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Hours in melbourne. Heres our tennis correspondent, russell fuller. There is always an unknown factor when a player shares a chord with Serena Williams for the first time, Butjohanna Konta can point to the fa ct Butjohanna Konta can point to the fact that she has played and beaten on two occasions serenas sister, venus, once youre at the Australian Openin venus, once youre at the Australian Open in the first round last year and to win her first double title in the stanford last july. And to win her first double title in the stanford lastjuly. Konta has also played other former grand the stanford lastjuly. Konta has also played otherformer grand slam winners and former number ones. There is nothing like the aura of Serena Williams with a 22 grand slam titles. From the konta perspective, she says it is clear to play against a fellow human being rather than against a reputation. What she has achieved in the sport is extraordinary. It is not on other player. It is also important to keep in mind that once you are on court, you are two players battling and trying to edge the bets in your favour. I just need trying to edge the bets in your favour. Ijust need to stay focused and keep my attention on the work i am trying to do out there and what i am trying to do out there and what i am trying to apply out there. As long as i do that i will give myself the best shot. Kontas new coach said he was impressed by her when he first watch play Victoria Azarenka who he was coaching at the time. He said he noticed that she was respectful toward her opponent but very confident in her own abilities. He believes that she believes that she can win this match and he also said that she will win a grand slam one day. We will find out in the next few hours whether it could be Australian Open 2017. There will be highlights of that match tomorrow afternoon on bbc two. Thats all from sportsday. Coming up in a moment, the papers. Hello and welcome to our to what the papers will be bringing us tomorrow. With me and the london evening standards Political Correspondent and nigel lanson nelson, Political Editor at the sunday people. Lets look at the front pages. It is all about brexit. Metro has more on the Supreme Court ruling in article 50. They 50. They see a bill could come before mps as early as thursday. The Daily Express claimed any plans to prevent brexit from happening will be thwarted by new legislation at westminster. The telegraph says Jeremy Corbyn new legislation at westminster. The telegraph Sasteremy Corbyn and Nicola Sturgeon are planning to undermine the Prime Ministers plan for a clean brexit, but it is not just the Opposition Parties that could be a thorn in her side. The times says tory rebels demanding a full debate over the departure from the eu. The guardian says mps want more of a plan that more of a say in plans to leave the Single Market. An investigation into drivers using Mobile Phones behind the wheel in the daily mirror. It is a hoary old phrase, but what a great way to start. Theresa may she lost the battle, but she the war. The metro, how many times will we say that. This is the story about the Supreme Court decision, the brexit bill will have to go before mps and the response from the government that it will happen as fast as possible. The metro is one of the few papers that Cove Rs Metro is one of the few papers that covers the story in a straightaway. They tell us what happened, but wheres the other papers concentrate more on What Happens Next and the ensuing battles and rebellions within her own party, and within the Opposition Parties as well. The metro plays it straight. Number ten will be relieved in two areas. One is the devolved governments, especially scotland, didnt get the right to have a say on brexit. Secondly, the court didnt explicitly state What Happens Next. That would be left up to the government. It wasnt all bad news. We knew this would be the result, didnt we . From the high court, it was highly unlikely it wouldnt go this way. The whole point about the devolved government is not being able to influence all this, we probably knew that was going to happen as well. It is a bit of a win win for theresa may. Happen as well. It is a bit of a win win for theresa may. She didnt wa nt win win for theresa may. She didnt want to have the vote in the first bus. She would have liked none of the court cases to have happened and carried on doing it on the Royal Prerogative and not been involved. What she has two now get three is that it what she has two now get three is thatitis what she has two now get three is that it is not nearly as straightforward as the metro likes to present the story. There will be an awful lot now going on. The problem they have got is that article 50 may or may not be reversible. We dont know. After all, brexit means brexit, so does that actually matter . It matters to mps, because what it will mean is they have got one important for where they can influence events. The moment we trigger brexit, then we are moving out of the eu, there is iio are moving out of the eu, there is no going back. When you think about it, all the other votes that come up, not really of any importance whatsoever. They get a final vote on whether to accept the deal that will either be hard brexit or hard as nails brexit, it will be up them. The little devils are in the details. Judges make history in brexit blow to ministers. This is their take on it, because now, mps, including some conservatives, could decide that we dont want to leave the customs union, we should be in the customs union, we should be in the Single Market. We have agreed to split up with europe but the divorce details have yet to be fleshed out. What the times was in on is the conservative mps causing trouble for the Prime Minister as we go forward. During the debate in the commons today, david davis, there were Seven Conservative Mps who suggested they had concerns about the Single Market aspect of brexit in particular. They called for there to be a white paper. The government would have a set out a paper with more detail as to the way forward before mps had a vote. This has been something that number ten said would not happen, but david davis today has been distinctly cool about. There is some suggestion that they could be holding that back in reserve if they need to appease their own backbenchers and the Opposition Parties who want a white paper. They wa nted parties who want a white paper. They wanted to help smooth the passage of the article 50 foot. Give me a couple of potential amendments. The other amendment will be from labour and that would be the negotiating position, which will be to keep britain in the Single Market. Theresa may has said no way. I think quite rightly so. If she does that, there is no way of not accepting free movement, therefore the key point of immigration which a lot of people were voting for brexit on those out the window. She makes the point it is more or less staying in the eu and un if we stay in the Single Market. Within come to the next bit, the customs union. Surely a matter of the movement of goods. Maybe there is a deal there. I would have thought not. Again you have the rules, you have the common tariff for outside goods. You also have the situation where we cannot do trade deals elsewhere and by friday they should be a nice one with donald trump, bob. To the daily telegraph. Talking about the amendments and the obstruction is the Opposition Parties and some tory backbenchers could put in the way of all this. Nicola sturgeon, mr farren and Jeremy Corbyn, the suggestion from the paper is Nicola Sturgeon and mr corbyn are somehow striking a pact. It suggests they are plotting to undermine theresa mays plans. I would be very surprised if they were actually on the phone to each other trying to work on the way forward. Some scottish mps have said they will table 50 amendments, which means they might notjust delay the process , means they might notjust delay the process, but also shifted considerably into their sort of brexit, which as we know they didnt wa nt brexit, which as we know they didnt want at all. So, one of these amendments is a proposal to block brexit entirely. The liberal democrats, for their part, are keen to seek a second referendum and oppose triggering article 50. There mps will vote against that. Labour, the big problem for them is how individual mps will vote because the party, Jeremy Corbyn said the party will support continuing with the article 50 vote, but many individual labour mps would be hard pushed who are in favour of that. Two thirds of Labour Voting Constituencies voted in favour of brexit. Judy foote with their conscience, their constituents 01 their conscience, their constituents or the National Result . Do they vote . Or the National Result . Do they vote . At the moment it would appear that are not enough mps to stop brexit. There will be enough tory mps. Brexit. There will be enough tory mp5. The only one who seems to be going to vote against it is ken clarke. The chances are that it will go through, but there are a lot of fun and games on the way. The key thing is we will be learning about parliamentary procedure is that we have never heard of in the next few weeks. What they are trying to find is how do you will probably be a one or two kleinveldt . There isnt much room to amend anything. What they will try to do is find a parliamentary procedure which means they can get something in there. That is what they will be working on over the next few days. If they do, if they find something that is in order, that will become part of the vote. So, it might be, with tory rebels, with labour, with the snp, if they line, it is possible you could delay the process simply by demanding the Single Market access. We are going to go on to the times then. It is gps draw up plans for patient charging. That sounds alarming. It should be said that this is not one of the official couege this is not one of the official college of gps or a proposal by a large group of them. This is a senior gb in oxford who is working with colleagues to develop this proposal to charge patients for weekend or even appointments. There has been a long running dispute between doctors, between gps and the government. Theresa may once a seven day with access for all of us who are hard at work during the day to be able to go to our gp in the evening or at weekends and gps are saying is not possible with the money they have got. What they are suggesting is for particular types of work, of procedures that they need, things like this actually and non cancerous mole removal, they could have that done at their gp and be charged. Alarm bells start ringing about privatisation and lots of people are not as sympathetic with gps as with other doctors, because the average salary is over £100,000. They feel they should be there to provide a service when it is needed. They would get a third party to provide, a private company, to provide the procedure and they would build the company. To provide the procedure and they would build the companym to provide the procedure and they would build the company. It is a kind of privatisation and people will howl about it. I am a heretic on the nhs. I would ask people is to think about a proposal like this. The nhs is unsustainable the way it is going. We have broken the principle of free at the point of use with dental charges, eye tests that we pay for. I have never understood quite why everybody, whether you are a beginner could actually go and see a gp for free. It costs £25 every time. It seems to me that people paying a certain amount who could afford it, and one on pre prescriptions, they carry on getting totally free health care, thatis getting totally free health care, that is most people. The ones who could afford it, i concede that is the direction we will have to go and stop. I said it was a heresy. Jeremy corbyn will not be impressed. For the sick of my editor, this is not a newspaper policy. I think this is a good headline, actually. When will we ever learn . These are photographs of people on their phones while they are driving. Very dangerous. This follows a crackdown by the police, by Traffic Police on mobile phone use behind the wheel. It was a week backin use behind the wheel. It was a week back in november when they caught a thousand drivers during the week doing exactly this and many of them ended up with fines and points on their licence. The government have been trying to toughen up, please have been trying to toughen up with preventing people from doing this. The public sentiment is starting to shift. There have been a couple of horrific accidents at the end of last year when people were killed because someone was on a mobile phone. It is like a drinkdriving. There was the social and cultural shift when it was an appalling thing to do and this is going the same way. If you are a pedestrian or in another car, you find yourself watching people using their phone. |j see watching people using their phone. see people on bikes on their phones. At least it is a little bit slower. They are less likely to go into a carand they are less likely to go into a car and kill everyone. The mirror is the only paper to not have brexit front and centre. There you go, daily mirror, with your National Epidemic of people on their phones in theircars and epidemic of people on their phones in their cars and vehicles. Many thanks for that. Thank you for looking at the stories behind the headlines. Thank you for watching. Do not forget that you can see the front pages of the papers online on the bbc news website. It is all there for you at the bbc website. If you missed the proven anything you can watch it later on the eye player. Not much rain in the forecast over the next couple of days, but there will be fought again. That will be the most disruptive element of the weather. We have some nasty patches across southern counties, the areas of fog will expand across the southern parts to Eastern England as well. Freezing fog. Watch out if you are on the move later on tonight or three tomorrow morning. There could be some disruption, check out Bbc Local Radio stations. There are warnings in place from the met office. A slippery start today. The fog could affect the london area. Some major transport routes could be affected. Further north and west, across inland and wales, les ford, some breaks in the fog and some can start the day across northern england. Northern ireland and scotland, a fair bit of cold, enough to keep the odd spot of rain, but much milder. By 10 degrees as we kick off the day. The mild conditions will continue here. Further south and east the fog will be slow to left. It will lift into cloud but the cold could be persistent across Eastern England, keeping it quiet roar. That the sunshine in Southern England and three wales. Not feeling too bad. Mind to the north west, chilly to the south east under the cloud. That chilly theme will continue into thursday. It will become quite raw as we tap into some cold air which has been sitting across Continental Europe for some time now. The South Easterly Wind will drag that called her up toward the uk. The rain edge to the wind on thursday. A lot of dry weather and the odd snow flurry. Some sunshine in places but it will not help the temperatures. Some places will not get above freezing all day long. You add on the wind and it will feel a lot cooler than that. Some of us have in the coldest day of winter so far. Called Erick Lindgren across eastern areas into friday. Further south and west to mind. Temperatures in some places getting into double figures. Workload and the odd spot of patchy rain. And the weekend, a lot of uncertainty. Weather fronts will be trying to push on from the west. They will make heavy weather of it. It will be a slow process but i think, gradually, it will turn left cold. There will be some patchy rain but some risk of fraud. This is bbc news. Im clive myrie. The headlines at 23 00 the government has said that its timetable for leaving the eu will not be changed by its defeat in the Supreme Court ministers are expected to introduce legislation to parliament on thursday this judgment does not change the fact that the uk will be leaving the european union, and its ourjob to deliver on the instruction the people of the uk have given us. The devolved administrations will not be consulted over the Brexit Process Nicola Sturgeon has said the views of the scottish people are being ignored. With every day that passes right now, it is becoming clear that scotlands voice cannot and is not able to be heard within the uk on this question. President trump has angered environmentalists and Native Americans by signing orders intended to revive two Controversial Oil pipeline projects

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