Transcripts For BBCNEWS The Papers 20170201 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS The Papers 20170201

to what the the papers will be bringing us tomorrow. with me are susie boniface, columnist at the mirror, and michael booker, the deputy editor of the express. tomorrow's front pages, starting with. .. the daily express, which campaigned for the uk to leave the european union, is injubilant mood and it's summed in its headline: "now we're on our way out of the eu". the daily mail also backed brexit and calls the government win a crushing vote. it has the statue of winston churchill on the front page. the metro is more neutral in its tone on its front page "brexit begins". the 'i" says britain has taken a step into the unknown and we face a bitter fight with brussels over a £50 billion divorce settlement. the times reports that tory mps are threatening to rebel over brexit u nless threatening to rebel over brexit unless theresa may guarantees the right of eu citizens to stay in britain. according to the guardian, labour has its own problems, with a fifth of mps defying jeremy corbyn and voting against the triggering of article 50. we will put up the front pages of two of the leading brexit newspapers, you could say. the daily mail, there it is. and the express. the two, side—by—side. there you go. the two, side—by—side. there you go. the daily mail: we have liftoff. we did it first. it was you that won it. 2010 we started that crusade. 400,000 readers of the daily express, and we know our readers, thatis express, and we know our readers, that is why we do this, sent in coupons to the paper. we deliver them to downing street, we wanted a referendum, they wanted a referendum, they wanted a referendum, they wanted a referendum, the readers. they will be very pleased, i believe, tomorrow morning to read the paper. susie, there are a lot of people who won't be pleased. but regardless of how he voted, we are all brexiting now. we should not continue the division. what is interesting, with all due respect, is that the hyperbole that the newspapers have, saying, this is an amazing victory, the article 50 cases dreadful, and all the rest of it, no, this is not even the start of something. this is a blow to agree that theresa may can ask for the permission to trigger a process that might or might not end... you know, this kind of headline, you could have had. the readers of the express and the daily mail know it will take a bit of work. express and the daily mail know it will take a bit of worklj express and the daily mail know it will take a bit of work. i think everyone thinks it's a done deal, and it isn't. i think they would like to see that there is some movement finally happening. when this takes a year, or another year, what happens? the hyperbole has built people up, and if it doesn't happen... isn't that what tabloid papers do? where is my gavel? could i interject a concept here? isn't the point of today's vote that we are leaving the european union? no. up are leaving the european union? no. up to this point, we could turn back. theresa may has to go to the european council and officially say we're leaving. this gives her the permission. it gives the right to trigger article 50. what today is about is the fact that parliament said to theresa may, you cannot use the royal prerogative, the ancient right of kings and queens in this country, to pass a law. that is what the whole article 50 court case was about, and for the first time in over three centuries, the prime minister... it was a done deal anyway. iq suggesting, suzy, that at some point down the line, when the negotiations turned to rubbish, and it is all dreadful, we have to pay back £50 billion, we will somehow decide, we have to have another referendum? no. that is my point. today, it means we're leaving the eu. the referendum was merely advisory. though were all those caveats that are now gone. we're leaving, which is why this is such a big day. what has not been approved as the method. that will be the biggest hurdle. absolutely. we heard the likes of anna soubry, who was a remainer from the likes of anna soubry, who was a remainerfrom the the likes of anna soubry, who was a remainer from the tories, talking about a meaningful vote at the end of the process, so we know there will be more hurdles. for these two newspapers, it is legitimate to have these headlines. even the "i', at these headlines. even the "i', at the very top of their paper, they said: we're off — britain takes step into the unknown. the same papers said the same things last year. suzy, as the 'i" says, this is a step into the unknown. when you get divorced, this is the time... someone says, i think you should go. it doesn't quite know what its readers feel. unlike the express, which knows its readers. well, we do. you're the man! mr dacre, what's going on there? let's go to the times, because this is interesting. we're going to reflect perhaps on labour's problems, but the conservatives, a fabulous day it would seem for the majority of those mps, but theresa may faces tory revolt after mps back brexit. what do they want? reassurance that the 3.3 million eu citizens living in britain will be allowed to stay. theresa may is holding them as a bargaining chip against all the brits living in the eu at the moment. these tory mps, andi eu at the moment. these tory mps, and i think they are going to throw things in the spokes all the way along, anna soubry has said there needs to be a meaningful vote, and people like her and nicky morgan will keep coming out with these things. yes, we are on the way, but there will be problems, and this is key. have there been any tory amendments tabled? don't think so. so this will be pressure behind the scenes? it seems to be, but we don't know yet. we have had these people in the debate so far. they are saying, we're not happy and we want a proper vote. the tories are massively split ideological year of europe for 30 or 40 years, and they are still split in the same ways, it'sjust that now are still split in the same ways, it's just that now the boot are still split in the same ways, it'sjust that now the boot is on the other foot and now it is the act wrenches — — the other foot and now it is the act wrenches —— the back benches. the other foot and now it is the act wrenches -- the back benches. the tories are tearing themselves apart. labour even more so. tories are tearing themselves apart. labour even more so. when it comes to parties tearing themselves apart, perhaps labour, suzy, is in a real bind. a fifth of labour mps, the front page of the guardian, the fai jeremy corbyn, a man —— defy front page of the guardian, the fai jeremy corbyn, a man —— denyeremy corbyn, a man who has defied his own party many times. it is a massive headache for him. he has to have another reachable. i'm not even sure he finished the last one, so that will be interesting. labour has traditionally been a coalition of different bits of society, if you like. it has had the working class, poorer paid people, the proper old labour, as it would be known. then there is the new labour side of things, slightly more middle—class, more well—heeled, things, slightly more middle—class, more well— heeled, public things, slightly more middle—class, more well—heeled, public sector workers, perhaps. and they find that those two halves probably go to different ways in the referendum, and they are probably finding that those two areas are under attack by the tories or uk, so how do you get them back under the same umbrella? in the current climate, it is incredibly difficult. corbyn, to be fair, has an almost impossible job, but he's making such a complete mess of it and cannot control his party or convince them that he has a grand plan as to how to get through the next 5—10 years, or how to become prime minister. the headline seems to be this doom for labour thing, but it feels like that has gone on for a couple of years. this whole thing is deepening the cracks. he will reshuffle and then we will have a different bunch of no marks in there. labour are making such a complete mess of things, no one is really noticing and a tory backbenchers who are agitating and may begina backbenchers who are agitating and may begin a rebel against theresa may are easier to hold in check, they don't get as much tv time. it doesn't seem quite as bad for theresa may. at pmqs, again, jeremy corbyn had an open goal is to hit, and he didn't do it. does it make any sense, given everything you describe brilliantly about the big ten, labour having all these different sections of society and different sections of society and different points of view, trying to keep it together, did it make sense to come down on one side of this and not allow mps a free vote? no, it was stupid. corbyn should be saying we are a big tent. we have remainers and leave sufferers —— and levers. labour has this huge dichotomy, as does the country, and what you need in an opposition party at this stage isa in an opposition party at this stage is a clear message. i genuinely think, whether labour had, for or against remain orally, it would have done much better and we would have had a proper opposition. diane abbott didn't make the vote tonight. her constituency voted to remain. i hope she gets well soon. we are moving away from brexit to another world war, someone is suggesting. trump to put teheran on notice after missile test. do you suggest some skulduggery here? it is not, it is just ineptitude. buffoonery. trump has said that 0bama's nuclear deal with teheran and lifting sanctions in order for them to ease back on nuclear power revelation was ridiculous —— nuclear proliferation. what has happened now is that his security adviser, michael flynn, has said that iran has been acting up, doing various bits of insurgency tactics and things the americans don't like, boarding frigates and so on, so we don't like, boarding frigates and so on, so we are don't like, boarding frigates and so on, so we are going to tell you off, basically. he has put them on notice, gave no details about how that would happen. it is basically an empty threat. then sean spicer, he said the president wanted to sure the iranians understood we are not going to sit by and not act, then didn't act. do you really think donald trump is going to say, all right ayatollah... these are not scary, they are just bad. at the same time, he labelled iran as a threat and he's making it clear that he is keeping an eye on them. it is what his supporters want. we hope we are going to say that he knows what he's doing at some point. we hope thatis he's doing at some point. we hope that is the case. michael flynn is very hawkish in himself anyway. donald trump is saying these things, and it is so vague as a statement that it could almost be a declaration of war are just finger wagging. we don't know what level to ta ke wagging. we don't know what level to take from donald trump at the moment. if you have hn, you are going to get a smack on it by somebody. america has been this super power for so long and wants to rattle bebear's cage. if you look for a fight, someone will eventually say, all right, i will take you in handicaps. a very good analogy. meanwhile, in france... let's go to the front page of the independent. marine le pen is riding high in the polls. she is extending the lead, particularly against the fact that the right—wing candidate who was likely to do very well, fillon, is an mired in —— is mired up in a scandal. she clearly seems to be the world think she's clothing and seems to be trying to adopt the softness of policy and image as well. you hope to god that the french see through it. at the moment, it seems to be building up. she is on a populist way. there was a popular french newspaper editor sometime la st french newspaper editor sometime last year that might have said the same thing about nigel farage in the uk. the parties are slightly different, to be honest. i am not ukip voter. the upshot is, there is very real possibility, probably for the first time in history, of the far right — not the first time in history, don't want to go back to world war ii — doing very well in the election of potentially winning. the europe has a nasty habit of voting in the far right will stop —— the far right. finally, to send you all to bed with a nice rosy glow, someone all to bed with a nice rosy glow, someone is having twins. what do i say now? clive didn't want to do this story. the interesting thing is, she announced her pregnancy in the style... when i announced that i put the baby scan on facebook. she announced that by stripping down to her smalls, putting a yellow net curtain over her head, posing in front of what looked like a funeral wreath and releasing it on instagram. and some people haven't putted on the front page. 's! al tell you what is frightening, ed balls. front page of the metro. everyone likes him now. maybe you will put them on the front of your newspaper. he was not a pin-up. he said, ifi newspaper. he was not a pin-up. he said, if i was trying to get back into politics, i wouldn't have worn a yellow suit. it is not a definite. he might be back, folks. he is flirting with us. silence! thanks for looking at the stories behind the headlines. it was a pleasure. before we go, these front pages have come in while we've been on air. the ft leads on the votes to trigger brexit. the sun leads with the story ofa brexit. the sun leads with the story of a judge who was furious with a woman who was called before the court for calling a man a pussy. if you miss the programme any evening, you miss the programme any evening, you can watch it endlessly on iplayer. i do. i don't! goodbye. good evening. we are monitoring developments in the atlantic closely. there is a potential storm for friday. thursday will be wet and windy enough for many. the rain piles into the south and west through the night, limiting the fall in temperature. in north of scotland, there could still frost under clear skies. there will be a little sunshine here to start the day. for the rest, a drab affair with rain until fog. day. for the rest, a drab affair with rain untilfog. gale day. for the rest, a drab affair with rain until fog. gale force winds around southern and western coasts, up into northern ireland. brighter spells in the afternoon, potentially, then more showers later. with all the rain and cloud, it's not going to be cold. that low moves away to the north. this is the one we are monitoring a friday —— monitoring for friday. we will keep you posted on that. this is bbc news. the headlines at 11:00: the ayes have it. mps have voted overwhelmingly in favour of giving theresa may the power to begin the formal process for leaving the european union. donald trump's national security adviser has warned iran it's 'on notice', after tehran tested a ballistic missile over the weekend. at the inquests into the deaths of 30 britons killed in the tunisia terror attack, one teenager described the scene, as his brother, uncle and grandfather were shot dead. coming up on newsnight. we will be hearing from one of the women who resigned from labour's

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People , Manager , Man , English , Goodbye , Papers , All Of Us , Hello , Look , Sports Centre , Susie Boniface , Michael Booker , Mirror , Columnist , Us , European Union , Way , Headline , Pages , Mood , Uk , The Express , Injubilant , Vote , Page , Daily Mail , Metro , Statue , Government , Tone , Ofa Brexit , Brexit Begins , Winston Churchill , Mps , Step , Unknown , Fight , Times , Settlement , Tory , Brussels ,  50 Billion , 50 Billion , Labour , Theresa May , Jeremy Corbyn , Guardian , Voting , Problems , Citizens , Rebel Over Brexit , Fifth , Newspapers , Side By , Article , Express , 50 , Two , Readers , Thatis Express , Crusade , 2010 , 400000 , Referendum , Paper , Coupons , Downing Street , Won T , Brexiting , Division , Lot , Rest , Hyperbole , It , Saying , Start , Victory , Cases , Respect , Process , Permission , Something , Blow , Kind , Everyone , Bit , Mail , Deal , Work , Movement , Isn T , Worklj Express , Tabloid Papers , Gavel , Concept , Isn T The Point Of Today , Down The Line , Fact , Parliament , European Council , Country , Prime Minister , Time , Royal Prerogative , Court Case , Law , Right , Kings And Queens , Three , Suzy , Negotiations , Rubbish , Iq , Point , Though , Caveats , Big Day , Hurdle , Method , Tories , Anna Soubry , Remainer , Hurdles , Remainerfrom , The End , Headlines , Things , Someone , It Doesn T , What S Going On , Dacre , Let S Go To The Times , Conservatives , Majority , Reassurance , Back Brexit , Tory Revolt , 3 Million , Bargaining Chip , Tory Mps , Andi Eu , Brits Living , Spokes , Don T , Pressure , Amendments , Nicky Morgan , Scenes , Debate , It Sjust , Foot , Ways , Boot , Europe , 30 , 40 , Parties , Act Wrenches , Back Benches , Act , The Front Page , Bind , Labour Mps , Fai , Party , Headache , Denyeremy Corbyn , Reachable , One , Bits , Working Class , Society , Coalition , Middle Class , Halves , Workers , Side , Attack , Areas , Well Heeled , Public Sector , Umbrella , Climate , Job , Mess , Labour Thing , Couple , Plan , Doom , 5 , 10 , Thing , Cracks , Marks , Bunch , No One , Tory Backbenchers , May Begina Backbenchers , Rebel , Tv , Check , Sense , Everything , Goal , Pmqs , Sections , Points Of View , Big Ten , Ten , Levers , Leave Sufferers , Dichotomy , Big Tent , Message , Stage , Opposition Party , Stage Isa , Didn T , Opposition , Diane Abbott , Constituency , Notice , Trump , Teheran , Another World War , Skulduggery , Ineptitude , Missile Test , Buffoonery , 0bama , 0 , Iran , Michael Flynn , Acting Up , Proliferation , Order , Sanctions , Nuclear Power Revelation , Boarding Frigates , Insurgency Tactics , Details , Americans Don T Like , Threat , President , Then Didn T Act , Sean Spicer , Iranians , Donald Trump , Ayatollah , Case , Supporters , Doing , Eye , We Hope Thatis He , Level , Statement , Ta Ke Wagging , Declaration Of War , Somebody , Smack , Cage , Super Power , Bebear , Analogy , Let S Go , France , Handicaps , Marine Le Pen , Candidate , Lead , Polls , Fillon , World , In , Scandal , Clothing , Policy , Populist , Image , Softness , Popular French , God , French , Newspaper Editor , La St French , Nigel Farage , Voter , Possibility , Upshot , History , World War Ii , Don T Want , Ukip , Election , Habit , Bed , Clive Didn T , Twins , Rosy Glow , Story , Pregnancy , Baby Scan , Style , Facebook , Front , Head , People Haven T , Funeral Wreath , Net Curtain , Smalls , Instagram , Al , Ed Balls , Pin Up , Newspaper , Politics , Suit , Ifi Newspaper , Stories , Flirting , Silence , Thanks , Pleasure , Votes , Ft , Air , The Sun , Programme , Evening , Judge , Woman , Court , Man A Pussy , Iplayer , Storm , Many , South , Closely , Developments , Atlantic , Rain Piles , North , Drab Affair , Temperature , Sunshine , Drab Affair With Rain Until Fog , Clear Skies , Scotland , Rain , Coasts , Showers , Afternoon , Spells , Cloud , Gale , Rain Untilfog , Northern Ireland , Gale Force Winds , Moves , Bbc News , Ayes , Friday , 00 , 11 , Power , Favour , National Security Adviser , Brother , Teenager , Scene , Grandfather , Missile , Terror Attack , Inquests , Weekend , Deaths , Newsnight , Britons , Tunisia , Streets Today , Graham Taylor , The Family Man , Contract Media , Listening , Outside , Service , Club Ik Community , Part , Entrant Mfg T Zsltià I W Figg Up The Streets Today , Il U , Accessibility , Who , Led Watford To Success , Rt , Esteem , Women , Hearing ,

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