rates drop. Some of the details, sajid javid, the Community Secretary has been on holiday in dubai. This issue has been on our coming to talk to his. r ,. r l . In fonitcabinet. E. Is e eigtttesfim £2. Sz a re eigtttesfim i . are very cross i seems eigtttesfim 5. 25; are very cross i seems to up up on this arrangement; this is at the this is where their and this is where their voters and supporters of Small Businesses and big businesses i to this going on and keeg on running it is the papers day day, this is in the papers day after day, this is damaging, someone has to step in and sort it out or are they waiting for the budget . I think there could be possibly something in the budget on this. There is an interesting line, sajid javid has been accused by his backbenchers of dodgy figures. He wrote to mps at the end of last week, conservative mps and has been accused of doctoring those figures between five and 7 to make it look like areas have rates that are over all falling, one that is not the case. Speaking of dodgy figures, the daily mirror have got a story, the lasse kjus dame joan daily mirror have got a story, the lasse kjus damejoan to talk about, because there is criticism of the lords are still leaching. They have evidence from a bbc programme where a pier was spotting knitting in to claim his £300 allowance while he or she kept a taxi waiting outside. Claim his £300 allowance while he or she kept a Taxi Waiting Outsidem is outrageous. I dont know anyone who does it, because the people i associate with stay all day and do a good job. I am associate with stay all day and do a goodjob. Iam not associate with stay all day and do a good job. I am not aware of it happening. Is there any excess in the lords . A lot of hard working people doing boring stuff most of the time that dont make the headlines. They attend in large numbers. If a couple keep the Taxi Waiting Comet they shouldnt and it Isa Waiting Comet they shouldnt and it is a scandal but not enough to bring down the lords. Because it looks like we will be bringing ourselves down anyway. Lucy, what is your experience of the lords, is it represented criticism or one off, a Peer Keeping A Taxi Waiting . M represented criticism or one off, a Peer Keeping A Taxi Waiting . It is very fashionable to bash an experiences, ; e when | watch whenl watch debates i onlyeeer speaking ~ r r only e speaking up r r only e eeeee speaking up when e e can only see people speaking up when they have relevant expertise. Overall, i am they have relevant expertise. Overall, lam impressed they have relevant expertise. Overall, i am impressed from what i have seen. The lords was absolutely packed today. Absolutely crowded. They were sitting on the stairs, very keen. And tomorrow, it goes on from 11 in the morning to midnight. It is one of the Turning Point in history, this bill. It is taken very seriously by everyone who is there and nearly 200 people are going to speak about it. A good atmosphere in there . You get to hear what everybody says, even those who disagree with them. The daily mail, story about universities told to throw the book at sa cheats. Lucy, i am sure you werent a cheat at university . No, i can safely say. But i was aware of it and Friends Of Mine made a bit of extra cash on the side by writing some of essays for less scrupulous students and handed them in as their own. I think part of the problem is, when you can sign up of the problem is, when you can sign up online and pay money to write it, it is at the spoke service, i can have a b , i think it is going to be difficult to crack down. Have a b , i think it is going to be difficult to crack Downli Have A B , i think it is going to be difficult to crack down. I was told by someone who marks papers that it is possible to identify. A phrase that keeps cropping up, you only have two google that phrase and it ta kes you have two google that phrase and it takes you to the Source Material and you can identify it. But if it has been written by airbus spoke essay for you, it wont have been written on line. But they are used by Source Material, you can put the phrases in and see what the Source Material was. Once you have got the internet and loads of information, it is going to be hard to track. You probably could, but it will be a lot of effort, will it be worth it . They will not get degrees and they will will not set desrees anti theywitt material. Of which is mumbling on the in the have | in the a story. Et ellc y ilie. E ellifl 5 we. eltetlt 5565. 1 7mtheiatest e ee estes i t ese ,. Sqsirzt. E. T. en ,. drama, ssgb, complaints about the mumbling. There were a few bits of dialogue i had to rewind and i still didnt understand. At my age, i do have to have the subtitles with a drama and lots of music. Lotsa people said they needed the subtitles on this programme. Also, i turn the subtitles of Billy Mcclure of when i watch the news because the people who do the news speak very clearly. I do find when you are in a wine barora clearly. I do find when you are in a wine bar or a restaurant, clearly. I do find when you are in a wine bar ora restaurant, the Background Music can be loud. I am shouting at my partner, dining partner from across the table which makes me feel a bit uncomfortable. That is a sign of getting old when you think the music in bars and restau ra nts you think the music in bars and restaurants is getting to live. Thank you so much for being with us, both of you. Dont forget you can see the front pages of the papers online on the bbc news website. Its all there for you seven days a week. And if you miss the programme any evening you can watch it later on bbc iplayer. No mumbling, we promise you. Good night. Hello, many parts of the uk got an early dose of spring, certainly encouraging the spring bulbs out across parts of the uk. Temperatures 18 celsius in the london area. In the teens from any other part of england, east wales and eastern scotland, but it is not going to last. We will say goodbye to the feel of may and bring back february in those same places by the end of the week, temperatures will drop as northerly winds dominate. South west across the southern half of the uk, we still have hair which contains warm, but lots of cloud and increasing amounts of rain. Temperatures not dropping away too much. Eight to 10 celsius by the end of the night. Clearing skies and a chilly start tomorrow. Could be an outside chance of a frost in eastern scotland. This is where we see the sunshine on tuesday. A few showers in the north. Rain later on in the west. We stick with grey skies through parts of wales, midlands and southern england. Occasional rain and drizzle but not everyone will see the damp weather. Into the west of wales, devon and cornwall it will be wetter later on. Wet and windy too much of the western half of the uk. Temperatures where they should be. North east england could get to around 15 we eee eee w; and e e e eeee weather eeeee eee eee Ee Tyinzieitleweethgtrtcwaan Arrncc Hm Ree as go the wind will the morning, the wind will dominate the uk. Low pressure zipping from the north of scotland through towards norway. Winds could be costing 60, norway. Winds couldebeecostinge69e 70 miles norway. Winds couldebeecostin§e69e 70 miles 5 mix of sunshine 70 miles an hour. Mix of sunshine and wintry showers. Across the midlands, wales and southern england, starting off cloudy, outbreaks of rain but becoming confined to southernmost counties. Temperatures into the teens. On wednesday night into thursday, west oft, Thffieeeefeijet Tettt Tttettett Western that be e w e swen a otent feature, but it up up colder up ee colder air up e colder air will up e colder air will be

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